Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 29 Jul 1949, p. 6

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DUNDAS STr. WEST - - a Another V-wothe Heart ofthe Town j- NEWSOCF OUR HOMOGENIZED MILK Mik, **Insures Health il natures most nearly perfect f ood contains the necessary vitamIns and minerais required by active youn g bodies. Mllk is a mast Inexpensive way of Inusurlng your children's prIceless health. Itemember-heajîh is a by-product of milk. Our Complet e Line of Quality Dairg Products Includes: HOMOGiNIZED MILK GRADE A STANDARD JERSEY MILK TH~ flAlesi AJAýX AND.DISTRICT (i CHOCOLATE MILK BUTTER MILK COTTAGE CHEESE "OLD CAVE"" CHEDDAR CHEESE CREAMERY BUTTER POULTRY FARM EGGS LACTIC MILK Lactie miIk Is ahso available for infant Irrdint oit ni- valid dieh wi~hen pe ît d bN y o r<li. 1 (';a 35r hippîng r et W hitby Dairy You;re Invîted to Attend The Gigantic WHITBY FUN FESI Mon day, Aug. 1 DIAL 770 WHITBY OM-MER E verybody is lnvited fo attend the. greot Whitby "Fun Feit' Monday, Aug. I ut. Prizes -Gomes - Fun Golore. The. whole famaly wil have the tîme of their live,! tu pefin Ali Day MO-nday PALM BILILIARD 130 DUNDAS WEST PHONE 762 IF' Iu,~/4Df MOTOR>Se PHIONE 429 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE -fereSa- FORD, oeCANADA CARS!'l 0 ecI #0 M AJAX ,- VILLAGE GOSSI-Pj For the firet Un bc their tendance at each of the parties. erection the wefl l 1= 0 homes 41 + '+4+ lni AJax became Oaturated ;wivth, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shewan, wefl hcme bat and th l st tew known to many residents of Ajar, eveninge s m4aiyO theane moving 'Into the village at the resldents altting on theïr lawns un- end of the znonth. mosqulýStost theutifiling rooia. 1Mr. and Mrs. Newsome and f ar- The early mfornlng sufl revealed Ily, of Windsor Street, have left the that nany familles h" dSpet the village for Windlsor. night sleeping on the lawn ln front + + + g of their hom. Mr. and Mrn. Wilkes of Bircli Addlng to the Misery of the Crescent are the fortunate tenants stlcky heat la the uflabated dust o! one of the.'new homes across the nuisance, wlth clouds of! day dust rallway traoka. floatlng imb the homes addlnu .+- + + some of! Mother E'1arth to the -ar..-- - menu o! tbc residents. Jatafew streets pratected by ail spread by home owners an re ee frei this trouble. The extreme heat and absence o! tain doesflot seenito have id. verseiy effected the crops around the village. flic corn on tise'Arnold fmsens ta be vwsbly growing and although staited late, It vil li the farn wnlm aou W i4~aOas -8,5UL a mr. Across the Plant Road aIt the'btre I lerran f armn, the tomnatoes have:i Eza Annes. afierwards Mayrf progressed to the point where the plained o! beng wronigly as rse brWitant red of ripening fruit cas> the Town> of Wblt.by settled Lui the' be expected dally. Of the 2).o towship ln 1818.1 plants set out a few short weeks agao In 1850 Whitby wa" known as Ra-' few if any have been lost. and Mr. dical Corners. Pucknîn who Is working the acreage Eaaiy Asseumenta expects a bumper crop. Another, In 1851 Thom>as O'Brien com- ramn would guarantee one of thse for -a merttiant M'OP". John Met-4 bc.çt for years. calfe prayed to be relieved trom o! arther along the higbway snme tamn itxe na"rm othe f armers are harvesting their bos"!roeusy1sesd laU wheat. and altbough the headc A house of round Iogs was as-j are a lIttle Iight. ln most cases a sesseci et £15, built orfLimber squar- good yielci is indicated. ed or hewed on two sides. oune storey The dLsappointing strawberry crop an>d not more Uhan two f ireplaceýS will be compensated by an abus>- £20. Additional f i rle p 1acle S£4- dane o rapberie, wichreciv-Frame. brick or ,,tone. 2 storeys. ed some ram eat tht point whtre lt £60. Billiard tables andi stallions were w as needed. another flu would bW assesseci et£200. of benefIt andi add to the harvest, ,rmmbr fconUl Dally truckloads of women and É1851 r ' embr dao.Tht ou i- l children leave the village tt, assisi as6.