Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 5

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ý-I intend placlng my bui -nemi up)on,,a ncw,'bàus, .-4niu opai to cler nîy *--stock of Jewelny. I will .-give aL dicount ou ail Cuff -Buttons, Y Victoria Chains, Brooches and Earrings ,Qents Plated Chains, Scarf Pins and Studs, Links & Collai' Buttons Golct and Silver Pens, Gold & Silver Pencils 0F 25 PER CENT. je se Barnard, OMficai ouaty Organ. Largest Circula- Uon of any local paper in Can"a FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1897. LOGAL LACONIOS. Ladiles j ackrets fromn 83 50 to $ 10. ait W G W alters. Double fold dress goods ati5îc to $i ou per yard et W G Walter,. The Rev mno Waaa, Meaford, ie in town in the interests o< his fathers estate. Mr W H Greenwood bas been visiting friende In Bowmanville ihis week. Sale of furniture etc at market block on Snturday, Nov. 13th., 1897 a(i o ocloclc a. ni. Messrs lrough and Dartnell, of the Do- minion bank, Toronto, wheeled t0 îown on Saturday and spent Sunday at Hie Honor judge Dartneils. A n.n aged 3o, bas dled In New York from Injuries received through his partner, i womnan welghlng 200 Ibm, <lling on himi in a dance,.It la weill(at woinen do flot play football. The new Issue of Dominion siamps will be on sale about the tsi of Decem ber. The one cent wlll b. greeni, the ihree cent red, the one for the intenliional communication will be blue. The. latter is the one which will be sent on Engllsh letters The Bowmanvllle high school football club played the colleglate institute team on the athietlc grounds on Saturdav. The colleixiate had a weak team on the field and were defeated bv a score of 2-o. Geo H Hogarth referred to the satisfactioni of alL This le the firsi lime in six or seven v cars the collegiate team has been defeated. The Treturn match will be played ai Bowmanville on Thanksgiving day. Commencement exercises. The commencement exercises of the Col- legiate institute will be held in the music tlail on Priday evenlng the i9th lnst., when the certificRtes and diplomnq won ai the de- partmental and other exarnnations will be presenîed. H ockey ta organis. A meeting for the organizqtion of the hockey club wlll be heîd ai the Royal hotel on Frlday night. Everyone whn kç interesi- ed in the success of tht- Whithy club is re- queaîed to attend. The next meeting ofîthe Mmidand Hockey Assocition takes place on Wedneeday, Dec 8th sud on Frlday nighî it wilI be discussed wheher it le preferRble ta again enter tbis league or join the Onîtario Hockey Association. If you have anythlng to Say, come. Whitby Curling 1-ub. The annual meeting of the Whlîby curling ,club was held ont Tuesday ulght, and the fnllowlng officers elected for the currant i'ear . Patron and patron4ss, Mr. and Mr@. Sheriff Paxton; Honorary preqîdent, Hia ilonor Iudge Dartnell- President J. T. Mit. chell ;Vlce-president, W. J H. Richardson; Secretary-treasurer, J. E. Wlllis; Chaplain, Rev Mr McAlpine m ranaglng comnttee- \V G Walters, W m H ood. J o Stanton, Thea Kluîg; representatve-Judg, Dartueli sand H M Rose ;akipe -H. M. Rous, Wm. Hood, J. T. Mitchell, L. Sebort, Jno. Tweedie, E. Armstrong, 1. E. Willls; honorary memnberu -Hon. John Dryden, Wm. Smith ex-M.P., Hon. J. H. Long, L. Burnett M. P., and R. Snow. Board of Kducation Met Wednesday evenlng. After the rend. Ing of th.e chool reports for the month, %I r. Barclay re«d the finance commiutees report r.commendlag pi ment. au follows; R. S. Corm6tlk, $.4 H Wmtcer, $1.73 A. C. Wilson, glaming nt Henry street, $2; Wm. Marobaîl. suppies, St ; Haîch & Bec $sa: 6o; itO'4l, fdwfýt the Aunuatil£ *eeka o! The edito rit