I -k, ta, od, uly Leste fairnes th every day. Utt eihe tlil Là ceu and bath charma ta $ pare yo Lbr t'. coronal - beautiluti e Vour ilair dyoipreserve your youth. W an is as old as she I syB the. world. No looks as old aa she is if hair lhas preservtd its J'r~ beauty. You can keep r om f aling out, restoring it rma1 color, or restore the D ai oolor to gray or faded by the use of yer's flair Vigor. jMus W E V anstone wa s suddenly j lid to the home of her parents. near , Fndsay, laýst week, through the ilncss Sof her younger lister, Misa Allun. Thet invalid was a strong, healthy personj 4 until a kfw ntonths ago, when she de-t veloped consumption. antd since thatc &rne l4as become gradually weaker. About twa oclock Thursday mornirtg a freîght train got stuck on the grade iust wcst of [)unbarton. and although evcry etIort was muade by the engînrer. the train could 'iot bc moved. Fol- lowing the train were two light cngtrîes. The driver of the tirst en- gine saw the train in time ta stop, but the sec(md man did flot. As a resit the second engine plur.gcd mb the ftrst orne from the rear. No person ~was hurt, but the engines wcre badl: tvreckcd. 'Fli track was c1eared shortly after daylight andl general iraiRe resumcid. The block systeni is the only way of preventing disasters of this kind, but to a corporation lîke the (..T.R. such slow rnethods are objec- J tionable. Street ('ommissioner Gordon in- foi-ms us that he had some plank pick- -à -a "i repair te broken boards on the King itttwalks. These planks were placed on thestreet near Hilts & tDillinghitras warerms. hbut are flot here nov. Some prson, whose desire to sccure cheap wood, proved stronger thnthi ilI ta bc bonest, dI'SCover- ed Jdhe planks were unproteeted, and spir îed them awav. Kflowtng the dtfficulty that we have in raising suffic- lent money to keep our walks in pass- able repair, the party who would thub zà a>ce off wîth these planks would be gullt.y of stealing wheat front the vcry note of a lame and hungry chicken. ~We esonot blame this theft upon ~trami1ps. After a lingering ilîness Father M J Reddin. parish pricît at Toronto Gore, dicd at bis residence Saturday. De- ceased vas born 33 years ago in this \township, near the lake shore, and vas educgted at St. Michaels college and Tornto unlversity. He studied theol- ogy with the Sulpician Fathers in the Grand Seminsry, Montreal, and was r1sodpricît by the Archbishop of Tororto, Sept. 1891. His ir-st ap- polntment was as assistant aL St. Pauls chqbi~, Toronto, where he endeared imhselifta thc Cathoics in the cait cnd. In Sept., 1895, Father Rcddin ý,wse appolnted pastor of St. Patrteks idrcr.ç, Toroanto Gore, wberc he wonk- ed lu the pricsthood until called away ydehThe bodyv as taken to St. eaulo church, Toronto, where requiem blgh Smas as sung Tuesday morning, %, lsge cpngregatlon bernng present. hç celebrant vas the Rcv Father Jet!- t%, Oshawa; thie deacon. Rev Fat ber raling. Port Coborne; the sub-dea- F,~Rv ather Gallagher, Picliet- a n& the master of ceremonies, v Fsîhér Hand. His Grace Arch- hop Walsh and Vicar-General Mc- nÃnd ail the pricats of the diocese le inche ictuary. The rerni briopght here on the atternoon in ud 1ierred in the R. C. cerne- so.0u1) of the village. In the death atheî Reddîn the cburcb lotes a %pd~et .Hia 'carltydemise bas t , ýKUCh sym patlly for bis f riendt. (urbead. Toronto, has been ,of ber muster, Mm. W Doble. Jo..k and E. Reynolds bave C the job of moving the .1115 ens opsoni i ibm.. 'nais. -~ - Eu. ~ Af tlae la. I lOLUoeuo Mr artot 13tioo&eua 00 ad of d inith City .