- r.ZN89LLIXf« ici eNivx Vi AD< - A~<~ ~i~TW!fILVX 81i44ZJGS AND pIx~  E~I~OP TUjm flIR. Si x listes andunder, first IufsýrtiÃ"n- sais.aubeient iistvrtiâà s'- - b'rd i[xto'tli "eg, firbt insertion Fýt tà is linoaboven, latisaetion Bachs pubsequeùt 1Iamertioe -- 7d. 4d. Id. Th au~Dlscouat, made Wo Merchants antd otea loatverti3e by ibe year. »W"411 Money LtWre, properly mailed andi lsdssi4'C m,~clAofcWhiîby," are !4 L Uilerk sof the Psublisbeir, te-rydescriptiot[ le exeÇuted at thieC !'~~~'~ 'rin~pg ice,eipeditiously and 4 /A$ILES URNIA11~JULGE !OF COUS- * .TheCor l UR90GÀTE COURTS. Officýj (~REYNOLDS, fSHERIPF. Office IIa tisé Codrt Bouse.. i JoulfrockS tty flGISTRAR. 011e. -- J MADONELL, CLeRK 0Fe THEI PEeE ffic-Akt thse Côurtliue 11170119V.,MHAM, CLERK OFTUle COUSTI, j ,~~~ COURT andi RgQ~ISTIUJl5of -tc Ce R) - ATE coURtT, Officýý phthé eityOfc, Brock-e.at 4 J L, HOMSiN,'WAlIDtN.Residene OtitnnBruck w .Ofrice-at thse Court Hnisse. J. MACDONEi.L, Sj,[ieiTott ANI), j I ~ LL.Uitiii.rî F 1THE COUNTY COI'NCIL. - ¶iice -ah tise Court Ucuse. - TIINSITERCOUTY E.N<GINEElL tif- -L. FMB".XS, fLIK'FlIRST DF1li3ION ÇOUIT. Office * - ~ -Athtie court llse. CAMEItON & MÂCDONELL, rUTltlS ~LILId(, &ée. Offie-:Sontià 'ingofthes Court llousj Wlihtbý. P Oi - tTi Noseuiwr, s:i'22 W. EL TREKAYft, 3 A L(tSTF il Office-0 ver hieals sere, À Arod2. e BictBuilding, Dunda-s SW tly iNoven1er, 1855à . 22 TAW, CHRîlçCEItY, AND) GOSVEYtANCING WVllitby, Novemhcrj 85.22 CAMERON & DARTNELL, 1) il1iS,S SOLICITORIS AND CON:- J) veiiuvre, rockis-etreet, (next door ne- giStlri11r, Wiiitby, C.W. FCeTOW GaMROs, -Gloam H. 1DÂnis KLI. SToronto. whitby. Jane, 1857, 31-ly WLIUIAX E. YAROLDIt, n 10 V)IOVNCI A?.LAS!) SURVEY(Yin j OILAUGIITSMA.'N. Residleuce,- ric .&lberv,,Townsliip of Iteach, C. W'. ClURlUN C(CUCER, andi CORONEIt rr > te C ounty cf Ofustaro. 'Nîîby ovember, 1835. 22 DR., CHECI-LEY. ~ ~L -DBN C , TOV N 0 F-. WIIITIY, Cîîitv of Ontario. lad,1835. 2 1) R. W. W. G A rGE, Local Deiitist. () FICReon Brorkj Street, over J. Bigeiow'a htorr, anti opposite thQise"eitr>y Office U$;ýî' *-t411eprratiouiswsrianted. hefrece- Afatr trial.- 1 .1 Wlitby OCtoher, 1855. J IL1 ALLEN, Brock-ý.treet, next door to ethe;seJcgutry Office, Whitby. July 8bGý22 flnIA1NT1HR, GLÂiZIElt, PAPIFlLHANGERt, Wiitby, Novetuber,,1855. 22 -- AUCTIONBEI. Pice Albert, Tow4aip ir oernber, 1855. . 2.9 Wuitbye Sýept. 18dm, 1856. 22 ir 1OWN CLEREC, anti TREASUBR. Omce, - _Tom lieU, Brunie 84re, Wistby., l Wiitby, Fehrîsary126, 85. - - I - 'VOL.