4-.., '~ ~ m ~ma TENU-GAZETTE, TwId.y, Oet.boe 14, IU jAME, ARDEN TILIE T BLONDIE ImUzZSWYEI w. - k Dy Charlem Eha rC eUm bKmmLR AGENT 1-9 TEE LOUE rNGi syu.y~pIm. Ir 11C0 l *yVakU~v DONALD DUC£ I 2 NIERONEY HL MAKE MYULF SEuInuI A rRE$SMPAINT .los N~O E E OCmDQ coma Looor kO$CLI.trpGS ikhskbst DôaS-13 Dy moi culf hy Tra 3hkm -I Doz. i al wm I CUP Mr. and Mrs. Frznk Fox of Rich- mond Bill1 are spending a-- week with the latter'@ sister Mrs. -ROMt. Bryant and Mr. Bryant. Mr. Ken Keefe of Toronto 'was aSundy gueat t the home f Mr, Sii4Mrs. Roy N<ottingham and f ar. à i worm Sunday guesta wlth the ttr parents Mr. and Mr&. G. Bruce of Port Perry. Mr. and-Mrs. Jack Aseistine and Susanne of Là ondon were Saturday *,erniht guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bright ad Orle. Mr. B. Coluina f HamiltoianMd M. Colin& of Whltby were- SaturdaY RAp DI $30* .CKRS"0aY CKLB 124 0 -WKBW IuIemtIo ando peogama wlaoui Ttua-uau.ta pe$nts pram oomue FRIDAT \rs-m au muI OS DW VII0mIIIS Ja.a. ~-Wst~ ma ho. w EVf-nourw 'TU " KE.Nwm lit ripot. CFI-T.BAW 'Se, »* CJ CVo *Brod" aa90 efflOlM atOlcrafl" M o mbaie Ir*mea t at Il -'I f 1v M" >4LB* -PpIm4 vou um Mr=IutLO Youll always f înd LOWER FR 1 s 2. t misA Young People Ar For Active Churci MM. R. THOMPSON V Correspondent , n RAGLAN - Theri was a small Il gatherillg ut church on Sunday a!- ternoon. Thie scripture lesson was t taken fromn St. Matthew. S. G. Say-!d well brougbt to us a message bif a the 15th General Counsel of the ehurCh, whicib he attended i Ham- d mlon~ sonie weeks ago. He express-b ed the great need of young men Id Sand women for ministers and dea- t]V conesses In our churches and in t IChristian work. The choir sang.i oui Wu Glad -" ftegular service at a the hour 0f oneC o'ciock next sab-' bath. The choir will sing at Pros- IJ pect Sunday evening at 7.30 It be-lt ing their anniversary. Il] The Womanls Association met atj the home of Mrs. N. Birieett on Wednesday afternoon with a good 1 attendance. The meeting opened by c singing hynin No. '379 foliowed hy!t the Lords Prayer. The scriptureli was taken from the lSth chapteri of St. Lulce read by Mrs. Moon. t The president Mrs. Slute read the s sr.ory, *"Chriâtian Siotherhood." ii The secretary 's. trensurers andg slck convefler reports were heard ; and roll cail answered. Discussion was malniy, plans for the bazaar. which is to be hcid on Wednesday November 19. The meeting ciosedi wtth hynin No. 351 followed by the benediction. There was a short pro-j gram enjoyed by ail. Refreshments were served by the hostess and committee In- charge. PERSONALS Mr. and Mirs. Allan Holiday of Watsaon Lake were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eolliday and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Varnum and s~on o! Oshawa spent Saturday evening wit Mr. andf Mrs. Norman Hamb-