Lr Addressesl 'eachers »). Gordon. Convenor jZone of t-beORMTA, rlocal brancb at thi Ing which was helti at Mns. L. W. Parrott, lvard on Wednesdiy qng t-he t-achera 50171 forniatlon. intepers pnouis anecdotes5, frogi em. Mr. Gordon led an vussion on the ever>'- s t1hat mhght- arise ln ji is oIIuanist t the t'huircti in Ontlta, and k nown uts a Popular <sv wichiiris t-o ;Iako 1tii attend t-he joint- f Oî uORMTA andtthe i, t-as bting held tn ils of 1953. i meets it-ng wasg iîy Ni s J.- H. Lee at- t' nniffhet-et for tic ijt tke place on IIsilicot'St-reet- Unit-. \ýII beawarded î.ýi\lg nt-aineti the i n Illu IIltluitc exammn. eîw.t- during tic i ii lias ,decidedte t iii stiîday cvening AIrI, ai' ouse, t-be qi\il] Ic given ln t-i erved b>' ic 1 Miss Ida mj RKern. onout-put- of plsis eit-hied at- u* fl i t--it10,800 t-be er you 1-top c with place ci ndle me tr. Ail Ontrjo VON ShareTYRONE ROON MNDBOARD Ey Cou. TA DILoIMS-AETE A lO t ro . . .S a e W.L To Seek CȃT W-Opfaliitrofl tea-nR fr er«Ar Courses Ai*ded By (G ant Money Grant rouE,&S TOX yarphlbtoanAI OtI'AWA-Refreshèr coursez ln modem rehabilitationO F r I'LL TPNGSAND l4U14Ar O A TJL nrigwill b. given toý more -than 250 Vc'ra Od r viirto~n remrkd. *.e have For.& WoRMPINSAN nva.r evcao udya <~~,aaeeb nuî'MJfl Victorin OrdertosadsOaof tliot. ondMO.rLioti. Ismok. Tuefamii nurges from 61 branches ln Ontario during 1953 through a nîghtnw t * f h em n otire anvle lle i.aiM.R ossl grant of $7,500 from The Atkinson Charitable Foundation,!doing fatriy wellwit t-bthem, but W ea -eo n M.adMs.A --c_____ ît wa annunce tody byE. P.Taylr, ntionl ~ ith s not enough. The nurses homne of Mi'8. F'rank WeITy. Wcd _____ itwsanucdtdyb .P alr ainlpresident want to know that they are eQuli- nesday. OctOber 15, wbtf Mr&. A.'IIDKNPA ad lce dtreathe et pssbe r. U ess an.nise lndbcharge. r m Ms .Bcet niiTnpesn eek ,)f the V.O.N., and Mièta M. Christine Livinzgton, c.hief isu-,Pedt' ie -e -ebtpsil ou atipresden.wrd8 iickgsKodLdIaulSt ahrns ~IlOCll 1tinedet might be wondere<I boy much Wlth Scotch TP" tWsdcnKy.M' niM.D ektsvrl nue b Demonstrationà and lectures will be cent.ralized by die- car eaaria-eih nisri t a5Pl li oeffta Bra muibe kCpi in mInd thkat cveny picturil prteiited by Miss Lewistos0 r n n lve icoeiys-na.' ing,.ton sid. with braneh memberg Icaving for the allntted grdaenretrtnd - o- nhrtrpt- oCiMf..Bceî.cuh-i h on. centres alternately until ail have participated. theory andi bard practice, Cflcoufl Plans were mac'! for Hallowe'en Mrad M.Wlte RbmLiC UCl yph te 1ngda.