Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1897, p. 8

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JeweIX7? !iyoùr" chie tms<iving lst e & . lI ,Jewelr'y, woetan w*st cerwanlV jteriit -youeb.oi y Eigp, or Sterling Silver Nfovetios, istç. 'Not oeyx:t to thekn, but you can Place <,onfidenco in our QUÂLI 6ua1d- O S-IAWA, 1)EC. 100 1897. OSHAWA PAGE Toy books at LUtiles. Alilmatiner ut' <Ilsa aLittle%. Nlrs C Holmetq, Toronto, &petnt lest week in town. j J McLaughlin, of Toronto, was in town iast weck Wili Wright bas secured a situation in Toronto as jeweler. Mrt1Bell, Belleville, was the guest of C F Nic.huison lasi week. Miss Fila Davld.aon ia spending a week with Markharn friends. Mr j S Murray han accepted al position as travelling agent for a Torotito firm. The sti)re windows ar e heginningbto abre d'n a lîidavlokbeing gailiy decked with Xon a s g <ioda . The epwinrth league of Mecalfe methodist <hon ch a gvoing to htld their annîtai pie and rea'n social somietime ihis month. Mr Hiarrv Fairbanks lias returned t Osh* ;awn alter îhree years absence. He ba& re sumred lis old poition in the Vindicator Mliss Fio«sie Broo)ks ia lving at the point of <ieatti with îyphoid fever. Her riends nre rarnestly hoping that deatha hand mnay be stayed Il wis Chief Hoovers pleasure on Tues, dav to have to qhoot two of our canine citi eris, mr for havîrîg no visible means of support anud the other for disorderly con. dutcs. Mrs Joshua Mitchell and Miss Alice Mit- cheil left town last week to make- their home m Miichell township. Mrs Mitchell bas heen a resident of Oshawa for i good i uni- lber of years and we are sonry to lose hier f romn amongst us. The members of the minstrel club ire contînuing bto aie grent intereat Un ithe practices, and the chances are greatly in favor of their putting up a good show in the music hall on Jan i4th. It s thought that the performance wili ho even better titan inut o! lait year. How la it that bread still commando aach a high price ber. ? Six or seven weeks ago Toronto bakens lowered the prico of bread trom 12C. for a 4 lb tuai, 10 zoc. Here h i l s ac, and 14c for home-made bread. Flour han gone down and we do flot sce why tbe prie. of bread lafnot lowered. Cor-îme,,cing Saturday utgbt, Dec. ti1h, and contînuing each nlgitI until furtber no. lice, a car whhl leave thb.four corners snd rui around the bell lin.Tho rare for the round trtp will b. toc, or à tickets for ,5c. The car will leave the four cornors as foi. Iowa : 7.30 P-1111--7.50, Smo sud 8.40. ia.o Lizzlo Clay left for Winrnipeg on Monday. Sho oxpocted tu resch there Wednesday wben ber marriage wlth bir Aiberi AlIchin would toe place. Albert la an old Oshawa boy who went to Winnipeg a year ago, and his frkooda bore wiah hlm sud bis bride evosy proeperity in Ibeir new home. The Royal Tempars electod their offikm for the next six usonîho o« Wednesds niqht as follow,: Sepýc osiilor, ev Fletchîer ; Pame coailrW a à4- oi ; ice « couneilor, A R Watt çbp1anI bo Is; recording secretssy, ,ls CGII; Ianlaa b-cretary, mi"s wIfltrotr inSu vise heraild, Cliii i; u -&;î& ber 8 den; sodwu. w GthOW., The town coSacilm«t Mondar cmIgt. pany uas gtbat a soos, f.ooe bo ut on the Fisher preperty.. The . oaa'vr gfe thit Che as asootaha.d eh. losli kit eBlIIuat.d et $l.5 peTre'od, ad se Su*we was ref#sid t * * raihwaj co.uulto A petlUion was psmwu'ld '"o~ a nmubes 0 0« neme in fkvog of berâvi ul at wtb a a 4smsoo w__ e4b. New pipes et Litlbs. Bangains. Sleigbs, barrows, carts, etc., ai