Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 6

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basu nlaihéa ns ub. féllow~ p r ~~ $"Pl, I ave e Icmsuos "s'e *«i a4n it #ith the s *l o nef otioo ipehfdin 5W~4tb.D*UbeI cfyoug soldiors I hae Vision, -Vu ohosen for '1Wiato. i ýMe o maid of ommcded 'rht about lie rtumed vithotit lesuà o the irao" t tmlolbl, u nvehave I jaokomapeowhum n>'po aqe don u zroh là1ethes, shouldert o WlW O f gm hn a i stwtd,, sifdmw ub a elin -,sud lsggiig bohlùd "ths ime. Âbout 25U0 'iba, t teif en.l e, Y ~ uid. BS- meros frotth* vas"tihe saouPdrls t.Ist Wbu in t* >0 P*h gave un a broaduido lu the ftac 'Si u t bian e v lttlood, l-isti Ihow it rained. The ballefot vasJubla~"-sout oId k.. tho right, wtu he loIr,, luthe rtc. ifolde, toue. how »W iX e 0cu:u5 tePb stop whou Lithehbo.e. ÂAbiWel, v1 I ad u'akiug a& 'fllo.fIee" asthey §etru teW tnotblng tu coMaislf that dae ,HIt-Iwater. WO sniweed bsck, but it wu th Weilt, net s bi to00 sonI hbpugiht,' sud liko flring la the air, the. ruaada er. $0 yee~~~ aidonpac1;0 at lu o ater, wyul protected b>' their walle. Tit. fusî- àA tfilled my pipe, sud tooked srod te see lad. iastod about ton minutes, buti.1sha ehore we wire. Rices felda tue b righit, romember it a iong time, 4% te the lefu, sud befind às a thlck alumh However, it oould uo outliuo lu this Torc niae b' ur raplu fe&.A ittie w5>'. The bugle aeunded tho charge. ver mopad bworai c Logfut-h uu Sapristi 1 Titat mutulo alwayi touds a Oroi lndeed tee well buu-@Clhed eut Le me: shiver of galet>' through me. Beitold us le 44Sergeaut Bertrand; SergetqatBer- ruuniug itia (lied bayonete, 11k. mad- f eli trand, ne noed teuhiqht ypur pipe. Walt mon. But, se 1 have alroady uoticed, hoe a while; they vili hght it for î'ou." t.be gateva>' o! th. citadel opened tapon b ai The jsekar.spos IAAs if I dîdut kuow higia embankmeut, searcet>' three metres the wu sbould eonb. tandon' fine of te vide. To e nter thbat vo muet clim b the sud enein>'1 Suddeuly I heard thena calling narrow sucnt, and push. ln two by two upî the roll of theocompsuy, sud saw the under s terrible finesuad that tee, cort brave felows break nsn'ks sud trot 1111. throtagh s pshisade ef bambou vhicb the pow rabbits serees the rice. fids Le moeothe . nasuhad cooutoed te bar the va', lm baggsge master who wus roturniug vitia a alread>.uarrow enumgh. rails great package under hie arm. Ah, it va. euffloieutly uanrow euough cure Letters! 1New,, 1 ak you wwu this s withotat titat oursed bamboo, sud heaven N good ime to distribute lettera Î There ouly kuows what it ceet us 1 Ir tbey wero rusiuing 1k. e su>' nmadmen. I saw tvo lieutenants flu, Lhe adjutant *Obl 1 wus the ouly omne to romain tranquil. of the battalion, sud mauy others. lm- it le truc I have ne ou" te write teo me, possible te pas. that oursed bsmboe. moi ne famihy. no frieuds, nebody-all alone My captanrgdlk. sdemon. At lai, hou ini the world 1ke su old bear. Heaven ho coinmanded, "A seo'in beplhon.1 belp me ! This ime it was sentous. N e ime tc'ni At lest 1t ee my men return tu their heitate ; ait those wbe elimbed there l places, holding up their bauds to keep woeu sure ef certain deatia.