-ly -prcblems whkch ahe party. Cctoben 31, il the hallluent-sgeaof r.niMrChjahswek W'ith the staff nursex already trained in general nurs-muimer an sov Am>o'tyc arg abetng made for t-hase 1H ArhrareBnayvnt. ing andi publie health, it is hoped. with thfiq in'gtruction, to of them have poot-grattuate t-1. n ot ln costume. also a cormsttee MraniM.8.ACop.Mr. fbsbenetm îgandi expenlence ln public bealtQi o bave candy reatiy for childl'CI. AJ.CNaD, oono setîaîi etacnths bu eîanew standard in VOÃ"N. qualifications which will be Irfjning fully and rapidly tbecaugelTbe execuuive are responsible for 7%4E $ada, grRdually adaptéd throughout Canada. the ffuinefl.Lad UWtceactusal!November meeting <andi dont- for.1 JDE 't 14 Bet FQ7XC YN1RFcases alroady are known ta them. g" ;et-the Mission Bandi have Christ--'Mrai Mi..Dw. is_________ Wit-h t-be gapbetween acttveMANY PARTNER.S IN PROJECT mas carda for saile 1 Mrs. . MH,.Slykadcidrn h .reatent he as anti hhhtt-vs eoea epe tnadtn The prolect tasa co-oper&U-ve ce: 'Stainton tbon tank charge. Devo- tep<i ni r eovrypon con estt-ly * f mnt-he uIvai nturc wIUi maiiy part-ers. T-tonal on "Harveat andtI fanks- Bowma.nvtlle. MisaMary Young. cott homes and its uovisit-ins r .Gatat o podssileecaueyf point oatap e. rnthR z HLPDFotJflaLioflrant- covers slr.uia by Mra J Broome, Toronto, wene guest.s of Mn. a.nd f rientis anowd Tyrone. Dree .bw.vsteiMa..IL tala-on adienofsf ededhsi al A wman i 67, FIctt -rv]adliigMpes. t " . MiaA.Aked gave a ghowing is. Luther Hooper. Ciesa co oewr Il.M.Hi ipeetl ikaot" specialization, members of t-be Vic- ,arthritis. hati become p.ogresaive* btrutitor.N, irepa4ration andi punch.asi on her t-ip ta Engiandt. whlch1 Misa Mickey Caaourn. Mansha-1 Mr and Mmi. A. Poulter. Oîh- ~BwavlcHmi-lMsmn torian Order have fountithm >' opoet- olds f maU'ns.l.%andi booka and n waa much enjoyeti bv all Mr. Miller, Tornto, vvist-cd Mn. W. awa, andara Lame McCov. Brook frienni.ww.b-htm a aMeesrsnecot-- When yBuoouy-Uf iqelves carrylflg an ilci'cBtng bun ifaced ber, Vîit-etiby a VON mem. approximate expenbe allowa.nciof R. Glaspeli moved A, vote 0f Mfi'e on Sat-ui'tay. lin. and Garnet McCoy, Dowman- . dlen ni bot-h physicai anti psycho- ber who haît special training. she $20 per nurse for t-home partielpat- t.hsjki t-o MiW Aked »JiMns. 1Mn. anMiMMn. Arthur Harvey and ville.MnatiPrsHPefc-Co vluanyuse logical rebabilit-stion problemna.' was encnuraged 10 gratiuaî cicr îing, Wcry A dat-nt-v lunlch wv55 Served.'Margaret- iecent-ly visit-et Mns. A Mrs A Hawkey. Mrs. C Bate- bug n niPis .Gbsat ~fRgi ne Mi. iigtnsa .Cle 01 afflict-ed limbs anti muscles Local branches %%Ill be aà kedtito I Mn& John Wotten Etinketon. Renderson. Peterborough. low are visithng wtt-h mr.m.M ihal rednrgcîso btokf'"- Mishe Livîngat or staeifi ri-Hrd o hdfrt o-heli, wlth expenses 0f thein own &peut a fcw days %euh Mr anti Mn. anti Mn. A Srinlu, Colum. Pindlay. Untonville uca0fi'aninTGb.s l"<ioiSl"c rîg in thLs phase have corne from sulteti, a course careîuîly obev nurses ant i wth t-be t-ak o1 girlng Pars