Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 4

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IEW [ J I "us tut OUR PRICIS kAg RIGHZ 01 OUR G00)1 iIyler-BtT. S J. Eu WILLS, OSEMIéT cDIWUGGITt MEDICAL, I RLLL, ]BI-OQK ST-, - WEITBY. WHIITBY, NOV. 1.99 1897. short Notas. Pickering townsbip bas again taken to drink, so to apeatk, and many a parent wiîi soon bc wailing witb a saddened heart, "Wbere ia my boy to-niglit?" Where do you asuppose b. will be ? Sir Oliver Mowat was yesterday sworn ln Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Hon David Mills was tihe day previnus uworn ln as Minster or Justice lu thei Dominion Gov- erument. BUt appointments ore very pop. ular, and wcre asked for by people of ai] political parties. Sir Wilirld Lauriers mission to Washig- ton bal been the. mçst Interesting politicai move of tbe week. t t isafot known for a certainty what bis object ls ln visiting Wash- ington, but the Inipfession creat.d among Ainerk'ani papers by his visit la thut If the Americana want lriendly concessions ln re- gard to the #asss and other questions, tbey mueta" l give concessions. The Yankee idea Ia tbat under the Mlunro. -doctrine they areeenîitled to North ind South Anierica, and tiat- If tbeycau ame vitltbeiv vant they haveonly- to laeIt iansd give atln' u turçi. là regard to this sal question. tic Yankees hav e en deciared by an Inter. 'Petiodail atbltratimo bhave soted lIgallv snd dantages were awarded agaluat tient. Tl4ev refuse ta etier psy tbe damage or ad - Smt it e lllenallîy and pose-as Injured' peo. pie. Under s -ucit circunàatanea one would wonder that Canadians would tslk &bout firtiier seulement until aur noigbbosîs square up to date. Tbe New York papers clair thal SirWiifnid Lauriers mission bnas been a fallure bocausie ho demanded (amoi for favor snd would not accept tie Yankee doctrine of give ail and tek* uotblng. Local Option las defeated ln Pickering. The. vote bs alwsays bien close ln tha'i town- uhip, commenclng wltb a maJority of i fur tthe Dunkin act, aud efiding witb a malonity of 14~ agalnst local0ption. Seven tines tbey bave given majoIties for local prohibition sud 7 tne hb?ýever ot it. Undpr the Duà. kin at tômwsa no ttempl atenfbrcment for tbree yeWro. 'Next i uder lb. eScot st *tiere s 'a IWlmroveiuenttbutboez t wamp. ed by lthe vote ôf lie retuaittder ofh, coqty lite ml wui eld. Wben 19=1.,option vas çarrit~bbc,'.wuaaIusttbe easof âon.enIorccment vilut the. Couts voulddacid as bIls constitutionslity. and as soon asýtRut point was seled the 1mw prouldsd'imploachinery tb agalu put t. P>Lo Pltnruin 0a thnnait 0keep Illa, of deta«*4aed effort lia sftr nmy y..in Pikrn ur usel s 4sla" laws of pose.'W oony-of well.dclng sa maiI nm. b« f Pckeingvolera refuse b go 1toth ppls ff ite seventi tinte, sudthb. ilgit Win b Eh t 1 Qvr ofb h Msd.orsllty la ýdectdëd, wlsevry bomuer and drmnlrd relotea liaI, bis way(o destruction la car. Out tawi ageluat nink *oýbut orgear as oon as Ite igo u frce, ýothat boi as re. garde the law italf and Itseuforcemeuîtih -Iwbltoe tbiuen tounîs ola ittie ces" tisnas fo&t,1t ma> bi faily saild tiat tbe Inten. Ilhon tbt ca cotutn ofîlie cOuntry so ta force liquor drnuklng upon tbe people, and ibsi the liv nakers snd courts se ta Il tiat tbé-CýomtIttou 'aso I nterpreted. The *p. P'ettet Of ie people for drinik la supposed (o do lte rest. Tvwn ceusai Met Mondsy nigit, A