~ US 8 pence on suuday. ' .1 I - W. are glad ta ses that our nel«bât5 Mnr Bobinson, hu.gai ber foot on ithé eod &gaini. Mr Beamonn au out ai tbe Oentenalal aani.rsary giving the WhitevaIe chor*" lift, D Hoover wha ba@ for smre time@ bee faroelng on the MoX4oly booeest.eadt mnoved on Tueaday ta the R Barkeyet tata, a littie tic the norîli af bere oni tbâa 0 PR. oroeing. D Bartan. wbo bas been, laid up slok1 nearly three weekii, à uaL improving.1 Several experionoed docot have e«. amined the case and tbink au operation, would b. a suoooss, but bis relations ob. jeot ta iL. George Pbilip, or., io improt'iflg ini hEalth. Mrs Ed Wilson is witb her people in Gwillîrnhury township. Bert Tbornhury, of Toronto. ia with bis friotnd, W Mfosgrove. Eli Wilpon, Oriltia, is haero with hi@ flîther, C J Wilson, for a short timne. John Pbîlip retttrned from Dakota the other day.Altbongh hoe bas beon so a er 1(oa ytil af lato he look& botter titan wben b. went away. We are plooed ta knuw that he has almoat entirely recov- iered1 The municipal concil held a special @on bi ore on Tueiaday aftornoon wben the revxsed set of by.laws, provionsly pro. pared hy the reove and clerli, were paes- sd. IL is oust.omery for counoile ta revis. heir by laws every ton yeare, so that they uiay b. in koeping with the statutes. W Coakwell. aur paptilar barnee. maker having dociided that it waa ual vood for a man to lîve alone and having porsctaded Mtse Robeon, of Markham, in- to tho marne belief, these twa YonneR people were united in rnarniags an Wed- nesdav week at Markbam. in ths presence ofa ninmber of friend8. Will ha@ rentei It J l'rîeee residence and thorein wili Lake hp onoeke>eping. We wolcome thbe hirdsTo Our villtue, and Join aIl finnd@ n wighîinR the youttg couple life snd mticb happiness. THE DI VINE IDEAL. Sound llcaltli an Essentiall in Reachîng the Great Goal. Paines Celery Compound Beatows That Blessing. Its Use NIttrîs \'gorous Marhood andl\ Waîhod\ith Clear 1111d A'i ratin. THE GREAT COMPO)UND KEEPS THiE 1BODN'IlN SPLENDID CON DITl( )N. The illuiitrious German philosopher Kaut syis : - There i8 within every tiititd s divitne ideal, the type alLer whuab ho was oated, the germa af a perfect It %a true that the neare mon and Wcttnetî appro)ach tbe divine ideal the more enrthly happinesa wil; ey enjoy. In order to) mai-oh steadily 6nward la tthe groat goal &et befon. a&Il, mon sud vomeR tmuet b. physteally saund. Punrlof heart and grand elevation of mind wîll ne ver accoonpliah the greât viotory il the. body bu atck snd dtseased. Those who apre ta ue manhood and womaîxhood are the men sud vomeR who take the precaution to bauzsh the very iret oyampwma of disese. That tired f.eling you expertence trom day te dal that riervous headaohe you dread s much; that "matisloop" condition ta t.akes youwoak sMd IwgMchq_; the PU"ti ti aide sud baok i$Wit17W#ney dis- oase thie sharp iîngu e rbenrnaitaz and neual;gia thaimais. e a muser that conttpated habt tw au.B& poison tayaut lU. blçod Vgtbé am sym ptoMsa b.d to dimaeu&.t u lee. they are batilsbed. paii.es ry!7Com nipd posâ the ot- of glar physca0 uobM ea npeutiet vorklug condition, sudgV«m gros&- est of aul giftas-good IseaL. la Oser ,voilonis medicin» stêts .l utouriaho. the nervns, tums na it bri-sga trenatth »d vigor l'o - gives the roey bluiti eof15 pallid face, and briau lssaw I'Md energy t thé b tn. Pain.. Cler, Oompounde me&-Umm aine fer the ordiuary ilm oEemi yduy lie,. is sasfat reuuoved (rom t*0 OMOiI puis, nervîies, bittersansdma as the diamond us ftrom "M"qj5lb glas. The people paLse h, mlib@pst aroggista apeak inlu ie fayot, ipdltbe ableet docituri preacribe t. If jS ir nniy hall enÃŽoyig lie, try ebal ?alne (MM Compu vi l) do for YOu, ma bus fortued on Boom 14e*0o thîrd ifs» this mesi. l'hsm piesama*t#sos' au1skeda mebr of p mdmt eniy sud l1m».. intbe stî;î bue&sMr m>umuafly seMM lmrsuMu, am t. E.nu* wb« bave bie n .lmta Wfor7EV 4 ta " e» mV r.elds«soo" 4 l'fat P« - malté401 be tboîr bimets, pp" ao.,u air Auil ubstb~ lieis Inmois_ ft the bot Sqtiare opeuta few days wMt bis brothi- rer. berotbf.