à the leton (rom boiug seihed by Lb. I think the captalu muet bave restainecai vato, sd orefhlyas f Ley ereme spite agali"sL Jacque, fer bie turnoclP gardiu tia.l vns aLst men> cf e alnsd sad : "Go up there, sir, sud fr thoir dyiug mothere. Ait, Jacques bua tear svsy that bamboo." c ltuer !r' 1t la but justice te s>' that he dii! net ai " Noesfrom home, Jacquet V, vait te b. toli! s second ime. Touc iting Ou J acqmies seurgeant of My oompany, 1 bis cap with, "a&il rigbt, my captain," he amn chiot of the. (rat section, ho cf Lb. sta.rted at s quiok run. lu passlug iMt econd. A bmidsome youug felw, with he dnew s psoket ef lettons f rom hb a brig lt, boyish face, beardloe chia, sud pooket. t cheeka as smootb Ua ir is. "Taire canee ofLiese for me, Bertrnd.' Neverthelesa, t hod a littIe grudge And lu the twirskuing of an e>'. ho wui up 8 against hlm. it le always vexing te sue witb bis section. #i these brats of 22 promot.ed alougaide cf "Tear sway this. Throw that inte tht anu.old trapper 111e me. But for all that ditoi." H. was as tranquil ase if eupen. Th ho le s nice.bey, aud te meu veuld go inteuding s squsd o! soldiers ou fatigue th, th ough fr. sud vater fer hlm. (le nduty. and ail the time othoe enmy vert ta Am cennected, e!fgood family, sud olten pu n utpon themu edl>' fine sud tht- b quivos lettern vi ath e.suai of the Wan bale e.toariug sud vbîetlîng trougi, 19epartmeut, but that as bia business, the. baînboo ploughing up Lb. grouud, Dot mine, sud every nov-sund thon crushiug ashaout I vatcesihm eut cf the corner et my der, carnyiug away an arnm, or breaking î Pl eyea ai herauoi treugia the.letter. Thon log. 1 ssw hlm wipe s tsar, a ittle tear, viticli Hoaven vbat a s-ght t Tii.>' von.al '1 glstoned ou Lb. end of bus 9yelasb. 1 îeft there, aIl my comnades. Jacqut wi proeuded nettu sosuiL, urun 'okeda5lit- Lb. thenumberbth utelt Un t mae hi lag .Juet ta. the. von vau flnisbed s ball "1Whst baiste vritten te you, Jacquet strnok hlm betweeu the eyes. As bt Whst &ymay t'ai lady 1" raised bis arms ro shout a great "Hur- H. Lurusi! te me vit-bout a smle, sud rab 1 " ha feU dead, face foremoit. fnavet>' sad - "I1have ne lady frisit, Penhaps IL vu uent ver>' proper obaal Bortraud. It le from ni> mother." ..Ah !,, I fuît ai if 1 hbai made a foi I did noît moruing. but trul> it t sLo ! of mysoîf, sud sald ne more. mucia for me-that packet of luttersa ta But Jacque oontînmaud. " De you see Jacque gare me belon. ho vent tu his theso lettons, Bertrand?1 IL veut! b. duatia. I coul! out keep thwz. 0 beýtter net Le recire them lun imes like I Lbough, "'A bou ho ases 1k. a Ccv -ai these.'" an!, a few heureia= rdieni 111e a uMan. g That vue t>'opinion, ai I have ainuai!1111in launnaturi ; thon. muet bu sente-a said. IL va. net good te hot t.bom brea thing under tuea."M ranks, the seamps ;Lb.>' uek uotbing And I fait 1 bsd Lbe explabiation therep botter. But eut of potitenees Le Jacque, under m>' bad ilunioe lettens. Tiioyà 1 sai! . 