lettonvus ncd from P S Spence, aecrtury callie Provin. ugn a meumoIal 'îa tie ProicMul laglola haie akhiga ilufuturen Dio 01 lçcus be' graated lha an> polhlng sub.dvlaoo vhfflare a iaa or ifeatoralIiiosagalUa fio, adetd leisng s vSoe i i electai iai#lpalt tadecîde asto tihaut a Wb iOlor mias> ho sold.. Comp Doirel etrodu"pd abyliw ta pro- yimee. ud aiWma dséti rtors. roulng lie: nepottvent ilô alle Are $midlg sy >, Ptu3 f- 'Sutract1$S, at *:9i i lsu $s orushîg nle, aen itic A nd Soii0 hvebeu&rneai l, h tor $t.5 tla gotlnc. erepartpased .LECI'ION En0Ma Thi ee4v e vd ta gRive Nigbhtvstcbman eCcount #&a mani extra duringtii besix vvicIer tuonitis, TtlaeasId liatI ven yon touci àOle aôutb icard mnu enbavehem ail ta rec0 ltouvt, snd -autr nsd.is wIl teé member that sut aprlng te neve sud a"ers attacked ithe nlgbtvsîcb mafia salary sud ,eut Il dowu froint836o tta$tao.-Ab neaty aul ai McCourts aslary la colicited hotu tthuai- ncst men ou a tronu«se tar basis, lie aven- ate souti yard man la not supPoaed 10 care, If lie rcceiecd $36c»a s yer, sud tus nîlïg dowu MoCourts aalany did ual e'e ltéir taxes thoy would be anpposed la b. swful mad aitich reeve. He tierefar. oftered ta take $30Ouot Of the businesmeus pocketit sud ta give It ta MceCourt <o beal i te somn l tic souti vend. As an excuse for Ibis khnd- ly action Reeve Prîngle stsîcd liaI McCourt iad had pon metc fisiuug. 'Sucb a'idicul.1 ans ing vas enoulita fr111l a counchl Oai hancal meu wti Iaugiiug, but l veut1 tirough tic Whiiby tavu council i ti ser-1 ions faces. This beiug lhe case tic reeve set off viii, anotier motion eqnally niiculaus, but saine- wiat more plausible. lu fact libis a vander lio did flot introduce tuis motion final. it waa ta refnnd $5 poundage fees ta Ioscpb Pearson for iaving bis eattlc Impouudcd last sunimer. Mn Peasan has a hard nov ta ice, aud tic motion was allowed ta go. A motion was passed la psy R S Cor- miacktSs. iS for stationery supplled tie clerka office, aud tic conucil adiourned. Oatanl e Outy Ploving Iss Lam. Sinvo lust yea.r the. Wbitby sud East Whil. by Plowuug Association and the Reaei, Pori Perry sud Scngo Ploving Club have amtas- gsutedaud theftiret joInlplowing tcth1 tk place at Myjrle on Fviday ;ast. Tie1 date had been dfid for Thursday of lut1 veek but thc vealier turne ucd oo lucle - meut that the evenit haî ta be postponed s dey sud even tien tic prospect wuasos bard thal auly twenty-fivc piovers turued np ta compete. Thase vita caime b.d to wear mite snd thiet coasealdal ta tee p (rom fnccuiug, wvite thein borses humpad hheir baskansd wsikedsnofaset taItihe inishwas made au bout or bwo befort nigit. A plow. er coudil ot leave bis tesin standtung vile bie measuned hie furava lest ithe bonae would have ta solver sud as.a coserqueuves esci plovar had ta bave au assistant. The spectabors 'were ual very numerons sud thase vha vere there presented sncb hump. Pd up froaca loakiug spectacles that anc would suppose thcy ver. Èafflcîed witi bhutiehed bâcksansd defammed legs. A more idienlons iooklag spéctacle titan a Cploviog match ou snocias day coud bardly b.Imagiued for nat fer vay tho nldgcs conld bi aceen snow-caýpcd sud vhntry loaking, vhIlat esuowbauks lay behlud ail the@ (ces mui viiere Uic meu von. plovlug. Th. match vasdated ta take place s fortuigit1 to laft ovlug 10 ho dry ilwh:ch thb. threons feared tulgit continue snd make( plowlu glficuit. These matches