N. Johnson. Mr and Mn. E..bus;. riait-id Mns. Florence Scott Mn. andi M.rm J Murdoch and M niMs etiSniM oNvmm i siperint-endent conUInued.'Wonk- able ta be up ln a chair, anti one at t-he courses Lecture rom anti 1 Mimico. My anti Mr%"- Colban, i ouests at James Dcl.aey's home Pniscillâ. Bowmanville. W O i 'e, at u-.Cak.wr hna OltS-i fdp pg n thbe homes, oun tris lie nt-h a-rwanekn sot2 other accommodat.ion will be sougbt-1 andi Art-htr, Biioklinf. vWSted à at talie Owana, bMn. R.J. Keown. wtt-h Mr. anti Mrs. M. Tabb ingtcgusaoM.atin mrmdsi«-la coitrI vr dy 7 tv nttne 1hassistance The nurse from hospit-si achool on healt.b au- Karl C0ibarys iMn. anti Mna J. Alstori. Povaja.c ev. and Mis. A. Wý Manch.T.So. .shieti awav f rom iL. by 5fly 1T10.flinoted on the repori- "Stepthclsm tortiit-belotur centres select- Mt. anti Mm. Delberl Cairn andti IIAMn. anti Mrm. Aubrey Kick-*t r' anti RO'u'n. Toronto. R nadMr ly eb <O 1A<fff elU bu teyifelthtthy holdbeo te aUntmi erfall o e girls, Codrlgn, spen1ýacopesoI ndaon sunday. andi Mrs. J W. Wilkinsoni and as well armeti ai posible wtt-h it-l ainy -ossble physicai rest-oratlon VO edureseOt&%&ino yssMranIEar1 Mr-nd rà T.idl.Thn-aart akosptTak- avatlable modern knowledge ln t-be'const-tt.ed t-be chief problem in addition ta planning the praject huii's ill. visiteti Mns. Otto Virtue. lvIng Day nt the home of Mr. andi~-.. ~ ~~f.~)fotÇ field. 1t-is case - andi obtaining t-be qualifiet i nstrue- Mr. andi Mrs Will Johosn a MiM.. W. A . oodiellow ani Ada. Mis A. lihl XOD nlni<F -oe e orNvs "That- la just what- we tnt.enti to UDNTST TNDtar. yl generally supervisC ail i Willle risiiet Mn. andi M's. RA,> 'dhrflto spent t-ho weekend ai Mn. andi Mrs. J. C. Cok accom. ail.1.1udamn-' 'tin iet -dy 3at givet-hm. W ar obtlntg In COLD NT ST. SANDthe arringement-santi amess tht j Bratburru, Bunketon tie home of Mr. anti Mr. M ipaned NMn anti Mmi Ted tMcBride, o ad opn ah' niîtiet 'nJ structors wttht-e help of tic Joint A tdaeroi .after t.hnee resultà wwth a view to making the j Mr. anti Mrs. Will Thomnian.',Phew-. BRampta. andi spent t-ho weokend hoe absce.nsit et1kmaaiec'.t Orthopedite Advisory Nurini Ser,-mont-hbospht-al wth litti tLM- training national In scope. Quenaville. Mr anti Mn. W. J. Mn. Art-hur Stock 0fIverton ,is at Btiflalo. Lt up ean - -Olclfn _______ vcofNwYr.Eh ptutrProvoment-, vas referredtito tihe ----Cana Mr. andi Mmi. o. Ymng. t s at tic Hardy anMiPies. Cectie Park ha in Oshawabo.fie dobaetaiew et vice ~ ~ VO fNwYr. ahia-rco o he so5h. e .-ee '.. . - - - - _ muat - be a -gradu&W o!01f-J appnov- mnt o! U iic Li Dr-iu ENI) KUBHKRWAL&UI-5 mnoftehosptal. On bie re-tarn1 cd achool of nuslng, hav- cn home be was depresseti anti appre- STRATFORD <CPi About-GM tificate n public healt-h nursIng. sa hensîve. He waa unable ta lied members of local 168, Uniteid Rub' cemt-fcat-e ln physical t-erspy landtiniit lh iaet.t l e okr fAeiaýC1. a degre. of Bachelon nf Science h in ~ f - lh iaet.toatbrWneso reta C10 or tan stand. Ris kneea were ton- CCL.'