Lilîlea. Albums, bibles, bound pools, dressing cases, work boxes, eIc., et Littles. Mr Wettlaufer, o'f Berlin, apent Tuosday among friends in Oshawa. Roland Ray bas roîunned to Buffalo aCter a few weeks visit aI home. Misses Iixxie and Arnes OConnor visited wlth Pickering relatives lest week. A lange number of the young people fom ber. Inteud taking lu the iremens baIl at Wbhby on New Vears eve. The ire alArm vwas rung on Sunday nigbî about 8 oclock, a ire being discovered oin King et. east, the reaidence of Mir F Hall. There was no une In the houme at the lime, ail being swain, but hsd lbit a coal ire humn ing ln the etove. Il in supposed the ite waç caused by a defective cbininey. Nearly ail the contente were hurned. N4ews fromnthe Kloudykers. Mrs jas Finny bas a letter from the Klon- diyke gold bunters thal gives the boit ides at theh r condition ut' sny Ibal bas been te- ceived from the party sînce tbey left the steamer. That i no doubt because lhey are nu, In a position to tell somethlug On. couraging about their welfare. The bitter 'val dat.d Long Lake the parîy b.d heen there some timne wbere tbey were making good use oft ieir bonIs t'errying ather partiein who hâd no huaIs. They where to lbave thon. boweven the day asuer the IdItt rwatt wntten t'on Lake Lindeman thence 10 Luke lBennett wbere they ptoposed ta stop t'on the winter. There hs 10 be a post office Ibere atnd montbly mails. But il coste 10 cet a letter in and an answer oui. The mail car- ier in ibat country gets a dollar from the party he cari les the letter 10 and la pald a dollar la carry the mnswer out. It' any ont here wants 10 correspond with the gold hunters they hsd )ýe1er enclose <«potage" enough or they wili not gel a reply. Thert ane quite a number of officiais nIt Lake Ben. nett and as there will be conshdrabl, build- ing gong on tb. pvity expert la gel work wblle lhey are walting for sprlng t0 gel Into the gold region. Nothhng vas sld about Mr Carrier lesving tbe psrty. A Mrt Jacques who vas wltb îbem jproved to b. '-no good,, s0 bis inlerest vas houghî out sud h. w.nt an wllb another party. Il vas afterwnrds ieported ihat the pnrty ho vent wlth hsd tbeir boat swantped ot hrir toods âne were bift wihbno grub aud no chance lu gel t0 Dawson. The members of the party are In tbe boit ot' health snd havre gsned en mucb that their cloîhlng will hiarly reach #%round Iboin. They have made beteer $6oo sud $700 lun the ferry business, aud vhll moike iheir expenses sud something ove, dur'lng the wînter as thero ltplenty foi vhli- Inc bauds Io do. Wag sonly Po p<ev day. Frot1h. contents oft ibI let tlewould Sp. peat that bbe party are lu ,ood besitit ud spirits sud yl b. of te.Orsîto»get tb ehp cold region lu the sprlng. 1hey vil) also be (Tee front an>' confquencesof àaflamine et Davson if ter. iioulâ ho such a mhafor- lune there asuibas b... go len rePorted. The chances of the party ar ema ai f good wiuhod <bom ur mytiey vil-corneout mtllllonslres. A pirty brai returned fromt Lludeiuau wbo la nov et Port pery Mud wl go out again lu the sprlng, Hlrports that te.part>'lmitwtO out ce i»e bois He also maye hat au Inde u as egd Io helbpapck Iheir stores o he b sé. He wua ccustom.d <o lte vork bite juIm Flou cariled aa vieroa d ud b.d icter vi:2 For tbis test wblcb 11eh. beindia n lte sitade Jim vas afterwards vafl ed <B ig Buck ludhan.-Vndhcatoe. -:Ooo:- 5l. VICJIT. barber. gSummie mima S1M'. L. OTEETLL, butée, ugouth. Dm. »PsMambar»» ak;oSam« de.vmv i "tyle" z~t.B Ni<oli -ýeulg, etu as V, Sn-- Beaié Mgania, Ptissle Courtice, Arb oe Ortîlston. cliiIIe b AWO Ada 13adeock, Editli Couch. Cliii Ilesto.-Mauxi PIsnten. Jutior.-AggIe Moffau,. M$eY Rosi, Ussie Otmiston. Part IlCsr ?ks,~hu ýMartin. Part I-e.-ube atode,,mur. gay Luke, Ar<bitr Couoh, MIe S lh, ton.-lVY Ba4COIk,pFed »*ow; IdaBrown, l ames Oritha At Armour's, MYRTLE STATION. To make room for new goods to arrive at the new year. 1 will seli for the balance of Dec. ail goods AT 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. SPC(3ALu 5o OVERCOATS and a variety of MsNS and Boys READY-MADE CLOTHING AT COSI. W.G. Armour, 2-21fl. Myrtle Station. Bovmauvtie Mir W Waden ha vsitlng trleuds lu Pickering. Bîrtit la Buoinanville on Dec zut the wife of Susign Fox, of' a son. Mits G. Glover i5 vsitin, bher muster, bits. A. Blubain, St. Thomas. ln Bowm&nvilîe On Dec, 71h the vite of Mr.1 William Payne ot' a daugbîer. lirs John Veliowlees had the msfortune to fal and break ber leg luit above tite ankle. Mr sud M ri A J Bickie aud daughîer Olive cf Oshawa, werp guostsata Mr. Thomas F, lames, Sundsy. Mir. Gea H. Buxton bas opeued a geueral re. pair shop lu the Reid block, lalely vacated by McDougall.1 bfr. lames Isaac had a perleie siroke lait Wednesday, At lime of wrtlug ho lu iu a very critical condition. Marrlêd, la Bovmanville on Dec rot b>' Reir.J ~Rae. Mr W E Muttou sud Mis Pheobe -Edger bief Bovmanville, Mamed. lu Boqvmauvhbe. on Nov 3o, . Ru. t aeMr A Iomson of Oshawi 9aitMss bb«Ce Dngranof Bowmvrn dvie. Mes T J Shenidan d daughter. of Oit wbo bave becu vlslîang at Mr R Tre*uuqbs for thse pase six vepts returued boute lai Moods>', acooupanled bir Un Treuotwh Mes. Geo. Bieki. bas retutne hontefront R-ches:er, N. Y,vwm hei h o* spentaboni six mnthi vl;htiug ber daugbter, lits. Frankt fila combe, Mfiss May Blet). returned home wtlt9 ber.1 Darihgton Conseil pald out for, uiheep1 damages Im mnuh $a64 og. W. titintg his15 bih time tor th. couoeil t paus a bylaw <chmir ail doga ibot Ibai are fouad roaming ed. country1 vithont Chir ovue. - 4 The anvensar> services lu 1he Methodisi ehurcit lait Stad s uaàgrand sucresk Te1 serons u Presceséby itopaso-,Reu, . ,a.'XC vote gr and u stoi es they <i" Wu'- 1a grv appreciated > 1peu.l.cog. daton veo tsoed wcmstbîaeCo-o th cituroh,, et the-dmseo! thaeve gsenkie le w,as uaiouoed ibat the cmwu btbnafor e.day1 amoted <O SUS131-5 Prayer meeting an Tuesday evening - vas voll attended. mms M E Vancamp visited her aiterî Mr* T J Oklce, Oshawa, Mr Edgar Alla ili preaci at tue base fine uchool hofflas u 'Sunday. Miss PibarPeareSp"eut euday' vhth lier ut, Mro Geo PearCe., Mmi Captalnu bI& ',of- C2eeud Obioi -bas ben lskng l«er 1*amr, Mr Fred tril sud Misses Winoule l$i rial. výf»W dfienda au PicIss i09 lma Suaday. . The Chnis tee and, etitertÂis, nt viM i I*held thrie acbcx oute-Iiq in aboUt -tw WeW- uold out their biâaprbeg U 7 " " OuI villà «Ilor là6 w ,ery bl' Wilson of Port Porry, boa he»dle lb.é stab for A titne. Mn Frankr Lamb> Bnd liraWesley Urnb -have been on te.slck lis: for thempaqt ts, weelcs. W. are ploasdtoleatQ Inat 1ë are on te.moud. lits David Reese g ave a blnthday Part on Frlday eVenlng lait. A number of the elderly people Of tbe village attended and lîad a very sociable evening, P. C. GRAHAM, We have a lîttle sleighing bore uow the.