- ~et~i~a~ - \l z' ~f;;~'<~P LX 4- o-& 4- N ~ 1- ~Thuruliay oIIg (. THÉ-P ROPRJflTOR, ATT rIlEO? lCU,' Mldn Street, hIVtby, Â,T !TUN SILLINGS PER ÂNNUM IN AI)- VANCW1UAND TWELTE SHILLINGS AND Rià PÉIiCR A!V TIIIIND O07 fHE YEAR% iflUS an~d undere int Insertion - 2 ". (cd. uent ~nertioa - -os. 7d 'I4!1Xt0 ten linès, ftet insertion 3s. T Xsst Iserion - -Os. 10<1. 'otadhllue abôeteîi, istinsertioh Oos. 4d. ]Eu b sbequent inttertl'olx - - - .Os. id. Thét SiuaifDiscout nit ddtu Mrcbaats and ýtbW*, Who ne4vert4se by the year. $e il MNoiiéy Letters, proptily mailed 1 and )&jte iCOmmôjtwfthioffice; Wliitlly,ltire tt r..e 6r .hie Publisher. t - t~deeritlOa laexeeulted et the Con, 6fm"a4ýPriningOffice, expetlstioislY ai utN F7ÂClyUS BURiN1IAM, JTIDGF OF corN Â?Y ND-SUTIOGATE COURTS. Office ti1she ourt Houas. LSii.ON 0. IISYNOLD'S, SIIEIIiIFF. Office M atthé court Roule.. f uxHÂK lpsRB1y, RE(]8,STRA1L ffc - ' - q~31 Jleck Street. j. KACDO1iELL, CLERK 0F TIuE à 1~Eci .OflSc-t-thebCourt House. 01V. IAlW 'CLERK OF' THE OOUNTY t COURT and REGISTRIAR à f' the SURIRO- %ýAU COURT. Offite et the liegistry Office, '13rçk-treet. TbWSi)aN, WARDEN. Residence t t- - Jiv ineui Brock. PÂ&XTON, Jmae'a., TRIuLSURER- * tice-&t the Court flouse. -- -J 0- !vIIO N Ju tIs court ous. ne FW PTST IVSIO- COURT.Office. 1 J ~stI wCour Roule. .~ AROK& ACDOU=, ARÂISTIIIS &ATTl>ltNEYS-&T-LAW JNOTARIV9 'PUBLIC, &c. 4illce--SoULi or " tCourt flouse, Wbtby. 1856..22 --tt W. IL.TREMÂYNBe k R S ýTlrl. OhIice-Over Ileali's stoe, J-- Arnold'& New Dr ick Building, î>nndas yiret, Wbitity.: ¶Whtbl, ,Noember, 19,55. 22 X l.G. HAN, t T>M~TE -AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OqIe-'-Ov@ te Stor--ef J. liigeluwî i<sq. Uiti*th se plitry Office, lirock-sLtrecL. il.- ; ý 44 zI VTU TlI WII1lTBYe CANADA WEST9 TH1JRSDAYe- JUNE 189,18-57. MJMBEIR 3-2. ALuTf 0F" TORtONTO, C.W. flH11.-Subscriccd Capital, £4,,)6920; raid up ai J. L 'J ti, £93,899. - BockStrct1 Wlltb. residen. J.JS. lHoward, Esq. Vice-?eesi- 111Esulscrberla etirng ruI lu ifrngdent, lon. J. Il. Canseron M.P. M1 I)uîîFcFu..-J. J. Hlayes, Esq . MD. lion. Busicssla With, taes ins ppo - j C. Morrison, M.P. George I)iizganaý Esq. tunity .-Trtîîrning bis sncere tiîanks lu lits .1. S. IHtw.art, Esq. W. L. P'errini, Esq. \IIon. nu~. 4-inds n Csone fr 'îelYJ ..Il. Canieron, M. P. F. W. Cniierlinti, Esq. fav-trs lie .as ueceived froîn ibiei duriig thi George(rîtrd Esq, M.P. J. G.Bowes, Esq. past tw-tl-e vears. Mr. Wni. S. ltul,iîison lating iM11. E. C. Jones, Esq. i). Drawford, Esq. îuîrclîased bis stock in trade, 'e lbaýs mot-lt lea. M..vssoaat.-Edward Taylor Dartnei, Esq-, sure ln re .ouuendlitg lîlu totuthe-- fit-unr ut Ie 'RIobert Spralt, Esq-, Secrevary. E. Il. Wbit- public. usarsb, Esq., Inspector of Agencles. JAMES Il. GEIiRIRl. i Whitby, 2ist October, 1856. IlÂAxrits-ToronLo; City Bank of Montreal. New York-; Messrs. Duncan, Shermian & Co. jsuceetling Jas. Il. GEIIRIE, i woîîld sta* Sucîcrots-de.sa. Duggriu & Boras. Llît ate se cal easexerene ad Clt HEAD OFFICE-TORONTO STREET. TORONTO. stant aptplication, in une of the liegesvt t .