Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 2

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Tht.t. ii.wa~ Itwaabotitd to look '*ben granditther blit bs "picter took.0 14 it ewe te msh*dewe oast b.fort 'the aiig of Conjurer Xagurre Au.! liar t 1likiý. agirl 1la spI#aforQ $O=* day te bloc mte a godess fatr. Xea certainly were got as lack. we know Au tbey picturo.! tIrom, #o y«"r49114 Aqyemr's Sarsaparilla bogn toMâa te* mon, mat 04 tao nov ý-pItur* of mon began tube made. Thousada ,of ffople frontod the camera wlth eakinsmade cdean from b1ltch and blomlah, because lihey bhad Uriftd the blood with 4Âyeà 9s amapauUa. It Ma aspovrful now as thon.' Its reoprd proves it. Othera Imte .romedy; theyý cW OBiItat. the reoord: 10 ersof u res. CORRESOPONDECNQE f MLARMONT Thiomas Grogg is much improveti in Mrs. R. Sadien te vony mach tuiprovoti Lutber Baves le tndisdosedti ili ry. cipelas, but àa inproviug. The trafflcofetbtrou4 freight over the C.P.U. i. vry extensive tItie fal. Miss M. ichelis te rovering rapidiy, sud viti oeslong nemiume ber dut.. as nurse. At North Ciaremont, on Monday weslt Mrs. Etirarti Iowo proenreti ber boe- baud vulah a son. Ira Boyer bas soit his rinRit bthe Gootivooti man, anti iL wil ho takeu sway within a very fev tisys. Mrs Guetiilow, the lady wlào occupioti tbe DMethotihit puipit on dunday, te 8lst uit., -as suddenly caileti hoe.te JLii- -cago threugb the tioatb of bsr daugbter. The young lady mec vitb a railwa7 &o- aident, from tho effects of ber injuries; eh.is ucoumabei. Paclamator Huoleon wiahee us ta furthen stata iu ooaneoîion witb the Reid sdowaik eptaode, that tùat gentilsuen vianet seriously injured uer ronderoti aunatnous , but juat shaken op sli#btiy. Thst bis fidi vas due te a amaill loue piece cf board, that mnust bave bean plaoeti tetrip corne one, andti Iat the walke lu the viliage bave aLIl beau goe oven anti r.pahc-ed hero necessary. Mrs Frank Mandeo, after a protracteti illnusa rom consomption, dieti st the ns. sidence o! bier father, M Beelby, onntMen. day week. Deeeeti vas highly respect- adi anti durng ber long ilues ad haibe con#elaýio falber nehgbhbors and friende. Ucb syrpathy la ermsd for the beneaveti ones. The. funeral teak place ta Erskins oemetsry an Weduos day, suddvas cotuposoti of a largeocon tage. Graham Bras are btghly ploaseti at Choir uccees at thé Chicago hors. show, anti their native village bua very resson Co feel proud *laca. Tbeir baokney. Royal Standard, won aàlaumben et frait prisnhesides being avartietithé pris. as thbobtd igbt herse on the greunats. C>ourier, the othen beckney, vas ouly beaten by Royal Standard. 'Young Me- Quoen eour..! sisilar honora iu ch. hsavy claie. Tbe prises won vitl amount $o abonst 1, 150. Riia aumérousrafnedanti relatives wore deepiy gieve t t lest-n on Moaday vek wha James Richardison, o!f ale ton, a recident of Ibis looality ountil smre ilfteen yeare ago, bati chat moering dled. Decease.! and vif, bave botb beeu ln the Toronto hospital outil about tvo veeks &go,, vben tbey vent te thoir boeetr. Rboebardesèn vas rolievet cf a lamai th&& Vsighed nmre twency4tvo poantis. De cess asailawua rn, an d hic brother Robent làbore on Tnusay motahni- Ce attend thie funeraI sud attend ce a&&Ira A wldov andi growu up fàmnily are loft bebinti. About 7 olook Mondia - veul the stable le the, rtetofPauI Lawreaces résIdenc uoevsdlsoosrd te be on fins, t*e hiase, baviustance.! Ia the loft. The *lan, wuva ped s iven and a huge omev. aseurnblê&. tu th eistable sud1 b ô McMot .!,by s vooM*seti and a4 iberè vasDn' %#P11a40o6 vlth whbo e fi t flic au baud, c im Puap bul n the ' ug, ta vas u . b~s ~,to s votbebon»s. Titisbbins ed u»ngai 0toa tl.dvlla BUai1 & rlablt contirn, A bi~ck horst, 1wlthiout elthur driver trip ý ploped a-,~e tls~ fcw days ego &and wua c*ptured 1 yA Birrellel'Who i#iabled the apirnal 0ox1 tirlng 'of the. -aeCOmmt>dationtl tbtai-- forded It, the hoee broke -bos atid- Ïùidb fotô oi lIdWs lb *1 captured until thetownline wua reacli. cd. A (cw days aftcr an advt was ln- scrted la a City