"r Inerment 1100k ps lac i.tamOS AVA AN et pdiai KIIIClc51Csmetery, - ~~IRTHS BsitstsPauli. Ontario. IT IC le.FUNCIRAL Or DR. GEiORG ___________ t» bim o tbeft89116 aThc funeralsevcfo t @u &A %eetEBee Dr. 0*0. Charles C vIl. hO e Tuo mVe » SotA&- xd IO r-e e s l. ~ a azd away on MoedaY lasin soclallan raissd = AS35 trougb mL5u5h15 meras. w ait.L. ? eOt year, vas ieid from hti iu niiul appl daylaiSa- caIsSes28. 1i 106 e fffaa mlly residtflce, 95 iin teldy ii~ IeeiLyeaterdaY aflCrliOO. MBL U IMIINS.IIr su Mus E 1mpi55Tice services vere lakan by Rer.SZFALE-F Wh1O"0"~ l. but of BdaliS>- R R. Bonlis. nectar of. t. MJar- Tic BlacksSk Woinls Instue tes aSOc~sSe2L3.195t ai thlbS 0s55W5 garet's AMnglCiChurcb, Weon HIU. ba s ea communlOBo! ffl-1 Caserai leaptaL bNotSer &»d baby f1100. 18. Iai'St@Pt e intermeni vs lwu 1 MinArtsitsFr FryCoimiiyNs 71105P50N-bar. a"S are. w «w CemeterY. Weat ll)) il) ?55lW5 SOSISO <0 in d a»14 Thu palîbeartrs were R. Thom- ~i iu d 5 50. i . .t Is i- T = ses tsur"*"5, 0.1et .&"9 W .d8.dS sn, C.Lewlis . J.Brighty. A. Bar- TOIET EALN a Oum"Ser u. 195. Abrer lsfor A ygeani, T. Lewis and L. Benne. - Tie coniractora wins 11,fg rtifi- 554 0=81 2..47 *tTbe flover bearers vere Bruce cial Ibe equteLi lal b. 1 teBoVaDOia « anIrt*sd. Ju"'a(n« smdéene MoIone. R. Moore. Walten Sokolow- il Aeaare making goodVpro- 01111 10 5lnouflCC 150 birUl 05Of '< ski and T. Poore. g9 sadléNoebr1 .d su .7 tff. 9 oz..on October 23. #1. it lin@8e laexpeci@d 10 hO met. the OuhauS Gat er ___________________ fer Jerry. E 4 MT VR cebr f thc leaehlng s"fi c Suufers F à 8he M.sa pbli &*isare la Petorborosithd"y holding liU nn ualcovni. DC)-4 fl a TISIe tackIN <10»pSMON Ocse ~L1. y.Davis. be.î e d A t c m0yollies . teMJ <,nvd" o o <and Bowmarîville la enioYins flir e- MsCd Ern a aI O 10P3 Ce. Ooc bealli Judglng frOm m a Plu . ÇÀCI*reK t I..k'- tie lot althe Vigon Otî StatioDn.,pyments reccîved ta ePtemlbl Mm Cook l'seai 1"4= et W 1AiU 7sBon d Street "'Zst. about fthm24Mta OUb be 'a5sAan e ~Ccatonustm-en Ibis mornhig. Hleret T. lHartford, 0 c3244589 as rof I. O eCu-r 0" M. 1 Anscsfl et 2».»hurc.M.neet ceived. Taia&X so!1.0 a Taterdoient cs.%sIerA cafliu 41.- of 14Cuh tre suifer- 1 ied over frôm last year have hem taerac S g.eà C ed a heart attack snd dled within uc edid 40.eti téa 1ew moments. Se had bee et-muc edc CopzLAN-rtOM atQployed ai the service stationfor' co,.FERLENCE DELEGATE TbUdS~,<OiObsD. lut. AYdfl Ed. oniy a couple of days-. havieS work- Sii1 Eiiiioi'h. vel) kWn oe0b % hyFlrne ami ie s4I eU"h -L yh TnflOawa re..ldenl. villi hOone o. of ns lr en r M tha Aff iStf5 n rI Ho had been under med "c l treat- d legates toialtend lie 14111 Coi y4ar. runerai ~ment for a hbearitlnl vsý fteOtroScinO rsritotohe rr 2. 5nt aae f erence o0i n5'i elEic liere. monda). aine C2.aerce2 taeby Coroner Dr. B. M. Mac-'tiecCanadian Jewisi Congrusa ho F.5swirmenu 0 ý<,sda tat raU ryDonald. via cortified deth due o tang held le Hamnilton on the NOV suutj Um tatra bni uo 5W coroiiiIy tirOmbc5a. Hlà asurvir- embr8wee cd by ls its te, and abote.hYoerSveod KO 5,ddUiYi. shus s c'.both living Ie Oshawna IN DRInlNG AVAR» lue C *.