- III. DRUGL & g Drock Street, Wbltby. T HE subseriber iu retiring ?rom bis Déug Business in Wliitby, taures Ibis uppor- tunit r,f returning bis sincere tias kelubis numu... '$riende anti Customers for tise mssny favori- ho ..as necçived froni them tiurimsg tise pust twvelve years, Mfr. Win. S. Robinsun having pimnhased i s stock iin trede, lie bas muisepca. sure lu re ommuending hlm to tise favour of the Pubic.JAMES tI. GEIRME. Wliithy, 21st Octuben, 1856. 5 IN sueceetiing Jas. H. GERRIE, I would ste* tisat aften scierai yearsexeperience anti cois tarit application, ln une o? the largest towna in HunAand, I have obtaineti a tîsurosigi practie,&I know.-edge ofsny business4,,and flatter mysÉif, tise efforts I make, ta s eiply thep>aUllc and fa- mies nit.articles o? a smtpror ý îlty, Logtis er %vithlstsrict personal attention i îlIi outie me a coitinuance o? theýà tronage ÉD0 long enjoyeti mv]predecosson. WM. S. ROBINSON. S O LE AGENT for iuit of tise Popular McNfdi- ci, e oftise day. Hlorse andi Cattie Medi- cines o? every kinti, wsrrantcd Genmme, Paints, 011>, Varnislses, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeny, Fresh Leecises, &c. Plisyiciaus Prescriptions andi Family Receiphe carefully pre-pareti. WhM S. UO>43I~soy Whitby, Oct. 21, 1856. 50 TuE BEST INVESTMEN YET FFERED INthte flitrîsliing Town of Whitby, la to ho jfoinitinlusluei-e or mIt aluable pro- perly on miselisse Lf t, i-.1t'1 knoons as thse listiite of te ltte -CIPTAIN G17EOBGE THECW, idt nuw ofTred fur s1Wl lîv lt Eeçntors. Thisi ptop(rty con.tists ut;r5,2 Acres of Land heatitiftilî i ituatedl. lauvirîg ilFrontagv on the rîortii of t le Base Li lie of jci(li'Y ilB 'Lys, tand on the West and Enst sides, eacl VUNE III S- 1~L~)ANI) Fol'tiCRODfli, l c S $uili t i botildd - -lbu IVATEIIS t0F1-'t)ioT 11*ilITllV Thîis ,vater frontge iust soon bec6nie im- metusely aule as froinile greRtly increas- ing trade or the Port, the WVhîrfage &nov.in, lise wil very son e quite inadejuflte to thie re- quireineuts of the busine1ss, and titis Invtà tge irill v-irv soon Le nstlfr.rig u> ho ildung mitn ufatuiriingnid otheir juirposvs. The exeetitors liaxing determine-d tpon seil- ing the iwhole property in oine lot., art, pre- parcd to do so oni ADVANTAGEOUS TFRIMS, AT LTtSS T1141N IIALF the ainoutit whicli it %voîîld producs if' laid out 1inial l ots. Fur price andi further pîatiiuuar.s appLy tu ROBIERT Il. LAWVDIÈl, J;lýNfES-ýIcALLA'%, Eectos WIILLAM TIIEW, semgr Train, in elharge of a Sýpecial Mes- seîigcr, Xguey, Parcels, and Preight of evcry descrilptIon, wtithé ggresoest jpossible despateli, to ail parts of the C anadas, United States and Ettrcqe. Orders reccived for tile purchfase of C oods.- Drufts und Bille cOltctoýd. 1 à Chester Draper. Aget. 