Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 4

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f P E 703__ _ _ _ _ 4 1~~It » A1 3l U T-T& ridu. otobe 2 m 5 EFFICIENT LIBRARIAN Mrs. Harry iracey. libmrran, rai-y a! ciassical i bas served ln Ibis position with ed From tinie tô efficlency for severai years. Wth diapiays of bSoi a icle knowiedge ofIliterature are an added ait and appreclatloof C the alliicd ibrary. arts. she la wtll cqulppcd te a.s- siat subacribers. Reûtntly. a 111>. Photo by Duton V IIB~I ~ ~ 'D ,~ idr~f mugit uas add- cae t.% pefial jind paflniiv ttaiCtoln inthe o-TlitebStudio TBY- AND i - DI-ST RICT - w - - - _____________ I M W}IITBY DAY BY DAY Acemmaiset socW ia mv u uevi teras of local ênerest ami names of vWster, are appredas te& PHONE 703 AUTO WBECKER O.K. Renewal of an auto wreckllg Il- cense was granted yesterday by County Council to A. R. Cronik- wrlgbt of Liverpool. on Rlgbway No. '2. The pra.ctice of council là to grantthie permit an the approval of repreaelttives ofthie munici- pality concerned. In this case. Reeve George Toddc saWd thst Ibe business was wel eonducted and there are no complalnts. DROP 0F WATER A motion maie thils week bY Reeve Tom Harrison of Thoraii spay b. like one of the Proverbial - drop of water wbich wear away the rock" The County Council cails upon provincial auihorities for paymnefi of addition road grant.s for upkeep o! travelled gravel throughfares The motion suggest.5 that automobile tra!ffî rather thban' real estate sbould be charged wlth tetax Yo,.î oui:rv '( i 'vri Ithem to increase the il-cent Ras tax- ' ,iked FergIvson Munro. tI mock horrr OBITUAR1lPY W TYS FINE LIBRARY Buit ti !913. the Wlstby Pub-. tic UbrarY tIs ne Use ffleSi abrt~ MR~ iIE~BROOKS lîbrary buildings aiong tis ae Rev. James Har%*rY. recior Of; St John's Aniglican Church. PortiN P.N E Whibysai comitalservice nt R St Johri's cemeterv bei-e this af1er-, E PTO PL M faon for Mrs James Br-ooks. mnoth- - er o! %Mrs Sheidon WatsOfl. Malt-I land Street who died at ber To- Y I . rnohome on Wedne-!d'y. iBornin L-Ni' QiipterSarah WIVYL AL1b y 1 Fow lie iii rd ail ht-r tai ried Ile'j in Toronto She husd been . 111 tcr! man%. week-, prior to ber pa53linr Predecrased bv her busbaiid. a&W J Mlorft iCimpbell ?Vivian aof To- iflflte and Mrs, Watzoni Helena . By J. B. ORMI Port Whitby. A son Colin aise pie- deecaed ber Thert, are tuo si%-1 For a century the Whitby Put terai Mif Tooe nto. s Mrtsyears known as.the Mechanica' Ini Fo~lieo! oroto.one i the communitys greateti ,e. Athouiki a Utle over- eai vh ear. Tomorrow, te lirry ,dCd no . It la effclently runf. i elebrates its centenary C! aerv- LaaXy dlean and terves an -ealn nuMber of patrons 1ice tte munlc.Ipaey. Publi*c LibrQry .y on Scaturdciy >1kc Library, lu the éarller estitute, ha& caried on si aseta. The hi-storiceveynt A ! isWhitbvClasuiiaed marked oy the s.IuraY J a(laaux Whitv Cauifed.aftenoot an evningwhe "opn huse"w1Hbe eld. with Scored B y R eeve PYÇ Io~ I Chmffan appropriate programmea. Pre3ident of the Board ilaM whty Pon 4. liw :w ý1am Davidson and the evut la in charge ai the House Com- Aimait any subecot la likely te Mr. Muaro saad h. ua nôt a me- v"AL wou.nos.:-13-0 MEutë- -A mi ttee. Citizen& viiiHo eeornetomaire a ti@ofthéIl- corne UV whea Use Ontaio Cçunty 1 ber o! the association *te "Y~ Cowscfildeala wiUs'ueioi fl'Reeve Tom Harislon o! Thorah w"wiereiun 5o tw.» i F. etmate& aUOà0*CD brary, and, for the occulon, It ix aannouncd that 800 new ceriing County MattWrs."Y Ytr-, sald: -Tbey even