. netumnedta - work at Orif- Nullslng Education vit-b a major,0Ttracted ti t Aangle o1 4S degmees. fit-b and SMnsLinitetiycst-enday af- in OrhpdeNurstng." Thé patient hast tv os nt a utr uW st&agis a vakout wednesday. Onb&MOFpedie t 1cariy t-vent-es. Ou* ruas the store'1 Unio president A. Tuckvood Objecta othe course vili bo t-owhlcb supporte t-ho tIn. %9 sasi t t-l&t-he mesn rmairiti out prortet t-h. Ont-trio nurses vith s! other attends unlveraity w-t th@Ut due t-o "condltions ai the plat." bot-t-or undîrat-andulla of thi newer belp Of achlarsbips a&M bursantea C. E. Momion. general manager mnet-ioda of nursini ecari t-bat mcci- Wlth a doctors advice, a set et oU f th company. said tifi valkout- ponts t-be principles of maximumiitexerchis vasutievtad and ti i -vwu asa "vldeat-" a!!air, r h>stcal rosa-ratlos wtt-h eirz'&mesocs nt-nacteath iic&rryi tbeïn type of illitesa. Mt 1at- nlgbt-. or six wvekathec Cslapm 56A*a" M 0 te 97. Content-of t-be demonstrat-lons nurse gave tiîem ecimorning. Phmee IlTuliaisvEluyems tua "nd lectureà vil be dreeteti along After t-vo mont-ha tic man vas thnec matn avenues; Care ni ps- able ta feed anti abave birnatif - - lient-a wth long-t-enm ihîneai. early andi hook aft-ci' oat 0f bis trn.1 ~ cgniMon of crlppling condtuions mediat.. neetis. pain dtlappeaneti. 9 ever type nofhincas antithie andi le was referreti for occupa. techniques ta combat- h. anti pre- jt-ocal titerapy tresiments. He ina> vention of fatigue among t-be nurse nover maki a full recover>'. butý themnselvcs by correct- posture antibas bea eacowged andi prepan' t sciientifhc application of t-hein oua id to fit hiauus. for biter use of physical ativittes. rostriood acutit. Wtt-h modern iuigmiy an d J l M T LL WONIO» eupc cbccklng titi tiraitonslaubt EoIieseof 1 oif ao mac>' dIsis omn O mas tiltonn Od fat-al upon dlà l. thore la a i ta t- vu «,as <onat-anti>' nunaber of= t a Oabecm pensons wlti obronie or long-ten9u ec*tr*dtrn u i4mmenta.a ýAtM JlcRmusE M0 ?rcm"W-lm z l For ixample the VON la 10. tnfà L a b. szvreoM ltm a M i rW matie a total of 02,M vista tasa>-mm tprvomd a @Sroua oe s ths umbe d b aed t-o M.- Pruuture essaMaaysM ie&Mws&hiBR 717, or an lnoeae o! more thus sod eulW. UnsiaflUrsi m M0 ver oint-. Visita teocafier p&- bclrn me eoulWle t-otetalsons inoreasetiby SI=,.232 wbougb lm*k of tis. equal ta baVt-fé-bsformner "o eOSt-vc esM reqUbVin = «oe aIIl casis. advics t-o pvons os teUimof S 1*iaI Witthe sho aoua. of hospt-umuusesWidPm Suir dns bed. andi tue W o a diquati'e val»emae. b O I S titut-onal ca. tihInereIsl Sk OUtches c»obuect-.. MOTO tnoït- certain te contnus.- Wtt-b ty. aVo& c esUaisottlongm oM0r 0a pro r r metiotis. t-là ta te f.1WW ifducaded to.soon. Euoul«p g ?54 SitION RDt. S. - Di" 548*1 hua t-b sut-berlUetstt-mai>' tYpe t-hem prmr useo pmoet&retrd. Qom M4Nih aTe 13 l of palLienta can be hehid ias Wl)OU edrecaorrs'cmu beia ln their homes, anti ommes naNO« ALL f_______w_ bot-t-en, t-han le hospital. Mo are aul ho proeaxa me 'ô ne mat- t-bis ehallenge fuit>',a. pliyale. .oue cae M tile ras tuat 1 pecial>' whie îa crippltinscoildi- of aieagtU MirobantM s elped R tion ett-er follows thi aliment- er b> arthlitat- ;bo VUsordurgd la tbniat-eset . it th &m cifthe to e bd. Rxs aitUde Vas cme o01 CrITE CSE H'Jtra ow undor iW t-o 8 reosd hiwle wusa o ou t-n Ainîg pogrM ov unirt 9Mf, dpur sim bis i o ud a om.s Case histories tfrona VON recorids Plis anMW frtquStmesiupi ta ast-fort-b Unnahtûsabi>'t-he #M- 'UU1 - 0 ing neeti outlinotiby nurses la the The VONS 1111asai tt at-etEeN f 'lI for Ineaneiattentihon tote i b orne onaitted a pyobltlt EUM. tyvoecf Instructionl. bsadtce Me aual syab- Iwng à atroke, apan f U tothe wu#ehaM M.lst#4 Iwo waa rofîrmoti ta tue VON atfowWd &M ii.reoind d-o u "dtbel> i ta bave modemto el'svere par- a -ocryTbi fauli>'r d aysis of tic e ftade, tand smm ed. (hat bk>' t-ak lng er em m rm waa ocont-aotetiacrosathbe 0Mh*t- APVWID I tUI 18 PoiA NTwM I wh lth e uu muscloes sud. aSile bdlp for' i". Tb@ saws en-s Complhoat-ns Meilshlnoawu va thtleAued V"siel ou s Domota Mm tact t-bat thi maule vhite ad Mot-b- t-be ptiit-UVa& areuu asi A srhdde hrtIy bifore SM hi Wvu-b be ior mtiamw apd hadlot so l te w. Lftaet USI. home woe a 30-yiar-eld dauglitai. ti~ygAi MaIMM sole support- of the %" .. ta -"jUlso'ohV»icO& % g s seven-yotr.dld smn. Th#. it-Us bo" 0y a fiv sMon. t-boau M, t-ook over dayimi osTo, bit-vo binus à m la ~ . u u visita of t-be nurse, unUl 1 kUel vob a' re Iq b « US Sa* 5W.34 neihbbor volunt«ert. _______________ Boy 0FexVUN Aýs~ The nurse amortalo« ed tbsBiSa of phyutetal aetitty aI>@Wed tli*s t-lent- andti -len enliatad tbeDea bon anti tues oni. pal8 uen ae t-o hehp carry out-El xteSU tien hem directitu. At- t-heendi S ofvoya eeb cripploti arns wvaimest a extenaion, andi hc w".abie t-o rq ht-mach. Ait-cm t-vo nntihss1 dismiaseti froinnurat-n. out theIntiative oMl U SSmm.8 getier vit-lt is ovu sraiS t-bat- oftue f aaily, tueM 5M UUM MRLR r J.. li - I. cm 'l il BRA j I '4. 1~ 9 ai or>' « a ,ed ttode? of Mn. - SU di the& 501W id t-bir fsr rthe Pb oi althpi al CeAI îday. ht vas 'ho plane vau à whlch pro. )on la Indo- at.ed t-bat A- ,87 per cent eerves ln Caa-. ntiug etas Lenta,".? l ugulars? Are )n t-he levil den'. Olgat, ,bobind-the rtmsit st«or tilla hou do- go and a11) "s1«1«18day t-il) oei uaId îMopwimn) ýber RudeÀ du et ati tromn --- vu »Oka.