sbould, bia lity hadvertlaed for 1h. latter partofac cetoe r sud If lbthe ther vii u otal sowc lieu ta porne -off tien Il là msf. ta asy thatt Do jlovlug matte au lit e .14wutcoin- fortan su g~ms iu lbe vinter lime. Tic' sly titig 111* aMie tlaaunouace tar a ver- tai day lut l4aveïuhe'r 16, bsnkegiviug day. Ose eau do bis tiausgvlug viether the wetier b. good orbdTSplovlug lun a6d vas Vemy 8go& bt la luib ie do.. sot deseri muc* puise One thlug vas coucluded, bovevr, sd that in bat the baya lu alubiebc",tlie mu. If they itad hies al lu ose tissa i hem«c. vai st bave w« oueon congtota uy ails for ticin hanses tlocal,, le'lte match ahn bande hustled off lt te lMyle botel ta lhrow out sud gel snppe*- vlcih ast vws served lu aamnuer tost sud viiciwuasPar- lakeofa viit hovy overcotto.sud Csp ou. Tiose vho vere ulprpnd agomtr varda dait upons ave = tmatlùs cy û titav cd ont Uic frosea viandeainu hem tomc dîd sot dm nescatait. TRervoe large number Wvia vlahynfauied frai * acbs;Pideig>39 Dile, alýi lcoWg 7s CImicinant 6 7 571 6"q Mai against by iaw-SS. Mai 47 la 30 48 48 30 4j 57 72 36 56 587 575 for ibylaw-:q4 Tableoail clati, regniar 3* cents for g0 ctS asyard. at AD Unlina. Mardwood Timbir For Osale by auction On lot 25, con. 3- tp. of Whitby, ou Wednesday, Dec. iti, 1897. For particulars sec posters later. L Fair. banks, auctioneer. W C T" U Sala Tii. W.C.T.U. wlll iold their sale of faucy sud useful articles, Ice crcam, cindy sud cereal colcée on Wcdncsday. Dc. Ii, com- menclint an . Tes wiil bc s.rved frpm s ta 8 o'clovk for toc. st Andrews Day Rev Dr MeDiarmid of tic metiodiat tab- ernacle will presci tie aunuai sermon ta tic Society lu St Andrews churci. Whltby, ou Sabbt. Nov 28tbt t3.30 pim n iieloquent discourse may beexpectod. Great uusc afinr. Send us tic names aud addrcsses of tire. or more perlormers on lhe piano or organ la- gether wltb ten cents lu silver and we will mail y au ten pleces full sheet music, conalat. uug af popular Songe, valtzes, marches, etc. arranged for tic piano aud organ. Address : POPT.LÂR MUIC PUB. CO., Indianapols, mnd. 51-6. Whallby Msrkela Plour, Manitoba, pet cwt .... .....$2 90 Ploun, mrncd wbeat.................. 2 6o Whcai, feaiod .................. 85C ta 85C fail, new.................6S 70c aprng .................. 8oc 82e 90m ................... 70c 72c BaricY ......................... 25C 32C Gats ...................... ....220 22C RYe ........................... 400 40c. Buckwheu .............. ....... 300 3(x Pesa., blackcye ................. 55e 55c 4. Canadiso Beauties .........550c 55c, mulumy ..................S 500so sulali.................420 42c blue ..................... 450 45c Butter, pi: lb................. .. x70 î8c Eggs. per do: ............... ....70, 8C Poltoes, per bag ............. ... 50c Soc R{aypet ton.............. i... $700 Staw,, pet ton ................ .. $3 ~ Hega, dncssed, pen cwt .......&SoQ r Cichaes, pet ab..................o 9c Turkcys, "............. 00 Zoo Duoka, ...... .... 100o Gese. .........ë'............. 8c 8c Mutton....................50se 6 Bcd. -Permcv................ .