'Wliitlhy, 2(li Sept, 44. TORONTO. T IIE 8issisirriher legs tlu infonîn bis fiends anti ilise pImblir genenîill -,thuit h lieis leaseti flint îien-v erected sud cotniisosiousfiotelI, sÃtu- aeitio ienh Est si-e ofN.vlson S-tret, N TflK iAITRFT fttjArc, Whiicis ho lias flillb(i tu i ostconsfurtel-le maitiser. 1115 TABLE Wiiiîiwy-ilml i etpplied wliitiste Lest tise tîsanrkets aflstril. lu S SEEP1NG APARTMENTS Will ItO fsund rel ventiIattd, andi every reg2rd isadto th ie comfort of thte occupants. 1118 BAR IVill vcoisain tise ehoicest Liqirs, Wins, &e., bath foreigu and daunestic. No expeuise null he sparet et all timîes ta jprocure only tliuz tit are genuine. 1-Uls STABLES Wiii h. fount i soîntior tlu amy lu tisaCity o? To- routa, arc fine-prÃo?, anti are capable o? serons- modaliuig upivartip of ifty herses, hogether uitis ain extensIve. yard. Carefil and eaxprienceel hist1esm il b. ilwtsye iii attentiace, antint) pains ivill b. sppre dlsy thse proprietur ho mak-e dt Iuternetionstl' the munît desirfthle bouse lu tise City of Toronto. JAS. M ATIIEWS, - Propnietor. Toroute, J"ansa.y Gtis, 1855. 22-fi -FORt SALE 10,000 Acres of W MLD LANDS.1 S IT UATEDilu thse Townships o? HURON, 0>HOWICK, MORRIS 4IRWY, MORNING- TON, IXITO, NORMANBYTHIOR, AM MARA, SOMEZRVILLE, &c For parliculars and terme appiy -lu -AMOS 1W SW,. RO.Arci.,s lhrock-street, Whitby. ALBO-In tise TOWN UP- WIIITBY, IL- .number'o? TOWN LOT$ for-sale. A. MW. GRON. 'Whitby, 41li Msrvlr,-1851. 22 ADDE. HAR1S, COLLÂR jk TIUNK --FOR- SALE, MaerBrckatEetWhitby-nearly op- lx ras ___________ OW-9i 0F' WH-ILT BýY;- - ~eoLaud - 0F and 1landôorte P T nor nauo e i alabitants of th - Poprt osieo? Two L ots, froil Coupty 4.9ont-e tisad e borinertof Mary and. Persy Strecl ýoll, 0e'kbw cu rk o c Iehsà êl-ý&ce waraxted-Baid e-th~e Albk tt eac1m - F BUILDING, - - pdomptll.ttenhto. » fica ~Fermlng Tiro Dwentiý lnus4o-eutaInim Printi. AIberI, Desc. 18. 18b. 22 ~- _______and on,, 4!esaapI welI fV4a 'WI]IITBY,. CANÀ 0FTORONTO,- C.W. Subacriecti Capital, £496,620; Paiti up Capi- . titi, £Di3,899. Preaident, J. S. 11owerd, Effq. Vice-Presi- desit, lion. J. H. Cameron, M.P. DiRE6cost.-J. J. lIlayes, Esq . MI). Hon. J- C. Mlorriqon, M.P. George Dnggitn, Esq., J. S. Howsard, Esq. W. L. Perrin, Esq. lon. J. il. Cameron, Mi. P. F. NY. Cumnberandi, -Eqq. George CriNford, Esq, M.P. J. G. Bowes, Eeq.- M.P. E. C.Jones, Esq. D. *awford, Feq. Masae-ssEa.-Edward Taylor'- Dartudil, Esq- Robert Spiaîtt, Esq., Secretisry. B. Il. Wlit mus, Êsq, Iisector of Agencies. Bà .%KEis-Toronto; City Bitnk of IMontreali New. York; Messrs. Duncarl1 Sherman & Co. SOLI CI-O Ks-M essrs. Dmggan & burts. HEAD OFFICE--TORON~TO STREET. TORONTO. Fine anti Mariue Insita.nce hutsinese transact- cd by this Compiiy iti its,-:js - -c ies, a3 weli as nt tise Heati Offire, a t sas !te CIIESTEBR DRAP.E R, Agent. IWliithy, 16tIi Nuv., 18563. 