ýin Fe niMrn nuatibsns rna Eniglanti, 1 have obtaineti a thorougli 1ractical î e and<ls Couspn at iLs varins taecisas kaowledge of my b)usiniess,, andti lîtllr îNvelf! db hs opn tit ain-Aecea liteeffrts inkelu sulîîy Ite ublc ~ well as at tbe Ileati Office, at as iow rates a.q-li milleffs 1ithîarticls u pslyte utt tlity.andgQfa- ay respectable office, andi allIolsses promptl3 e %ýitb strict personal attention, will énsiîre lise settb'd. a eoîtiauaace of the patronage su long eajoyet C I-ESTER D)RAPER, Agent. UTr my predeces5or. Wliithy, I5thaNov, 185c). W.M. S. ROBINSON.____ S OLE AGENT for inuit of the Popuîlar ci klci es of the day. ihirse andi caille Medi- cines of erery kinti, warranted Genuiine, Pinls, Olîs, Varnisîmes, l)ye Stiiffs, Perfuîoery, Fre-shi Leecees, &c. lbysiciaiîS Prescriptions antid _________________________ Faxoilyilteceipt-s carefully i.plirelt re . .O *%M. S. IROBINSON. I Y u o ue orC asbuhuge BLS1î 11ru]tv, Ost. 21, 18563. if0youven e as oeCoUNs.I .X 1iýJu. .s-re<TO'CAADIAN *I-z~ T EB TINVESTMENTl I owaliio cure Sore Ttîroat, usae Y ET OFFERED lu tiiST ANDA 5A>A JN thie fiourisliing Tovwn of WVliity. lu to le If Ytai wut ta19t-tre lîret- o4tt.,e.i f)tini lintîs 1îutitse of iliat ;lualtle pro- l. tu.î- 'CAINADIAN YSAR.SA.Éà îîrrty on te 8se Line, NN cli known as te if voniSant t-o cure îîronehltttt,Iittitt'l v E.tt fLieate tC iP ,tii C-~ A'NA.N AA~11 CAIPTAIN GEOUGE TII-E Y, I p Sa.1LtWt-ct-re ititg tofllise I Pr_ t J ei t eus PimaIii 1- <o siNus a-id nosv offereti for eîehy lis Execlilurs. This protîerty conslîts of 52 Acre-s of lAntî beautilc u1 6tiiuted, lias ing a Irantuge u lue iortà utt .vite- lIse L.ine of EIGIITY LODS, andt (it te- Wetvand iEatsihles, t-achltONE IIUN- DREDi)AND FORotî Piîl5'-, ou the Souîthî il e- tîuîndeîl t-'lie WATElZ.I 0FlPORLT lIIIY Titis water frout.îge mustv 8000 lii-ci:Inil lot. meusely vaitueble, ats friýn ite greatiy incre-as- ing tratie of the t- r, lbeýWlmrfage nito n uuse will ver>y suttabe quile tlnadequtate mu tliece- quirentenli of thee bmsiucs,ý, antt this feunt-age wiîll v-ry soon Le wantei forwariiig, shuîp- building, ranafactîueilg atnd otîter porîtuses. Tîte extcolora bavîng delvriitti ipon su-l- ing te ws-ole 1roperiv in ute lot, are lire- ptred Lu do suomin AD VANTAGE OIS TE RMS, AT LEISS TISAN IIALF the- ujiu~tL whiclui i would 1roduce if laid outinlusîtal lots. For Itrive anîd fîsthter partic-ueas aplyl!te JAMES SicALIAN, Execulors. WILLIAM TIhIEW, J -Express! Express! The BritishL tud American Express Co., I oi ta. t .-O I1mîns iCnADthe B-%* 53 I)la tttt",CANA DIAN IIALS.A41. if von watt l l itjy e t îet Il I>La o'cr aCAN-'DIAN BLA! Ir y il w a , tt ut irità à ieeii of 1.ra ill ad u fs s lia..ciNflN5CA NADI AN HAILA. If o Stat .sI l le uitl Itoxut tut. y,mo.'îTOcCANADSA.N BALSAS!. 1Dl .,sersiCANMIIAN I BA<AS Neo ubi 5jîirr -t.-ilt etthnuimeasîthof oxc Dri- .Toerct*&ANADIAN BALSA191. No T-sler n ild tts urtîhti a box coc Dit. .opti CANADIA.N n ILçAli. Nue 11 ut-rAni cwttabxo li. tuaeriCtCANADIAN BAL.AI. Dea. C1iA-<~- -NAuI.N ~.îîiMi No Dtue.-5 e t e tt meliDaes r -tui ttIf.uIth etîllut a tlare uiir, t al! tiim?.t-s of n~e T-s N eau muteita I.iwic rtýgù i tatuvInretel t5rent wt vu ue ttLi- u Sif lo e1 . it o h als5 lt. if i l l, s Lk a ireit. D.,te 'w m eRtlers tlt. *bea.iorstmal- rJIIIE qubscribers liftVlng Fouhsdryheand 1 ti re Stock- Or the N ht-y onr n Manufactariiig CompaflY, 1tthiît pportnaityt of informing lite lnlîittit4tS of Ontario and tni thîe siîrruunding ('ountiËs 'gicerally, thitt the1- nf are prepared to do ail kinlds Of worh* in thLir ne line, on the - sboitest novice lsucli ase ofSaw and Grist JI Castings, ~ ofeverv eciliin on thltetst and rmoat la- 'e- druvedlplansadi n ~ a style ofirorkmanehip t, Iliat eaîinotil'e surlia-sd 4y any ollier esiali-b libtîtent:al't Pain and Ornainei1ul Cast Iron Window caps;-- Sills i'nd Colîsmas ; Grates -,icli hus:i Siar K-ties, &c. Piipe Bous, front one inch i te four ani a baif inclus, both fur WOOil and iron aixietrees;. Tbey -ire rmakis1g. andi bwe lOnoiUn and,-a variety of Couking andi Pariti wviich the-v areceslling wlsviesîle and retîsil, viz. :-Tlhe King of 8$loiesi (icuesee itiver, I, Bang-Up1, Salanianîler, Laijî Favorite, &C. in cO-no-ctiou witb the Svove Department, vhcy arce mnaaufatctiiring svery yrarictypf IIOLL1OW WAJIE; and bhave atide t he manLufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron, & 00ppeT Ware. Injureti Plates of Stores'larch85Ced at thia 1estibliiaeîit cau be resdlyîÇppJI -e the original jpatterns. t i '"~l h Tliey Nwould lîcre -say tei h Ntilling BustieSS, tlîat of lath v have atdeti largçiy voevîeir NM:cliinerjr, aà have secureti the services of a flrst-class Pittttrn !,aker andi lNa-ciiis,-so that thîcy amre epsL-ed tu do ,work in a mauner that- will iaisq satisfaction. Tht-jrPaterns andi Macli-.ie"y ail being nem-, tnirip on'-1-theîleuost experÃŽenceti -rcýkmen eî1I t~tlit-y 1Lope lu Qecure.the patronage of r vhe b nîniy y tlîelr preointaess andti t srIle aad fiin.i hvir work - Plough .Castings f1-Sae of every descrieiofl. Tlîev are man-ifi-eluring a i~ety of Plonglis inlîin .W. llrowu's j 'dl i9a .Plumigli. wil for durabilitylazid obeapnl-ss canuotte et1uall'i th te pui. - . Lijhitan ad Ica r i-n . czl eejtaai4, can lilind. and maeel STEEL SPRINGS, BLACKSM1I CES, ETC, Rev-1airing done in ail iLsvan lranhes, with aeafness and des à !hý **B acismillbs, Ceai aI vson band. to O 0rders from te Couinitry pui lysitttad ed Wbitby, Aug. I1~ 1855. 43-tft- the t. Il Terilg 1a 5eeuam i ies- ' W.I N IU COXY ÀICN sneNo1y arelg, anA P reihte ..»'.z Y IIICEY,,DDCOÃŽEAI(sIl very 4escrîititu, wi.li the greateat- osib)le ~> L ý1despalcit, tLu ai parts et Ibm Canadas, Unitedi _____~~~-~-- ýYbiy, No.tembn'me, 2 States anti Europe. tl ------ - Ortiers ri-cit-eti tor Lhe purclp.se ut G od.- \Vliolesale Depot for Canada, Main- W E, YUNOLD, Draft-s ant ills1hcollet-ted. Wrel \lt by.__3__ T>~V I I A LNI)S11RVLeYOi, anti ChesteroraJLIperL. _ _ Ewskuip of Remeli,-u. IV. ______Set156 M J IA IE O U IOL, K~~véSa4ser, 145.de Xiieýmer, W. IV,-- t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~saW R D-J â_ 1 I_ I T3M - IINAMffOUS! .URGEON ACCOUCIIEI, aO.'i CORONERU1 TOIowa.ON'ntmO-. £vor bC ýoiýntyct.Oitario. R, uîsciber begi vu imform hlis frit-uts antid iolw yB Onx.n. - Ishby Noeitier,~ -gencali-. -IiJt lt- aut e-aoti The Great Counter Irritant. -- bR.that nen-Iv ertct.ed anti comlIotiiuoSlulO ti. u- DR. SD ECE, L0EN F IITBY5sidoiNt1 thte 7ME vir-us of disease ofven miaîs its way lu 8- 1 tNCE IID% ast C fiel( tet, j ihejuterital orgtuis troighl le uote.; e-1 sr VoîntY of O)rtanie. qu,22IN vli TH AIIeceT quArE, te ku. Titis îerrtiu! îiittv nv. n t iiîg. b1855. --*Wbicli lie lissfîrusite-tiii luvite ostcoasfortattit- under lte baud uis i1<s rublte-tinois absut-beti risanuer. -tbroutglthlIe raine clîinnteis. andirebigthe eR* W, W -u w G w AI10EB IlUS TABLE- 1Seat of ifaavopropit1y ant inis-crabir -r LcalDimtiat. ~WîIl la-ayIs 1ebe ieRstjIied itltlte besl <lie subtioca il, -îs-ttbsm-Ioeated lit in 111c liteA "5'FFICE eon lreck Sînhuet- oven J. Bigelow's mnarkets tetetî. fil ver, time longs, or any otiter ispr' aot ocg:uns- * jstore, andi opposite te Xegisvry Office. i-iis SLEEýPIN\G APARTMN17FTs IL peiietratt-5 the surface Lu Lite loterlur, through ersstd Ieference- Will lie ftuti s-te-l veutîlttl, atîti Lir(-;trdte coanties tubes tîsmt trmuflictate -i-it thse Àt-F<?ra theco eseryof ru-gc u cds.sicin as sanser rein passes luto the feverci> 'Whitly, Octqler, 1855. 22 baitots otfe fvs c pa ervIs, diftesing iLs t-oui anti regerteraiag influ- RIS BAR.ece LIVER STALES.WiIl contain the choicest Liqiasn, Wines, &e., Skinfliseame and Glandular Swelliga - EY TBES ohIt reign and tiomestli. No expeusew-il lie Every species of exterior irritation is qitlkhyv I. ALLEN, Brock-i treet, ilext dean te spaeeti t ahi limes t-o procure only those U t-a retioceti by thue ati-ifamatory action out tIis q.the iUeiistry Office, Whitbjy.. are ganuine. Olutixint-. Ângr-y ernpt-ions svicb as Salt Riteuns 3g 1856. --- 22 IIS STABLES RErysipelas, Tett-ar, Ringwonun, Scalt Head,Net- HENBY HÂNNAN, Will bac tounti superoe tu any ini Lh* City et To- île Raslî, Seaibes o v-)&. i ut e ~R, GLZLE1~PAPERrente, are fire-pruof, anti are capable ut accois- t-r oeanemure, under is appulication. Hospit WLASRRflAPT IIANGER, movdatimvg upwantis ut fifty horses, together w-lt-L e= iece in alI parts ut the w-orlti proves lt-ac ;"tbrvelu ber, 185 an. ext-ensivei yard. Careful anti ezpoieaced ilsfsalbility la diseasea ufthLie skia, the amus- - - ~~~22 Oten -ille las in atteptitnce, antinoaulles, t-le joint-e andthie glanda. -. -paies: -ill bc spareti by LIhe propnietun te6 malte Ulcers, Sortis and Tumers. OHAM LE8 'PAYNE the.&&Internat-ional" temsoltidesirable bouse The effect of t-is unrivalleti esNernal reasedy 1YtTIXtÉELp..-rince Aibent, Tewnihip la tise Cit-yout Toronto. pnSrfl$adote iet crsn.f ~of Rc ..mb k*JAS. MATIIEWS, - uo coau, nio«e iuln lesat 4 1,9,oubt'r, 1 65.22 11ro rieor. suea, le aliet miaculous. IL ftst disciages - .v~brise.2~Prpnel- t-he poison w-ice produices suppuration anti( Torontoe, January IGîli, 1855.1 22-tf prouti lie, andti -us the cure s w-bit-h lt-s ssai- à e y .> CRON, 9properuies ateru-arti complote arsieWe 1- t", -W IGII EE . STTRAIREf» CHANCE 1* "ellas permsanent.1 -'4ýiibYmsept. 1 îsui 1856. HUEadToCRE LT Wounds, Bruises, Burna andI Soal& 2 orUSEan the COuRNER -LTS aIncases et the fractureet t-be bolles, injuries BEUJNIN ~ZOîD, e forSale tis fiusatd andcauseti by steani explosiouis, Braises Burns, BUJA U Y »OL- *111 f WHTBY beutiullsitScaida, teunxatiici, Stiffeset the Joinls'a.nd ffOWN CL mu TRÂSRE y. ffie ronting oin Brock, Gilbert, antiGreena Streets, ilacapoe mti 1j.Tow'Hahi, Brook-Street, Whitby. -ca*ligaitu efn. oef Lnd.-.l t-rcii tLt W~uil~y FennaylO 187. - 2 wuîta plndibo St alan for __warmiy necommeul ed by the facult-y. This zl iby Fbrary6,85. 