paper by a Mr Davi, of Davlavlle, maklng enquiries for such an animal. Landlord Gordon sent a message to Mr Davis, with the resuit that the animal waa recovered. It ta flot known whctbcr or not the animai bas-been-jtalen, but the owner la of that opinioiL. Rumor bas It that Stewart. Coch- rafe, who ha. worked the McKittrick farro east af Greenwood for the p-tot twa years, has lett suddenly for parts unknown, and has leit very littie af bis property behind. The collector, visit- ed the prem lacs Wedncaday and seizcd what he could for taxes, and the Massey-Harris Co. recovered passes- sion of their binder the sanie .day. A field af turnips, some hay, a cook stave and a few other articles atone remain on the place. When the col- lector i. satisfied there will be aimant nothing left from which ta pay the rcnt. The managers of the farm seemn ta be rather unfortunate with their tenants. Mr Cochrane has fot been seen since Friday of last week, and it is a mystery toalal that he could so quietly dispose of his property and get away before being detectcd.-News. Poor Blooci Wheaià homselspoor in &d4a à new harnesa won't give hlm atrcngth If a house la cold new turnture won't wrM AtL If your strength Ais ea.aiy «- hausted; work a burden; nerves wcak; digestion poor; mnules soft; If you a&M ae and vorn ou4thet .troub As wlth the blood. It 18 uiot sé mnuch IMPURE blood as POOR blood. Pilis won'#t maLke ths blood rlch; nor vii bitters, nàor ifron tonica, any more than a new harneas vii give atrength to thie horse, or new furniture will make a ho=s warm. For poor blood you want somethAng that wil make rich blood. SCOTTI'S EMULSION Of Cod-liver O11 with Hypohos. phitea la the. bestrmedyln tii. world for enriclng the blood. Ve baveprpsrtd & bock t.Iog yoS mmre&bout the Mbfoc. Se=t Fres. SCOTT & OW»E. BeletlO. Removes Pain Qulokly. For pain in tho bok, ides or obet a l1tW. "Quiokcureo,' eprod on a pleos of linon or cettea, and! appli..! te the more po reinove the. pain and Inflanima- fio a ono.. 5Oc snd 8#L00 ais "'Quîekcuae" pots hold thre and! ain. titans triai aise. Ouly a littàe la requlr.d. (T<o 4for la«t Ù~.)e LSool ut fer the vert.!. <air Wb"ch siie Place at Raglan la a feuw .eks, tir James Couche bau the Uasude mW ln sedoi.order. Re buas gvu Ità tbmoe Mouovatlag. se fetehcosyens gats. We ondenitaa.!inas Maddu aappfls havagoodteaclard~ o«t bt 0$ tb. sake ors 1ev dolars. W. u ae gl.!tebav e lar 0" opwI«r onge mate froua09sbas. if be etaf 27 GOLATOH ES AREI GIVEN AWÂY EVECRY MONTE Your Orocet .111 giv. you partieralars, on drap a peetoard ta LEVER BROU., Llmlited, Toronto nlouât Albert Chas Brooks ha building an addition ta the manse. Valentinie Brooks le lookirig aver the Rainy river district at prescrit wlth a view of locating at Wabigoon or in that vicinity. A wetl attended social was held Monday evening at the niethodint churca ti aid aI the building fund af the churcit. Many irom Sutton and Zephyr andi vichnity were prescrit. The ladies af the presbyterian church eritertained the members anid atiher- Cnt. ta an 1"at home" an Moriday even- irig in the Sunday achool room, when an enjoyabie evening wan sperit. 1»O8.A Mr H Cluchy bas returneti from his Woodstock trip on the bicycle. He had ta corne home by train, on accaunit ai the rainy apell. .We are pleased ta note that Arthur Clutchey ha. 50 far recovereti from hie recent attack ai typhoid lever as ta be able ta returu home. Whîle home attendirig the Shiloh anr.ivcrsary, Jas Wilson had the mis- fortune ta break his wrint and at the same time dislocatirig the wrist joint. We hope for his spccdy recavery. Dicd, at tJdora, an Suriday, Nov. 7th, 1897, Walter, infant son ai Mn anid Mrs C Peers. Our sincere sympa- thy is exterided ta them in their sad bereavement. SANDFORD Mr andi Mrs F Taylor and Mr Francy spent Suriday with Mr R Rynard, of Victoria Corners. C Meek is confinedti t his bcd with a severe attack ai lumbago. The Rer Mr Campbell. af Quaker Hill, assîsteti by the Rev Mr Mitckýell; have been holding in the Oddfettews hall very nucccssfui revival services. Thon Moore had a narraw escape from betng kilteti on Saturday marri- ing. While doing Up the chores one ai the homses kîcked him ti the abdo. men. Mre John Oxtoby ta sull very sick. Michael Q uýley ha. renteti bis (arm ta J Crozier.