&Dow having fallen on Tusday o1 Ibis week. Ou Sanday Dlght wheu golug home rom church Miss Lizzle Leask feil on the frozen ground and bruite ber wrist. Mr Lowusborough t glvlnig up hlm place Ibis year baviug rented acother ftin near Liudsay. rhe place now occupied by hlm bas bedo rented to à Mrt Marîtu who cornes from the uortb of Brock The usudi auaiversary services lu connectlon with the prestweriau churcb bore will be held on Sunday and- Mouday next the xalh sud 131h 'it. On Suaday sermons wll ho preached ai i i a. m. aud at 7 P. M - by Rev 1 B McLaren, of Columbusanad at 2 30 by the Rev Mr Dean, of Sunderland. On Monday eveaiog 1 tes wlll b. served ai ter whicb will be iven a lecture by Re, M4r Mi>Laren onun e bt "Taire care of your. self" short addreseDY 0111r iulansd music by the cboir, A good lime la cxpected. Ren W Ssvage uhîl preach ln the Methodlist churcb Sanday evening. MMinutle Rogers, Port Hope model sebool spent Thauksglviug et home, Mr. Robert MCLAugbiluaud ulfe, Markdale, are to become resîdenîs of cor village. RA iDONg. Mr G Gilbank was home troin Oshawa on Sunday Mrand Mrs J Steron andMr end bne R SIemon vited Mr E T Slem, Oshawa, Sun- dast Au excellent "At borne" wus held by thie league Tuesday nig bt. Thoe taking, part were : Hentle famlly, Ut Vernon, Misses M Creeper, Rlda leémon Meurns WIJlI Brokensblre. N Roundi., erbert and Cymes Slemon. Pruceedîu ho. Buit Wib OsuacIL Couccitrmet Monda. Comuiuctlouront F S Spence askhng ic ounohl <o petition the liisîsturs Io. forthercurtail tbe,1Uqe, rtraffic. Mýeers Cartà ait Butkr of the OabawmRý aiway appéerd before tU> board a" w'1ie' ehnom-. .cl to accpt iz*oo lulieu of lotîtlaitebutîad vauced to$13. lMrHeurry sec i byMSocks moved ebat ibis coubeil accepte h. t lts. pointed out by M: Butler pnovided that an agriemet drawn'up by ontso- itor b.*àéd by the compauji apreclugto ratio and î isaue said loto a hoiglât ageeupo by pudatier. spect thereto or oîber suiSIISW lot to'bo agreed atmu or vIII eept $ot0 th l1e" of *ud lot.- Mir Stocks auchy Mrt Guy roved bat te.tao lecton .luîuio ot' oler ierosd vOt fromt isThos Guy for th.e eeir 5997-obe bav- log penforîued teue saine.MrRas.ec by *i Heury moved thathe report of the reeve &14 diert and te. -ito pjo àse oprtbsý c ea . e~p'ed, sud <bai teb . pd <ho SUof $4 acfor f«ebek rvh"uiualnccnecslon Vli thse same.--Canied. 4r Heury seonî4od by IMnoas puterog a byla, ! i IsIelletcteuui clpe k b a miner, to the suboffs. M4rGUuy Icoedd bnMr R4mkpia byl*v dwrough, îbe <bird ppdinqgs S.*4 $bap hcer pý- bo, thorb g tis..ýé1 jo4 pe rfeoL héalth. tos iriy trottbled as I w#orii n -ne of a :go] medjiffe. O'r sale by ail dealera,' or:àdos' Haniilton. Prie $1 per bâttise; 6 for> for an appropriate Holiday persont don't fail ta inspect aur larg sok of Watche, Jewely, :ivcwae Clocks, Spccîaclcs, and )Sier Novelties, at ai prices, -êuitable foi ail purses and peoplc. *< We have no Oid, stooIs Evorytblng'n.w sud 'to.bdato. Corne and seé uà, we Will'pieu. yo' mdbsl ugcods choaper ltu If' -=have Je.ver ught 1h. Lama éqp *lityfre Juit a word01on1wmollb 'P atg Are You> AwRiý There are more Wo:chas spolled, by lu- tilpetlenced w:hmtrtho- 0 b actual veat. Rensetuber w. r od quarter for Presèntation ýGoods, low Prîces aud Watch Itepslng. 0QV ElJIS,+- The Jeweler, and High Grade Wazcb Specialist, suoceseor to J. I. BOYD, OSHAWA. FOR AL !Boat, R-ail .or lýý OshawR04ê Gran by, Are ont againthe es the ne«w Shoo. Spes, the Saine old îwear, honestly xmade .1 puir. BE Tb~ Ouir Motto- -'<ILonest Goods ai Honest Prices." Remember the Place and Corne Early. The Jeweler and Watch Specialist,' 3 Doors North of Western Bank, Oshawa. -,duo@ mmm- m-- i ronitIt.

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