charge the taM-nu 53 ph» w- (N"19)5 fali bocks have boom addedta the ahelvea. Membersn b day it was Use alleiged MiW& er 20 cents for iiakit ou 0--t-é o!tie utrl H; roucul$a-~Weu ad tie s nte EP Tffl Board and Staff wlIWS b.hand. i<tl~iot Lte cheque for Uhe stans 1 t..i &b s sc0u1601& bt» Members of! lb. Ost4 tu.i Beeve P'erusoiiMuno b of kkckCntactcd b! Thse 7Ti-G <0<UV1willami Davidmo. e, clTa. Telsbp svdetimt ho had a MW ilfmimer who bas d PUM BIGT =---n. Bo u t .Urry55',1W-lUIM* ved showlig a t f80.lIhok> wusof a cdItteeil s'.C. .'sr - si. r. ohoge sltppçd oTorouto i s!Y. C mleu.ii~ apaet. havevdedttot*d 1*I Qoat ' PrduersS .4 iii or_ yiidaget leu."' IWtou'L e o!fUith e > -tgoe- i-ierui o se se dldzit' evîi o l -. r .' <cr tse des og maiSIUegâtise go a yard. Itl oks W me that&ea-oSl tBat i ~ -wAs aMeuAnmoe'brw7 eoauosryaavu M4 a ewlakoleti5l hog Ulgp<laegvrmob1oa ?5M M urdby te e o ,& ou te oemThnmtIere are few recordsa asIibllbrariaa as. Rm . Teloat it? as Bsociatinin notdo" 0 b L à t beea1~m one fit lm ~M-O~OCOUPLE. i of Uic eIrlybWM 01 g»! UM ilruyv«ed (M "Ide aWdbus maAe aAU tu* gfor Ite farim Mad Ibe pxIçe AMI- ~ *o. v=Z=eaatct owv - L tWa W k frth -ton"rtr a» vilrosgaamd -l»gh prtcea sai Y &N- suiv. aai-cx U=I w raizPi asiiI b. forecai for Qi. future trend.be ~ vs.A r l mun"b*g-la"b cili vero mable- 10 give Mr.Muri- «bat~"'~w. ) K... o et ciit e ton*"cf board.m' muols InwSol@inl ¶* 4 U> ors7. Mote la isie bo*.Ca>,-c ltS~C is azlourd. q.flt Ne 9 &ÃŽaý jv -, i« ,cxuat,avsy o ntario, aàorlt otea, w. b%. areeiit. bis OOUPIA*I. Tise Wardra en a« bba. WhO h -a sPt t. .'.'ue 1>7 ybas had a good publie lUbrtry itispe W eW>tISsa publie lbrer aalwewnal ocomment<'M < bm.-bi*'iW5 &usgr.a .'Sfo th Pau4rs,«MIR vus Cu.la tise lva WibY vtao tisaI ho eIlloyed the bacon h. had t» riffl'. W A. uswtia ca~à6 ta en for < isla5MI, lawyercg, vasses suie mibri u.ried on fireI b rlise Wbitby Là. i s ia wP ie i i brsig for breakttat. m 10 a ~ .m b->~~ a~l et Motrou be om C b.. coud ~ me i~st '*m'i bi-ar) Absot '1%. CaIe hoota7m e ouotmss tar apoIt Uc rOsIs isSSi5O APLII SAY ibrarleamn ft sassairais su batroOl ta tht.b puosbaea«-a sie on wu munP l o ipty ad u*m Prh eua lasd w tigidetfor Ml.. rs. ta ss lva au e e t eym Woë ., ~ ,~ A large a* » amp» â COUSIT arr5uS *Wdof4 waul f's* o" som Ale p10is0Y I<174 e~ ' Tlis te meaet u Jrik - inl1 bc W.l- Ouese..by làbrataun. Bracef. Un7b ininOr ni omi44sflW t e- 30W6leposuvepeuatiateiseiDao,, a) u' ou b=oloea4wwavoa la s - d6. t M . a *bb*4vby WTM LoeaA hisot! mion usaat yUi îaglW Cas but It wo*Wuud b5 - SROOM -$19w~ --et-tm W oboer Method utnO5Wela. N0o topo ena*t.CASTLÃŽ CHATRtO.-LC. meto h ytm mclat IDvse n otUe pru"i"YiA 1,001 i p.onSc* b e aze 2 Nfr. Riobi suld bla su#ooOstlce Spri"g1t tvcuivtl M5ansi*,à , or ors. Pb,*@t e I.r designed to eotve sm t b,. u ýa> >~ ini r, a ubbislaes. aod0*e j<mm osmtise p iO-close ysq un 5 aw* 8"00 ï tetrm ee .w -hl.Àm 10 eh vàt «Mtdesio! -mnaW Eiit tiblt Tusasç GORDON OSSORNE 0 -M be élîmInated Borne of tisesr, m-wbo smid: -I aouîd h 5-M NDY CTSR2 chines are lu use at prese a y soiiiCeofthte muitity #a 109 DUNDAI lTtItT - WHITOY M NY owned by thse minor munllpoltas Xc ý &%**y-- and lylng Idie mueki o! the yo&r. Tiesemre macinles arem aGAN I4TItq04 tise Preiaration of!ta# notises. Wu. MMOIKGRA1290-N uaI-sco#4 boit or Use- af the- machinea vouli mie 290-h w- omea for greater accuracy and reduee4 qwmi'îr 0bnihr tiseed Cm0*no labosr costa. 5Lpest a7 -r Tise county co"Mfb, lei B 00e4 W>W M legally appoin t bo eupiVWns>ln #we.s oW i s O>~ Sesa»Or as local aaesao o!mai* 1. < u» #m"%~ , l*f vtom vp .