<1P thew farmers in arvesting the tasty; shp clerk was requreu to kep his bcrn'.office open f rom 6 a-n to 6 p.in. beenfouni irm In 1831 troops were quartered inl Somerelif ba iiitht Spurrili hou-se Ufli il tht pit bing tht heat by the children e g!dwso h ctzeRblin transported each week tw Lynbrook dWm Af adeo leda en el store. Park by the Red Cross. mIsa the t nesnhd eea tr beaches have beeri weil patronlzed. if Inte Mmerald House which wa., put up in a lottery and cha.nged e0eLuuLer Rwland celeorateci. ber second blrthday an Tuesday at the home of ber grandparents, M. and Us. C. Rowland, Cedar Street. She was accomPanied by ber parents. County Histoiry Continued f iom/ýbage The work of levelllng the Ajax, School grounds bas been conipleted and the ground cover startint 10 &Prout already. will make a fine 1 protection belote the chikdre re- turn W school. J. S. Chapinan mnade short work of the excavation and fin. and 'Charles 1Hutchlns, Picker-, Wgddthe necessary dlang and removing o!faonesWmreaoedlng. jt wtvsuith original Intention o! the sdhol board toIe ave -more Icomplet. job 0f-grading I:M? effort to remove the long alope, but the cmo.0f auch imanoperatkon would have been prohbive, 6n4 St vas declded that lvelling would be adequate. ?r14ay night is US NISUat the tàmefor he bxed Socia evening -ana Lqonaires and their vivesor sweethearts vilbd on habd for the Ibis event. MstrsBob a&W BW Hanione- 0 f Carrylag place arm vluting the'r iaudparnt*.Mr. and NMis P.j aurits and unelclesath Lb. ige. Ur. and mm .P. Tlemy 0o! mll- ton are vWsting IMs.TWley$a alter, Mes. (0. 8tum n ad Ur. Saun, Tudor Avenue. Uri. and Mis. L. V Wiand David. -Mary Street, accomptafrd 4r. and Mm. W. Mc.DousaIl e o . onto are expected hom" tek. 'fend f rom a bhl fl ept a vwtukgMNW l u apota. M. nd Umr. P. CooperTudor Ae. bia nes> BISbt, Wlndmw Ave, £' *5 wéatm mi w.5Ur&- Or~leut Mmday ou a hlaby S"d a z Uevlilnq by blcioi. Il 155 Ut hoias in I lsl Mau"4 M" 1 Su 6"d MM. £it, »0 ba 5Ut0Y4 JUIN 31.# 1949 Stait of Four (Corners Tie removai of business f rom tht Ba y andi Hamers%' Corners w"s at- tributeci La the energy andi 'tactof Peter Perr who built a seore at the Intersection of Brock and Dun- das Streets. Hfe painted the store a brilUiant red and diaplayed inl large white Jettera -Peter Perry a& home". In tht ea;ly doys general stor«s4 Carnied dry goodà. grocerles, 4ruga crockery, obus and glaziwoýïe, hardwrare. flour and feed. grain and redoad eJothng, , »«Ud, boot. sud ahoes ines sud&Mliquors&, An tua emything <thire erly stUcs needed. le One Coeuuor, on thse site ofthtie Watson BlcitkepI thse Ont Sa_- bon for thie cof! iquora Utia Of Wheby Whitby'u busincection exêsuda nfoth, eat, south and west frami the rentre cf tMe town. familiarly known as the Four Coinems The above vtew shows the casî side of Brock Street North, taken from the inter« section of Dmdsis sd Brock Streets. -Tlîmes-Gaztte Staff Photcs. ever aUflIcted tAie county. Hie calIed, the tiarbor back to the centre or the ficers was Dr. Henry Boys, father hîs place -~A Dcsideraturn'. Lown. Over-thirty vesseLs have been of Juidge Boys, of the county of With tb.ls saloon, ntne batela. Lwo'1lni the harbor at one Lune for grin S.nmcoe. lie w.is an army surgeon iii. brewerles and a distlllery, a race or shelter. Portugal under the Duke of Wel- coure was tnolugbt nece.ssary and One -lth erest ciistoms of- lirtgton. one was e.tablshed on the Lyndel orthe___ Place. The Queen's Plate was run ---- on this course. Before the rallways destroyed the li huss etee »tb adPub- G et Tiiere Safely Perry. Durtng the season when grain was being delivered there wu n S e diy a procesKsion of teama reachIng tram \~' use BEL TXI on GLASSES- FITED Augus i MARVIN; HOLý-LEIBERG le, s D in Ie Plisme fi WHITBY "FUN FEST DAY" Un- Nw- -I B ~-~~f.r,,%BITTEmW' Car service -Stop ut- VWIiiTBYMOTORS8 Ou LIMITEDtu Q Ifl St. E. f*Phone 647 ~md Ptgmoutl. En WMtby~ Mulof AguSt ist v MIBd#%1 y vwJ. - ACAD EMY DE VERELI 'TYour Ford Dealer in u Whitb y" 1 1 1940 F

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