as sighborlug pprs li wlfe ail blthd ' q présent reeestly, of à t»oôtsimîpa~srer amp. $ho gsve 'Il bis Dainee, and wbeti asked why éh. dId 50, re- plled6 "Wieil, you kuow, dean, It b a goddeal of brasa about lî. It Io haudaome to look At, tequines a, good demi cf attention, là smiletims e nudyIbn, its legs, lI. hable ta expiode wheu bah f ul, flan., up occasion. ally, sud le slways out at bedtluse aud bacuidt susoke."1 The botel-keepees of the Province are pre- parnsgfor theapproaching Ontario electione. [t ia duderetood that a meeting of the Ou- tario AsocIation Executîve wili -be calied before the Ontario Parliament meets, wbeu a erles af questions wili b. drawu up and, submitted ta every Member of the Parila- ment, sud copies wili'lo 6e sent ta every candidate for politîcal honore. These can- didates will be requesîed la give witteu re- p lies ta these questions, and If the answers benai consldered saiisfactory the writer wili feel the inflsetnce of the trade lu hie electian H-eretafore verbal replies bave beeu accept- ed by the association, but ibis la ual nov considered satisfectory, and the replies willl have to b. writîen oui. hi la staîed that the mosi important ln the series of questions willle b.5 o whether the candidate le in favor of or agahnst prohibition. Hard on Women lu e neighboring town a woman feIl rom ber wheel and bit ofl a piece of ber tonigue. The local pepene report ihat tb. accident caused qome of the meanest mets iu lawn ta buv wbeeîs for their %vives. New Grain Buyer Mr F j McBredy aunounces ln another coîumnn thai bie is prepAred to purcbase ail kinds of gZrain, for wbicb be la prepared ta hid the higbest market prtce. Farmers would do well to give him a caîl. The Mission meetings at St Johns.. V'erv greal Interes [lias been iwekeued bore througb ibe seriesofe;pecial services and sermons ai St Johîns Ronian Caibollc church hv two redemipiorisi (ailiers (rom St Patricks church, Toronto, tbat Rev Faiher jeffcoîî brought tb %Vhitby and Oshawa. Tbe two missio,îaries are workiug ai St Gregorys, Oshawa. ibis week. Ai AIl Saints Rev Mr Softly, of Toronto, assigted in the services ai AIl Saints churcb on Sundav He ibe niaster o( a mosi finisbed style lu reading sud as the tessons for tbe day in- cludied the stirring accounit of Nebuchadnez- zars hurning fiery furnace tliosê who delight in artisiic elocution were much pleased. At the evening service Mn SoftIy preacheu a fine sermon on the subject of faith. County Coundil g-renta The granting of $400 of county mouey ta cut down hills on the Kinîgston road bas been a great advanîage. The brows have heen carîied away from aIl the. worst hbis, and fresh gravei applied wiib sncb succes thai the (all raina bave uoî caused any mud. We.believe it would prove a good idea for the. county cotîncii 10 make anoîher eeries of granîs a: is Junre session ibis year. Port Whltby Notes Joa Southwell, of Toronto, spent Suuday ai home. Wm Proudft reîurned on Friday Imet ta Chiceno. Mr B Worfolk is making preparaîlons ta build a new harni. Dîîcks are more pleutiful ibis veek tIen they have been before ibis season. Mr Albert Hewitt, who bans been ln the emplo% of Mr Thortidvke, bas gne ho near North Bay, where lie bas taken np land. Capi Lawîer had the Curlew oui for the last tme ou Sundey morning and bad raîber an excithag urne, The wîn d as sîroug but efficient management prevetîud an upset, although ht almost happened once or twice. On Tueeday the. Curlew broke away fnom its moonîng snd in nov 11gb and dry on the soutb shore ofîhe bay. Tbe Scîr. Tratdewind, af Wbiby. ladien wiih coal (rom Oewego for Osheaavas iied up ai the dock bere a large part of ibis week