~- -- -' " and bott soe*as > Il M I@ EShee «#» 0 *W N 0W PLAYINÇ'A ATN I SATUDAY-Me.Nu l 2 au *,s* . wwm* ro @ » *I» p Te. x. 1ý1- 124 -(--4- .................. Wailia lvid. h"bedathe Butir w wbIwYrum Lo brur7 in tu etaa&ry year. WIUI elde czVee ~ n cu ine boGies a0 ak4by buis*m btum un.M.Davtbm la fuItbe 1a la pose le o gouera Sod SKATES. WILSON'eS M 7saooeSOUN 1.06-1, 1832 1001-k ROBT.CRET News F.ditor PRONE703 COUflW .L:O rave PQrt 0f King St. The County Council yesterday put itself on ýrecord as being willing to pave three-tenths of a mile di Whitby streets in 1953. The actual carrying out of thse work will, of course, be at thse di»cretion of next year's Council. Thse streets selected are: King, from Dundas ta Ontario, and- On- tario frouft Centre to King. Two blocks of the paving will b. on thse soutis and west of thse County Court Hous. build- ing. To effect the work, tise county wilI assume controi of the strçet for one year. Warden D. B. Mointyre. reeveofo Wlby. advanced- atrong argu- and maintaincd ).-'e county. ment ta councf -before oxetait-i1fle thi iscornu; 10Vsit- tise communeft. Re 'ebel'r e hth& apndoe h Down c! Whitby 'Township suggost- . by fo15batas ispe ve rUe. cd thaI Whttby miay be withdraw- at1 cr. hayr e lag from Use county and the re- iparimeut levies witisout direct re- quea fo larees frm th contyturns i.sait! the Warden. Chairman qs al fUor utrgeoefroate.lou i t he UcRoad Board.,(larnet Wilson was alitte ou o! lacesupported the ides Of psvlag but *'Tise Town of Wbitby la defluite- I wantcd it pasacd alons as a rec- ly not taklng any action to wit.h- amrmendatton to the 1953 Rond draw tram thc county at pr"eeuit Bord. When otiser metabers in- replied Mr. MeIntyre. -We are ýclined to support thia vlew. the lsavlng an audit niad to ascertain Warden replied : "i aaaklng you aur financlal position Iu and Out now ta say wbat you will do. Why of the county. W. art findini <Out shilliy - shally. If you want te tutti wbere wc stand - that's all. this down. do it. Thts la not a Thse Warden polnted out that &op or bribe Io get Whitby to stay sotie mniicpaiities have county withtn the caunty. Tise town ka en- roada within their boundarles, buitk titied to i.- teTimes-Gazette office next door. Over$1,0 0 were official receipta will b. là- lix he Lcal Televison For Chest Drive Fairview Lodge Wt th hie hyCommuait! Raviziadeclded to provide for te Oiest drive foer 85.M8toe nible lesldOflhS of Fairview Lodue 'kt eight loWa service organizaUons to WbltbY a television set, Wbitby carr oni next year nicely under Kinanien Club lingl.vlflg anoppor. w&Y. It VUs reported st headquar. tunltY tW the people of the oouty tort ye0trdaY that bforo the bank to <ontrite towadi I) ofslatiU ebed mse tousand dollars had 1,Wl 1>. recetYd I hiWbtby etan ael. bffl â.posiee. i ti c>py & fewgrve's drug store, Edwarda' Se oavafl ers ard h U m. 1 0 C store. A IVs tg?0 C 7 ob g C sv su srs reoit for a mosiW . C. own d DOenM d 16 tii part a fvorable reOP<1051sud f Oe sm awa I btt e s-o e tt " la tbeué buwiengheMM"t 5 ovin anien feel ibat mnicitiznh 1»Pt tevarlou oranualu . swould lute tW bave abare sa pmrovl VIIItntomed m tb wor of he u inothlnh that wiU g#Ive mucb ~~ ~ enioymet W Uo t Who are omu* UU$ne=t wee. It la hoped. 1" 'A s Ut M te* 16. MM 0pt.ln wUImake thierre -____________ hirs. iisaa boMay Mc b ave «Ü a lfl tbercrlu W. C. TO WN& SONS *» Mtb Empire Ltu lawrme . ÏM rSl >i« . ca m 0M", ALaNOI*D WCaU MV. 480. C.