*tk ""iVbmaohodist chute), people pu poseI 'havlng îà ile ,ryprograrn on, Ne o m et -ih.of wbi%,-Yuanotioa vilitb. pvt. Dr GeoeandO t'Ieodi, vers04 MsUavb=lgt wook vlsitintjb.fr faither, wki ia aaid 10 hé verY tuzeiobindl ,Ricbard Nove snd vit.TorOcttre ovet Suaday vicbJobn Reid' sud vife. RIichard ise mployed In the(J P RBoolt. Mrs Boom.has vaoated Mrs Lictons l'Oue snd nov rosides in tbe residoce 140941, reoently ooupied tbe late Alez. WilIiu. Walt.er Wilson bau eugsged with W J Graham for the vin toi mon ths, Frank 'Cooper baving seeured a situation ai Mlanchester. W Rawson, Josj and Mrs Harry Thomnson, John w and M ime Mary - Ora- hem ail drove over ta Stouffvile on Toos- day ovening and toak in the sigittea o tbat village. James Lawson and wife returned ta thoir homo at Newtonbrookeo n Toesday after pendinir a couplo of weekm vîtb their dangbîor Mrs Fred Wright, of the Ww Maman bas returnod ta aur village baving ronted and takion possession of the Murray cottage on Brook et., nortb. te arne hiaving been but reaently vacai- ed by Mi-. George Russell. The enrlere enjoyed their firet garne Wednesday. Thoy bave every ronajun ta, ospeat a good seamant; sport. The rink will b. open taoalisIers sbortly. ttmor bus it that the scbool section nortb of titis village, in Uitbridie ova- gbîp is jtist now in troutle engaging a tosober Miss Kennedy ham had charge ai th* sobool for tihe pasti tva vears, but smornfa the ratîspayers thinli that a obeapor teaeher wonld mufface. Trhe trtwte.. do uaL aimee upon thoeruatter. Titis qui bbling ovor the sslary paid a tomoher i. aIl nonsense. Borne ltors are dear at an y prie. whilo others are work- ing for baif wbat t.hey should get. CIIASE'S OINT11ENT la a Ouarasatecd Cure PRIO0 QENTS PUR soit TâSre. T er Res ape. Tho trial af Ww Lasse. for rap. com- iziitted oun the porion cf Elizabeth Ander. sn, ai ber home ip Snovden township, ifaliburton ooonty.' resouted in bis being found gnIty, and b. vas mntenoed by Jodie Armour on Wedoosdy t. tbree yeotrs in peitentie.ry. go admitted the oafeuce lua vt ineesbox, bas malutain- id tbai tbe girl, wbo dists a appeer la h. Ver brlgbl. zmade nolie lapI lao, s ofpe. The prisoner lauas mà leablook; tua apcMonD of humsnfty. liv M H.nneuy, forernan ln Caruvi OUI.- met vi tiia "verpinful sueIdoet tiseotier ay.WbU@. laoing liiibelt, of Lb. cirenlar mw h. dropped bis koffe, edg@ upvard, 0n the board befote hlm,1 ma wilo eli o enlb. e og hbt.ubed aipped ma bu " rvat ton f Ow b arp bade. milice a d.ej eam in 'd» wr tSIsd.i"fi"gou. of tmmm"i Ses dons. Dr Blanehird drum.d*b0 vesd. Obalm W Z Wfok, uvltebusuoutlb. G TI. et BoiI.lnlI, bu h mued a wrlt jars. ied o mue mm*# neg dI.. tsaS ou of.1bis banda bau bspur- la u im utasciIl ebues tI84 pvmASo t basa e 0" ~iuI ec.uspuuy.MM val be emed a64leslit *ti ome b"v- 10 Oewl *u * g«u(M&Made d ,pqqo$oo4 , fuse llgbt aud uI.pbo", fw 11181 7110M, ýTW om. *e vin mubme 5»,me(c hds ..u *t«be omAteupee là b ra41n t bas4ufar *~uluUésdbylddlg rt s~Abiet th~e vr i Anmuosuc ida t OUR PÂCIf!CéPROSPECT IROHU VOuA WAEA usalA f olutur u poM'ucm Ov a MU ICAMA go 'V. A Pruaav WOnNZUToNfp... ESSE»UU mii U? UM II N uifil 1OEPM¶ o" im. b ROMPNS CORNER-THEs NoVgt- 0FTHE BYlÇM bcontlbute4 by uch authore s W. 1), Howeà la s kchargH*rlt 1 t cio i Fu.deéric Remington, Rutht McgnerY Stuar,diehers.There wsl e a sertes of article on THI PROOREIS OF SCIENCE IPEPOTCLAD0' ITMTHBAA PM14.p frai 10 ai rubcrir iw Mt Vfia IId StusCaaeds, aud à Mesiu. G«m. Le'. Wallace H. S. Wliaa W. D.HoU wen Wigate, C. D.W,,'.., DrOy Feet!1 Health y-cornfortable-warm-coness-- painless--comely feet. Feet rescued fnom; rold, clammy, clurnsynubbers and shod in'wet-proof -snow-proof--oil.dressed Icather shoes, muade with the Famous Goodyear Welt. Stylish, wear.nesisting, quîckly cleaned, light. Black or tan. $5.00. 