ou accoui of rougi staier, The Schr. Wave Creet, of Port Hope, loaded lumber tisI week for George Cormack, bound for Ouvego. The Goldring fleet bave been laid up ibis week, thc lake belng tb rougb 10 get tone, The Citizen Bands Smoker. Wedtiesdav wae a bac! nigît ta, go out, but about one hundred snd ifty aîtended the Citizen Bands smoker. wbere cardesand pipes wero the. order of lise day, or rotIher of th5e nigbî. The band had prepsred smre very fine pieces and were mail liberil lu rendering ih foi the entertaiumeut of tieir vimitors. Mr jas Foley sang a number of capital songs, lis yodling being Immeniely well doue, and b. topped eut bis perfor- mances with llvely danîcing, belng roundly applauded. Mr Bottle Lawler, a colored air- tual, dhd the aveetbeunt song sud cmkewalk business iu a style that caried 16e bouse. Mn Goret played hlm violin ta good effet, but the racket af a smokiug concert la fatal to tisefine sîrains of the viollu. Mn Albert Toms gave a remdine vith a strong [eujh brague, whicb,4was mIsa damaged by the noise. Thecacrd tables vCre used ta settie a good many difficuities, tle var lastlng tîntil fully eleven ociack. TIc baud Inteuds ta give anotiier amoker litter au, vhicis vii be on i much more elaborate scalle. Boooeiug liséA O01U W Monday tant wms quit. s rod letter day'for the A-O U.W. lere. They bad a visit fnom tise Gisud Master Wonkmiu, F W Unlt, week ssid ii leda New-kt C k O Ilttu lu3110tes wldeonly $c *à Ye tiâ At Walttïa. ?he J*ireueua annulai bail twill be held eh 1'Iay eVeaiei;,ec 31fto t N e Vers ve. ýT1I1îWC.k ouly latkip giases pente, AnTs Atteliit badadt.16 Onits per Pound. A1 », IDMeMlll*n spent Suuday bere, ud set oultf*t Belleville with bis iamlly ou 5u daYo wh«re îligY wililresîde lu future4n n Mr. 1). McGillNnay, Uxbrldge± spent eit SutidaY lbte. Fel. as fluished iebismedical course# and la puîhsg ilu falaiyear of bus- plilai work before paslg tbe medîcai exare. The CURoNicLc à only publlshied once a weêk, but wbeu It la prînted l gîves a full weeks blstery of outarlo caunty, net a lot of Patent readiug (rom aone ta a thousand years aId. Several businessa men lu towu feel that th7 wereeîligbted lu,-à local eîeny publisbed lu aut weeks CHilONiCLIE. We publiabed the story at sa much a line for a gentleman who cauvassed the tawn, and who would only takte one business firm ln each seperate lin. of business. Mr and Mis Jno Murphy and famlly ieft for Chicago yestetday. Frank ha secured empleymnent ln a whoiesale bouse hnd Mor- ris will learn 1h. îallorIng wiîh bis brother James, who rune a merchant talIon business. Miss Murphys genlal emile will be missed by residents near Lyndes creek. The CHRONICLE wiebes them bçesî uck lU the weet. The aIr. Idaho, of the Westertn Transit company, caughî lintthe ierce soUthwester of Fniday night, foundererj in ciglit fathome of water at 4.3 oclock on Saturday morn- ing, twelve miles above Long Point, whlch jute int Lake Erie (romn the Canadian shoire, about 65 miles west of Buffalo. twenty.one mens were aboard the Idaho when she went down, and nineteen of tbem wenîta deîîb, two anly being saved, Mr Jno Ballantyne returned on Tuesdav rom the wesî. H-e visited the hors. <air at Chicanao and says that ht was an excellent exhibition. He was nt Iowa with Mr j T McPhee, who left ber. ten day. ago witb five car tonds of cattie, made up of stockers and young bulls. The. wbole lot cost about $50o. Mt McPbee bas 900 actes of land ln Iowa which la larg eiy stocked wih homses, cattle, sheep and hoge. Mr McPhee now bas 7o bend of (et steers ready <or the mar- ket, which will average about «1700 lb. each. Itii. probable tbat Mr McPhee wiIl returu to Wbitby shortly for another lot. Plawtg Match Postpouded. The Ontario Counîy Plowing Match which was la, have occtmned at Myrtie yesterdRy bas been post poned tltI b day, Friday Nov i2th, on accouait of the nain. Hitch up as soan as yau reart this and drive bo Myrtie. Pools sud Pootry, Rev Dr D.