12woldbe-a plnddStad oranmarvellous-reme bstsaintruduced byiL - '. - Motel or Shop of any descipiÃŽoIR- inventor ia persan at-oaithéîleîatiing Hoapitaîs ,WILLIAN, BOGEZ89 The reasea Lite Subscriber w-laIes to disipose et Europe, anti n -privater beausehold. seulti li IROFESSORi OF MUSIC anti Planotonte of iL l- is oùaccouai ut hlm going into île withiont il. ,Tnaeiaences tetoi ssablitatà of thse Fmng. Tcnunsmatie easy. jUn4iaceuimibfrT-estibtouy. ltt f naio, hIeb s epared » wattend ppy (iftby lelter, pre-paîd) ta IR. Moiuttw, The MedicaiStaff'o tet nis astiFreacis tq #1-,m-drs n te aovebu-ines. ll orkBroolilu Peet-Office; on tae'Mr. CÂSPBEL, et &rmies in the Crime& aare ffielally siga'ed lIeî .wanrahted. RLealece-Prnace Albtent, Reseli. D CRÂ-WiORSea Store, WhiLby. approval o? Hoi1lowey's (liniment, as tIse 1meit Orden left .1tihe Cemmomçsmk.h Office w-lU wtb, 2n Agut,1855. s- 22 reiable 4sresslgfrpIr ua mbmdga Ibo promptly aténded te. - loîHniL forisabse ut,sulb leandrgon FiWntl)es.8.lfi~ 22FOR SALE, o eteleNais w'0R15 T IN5TRI ýWX, TBY à "OBU' ý0W N 0FP 'W HI 'T BY, oth. Mh. intmnt <aMi Pillslidd be ~~ IBIfSU Are of LUn4 Bn& jo ues, 0. tey -ha've reasn u ai - Ptipbtconsiste et TwousLots, frosutung CObqupeê d s, Reuiis yml4ýt0,:TANDP $ath Town of Wlst- r-iodii. Maus r-, -an sd Ferry Streela, Chilblains,, Bnwrs of-hidtheu~ r~eeheS J1Iîls iýalt Riîs i afft flTTTTSTh(1 0i~ Broc k- str e e1 itby. OULD respeettoily be( siiosiýnct o thîe citizeuis et Whitby \'icinity, that ie Llieestcvi nedtesmabe lis aiýt and mLiI',sI BLiuc fOur Ksu n Departaetohai& eatiti stricy tetont s a prI ufore, and V w- oel efsita ii h-rp Cs. ruN SCNDPEc.RE' EC 'Oivity, Sp. W22, 1850 C-lyw ivit W. RATDEnBY, T A ILO R, ro all alffioted with Sciirv, Srofula THE GREAT ENGLISH aEMEfY. oir Salt Rheu )iCIJARD 'COLLINS, of Picke-ing, in L complying çwith thc wislies of thic ranv leople that hnas beer urd of the abuTe diseases 0make known to the pnlhlicis i-alua'ble Oint- I SÃR JAMES CLARK'S entend Bitters. Itlibas been used in lbundrdi CELEBRATED F EM ILE PTLLS rf casea, both herc anin the old country, anIPd pri r iever was known to fil. This Oinlaient wiîll rite in a precription of Sir James ,ire ail Skia DiseaseR andi. Erupt.iotis, Sure Clarke, M. D., I'bieian Etarnr to the ,egs andi Arma, -nu matter of how long stand- Quieia. This invalîxable ieilicine is unfaÃŽling ig, in a short tîime. Hi laetfectirg curesjlin ite cure of akil those painful and <Lingerons ývey wek, thedoctors bas failed, acter disorticrs incident vo tbe female constitutvion. )o returan o more. Unleniable tsinony au tmdrtsalecs,,rnoe l bt' e liad frtm reIttipee ptl(t1le in OsbawvCLons, and tîrings on tht înoithly period.wt %VIibiv, Pickering, lieu .iciScott, niou.ie reg-fiarity. These Pilla should be scd for wo partsa if reçlnied, and lie b)inrls hini"elf to re- or îhree iq-eeks previous te confit.cent; they DrîiggisU s ultplLctt. 0 1,D JAVA COFFE, of clcqllet Iti lvour. -for sale 1-y c. LYN DE. Fresli an-1 Frmanxt. t'aut tle henl. or sale by C. lYNDE. w hity. Net].. Svb, 185 . 13 8nclctzANI) GABTSmIoRES OLD STAND. Ring Street Whitby. IRI'E Siuhiecrilher. lu rturaing rthatukg tu lii amîmeet-ti patronP for thêir very liler:th patronagesilote is comsmencemuent lanhutsiuess tuikes titis oporitià 1)'tf inforntg tbe- peumple of titis Contîsv-à atlie svill eccu-slammtiv keîp un batît a large a.ssurtasent of SADDLES. 1POUJLE AND>sNG~ Pl E. S UR E Ir. 1 R VASS, TE--4.4! II RYFSS, ail articles being inantufacttreti, under bis owa supervision cao b- rtiqî-il <ta 1L N. B.