îtRSen545-________An Airman vbc loves tO tai ",Yýlleo4r L-1)in he 4h fi. W the family car &part every lt -mLuke MnntBli unraiIl--GHT _S i. cornes home con bave, LAC rd itobeT 25th. to K04oI> W IIVU DoIuglas C. Burdett. 24. *on Of it Uknt5a Iien ISkothodI îCOouSied trom Page 1, and Mns. J. C. Burdet.ll. RN. 4 atreet llght18g lhroughotit thcecll.Y. BowmaliIliC. receetly vonuc Aid. Cliford Hantai declared liaI RCAF TrainingL COtuiid Tu iEi'iflTIEE 8111 51004aid hhad nover been Driving Trophy ai Wtiiipeg. chInend. . ay offered ta con- Nh.RD TO EXECUTRY n narlOY 0e l sdai diicî A CaVMS o! boueblders 10 Ha.TTy Ros" <of i"a vit r.. - who Paasod secune permission b cltos ic.dseodvc pelal -e' ~ Wliam BWqly couimentad 1âre. U'e Onitario Barbonrs' AsacciSIon 9 -Ptler, w8.s 1nouse puttilil Une110 L i,&liamnuelconivenion iPeutena g.'> re f i teywom 0 o ung in trocs ough on Wodnesasy. i'. IRO& ,ery lest. o haos.S.eiy.hoid. vas who la presidenli o' 1110local "0 oris main aitY. csituation bad daUbe, iii lise mi bis 1111 - .s ià neman a y e tic puti20 lent ann1the Provicilal e«eUt»' bcor 30 yearn le iAVAas regard el ieyuga mme fI lroet Ina!lc e.H ln"tebd thse body streets uiould b. misofor podost- .%as wellas, veiles and this hage wtSteNTECE fM. ciVE ured efficient iigitUi< canged v itis.lII theibcf 1 & AVE» w" calthe ooR -. mUsbd . AVUiCihoc9. saved la oofi ai e e h& ggR. 2. UbndsvafoagUflb 1âaa If the couilncil o i hre oa yMgaT at protect4ail uit F. S, Lusa i M&tgmsTIMWC ag&I~Comnlà i- but lte ese waa hold oves' to Ma l'ndayfor smeflii. GiheoM f0W n t ant theur litîo tataonma"M "*Rk bd ÎSe want ighà s. and vas carged wllth eti on C tober 10. ashlie itidrio0 tiInU iwt be tu,- ta f icd Use ovier of lle Cari .t- :yad cessarils. TWO AUTO COLLISON A car dnivOS Wl AM T. Tati Barri. Aveu"i. cChlldW* -dnivoti ty AieaJ. boaS 941Y ai 4»00p... ailx Willia m lreea. AI 'Immi Jobs A. e a~. AcIY1 lun a s. aid N Dedaon ~ BUSIESSSPOTLIGRT Address At ___~Si.ndynce $3OMPwe a *à NWeý (Cp)-TradIfulPg " 'VIS -dul St cer é uly tod'Z » ho WIu raIn TR7AI. 8.C. (op) - Reporting. water divrtd tb.routh -th@ forth WOV R E Fanba. ecorcf~ --Abut ftréliO 254 CadMu 8tre on construction propoess of lts 830.- third. Poinfg o! conorite on thé gav anf Insplrigserhmai t. d etu .iSoiuth, apPearlig I n Magl*UteS8 OMM 0power dam. Conaolldated south bank - tram slx-cubic-yard Oeorge'8 AuliIcSRCà urb. l a tat l 6 r orsrla courtIbi"morililonichârea OfMlnhig 4 SMetlflg Compasiy buckegsuspemnd<from an IM00 nlght. ~ ~VU ai" m~ .leviia iiv m m. unlng a Sunday dance. ai aythe a1 Ul.foot ovenheMd &rial cableWay-Is tee. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Ava"onDance Rl. id chargill'u owrpat iel îmbsscheduled te atart vithin the isit cue RV.F -PoMI 8 rt< arel pu vs, fl &W ddnwion, w. V aS Onded for Son- jwwes BaueRv. Can yaa #eÀ&-ccfo ioweoks by xiw uth of thmreon 1h. Fend d'Oreillefw oe.