Commonwealth (Whitby, ON), 27 Aug 1857, p. 4

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r J' - fil *W*V* -W-I ~ -~ ~ - ...-.i~ .J~ .stUVAt~F T IE! MW49 i MC tecoon DailyNews aiflte 7i »uj ý o'ntise discount markoltishe deiiand fnmono>' cýontipues, steaJ'y bt (bancis no roeture ot flue recent pressure. 1'Illetý1se >ai Lord4on 11e 7tt i4., te il"test"lithse bouoîryJ 'butsven CJanadaanuit Nov Bruswick, anas tond' lti-i l ime anti passeti. Ttseiî 1t4ijeýiqs tise Einpenns-1ussti Bm. ' preas o ite rr1, orriit da rtâ- mocuthion tlinorniug oai[lic6tisinsto,\ au 'a visilt l Ier Ma jest>', nt Osbos-ne. ,TtiPlir 1iquatiron ut Spitheat, (lut-siips 'dre.'m'i ii- o- lor Tshe'lantiîng ut Osbor'ne, andtihie ne- cept;on of tise Ituponiai guests aviig takon placre itu prisate, no account au ho gis-en ai tle munner in avlsis lte>'reactiedthlie puilace, or tise circomstances avisiehs attendcd titeir aaelcomta. It was exîiectei ut Poils. uuousîb tiut Iblis 4kper- 'anals t :rit Camxîo6rt' woulsl iispct'tiie"froap's aon board tise itipq alîlit are te take thein out Iho 'lx- dia.-Thse troapa stid mbarkeitýo tisel nîi4- bercf-2,300. Tb.,,,Prae satestisat1Nt Ledra Roihin is ibautlto bring anunotion l'or hibel ug. inisi lime Tir os, for an article ou lis aileget par- tbcipéhion in-m ie"Muzziuîst conupirie>.' li Franco, an laxperial decî'ee, just- la- - accu, r-loves tiie'puohibiîionuaiipo4eil by the itecreoet'fflue 2Gtlm Octoiser, 1S o' n tiàtiliouatiso grainu anti bouIi Iotlucr fan- -iuaçeous, sbsançémuvitigfon foodi, is e- ioeas fat us regards grain imwpaço~ roms abronti dga .et d.W anoîtse tise de3is, ca lieý wreduepwgy 14-, - uumgÛils.5t(b instant,'at'Sfive e"clock, ,rs p.dlaiaaoel lla weeiFWtwlIts iord6hipi' retieti fr910'tise se cf Landau lat year n lu asso'quen Dce o e seene&rs, anhiiel com~eç;iu tôtebis hboîta., ani reatotici- zumes of tise epileptie nalure, bave s-c aitacket anti fially piéerateit e ceeshllu- Mn IrgsIaas a candiidate for Burutmg wle s nts .s t i a ihleeed six sieeks. VIes aesr thec Prince Cgisorun, anti thets rayai,,fimnil vIli le iluckinghsum Palace *fonrtaîrntral om tise ý4tbi uit., cni! retumu ta itda Castie ou tise ittisOttober.ç The 4iîtm iGît. vas tise luttoîst dàayf ai li.î ver>' hou Étommer ut Pris. At tvao* 'ciDok the fisermoi-xtewr iarkcd 350 ast opward.,, élù1 O lj~9041 of .Faýrdnheit. 'tl-iielias been, vititetse eluit fu ays ',ses'eral andth ie a of t1aii'sunder in i'ar;q, 1ci aucti a 1o'g ç'auhinuaîce or tuet, bati Ucen noticedi os a'lnenuankablo plsoîineoan., Th'ie Pabis pas. says, ses'etal EpgliWî Ijdurn àias,spe aking of te ecent eOicisus ii busisu, accusç anc aifisegreut postecs of Eu- ,rope of by its intrigues exeiteithtie nativesla o iot. Tises. accusionts ap. 'jser-to be des-eut oi foundtjià,-aànvo uw e e 'assure!àisaItise>' are c onlr'àticted b>' ý otil dcqsetemené yiisàu d v the'Ga- verner i ueflI 1 e,,luwr '"T - - - internîilaues, anti thàt up. t< tise prfsçnl '1llbme'n Yrace bt fareigu O,çittîioia Ia bsea discovered. Os> ue s.bQr. .haéd, Use irSstates, ~Sutise aulisoiîy e a Limavelier .jitât aertiveitfrio.Ems, ltat at a "-u du r;use iiseeotisenda>', ut. vi;% Ilssiai> J3dyar.d$ est>' vose ps-sent, tieselat"pre; rosiithtie boul'ti ofail"The Ggreat Magui, 414.ant-thlietoaàt- vas reutired vitis ralsie appiause. As Itidiais Fiel! Otflcer, svrilitg' fiaont a uu57, àay,-'I if 14îe towia ô , ise tov& 'W te itsurgenîs aîlil bolti eut ln tbieçitAd:l -oar Paseg r ru Indit hini usaI tie mu- in>' is met can.aideni diiiEng-lauti su ses ions as-it reàyli>'s. Tise> gm'e saute 'hto uletaita aifaI rectieàa