Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1897, p. 4

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put Our namo on your liât for IBRIZTlRîi GOODZ5 HAIR BuHtsHImported direct from Franco,.Uthe bout value and largest assortusent ever offered. TOOTH BRUSHES, CLOTH -BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES. F»Orfiimu Seeleys, Atkiusons, Lubins, Rogers & Gallets. lu cut glass bottes and lu buk. du E. WIL.LIS8, KeUMIST &DRUGOIST, MEDICAL HALL, If, WHITBY, DEC. 10e 1897. ShOrti Note. The crop of mnurderers in comparatlvely large in the Dominion this year, there beiug three or four men and one woman to b. hanged, and In every case for cruel mur. ders. The ides of municipal owuerahip îs grow. Ing fast Iu the United States, and lu being hotiy agltated by uiany newapapers and municipal mtn In Canada. The city of Glasgow in a shiniug example of the grand succees of the idea. People puy very litile more than haif as mach taxes as In other citles, vhite îhey are provided with lighrn. ire protection, water and street railway transportation at lbas than hait the uuel rates under privat. monopollea. Presldent McKinley sent hie first relgular message to Congreà on Mouday tast, and it proved a very dissppointing document. It treats of a good many thinga lu wbat inigbt be cslled a anggostlve manner, but takes positive ground on very littie edue be- aides the detertuination to anue; Hawaii, whicb plan of territorial extension to forrignuaboyr h' a reversaI of the United States pollcy of the psst. The Cuban mat- ter làsto b. allowed to stend for the pre- sent, and spart (roui this Mr McKinley gives out Do information vhlcb vas not ai. resdy in Uthe hande of the people. Aithougb considerable Jingo tullitvas looked for from Mdc&Anley, ho gives out notblng of the sort. Hon G W Rose created quît. a sensation in Toronto on Satnrday idght by deiivering 4 speech strougiy tu favor oftimperil feder. tion. Snch a speech voull not have been such a surpris. e omnug <rom Sir Charts@ Tupper, or Col. Deuison, or j Castell Hop kinc, but no person looked for sucb talk front a stlff Liberal. !nstead of ail becoui* ing radical*, as la the tendency of ibis sgt, our politicis.ns are aIl bevomiiug Tories. Of course lipernial ederation le generally re- garded as a viulonary sebeme, vbicb if carrled out might not benefit us much, but would cont us a good deal ln keeptanu p out ahane of the Britilsh srxn and navy. It l su<cies of hmperial federation vhlch casdteAserleul colonies to revoit 12 yrouts ugo, and it ia lte saine îhing vhlch au causng à revoit le Cub, nov. Ail tb. diffrene e vum se. lu the. old styleof lu- perlifedertios sud tUrene uev luhat under the nev about 75 mreuibesu of parlianient, neariy asuany as reiaud, vould b. se- corded tb Casade t oit Ilate Britsh Hou.. 0( Commuios. It vil cm us$3004000oa yesr to moltenthe oBEngluad, and thus the coul of goveutmeut wouid b. greasliy increased. W. belleve people wvI ib. very foollsb îo bo 1.4 away <rom lte belief ltaI ve have fat too mauy motuberu of paliament nov. Onr leglaitve bodies anat siinsome. vitere MIl the.vhile, st <reste neand have notiilg tW do. Bon G ý>bos site lu a legllature la Toronto which lu ultllng 0 t seésloa ut present vititout a single pwp6uslb.fore fito ad544 10oui lave la te- vurdto pWUlaietuy, oducablai, . insu- clul, socal, moral law or uuy other kind of reforni. Itlookss Ifwe couduapare a few huudred leglaltators logc o t Sland, os7whffl elle but the trouble lu it Toveeke *go va reered to the dil%- culty wbkibt us Toronto board of tmd. lues. p.rieneing Iu