3 THE WMISTE. T HE STSCIIl einig anxions lu Start inl thse first train for tise Norths, oflers for Sale Tharee 0004 1IcElvated ]Lots, sn tise Tovrn of Wliâhy wits a gooti substîsu- tiaI Franu htullton caeh lot,,finià gEeti ln (le scinmer of 186<6e anti Made for ecomfuntabl4. Dw-ellings; rente 'for £70 pet Assîmno, antid et preseit liseurs-lfor $1400. 1 %i-sl SOI thse shote tir îpart, Cisc-p for Casih,' or froîn Ono tu ijr. ears Credit. -.Visu cati ite exrcharsget for a Farii'lu thse C snti-s- &c. A1t1sty, if 55- lttcr jt<stt pnm fto îVstyPost Offihoe, Jia n 2'iî.5)5-1 1 2 - C) ni To, Taimers. IWANT a ttîtar, sndsrirneî an ner,one ca- pae(if o? ntgang a Tanueny, to whmisuu wili give littoral ývL'ges. Apjlti erly. (j. L Y DE. A LSO, A FAflIIIsNvis ucoumîheteut lu manatge a smalt Paroi. C. LYNDE. Wililyt. Sept. 2. ]FA~. 43m. T îlE subscriluer -offers for Sale tise ft.lIlov.ng Tovs-mt (f URwaci, via: A ýSîTtisE icchl tittet Uit, --vus Iarh-t back sistp, aud gooti coller, tlweilling honte îotîuug5roois, kitcben- atîd wood bîouse, and a puînp of gocsd iater on the prensists. Also, li ls. sanie block, a lmirgeSHi-UP-cii ti apicptifor cither Shoonsak-ers iaýrnss Makers, Cabinet Tikrs ii Smlilis.ý &c., for al of whicistades tisere arýc irst-rate olscnings, 'sotie of the sanie bein- ucar. à i"-BttySTWRoinouss>, w î1h jlof au A=cretMLand 'rttaebod. Thse above 1, Teris liberali-ouly £50 r silftd,,ww, balance lu lIre equsil anUW9ssa is tainset interest. For furtiior particusr apply, if b3 ietter (post-paid * lu JOhN.V A. McILTLAN, Or tu lYticu, Ileacis. » THOMAS PA XTOIN, Esct., l'ontPerry, Iteacis. Rearh, Mardi 2-1, 1857. 20 ME DICA.L RlIOUTION I T= WOrmL» =7»r±moUs! é"Hiolloways Ointmeut."ý The. Great Countor Irritant. T liE virus o? disense ofien naies its wey tlu tise internai rgane tlmrnosigis lie Porcs 01 tise s-irs. This peuetrating Oitinent, neîting undî-r Uiheiantl as if. is rubshi, i i, absorbeti tisroisgis te satnie r-isinsmls, atnI roaehing tise seat o? infiatisation, protnîttiy and invariably siidues it, v.-Ietisor located îlu c iitneçi, tise lieer, tise longe, or- any othctr imsportaunt organe. ht i.euttrates tuje surfatcte tise iriterior, tisronghIý thse ountles tibe. tuai ,oimumnic)te sels tise si4as stsmnSur ain passes into tise fi'efeet esirtis, dfu~sing it, cool anti regeneraCi tis nlu.- 5kim Diseuseand GIn.nduhir Sw-elinxgc% Every specite of-c,uxwinur irritatii a 'istiklv- retineeti by tise tiiti-inti.tuitory,;ictitin of? di Ointsùoeut. Angiy eruptions su(--h as SaIt llleu1i Erysipelai, Tetfer, Riusgwonmn. ScaltiileastilNct tie liasi,, Seaibes <or 11dm) &c., die outito ne- -tumu no miore, under ifs application. Hospital- expenieuce in sdi parts oflte menti proves ils, its infallibiliiy lu diseases of tise skia, tisoimus- cles, tise'joints u'xd tise glands flcers,. Sores and TùanOrs. Tlio-effcct o? titis univaileti etçrnal îreet upous Serofulus, and tiller virulent 'uicers amsd sures, is almost mniracelotis. 