Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 4

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r **THE-* Lealng Drug Sto~ 114 THE PROVINCE.. W-We bave one of thse best equipped Drug Stores in the Province, and our stock of Druga, Medicinea and Chemi- cale is the best that cas be produced. Prescriptions and Recelpts A SPECIALTY. OUR? PRICES ARE BRGHT. OUR COODS THIE BEST. de E. WIL LIS, CflEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL :'HALL, BROOK BT., WHITBYP WIHTBY. lqOV. 12t 1897. ror Ptokertag Votera. Next Wednesday, Nov. u7th, le tise day set to decîde tise fate cf local option in Pickering, and bots sides are working bard. Iltelilquor Interests the forces arc Seing handled by Toronto iawyers and others ln tise pay of tise brewers and distillers. These are being aided by every bummer and soak is tise township and surrouudlag country. There lenet an immoral mas or immoral agency In miles around Pickering that la sot at work influencing people 10 vote for whlskey eItishe bar. 5h ouid local option ha defeated evary prophet of vice and silsand wrong viii a j olce. Araînet lîcense every good and religions mnas ln worîn g, every true lover of buman- ity. Al who (ccl -mn bost Iluerest in te movlng temptatlonsuad evîl influences flébm the boys and mes are struggllng 10 kee p local option lu force ; because tisey as vel as Ihose Viso ae poslng lu know tsat its fast aquceingîha lîquor business 10 deatis la Plckcèriug, Ifa Mainsaya ise ie a temperasce mas but le opposed ho local option he may be put down as a man wbo takes bis whlskey stralgist, and viso takes it crooked visas is cannot get il straigisi. We hear of muany mesnviso s&y tisay are ted bot for prohlb.- lion, but vaut seoitaf measuras. Thec com- lsg Dominion pulebiscite yull expose tise hollowuese of tieir talk. If a mas bq for prohibition aI ail he will always ha ready to out off ose Iownsblpt,,orose isotl, or to support asytbiug t W 1U stop the drink. lungof aven ose glass of lquor. Tisose lu fayot of liquor Ïhave already Ibis year put the township 10 as expense wblcb caused an iscreainl taxes of one-tentb of a Milil, ab~out $2wo. Tiese ane liquur party and lawyerm tisey bave hlred have forced on thîs present vote, vhicis yul cost thse town- ship #So more. A people viso vouid put up vIts Toronto iawyers-pald by brevets and distillers,-forcing averlastin g trouble and expense upon tisent ouid Se deservlng of litle eympatby. Pickering neyer voued for liceuse, and bas always rejectfd blood money comlng (rom tise licanaing or lie evil. SucS a re- cord is le o beh proud of, and we doubî not yull Se sneatalned. However, liseforces of dtlsk re mrosg, and are aiways backed by mosey, ad It aivaye requîtes tise fult vote of tise Problbltioufists to vin the day; tiserefote va hope no temperamîce voter vIl stay âway (romthie pol onsnay account. Short Notes. The Oshava Reformer la in a covet masser teerlng public opinion lowarda tise -tise ovatthrov of Hon John Drydena atlie eomiug Liharal convention. Il aya : "Tise ,,cverlty of bie (Mrt Calder@) defeat yull de- pu cuisonsevbal upon tisa candidate yat bo ea choses b>' the Lîbals. If thal party, in convention acte vlsely tisa rldisg cas, ln our opinion, L; held Sy a very asustltal majority."1 Tise Nev York city election isap made Il clear tSaItishe