- aistns ev.cano 11fflGreetené fr tw jUèrlutiabove liuruet4on wlth LOT OP ClefflN in the lugeai mission i aWg the ca:tlte IF. B bbs. 111e mbty Columbia. N«rly 1,100 To dRte,* 44JM0 of th!e 8ISo~ AJEIC S0urh bu a t m osta:in g loeri ¾ e. AccordiflE W O pO) fl 0 1 e Dunare woralni on. thejob. cublo yarà a needed for the project 11118 m C .1 .h.IlushBe ~mim l % dbeS A J L ey e fufld that 111e D- ___ Phs.ve been poured. Borne 2.00,00 UardatuaiRar die Isaed. vert o QalCIW uaid nib -bsapof cernent Win b. Und!. lov r 142 De. 11<pBl dfor duuins 1the veetiW Joili iti, 91.mte aIitiai ouput of the gexieratIng- ~ igertowof 17A: th11e daning club members SMd W bous.M0-0mon had ee b t.,ite vil.bo 210,000 horbopover % h m m 1Z% A uly v u"lgh e y » M 107 Ve d%. lne@ Unit siiould bu producifg poVY 5A1'1Y but this eu be doublsd later If acWU« es on Sundaya 'Ieo ape c l n ii1084 - n wed. The dam w M lb. 2M0 feet R Oct. 4 W#1bqr 1,7$ýA; charge vws»lad for September 14. DAM OFF hIE 111gb and.M 0foot long acrosa the blg er .M "e:1<a ¼ idi 1A 1I d 1th é pO MI t a UU aL u t intr. thé nort.b o ns-th rd top.ri e p o d at the «@mdonc ud al»IO 11 ther*r*tb0fl theriver c1iuset 4gnumd ~About iBIf thezsme 0t I 1w,, 350 on i club e vo u Nih i, Vrt a off and conatrucêlon of the bau. of 1th$ projOet li Ait1the camp bulît 3.411,1 Mal izhb3.4ff¼. detaflnl et.0 O the 0 Ib m U m 1d~m nd traln gwafl for lie nbar the power site. Tte others j~j~~ ¶>-and.4½.ho M m nouinador lhe cbarflw er bouée gtari. commute froni the Trafi district. 10 o an offence. Recaitly. tJie South two-tihds of The. montly payroll n ow in more -~cWCAO AP> - Grains show- Crov u toriO7 A. C. Rail bog the river channel was blocked aMd than $330.000. e4 o»dCflte Oua' .t the oplneg ed 10 dhffu. - l1ptold the. court - Co= ws . under conalderable o liaithe nabdardla alig8 redhig resure. Caab corn re- wrM u asIf ho acceptodthe moouy coipis t.oùaila1»3unasusd they on Sunday rather than a&M eh«e veSalo tIl iother markets. day. lHe &a80 dded tai undays Cnc W* est red !% cent lover to wremcif- ralady <L LIN DAocemmber $2.37-2X%-. and a dlance on that day wua cor- o h r Kr c n MUdcal vre uncbanged pose.a n t0 là lover. December OY- Boy-f e r Kr b ean roe ½-.Iý. vents lower. No- Sg~ esow EOUL' Korea, (CpI-A blond. i The familles of ail three chl- vembl' .55.44. LL W IILUaR Canadhn wdoV o01UthelCoren ,ciren werq fo0r me r 1 y well-to-d,. vîrt a playing "moter" tempor- Fow-iecn-5'ear.old Shlm Dong Chul. LIYI~~~1IJ" ~arlly 1 he oea hlrf. tic boy star. worked more hr K:-TORONTO CF) - Off iclal f ore-" Mmmawan" 10 1te ibreo la onme year as ouse-boY vith an rORONTO (CF ,-Cattle prices cast lssusd by the Dominion pub - year.old Marlore eathl f Dofi. army Unit t0 Save up enough tbis voSk sat b. Ontalo atockyarda lic veather office t Torontô Rt aida. Alla. Sh. la the wdow cf moneyy b roturn t0a chool. e versateadi on support ateers ad 9: 30 a.m: Capi. John Heatb f te 2I14 rog-Mr. Heath whose huaband was. 1E . H .FAKA oe sale il.Cle yoss Clear skies cover ail ment. Royal Can Bore A- a former profesor aitic Univer- vere gmierallY fui aid hoga were tic province excet tic nothorit tllery. klled ln action Sept. 4. 1951. aiy o! Abera. la a graduate of ~fact b alaAl prihi@flirsbsould s dy*. Sheep aid lsjnba Versmcton and here te veallier la Dett.rmlned 10do viai abe coulci te saie universlty. attend te 1r5.id fuictiK1 o bsleady lti ov$er. Freili rec*IlPucloudy wh iscattered anowflurl'les. in the cause for vhlch her hua- LUXIMIGUS QUARTERS ieid in tise Torn o Colisui froen lncluaed 2.20 western catte. *Mi& sua m 0f coki vealber wiil b nd <ied. M r. Heath we t 1 in0th lu xurjou, Japanese-bult :k Octob r 26ttb le Novei er 4 . C ailla r5lp U tW tal 9 " .m ore south-eaatvald tU oug t h 1e N ov Y ork ln M arc h i is yeAr W b u e n10 sl ow s a e Th e purpos cfi tbs m ission la 1o , *o woe w olgby s&W heavy s e ffl noruie sert f orecasi roglona ho- work f r th @ U n itle d N a ion ' w ts te r meS m elah. of t ealm e lven C ris tianen tbuasu v thina old a&t334.26.50 iII £004 At 823-fore pasain o ou t of the0 pro ince. Iorea Rebab tA ioR Agency . ui t h 011cr m tm e r of le l thc church ad outaldo 1the eburci. 2S ad medlutm ai *1433, COmmIoD Whllc tempeatîreii yll be IM arrlvod ln Korea in Auguat uiae sy 1evn m gtb is Canon Green vili viail m&uay o o i ght medum sabers Aid boi- sughtly cooler Vian today in most aid her "oWei g ssg me t a rllon m le 1asY. Sh e sa th11e service clubs, 5cb0Ol5 AMd j> ers vere ai $4-1 . C ice y ear- o! the province on Baturd av. te came in Beptember, vien a i l W r aled enf AS Il w ev gM C Wa actvles cf tic Toroto nec- lîngii brouglit. 82-25 and Medlhm veather vili be generall,,eSUnnY. cama 10 Beoul "aS ecretary 1 You are sce d o ichnn are, r- pe. ~;~3 004 stckea wre S $1- Ilgloal oreeat aid nt.l d- filin unt dotng a fuit on Korea sleeP between sheets.Itnke in th le sermon 1 a aIt nght, Mr 21 _W viii oaler grades ai *15-18. nlb i8a1urday: for U:NX.R .7U t)comlortable t b s cFrankiam statd liai te people f 0004 vers««* aloVer ai *12-13 r.ae te. Laxe Muron, Laieé On- SHOWS WARS RAVAGEScoorae. rd 1040.7 us.elt.eWOr Chiristiali igl% t i canerad cuiterasam 9-12- tarlo, Niagara. CWcogiari Bal te- Cailed 'Hava No-pidl11 Eeg- Bic la a azed aItihe Koreans' o. .sudMhi seema 10 hlm lUape«Gop b ecU bi plI-314.50 vItgln; windsor, London, Toronlo liaiover hors for have net,, or viii learn. The. girl Who 100km ai are geiierally more nP&4». fhsecU m ias10xsj*1.sa ailon echies: Unnylcday *"oui et slock"-be script vas vrlt- afler'ber ie le U.N.K.R.A. com- go s for C a mada as ou . » o w ceipt a ffl v es 350 . 0 «A4 *la iad B aiurday. B U bIgi 0 01cfflo a - t n by Pts at , s ib r cw" i o n ore _ lae a h egi-achO ol girl O ld coun ry. ho add d. -- cholc ve aîe a ac C I » t AI 35. urd y. W I Vn t mvo t Muid . lgbt A da mn." i vnnX s h o oain n g 111 o Lt 'da fln a r W ben Ib e w o ld b o e t bas CO iC 10 11 v ii a e einu a 8 4 % f Sud p a - tonig il i a d ayw * . 1L o u oi h ti Is ta l a 0 aIais i e d n e E g i i T l t Y a vo el'd of Is lit.. ho i. lI i ii w ct a m - avy calvea vers a d hiegI S tufdAY t W indSo 40 PlihI Cgtodaya NO M "'ifam y,- W Pld pleC" ' a h î.~ o 11. cicceaasderu Mndus-12.dlovys9k0ale i 5, 1 hms i od show boy overy faiiily basben The iee chld adora . h Ltries m u 0 Deoe ib (m 113a0d. - 35 mualad 00, Wlnghmam dTrenlon 10(101104 by lbe ar. bas uuffed emilTe script mmr ane la lien ne, Who mads ussd 1 Kcap Amo t o a tsfed.3,716. Grade A bots 3ô aid 5U. Toto. Bt. caibarinsdaniage aid inurY. bai some <lay-d58p1te ticir noore- Mt.o nis condIton-. ea ela ovrun-1388taiia t&b deaa &Wai 3IUlt 40 aid 10& MusWiokamonbor. Th piclure &1&o vIl ho liai--aid Vers able -go0&atitIlOut id ustUi AI1gm1VW 1 'W.e M s ai st3>ad-5 'iiT olSrs7a i ndrect a&mal for support for leuulSnily. m i eon dr4 o Slaed lo op eit a rs.. o "-a.fl Sllgtly forlar. UN.LA.Thechlldren are coi beliig paid Md. MU" oteood e.. d e thl era off a M Oihlyco.banmsalsars Mn.. Realbe for lieu' parla. Insieadi U.N.K.R.A. piAt stnn g s, einuaplv t am ln 33aidm >1 nct A 21 «<P off< Ou' mh'0 bA g-Iwo girl, snd 15 iopea-to sot up a acholarshlp futti as- mAti». !Pieaoaple vr ae r- Nctisvois I 33 aid ein'&t5Tt he 1.10 i 10TW=ro Ad10. a&d a boy agsd 14. Thor r eacmilo! thot. Froducer-direc- daim cf ddBu» wM si su s'bT<)b vj licvaho fic i am la a aupporlis asiof United 2cr Alfred, Waggso 30hopeS 1 labo CmueT bolaaieo1, PItdop publiehssp s*thai o-fficet Min. a.lsesaiflofficersanad ocir ber tisi1 New York for "Etva-W&a' Oui " b nbbI , P M c a sad bsêMsad. m t 10 4. . ............ - S a ks o l s - te, the11 moezlhAng o01 th id 11e Is 1A Ot.Y AP C;0O m alg an u în of D m . peu la o - flb. -m *. ao; 1 .i..l. as t ±lbth"is"*w « mq cý0 * wg e b- U .,,w Comnpetition M" W ébuld.un *Vea.f. r,$ rW . - W s Oum g e l ra*id u»Ie f u a tc a nuawa adiSoa a.' ion Wmm.upssW'1 but1 1>00. ,*2SA s 4"0 8.Pad1m&. 1-0:make sot. ms. Quotbed -à bor tomm*' -w Du4bm i7. 0 4, Whida»r............... 0 * .ooe...............0 1 TIAFITOLL OMM ads puis a Irklaw Ibm. bisa oW"Iaca1iub*oI 111e "Tasas o Z« "_ s.do.pthl dotrietot. Wsvr Plies Measd bp vaion opkr,MX esOPlia- copiUnvspdtl hdbe cf asu& ssk-O asaor, d.Oi thepu mi c M.fo. U, d0i tulaeuWplaisfroazi the Pe4.tIe. '~ qlvo-1 MOI trele, r iîoAfiffl~d~n a14 lit ays ïoïià eina h*s. 'Dw-IAM -ab Ma'tnttmeic ti 85*10011 alU1i~woi4d11* aid t- Liw~u, ordar 0f n~TrIW gialti -w 550 Wla. mo- C( The Duke( siown admlrini coronation croi placed on the allihe coronatic Nation Té TôVis: Roger Flumerf ident of the Cann ber of Commer Oshawa Jayceea MNi. Flumerfeli Tisein the Junioi ?.atlon, having or Ie 1947. Ini 1950. dont ot the Alb home province,i made National 1 TIe Oshawa plans a big rece Whola ià noted as tnai and commu Se in also tic Atlberta anti-rate O.atampede city' tereated in le= and nchablltatloi Mng. Hie submtt Bneg slony on * Out o! Your Liti coatestin 8whlc verosaaked ta p Wileln hiOshe folt and membcî Chambers of Cor roueding diairict4 oral Motons plai 0On Thuruday viii hleld in COURTICY9 0fNei MuS. C. W COMMTIE - err girlsrnet Wsdnesday. Oct -log opon2ed willi $od in charge Penfoued. Tic leitiallonû mmtins uCo folowleg girls nov members. Bebly PenwnigUi gosa; Sancy Brc LAe Gatcheil. - members and of Ucence, penservço age by the ituet The work wh1e -terestod An ila0on &siit t a hoapi ablp Cidce" wi joleed la sleglng The. Courtice M repilarmontily day evenigat 8 .Churoil. The met th1e W-A. theilie ]oauiy O! jeaus fallowed by HYni Ockod Vight Wibi *O ElCafl nd ii meetieg vere adk lowed by reporte and allier cotai ture rcadig i- pîestans 4:1-6 i- 5-4. Thc membei -« th . f11tunkey st Ouhawa Presbyte tobr 30.to behl This beinJ miu