'Il first disebangres tise poison misici producea supporallon, anti prend iles, andtihum tise cures msduisiel ing propertici aftcrwarti complote -are safe.as mell as perumanent. WoDMids, Bruies, Burnz a eu ~s, lIs cases o? lise fraçtue-vif tise boges,s i urlesg canard. by. sýeamsi expîosoni . Ë Bur' y ScltsItieinehs .s1, StEîsf tis QBplBùa contraction o? 'tht ine'ne, ifi MP!Oyèd ; tîin mantuiy recouse -ledby - he fultiiy. -Thli- maredlns-eesad hit ben iîtotlseetiy i# issventor-i ossitul hluii.-optl Tise Medicai tffolise7Enkles-aulnt ecl Armies il, tiehé ssshaelicill ueti theç appruvo l liowayý*'Plnîuueat, ns4ho mpp -reliable dressing for sabre culs, itaha, aul gua. sisotHountis. - t le aec ised by thée surgeo>si 4f thtMffed Neî4es. - ,'wES T IU lIE SubtIcrbeýsaI nl? pu aà ufacturig Compapy tae tise =roningÈ-CouihleÃ; geng are prepareti to do -aIl k1" lisse,oni tise aboi test wÙflce a Saw and -Grfit Ml! of eviy deeip't'wn,onhmi dreveti- pianaanti inastl that cannot b;;, énrpécsed, by-i lisment; aIse Plan x4 Orbe 1Cent Iron WIudo Suis anti Columin; Giphes: Sugar Kettlep, &c. Pi pe BQc, W four an4 a bal? incie,- iron axlebreep. They are ua isgi , and! hsi'* varlehy cf Oooking andsti - whîeh tke u es1.1 Bang-Up, Su dér, - connection witl tise Steý anti have adiqd th i mil- Tin, Sheet Iran, & Ca TnuieetiPlates' à o? Sl' "'p establiiment esti b. readIly aiu original pathemna. * ieywold heise to tbsme Milîing l3nei t, aIo? W, inrtely to.thëir »aAçI7ry thse SertVlcee cf a tirot-c"jsà ;t~ mnciIîslist,--sO thfite à work in a manner tlmt-wfflllnsu Tiseir Patternasti Methsipe and none but tise most- exprus csnploycd, they hope lu seçure tise cosrssnity, by thelr p-Mal style and finish of their wok, Plo-ngh Caatingâ Il j very deotil)t, Thty aie manufactttiriga *ï includiug N. W. Brownlo' 041 Plongis, whicir for dprîbii c-iinot bu cquailed in thse çoput Ligks sosd llevryIros AxWrý ltand, ,sii n",e *b STRE!.SPRINCS, BLACKSMITI - cattiess ands" p B,; acksmitlss' Cmojsi Order3 froum the Couuntr punèîï ]3ItOWN, M4 tl)ithbv3Aug. 11, l855. PEN T."NTiý D r 6IIQ- 8PQILD re Ley Vwiù lat yod t ýýe di -a ad* Àièec1 iker i à fÉtis W' complying wi:h the wiabes ô? tht'ulanj- aif& People bthsu been cured of the aboe diseeé ai te nake known W tthe;ýpubliC lus valuable Oint-. i%" nient and Bittera. It-bas-been nsed ln huudred*. thj 0y ofcagse,1»tb )uere, and ln îhp c'd cot3ltry,.aiit hefr riever was knowu to ?