mas bo look oui for la e h i says nothlsg but mcvi vood. Vas Wyck madie no speeches, attendcd no meetings, p ublished no liervleva. At eicb of tise 11111e meetings beld by bis friands a cireu- 1er leller vas read (rosa bits siatisg tisai h. was toa bus>' 10 attend, but tisai if ciecte! ise woutd opposa the «nforcement of lte pteaast vise and atrinrent- tiquas laws, vRaIeS mcant that tise poiltical Paver tokes avay fr-anstisalmons by tise epabiil»s watt!! Se restoea. Tis enlista! tise tison. ande cf drink vçndert fer Van WycRa, and tise smoral nissentat tise cty wvasaape!. wdout1e ahi, mesursa wwu lu7r ssd in Lermon L w thi adMVSfloiet 01, tisteegu? IWesk tac votr lu ?ig1týtugý t6 emaider su" a usuer tRese ul. u vitRa Qed Md >hie own caeoistiu= susses, a«& th 'ô ta vote Wbiébever >Wb in. The. Taranto e of <trade Carries a big sweliaig ons ta aud Md tries ta direct the business of tseý wbole country. It là composed af sncb wondertul umen of business that what they dont troôw when they put tbeir beade together wouid not ha sufflelent to run a peanut stand. A Iew years #go thse board of trade found that ail is tînê aS vMs taken up tn attendinjiC10 other peoptes busi- ness. so it f(li at 10 do a liv thiitgufrt usd1. First of ait It organised a gratulty braseRa, whlcb wms merely another naine for auneas sessusent Insurance sciseme, and members of att ages mand conditions were adiaîltted on thc @me* basts. Sucis s foot plan vas never board of outaide a board of trade. Otd feltows who had long ago made thaîr ville anid who wera dodging death every day, were lnsured on tsesaine terme as yousg membars. 0f course tise aId chape dled away tikte teaves in amuin, and the much boasted gratuity scbgnie wbich was to set the wotld 0e #dot crumbted to pieces. Like thse Anclent iDrder of United Workmen the board of trede te trying 10 reorganise le life Insurunce on the ordinary plans which both bodies affected to despise until they found themeelves fallsng to pleces. Anotiser big epturge made by tise board of trade vas the erection of a $soo.ooo building, wisicb under their euperb business management coat $6o,ooo, and viicb yull not now test for i pet cent. or the total coat. Vcrity the Toronto board of trade bas vonderful airai' of supet lot business men 1 ru Vote l'or Lo ptin Kind firends, corne listes whiie 1 teli My story 10 you al: Im a soldTIer who has served lit time With old Ring Alcohol. Ive stood by hlm ubrougis thlck and tRis, rJntil tisey ealu me sot, And wbes for blm 1 sold my coat This le thse coat I got. I fougist for hlm, 1 bled for hlm, Av tbrough the streets Id rave, And vises tisougis hlm I blosm1y bat Tis ile b laI ie gave. My boots were of tise seateet rit. As fise as bootý couid be - For hlm I gave àèway my boots, And tises ha boobed me. Myeyem weue of bthe daepest bine, Nor luster dld îisev lack ; But n0w you set thcy bots are ted, And one le almo black i y ose was neyer beauisi, But emlii as sot amies; Oid Alcoisol ise toncbed ît up1 And vhal do ye thiak of this? Hc promsmd I sbould courage have .For ail thisl1e of life 'The bravent tising ha mâde me do Wus beat 557 litie wlfe. He promised he would give me wtt And I should ne'er be mad, Instead or tisaI ise ook away The littie sesse 1 had. 1The healtis and wealth ha promlsad me He navet, navet gave; .But when es cd