4"41 &is alvsays pleaant Le recirve buaned me. It vas impoeibto te keep0 good nua sfret home, ne matter viain.. themu. làaà Ioi t 1i vlot et;thn 1Ihope yen bhai! othing diaareabte." I dre, ont the pscket. - I Jeeque shook his huai. upon My 'Word thon e ui'o u. onltL "O0h. no. t e a.contray ' ___ tur, lb.mneahha! MAreceliro that Morn Ah, thdt vssrui 1~ lyt.but 40 a"tOtspee7m 5U1t1005f1 vaterl, op to eu ,oklIu'.Anque&. imlreyab.fpr.enuî$g-On 411lirouwa4m us uO fu1*Per.e st y engageet to th1Uof orm tiug Aitlf Uksj, m =o. y eho tifa#sdyhfn1lngof 7ociand do maït@oed temally ou til va vtea uDot risetto mache. Promniseu ts iu 600 mates ith&.esdeI : SIlol s gun.vial ymmosêreummubt b, g4onota 106elib;theaaos1wete Masau à -Dotar4 oste lovabis aamVlug titWpp$e*auto "wj O cofetoen tdb. V mat f esec! t eais 51 1.1ev.Théletar .Ilteuiw bnda eu. Ot4EST' TESTIMONIALS-1 Di ad an O5fl d15 1 é pl A ft.Pastt lva Proof cf the. Succesa o1! fi 1OAD HOMOEOATLHYz- Lat Peeple Who Rave Been Cured > ai Munyou Routodies Rave to Say' Lbout Thom;,~ l fCi 'el ec ci C( di Ir ai lMInO R Nettieton, No 41 Stuart St, rente, Canada, Bsuys:--"b>' sou bad 'a t y' bai! atLaek oethéb.croup sud vo usei! Ii >up Cure viubtii.h beet of! -resultà. v as treubloIdviith a! acougb sud a ling vory badi>' inde.ed, se badt>' that s coul! scarcet>'eak viion ho begau ag M unyoua Remdios. On. viat cf1 eCroup Cure lrnproved bhim at once ite diseame wui coinpletely broken t in twe or tires dayoi. Tite medicines taini>' have vendent taI curative vers. i vlanyon's Bhaumattsm cure seldow e te relier.i oee Lehree heure, sud oes iu s few dayé. Prie 25e. dManyon'a Dyopepuia Cure poeitively oes al foreoe Indigestion and stom b trouble. Prise, 25a. lluayou e <Joli! Cure prevents pneu- ýni&and breaks up a cold in s (ew ire. Prie, 25e. iMunync u egh Cure stops couglis, ghL eveats, alsys surouese, sud speed hostol the Inage. Price, 25a. Mdunyon'e Kiduey Cure speedlly cur.e luns lu the bsek, loins or groins and! ail rme of kidney disease. Pries, 25e. Muuyou'e Headache Cure stops hea!- i.e lu thnee minutes. Prie, 25c. Muuycn's Pile OinLmout positivel> ies all ferme of p iles. Priee. 25c. Munyon'e Bi ood Cure eradicatos &Il apurities et tb. blood. Prie, 25e. Munyon's Female Bemedios are s boon ail wemen. iduuyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in minute. and! oure permanent>'. Price 1. Unyeu's Catarrb Remedies nover (ail. lie Oatarrh Cure-prie.25c.--eradieatet i. disesse frein tue system, anudheLb.a arb Tablets-price 25c.-eieanse sud la thLe part. 'Munye's Nerve <ure is a weui!efui trve tonie. Prie, 25e. Munyonus Vitalizor nostoes lest vigon 'nce. $L- Pensons1 lettons te Prof. Muuyou. i1 ni! 18 Albert et., Toonuto, anewened rith (tee medicatý adviee for au>' disease Protection Aganit Prost. It bas been noticed that the liberal application of potash fertitizers, espec- ially the crude-saIts, lessens to a cer. tai extent the injuries which the crop' tnay suifer from frost. This is an item of considerable importance, especially n the case of tobacco, which je often greatly injured by frost iu the early wutumn. The cause of the protection which kainit, for5 instance offers to plante against frost je founc in t wo sources. In the first place, on account of the hygroscopic nature *of the sait thme moisture of the soU i s more secure-, ly h eld and there je a leus rapid -evatpôr- ation. Ont of the prime conditions of the formation o!firoeîte a rapid evapor. ation and consequent' coohtnig of the surface o! the soit.