èjl is'oliit- ée wilV Legs and Atino MatterDf ioiN long stand-I ~' fg, n ashort tim. - -nésW effecé- ti reà 111IévrY week, iwhere -the doctors. bas faiIed5 neve ihtO.z,M.no mre. Undeniable testimoneca I hîbeid frôm respectable people 1 nO 0aw, Whitby, Pickering:1WRéeh; BeSott, anâ other' *parts, if required, and ber binds , hnseif tW re- 00t ttirn the money if cures are not elrected-. -Nô ueih lYrggufteastlied.i 4-- a WeeIo Imac Watoni AT THE MEDIC4L .rM9LL y rOU will fin d a fine asortmetst of isahi taleospad ? ewetl 0 COU Co t ftesIes; ;Spring snd Q.sounHo k ln Floats, Plies, SwieIs, Imitation Fialis; Jointe are andi Cane Poles, &C., NW. 1. DOELý, Druggist 4 Apgthecary. S Whitby. lfsy, 1757. .27, ýre. ("LD JAVA COPFEE, of excelle nt Flavour. tià i FJ or sale bï Y4E te,. ~ [j OLLAR".TRîA, jut 'refred- teFreab and YFrgrant Cian5t bd beat Idedi For sale by C. bYNIE rud- Wbitby. Neýb. Stb, 1856. 13 do FOR SALE IN PJCKERtING. on. Mr ind tse' 6 f or plouglis tise Ladies to cuhai l asilu cae tbvarietyu- coisvcnicnce o? our F'emale De -iet~hvn Paiti strict atention ln tisaI ptê of ouflen up nîvipe tl h a ?aoured wlth Jseir pesence. - VIsit-b>-, sept. 2ÃŽ, 185 -B-i T.AI LtOR, TOR SALE.1 FOR SÀ uL M is NO. 13,-91h coneessict PW WbtER. PRiV[L" EGW; ý - T WO 4cres -of landt, being Sett West cor- _Lner o? Lot No. 63, 2ud Concession Picker-. ing, à nd2elitètie four miles Wtest o? the-Townis ut' Whîtby, mît whlchle a- fiâme bouse, 2liack- emitis ahop, anti stable. For partlculars apply_ (-i? by letter .post paiti) lu JOHN T13P.ANDRI-à Duiibarton 'P. 0O Pickering, AMrIl 5th, 187. CASH FO"R WOOL. 7rHE Tnderalgued -wil IMpy CASH for any.i _L quantity o? good dlean WOOL . .1x; CHESTEUL'DRAPER, Wlsltby, lotis June, 1857. P.S.-A cargo o? COIX Ljîssi arm*od ie-ý schooner BLOOMER, wich tl e sÃ"l& ehaap,ý ES'TAB'LS4lENjM REa L Onsbr O ï o wim tuuth pce, whem hfl ecwUedeavor t&êcomodat eIl whu smay feos ir wihlther ord*rïe. N.B.-Firsi C1aséories ansd(Yira Whihy', Jwse 1. TRog1 w a mciT cautainiug 4 Àcres i i Lis W leprvee VVAU U o? tise mer rnnm n i Lot Nps.3 aiae pojt failiug eýtreais aluminas 301 w 1er,) -a 4 4ep ~ A? -SaNr ulii> 2,7 wy nd i4jos w ,,ai cireul ars; à lage And" i uniols ho. '- weIl finisid;48 ÃŽMjod-ssFà Mn O se&.-ls a buildlIng - 24 b'36 -»téé2 lrhtws 20. Fdwh-tboatg, Watbi caiteimesi f. gsîrdeu ad fiti rstee *%*III ixato j4 ?ev&4 f.iv ~ ~ ~ ~ t roadSmo. I ssi lu dÉ ouly t0 miles fùôtuthe tifs Té"ýofti f siluatet in l'htoseeart cf Canada. Thse alêvé moîild be- a most dgsisa1le iafesUupnt f -an pérensi ilg b, to i $ te dise, ubnn"ýzil or -fôandry bttMhwhuTltil*sdi , 1' ab'.. fui-tiser. Paftlc.lar- squire 4"f 1maiprèpfliltor W7esieee John Goldsmit, 3rd con. o? <ramaise, qrpf s u- p t b Whltby <ay,8~S -9m»ýySsisp tt t ~ 4~J~.