$5 oo 86 Larnb eacb .................... $25o$325 A youug servant gi. Apply at once tp Mrb Geo fH Hogarth, Byra et, Wbhkbl. TOWN81IP 0F NARiA VOTERS' LIST, 1897. Noticeûàs iereby given tRust a COurnt 1b ield pursuat £to t. Volera Liat Act, byi Hie Honor tIo judge of the Couuty Cour of lb. Couuty of Onarlo, ai McGraîha bail,Bril, on tie c tiday af NOV., 1897,4,î10 coaa Mt., taneu sd'dummîne tice eeal co=talt of e2ots aud ornlsaocs l inte Votera s wla a dui monicipatity od tic Towshpof ssta. AU parins bing vmçm < t ounzame wquired ta attend ase tàsadihuto sd plaoe btdNov 10b, g W. R. mopuHeE Clati of tic mm 14 Malciay.ý Pump for 88Ie Gondchi pipcany s, arsl oba Aply e T IS O ICB. fur Coat Fouî)d Ou &t% cm., seuKissale, abu t eda», ugo, a browveW ur t,, short>Imk'adioe Via: voeu. Oveer My have UMMe b~py Ior "bsadverdimut.C. J. aiVNSN Kînuale PO. Nov :r?.î8SW-51 aie. b r B at, a great reduction, th gua( Pric e Was $L25~ We have secured themn at a price which enables us to seil them No such value has ever been'offered in these goods. Corne and exami ne them and.you will at once be- con- vinced that they are a- Bargain. drew me Rosse Her / aGood Thing, Variety the Largesi I Quality tke Choicesit1 Prices the Lowest. are the three points whieh lead the FURNITUIU Re-upholstering done Fi trade. ïrteat notice. Brock St., - Whitbye FARU( TO RENT Oo acres, near Audley, lu IPicke ring to i -i ahlip. Good lanid, >uitabliebuilding lety or water (rom velle Ond streai, goodor ciard, no mustard., Pousesioôn toli plow ut once. Pull possession liext 1vprlu ,Apl toa eo A ?McGiLLWRÂAyO btyýS 22 1897-tf. -Spruce Tries f e Jla 4,000(rom 31Ã" 5 foot iig t tHome Na. tse ricPkcrtog ownahip i tre miles *est of Whitby towu. ïThus la s good sesson fot lransplanîing thein. S -C WILSO;4, Whk-f by P.O No4:,1897-49 41M1 s An Fancy Chi@na. A Large Stock o Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh AlIway8 G roce ries. *Reliab le, AT GIBSON'S. One Chance More, SINCE advertising to remove to Ayr, we have sold the k)entire stock in Ayr and have ooncluded to remain for the present ini Whitby, to which place we have moved thej Lagestock -of Dry Gooda, Ready-made Clothing, -Iintend pIhwiu -neas upona -and in order t -stock of Jei -give a discount ÇCuf Buttons, jVictoria Chains, ~roeheand Ea GetsPlated C Soarf' Pins and Links & Collar Bi Colci and Silver Gold & SilverF OF 25 PER JS. Rarn t10. of env loca1 papo m 4 FRmÂAY, NOV. 19, LOQAL LÂCONII Ladie rbbers, regular 4o cmi a pair at A D Urlins. Mens ail wool under waro, regi for 5o cents, at A D Uniens. 442 mncb ail wool hencretta, rel ~fr 25 cents a yard at A D Urlni *Thc CHRONICLEICls only prk week, but when It le pnintod It ii 'I rougiiont* the country as ti paper lu Canada. MrS Sileox B.A., formenly selq -degre acheho r of Pcdagogy (B. ifeired upoti hlmà by Toronto uub ln S, S Sharpe, Uxbridge, bas b .oraummted wlth LL.B. ~Mr Thot Todd, Goodwood, wý lybounced as Inspector of- v measures for tbis district, walto Gevornor Gênerai at Torontoý anpd 'asked for an investiiati aaeofbis rem'Oval. Loid. -- ~Tirréd Todd ta Sir Hen * joly. A n accident ta tbe wires cana -trilightle 10 gont on ?Mondai s>sypeuple got luto aa vwe, afa"rv usti wye bahs sncb th tig ciuse, bl toteWe venteelo say lia - s Ile more salsfactonlly1 soaas wepayfolgt 4 o nquire ea. Oshawa. Tlp r bMeAipin&, *i11 preat servce lte uuembers% aV0$ndày evunlng nezt là hib t b. usali bout. r8 .:~t, tbee1odge t'om et 63Im MrL W<RjI-IDA..bas itetdd tW6 -.bdude bloout vtW *luce fi Boots -and Shoo Oen~' urnh/gs Anid .frocories 0f~~~~~~- 8t.Har Coof Hator WHICH 'WE PURCHASE1) BY AUùcTiO< AT,. $ 54, 4ppIIoto <Parliment, At 75

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