Ils 1l uaaui>c endue asuuumtplus wbikh It ceho. 1wtiy scesel . As vo thon sts10d, caetrheb.To. routo bourd Mdtradosplau old sad youug aoabers vontla uMthe »e bb-4o atdu *sab d onuai aeoI.A hr theo boerd, 16« . tu ffl «"s. becuIooi¶ spd ii u.nsvu iadtii mot Moidsy olhm, Leue sr rd froua X897 Ou itlaPrOopet»Y onPM Mffutree.Mie bous had bt ooeut>io by au indigent vba pald no tausu sud hoa. bsd»on sursuce. [*1ter from Brova Bruts cash boolo for municipal aceountu. CaunaBlow read s report t b. lovai properly conamitte. recomrmending the fol. lovi ng accuais for paymeat: In* Dcw $2 ; j H Dovney & Co. coal, $11.,50; )ou Dlov, cosi, 5z~ The report passed. Cotn Noble rmail a report rom îbç relief coammit- tee ln <saur ofpsyiug th. !olowiag accowau: mno Bell, cartlng, $3.5o, W H Waruer, coul, $II. The. report passedi after a long disctu- sion in wbicb Mru A K Rice recelved the usunaI amount of attention, sud tir Carl Gortxig came in fbr fitteen minutes cf the councils attention. Il setuis Ibat Mru Rice in not picased vlîh tbe coal sent ber, vile Mr Gortxig burus loo much coal to suit the Iaîhea'a. Mr Gortziga le a case weli desorv iug of the cbarity of people of the town. Ho has notbiug tleaet except wbat people give hlm, and bas ne relatives lu the country. Coun Smith read a report rom the treels commlutee recommendaug paymeuîu as fol- lows : Juo ticCari, labor, $9.38; Wm Hopper, vont. $.l8; Jno Bravener. tesa- lng, $3.-4; mo Bellteam n9 $, Juo Bell, hhaug nov lumber 835Ç7; W J Lukre. filing sas, &336; W H Noble, lumber. $22, Every Item o! the report vus sublected to a long sund vordy cruiny sud tbe items adopttd_ after greal tribulation. Then the rprpued as a vbeie. THE TOWNS FALL SUIT. Coun Blow reported tbat thetownv solicitor required $2,5 for dishursements lu the appeal cane counected villa Mr Tho. Rices suit fur damag~es. The. reeve nald the mayor lad auiboniiy tw advance the necesuany funds te carry ou lb, appeal. Coan Robson lu op- posed te paylng any furtber law conta la this malter. The case could bave been settled for $aoo before it vent te court at ail. Tht reeve mid ho lu sot uware tbsî the case could have been settled for $zoo or auj ancb ium. The demand made upon the lova vus for $1500, sud the. suit vus preseed froua tht stan. The tovu thon glatît vise te de- fend tbe case, and the îudgmeut cieared the tovu cfpa yiug auydamagesorvoua. Coun Robson-Theno lu a judgmnu against lb. tovu. The Reevo-Yes, primmnlly no, but with recourse agatusl Mr Devereli Jr. The mnayor said that thetlova dld net vish to i la terfere vlîh the jndgmenî, but Mr Devereilg haî appealed, sud the lova has no option1 but tojolu lu b, appeal. Itvould prebably1 let the tovu lu for th. vhole cvoul f the s'ait if il did net taire action te defend ilsol!. The malter iben dropped. A iMOT QUESTION. Coun Beveil moved that the couneîl peti- tion tht Ontai b legUlature le favor o! Mr F S Spences suggested atueudmeuts to the liquor license act as follovu: (z) Giving polling divisions the privilege e! killing ffa hotel license by a majority petition In the1 samo manuer as a botllicens. may novr be .eured ; (2) giving municipaîities aulhoriay te regniate the bours lu vblcb iquor mj lbe sold. The. reeve said ho bad notiedthe manuer lu vblvb the Ont.ario Alliance had approucbed th. Ontarioo governuiont toa ui for these ainoadments. Net s vend ot r raiso bas boen uvcorded the cabinet for ils ong jeans of !nlendiy csro over the temuper- suc. people. They noir askt tIt by Iav a mn:yt fthe voteru M ofoliug division No 2 Of thil ovca yb.enabiod te preveut a license fortUic'the Royal liImW ubenever îhey choose., vblmî the salue parties couid not lnu mv vay stop the sale of liquon ai Woodruft. Sncb a lav vould prove rldlc- nIons. Coun Smilla sald le wvu net alvmys as eutla'astautlc an advate of prohibiîtion as novr, but as ho groin eider =eomsveî y anuiou 10 se-c the trafic sbolisb.d. He bo. lites« the duty o! man là 10 voie for every measure oet tîllusort designed 10 udvane lb. ctuse. Coan Robson said If Cocna Sithl has o! late beec lu avor of cutting dovu lb. aumber of botelu wby did hg ual as s mena- ber of the liceuse comîtto. bnln lume Dry Good8, Ready-made Olothingt oi and Siioes Itj xouty Rina tgaive tor a tante tfr a repn- oU %roouhing lu the. »Me lit o Iil mts, tare uli-9umade for VIS"" swof, hie wlaîeg. lita ioaov Judge Duttueil w4s' nable 10 b. ber. 10 preside at lb. court otfltu4 f the town voteru lista, bit l isieabste he ereetatives cithe .1Lberala laut Cnuer. vuvsmet aud sdjusted the . appuils on s buiesuatsfactory te, boîb snd tii. court was *dJourned for a weeki when It lu expocted that tht judge viii aotfy the. arrangement made. Birtb At Myrtie, on Mondait, Dec. diii, z897. the wife of £dward Race, of a son. The. County CdOrt. The county court musit sit neuf ýTuesday wheîher or flot Judge Dartnell la able la pro. side. If there bo no Judge on baud ithe court ha. to meet from day to day and ha adjouru- od by the sheriff from dey 10 day. An ap- plication bas been made tu the Minister of Justice Io appoint a judge, snd prohahly >udge Morgan or Judgo Morson or Toronto or soit. lendlng lawyer willi bu eg 10t pre- side. The Cadadisu Almauac for silo. This le the fifty irst yeur of publication &f the annuel, sudlits sixe bas been incroased to 368 pages. Besides being a dlrectory of clergy, ii, governmneaa officiais, mem- bers of pariliaiment, county and municipal officers, schools and colleges, barrîsters and solicitors and other public men, Il ln a com- pendium of Information of ail kmndu relating to Canada. Som. of the more Important de- partmeuts are - Short history of Canada, tRrilf !costumes, forms of gbv-rnment throughouî the world, pnt office gasetter, mauonic Iodges. nmesella neous societtes, htstorical diary. fileotnsnranco. Somo nov fentures for z898 are : Short accounts aof the British army and the ffritish navy, vfh aIl. luatrationsu; also articles on th. Engllsh gov- erument, and extradition and pardons. With overy copy of the Cwnadlan Almunac for x8ç8 ls a map o! North America prlnted lu colora. The price la 25c aud mny ho oh. ttned by addresslug the Copp Clark Co, Limited, Toronto. Oid Psmionud Tea Meeting. The old fashioned tes meeting lu the taber- nacle on Thuraday nighîItat proved to ho a highly successful sifaîr. The ladies ad the lecture room for a spread, vhlcla vas a capital lavoui, snd for ovor Ivo hours the tes occupled thie attention of ail., Table sfter table wa« seated, utitl about 8 3o, when the musical and iiterary part coin- menced. The choir sang a piece, and Mrs Ayres plsved au organ solo. The Misses Warren coutribnîed a spleudidly executed violin duel, sud responded 10 a rotaiug nlten- core villa another. Mr W H Greouwood B A, grave two recitationa lu capital style. Rev W S McAipine sang aud gave au atd- dresa. Rov Jmo Abrahamn gavesa carefuUly prepared speech. Miss Maggie Smiath gave a good reading. Mesurs Stephenson, Avres aud Wilson, of the, choir sang a trio. Major Farewell made the vinding-up speech. sud moved the vote or thanku tu the ladies and to tbose who had coutributed to tho musical and literary programme. Rev Dr McDlar mid filled the chair mont ucceptably. The tes meeting vas s grand success, sud about $75 vas reaired. WHITBY WilINTER FAIR WILL BE1313HXLD IN THE BROOK BT., -WHITBY.1 Q INCE advertising ta remnove to Ayr, we have »sold the Sentire stock in Ayr and have ooncluded to remaino for the present in Whitbyn to which place we have moved the One Chance molomies vol0. Yean-seoei, Slmm. SmuO Nlh. sys.-MunI.Soeti1 t*mO Cromby, Haîvard, Lte, Jackson Cont inyvrurd suved Uta ex" us sod ut I io utu «codlgm ira durlu hmt vIsionlitu 0&. Co.~ ulé os dahnd tt media vs cutcfordur Cmflu 'Wulordow uh u able Iomuamut Ce"'s~ Ryvr anmaue homo p rus q a tn4m"q mm nt i,.w dfor t*0 usais ho ume M. -v ~~ wm gooa.amii ,ro m de bTh issu taimmwusv ileum t.m .am mi More,, COUNCIL CHA MBER,ý WHITBY,' ON Da. 24Y P87.1 $ 75 in Prizes for 8«.t Dremsed Poutry, BogN ut f Etc. AL8O 8PECIAL PRIZB FORU FAT BABY. Se PoAters for PriceList. AUCTION SALE of Vaile *Ruum#Wslsd a" rmput 1,9 .giug l th e MemlIay Suai. lTii usduîrslnd hu reWi vuD uc"ou Imm . thtmof c lte L"T'm 0 C- GlLIvuA, , a. cUir*or Wbsl a = ~*en. dion. ou TRURSOA-Yt. * y89, 0ht PunitRoy, . *tatOvu l. a sn OIlaiu s.m~Uua.hep damailIs Nos. 4& aI.t 4& 416. a1» oe -w Cowl 9 tu Il A D I E s Fanààcy ,~EFORE SEEINGOR SPECIAL" This Corset at a great Price was purchased by us reduction, the regularl' 'Was $ .2- which enables us to seil thern th em at a price At 715 et No such vý1ue bas ever been offered in these goods. Corne and examine them and you will at once be con- vinced that they are a Bargain. Andrew Cidua. ALarge Stock of %Wý Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, A twags G roceries. me Ross: Here 18 a Good Thing. Varielytyhe Largesi I Qua/ity the Choicesi ! Prices the Lowesî - 4are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. B.e-uphoIotering done on shortest notice,, 1E.J~JOHNSONl Brock St.i. whitby, #FA RM TO RENTr me0 acres, near Audloy, 1-1 lkefigva Sbip. Goed lsud', suiba1i1e 1>ddings, pfenty o! voter front velusuand ti,, wgood or. chancir ne mustad. Possa essbir plow st, once. Full posausbloa next. meAppi ta Tuwo A MOGILLIVRATWkty Sp Pump for 8afu Good o-n pp, ueunl uev wo qplion MITaiorýI o Opal Ringi Sangle stouc'ý clan solting, New sujde stone, twost J alone or viti mouds. -Diamond .1 Newest aud settings. Ev waalted froc pricci that ca Real BrilIant in 14k Gold Ring, $3 il s B JEWELI Off cia onty or»-gu. tisa ai9au" locapal FBIDÂY, t DEC LOCAL LA Mir jas F'ogarty, of Ton lapt week. Boys z-piece suite, negi at A D Urlins. * There lame been good ol aInk this ek * Mens heavy twreed suit $4.75, at A. D. Urlîns. Miss Munlon, etOshaw ,Misa McDlsnmid on Suant Mens one buckle ruabbe Iar $x.25, fer 95c., et A D Anuuaually large anu la theefiemnsbail on' e wilI, no deubl, prove a g Mn Morgan Goodwiu, i &n Il -pummer for bis- Plckedoi bas relurned1 ter. Vlre Darneli artlved hi Mdorldaiy, smIe bvfng ii mvit on ber buâhand, Spaîgo! le couei daignlglliautihe Vid L HRichardson of Whitl ln icemparion ukk&t cott, the pUmp-_uaký P Ryaus residence, an4 Oh wvIre h It wlbu Mn. Geo Arnold, of I reated tho Coskveii sIcl bauO«td-lutothe bons *urHarry Gonld'on KW Xhon 1t11 spriag when be ;b.sse sdJoinlag theutolo luspeclor )McBrieu,1 'lhe coilegte, and M.: 9 arentndlu conducli -tuaant ns Ibis e ohk e egamination of- i Dr McKàlenborg yej .witb lais bhW Iteçt sci aunas Morris, IlAnd 4ooo0J*8 Of Se H.0 Hahn if Go., Of Hanoe. vrOe WKC*W&R PURCHASED BY A.VCTOX AT - ww0otbon . tthÉI~Il Lsrg.stock *0f Full Line of Fresh Reliable. AT GIBSON'S. We have sécured ig t (Ë#" 'a

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