-$ L35~IJhI 187. aX~~R0 1 I 1 8 bse s I * e l, W b i tb t. -ola nwP gymAIN WMG îsIofria ce1-rataquailty,à sseRlise -- --ot tb ià 31 8 Bah-'.tu OilnUnent amüd PiUeish-tuld U*Z -1» tlu frloteng cases. - Piless-' ~ Visappei Hanls5 isemtim xgon', Wbitby, Nov, l*th 1855 - -Good News irer Ahi - _HUENOLOGICAIL 'EXÂMA. TIOM, 3ar#À& ié -tiun, ant dkce g, Idi, Sun- sfayà eXCepýted4i..Magneto.. ectricity ai tebiiity, Indiecretionis o? yout, -andi CeLAIRVOYANC9 enaià os 9us lu aee ,more cily he-eaus o? ait> ur aufferinga and' mur-ý mtlesg. Lý t eisâbits- tu W gi thse beat a&,rlce andti Wrecommend the mostIWoper retuStiies. [t. eu-ables-nsW 4récomitieni dand ad*lse"thoan cure, iries- ail- othetrermediçsiave faiied. It ald êulut:tiesUS lu Se -tise n6 iuucut si. anti certins meaus 'W ho empio3 cd. AI irisa are su treuble;-X ai ho'havýekbeu unfortunate, deceiveti andi triflusti Wib. ill iisefond hopeei have been crl3shed and -blutedi, ail' whutts miudsiqaduscsiul 1 are suffcriug ausiderclingf ko lut se haver fidipk Clivyant anmdPhsoogi for siâviée 'à na güi'd-aunc.e. Ai là aoring uoir MeIaýscholy thosissts, antidepresion of apirits, ïlIfre)ldii! u~us-or insid , i beérI causçl al l 14Ct~u under, bail apddihct healil, ; .gâ ,lls.ln frr~~ s4coufort. :Ai Ladies- who have autl'ored under tliose cum- plaints and diecasps iucidçnt lu lituae ,e04à _marrsigé, ail mn tieëlicà te besdtb ssuouldcnesiti ils. Ali those, whobaveesuffereti from-lie secret follies and bad habits- o? youth, consisit hhm'-privately anti confiden tislly. Ai Who have lied bs.d luck, ait wiso have: trieti their býest tl get ou in the irorîti, and canuot; go o l ies for a&iice isow -te'improve tiseIr, tir umatnces. Parents'ahmouii> gé t hisopinion hup'at trad- oi professioénia beat-calultd to sasuîre- tiseir -ehildren's auccese iii if.< In love affaire, tise principles o? the above Sciencegside yýo-, lu a hspymarrsige, an&i dumest -Ie elty. lie' show. sthe LIRE.ES 0FFUTRE U iAN. Cai, consult hlm, aud judge for yonm.air ýhuit- trnlylie eu tell you. .-'k'urtberpà rtkùiar' sent GRATIS. *- 111 awrko? tarhlg, Yeh very iuéLrg. 1' intersâtI W d tesignedit show îi,-ét il conequeo,uc~~f csi, en indulgence and uunâgtnmf È sitasy habits. 1Ltlewri1 e l ahM ebs i tylb, atnt Éà â~Y be saed wiliout dt. riMent, tptise nssr,,la of. ipaccenea>j<Jf~ Itila tse,,;err, býok ao longnusedetil sa wusrssng tsi tise. guilty o? ail mannmer o? secret anticrs miýnal ndul1gence.Tise ssserring lairs o? sAM. ture are plaigly revealedï,and tise'rositi to purty anti peace poisitet out, Lch noyetig Mau enter. tise fçretoigatom1 o? marrieti l?.ife-ithoutmeeting every page tof Drï