- Aaytliing, Whtct pfevents this. o! courseé, tends to dien' IuIsh thee lhteuelity of -,the Irait lu th Second ', ce. the prescance o! apotash fertiliser poue a more luxuÙriani vegetalon, and thos secur" amor perfect orf the soit açilrdi thls «M ner ates raPid aOrEon. Tb=s two caumescô"bntd witdoubted ly ohave, a-tendency w dmih t ,danger fram frait tw whidm a crop maj ti epoed e, 4h ucIled te blinsei lkta time be- "J _opedona bus>'corner while a raceestn cf street cars- paSsed e» e etfrain me stood, anath'er mnan who was- hel ùp 'lu, the. saine -way. Eacb augbt the other booking E athim 8ev-* Crai tiMes, and then we colctly exchang- ed baws net excbauged bowis net ex- :eeding two lu-ches- in length. We aoniuued Le exchange glances a good [cal like thase et two doge approach- ing a boue from 'opposite directions, and then, as if by mutual impulse, we advanced and! shook bands. He ex- pressed a pleasure at meeting me; I ne- ,ufned the courtes>'; be vbiced the be- liet that 1 had the advantage et hlm, I did the samne, and then we both took advantage of an opportuuity to dart îcross the street. -I at once pointed hlm eut to a po- liceman as a confidence man. Before going haIt a block 1 was arrested on the same charge, preferred b>' the man 1 met at the corner. We were led into the station at the saine time and glow- ered hate at each other. "Whats your name ? " as'ked the man at the desk. --I answered correctty and saw the other chap start as the knets left hiç brow and a smite crossed bis face. "'-And yours ?" continued the offi. I havae s té't . u.cfva vniLu lunugard te orpis, su d >'. rheutmstisi, sa I have nt et 1ure e.f a, permanent cure untit *nov asu! I fea'ed iL migiat neturu, but I eaun nwthoî I atn penleotl>' Iree fret neumat»M, sund tour boxes et yeur spanag1ta5 Eii!no> Pille sud ou, vial o! yet lrtle Liver Pille bave cured me.tIaminover 60 >'05t5 eld, sud have been trouble! vitta nheuml- .atiamu for several years. 1 have triodý several remedies, for iL. but geL ne Ver- mnaneut help until I tnled youn pille, Laet tati I wae ver>' lame vîth IL viten mY Bulter sent me a box cf your pille. 1 had nover heard of thet untail thon. ThaL box helpe! me, sud I bave oui>' taken four bozes, but eau trul>' oa>' that 1 do net feil a panticteofetbe rbeunierU' nov. Tbey bave oven taken it eOut of eueetfMy ittle fingene. The joint w55 iswolleu sud painfut au! I coul! net straigliten iL eut. ît le al nigiat nov. IL vas the vonet lu mu>' igbt leg sud hp. [Lyws very bard Ion me togot about the bohue. Ncw I an walk all I vat te vwithout a twiuge. The>' are a great moi!. >1iine sd I hall reommenif them wvie- e IVer I bave a chance. G V MRiciELtzD, Bryauts Pond, Me. ~'Robert K Billers.' "'-Hello, Bob! " I shouted, as 1 pushed forward and gave him a punip- handle shake. "' -Hello, J im 1" lie responded with even greater enthusiasm. ",We had been schoolboys together and fast friends thirty years ago. I suppose something in us recognized each other withou t our Ik nowing it. Cant account for it in any other way. It took us a littie time to convince the police that we were riglit, and then we dld more visiting in three hours thari a paie of boarding school girls could have done.". a .