-Particular atleutio p 'd lu the Job- bing Departmnn JA'MES IITCIIIE. Ubivby, Jurm 12, ii0)G.1 RAY'S LIVERI ESTBLISFIMENT, DIILECTLT OP'POSITE amtA'S nOTICL, Bsauv-ra-vEl FMIT Subscriber w-lises te intimate lu the Tinhabitants ut Whitby andlte publi, tat lie lias opesuiti a Li ery Stable antihe above place, w-here lie wiîI endleayor Iu acscommodate il who niey.tavur. lins uitl <hein ortiors. N.B.-First Cîasliesses an i Carniages; - N. 1RAY. Wluiitby, Jue 14. ; 22f WI t T WATCH & -GLOeK MAKER Opposie &nptUreWiIotdP 1Whitblj. JNTIMATES vo the peuple etf Whilhy ad sunrouutding country, tînt le la now pre- pareti t-o t-ean andt repaie Watches,'C looke & Jewollery, of every description. Evecy article svarnanted un vIse satisfztctioa ut lus costumera., A sbare or ptîtlic patronage is sulicit-et. Wl iitiy, Deiuteh, 1850. 6aS3n JOUIZNEYMAN WAGGON- S1MAKER. 25 1 ,T NTD litMEDL&TELY, a Jourucyma Q5 m > a c>rmà , W Waggoa-Makr. None but a Gond d %îN tlue TOWN 0)F WIHITBY, in t1is vicînity Workman nordapply. <luetiWages antiateady C Stf tIffe Markül nuw- la courte et erectlon. esnploymentivv'iihogiveai 1 tit-hahand. Avu- t Al so-3 WÂTER LOTs.- -- A.T.4t~0~~ For furtîter particulars ant tvnjs apply le .ALEXANDERI Pl=R. - F. KELLEIt. Wlitliy, Jaly 13 1855. i4Sî 1,000 Acres W tlti Land futrnsale. L utlFi k rx g o a e E. KELLER. \NE RUINDUBU AGItES, beiblt Southu fialf N WluîlIy, Jane, 1856. 3 0". 6;oLot- No 14, th Concession,o.nu whiabh i i - a fitsteassGEtAttED SAW-MILL, nep.rly new-, FOR SALE. taviasg an asaiui npyof w-nIe; .Alse, Dwreliig flouse, , Werkstiss' Hextes4, ~d-i 01SALE, on Lot N6. 13, ý9t concSion --nees#ry euto-bilila. TIeresean extensive ofWiba FIRST-RATE aew Aseey,W-.it hcon Venin Buildings, nin \ VA T E B. eVL E E fthtie Lot-. T tc L atdils si ei là esa dieu fo ut mile~EG , st-rom thç . T. BStatin WtDafmu contaiaissg 4 Acres etf Land, Lise wbIsle pnivîIegs (lneek. ut the wà ler ronuiing, on .Lest No i3, (a tuever -Âpply on lt nrieor te. faiingutneean lasum~mer or winter,) a large sot1l T I.IA DR sein mil1 -ý27 ib4isy rt-ô, up tsiddwmisaw, antid u jgt43JuLJalrty, 1856, 81f circulars; a large anti eoutnedte o-usuw-eu ________________ finislseti, 48 lay 40, gooi barn ast4jie4s;- aise building 2 4 by 28 feet, wiIth 20 test osta:s< ,~9~ caloulated for mnufactunug purpele, -a geod ý gardait and fruit trees, and is sittisted ihi itu* O1 )% , tsw roda of Sinmestreet, leading fsoin 09"twà t Le Lakes Snegeut iuiue. eof the oldest OF >7 N. aud lest theoughfam ne uCanac4st antd oaly 10 asiles from i ,lt-e c 1ount7 Towi ofl'the faitUcKIarGiToË) C.W. Well-kbôuwùu fà ieriWiuýCounly uot Ontario, ~ $~s hu I uti0Asr 8ituateti la tise beani t fCeamda. Ther ebo,.r uptkesVibéu r<?Ti w-ouid le amost eslrable lurestmen t for , ay i ~ 5,FeMsrnueGilO pinson wisli ng te go ie tohe lumsbin& illW ,l,.a h~~4iffi'59t or teuntiry business. Tile in__d aleiq "> ~ ~ Wli ti turt-ber panticulars enquirse oflietpnopletor etieadon i#m4Baeli 'OC6ËP - &Dy W ili .bis John Gadsînitli Srd cou.of rauiale, <1or auibeofiin-e*gOf*eI8 E. HUlRDf a-ç,esrou§ofbaiu tei Whit-by, PMlie.ai., .excang daretes £orwsales'aine, .MINE-RAL WATER. - 0P '.&G -. t PROU5 TE» A R T E S 1 AÀNkW£V.L.