é Isaac Warner bas bought the Levi Walter Shier bas been appointed head master ai the graded public schoal ta Wellesley, Waterloo caunty. The cheese factory cloneti thie week. Everybody seems velI pleaseti with th,% n NOT -lw Al , *T a<'iaS m: ~ mii ~ I ts.bon o oâliideîod thatitue st1ihinï ýîi uwýj of the. ;àfli onalng bere. -wtth regard le whas tbat the cor. sq1on lef rveb.tutô*,M oin' wfl is aiongewsou hîitandomtheu staglle 8bÉrouU 1i'atinub t eu... ment as leuoted te thé C'ther mille ai rsiidy, i i èxhta4e er."Tie Ur Blon Wholer, of Nant> Orhltis, re- oontly broug'liî b. Pacliet a couple of speolmens of bog Iront whýeh la found lu ouAsldermblo qnantitlea on hie (atm. W. enbmilted ithe spocîrnene te Mr Charles Corbeutti, harrster, trhe le a mhaoraiogist di ne moan attalumente, anti wbo reporte that ch. ore ie of god qnality, anti If the teIl are et any cônalderable sie it !sl b. valuabi.. Prom the tests whtobhe h.as made. lis hould jatige that the ors centaine lrom iifty 10 sizty par ont of lt-on. Bog trou ore le aiso used for the manufaeture of oohre for oom mon paintas This paattcuiar .nample yieideaa cooolate brown echre, ant i mlht &am lie made toproduce a yellaw ochre. Mn Corbouid considens ch. deposît welt worth investigation, with a view to acrtaining ite quaiity anti extent. Under bond et la pepular wedding," th. Kingston Whig recorda the union of two Oilliana, wbo viii bave tb. gooti wisheetofail wbo knew them when remiti lng bare. The groom is a son of Mr Samuel Warren, anti the bride a timogli ter of, IMm Robert 'Wright, botb o! tlis town. Tho Whig says :-On Thuraday evenlng W Warren. of MoKelvey & Biroha piarnbing tieparîment, anti Mise Margaret Wright wers mrred by te Roi Dr Ryck mar at the jansonage hn the p rosenc. of a few friendu. Mies Emma Wttton a8aiote'd the bride andi Hart-y Wil ton pontormoti a smilian duty fur the qroom. A (ten th. ceremony an adjourn. mont wag matie ta the yoning peoplos future bomne, 148, Montreai.sîreet, where a large num ber of frient. lied améeamblod ta join the bride anti groom at the wed diug erippar. Songe and seocohos were given, ant isi bealth of-rtbe bride toast oti. The bride receivati a large colico doan of valuabie proenas. Durhng thé evening 1h. (eilow empiope of the groom calied ti ite horne anti pramento>d hlm witb a magnificant hall rock. The etu ploya thon adjpnrned ta Wlilîos restaur ant antd partook af ligtit refreshmen I.- Paoket. DROPPED DEAD!1 Suidd.uiy Sdtnioxen Downba ly,.ort Igné à Aasud dsuddsu dsa.tb oecurred te a 'wel-known citizen ooesof the Isa.d- ing att-sets tio mornang."1 Neary ovry Wge papor r cone numbur of dee.tbs from her abiure la vet-y large, but it la only when they ocur lu nema publie d ansnatlonal ma.nur that gênerai attention in drawn te tbem. Palpitatiqu snd fluttelag of t1. lisart are io-iAmon cemplaat.Witb the. lisariti /te thre kIbotbî radleatiy 'wrozg. But the s"stem ila disorgan- lied, the kldneys au.! iver are eut et ordsr, and !the atoma a la tlalucon- dition te do Its wonk porporly. Be. t to io&aU, tlsy tbrow ton much responslbillty on ltehe MnI, an.! the latter le unable te stand lis strala. à box of Dr. Cba&e's Kdney-Llvsr Pille at acot 1 5 Ceté wlUregrlaîetbe sysatm, im-ly the blond sud make a newjrsoof ev iety alckly m.an, womaa Drn. CbaueLiver-Kldnoy Pille =&y l1e lowing ycar for both M4r Manning and the congregation. 1 A siocking a=lic3ntl OCcrcd stthie ralliay hm elmE Friday mri-o varda ont i oock. Brakoman. bas Whace, of lada vsl Aeyr vith his trnndMthcy verc dig a litatle hal A loided car aitaced to a.ainyonon t-lhdJj . 4to judgMèat to tbi lscope of, ýt p"wer. n O regard question twas brought up b y he Dcp. Attorney..General, Mr. lartwrigzht. has no _powcr tQ remove thein froni it. 'Ihe antter ýwas argued at while ago. Mri Cartwrights question was: Has a jugdge, holdinj a-court for the revision of a voer is ti powe,ér ô pilaàCe &'é'n the list or to remnoye therefrom the hames of any permsan as votera ln re- spect of whom no compiaint bas been made in the mariner provided, that la ai whomn notice has flot been given wlthln thirty days ai the posting af the lint by the clerk af the municipality ? The judgment handed out by Mr j ustice Mass was as follows: It is ordered, adjudged and declarcd by this court that a judge holding a court for the revisiari af the votera lista, unider the Onitario voters tint act, is not thereunder empowered to place an the list or ta remove therefram the names of persans as votera in respect ai whomn no camrplairit bas been givefi wlthin the timea and in the mariner provided by the said act. TheDe &L-3 Emu Ision, la Invaluable. If you are run down, as It le a food as WOUI as [a medieine. The D. & L. Emulelonl Wili bulld you up if your gencral beai1 fitnpaired. ITh e . & La Emulsion ia the best and inost palatable preparation of Cod Liver 011, agroeng wihhedi mostdeii. cata stomachi. The D. & III. Emulsion Slasnribed by the loadlng physicians of iThe D. & L. Emulsion la a inarvcllous fiesb producor and wlI glvo ouan appetita. 5Oc. & 81 per ofttie LBe sure you get1 DAvia & LAWREINCE 00.9 LTD. theae ie1 MONTREAI. Wanted a Round Trip Rate. It is related with excellent touches ai reîlwm by a local raitroad [fan that smrn y enra% ego in Omuaha bis road moiti a round trip ticket for a crps. Hie was sittng in the goneral office ons day when in *barnbied a meek lookiDg darky. "Lbuw do, Miat.ah D-, aid h. wtb a bow and a sorape. 1 LHow are you, air? Wbaî cari I do for you?" '*Wby, Mistah D-, kain yau teit-me what amn de rate to Lincoln?" 6#81,5 % 66Weli, what. might be de round trip rate ?' -8 8V." That wue easily anewereti. 'ID, o iyan makte a diffunoe for twenty. fi.. 1 eop le?" 'IN,); ife tb. same rate, ne matter how oeany go." "Weil. Mistah D --, look heah. What amn de raie <rom Lincoln up tu Omaba ?2" 1.65."1 "Well, now, whats de round trip rate IERL a inlescientific and hfighly, de1uaechildren and 1'n'*vtbds.' NEW BUS LNIE@ t gW'MERTS ALL TRAINS. Flrst clagi accommodation. Orders proimpt attended to. Calleat hotels, or cxecute order leli at Newport's livery - os carrnage factory opposite post office. WM. NEWPORT, Pro prietor. Whitby, july 1, 1896.-I yr. Wanted7AnId'atisoaft W ANTED-TRU STWORTBY AND ACT- IVE gentlemen or ladies to iravel for responsible, etitabiibhed h..ubcln Ontario. Monthly $65 oo and expenses. Position steady, Iteference Enjclos;e stlf addressed siamped en- velope, The Dominion Comnpany. Dept. Y Chi- cago. 41-Bin. Rheuinatlsi & Oyspop sla Curod 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULV 31, 1896. To the Phrenohine Medicîne Co., Ltd., Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman. - On the advice of a (riend 1 tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surprise it cured me of rheuma- tism, from which I have suffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia. from which 1 was suffering at the time, so0 that 1 feel now like a new man. I' have tried seyerai remedies for rheuznatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have taken has donc so much for me as your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending it to other sufferers. Yours very truly, (Signed) JAS. CARROLL, Foreinan of Works, Rideau Canal. Manufactured on Honor and aold on menit, sold in Whitby only by A. M. ALLIN, fi 'i take A3 sleep bi cendit< Ayer's en.ual a ual mci biliousi ail livc sugar-< pmepar< outthe 09 in the PUIS on druggi. Pis. help yq THE The reg was heldc Comuia Departme roads-ets cierk of Lt tefanr ions pt-o ie inte Ov oIne of t0 the e1 From minioni support 0 eembiy s clerk abiiity deoideti From son & Pi asking Fence B of Reae the. ne. dered ili the billh pectoti1 ing of - The.fi $10 &O 82 50- - angle, Josphý pais ci Hiayes, hlm ia of gravi » DRUGGIUT. or Mn 0 notit ' to Mr provid Iront H.SCOTZj - F

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