%nt Pool a Woman About a Shoe e. A nice young man resolved the other day to present his beloved girl with a nice pair of shoes. He accordingly procured her measure and purchased a $2. 50 iSair. In order to make the pre- sent appear more valuable, he marked 86 upon the soles of the shoes, and, at bis request, the shopman, who was a friend of his, put a-receipted bill for $6 into one of them. The presentation was made and the loyers were happy, as loyers should be. But mark the sequel: The girl examined the shoes ln the daylight, and was net satisfied. She was convinced that her lover had been cheated in the purchase of sucb a pair of shoes at that price. She decîd- ed to go and change the shoes and ob- tain a better bargain. The nert day she appeared in the shop and selectedl a pair of shoes, price e, and politely requested the clerk to take back thc shoes for which she- sald her husband had paid $6. The reccipted bill was produced ln proof, -and the boot man found l i ipossible to go ",behind the, rtrs"The smart girl took ber $4 pair of shoes and obtaied $2'lu mouey and went homie happy, and sati9fied. *The bootseller sent -abill for $4- to thei Young mani,, who promptly pald. the <iffrce. but bc -tttinkt that girlsa * ittie too smait for hm t r Lime on Ald' 8o11. -~~~bo ILp -rI bI om1N lb.. 14117 HOBBS Spaîagus Kidney PUIS. HOBBS REM EDY CO., PSOPiuZTeIS. CaiCAQo. Dr. Hobbe Pis For Ssle tu WNITIIY, ON L', by A. B. AT.LIN, Obetuit aud DrugglAt. Facto About Tea. The Best Brande Are Grown in hIdis a More and more le the tea-drinking hab- it growing, aud i t e estiioated &bat 259- 000,000 pounde a year are used throtigW out the world. I the far euet tea leade. The Siamese are inveterate drinkers cf tes, bot aud cold, and they carry their tea.making uteosils abeut-with tbem and have tes on the street if tbey are e inolined. The tea houçes cf Japan, with their gracetol attendant@, are known throughont the world, and a eup cf the fragrant beverago served by a dainty maid with soft eyee becomees a bewildering elixir. The best tes we get doe not corne from China, iu spite of the faot that it is supposed te do so. -India,* Osylos ncudJava snpply tht best brande, wbieh are fer superier 10 wbat used te, be sbipped here 20 years ago. Tea wr-s firet imported from bhina bowever, aud 2787 yeare before CJhrist it W". Usedin the foey igom. Ag 1* mýlk iand sa, ffa &ChOiasseor Japaýnese epicure would tbink hià drink totufy ruined if either was pau in. Tbey derive a goutte exbilaration, fromn their tea that we hurried. westerners -mise. One Chio. ese philosopher bha said regarding te&i- "Iltenprsthe spirite- and-harmonises the mmûd, dispellassýüitude sud -relleves faine wa3ce lethouglit s0d pvehi*ts- body »sd abers tho eptisf.lI The difleeo btwnblaok-sud ,morte,qulklysdi laew e work4 ovr s muo. Qoaeionalty, poeetepe.tsiolrdwt mugi#e COevo>'SlOcer, oe. ie .th. Ofce1 ethci the post Ofclà l tn' Btcek,Broek Stret# W-b'. T G. TOUN sUITE.J4L0 , 01 14arniagO Liceuses. Ofc mt' Bleck, South e1 Market, B) ock St., Whltby. DIOW I ILI AY Barrt5tOlr5, SolictottotinuChancer>', etc. Office lu mathise» & Ba'wkef'lsnov blockr Brook St..'W hltb>', sonth of Ontario bank. W. B. Y AU S OLD . L.0., 4JeuntY Surveyer and Drainage Bngineer, Port Perry, Ont. O£Ditaêe Pl to il S.M. t àP.AA. PHrieI Telep/iofe Communicaftion. p.P. BOGART, ,I.D-,LD.S.- Ihysioaa, Surgeon ana Acoôucher eto. ffioe and Besidence neit te AMl gint', 3hurch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- tental Surgery in ail il. branches- promptly ktteuded to. W. A DAMS, G3--DENTIST, Residefice-_No. i, The Terrace, Byroni St,." Whltby. Jan. 29tb, 1896. Dr' He Wightu GTom J G'aDg"B 13Oe eàr a9tura'ngt %rn0ctiktfltDU, sittings 0f The Divilon O2 OOU14TY OP OIITA&BIO, Jan. a-;Pb.8;-LmarchSa ri-9 ýju e BoJl> ? U p. 2ii kl. i , Jan. 4;PFeb. 4; mrh ;ApuillO8 -junés; jutys; Se-; . , Olok 3mi 0 MroO;May ~ostPusu -3.W. lrnhlu 1 : boeconnoil met purein kent on Monday Nov 8t ip hallI, Brongham. Ai ýIexoop&iüg Piret Depty -Nowbrsy lu the chair, peati~~ ~a udappro vucoopp lot 18. Oo~ rwua heard r ~bidge to ih. aoèuth cf îzab.r cf sounlte wer 45t lb. varions ,sudiu lonor sud DONI Therepu tbscueMo kr~sasi 0Dm oface bours Il S-M à. - a IN in . mlice hours 9. a. m. Ceylon and Java. te-,open every 1 1 1 b, Qom D8 Warren à Moore. J. . Moore, M. D., Warren, M. D Brooklil. Whitby. 1 --- TBLLS HROW HB WA8 .Mt.r OtheBmodios FalIedl Ilim, Dr Wilhjatos Pink PIU 4 lm a Heslthy Man. ~'citho Montreal Herald. Dowu on William etreet the eth butter sud cheoe trade je d( t le thero that the Montroal cold nd frezig cempanys mammot 0g ta loate ,lu the mummi en extensive shipmn tsar«e bei e big block je a veritable beehi'M alWellkuown ezporting fira srwarehouee luthie building cf them je Wm T Ware & Ce. warebouee imau la Stephen as hie naineindieates, le a IV na as sud in the prime of '.ver thon. wae a grateful mn on ýf tbé earth L-day that minsj )ellèle. Âfteriug suifering indel oýlgnie-for several menthe, lie is "loturèocf health sud féeole tat ,, ,uty to tell ail the world how ho ,,red te hoalth sud happinese ;le explained hie troubles, DOW fci sthiug ef the past, te a reporr l1 aiàd reeently. "My wor c ,,taIlU parts of the warehouse,"i ,d sometimet I weut the -trcom without mny coat or cap oni ýback Le the otherparte cf the we te b warmer stinosphere. Aboi ck I beesmne very iii with a comj fýdiîùese. I ws suifering wit n, biliousness and the reelit 'disordere snobas siek head e capeti'te. I began doctor ý,"O50 o orow worse every iet very littie, snd as time wd tsoi able to do any work, ai b',"ýèx rion cf moving about w( Ëéct. I had a very poor appe W o.i1I te did noi; sgree lu I. suffered (roui a severe pal ~ ud side, During that Liu auy niedicines but tbeysa ~ef. I bad becomo eesti au rmn down that life wa me. I wae advieed te Lry Pink Pille, whieh I did oly benflelcal resulte. I cou ug tbe pille about Christmas1 I amn feelingsgodilthat I yduty te write the proprieo liame Pink Pille sud lot thei e xtremely grateful I am for,- IrMedicine bas effeeted lu me on nly six-'boxes wheu mya ~alth wae a paradis. Le wbe nfor some menthe previc e*1 is a quiet unassuming ii euh>'net given te over onl ïbere wss ne mietakiug hie wheu recouutiug hie expel reporter. He will alwsys -Ver lu Dr Williams Pink Pi r Williams Pink Pilla cuire1 î- e iot Cf the diseame. The -bnfldnp the blood, sud et nervesthue adniving the cdiai syti.Avoid imitations1 that every box yen pUrehe ed in a wrappor beaing the k Dr Williams Pink Pille:

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