$L --f-'J"tho 4V~ft4~ ~ On a San Francisco money iender:-~. "fiere lies old Thbirty-five per cent., The more lie made the mýîre lie lent The more lie got the more lie craïed;. The more lie nae the more lie sbïaved; - Crv.at Godi con such asonîbe saved?" ' The schooner Ladeira Pet, of Guernsey* Capt.,Graneearrived in Montreal on*ThUr&- day last on fier %ïay to Cfiicngc6, di réeltfro M Liverpool. She lins on boardja. cargo0o g0ods, consisting of steel, iroit Crokery1afld Talir. or AGRICULTuRAL IMPLrrÂENT«ý -Tie natdonai field trial of agrienitural- implements, ader thse auspices of ÃŽ16 Uni- ted Stah egricultura1 Society, will take place at Syracuse, Newv York-, iwentbe 6îh and 13 tii of July. Spiendid goid me- daisý are oflered for thse best mower, rcaper, anti moiver and 'reiper combiaed, besides niany mînor prizes. Tihe ba rder a man woy*s, the less hé gâl~ Whie the pour devils iviiodmg our canal' t'et five shillings a day, thse ruffleti shirt that oversees iliein gets five dollars. -QUer lsîring labor, eîialing the alot-ier tu perfurni il is maet be. If Mr. Peser Devl ha' ier duies witii safey vu lierseif and clilil. as moclu hrains as 1\tr. IRîîflesbirt, wouidnN. Tliese I'ilhs sitil nul hc a Lct-n îîy feaesli lef- dlasto1 Iirin g th e F I IS T T E M O N fIlS o f P r eeç - li g e it i e d i a s ~ t o n.acy, as thî-y re sure Lu bring on Miscaî riage, TH UDL MYTR -W A bt at any nhe ie tey are sfe. T i.1un E. M rTL -. 1V f ý i ln ail case-s of INervous andi SItinaltAffections WI!LL COST.-Coroner Connery bas aedîft Pains ithLie lack andi Linih, lea;-iiess, Fa- in a ciaimis on the City and Coumty, fd ligue on Shiglut Exertion, Palpitation % tt o 50 eigtia m>n l mrl, rlias ~s Ilea rtL Lu;vnes f Spirilla Ilyst-ric, Siekl, lad- l ai4, i tçe m n n à vtIl leýn achie, Whites, anti ahh tht painifmlldîsurders oc- 1 aif ete dded b ieà 'i6ëiesa -' casioti by a disurtiereti aysLezà i» thsse Pilla t ployed I éed ragaînsi thse charges- will offert a core mihen aIl other means hae proffered by Heary L. Cliaton, Esq., ini bW faleti, anti alvhtougit e powerful renedy do ot liaif of Mrs. Cunniniflintu Hordeil. Bis cunlain iron, calomel, nmuinony, or any aile r.r Hon r Ime M ayor bas, t hast offer W l a 4 ni lut-raIward for lise detectioi of tise assaâssi-2 Fîull directions acconupuay èetib package- 2VCiw Tôrl_ paPMi Price, in te Unite-t Statts aid Canada, One ____________ Do lla~r. A e t o ii n r A good lîîid glue,. realfy aI lili m es f oiu TUTTLE, îîOasZ & -N0IITUTIOP intant use, ivitiomit any preliminary prepa-, Newcastle, C. W. ration, is one of Ille râbst uséful articles ol Agents in Wiivy: J. Doel, W. S9. Robinsont, stock witlî ihicli a %vorksitop, can be fur- G A Banaister, andt W. J Sttua, Ohawa. nisheil. To make siscisa gile, ail iht il May, 857. 5-bm néceqssary is Lu ascit three jîcontis of luéi i 11015 & OTFOR SALEý a quýrt of ivater, and tIbm drop in eraduaiiy 7a sasail quaatity et nitric acid, M utbii In the Village of Brook]in, ingreiièut is atideti .the mnixture shouiti be )FIGcunsîtoed of On-Quarter Arre, on laiton froa tise fire anti' aiiowed tas cool.- ) whici is erecteti a first-rate îîwelling. Glue su prepaned lias been kept la an opern Stable. Ouî-lttuse Shedis, anti aCopers Shtu bole for lwu years and sill ready for usei ?-1 by 30, w-hticît an easiîy be converted i lto a on-tise instant. Dwelitug.t For particalars en quire uf J. Guoieo, Twn- A, GRKAND DUK-The Paris corr'es-"- (ierk, Brooklin ; HLL & Moonv, Wbivby anT oden of tise New Viork Commercial thns lte Subscriher, on tite Preasises. R S H EIRIN. describes tise Russian-«rend ioke Cou- BiloclinAng.14, 855._i4l staline nuw on a viisit te Frauce*.- BîtoklaAn. 1, 855 -41 Constantine is tbirlyyea ageofaà New Crriage Faotory- Tîvas able o kerify o-mys4e-atm IN HII<Y.assertedt that ie w'ould lie teaken fer au T¶lIE Undersigneel have enteret inlte Co- Ameian a nywluere. le is a bout thi1md parlsserahip, as Carniage Bouidera, lu t-be l si ze, thia andi straiglit, bis haïr l'0bMondle; Towna of Wliith>y, under the liras of "H' I.aL anti and lue -wears lig1t, favwris oined, toaa rC . F . UA L L . m u t c te . as a p î , q u ick , e ot ' H. LIVINGSTO"e air ad an occasiomal lance tht.paritaest-a Jue 29t.LI 1855. 43-tf: of the bold or more properly s -peakhmg t44 impertinent.. Tise portraits -oùi pictoriali ~ Zhave published ansd w hicke yoia, ay se, d ' ~ ~O SAEaqoaîit ~ wo-ncbnot resembie hlm in ay partlar... tiRicmIock Pls.11k, 9 feet long, Nrel iiÂc IEIÇ MNTEC-l- atapteti for building Plank Houses. - l i GY.-AI tis He WI G A O G Boards, &c.; aise Cedar Pei$§. N peusung of:tbe Sessim of thé .&pply et Greepwo od Mils, Lot 14, 5th Con- t w chool Gen~rIAsmi sittink at, -Cession, Pickeriag, 'n te (Jieve1andi; Ohio, a'conmnieationiswasreaf &L A'ofren tise Trustees of the Cburcit and' -Iomué ne .t4t5.i....ktiýh-sf -Lioeei d -AuW one r prenduy rerove<4al tbe êahpK1ï <03 TUE ToWM5itIi'5 O? housse.Tlswaiinot ail. 12he commnJicaton, 'Wjiîyaui Jr1je.i ii,- urth;r stateà th iat some fl t4e façriIlies i UEJD~C,-AR1LMVILLAGE. ýWhsesn the Memaiers wouid b.eiter ated P.S.-Auction Sales ef Merdhandize, Fanshat been madeveysestieon ts é> Stock. & k,C atendet te ps .a ' part othvie pont bytiseir expeinéencemsa former yearst Country. 22.4f and menny bd refuseti te receive Memiberî M a k-ian , Jios. 25, 18 5. 22 t 'for fear t e w ouid p ov to b b c d bcewers! - t 1.85741 LILeONT4RKQ [1857,. -ARsîÂroSOY-In fel thse sou ef wîtbdypo.eîsprn fesidiusk at.Wartaw,showediù ea$lyyc«rot - sonse talentfor rsigad 1liSltI Stcam IBoa.t Notice. -.on y sm ei~isliTrdii ~ ie te Planis,-w.here hé tatxght in sevetlIsd fiESTEAMErt."M1APLE LEAFI,"-GAPT guisheti faniieç, amngit othem ii à t~ O-eu;c. Scioftl>â, miiifrossiandi after Ihis thse Count oet Watewslti, lier. îisdalgM&ef laIe, leave Port Hlope torn Icîêser et 8 o'- t u r ?r i n t r p o î e ? a s o r 1 F T R . l ï 1 5 5 5 1 W 1 5 1 a t foe Nae York anti Philadelphia. Retoraiag passion for hshn fiat despite tise 1ojpositi nIll, leave Rut-lester at Po rt Hope ýat 5 o' ciock oethIbefnmitv aime deîerrained upon marryià g.' in time ton tise Tratins'on tise Grand Truuk -1thimo. -Tise 4adlis possession oft wultf I'. -for Montreal antiTuronto.: - TiktoNew- York;, Pliiadeipli anti milien francs la Iser o&wn night..,Thue-m=y+~ tise Stations on the Xew York C'eüeIru Y.,ant i rage us soon te tke- place... I err S trli - - NJew York anti Eie R. .,Lcan b le heu un ùard la le take,tlië itle of Counà De WT the Boai t f »e ttpt.. at reducetirates. 'vithout however .renouncing tse J06*È GEO.IMRLNGAgent 2religion wluaclh. eprotèse. -- Pot Ist Apnil, ý1851, -_________ FARM FOR SAL E i*itance of the " e st unngn- I1s in~aathef Io p(wir reu of 'attr-sf - EI G the -nerth-w est quart er i s c iW b ié t r s f e a ' B LotNe. 8, in tise 8lIs Çenesion fy 11 lI,1dt~ ~ ~~~AS etPickernsig, mprising Uct) ~e,4>f1 i i~a ~Siil5c,<T s houLss, t Weter et Leg Aoa k VJU. gà dlw 1 1 "-MFZ M .1%Z%ý ý-- 1 - 1 ý k» M r-, .1 » "Il 11, 1 ýýý 1 W* 1 -1 1 il 11,,% " C, . Ir " 1