RsbgeV8sMarrisgs Almauno. ~uatet viis.Il contaim annushertfezlmtti - ordiuary f7ures, -sud the. tratisnt o? seretoad cases *ibswere pronoune-eiincurableh1ave -pý bt atically cired,,andti ie paise--are uw -marrietiantihappy. ovr ne, especishy Young parsons e7ad tloe otemplating mnarriage, shonld e-o4,tse DotrsMarriage Aisianacl, t containa prat- 'tial qevaton#untis cuse e pof slsr d tecay, weaknmesi4 debuliy, eRç"oua-topwait, eand, loss cflieahtli. - IL (,oita4usse a1ýtheeçs at- visce on- tise it WiaonlSlsadoI~ cf js of!both. sexes, au-,points 9U Ãciarî i tà reine- dis -fand iceS kura. Enusog tbre.PO"tag e, Stamp, -a-ad li Mlie seùt toanyuDame or É lberai alloirauce given I le-ilTrayl- cMisg 1tookselors, Book &gutsand8&Ped[ars- Ail Lîtiera, Communicatina aWVie1 Il I N of Off - - lit r j T -43 j 4tt -l il' f te. - N Lq"îsrinti -1; Wofndql~V~ -$ILJA&ME- .CLARK' el la Pyicîan x --rbdtnary i4 Qiemn This- mv 4 hIiic-iýeditflùe 'a iudfailinig lu 4h. cure .of all-th 9.oa an4uAsmd snýuos tions,, pm4 brings on the-, 4by 1e7ad à U regâlarity. thoeè pilla o uidIbo used frýtwo1 or three %rocks, prefionùs tu, s «nfiem int; they1 fqrtify the cpa ttUtiou, and, IMaes uÇcin J dtuing lab, ;jenabling thé iwother to perforni1 lier duties-witb sleyto-refatddehild . 1 These Pilla sliouldînoIl be, taken_ by t'enales î dariiug the FIRST W1IE Mortg*so? Preg-' -nacy, as they arê autre th' linewl Miýetïîgge, bntat any othertite tlsey &mare, 1 lii ail <mies of 1qrvQùs ana Sýpinà lA&ions'1 Pstis lin the Rle kaniLimbs, Heuiuess, Fs%-? tigte eu~iJEçtp,4.;ad» on ;M«htbe Heirtl Lowness of Spirel,1IaeesScHUA-. achbe, Wiites, and al e sm u isMeoeut ,çasioned by .a,,isOrdered - syetpmn, tJies. PlU i 'ù efféect a, cure when ahl other means ha:v- -lraI o~d à ithtoge à rlli~msdo n'ut contain iron, çemlorne4,, eptioeior gay on7 ther msinerai. Pull dli~tiona a à nslDry' jucr~ ,Prie ,iii.the Vom4titsad 4Çà .aa4,,On. Sole Ageistà îfbr tMa (lotmtry, - TUTTLE, MOUS S NORTRROI?, Newe-utJe, C. W. Agente ln 'Whî'thYý- J. Dbit, W. er.I oiisonj, AL,. Banpigtet;i and; W. J. SuM ;nOMbwÃŽj; -May. 1857.,n IIOUE} &lT EO SALE, S inthe Village of Bropklin,, Ê 'Tacumoged if ô ne-Quarîer:.Acre, on BEIich hei tdsfrtrt 1wlig 24 by 30, wliich. can easiiy be couverted lotaï -For particulars, etquire, of. J.-ç0De ou Cleris, Bi'oolt.lin; IÈ oo»r, Whtby and' the*îùbÉciberý.on ,tbi£PrèÉaâw 'i' Buuoklin, Aug. 14,85. 14ý1 -ZARA ,FOR>AL. B IGtintnortl-éa4 Âcres of-t No., $1 ~ lin the gtwtconoe ' - of *'1 o*usliip, of Whut!>y, 38 of whieh arefiMxpr<wed. .0..hi Young - OrçbarcI, . =d_ welj watlefed. Ternie liberal. Foiý turUeà ticulà rs app y tu, the subm*rber out 1e,,4reiniié. .t f ]3. 'KNQ»WLTÃ"N'. July iâez 1 M4 I 1> y * fi' - k 4: