71, '1i " ILc eo il r, 4 BEAVEA TON A Prosperous Village in the Nortihern Part of the CoonJty and -a PopxrJer Surnmer Resort. . ,The.setliemeet et Beavertee datem îercoed ile 11 îîenlleet peet, icackt'ae1822, altheegli fer mny yea ue.gn wtoler tend prir rfCe Chu grovth et the place van very ese.-ot "h Onlarlo Peut Fuel-iPlant,, te- le-caled ece antia hait icl- Ont 0 f, Dret te Year 181.brougbt a large Il.lc Beaverten, ethîcl ha, a daii' 'ttià aei1y of emitgrants front Rote, Butliocland et tee tceu, reeningtoteeitor,'day. ami Argiste, Scottacd. The peet beda. revericg ani or-e. CA 160 acren.comprise 1the bei t i tati' et Up lte1BM6there ciaso nepost office prat, 1the Lroplyit' taif liviitîtu tact neerer than GeergIne. a distance of 18 fr086 len to ifleen yeol.'l.Che* na- eEie.-Thlc.ate Col. Cernerait, ot the cliteey ueed le lorgel>' 0f tit 110flde- sign. ond van pot in at a largo expeee Seventy-eOeCb Highlaenderescettld on tast year. The peultctr,,l ilteC. a loeely Sport aloeg the teke liere, adepted porticulari>' for #fictseo se, about a mile andt a hait corîli et belcg made ln round buIock.ivelas0 ]Beaertn, n tis yar.HisInfuen e ne-quarter of e peand l ci t IL I Mcavrîe. t tiIs ear lie ifluncebure readiy le eey erdinar) 1îOVe lt. %vit thLie geveremeel gel a pot cofftce ted iith a cool grate, tlicol. lg out an at the place. hen denignated i-ocer- Intene lîat neari>' cîjai t,,tthe bust tee. 7The fientot nlmuser aMr. liard cotai. Ilfi iiaise dnuOlili,-nbceed Mille, vite atterverde erected a card- ln the nafeuture fer th eîatýnù*tlre Icg, eptecinganed dyeieg etahlitiîeecl. et tee and generai manuifi, urIng Pur- 711e taxez ln 1934, payable le the Homne tose$. district, ociy ameucted te £34 lis. The At Preethla 1seppiiing riciptly graning ot e banne et $50.000et Cecure the honte temacd. but uhi;tle ntes qIlt the exteesitncoet Ue'Midiand ,'aiie'y alec lie made 1he camIng 'edeo5l te front Lindsay te Beeverton gave the macy parte et thercooctri. rllslpcae- place ae tmIîetus' amI feem tuaIt nCu ent terce ot eigbt men, as ei te frwerd the progrensa ot the teownîship repentty ot tlie plant. itili b- e cee and village ef Beaverten 1bas heen 'neet aoetc 1etad ent lmns iachet. 711e Piret Prenhiteriaciiarcli thin In 1e near future one ofti l trg- le Thorali townshtp,.aatconee ellfice et Induistriein that seetin0f the tve andaelhait ntiles freo11e vlege. Mld'aed Diestri. vas butit it1843io a 100 acre grant Mîr. Dobseen las haro a roudent et frointhlie ceorne, and the Catholeti'e hae heavecton fac 20 yeare pan'î. <birg aine butît a fine clicl In thatltecotty. eidely knocîn thogh the cuntri'. end Th1e Prebteriace have eince eectetd basn eca a large busteece itdei- bIs Irne expecelve brick cherches lncocntrai. Beeveten, cetieg $11,.000 aed $15000 _________ ceepectivety. T1e Eplecopalace acd Methedinte have alea neut LtîIk JOHN MeRAE & CO. chtrccbee le the vlitage. Beavecteen la un tncorpecated village DEIALERS IN CHOICE IP*MlLy on the >,tdlact divisien G . T. R. ln GROCERIES AND PRttVIBiONc. Thoceh tevnship, 4h milee necliet COCEIYARof.AsWAE Whitby, the cont>' eeat. aed ta very COKR N IAt'F&E pteasanlly stuated se Lake Simacoe. WINES ANDI LIQUOItO, 150078 and on bth bracches et the Ilcaver ANDi SHOES. river. iviticit supplie excellent. pover ant Ocnde Its vac' tiraugli tt'autttui One aofte prtncipal huoe in1the gravesnf etocntd geovîlicedar ut this ebave lneo le Beeverlin i 'tat et point te litelaike. John Mcttee & Ce.. tecatet soitb elde Th1e village telghted vitit eetrlciti of Stmecotetrent, sebere 1tehe rniien ln anti cetatne a cuieber et hactttaîme hii e vebulding coteprise a'tle, eaes- enivale eideecen excellent secieoto ond raunt toc grecectes, creckery. boots end gead hbttelé; aIea a public Illrary. a shoee. siih littuor store adiolting. privaise bant anLd a weekly cevsatper. clecerco n teaer and aIrer datte tee The vartnne Inodusttes compelue a ceaidence. large brick fleur mi Ii, gran vacehoesee The spring tock te as arie g ee "r, voten ml. creauneri', large tcuntcy cempciateg al kîinsetfgroceuheIn t andi machine eliop. plantrea milI. carri- table ont tamllysuapplies. tees in ail agle voreu.tanoar>'. lIe ami paille>'Ithe leadiltg braede. boîhlat p. ckage weriCe and Coler mnoufactures, lcctud- ont butta: fency bîacroli. vterinfein- Ieg a nov teduutry ln 1the manufacture ci>', breakfast cereala, triet trotteo andI et Pesttutl, bondue a drîilehedI. lave e toit intoetffeeh truitsa teLeano, hall. Orange liait acd large public hall, bath tropicat andibhante gt.item. havir.g 0f laIe years Baverîle bas u ired a goat trit trade. morne premntence as a peputar ausmmer A titi lino et provicions cntantl, on resort. Ibore botng an excelehý eem- hand, ucli as haie, bacon, lard, mer btel end Park; aise a namnber et cheese. butter andI eggc ln an>' cian- cotage» on 111*tare shore, and a fine lily, villi aurtils c tppltet intubelosale docitege fer cteaers, vbh et ten caitI buyer'et lthe store, A entalIt ptck ot durtng theseeeeen. T11e beach at Ibis stabple crackery ond glasarelin coe- pontt ee o et lice Il aleng 1he ueciie.lmaineal kinds o0flItand aore. at Lake Smmice.aendct ith lin- gardon ueede In neasoe. >letd'eeée, rivalleti facililies flic itthing, boating, epelaly. are handled ln large qluanti- fishiez. te>gether itîh excellent d!es ienîe, bavleg the largeet traite lu',Chat atong h unhora, attractiveltse ceeu- lino ot Loy. et>'. andI a moderato emperaluce dur- In boute and sitaegmey bu mention- Ieg the hot eeaeoe. mlihe Ihte one of et a futll ino ot ail grates for mein. the mont attractive points toc the 10cr- gonentndchildrest, eobtatnod frein lst aed ummee viciter ta 6e tacn4 ien eeverai pramnicnt manutaoturent. an the Midiandi DItnh4. %veil as rublier geod, 'crri*ng a jood Excelent ba«. e liet Ilshng mi' tock oeth11e latter,,,,léluding 'enhitoe. hAMâ efound'-l n abundance. lb. overthoçe, etc..- Thele fine~ hts<i ivFa-t"1iot -t*te 'unee heteats ell c l 81anLd géie 'veart.a e1P 1C otO1s, utocked vîit back base 'an4 solmoni beicè abtaiset trans 3Y. D.t gÇtag& Co., ret, and 'but fe plame ffer eccbandi WItiiacB. iîaiiten *'ou.. tvo et temptleg tedncemen10t11teéagler 11e beet Canadien inakeq,iîaed a fint ant eparîsonan. Beaverten leaIo se auuilmeet of reuti, and, cItldie'. icarli' on hu lineefth11e Trent Volley &hose are le cacnectlee. caal., vhlch ia cov belng out threugh AI hetr ique.r.store ffoieniag cosy from' BaleainsLeke te Lake Siocmcoet aIc teunti a full line et oçineetie cîîd apalet about three mile, cortliofethîe mpetet vines ami liquoce, te lat- village. Popuation, 850 'nnoeseed tr In Freecht brandit., Rolland gins. raînattan of ruat and poruenut peep- Irish andtScochcb whulle, t£ngîteh rty. $16,000: rote eftatxation, A .2 millesaime anti porter, Led a fui>ltine of do- on the dollar.. moneis le frein seVerai btf thr !ating ________________ lrewerion: au veil as loger and expert BEAVENrON ROLLER FLOURING O r hsisfo.Wýie',Sa gcams'a nd GooderhaWeg dtetiiectuc. MILL AND ÉLECTRIC LIGHT and front' lhe Reyal dIstBlegi' if Ho n. PLANT.Ititan, chîle nattve vInqm i re rom ISL - Catharicnsandt Pelce 13 isldMinerai ALEX. DOBSON, HERCHANT MIL- weaters are haeln l cospoectian. Th1e LER, DEALER IN FLOUR. DAT- businees te that lice le prlitcic.tIi3rce- MEAL, CORNMEAL. CRACKRD tait, enppîyineg battled godalit: îei clans anti prvats, familles aIl i hr-mîgli WBEAT. OATS. BRAN, SHORTS,. t n ectinand nat'hing butare ETC.; ALSO MANUFACTURER llqorc are kept te, stock at lhlo louee. OF POEAT FUEL. The trotte te grececica, 'bonzi ect ahees la veIl eetabltcbad 1Itont Theue are1the aniy ouieg mli!ln teceuntry, he ceuntry'traiet-xiosilng teavecten, aoneanofIthe targont len tcen10 te 15 milele eCn he tcwwnlilas et (Ictaria cont>'. tocaîrd et the corner ot Thoralh. Mara, Ettela. Brecit Cd 02e- lmn'ae ont Mra treete, occaaying glua, wiIh e geod fajlkvs. lise an1the ricki bulding 40e60. ciere teeeye ont village and frQinmunuor - int hasemeeet. Irrl equippet thaoui.nt fluate.l vill a fllli ne et relier prcee e n- The hueinese va. eammeaoet iy Me. htnerry.tneiudtng tut-cireait of rotin Mctee 28 yere ega, being i ot the, nd o doble choepper tar feet etit estabuainess men coztlamiyint lg. fiperatet bath hi- ater and t clet usinoas In the Plaie. At COLt ilie ie oer. ntileting a 100 herse pawrene.- ensoveti crans Lindsay, having ,î%a tte 'tee and anc botter of 120 harlte power,: alaiktence beath ln Vitoia : n ofn- Rloa 120 h. p. weler etheel, cliule emtarie countisa, and hie bnitnesi t hie oiayment lu gven te a terce ttf tener,,esneaueslerge ase eser, - tft .flwr.kiiTn (~flTrNTY TRADE ~È APIUL, than ever in ailIl lIes.It tas orlginally esltablioed Ite 1851 h 1e iaCe\P. - MItIan,' who a Lnits1eft heoldeetIeL211 dients and cajtle omanufacturera In that csectioni, locating ln Beaerron When, the surroundinge wore ehi woods. Mince hi. death, three yearg ago, mut Sleptember'1the -businesshan been coder !Cbhý enîfre conteol of his sons, Peter and Ducrcan McMilian. who have hall a lite-log epePrieà ce., le titieline, and bave been 'erit itfe-long residentsofo Beaverton. They have a vide tacquulnt- akn any Parte orthlie provInce, es- peclally In onection with ath- lettie'and field sports.,lIt.viticli theY t akie an active leterest and have a %vide reputatien ce two ot the best-heewn lacreese alec in Canada, they et varlees timres have .recolved tlaterlngt teatiîonial f-treth11e ipading Priu. et Tocanto and allier plce, and their collection et trephires onai aili- Jette gaines tn variaus placea In cite et th1e fluesn te tecountry. They have aise Caken an active inter- ent le local municipal affaire.,lMr. D. MeMIiinhavieg lied 1the 'tice etc reeve oeth11e village tor tire terme., vliile Mr. P. lirMillan loanlteee a ment ber oeth11e Canadian Lacronse Atro- clatlen tor nevecal 3yearo. tlliig 1the oficnet bthlceueîleac and lirai, vice-preeldenl. and lea tili a mercher ef Chat couticil. Th1e itre are largely Intereeted In roal entate In Ileaverlen and aorreand- leg country, and are eveere o f the Twin Bren. Shaîing Rink et Beav.-r*.on which vas crected neyerai yearo egoaet e .arge expeese. and lea1the beet cîiaiJp- yod ef aey le Ontario eeaety. VICTORIA PARK MIOTEL,. GEORGE VEALE. PROPRIETOR. This e thleol>' aummer htoel bc- te Jecteon'a Politand UPtergeove, and ta ltatet tln eavectrn en t1e laibe shore ai lte foot et XVictuoai chue. The cccv building ccraptet le a fine tbree sIen' structurs e x6ta, setîiaonad- dîttanal building ane ont a hait stotee. 102x6.This botel cas ew1ri> ereclet>la 18986-99aI a large expease, ent ta equippedth iliail local ispiete- menle ont cenvenlescen. heina celi laghlet ont ven-liatedtIhroughooî. On te alper flore ta tht nec- hutît- Ica are 23 gaut reema. oct utx on lutier fluer; 0186 elghtln te i dttitn ont prîvate parier on loencfluonr, 10- gether vîithaffice, readina rouca id/ large dlnlng recru seatîna 100 iteople, vbtch te lWaN BlWed turing ethecenout ucaton, acnd1the table le previted mstlb ait the innarien ufth11e eoan. Burina the ptlsommer vînîtoce came troc oit perte et Caadaondthlie United Statese, an for oe Nec Yort City,'Eate]Liverpol, Obio, and trin Ii'nuiyvaniaandoet016r setîe;aise mon>' rec Toronto. MaintIen, Len- don oct ther cillesza andvonutnle Cn- ado, train etlant ln Great Betein. and tram Prunce. Tht laits, ecefer>' ai this point te uneocpaueed, chie 11e fa- etillies fer batieng. fluhingaont hoatea are uneuite'ed lni thc Mittat Dis- trct, a bans. maskalonge and laits Iroot eau- be f0014 te ahuetare, OTite Vicora;a Prklent cceuction ie tac of the hast ltîteti up aletia the laite soeet vih a largepavilloan un oceai- Iseo, anti la upecialy odaptet fer thea ancoommodtltn ut piee.tcorotion parties, seb conse train ailparle, etc. The proprielor ufthîe Victoria Park Ratai, Mr eO eVuole.,iha$ itot eeseral yeare expertee ite liotee buicne. *1cil ce hsunteli central cf tiblu buse lie liasn aloiet a large patronage. dteati>' tecreaetea. and cIrculons aed pamnpîlela glving full Istorinottan ara sent troc of charge le an>' addruas., The Grand Trat Raie>'y aine matee spectot rateso te tourisestlaBeaverre0 durtog te reart neoson. ond ae o papular auomner redct 1the Vietirlý" ta neegeailet north et Toronto or ln the Mtilat District. Wlt. WILLIÀMBON. DRUGGIOT. Titis lu Ue citent trug store In Beavectan andth 1e langeatInle 1enerîli- ena part ci the ceunI>'. The baillg occupieti. en tte cactbaide et Simoee street, it ellauequippet oth Iliî'roee, nina une fber cnt basement, vtth labecatar>' ont ceatrail elepliene file te reer The etork et tnuge and suedrie, pitysliene'nsupplies buolat nidcmle- seiiaoeous beete. tatianer>', criting molerialu and echaet oupples le1the largest le Iat section. Inclutiti aa large lune, of fancy gootu n insa per. fumies, pocbetbaeke. colaotaoctcuit houes, gente' travelIng cases. wctitng deetes. chlirene delta, tlaont sîbor' novelties tanrlte Chitmas rl, iun wilch hie lraea te 1e argel t ce>', ,A gait busnessu tedonc te, famit>' recipes and prescriptions, vhtch are ail compoandet acter hie pereonol super- violon, ccd lr.Mn. WitIiaiea is oprac- tical trugatlet fneoc)ytilen >earé! ex- perlecce, gratuollag lne 1eApelng cf hanteThee unti n coto r cns- - $02 et the Onario Cetol ot Plir- prise t hre brandoi. bic e as "Scatch macle, thiahle,' mode train pule Monitoba P. MciUtAN & 50MB. Ris present business vas etabllehed se beai. *XXX, mate trac uart Miant- twAN1'>'ACTURER8 0F CAlIIIi tORSBlien, toauant partDOtario sarefaasi teca, Icut years taler, cenevina teem Beien ont 'XX. mode dntiret>' tros Onario BUGGIES, PHAETONI., (-PEN Bia trotie a uince lissa ftatuall>' epetas clicot. ail oai hlhlai-e aisex- ANDi COVERED, CUIrl" Rs lececesing, beieg nec1the tagest ln hie cellent reputettun, eapcyt.llj te -EI 1w Ol.,Rï ii ne lnte 1101section, anti o number of -XXX.- chla iedcibath tir 16he SEGS AOeýýyl.R peciai reinetie are prepaeetili et lacal andi outie traite. %dhile 1Ihe INU ANDi REPAINTINGtei '15E_ uhtcha carry lais -ow bescd. ainc 'rfbThictle laed ar orgci>'b>' OBOEINO A 8PECIALTY. chich cia>'lie imentieneti o fine it baturs generati>' ln Bcaîertonandocttentc. ougit cyrup, toale, hipopbae- thie euccooeding locaut chlb abip- Tlieoe are the largedI carniage %orkil phates ami conbdition peedere. ait ot mentc utf lite and the other brandts are in Searerton ondthIle cotheran ic,-i etfîyhlh have a largo sale ctth te cile- moade ta pintesncîli cithin a ditîne the coontt. 7The prëeio. écarti, 'te toc trode. of i 1 miles; ie te rare ta euftern oeth1e river, corcer of Mals ant Mra The centrai Office et the Bell Tee- Pot"~d, ont the tally output cf thee treetu. comPrtee ive bulildings, -lctw fphone Coaiea ntet bure. lIaving mille le 100 boccela, rueclea 24 ituoc a sehici. lOade, 19 useti fer bi«abutniîg, neceri a doeeon uhcriburs, andthlb day turins the lino>' eeson. 11e Cohen tt4O60fer coud ét iloth ling distance lice ln conaecclon gîves In addition a large butineImdee pint ehep and trntmiig ceoins 1 exc ccellentl ruuts, as one can tait qute le 0511cr ine. trama ut ccrcn u i.Oad dîrerne le troct onelawer-or iicc- plaien Ith soar distant points. c'ranket cheat gcaaic flor. it an. heepînga afuît lice o e cViyebllr],o c.n Ilaaddition be hasea geati cuvetratie, Mourt, midtlinga etc.. chlch ae eail tact te bugialcarragea, vagcn- and heepina hla Imilea ToontaJi>'anti ateppile tb i h crustunn asnd clip- letabe. iercainapapierse nntacl>'on hant. as rIng trade. 7/Ternese guet te ail iand ttcd . oelel as epupular mocîhi>' magazines, A lrge bunms.le don@ c tîbcc uing fret-elasa aterAaîla In L eit -cIetc. tasin î-sotm millîng, înrînttag grit- mente, the tîmnbor aset belng oi tle JMr. Wtlliamee ue native of Eldon Inuanadt hippina. a lichesucrounlîca beet qoalit>', thor*ugit>'85e.îd-towntalp, Vicoria caunl>'. ivleg a townships, formera ates eocîtig a i-hile nente but ez5lènenceat Wlk.,n' etite acquollaince len11101 sectien, a distosce of i6 or 20 miles, are emplayeti, ihelr nov velu-tez cIl raf oel as Beavertuon and North, Ontatre The iaheul pireare pait fie ait il feaeefolly pal togofther. vttbPI irb coant>', ant i ltsuintesa this acasan la bluass of gratn, purcliueieg le îorr 'tcîîrualîacltiwora. ' aunlargeas ever. qtittlrn utiltinga e cîmmniuueo lI waons. crrlages. buggies, tirr __________ gralin waOrehin ta onnerfio uiihîand leiglis île>'are nvotrusn -ut Mill. lo hee tiroge luer.ktf G T>iiicîîîi100 jobs a 1mar, anti sf11htr ONTARIO BOUSE, R.cstation. b, igaomflbinet i iyitiiy ully 5 ewbuggies. deurCtii4a id- af 1200 loueceium, ont db ira in , frcI, agnu orfnthe sprisg tcs4e. T. J. OVEREND. PROPRIETOR. le car loi ttefcple It-tînle for.eyioîcf T'he î'oesury Icatie exC8l4Je ut Mr. Dabyon uneî-baongisarpei, .i lîeîîh utceral towcehipa 5-i - o Ose of the principal betelle In te proyîiroî îî.îîîng. t Oi rng - tr îiedlOaCî'cuoh2, miles, wtt a gaulé id Beaverten 1lele Otario Bouet, rie- Ou- 2a Yeors. an,, i-f hi.-cîe icuco,, -,iltan ou.btrahi>' iacatet la Sîmnu stree(Bacht Cesem asestabihieict loocînu t A -c large bacicesa ltecdone lan Mic. e aide), ecccpying e substantal Ico sfo hie trateeslic. s going Fer,,'] and taon cepaît-Oe andtnt nmelae' g, tari'building oeil outpped with eveen' IC .biag onuefthIle lOtgrel t fimle e tlatter îuîlutlng ail kinds te o t lî nvenlence fte lsaccommodation et It Mitiant> Ilestrt-.,- ai heavi erhitct lee tU-5.dttlr e lihe local est traînaient Irade. Ineuinn In addti on cte theThus d licecl' .o- oiorisg inC analarge *as Y, ,.ndf affne, bac. asiee stnd dla pindet aiofie Beavecian Eleclir Lriî ibeýr beat ebaee ha, bat long oic-rions on loger fdur. poareaon let, locatet le île brink building ad- cule lnai hstac 80111 hmaeoidee octsecondt fisor; aIea 8veial bedrounse JOIning Mitl.utitling tan -le nosshatd-cote uhicu ae ped. k8ec 'tl[turczuicbmé sett vec>' cooveelence, -the tineh lncandesreetn, irdctnlrurcil ton e utn lant, wcille sp«W 04@eîn bione bging eil beateti and hlabtet tha thrtee lire $eteec.-lth ae neyi>' u mcrcciiet rtec tar lamei~ ehoughout.lnb the dieg roumies er- et BM lighf. BeMe tIpreriniîtîrurii- îioli.t fgi Cg repeceljatatetto*,I5 telefnt tare te alvas et cyt>, sbile nappera loga4568ihbe Iliroughoufi tbe ilhig in erretoîr uicres' leet. betng prseWo- --lfer lutgea and poil>' gathorihige ars reeticnceseced huaIcees pilaceondthfle I erty uîydtrîcît chat cap 110 e hi bypreilpareat o'eoreolelred and con opaclal seruvierendoret te ver>' saliotactor>'. licper eliaslng. "~t'Ltoi aebe rsîetfra la adtLu Mc. Bnobsecoinlargelyin.a- The business lise sema= la er maj s M180pe intea ingla day. lie,>'houteicas a lar'ge transi éi', . e g1111 fcua.fd the Uanitedo t~îîn th u uladieg country, nton n-'-l---Irabrbtteo, Saesiterîn 11 are siaugtan Ld occomleg a distance oft15tr 1ieiti 1111, I'1IIt)thactbc e,ýo b ie o5ticIo Bod'sulIandr agt ieton "Il pointe, tîatIbnegbring 'tawnshlips, apiiu !1 )for lthe sotinwir tatubeo itter than aVer.' Che r'aget n- vTekblu m the feet bore anti dnicIlg siced'lbi,rearhaus']a'kOf." 'd have ample accomcmodiation' lot ",t ' .. e ioes as a whcle la ste3adtli tere t0trn rttaèla(É E A -.*WESTERN 1MANK FIt0 CANfA.DL "»cunsf la ouetaeied the eîJoyed froin travelèr. alnti fthti-è, ln- pUN esae aie lttr h&iTUer cunzsummur %vtètterson seasoWhéi' ýM1 PICEMRINfG BR.ANCEION 3KING~'""" la 111d u heebcielol,-eft!ibanco HORS'SHOEING ASPECIALTY STREET. neyen Ye ao, centavng frem indîniM. sa>' ont bac hati.-tene yueW ees't DELERIII h. iead Otisaf tlele bLa eaLt"- ece lI the hetel business, baings wiBeiy .. Geaffl, Wvlic about a Iltuen branchte« DEALERS IIFFO 0D.SA knwn trog té outy.* oraAgricuîîuraî Iniremenas bocaîed te Promirnetlovas ln Ontario,' ' 71NERYA, i BOOOL 8BJP- keeer ofhreF théebs cou ntr ac- PoC c 'leclg Wltby, Pickering andtiler' LEEC tie.nee t.i ytrie huistl alir- Buggies, Wagons. P ne vet.-Pis T. teg locrouse, hasebaîl, cric ket, cuirling. cU l' td lTaecîle ln yera gned asor 11 np0 id1 ikuig tctd ntat bicycle, etc. Bie le nov -hencrary presi- Bemes atonain oebteu."ol, 1Yti 1 iJl -hpe genenî et Me, George Kerr, ite.bas strte hvIre tht>ecry UItlne col -deuG-o gtasverai local clube, aniceao o es lina. - bee endaivtt11 aitlgbc' ei> otefrluCiiie oe tageir fo trecusn formert e vlnetng trOph- mcd RoPLiuCià g pros.ptly.né-ser fer 18'pLut forty yuace. beIng oneals sait kint.e eld eplesse teeferthee lub letaete -jana RIlt5tligAttectoti To .eût Clie tset Peacical bancers'le tistIsCouer>, tobiets aleti tiin azeriaIs, - D Part Ofeth11e Ocealiri', andibas boen a, Melin veele ami 'fine 'knhieg yans, BEAVEIRTON MitÂT MARKEIT', 011018 ANDt WARIIIOOMSI BOUTSE IE rdtî f PttkuèrIng- fer cevecteen are baedled te excellent vend>'; --aIea O>'S.KINGMCOER STREETi Ilyeurs. 't' ltthrfncy goatisoucit as étachet aed F. 0 MIO. ROPIETR-DAI~lH leav onOiiOt. Thia brauci tose a enteraI bcsIcneu., unsloader>' etîtas, and ae fuît lInaet IN LIVE STOCK AMND POULTlIT, Bere begbt andld ît catI tin, ancbelengînq*.aoh cllatale, om sa~e u aluc.l hc lu merial Peper, faileers lsale andi Je5nt 4bave a icodtmtae..etblsleel, ?lhie Titis le île ontu.rosat markt In D. A. CAIPBELL. fetret'Ca eo.o I csLceI ht obée ,aiby an loln Beerton, centraîl>' becateil' on norti, - ' acîtera la'genuthaï; eMeioT asee It i l'à kéeng, 0f th vlage ent ellni>' alteofu Slrmeeetreet, and lite uuiippet EAEt BFUSITR, INO. te ar c e bn odepit Iq anied t1-reelacebclep11pl willi ait cenveneeces, letni i frigDAE NFRIUE INS neetpttaigkdp$té1ýit.o h jIýoad-liiy eator, enesege roos, etc.; aIsos tuek- ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES.- et correct ratesi. -Aioomlneet suiucaaTeYseofut>' get bobanthate pntIe ut evîll a toll lice of trach ,sait Led EC. lelncollectI0110, W'Whlarc macle"-for 'Iiim'o. emaket meato, and- penlci tryaiL l ktde -' ' ' ' i t'esanc. The frecit meate hatttiedul Tht ta île eldont turelCure bouse lau. 'UY T ' lu w ~ w are ait home 11111.4 anid dresceti,wvile Beeverton. eutabIlthed b>' Mc. .. C. . < .i M heme and becnnare botithomté curet tCemlibeiI I3 1ars iega, 111epresent pro- N and obtainet froci01crdeleeoe prietor, Me.tD. A. Camepbell. nuceeti- Ia pOrks reuaI fL aee vlard tcf ta the cantral uîglit Yeats a90, A peasperoas village on Ithe Midiaà d' ladie ndgents, and atoull lina eftChuse epr meteade. ' ndsl ' 0ver he ie 1e à beoa u sgaged ll aediing divite, G,. e . iýn Brook tfownihlp,-ic vhee ll utbe o bond for Une aittlng 711 iuattete xtndeai avc heorgane ont evliÃŽgtg Lachnee tac 2.5clute crth it 0f tbt1yChu dounty ideat, traIts,' an velau bicycle sundres villege, vbera geote are prainpti3i-de.-cars. HBtsaelesreoi.' rhule0f cemnp ngai airInC Pesçy., le.bclerpcnatiliIt liveret. aCtI have a sgei t redaoi m rcec treut, ltetoîkeit vlth a fuitliue ln n Mwhite blrçs, bb 'r iycetleha pepily exectiune 111e country'. et general turetture tac thé partar, bcd- liraanheol' L d pIvaI. besank p. branh euse vu ti rtye5IabIUte.4 T11e buscess vas conmuenced' cýeecreain'ant ilinngrecie l aeaà fine e- iltuta o'nume tfltoIteec bnk; alofTear in eae wou11etire etit lic the Prebant management rmanY Yieace aetinent et piture ouleeinge, bevIng bçuez lu ie vecOt"Positvre Ii et-la8'al 20dea t iluothero nl'iim ega, vhiie 11fr. King bas hall a lite-long raogoodtrItoe l lectIlce treineg. 5I'l18e s ul aVreelcLatd te, yeea 'g.nt tecetradelestea one eerecouapraclical- betchor ant lita furnitace Irade uxtendu. 6ti ubÇst ndUtoca. %Ppltto, about 10. '. a agrta rr saltyl ceaI dealer. octdlias boute a résudent Of aorth, wilh a cgoa t do, ln 1the ut1- ' - ble' hawa er. O6lY n Bcaverton for 16 yeac.' - îante aviele,8 .t'JVIB c lle nadabsbe alteln Inadton,.11e ta promleentl ' en- Te Raymnd, Wlliacà , Standerd M-'r. indin Cat sîch ac.beuna vîet>'n gage lnle s tock. catile. Ebheen, hailsand oot meettc sevlng .machinelu tle GENEILAL MRHAT rebêvnofathateton, bccds cely ont peulîr>', belng shîppetiln ae tlea eetg ustyes for temîl>' ose are the AmgChtaegec-lsrs-e 4.b atr.M.7M.Gctnu. le teronto anti plete eoetb on 0Me apeclafiea, vilI prices froin 180'u:. Suntietathelagem éai"hma tod Ilu 0f leneio ft 1e e.T.unH.relente cfng Norîliece tivieion oethlie G. T , R.t He alee bondie the D:omOinion pianos. .A. urvots aý o RIer goCrent co sogta ëo r then idet"uew lel hthiofd At lits pouile>'yards odjolnlngregl. Bell and Delierty. Organe, coccylng a ct, cuyto lnRv.er.>tre br i IL ' taIa. dnag'nerr tocta ionhi. Ir duece peoperî>', oanneber et excellent goat stock, vith prîées cf 1the lattaer Bdocpisatbsoy1ikbfd tiÃatesr tBoktwsi. M tua sVth eaeuraom-ome SceL flooarand. varletles et fowle are COâlset fer lie fboa $46, and, planes tram $16up. He basemnt for storege. BRTBLWN euppl>coftifh1e local ont uhippea CIade, taaa a geet countîry' radoln tleelin«., 71. ane arnoea BALDWIN, u it- doasa a ceintbuiness In Cat lice, ad apecilt I>un deina madlilneu. ITebncepriea ytoitdstoecckle ail IT NiDRGIT-OE lite business as o whoe thlcepaet"ses. Mr. Cosmpbell removed toteBeaveelo Une,£0cliesin dry forclel4eluiga, C al» STERAN DR BTA7IýO0ER- son lies bec as large as -aci' lreyil"io32 peace ago ont heu beena lIte-lang edygenmrb nnilai ul AETGN .VLiRP >'ear. .- eident of Tharali township. lne edre oos a nti orniai.t: GNTG N'. -IDýRA1 gli fd esawoed a dIcieter h.. C»-TOTS, FANCT 000DO, RTC,. Imgm, bi e scorsets, underva, icesi- ef-PRESCRIPTIONS CAnE-ý ee i lle vear, bousejedt ta, uSpes Yt±LTCOMPOUNDED. ]B R O O K L INand jackets. Pur goode iseo'hantiied T"i' a'th 't>' ydrat store le. tinitr- le seasse bath tor ladiem' anti goute' - tidlut tret or tufPu A village oe the B R ~~~~)()K L IN vear. 1laieuseliolâ gotshoarriéea lsu, eee Iu oree tpe A ilg nteMldland dlvlsIqaout Ianti ieavara. carrying a gemi euselt- goed stock ofet crtelee ni lace and rmwt ag aeetfraoae th1e G. T, R.. In Whllbi'townsipt'isse meet for table andtlle u e.Tie gsode chtenille; atep blpnkeh., nitieLts, 10h10b ans 'he 1111 argiedborsesnt e ctag mile nortit et Whilby, the couli' Beat henedeea oit targui>' for kwt* endlinuns, carpets tu ataple lIses.,table antI lia. te d rt iens;îcorigmedleitings ont ecorset banklng point. *1li«coli th 1e country' trade écesI1 e radinséoftontee r Illea lLs. etc., witIe ocders icre lu CitaM.dre Enleel prfum estande lufne creaery0 fond 11141,' egeefai 'mites. 7The bostnees- vau rut ecitebllcli- I0lledfor lImr stees Of tiapsîsv*bon Stowtodonf ail daesrîptieno, fancer businues places. fiss eb chies. --rie 'edtlwely-lhrup yepýre ge 11>' Mrý T.J. rieOtL8I hetel ont e publice chool. P6puiato, Holtday, ftler et ite presen*te pio- 'lumen's furelitingme>' 11e mon- gcuII t*ortesa oeofne cin andx 600. '~' prietor, elle succeeded- te the. contral tlened a fuit finesaftuehélatein cevettoe oeii'eb ascrent oletrfancd cittbesn MOLLIAT BOB.,' - 'le1889. ant ivhale a lite-Içet expert- in callare, cu is, tm'illesnlX. g,,iLbevr ox Iced gats'boxes, HOLLI ence th connedîlen vIb ithtis btole. avdoas, bundeevsar.hslor,â g flas in&lcaoned étver OsguCe forvetl- '. Tliey report a gootibusneseelast ueo-/ n as ah eî dai inrîte e e ae, and literg oad4eWee doitbell DEALERS IN DRT GOODS, R uee. ' somewitbotter tban Ile peiîaut vrJalts and tisAile gootis un m rati~d ai edrlcittgoud oti, seeo.WT bci'iietc. The prescriptlin deoartment MADE CLOTHING., BIOTO, Fers. In additionno latheir reylier mode ltbtnrt a nnetioN it leene leo»idet. bis peraoal esupervison. oetieg 8BOEB ROCERIL,' ~nmssr. tece Iede' te OreCIieep ee Wa o cselt'. la ln ardoeenct t aVýq4bule dA tutt>'cciem EHOS, ROCRIE. '*O cuntoe tatte 'iltta ?8 'écimagon ietaa goCuittoket fne sutttboombta wg uies n aly rcp n RET, AINT, 018 -: eonsiati eOxk tié sea. asshdrhg us lare prieedtlcetI alU e es8ciptlions. elitle a numbert t e- BRY, AINTS OILB»D , 4" moths o"th-êýèarýéOvêýb, foeign nd dmilét1a linallsciwdientà ors, peepesare de eee, etudlngn ERAL GOODO. t1 pel' o e-lie Wveb ae t ired novelties. Gentar'plls are m adetoe1 5ms~ re fWtbRsi Wtîat Wihby alO Raaeh-.The Irode order b>' Crut-ci aset bande wlth P""" e esabsIe . lullet Préparatiofor Cho This fins havaeone CIftheI#" u5d'oe ti hie vo>'I* ersncatcor>' ep8ebie, f4antfrem2in $go, et» kie, abappet bonda, 1,1 aiaBald. général storee un Otario ceurALi'cn,.1 ed iileerieg eîadtlybcnd a g004 po. 110lfIce, ei veil a cees fqinjlutqgc%,.no pvdrs sliqiar iîg traIt>' lecetetInleBroatalî n Od 1«WI'sfortant le careted .b>' thiteir pptdltngi tebe heitee.an èéxcellltItratie. 40 xecaseaeefr' ohea Leibav eîreet, a av wdoute mrth etoef wgoBa l gooe1_uu1îd,'ituî taie tt ipt e oIeep$y .lu labouta andIr zaeegesiend~e. anvotleelanCitae Bolel,. tero Cthe presinss eues duce Ilttasu 10n axeiicge. elagxwyarilng a.toll lnoo at aIt e&it, oet' VIte &"I;am lac a 0Ose aid Euglic titret fiasce. baseenoandt tarte vateo- ýTeIsaalao th~ enftre> telepiceee oblautifrom a=tome th1é1about 00e#1- 'c=Mvitîtîn' te-ahIse tea4no- boauelmnrear. the latterbbon set for -Mce 01theboBelt' 6içepe Co,, vil factureraci a , l J.1D. ingI- M.,actud by1rý Baldwin, Carrytug ie dtorage et surplus géode -og dlitaie Ie' Iokts coiuoe£tute. Ld la Wih, B. *IHamilton Bico Cie., L , ove brai nd, uti b a gocirepetatIen The 'tock et dry goots te fuît end.:ell patrpynlectêby sesldents cf Une vil- AMecs Iadn4Ca., eIM etheru. Landti touah thel. frroundieg coan-lrY,"b5s complets. îontpeltedresa goode and teage $4wetefcan& ti lira ' nbhare efth01e baut mail o traehie deug leatie,'ca"crins the: tew.blLet latcca tuniehingd iln ail varietten: 7The reniave 6bel: -heIng reeiefnts soa irm;i. TIneuéandIeu cre seofetScott, Brapl, Beacht end IlarIpoza. blouse. etirts. vrappors. etc.; alto.CI! Brellei, andi e. . . Heflda>'alIIdescriptioses lan esa 0guetaboutit- One epobtaIty l slaiol plt hounchoit gouets uccli-aslace clttifona, bac lmld tlie it temît r eaeer etrlte ment for ChueorînEi tada Inetutandi.stationer>', carrytat a large stock, carpete un etaptut lunes, table ihene. tmeil t t>s'eiuee1801. sl anti childrens aeet, ~alEC and iq vel pelrsntsed b>' teévarions bleekelo, cpreate, etc.' ruither gotode, ac* dressings, etc. acsoot eelnsetint nelgiberliact. One upevleit>' le lanmmecs, coaictog, 1'atoOExLiZ4 FURNITURE WARE- A promntnet speclaît>' te the grccery Bibles, albums, peaap bocks uamd lys- a fl th c o reaty-iade eto ute andylROOMs.tproincnr'n ntt ie a ls foar ail denomlnctiong are coe- a ai eec e eed'-et alttable 1h1 suppIes. lncludtncgcannestigooeads -o bnd ga good heade avercotafor min, baye aed chiltren. - ITI-EL nle ilvarietios. teas and Scolées ta ail la hat limn, and eixsee ate- ail soid t aI 0vprices,' ith fit guoc.îu- C.TIMDMAýN. PROPEITO-EA-the leadina brandi. cold trac 125 emts e hboeeeIae- teet, Mens octerweor, neckvear, ü(,[- ~R14ALItti FFRI p; aine soda biscuits,. coatectboneri', a ncbbttrthnunIrei lare, cuit e, fine ehicîn, lots ont eape an 71111E.. PIVTURE PRAMES, ETC. trlit fruits ln rei., cuo.erants, prutnes, ececctnvihbsoieuicslt cannactea aiseneaful ineofatfcne st- -f.2t>ITKTIASEILi.datas, 9fias ond 'ofuitllinaetfbreakfastboscelaatulleafadnsas tego, bath domestlc and Insporlol. 't 7its Ji tý_jnnui turenro miundor- coreais, duch os rotled Ca, relted, anti for Unehe riatraie. Titis l10 lus, lrinctieti>' Une forer.tarontdaete autîs tablug bisefiâ Mraekiln. tocetladeacî cractati wleal, pot aed parti 'barley, office ai 1h. G. N. W. Tetearapi Co., are mote te octet by eaperloiecic edeetpa4v etiet, near Chetse etc. Grecery esucdtiealwaison band. messates being senlttéa il pint. bande, wtth satisactonguacanteni t»etorli, oceupi-Inga o ubstanîîaîtwu- sehilut arin prc a 15 tkee ln- oex- The husinoes ammencet' b>' Mr. ant pines rennonabin, renging flans 110 s-tory' bÃœluIl8g 14a0 lhe uppur - Ooer change, lneoidîng butter anded tgein Baldin Oufrclesn Yeats ea, wvin 11e up le 12, ondt tliy report e fairtcI-oie halo us etitr aga ct lumber, etc.. acy quantit', lilh surplus ohppe t t leshin l emdnaticern> r In ihel lUne. IrtIin underlakina deparîment et bud- TaoTnte markets. A geo t sock afelecyseigtesto E- A gond liuihnesu ta doen ebuos and $ige4xO)l, eacrokot>'.glassvaceacdedarlhecvere 1ixetteny ,e nia. lid foéEu1ys-e Ohoee, darepina a wolt,- ausotet stock 'iCte-uliiugslbdk cf turniluire viii ha le cannuetion. xeln à thdrglio fer ladien, gente ont cliltcen, etaicîd tlle o' clete as lat pcevtaamus 5dYats oe are deliIseeed ta ana treumts apretet itlnci io frein a nuaier aof11e lmin a e.,,- c.h1prisung a fouliUe et hedrootin es Sunderandi. varae heuas a gooti facturera.wcille rubbeTRe r rt, m >Itgcectrare. uc s x.tmil>' trade; aIme , a large caitl>' A. IF. BRETEOUR, tati>' tram the 00110 Percha llîîhe rten@loc 'tables; etdebaardm, ceer trate.exlendieg ouI through 1the lowe- Co., keeping on baad o geot daommenttables. librarieo,, eecretariee, 'chite uipof eBrocta, Scott, Maripoea.Geer-TALR 'Ni BtEiSUT et ruabeire, aversoes, feIt oct coslse feue>'rocker», etc.; aiea cphoisîenet gica antd Reaoh. formets ettesi comics MAtIE TO ORDiE 1 TuE LAT- ahos fr mn'swea. a wll s gode rüh e lunss ad, the goea tiistance cf ton mile.Mr. Pnrdts EST BTTLEB AND FII.fBM-A cliee for mena er oc.f aniestac1a1îor . glues.ecisarlanges bat e thr alehanov heu enanly libres years te FIT *.GIARANTEZD-IIAIBER gehanti cnushe rteoto for etc i o 2 elranIIbay 'cuebusiness te Suetierad. cnd hane ad SHOW 1If CONNECTION. gela ase06etrteng. ît ienngo balleti un conneclion, A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' ponnteelI>leoaaelscrtgageieatluatesgslong axpeclence ln tbe abave !Une. Be Thin tà one 0f'the principal taller1 aed ceacter>', carcyinig eationtuete o-an udtI faaeare mate ta oet erIn ait ha&as- beun oalIta-long reeldenî CI shop a 8n Bedsleu.in ccteti tirth site sortinent fur tabtle ontdamliyun,.i-i. sisez. Mie fureitlre leade la celt us- ClitI eetioc, and hic falier, the late et Rive ,srest, eccup>'lng umitableu riottea canard gounde in aIai] i. abilshed ailtIlireugli tb&a ltion, Thoas Purvis 'vae one of111e pie- PreecItes, viCic barber abol inlu rene-1 teee ont ceffeetenoci-erai hrandt t t. --casrlni a radiut oftram fiveta tesnuesa of thtevillage. 7The business siccetlion.- leaerseln package icesbeleg abtii.iî, miele C he townships 0f East aeut1ite commeunceintllas been cteadiiy Oltertllatteetola s lven te ccntom1 Mocecon and Lutella. viihphice f î-oîtwem,,t'Wttby anti Pickering. iccreenina, lent seaens Io rade heieg lelloclng, cosatomer. tuenishlng Ilcîr1 25 ta 60 cents a point. A eine [ilt.. Fuserais ar&eOflen atteced tetaa iîsi-langer Ilion eser, own malttal, and Mc. retbonr ihan bulktea Inconnrtin; ien anc 1- lane. f 1 or 2 4It«la te cuntybat utI' elue yetas expériences a1 %c us lne coacecit breafate -rt. hepuetai 0ort. t bale. nt cmpleé,conîli, J. .GLIIDINNING & CO., pactctl.mèeaiant talion, bcating ln drttsfruecitnei r ista t betin eete* rfngiLAcîibti n na lete cen - cdeetan 'Ilu 18e1,- Me ýha mince bulitj t tfrupitsa ni foee rulî agn-l aoo pt ing alIeorsatiock ttof rsIMPOIlTERS OP ANDO DEALERS IHN up an excelleant rate tram ait classes bel toplo6fin hmearon. wagnam a oc dok ifcaubetu SBELF AND 'BBIAVT BARD- le. sactlMaitnti surraunding soun. lu prsvisioin a>' lin entionac efîtanti tunaral ftunthlngs. Ebusimina WARE, TIIWARE. STOVES. Ir>' iasicg a goecuntri' traite. 1 liéne aiutopie geete, auch a. honý,,0je oisti 6>' he arterlel procens, acd GLAStlTTY, OILB. ETC. bacon, bategna. naaeage. lard, Mr.îo, t Rdisa10i&te arcîlcl ombalmer ,711Te mSCWturuet.ist le aanleed to1 etc. Butter ont egs are tatra t e.'and tifumerai directar 0f long esperlence, Tht. Ie Che Coty>'hardware flouse l ln ie i.retstifcin iteitriées cf change 1th large ocantittea, elth sCrelris bleymg beelbiht e11 aa.tndrstlcttcnbad fRvrgentes, uite front 86 ta i7. Ailt int. et Oupitet l ehatesate buytrn. l'î.arnytures and .uedertaLktng busineso l insolt, oocupylng a finsesalearoons. dclobcrtpconhg qartg rs ant apters hontied te eceson, il,î-,11 Drastlin gue1118. lin mitain le rarana bcaemesl for *str- sing.c, lo s ts. eeessee prompt atten- as aIt lotenetoftarin pretace. ale'busi"" e epalt season va s se; aise adjainIna building far atoves tien, asti mis proslpt» fer an excelaenti An extensive stocka tf srccta,,4 fuIlyas large au.111pressioe ayeera, ese.-and> heuvi'hardware. eprina '1",.O reet brlgit au ever. 9 pats. paini. mcthine oct lubriaîtig paal' unesrajn.and day or 711e bouse carrAesa fuit bLeckora0f AI liasiarber abois. ln eaenectloe. Liti cils, cool oit, etc., heetied Inncn..algitl Usare"acmwered preeiptya% nearite ,se"thIlng tle iahartiware la lo i.e;of sOokn thtitLlino aneskblIlfuli>'i lion. matimga aepusteit>'of aitnders,ýi. , ae>' ima .ý-.toves, tin aud gracile vare, cutVeey, eoncested. la s'icit Mn. Bretiour ha Peaecy h Ces uPure mixietyt , Mnn,q Me RdtmaIL anative et Pickering lamp gouos, silvor vare and ualber lied aeveral yiuar «erlèeue, ont ha $tapie ises et hardware, unh s ars tavsitowmt. eecmlug te Brobklin rtn goodo fer boums us.e.Blare ais a goati tttde Au that Ine. HeeJayua, acrei, aie. ax,, e~te CIe. ,iîceî sar ag , a, a vide acoreinzance taino« traie a number cf the principalviectlLntc bltelv ad etc., aIse itadiet. a o s cciioc t y aIl iiroiugi îeat -part;eorlias country. Mmcifatoaers; lie>' alsa bondis a linsecountry,, halsg a lIti>-long revltent oet ta à -ufderlahdt'loii Vallentirnes Cor. liet, bit au e~iOà dr*Sdent oetChat sec. t1il,' aed ban a wltle aeqeal ntaecç throughIhje ceucitri'. 'Wtt.BAMBRIDGE. PRMÇICAJ(CRC&IGE MAKCitI.- 1311OMINO AND ÙAIOMIAGM RE. Th111, ate icseh'crlaeWrieO 8186oi:e treel, ýaed:*occuilles two bn nMie, .e of .Whlch la 01804 tor blackaotîh aeidwood shopz, with 'ad. ' Jolnlsig bilding,.<1w show riom balow and' paeThet bli.718promises ari-e. vl equir fotoc é1epurteme, uZIEitngtofire l it blachenelth aboli and te ceoîoeCtIQD tn otear wogh. 'A qoi buiness la doee.ý-ld hOrnSehoepg keep- ieg aIl Styles etfntno., eî'hand. and hila bead ulibor 118e '4d' ovèr Bt yeare' ex- poreençeandI han'e epoy atC-his o1101>for 80 yeare 'pteay pil baud waaitwolr bc sc miee for, 18 ye"a'e. LadMc. Bamhbrilde ban tiesi cerclage zeaker, çcaVeriice a terîo4 et 45 i'eea. Specjit;,,tteitoien lae glveitto Iebbliig cdaI okfideetc jeeicicg elcgaagW]ie bÙistegnli tet lice, white n08w work, lceiudlog lglt buggies, dellvery aed ddecrat wegc are maede te carder, gueamteet n drut- clas wark. le adddtion t0e gtio un trade lit ËÃshawa hé hase 'aodtrade Iront b. Couetry wlthle &L>radius. ot Il or 13' Mell«s. emenee rG Ch. 010,1 ee fiçeto the'lete Merebam' Mambrtdge 61 yeers ago, Led etý1nle dêà t, i8 yeara aga, bis soc, ýMe.. Wa'BinbrIdge. ascee1e,4 te 'the contrea,. iBe jtortesa feie trà ade ut' laIe 1mars, the busiess lest egoc belng " eotin s ver Mr. gamsiebeugbasumeneerly alitfe. logreden tOh&a.and£04!or 16 Or 20 yea.. haë bouc a momber otthe nlgrh mebeqi board , having: bsec ap- pointe&dsLt*wodilterelit tio)ee Ce Cthat 1,510 y. hé oieceeil. SION MIRCICIANTS., Whis fIIn bave, .oneeofthé11ejadieg grececi' haU'segin, Oshawa, cemtrglit ltoeil 011 t>te Yelwth ;de et West K inq Street. occitpylcg ea.commodiopiu Same rooco, W1111 oasemeet coder ectîti à o andI wrkroë orsto torage le reent In utapie aîà d t£iiy groçeries ,thel carry e largete 0k,'imkiths 'a ope. clailIYoet tesu aedCetiss. £0d have, handled lbthetlo4, braid#~inlnuitg XoiioaSal, Oq d~ Lp4flla. SA. lede, ans eMd al;bplk f.eèa teali varlteie t e rax11 int Jpape aiCtOS2 ta *0 det, ue taGuppoivdg at-. 80 cents a iteeci. 11hies. rn be8 a oay,eottÈse ow-, b9tlit tees, aed tbefr ewe O*n4,&&iq i éane handie:i tliO'Ip4inai icIe o. tues, lneladineý tà e' s Todhucîer, 1ti11Jell'eaead4' ýBrcV geode- alsqOtbe;1er 001# r ý' BÊÃ"wdrltit mff*00e, wîtb. prie,4tIoe X 10 45 001015a pobni, T'mcsottee l;a a T UrbiWl4 oc *11eprenilses acd tbelr Cea and' coUse lie&d. ioCof otthe lorgest tn Oshava . . ,*- i table ssprIiseu.01 ait kînde % cons- pistez aseOhhn*DC lu carîsd, iniClodtog ]Peglînli plà les. -ceatenpe and canscesi also drled CaUtYor#ip .firsiits, 1n peaeb,î: eu, apricots, prunces, valsine. et.. aod fcesh truiCste In seen, 80111Iropealý aod borne groWn. t"acw blecultc are obtelned trefn Chistle, Browne & Ce., ef Toronte; Wrc. Pateisan & Soo o.. Liniiied, etf Brantford, and. A, Meyer & Ce.,oif lit. Catharices, acdt Che htadIe Cake Ce,, '0f Guelps, carryr lcg a »complta line, lncludlcg .-th* water tcend waters and Impéril wat-i ers at 85 Cents a paceti. ln hree .kfae Cors ai11là ieteles are handled la. Ciudins Malt BreakfasîtiFood, 'gracu- lated ouC meai. rollei- coîe. whoat gereas rolled wheet, tartre, a. ovis breakfast f008. ae,, Witi paatryand pancake dooste bonnettn, and, the bt grade etfteaà liy fleur, maereof Mantoba and Octario wheat. iteevo as ',Bobe" brand 'vhich ha. a large sale wlCh tht bout closetofCite fanslly Credts. They aluse hardie th1e Perfec- tion, Goid Modtal, Surprise, ,White Rocs eseitiLIly, ail ehoice bhrs, front mille Io Osheva ami eîher Places. Tbé' houe cercle; (fullUnces of Iteolla Cia'- ver test baney. and bsCgi-adeoet, bamo, bacon. boiegna saclege, ssnoked roll, bacas and breakfast bacon, and aIltkMode of provieions avre ceonlsi-tiy oc band, white cboicesdairy bctter aid freeli eggs are parchesei tei lïrge queuîilîes. tht former frainn1t1e boni: butter makers toc their ove trade., - Th1e croukery stock la veli melected ln stapte goctie <botn table aed 1011.1), wiCh glasevare In 'connectIse. They aloo carry oeot the largeet lices et lauedry andti olle ope in Oshawa, -ieludteg BAbesz Ove Tollet ' alap, -À whb lias ae excellent sala. One sPectitY isle Inakleg itowders cerYisg Ivelve branda. ranglog teons the "Datry"' bekleg ltwder Lt 15 cents Ca Clevelaodm aoad Pore .0014 ai 40 cents a Peced, Many et'titete goade are bocgbî lu large .quautjtj*%, raisins eopaaty beleg icechassd 1n 100 boxw lots, ccrants le 15 pose lots, Saga l14 car ]"d.floue, la Ctonlots, stc, Ticeir gouda are 8018 exclieley o cash and Cte ltaîhi Ctae etends Lt> Over Oshawa ced serrocnding coitrlt within a radios or trai n sto plttrut mile., Ceclodîint the hast clauseW. and tram ane 10 iva wagons are oetIn dellverieg. In adldition to the ahîve the Ctrn iandle pine and ceder shIe - icuiçb hierarloati an îoiot, Th1e bouinepu vag; estaltnn,I In Istise tergerove bhi' Mr. nfiteleIftemn veers mg. aving bat hoù* eYepertesr-e sie ý greeOri'lin. A Iltie Oeec Itrnenotlin ago hae reesioea to,,Oehawa. eben the. prenant ifuminesh wae comuenttel. Vrhe