-wart, ez-editor of the Christian Guardian, will tonight, Fridity, give a lec- ture at Ontario Ladies College on the sub- jeci :'Poeîs and Poetry," having special re- ference lu some degree ta Canadian poetry. Dr Dewart bas delivered several lectures at the college, every anc of which was bighly applauded. Stîver collection at the door. Bay of Quinte Conférence League The Bay of Quinte conférence league ex- ecutive met bene on Friday lu the methodist tabernacle. The principal business wam ta decide an lime, place, programme, etc., of the confereuce convention.it was decided 10 bold il on Feb 23rd and 24tb. The place has flot yet been decided, but there will 6e no difllculty lu getting a place, as h was ine- solved that only the speakers should 6e billeted free. Peterboro and Port Hope are the two places mont meniioned. Dont Cheat th.e ditor Bill Ny onc said: "Do flot attempt ta cheat an editon out olibtis years sufscriptlon lu hie papen, or any othen sum. Cheat the minister, cheat anybody and everybôdy but if you bave any regard for future consequen- ces, do net fool the editon. You will be put up for office somne lime, or wanî some public fa,vor for youa self and fiende. and wben vour luck le a thirg of beauiy, a joy forevet tbe editor will open upon you, and knock your casthes int a cocked bat et the first Thse Butteraly cris sepsestor wus ex. bibi ted ln tihe cossait chamber hmr on'Sat- urday by Geo C Plckhardt and 1 H Long, the locA gent. 1ise lttIe machine le ouly about îbreelimes»mIlge »mes: arluder, sud tues Itbuls » kTie ullk la pour- e ulooi< t t op.very mucts 11k. tha ofa it sud rains (reu tisah%>~ per loto cycUd« wbkb vmus t e rate cf sereral tiseaaaadtpfl5gotisem"ite. -Tie ereasu partlewesbolJ tise Ieanvileanstunlly ceuse te tise cenrt isslhdr at <ur Dienr11 ewll brs« to ;b#eouuud.aMd O&Sudl sape . sqflm u m detby aide at bohe uyetIow <ci mu u1b ts nia eie teetis (asro oe, md bl» estaerski,. .11k (rom the * An tLai ultalon «0s fuît of OW » *easaiptr*Wtu 30 s telstes Mn Pflekardt a PàKtclS<sIMUA" udb"' We bis maebla.aIo *$Uly 02M vise vauprcssa o.aW tlÙis.ou 4"u vIda eoupIeté sa*csn. 11Whtp.ft oat. ter auakiug le *apedladssS M""d aiehse f <Ne <uedn1e visil ie ý"ý gSmidamot m t~*#h o 11er0& ELOL Our stock of MMottes for Whnter Wear ie nowctn *tewth aIthé lâtest and t:est stylei for ladies and children. Buylng i immense quatttiegt direct front the great manufacturera, for Cash, our trade i ,this particular branch lis the largest ini the town. We are always ln a. poition to offer our Warmnte at wholesale prices here and atili make a profit. IÉ'very Lady who wiàhes to miake the most of her money ln purchasitig a new Jacket SHOULD VISIT OUR STORE. Winter Overcoats Brown Frieze Ulsters, single breasted, wil fly front andi velvet collar, nobby andi wartn, or Brown and Fawn Frieze Stormi Ulstet double breasted, 8-mn. collar, reduced to .. Boys Double Breasted Fnieze Peajacket to fit ages 5 10 12 years, only........... Black Frieze Ulsters, Storm Coltar, go( value, ouly. ........................ W.Go WALI kvery Saturday Touriste Sleeping Car Route 10 California continuing every Saturdav night thereafter, Midland Route tourist cars en route te Col- orado, Utah and California witl leave the Chicago Union pasmenger station 'of the Chicago, Wvilwaukee & St Paul rallway at 10 oclock, running over the Chicago and Omaha Short Lin. to Omaha, thence via Lincoln, Neb., Colorado Springs and Lead- ville, Colo., Sait Lake City and Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramento, Cal., arriving ai San Francisco Bt 8.45 P.m. Wed- nesday. As will be noticed, this route le Midland through Nortberu Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, (tbrough the lieart of the Rockies), Utah, Nevada and California, Rifording a pertect panoramlic vlew of prairie, mounitaîn and coast scenery. These popular every Saturday California excursions <or botb finIt and second-chas passengers (nlot forelgn emigrants) are "Spereonally conducted" by-intellgent, com. petent andcurteotis "couriers" wbe will attend te the wauîs of &il pasmeugers en route. This lu an entlrely new feature of tour ist car service and wfll b. greatly appre- ciated by familles or parties of frien4s travelling togoether, or by ladies travelling alone. Particular attention is pald te the cave of children wl.o usually get weary on a long journey. Remember tbat the Midland route tourlet cars are sleeping cars and are supplled wlth ail lte accessorles necessary ta maire the Jeurney romfortable and plea- sant, and the sleeping berth rate là but $6 (for twa permonsl (nom Chicago te Cailfornia. Ask the neareet ticket agent for a tourlet car "feIder," givlng complete Information about the Mldland route, or addreus "Eut- éru Manager Mldlaud Route," No. 95 Adams street, Chicago, Ill., or A j Taylor, Canadien Pasinger Agent, C., M. & St. P. Ry., 2 King street cels, Taronto, Ont. P. S:-Bertb reservatiaus are tmade lu the order recelved up te «ach Satunday morn- ing. Firet came, firet served. SEE OR WRITE J H DOWNEY & 00., Market BoII4Ingt Whltby, nly >od $7,050 $3.5O $5000 TERS. W BR Pringle & Co. lIAS IN STOCK WALNUTS, PEANUTS, ALMOND NUTS, HAZEL NUIS, VALENTIA RAISINS, PATRAS CURRANTS, 1u0 SUE IS 1u BELIEVE I -000- WM. TILL, and b. convluced that an Ehegant line of FURNI TURE -AND- UPHOL8TERED 80008 ls e agold at mvay dawu price b >Ieep VOSIZACURANT. 1 intoucis wlth tise HARD TIllES Our 35c. Tea***w Guaranteed eçual Io an,' 50c. Tea on lke market. FIRST CLASS FA RU TO REFiT OR Lot 24, 6t6 cou cf West Whitby, lu tbe village of Brooklu, comprtalng 1oc acres kuowu as the Dickie Homesteadl. Ou the premise la a good hou. afd outbulidlugs, good gardeià aud ee acreof good orcbard. Poss<,sten for plowtng given it once, and possession cf whol, farm by Nov r, 1897. For further particularé apply te W. J. BICKLE, 55 Frout St Euat, Toronto, or te JOHN VIPONO> Brooklil, Oui. Btooklu, SePt. 15- 97.-tL Fim (o,' 80leop to fiet SEFORE SELUNRS GRAIN. býbj. à rZ arlhftai Higitest Prices Pid. 12 <if (ýj m iti s at Special -rcc for Carload Lots. farua cf 6wA;oe~1W b.oWorreuted. seêr<iyor etar Ib <vo cosalus voed ak s exefeatucklra. a1 faim vel *sen. bY1lvl,Ive&u. ANTU ITE*cm orTUMINOLISamim <aid -b-ts d e= s d-e pump lu*bdeewlDs e etc Wbol«e l sd ReWmu.dculvored at Wbltbg, Oat ,897-tL your sutad. WdIe m Wfor kas. HAVE IT DONE NOW JUST Re-Upholsîering and Repairing before the rush commences. Pnices very cheap. Baby Carniages. $5 to $15. Prices frna AU allier goodi pro- portlonatly cbeap I Everytblug sulitable, eseful snd ornausental. Repalrlut, Upbolster. ng asdud nrtaklug. WM. TILL.# I HOUE A.ND50 a- Solid Vesti Trainsaf J DownIy& I w.t bave ule Weult recep< ireatlsse on <la. subeet of tsemetsadIk tatmm "*Studeai" la emuugs <o us,, uas cor ma) la mwsave.sd tau. 4aloos m bm6e- fsetve bal*e»aosp oda ed of<*s .otosow o ste UulegMuIb*uýso- 0 -o, fon aql eudua *th.mun1 iw- isplayoMate -A - - - - ÉMɱ2uh us. Sa 1 Il _-', , SELL. 1 rlà% 1 Call On

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