4Ask for the.......~ Siater Rubberless Shoe. M. W. COLLIN S, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITI3Y. COUNTY 0F ONTA RIO. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOI? TAXES. B Y virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and the seul of tbg corporation of the Count y of Ontario, dated the r5th day of Sept.. z897. commandlng me ta evt upon the lands mentiolmed in the following list for arrears af taxes Ptd costs. as herein set forth, 1 herehy give notice thet unletas stich atteate end casts are sooner pald, 1 shail, in compliance with the As- sessment Act, proceed to seil by Public Auction, the saad lande, or 3o mtich thereof as mev 6e necesary for tZh taxes, at the Court House. in the Town of Whhhby. an WEDNESOAY, the 29tb day of DEC., A. D., 1897, at the bour of a oolock in the afternoonu TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. Lat. Con. Acres NJ part................ N E part .... ...... S part ................. N pari................. N hall ................ 8 hall................. 8 baIl .............à .. Pani N haf ........... Pan S bad ............. Part S hall........... N hait............... 3 e;d ............ S Eqssu§ ..... Taxes. Cas. t 6o $5581 a 50 90 57 A Ina 79 00 c 50 15 96 c 25 19 59 c 100 42 85 D 50 38 89 D 50 33 40 D 100 38 21 E 100 15 44 E 30 14 35 F 1o0 61 32 K 200 14326 K 1oo M6gx B4 zoo 33 15 TOWNSHIP 0F NARA. 5 49 s 8 7 72 3à 0 7 00 26807 14 97 9 7 965 03 $2 Ia 2 22 3 48 2 20 2 78 968 54 a66 a 06 3 84 m o 1 95 9 37 4 m Amt. Ptd. or Unp:d $17 91 22 79 74 48 29 79 4563 41t 57 35 94 4087 Il 54 x6 41 %476 z631 IoSe~ 37,73 3450 897 824 547 33 0 17905 Patented Uepuuented Unpateud patenuo Upatseed LTbpated Unpated Uupstoted Upaowd Unpistuted UPwned GZAXÇflTBUNU A"D MILAND NoS, UpeuDay Mail ....... a la No. 4 Ueal ezoept Buudai .... 8:50 à go 1, kzre email WsY. .5:60 pin No. 6 Express, daily, exoept sua .. 8:041 No. 4 Xpress, Il 9:51 146. 14, Paà teft r " " 8:08 No. 8, Loear, " 6:17 Sol 2, Ezpross, Mail. diy..10:08 amn ami p m p m MIDLAND DIVISION a0110 NOUTE-VIDLAN» STATION Mail ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8:08 a Mail ............ bts..4:20 Pm MimsdTo Lindsay ..... 6:85 prm coune Oso'i7tE Mlzed Prom Lindsay........... 8:87 arm mail ......................... 124 p m Mail......... ..... .......... 9:10 p m DOMINION BANKO capital Paid ap, - S urpluis, - 019500000 - *lo00 00 1 Whitby Agcelao General Tranaaoted. Banking Ouainees SAVINOS DBPABTUBUT. Intereai allowed ai higbtet ourrezai raies. Nonottleofaivtihdswal rsqulr.d E9. J. TKOIINTONt Manage FAIRBANK'8 Real E8tate 'Column.' Small Prame House and Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whltby. WiU b. sold very c b ap. LO TS-Ta be sold, lots 324 and 258, nortb ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Aab street, narth ward, wlll be aold cbeap. Chenp. à fine two story brick bouses with brick stable*. Situated on Byron et., 'hltby, the finest residentli etreet lu the Gtn, witbln three minutes alk of the n"u office. There are ibre. lots of land wlteb au entrance on two streeti. Housesln perfeCt repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Wbltby, Ont. JNO. NOBLE, -DICALES IN ALL ZINDS OF- I.urnb.w -&a $>«-» Saak, »em , ,a , 18dB joi Ail ordoeu or ilifonsstlou .csn be obtatned trom JORNHN Ot% Daid&, Street, Wbitby, opposite, M. A. C. Wi1 s.n's reidence. Wbltby, April 4th, :8p4. DENTIST.' oS, Kinq &=" 1 lat Toeole l'or the uas"1 I 4t Is"g ToWNsSPOF REACH. 5 13 83 U, NuPae". 4 70 UU 9 95P*Id TOWNSHP0FB< 9 a 1935 89 Ao 04 se 04 Pelsmp TO QM V FTSIORAR. a 9 la $98S TOWNSHIP O' WCERIDOE VILLAGE Or BRAVERTON. z63oh $Wn!o ue.. Coa*Tr's-IMMt OOoe cM fHoumo% WlkbiytSs. Ile 1147, 1% '*se Pat.*d .50 '$69 Ps- 1581 Boy 40 15 t s~: a 1