takes ail 1Ihaîd I found ins yself a slave. So n0w Iilfigisifor hlm so more. Norl' its atemptore rus; Ill [fiht againet Ibis cureed foc, And vote for local option. Whitby Town L16a0M& Big sacrifice lu ready made clthing ai A D Urlus. Mre R Richsardson, of tise base-bIne veat, le under the doctors care. Cava muet ha off lie street after Nov i5tb. So emys Conutable Calverlay. St Andrev la lobe celebrated Ibis year by a banquet ai tise hoyotl botl. Corticelli and belding paul slik spools Sc eacis tilt, 2 for SC St W G Wuters. Railway cars came dovs front the sortis os Wednaaday vitis several incisas of nov on tep. We publiui tva poents tSi. veek vhbcb are very suggestive ta local option votera of Pickering. Mr "Dobis" Tisonpson hareturneai hsome (rom Owen Sonn m usesre Se Sas becs enaployed durtng tie puat summer. Conductor MeMillan moved te Belleville ou Mondai' uornlng. Ha vas here as Sun- day iavtng a faravail baud abuka vîti bis lira Brougb and utile girl retod 10o uheir honte lu Toronto on Wednuday after bavicg spent a coupla ai yacks ha tows, tise guest of His Honasnad lts Judge Dmtnetl. Snow Sas been visible on tise ridges sortis of here Ince Tuamday wnisnl. Peeple comlngfrotemtise norub stute tisat ae was a tremendou s aw atorts ragng sortisct tise ridxes aU day Tuemdy, mnd ai verlouslimes aince. Col- on Set ma"l Atl thea ho tisa 0 It bemavseoessary toavse (a brutal mtur- 4ana der or a ti'ge!y ctvery vecia. TRis veek aot we bavse tarecord oeeof tise meut ieloâ. H tiit>' mts an record, seat Montres!. À yrouut matananci Nut>' i f!ou nQue, stt V tokau usxei and cisoppe!diahe isada off lice thm isre .er.su!ndmissothrar ga! x$. x&>z4ÂvWb" and Io s.pqlisely, lieimba* <nfamea! tiseop crIme, and !appfr onta laba aD!o av**co Ial 6i modvls u prtrststise 04"& t Io"s force! ta op t is' e ru îéitlee crvbog for 'Ai bihdd. uoWfu tisaIthlais1wla aiomibas' üoeus t nu& o rbIInels b. hua .a confenud & *H A .1i gvm àà05,. . Mi Mâ. - 1RoSi Hamilton. Toronto, visite! t kturd:aJInargtiu ie usetiodeatido nost et utarriadgi snd 4du cou! tisat atltlb. doclis, deun> "Mer hall>'dioctaetistb*dtuii tise premeutthueýb« a'T I lo bat suvie Mw u (cfrelbt b lise meums è1daes tployem. iMe eapmsy re! tbea coumratio« -4d TSéoe»we so10. ot dieu viii b. la coumlsal *0 mont eS. sso r o MWm InlU Prdes, ter«o aegulut ai ~ ~ ~ ~ u taecubgsulsa ieO hé tID aSi sout surétIner uur» '110W OWttht*tori0t the eGiette la iyIûi? 1¶*ftIertE ca ât ieitble lia tbe' lad: le*w ites or It* C&aulan tmeî Jo*ua1 lintiiutmes, and i;litsIdly inrIdI tu frît jplacé saugthse bote mage. att b.f heday. Tbeim4tvernentt are te-; miat X1* aa u h ôvember number are stc sthat boRd titi Intrut af ad and Y II. 1re t tua 6 1ges of gama* ad Mtise Aetsdrîia ktasy s articles onOld, routo -familles, ttkitig thse jarvis tatnity;- a brgte, a ~ty unco a frus do tathe lidaue shrt sketch and mie beautiful viewi . sertey roun'd fondas; a clever article Mn sottie of our Canadian Posts ; muuic asd munie notes; fancy, work ; ail thse latesi fasistns il urs.;some of Mrs jean boye bltaeoh tise jreparation of tate suppere and thse stilty of the chaflig dtsh ; book notes and short smortes, and thse three con- ctuding chaniters of the Competition Story, which wits bagua ln the October number. Everything ls beautiftslty Iltustrated, mak- Ing one of the prettiest end most interestlng numbers gIves us by tbis very up-to-date tout nal, TIse Canadian Home journal, Mc- Kinnon Building, Toronto. Brts. At Whitby on Tuesday Nov 2, 1897, the wIfe of Wm Meeker of a son. Happy' Homes Cail and ece our Happy Home ranges and other stoves, and gelt ire clay to maire and repaît your own Oire Iliinge. WM BRYAN & SON, Wisitby47-3in Six weeks subscription fret.. To any person who ends us hie name or that of a frend or two we wilt send the C1IRONICLIC free titi Jan rat 1898. Corne in wlth your saines. We mean w bat we say. A Ruînarkablm Romanïe. .'Quýo Vadis," a story of thc tinte of Nero, ylienry K Sienkiewicz, author of "With Pire and Sword," "The Detuge," étc., trRanted (rom the Potish by Jeremiah Cur- tin, ls having a great sale in the United States. Thoughtfül peopte who see ln the great weatth -ad luxuriant living of these timps- a recurrence of wbat brought about the dowssfalt or the Roman empire witt read ln this surpassing work of fiction a vivid, realistic reproduction of opening sceses ln the conffict of morat Ides with the rottev* netsa of thse CiSar dynasty (rom which Cbrisîianity issued as thse teading force in history. Thse strange excesses of thse at of he Cinsars, tihe marvelous charactars sketch- ed lni the book,* the (caste ln Neros palace, the burnUag of Rome, thse scenes ln thse arena and the devotlon of tise Christians, are ail portrayed with a vividness and power which hardty aay otiser living suthor can e qual. St. Peter and ýSt, Pault figure pro- rinently ta the narrative. Thse period ls A. D.94Gorge N. Morgan Toronto, le thse pubimer of a paper édition aI 75 cents, whereas la the States it tetails aI 82 ; and the Amerlr.an pubtishers. Litte, Brown & Co, Boston, bave ln preparation a sio boll. dâay edition. The Rouie Bridge. Tise question af allowlng tise eaunby o! York to, crawl out afi lus rsponsîbiluLes ln sîegard ta the Rouge bridge bas becs before tise publie fot years, but we vii give a short synopsis of tis mabter, because in tise seai future tisera vilt be a hot tinte over il. Thse Rouge bridge la lu tise county of Ontario, very nearthle eausuy lise on thse Kisgetoo road veau of Dunhartan. Slxty year aego Ihere %vu no good lililtary moad beîwfeew Toronto asd Kingston, andi lie goverument ruade new sections af roadway wierever necessary to improve matuers, la order tisai cassan, soidiera and munitions mlgist se safely îransferred (rom ose paot toa aobiser, tisera balsg no raitroad et thse tisse. A very costly new section of road vas tbat la wisich le siiuated tii Rouge bridge, nov tbe euh ject o! qurrel. The section ef roadinaques- tion tOok a clast ta tise soutbveet item a concession, and crossed lie Rouge rivet ut ap lace visare great hills fraya osnaese sidfe ai tisa Btent. Tisa approacises to t 'he bridge from tise iilîtopamuet isave cual istmn iauaude f dolan sd tise bridge vas aiea a very expensivt one beingoqver aoo feet long. Wben lie Grand Trunk was bult tise gavemnises haci ne longer auy use for nsilltary rmade, and solai tisem visever thai' coutd te rond eompauias, sud abus. donad îhoae tisey coutd snot mal!. Tisa York and Peel Road Company wus tRac formed, ad the geverntment sold out ta this coin- pmmy for a lar gea smnsofmos.y, tise compmW. belsg ulloved te colleci toila, but being bound to mulotais (orever tilie oat rsum-1 ferred. la u8S6 tise couuty of VerRatisoUgis It sabig ting ha ibase oîlroma, Mid hought out t c York snd Pea compaîay* riita lu VerRacouaîy lu ttuu ti cauuy oYork etri aea eseutt vitRa bthe gevrnsettte ssmimiu tisese coudsperp- "Zltyin gond shape, Tise toits a moml Weli until railvaa sbq t tooItito To- routaé(rtm .ery direct , 4*d th ee isahoaaor-eble ouuty of Vari bogun tte nk of rols thea ruade off ote soutobody lu-e That ceuuty had nma& .a peau pecuti s,, aud vum béusd ta U010d4 Witla charater buel dlastuy It 4rst sWU g Rat levictluelae, alter ppteg. Frlsstsnce i lu uvey ppoa!te tise tovnabwpofail*rhe te a.îts letter tsi Routs bridge and! rÎud v y fr S î a , o o o . P a m t og o r n s po o s . I A D I B s BEFORE J J4- Lj SPECIAL. This Corset was purchased by. us at a great reductïOfl the regul r Price Was$12~ We have secured themn at a price which enables us to sel1 thern At 75 ets No such value has in these goods. Cý them and you will vinced that they ai Andrew, M _________________________________ il a Fancy China. ALarge Stock or7"ýw Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line -of Fresh Alwaye G roceries. .-0. Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. tisat no sucis ofer vil1 ever Se sgain made. Ontario cousuy i sould nov demand tisaIbise provincial goveruateat slow a libtie back- bose intise malter, and tiat Ynrk ha iseld bo its uaeement te maintain tisai road perpet. ualty. There woîald neyer have becs a Yword of Ibis tepudlation If tisetola bhad been rolinst ln sîil, and tie se attat there les ot so mueis profit as previausiy for York affords no argument lu favor of loading -Ontario county or Pickering towshiip vitis a road visicit neyer vas a couuty or township sed but viskis vas a governusnt projeet. and vas soid te speculatets viles tie gavera- ment bud no furtiser use for lb. LaMa. Leaves bave tbetr lasson: aves are beautemsa In vilh eS asee unfuie te humas eyes la ceutiasepensons.quiverlng lke tbe 01Tia silt b. isos u tcwu Ivs Lavem bave tisas eema:lavsiarc Snge Aod tise aiÏM -,ser; bvsmtuls' Svi.POer tbe tuIn5P5I5Ralia qcl4* decsy. "1441U c tm ofa= im tise hd!uIqW."' Lmoes ave tsslissboms: iiitisàylmove b Extensive C redit Sale 0f Hottes, Cattie, Swina, Farin Implements, etc. Tise suisecriber ha: recelved linstrutctios front THOS W ROSS 10 tell by' Publie Amie- tlos, at bis premis e ee ast of tise village of Raglan, ou TV1MUAY. NOV. z6th. z8ge, mise foilowing vluable propere>', vithout reserve. rIz: Hotte-zibeavy -matcised tesin, 7 Vea nid; imare, 5yrs old, good drivertslaîalby B"aeMack ; rshome, zayrs aid ; zioLas, 3 vu old, gond driver. Cutte-zcow. due ta cm ve April ut ». i cew, due te calve Joneué ;ist j0vS, nevly calved ; 2 cavawf. freeding,!; z helféri 21 yrs old due ta calas Nov *Sfi -9 %beler, ayeut aid, due te culvs Dec sotiS; 2 atees, coinisg3, yra aId ; 3 eteesa, cmlttg este eh!; semle, cooing syr old , Sei týyroldiaetaiIs, zi yr od ;3 sringcalu.'Hop-3 boodsoya, ir psing plg, zxisroodsev sud .4 Ph>ga. ie. manIa, etc.