censmitteti hy lte mu- tines,'s. lu D)elhi six Etiropeun ladies Sud luken .refuge'in a nean; oo ai en, Vriy young and heàutiiul,,,cosceuteti ierseif Un- Jet a'sofa. Tise otiter fire ancre iuWbjclis la outrage by thse mutinos akien'r,, anti "limon bebeadet. The bluet triokietunter tise sfa, nithlie y3'eaug tota1e caucetilet 'there be(My>et-'ierslibv utternug astec Site vus seized und t conveyesi ta utc burent ofi l isn'Risg el hi, Tis i iidred a pilof stiatf -(te Kisais là i17wea.'o g t he muhiunrs.u Tiese tattçatt.ej'a utnts aô" tise En- ail bandsa tis tise'orop,'bas u"unly beepu "equaletë. Wbeut, b arly, 'pals, peus and bonus, nil promisesàn'lirai-rte'yield. An Imutpepebreatis aivs 4 mseen cîs, u nt pea., heasa, 6tueie>, Ï4,ol~arc a1l"ýdu,' - i\soo dstrcts.Ofisent e tas-g. ave-.ý ýMg,'aa o nt osybe a ut, but carik4,i '1 WeIMf9pt Cd»o aitibu.t Ise-p-ee és$"ussitTite irdi' ishj 'i ' ttlé or lDe rasaQ ispcs ia ansatt"a *dnpoim atWIevbic 1tMay 4bW fite'iattcipate t btà ,0y->' large proporki a weoe etth J 1Tte cropinltaly-id'ailbeense.eiired, 1 0d the wbeat huvetw*assnet dvn aI au a-verage pf a cs-6p aud n hait. A cotýisdr- ,àble 'mcrease-. vas 'aIse eaicip4t!eâin aJt -' i quntity eofomine. in gaiseral, and ithe b.alt(Eastorn Hisu g-<in')l particsmhr., lu Ftrance, tise' ot- dry veatter' tati 'causetia Seriouns ie tus 'tise" -prit.', of'flouir fon isanediate deliven>', ,but 'nç4 for tlte .bargaias.'ý The nevavwheat is af-good quieitl -xia. d the yiel'inasom. casme Qarmse.- L th4e ucigihboniooti ai Paris, tlbg. 'maesare beyond ezaieple. Lain Spin reiwjep'ue, ti ta teclie.-' 1857. _______________ respecWe..ii. Tiapoy,, if h ilil4eOur -1 o, a fopbi arpaqut 4 servi4e, vhs pebt7fee tayeiue ior ilaïe. 'Ne used ta enjoy ou 4 e!ves-nt fishiý!' %y, ta retire fexiit4,-la ilr. 3eiignsiiý4ltaei~d~pqc iebotssk a Colt assureiaJst o~Ij~i cr;~kpwtare té epI tv «ta#eî about Ibis -- iow fai ta bevweillfed, volt lodged, ae lhhd..laite, especiai>' on ane part ai it-a vide -ipyt1 ta isocared for a&ccos d~po j~~o<i ç i ae a'uota e e p; na un lis aid ag,, ad tltere t uaseDo' q - r - iseyea, ad were -tise'all gas n eeds tise puce s Mttscg~gua a ~es'ides grew tbiçkly. it was a sor~t oai bey,.L Th!ere1iaem ees us lo gnglsi,ato ezeu- iupinato acave on Ua le Poppsitesie grape4 dm ti~uj~ua"sverty o-drli;theffort ,oi thse fat. -W. b a.sees ape14gpsali Itf oficers vas 'ta Kin, tisegood viili aoftheir tise vator tbore, and ,I1isad trid tashoo l '4t 9ues, aud in qrettsé* -mon have treacl. W éi s4hyavu itt the riepsis Ïup,- erousll â massacredthem in,' l tbaugb I nover bqppçn dspgtoný ai thiut- blood. Tise clFq *baýàmu wue ftuut Pa pretoît, not aague.Tetreepa - btitey màaged ta g4 < aW&>,at Yatss ai~ ~~~~~~S e >u~t~us;tscîe 5o.g-grqs ad 1 -lad no desiré te ffliov tiseut ,fis' ments,La aine aw tee ow*iït e e y,ûa isG t of tb<>sè menisu~a iutaiue'h ee~th~~inImslsci-, aateit kle4Mp resalved ta tisd, a' s»' ý e àt te *ea~lé ahiake. -omè could, àad eut of »~e country. ver,à>-M ay e 5Ielarge i Id a ligbt-coored rriau4tgtB ýbeint The case avilistiseutore stupli fanticà thsenuek and I vaç tbld, b' thoie ip d bis I bijitthemm log*Qis i, he epykew 1,a 4t g.,e tte;syofeIsyffy tbms .qade amaug tisentwas t'arýis tsp, p owbtiw betne t ave 4 N*. 4neqý : -JyL Bock vtis absolus ife Ire aiItse mre ft s 'bleDautugattbemtop obs~h~uer '~e polisi çurdsu*pe. tb , isp si eyor.i at ancb'5ct ts~j~ tte~ vit.!ns fruits o ý$biliged lit o Eifln of te ord'èn c i a? l'awvt tt êtto dsei' fhinàdiesathé b1cid4 hutr"e'ayse.. v astp1u okI ked tisir lloe iaot46h* asepl ,minouw-V te waslxL am Itee biibodtin bavea lkt IL,~r s~iWe1L~ a. LJojupe* e,4h mt.