* a. MaQUADIL Mini*s CELII&ÂTINMO TIlI 114TU ÂNNIVIRSARY of Mh bulldl eof ed. Churth wher UnBMtUw Od e.rl habo. boh.d thimogs ik Ilduyoev 1:0 .M.rn4uu Sokw-Or. D. R. fI04eh% es m Isteodm.dThe obtorh KnpIW Whby LdIt.vofThe TIimee40*itb$ -WWUOAY, OT. 1ý.-TheW.A. wIm M" a- uvkay A~o.I.sI. ... $1 .25~ ~52 0ffl i WIuitbY NEWS W otbymcobourg TieGanB6 plaircd CObotis 10a 66draw her tUbi&Week, At te opeln whaUs Cobdtii'tkicked off anti recovere Qi& n e ir wnSI.Tis Stfsk o« luc buclced up tiseir spirito,"md, ' te drove thiotilfi for watoucbdovf. Tii co ve u wsblockecl 1w Bob- Baz I.ogaie pooddvSs giSbF' bolS aides- andi wlthl-wI ao. 10kIg b tte? tissuws. Wu'I ti t fr(M i0@O iiI th e i, Barey e!rstieel id and bbi. -C WHITBY Oshawa Teacher E& SSpeaker ftft anniversary -of the founding of thse Dundas Street Home and School Association, President Mrs. Willilam Hewis welcomed a large number of members and guiests ta t b. Citlzenship meeting of the As- it was reported that the Rum- mage sale netted over a hundred dollars. Sweaters for the girls' basebali team were presenked to' thse School Board by Mr. .r. Butt' and acCepted on behaif of the Board by Mfr. Pat Neai. Il was arranged' -for t.he Association tù iook after the provld.lng ai the tulip buibs whlcâ Mr. Reardon is planti'ng ln thse sciool grounds. The meeting was then handed over to Mrs. Eva Patterson. the Citizenship Convener. who gave an especial weliume to the New Cana- dians ai thse Comimunity,. Durîng this pat of the programi soine de- iight.iui music was gyme by-Three pupils of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lete. Miss Sidna Shorse ptayed twc piano solos and Miss Margarel Cameron sapg -t\v0 solos accoin- panied by Miss Mtiry Burroughis. Mrs. Patterson gtressed the fact th&t as good citizens we siîould mark United Nations' Week by knowing something of! as char-ter The chapter. written on thebtack- board. was then read in unîson by ail present. Miss Muriel Sissons intr-oduced thse speaker of the evening. Mrs., 'Dorothy Grosart af Oshaw.a. Mrs.1 Grosart brought ber subject - the teachingof Engiish ta New Cana-; diane - verY vivldly to ber au- dilence by drawlng f rgm ber own personal experience as a teacher. Skie said that the New Canadans noed theree things - they need work, they neeci to learn a iang- uage and Usey need friends. With regard te work. there isj more work for thse unskiiied than there la for certain professions (for instance. Law, wbere language! *would present a real di! ficuity) ..i Nurses, veterlnary surgeons, -doc*- tors, are absorbed qulckiy. Here ahske pcinted out that Canaclian cit- isens ahouid pot protest the ar- rival. of thse New Canadlians. bei cause tic more people there are ta thse country. thse more demand thiers laand the bigger thc mar- ket. Many newhindustries have bmma establlsbed by retugees and msay workers have been empioyed to work ln them. Mucis personal veaItis bas been brought itto our 0cu1t17 aiso by refugees. Wlth regard to language. thse New CanadMan must attain a proflc- im. ncy a ur language la order tÃ"- work. Books are supplled by thie lFodcrml Goverament andI basic £IMbi lm taught to ail. -Citizen- * sa tamiht. too, the Geogaphy, M d lç 7 11 over uZieSt o f Can > aA M te Md .of te years thi ppaWrite s&n exam. one lin Eng UIs MdaoUler ln Citzcnahlp ertMtcate ta tise jrtudg oooeAî0zi4oe naînE ohie tiew Canadiangbave gresw mmed ot fieoda., Bamember tiseiz $a ob.urch grouPs.*M entertdx ever exoot h6 IeatNat»fionalÉw ISTON schoel Aie -006459

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