-: bindeo-l i»wm, xz aee& du, uesAy nov. neever, sealy nMW. X bores rab, nearly sMW, z1tnrip pulper, nov 1 strsw i.oller, latrge aI,,-nov, z tend seller, z1!asa asn ng mii man! bffer,stew. xSByhansias piu huuê, uXpslsg tct)>utivuotor, 1 aufer, z slkp4 v z siglé plev,1 z t(irev piov, $et ida am u bason,1zWagon. s Pi ruàk, sast a beaty ai1gh, ay rack, neo, ztop bqp> cutter, a sets cf iteuvy test ims, xgut ceW, x oel oi plov barneas, xsetofilgit double ibar. aoms.u s ingl asess, oeexzbuggy- p#l% - robe, a oockyokttB, 3g tita vMeitrmi lO;ng vWBtffet efor 4 haast0we iz'Leader chuais, uasv No. 3. 1ik ui s, 1am.se,' o£5 i s&gis bul*% a vcird'eks,4 loWgt îWns. s, ec mis sbm 69 h=S sabout zoo* bob tuesspu, #iouda Americancois, atome aI oelove br' S Iof iu" aotWbye 40 graint- bopge- »,d.sr5tlc to. vnm teoAt t 11,oelock >ý MI.0, s). 1 fcouQanoo d CROI! sir s ever been offered orne and examine Iat once be con- -e a Bargair'. Rosse Hero MB a Good Thinge' Varialy the Larges! Qumality the Choicesi I Prices the Lowest . are the three points which lead the'FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done on shorteet notice. E. J. JOHNSON, Brock St., - "Whitby. FA RA TO fiENT 200 acre, ear Audley, lu Pickçering town- ship. lod and, sultable bulidinoe plenty of water froin welisa jad streain,, goôd or- chard, no mustard. Posession to-- b10w st once. Full Possession sexi e* lut. Appiy to TMEo A ,McGiLLivRày, WhItby., Sept, 22 189-tf. 8pnze TPO68 for 8,010 4,000. front 3to & <et'htgh, ait Hu.N :of Whitby town. This tla gaodmesson for trassplanting, thein. 8 C WILSON» -Whit- by PO0. NOV. 1, 1897-"49-410. Fams/y Tetider. NEW Y EA -1 intend Piacing rny1 -ness upon a new 'b -and in order to clear -stock Of Jewelry, 1 -gi've a discount on all Cuff Buttons, Victoria Chains, B3rooches and Earrin Chai Sçapf Pins and Stu Linlks & Collar Butt( Golci and Silver Pe Gold & Silver Pen 0F 25 PER CENJI Ociua Oounty olgsa.. a,& Ine tion o1 any locJ a a M u aa FRIDÀY, NOV. 12, 8 LOCAL LÂQ(oNIOS. Ladies jackets froin $3.50 10 $Po. ah Walters. Double fold dress goodi ah îlc ta le ard et W G Waltems TeRev J no Wass, Meaford, ie lu tise Intereste of hie faIhsmsate. Mr W H Grcenwood bas been f Iein Bcwrnanville Ibis weeI. Sale of furniture etc at marketb Ssturd-ay, Nov. 13t5., 1897 ai iolo Messies Brough and Dartnell, e! Msinfon baiki, Toronto, wbceted to Saturday and sent Sunday at Hie- Jîaige Dartnelle. A. man. aged 30, bas dled la N franÙIinjuries received ibrongh is e woman welgbing 2oo Ibs, fallng on dAsteé. lut le weli fat voae do Tis-e sevIssue o! Dominion a b. on sale about tih i !Dcem eue <esht vili be grçestise tiree tise osefor thse International contin "wtIlb. blue. Tise latter leate w.ill b. sent on Englisis tetters. 'Tise Dovmanville 51gbh ool 'Mclub pis yed lthe colleglie Insîtute ý-tb~athleti g rounds' on Saturdau,. oJglehad a weak teanonts vert defeated bv a score ai s- Hiogarths referred ho. tise satief ThsIe efirst tilie'in mitor ibi llégiate beam h» sbeen defe ir~eturn match vili Sepliyed etBo* ' fS. bmmencemntnlexercleas af ,$gse tIltute yl ha seld lu 'fJons Fri day eve'nlnc tise ihist lté.certîficates and diplomas vos at P rtfi'euta1 and other exaisa itS 'Hixb'y 10orguais. lameIgfor'thse ortstion, 1$okeyclub wllise eld st tiseR ~ owf PrIdày sigist. Ereryase who 19 î&4j-tfie.muccesaof tiseWhithsy jù eta attend. Theis usex 'ý dom~eday, Dec BtS anai ou idl1tbe âlacaasaed wh tIsll ekilahseater ibis leagorJl Hélckeyý Association. If You hia* Curling Liai. lai a and ton ; Gents t à Plated itc (£ ronitltt la

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