- ithe moimm a'flsed a rLýM oregl uiretiT<!o 't ~ eyonà m'yel letaeip.4'.ýbtItimi a" as ue couit ensilyY'-ghaceu te styt'ykepriioýftisé-rIdtlüé anti5as lie' ërtb>'t mi iis ss e Im a i 1t,9ast!e comupared' iLlali.poasw a ofd uç> vee 1 «u except ith aR boat #>fàebbod-duit' ~ rsa ta ara m ua iq a lq ~4, g T~k'.55h ~'~feSwn~ du,,$9ua Tides a BapswodMit aras its ro te a g inà t Ït k i ng . dh t4us a Un e >, nui stutes btisah aumhberef Amnerien tm ar',tteti 1853, auJdai, excellent îimItar. huan ofthte genoiise coin, are lu circuilations la that neigisiourisoot. Tise> 'are tnnuis- tuned ,it ishelievetiiîlevcsij IN1* AB TI]Sý Min om c aras4,t as tat the ýe4'& EE* ri nWI c It ssti bho e m- grass up in, Fro tie Lndô ~beredthat these men being present on thse-anad the p$à Tiiere are samne acta etatrçcrity se abom.- tar wbýichlà wîli sùet a< ioo mP:U.; Unei malletht isy ill not evea bear narration. vengeance, or, ntieast haie jéÏn »o'mutila- ;dmckhad- 'l'lie perpetrators ef crime may tinta esespe ted bodies of their coupftynree and coun- US6 t puitmmtfromtbe i:i ' amen d that tisey hj ambn hir t ad'~ offences- $pch bW beu the case witb tise 1hands. - We doub;t if tfir officers.. couil b)ie Wli Se n 4M)4sr ff J1,Jritqb,. Indua..*We, 'restrain tisernif thera an;tid we doubt of laila tse confidence: of ,our, readeris vwbansUIF more if theçewsf1l be th-- wiJli xmong tb. eue it vrat me tell tlem that Ive bave received letters officers ta jesr'a in tbei-o if they co.îýd# bave doge Croin the scat QzeýeilkIo k~$h inforut us Agaiust %'ven and cllidren Ibere can' b.ri a û (liai t tiesemierciless fiends have treated aur noa war,w hatever the provocation May bave ,tI. a pt,à nntrymen, êînd, i1 ivarse, oesr eantry- be u btVo sisaiLpoL f#el ale :iQIpît>' vitbi lut ~vmc aJ herchlire, a ùh amanner fiie Sepoy N-1 iir, oio u itbhe-o n h that even men can scarcely bint ta eaaW maie inhabitanits of Del' .1, a hv Ter iother inw-*hlbMpers U.a wfui details. -'We abetted isein in tiseir hideoaierFite,. saake, Lad cunnot pri'it these awfui narrittivas -tayO ruisa od >lot~,Btrti the st.% are too faut, for publication.;)ýVe' 5bauld çxample is. needoit-an examplce4ic4 bait fi oI under !',ve -ta speak aof families riWr&red in coid bc spoken oain tlb. vTillages of Briâ ceid' con blot- and inurder, was -*aercy !-of the ludia Corjgeýneration% (o copie. lf ibe vark r û1itnekî' fC ICI nglish ;&is in the presence be usa tti*t>utiuly dLîJê iowi;mstb 'yti s or lîeir bhusbands,, ,f thieir parest ofthi dueaain andJ oaen, unuil ai laàtý more far fr Pa ctîildren,-a-nd tbVn, but not tili tison, of sighted people tisanaurselves itiscover -that stri. su teir at>ssinajýn. The weiliîîigh uniersal tc i u uetin tihthe ÀQienaitr iu rnassicr4.if thecfBritish officers byÀqt * Ç-: resit1respect%, ad Jiut & lt4 ~play of found tbat pay- a, t~5he miidest feature in ts j ~irrés îtb eios. Notting 'nrê î jidicious My, JO& g1it 1 f thse horirctrs viicis la toa maay imstaaâces itnMr. o ociaratos cl>éeearing ibi precedcd tUc massacre we cannot speak. conceived. Let flot us on ibis Side -ret'us ,. èk Noi),vrithitic lnt, ft,! - daYS -we have grebUtrat veaken thee bauds ai thse euergci f t obscî'ved tihe firsUs'y*mptoms aittise grosvth men upon wiîom ta cast tise dut>' ai vindica- rîîgbtioItà -with regard to Ibese Mutineer-of tisai ting tise authority of titis country in British foot aqk, spirit ari naudiis humanity which even upon- India b>' any expressiopg n ai mudlin symupatisy put my fé iceser Oc casioâ h3isa, jêÇtýiswMqU4l mvii, but 4rit4e 0tQ!e tâtwreréh -gr >r cauntrymen and sH wviicis iin th:S intance 'nia> ocasion resuits countr-yîvc mon. Here is mia question af gatten fth far more tragicai tisan any ai visîcit we'bave fair %warraro, ýqd aifaseatbiug the avord o a i te p yct iai] expertence, O$~~4 4b~1 hntî àt4i tr Let it be known expctedJ jdstice and af policy, tîsen, we are pçee that ]Sngland avili support tise afficers who long ; but ce jsaapitas thât Mmee Jadiau , ruffans slm"bM"agMutà teae>'o îpr~.eigît anit bo made ta beel the consequences to thein- ing titis mutin>', and ai intlicting condio an>' greAt selvesof thewrativbobtbeysave-provosed. psiish)men bluod tbirsty nu tineerspt myh Weacpca4uproroIWJ{hwrrîà,btem4.beuLWmeasures which off, -fo, l P èodes in tise dt'charge of tbeirauty if the 'tiîey ina> sec fit toa auopt. l e bave retaliated upon these mousters accord- . td it waji imng tte measure ai tiscir alTences. 1Evert soiiii si if me A it-.hii4ilit s ,nsMssMito.p- TII (:OOU)WOOD RACE. simple thri rry âtita~o tr't>e buder 1y thse $epay i. arc bed in e'ldi ~ rs' t cr ~¶erÏ, '"àâthad eur ànor tFom lie lte'York9-titnes.' unla alerci Qtr-!il.dcountrywomen loue titat the> W vesn arAmrcn 9lerssto u hse lsU, e5Ëaiy bsdI\istijr ngland ;-they have arrived ;--tweY bave eaCà ap biait t4e w retcbcd English.chiidren inflicted beenseu-tîyhernadtyhvedru> upon tise pipulation ai Brizish India in gen- been beat en! straigbîen( er~. r pqht~~eg~jseuoiorlu~. Had tisr retu*- beec firi; achicved ai agaiu.*ý ji rticular, tisait tir ýL'raijis sttoIuld bce Ùasied the- Yôrk» Races, tvt ý thoôid c received assether, ai out against (ie ground--thiat tbey sahauid1 it vith distrust, for il'e reasons set forth bJY dodged ut beý Ilug up iniifle air, aud bc caught as'1 ussouO limeO sintc. But tise management I nuit f rfisele 'descendcd tipon lte bayonef s of tisese ai tise Gaodwood Races is iseyond suspicion. wa'y up. vîiîIha1 For these;tbungs shah nDot a full Tisere w>r barses have been main>' treated, towards tm and ample atonement be exacteit 1 We and ever>' opportunit>' afforded tbeîhi and stomacs b k are ver>' confident that ve raproseut tise I (sir ovuer tui buin- out ibeir best qualities. [1isegùto feelins and opinions ai the ieisabitants ail Doubtiesthese appottunutues have beeaimu- nus work, tihe I3riUisl Empire, witi tise exceptiou cfia proved, and tiîc ceesequence: is, tisat ve tebte Il maîl and insignificant fraction of cold-i have been fairiy, liaidomt-l>, and tberougsly near tise b biocqtçd tlîeoristsî,vison vo say thâat ttte hOaten, and tise best thiug vo can do nuw- ubere ihg 1: ffee&ndsedestsemleè is, ta ackuovlege. the fact, and if w 11k., hmoir ls r ný ltte suppression ai ibis militar>' muiny riy again. 'ieilow haà May' look fqr i7ý. wt eV4lmu iting s4pport Of A-reat many rumours arc af coureluaudarec their country'men, lto%-eaevr steri na'v bo, citftion as 'ôo lie wdd det4ces etnIpioyed tori abint tise mensures visicis tie>' uay tiik p.oper 1aon.titi soccasion, Io deprive us oai a ur. ni- my leitlii, hoemla'.tonal preragative oi superiority over eve,y- %vice roui I{ad ibis been t'.e case ai a popular i- body i0eî'erytlîing. ht is ai eady darkl>' j ust at tse sunteot~-hît t ben iserismg f ap..- hntedinla àe HcWdoflice, tîat Lord l'al- anc above' rlinsi~cseIb>' centuries of opPressiOu, as 1îuerýsteovas-feen io osaerge frein tise siables t f in tiese fth irtFrenchs rcvahtian-0 thet u __te tSuroi îbarcZst4tiar becalessto h a Mie m#b4fte time rce, wit là a dark iantîï.ms Te r" a1 L~od <eveeri vAS tie case îý une band and a .... S e'i~eso'iasssseeyaW. ai kuowflbe <tetei-nsiçd hauit f>'berne' my r=mnt ï0iliesurtian, inu vicittise peuple ta ibis couîntry' b>'Lord Painseraýtenôit not surel>' hi. y assre 14iiwy<oe v an doubt ittat 'there -may- bce lame lieve~ isai ve , ÀOI o bueshard a I a4, roeJ 40 iof,ê $r At ahlteiý lï that by t o $ts athe murineeyÎ, Uîa iiiic.. 1iL, 4"s es lsesU ua a4~sw~bt tis foutis poplaton i lnitsiiInda'laveisaaoaia webav tr e-yes, four tive lards in thiÏslo a poula%1t1i o f5 sotBritinj~ u1t is e ~.tjrs rord er hY sout oitt r- bJc ihrls 'IWe.bizte -'ssat o&AL jJe .o h1r-o w aotfe wc~k I te ~parnîbotmt' r' ç.tiarve>', nnd tie Eari oa i[,stowel, tilt î~ rs~ ilbh ces~ai isèmutnous troopa. Again, bail bear tise resuit aifithe Ebôrfadc. .<un t thsse" oy$e eg R ta been treatcd viit fIl Britcxs nover lwilt be sla'ves, nuc iber ît-wâW't c iàSars'itss a ~alye mit tb'uk il avili Antericans cnett~L'distitui Aî. côveréd ti, necssr> flâta'~'w eemte tiautihoAil nuîdcnartett lta'1 V É%# cai1s-Mo'~ m avertir, but Sul v âr e fl*hs4s ketin Myen ï, atsn- Ytatnin njwiwIretWst 7015shah b t1e a-o:" Tt ater was-how,;I*ttd i~' rousers *essôsbloc èlét-paidiif l<v.'you cli I iitke.-'ll AC egsj crW I pled Icetton atoll, and ver>' !tmgl î:'cooist. flot turnetn tIsle zsatý4'tinte ta bis son auJ said ffl 144n , , ni ~t tad wasIear nit-I lisought ai tise stitches. Tisely 'unt,>ou, my boy, promise me tisat Ya avili mv werysscarx w emteeue e mtieuight-notbe se teunciaus. I gr dpot ti aeiuiuladtne e. i70 tsr 1'aWàl atd-d ver>' 900a liadînMy elts poa the issido oit>' tisigis, aud gave and your littie sister, aandGoit !ilt bhs A:s ra'opto ubeitY saw tlie ut>' astnatuaiorstreugtis te .effort. Tise 'yau, nnd 1I bi go in peace.' ~ilcIsuis pp ûtatii atlîmtatî4èsgtait'ed-tey gave *ýay I This n- e Wre helast avortate aid as 1g tsawv oui'liste boaïit asd ccii sàltleqmeme'Itëpé adbpç gavba me poweor. he o gainjtatise stage .t the a~ruPp ~kasi!nd 'Q 'àdea hov large a îAnother pull avitis bath bauds, anth ie pock- Ho needed no audible proise mrotmue or eor, if I batill prubab>'1 I sbeul d et vas laid bare. ' bis bol, for no one sonli4t rea*tt'bteappeal -maut as 1 did, for, I1lied oa ideof W~ith ai tbêreutnining force 1 couid cal- ofa bis anxious, tare-vOn face, as-be gave a ch a thiug. -I bad lbi ay gun 1W lect I cuught tise pocket upon lthe inside, hast hlook aItishe cottage in' i c* ieis< and 6~a aeding ta ki h ibe p'auJ bore drto n a ispti. 'lhomo vas a ilebt bis sile andi oui>'daugistet, and simukiug as, I îook -tise duck 1 juat put un> cracking et îreads, n aonund ai tenriug clats,I[Jack ini bis seat cover.ed bis face avitb bis itisielrs sck. andt su>'kîtife és iu my liants. I bands. isn dtvasioist and aim>, and tuýe I bat et se ise enou g1ita kusar that lise 4"iC etiel vlsbsfiil'utlafa bis body>'braceit amaoug thb.lootss qneljebhLdé,j qste liè a-rpeit, anti lapen- I eek re we u vevstak'en ack ut eds; ho' touk "bis boeut ed it. Wlîh one qsîick, nertrous 8 0~ainatdsnty u oamgt :r>'foot -about, as quick as a uman I presseti. tisekeen oJg, upon lie lense skmîî tise tmraf cases lu se r, ndigisuro mioruabli>' iii. 1i thonght , t d nd'ýdnw it âcu*'s. with a 'Jl- tènrnng'and ta lthe leur of infection, we cousit get oà _ny' boat and get mý' gun -and suap, tise bat>' paete, anti the suake fMita'O' act urete.i mvnt1vîtt (-t4'i 'teçUoandt1Ibail .j tit turroàt tbegrund uin tva pieces! :1 staggered Lu do. Tise fatser vms.expected Jugme, k n p, ,rpose, vison I fuit soincthliug tise isat-I reuciset it, aud there sank dois». le w aveci, andtihie littho taugstor isat r.ieg, as, lhosgl soutebodty hait I knew natiig mare util I hourd a voice4 rownuas ineahîtity and inning, as ho couid »opè round ut. I looked siovu and coiling ns>'narne. I epeucti iy cycsanJd -" n nvt ae-btamoie u tishe suake bail takçsa atutu rouud looked uts. My' intier stooti aven me wit tif csid d o vato aivue, se*t.mer an sd Ltbis1 taul,asid vas tsa tise unI aiterrer depictot iu lis countonance. 1I ld taconteinplate. At lait 1 faunt one vbo isbody, froutthe grass1 i dropped bit utf' toryai bost 1Icoalit. .lie venliip euoOmeodybunofeÎuu g& ave asesart kick, but isaI andti e tcdock T bail 0taken irant the suakeicuddmëcbayqotený*fïàkg (partial cure aifaisother patient, aut nurse set'l's1 *'1 tried tô put ns> -tse ÀotiMer c»e oouid nat flnd,'-und a6s iemtsrtt igî.vuusm its ~l~ubiutsd isasitua ru> 'it hroîgsalang tise tva pioces Iliait mnade ail nelohisours avouidte ili tmning Titis Sas'*veillbave tnied ta ns>' net>'. lie tld me ho isad tieard te ! ' ete tia otin1 utaiB was on,,a streak. of lbgttamnz cu out, auJ ut onîce sturteti off in tise largoeuze. 1 Wovud ah /e i/-s l bééne ëefet I 1dfrbout aller mthougb loti ta 1 limeset- o ,) te-di-?ugema lic. ug/so- an e. ne rtiouate size-ai the lieut lie. sa me, bo t as n lca-u t/tO eUervan scis ;b.blcksuite. 1 bail bai an ~bout. I n bat and et.oeovr tend t/Me baby! [At Ibis enuian ioo heu vcenheou- e oi. duties tuer. was a decitet sensation iu the ?oeee n suk. four or, five (col Whors vreebet boute the suako vas sc'isoal-roam. unit Lu anGrey' droppot 'hem tinsteudftaiut be vas neun>' measuret, andi loundt tabe cigbt foot four es ]Iltts lehi o oriçad Opa»brds.]I ii fn î o à thlf fel -i Seutli 1 hutu't yef incises un, leugtJis! Il vas a month beooe vas on>' a haut>' littie girl wo voOus. iave fear, for 1 supposed tlsat:vison 111 fuit> recovereit iteom tise effects ai tttfne trouble, bot tisougis ho cis skate ,-nid ds s lu I éoufid ensil> taire isim isugging, andti t Iis 'da>' hero la aotetishidelu"bu ni alatiyî o, u wus prgotty-strong in, the aris.- in the, auto of a suake that soutis a ciliofaind tloup, neoaon could f, iett hivta de- seconai sant bis body>'ait- chear, tei'rùr taoui>'heurt. gaebssru htat o'ilssn ré,utsIth ia oiIbiiaa Wime ttsee rpiexet thauglîls vere rua- ue. Ti"teuebeid Ihiýseif by di1e THE LITTLE GLIRL BOY." Inn imul u'mni ieuieblosvs Mi round iii>' ieg, andti avilits back iai'1 enauin-i1s5irl ts do-au' a sti out, ho b no u it is lbond juti F or several m nn gs (i . orge Pre c am e lca m be n utp, an i nt is asit i t he s o i lus vitti tsu Inaiasbforhis, laLta t scîtoal, quite ta the surprise ai' tise face, Sidt il hie; andti thn, us quick as 7011 oison scitolars, as tie lia ai vy been a 64r 2nusInvrdiigd okl yaur finç,er, ho avopt li isent - pattern ai punclualit>'. Pt~ics pro- >' litfe, but tiîen I tiîk o aiP's laat vorta aro, tIent round m>'*body, and àesee iie ucat-'st.appeanance, and lits Io me, I foot as If 1 couldo anytising bar let up anti jooketi use ii tise face toucher receivet i ls wvispered excuse antis ur ui ui nsat rs gava.-anotb ra rb ah. 'biia, andi a tlle ai approbation, ne anc couiti suspect Nel>' ; lthe cisuruing 1 bsave alava's dtie, ait as, quict as 1 couiti, but ehoIint aibeiug a truaisl.anitae enuoiruak tsebtr e, l spte ti ai I ouii Jo One day lie did net apxear until jsîst ait cm>ý enougb lao knoa boas, anti avaihing feit tise aoake's body> working ils selsol vas out for naau. As lsié came tn dusseean s woepuug an>' oue can do-; anJ Tba ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' yu its atia oot sit tvaor îthree boys asio liad appametil l>' (heunashmonSal yDotit contes aven te sta> ny thigis, analtise coil arounit ta> been svatciig for saisie one, raiseti a shato vt oit u ut e t ychp 3egunr ha tigisten. A bout tluislite I sics Ciieciglit aet moe ailieir aid, Lime encough, fer ns>'geogmaps>. -tavoulda'i s~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~1 iliktsn ngs i Ot 0'and b>'lie tinie CGeorge reuctîed tise achoal 'came so mucis about tisut just nov, oui>' I anti tIe quictier I houk bia itsoù'tie, aisoe ctlled out, have been tryiugtta get a prise te let Pa. r.Su 1 jusît gabsedthtie snake as "l Wel i etty,liov titi your breati baL-e kuoa 1.tbave intpravedut>'tinte.>' eud ui passible, b>' tuking lioit af la-day'? Diti >ou hurve goad lock? Il Wi1 Iamnt a rust>' aId bachielor tise> vas aroan .me, anJ imiedt t ri. Anoîber cricti, IIWhemc la your iroci. .ay atinoerntne nfusi aven a cl inl 6ït b1.s ou i" a te it varse. T ise andiapron l iAndiano ter, Il" i rce ciee _s 1 i nd e, u vt i a ut n e t I tid iir s ' ilpastrawn iiseif uip s50 igli, bar tite gai-boy, avio avashes dtsies, cooL-s isel>' falburr ai such a boy- uJeào, that hocvisippeti andtbûr tise disuner, - nds tise baby, -auJ" aLes lise 1"Front that day hoe rase avilulisjui sun- t Ibis tait vas nov aràuti bot ter !" miuiiedl lie coan, strainedthlie iik,' and pro- gis,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~l anitveta l trei "Ltmsn a cacole'? b ut 1atparetil i;s sister's breakfast,citu'neti, matie d'ut>' body>, aise ai Ibem ein,; City'do youîintent practisisi- your probfèls utr aîel-h jikpn u hu ht ai My stoinachy, ant ie'otîset' sion lt" sid Franmk -[havIe>', a Now Yonh i sîvp. the kî'cben, and anoruiet hike un>' Ahilidis Sud occupied joat boy, 'q i for bmtise su'iner ah a Mciu rl; andti v;ieu aitlanas due, aashetiauJ î e ram tise lime iliefit raibong tarntie, a a"' e a<ls "'Lt., rcmse huisliithe sîster as aveu us a o h 0# ) 1-burniisg anti saau nianger, pa kulira',aiJ bor lava ni2hS ibîn tise' absence of asateis- -- îMeir taks.,.~'aachti i tbuI a... t ~ ~ 's. iktote' o- încso"sjuuîou aunîn >, <nc itl nelty;. 'l'o'gsre- hm. 'Vltiî ituîvs. an- "lrGeorge, came avitis o; "se Ilt roundLusulanti puntuloions., -lheput ouna -Vis, - ti buve alvays hoe--gai4o, andi ae avili tesei You ta soir anti lon;-s.Ieeve Jarosania -irt ef lis me- k~iavUifb ceitst~l~i Latanti leuti >'uouurJoils." ilions aven liiclauses, but ne one svith an>' ,"-IIestnuck me cone i'Ow -iu The teaciser liad gue lhome, anti Geô'gt ý.'ert caù!d laui0iu îmî u ia. t >itrt ~ ~ Yi csue a'nuitbailnonencefaire bis par-t, anti ai ail i -e lcaag ookeit %o 0 'Sl.m1imcc -.* lueutanti Nel>' il t tise nQecke anai~.thre mates seensetileaguei tlo-ethlto bridicule obamu citrtscue ftelihr i&~bii-ut éart-so l aie nd- vrhiot, bho culti cain s Iilltineif noa 'gi'i-bras 'shah Éfis aieraveulit tit bave -But tshisusIn o lnger, bot russe ito tkee mp> sCiool irî,e e-l ad all ar mQe* bouse, and sittisg ai,:d put bi.% liedtl' t ai-mdtent. I'My paticent, .Seèsg evemytsiuo e s ýy"sue isecli, te-con- bis dosk, andi crietisucli boait-breakin; uswioo ',vt unt erplnxeu t0vY i*r ,1fe ds abeu t t> ' 1>o v a s avoultilia e sofîcie ti bis pot-scr utai-.cou pi 1 ' 2" - e v itu itsop . - 1_ îverov mnuts be ,,,di.)s-: jey b' ave listeactfahm lt cudsa' "A .evt ç4 aisu bot on lýiipart,, ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~( hs~sa qez lobeiu tiu adefend biisimeif, for lue huit seeicarntdlicci tissoogsthe bardebt,,tite, 11 in that vu>', anusidter e etieýftet,,-s by epni t is odw- U. anus i îL .- - .1 ý . .a u ce o f Ih t r g at b y s p o pi îg lua» t tCS ai0 D ul1v s re le a se t o -ta ta k e th a t fa illi- cepperas, costimsg 7 cents, tissolved, jû anc quart,-oi.vater, and paureit Jeitusa privy, yul effettuuily cauceutrate - antidetrd thé fouleat atolls. For vatonelee ahourd sisandl stouumbas, flbdut batel au't others publie pinces , thel y niin 'eb usco te cleanse plces s siple gren copperas Jissolveti ; antifor' sic k-roons, il muy"ie placeti undet tie Jn auyîiing tisut avifl hall vuter, ant tius rende- au isopital, an allier places, arjhe Sick, froe. front oupleasmant snls.For butcborst staîts, fiai mrkets, siaugister bouses, ains, unt ashberevon tisere as-o ofiensie, ptnid gsss, ds'tecoprs u I Xi'îceIt about and un n 1ew dnys the srnétL;'.11 pais nway. lia-cnt, deg, rut et mous. dies about thelieuse, aud sentis fentisan ofIefeusi1 gas, pace sane dissavet cappeas lunu open vesel neur lise place soutedwslve4 copporus lu au apen vesse! near lthe plate ashene tise unisauce is, anti i viff soon, purif>' tise atmaspse-'e. Tiiri. RANx Lta1UT Tut Guz&t*"t'q STADMP.-Whi Lo rit'Nopie-r, th1;èEgush Miimiten, vas bus>' at Wasisingtou, lài lady sejau-neit aItbth Gilmore Jlouseê, Baltiînoro. Tise fissaale circies veme agitatet b>' the vile of a lire Lard, unit ber iadyslsip received nui -erousculls andpu$y' invitations Tise Aintrîcan lau7ies-ef fashian, elaharately auJd gauttdi>'attred iu 'flouisees andi jevela, vos-e surprise! ta fiaid thé' Englis lady lu excessively plain tross, talt>fbs-e t'resi ail dspay', glitter anti nonsmne; ".Nt uasng jevel anas a'îsilule -upan ber, petsois'Tis asile of Lard Napier, buowes-, is a vaa af bihbil-1is, sîho jan tsace,,ier descent iront a han- lue f iltustmouîs amcesor. S e is uerert1tel'. s, emuriable, thougit ba andi edurated in tlseheuert- ef Euroýpun refinetisneut und" iviizafle, fer tIhe plaînneuss af lier apparel, t4e impihiî>h ' ir tannons, aund tise Onfi-e ick af estoutatiaus 'iwêeuè- Sin.Sio teacssAnîcrican vonten Ibat tise atiseniîioos aidaif mihti iuer*-and jés4rèler' «cas nover conter nobilit>', or rallier Iha *î tbere is but aeue aristacracy, 1iic * ts arîsto rac ý oai a cuiiv ated -utinit anti a simpue aud sincere bhesrt. Shei'dminîstens a soes-e roituke faetise upstau-t; peacock vn1it>' viicis distinguisses se mauv a 'i r people. nativel>'spain,'huit loir persans fuit>' ap- procîate tise benelità sccrtne grout vehl contioctei und veIllsaagu enpp -On lb. firbt apjsearance, at, thoyegè,utlar tisée, n fvw moents, penisaun heur, Mia>' i tuIlaI d le'ils penuii, 6>' .e mujonit>' or readers, amuitthon 1h iscuat" asitie u% biîg a i n u f .. ..-sL B u û I m5t" ' w is o 'l a v-e 3-oi'tlt 4'mevalue il a ursot>' readiag, "ie> 5.aie vu ciiîelntnuten"lItheavisai.contenta, ýnt wTbc n tise' liai-e fni-àhe! tise pleasing anti iasstmroctiî-e' lsk- tue>'- eameftly .put it in tene acCe; tFplace, vwhere à i m.' hoie 2àfors futtur refereunt. WVisever keep a file of papers kuteva mise peasone as véi ns tise ails'anteuge lebe Jetireti frein n'frequeuft perusal of tn. The>' tingt utsu toe long forgoîtet. Iie'givée us a ue by ashics ae cau tise isaptvemneats in lthe -s'scial vorîti-of change ine-politics, relgio, 'nti moalscieuce-tiey .are' a mat- 6f the pulsî,untmu' lejs in'nct ni' te fo~re.Tise>' re tistofiesoi tise ýbus> lyoantnrroiveit doeva 0th e stàied jieniau id,:ofa-day or n a ek, aheieibte varioüs cbanéctitssof a 'maot -xuutitude are delliniatedi. niscitictskl tse> ssinlthe ptovaiisig, passion ofihe limes mn uviii pui abo ".ado.tes record on 'isent pages thueesence -ni ýperkiing vit. 'Te n ,,mmi>' composeit- au part aof tisey are

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