Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 3

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Ol, FoeGYIBM legty, and Prejudice Must ,i&Btiried Wîth Their Countless 'Victims. AN> AGE0F ENUOGHTENMENT. Ppisonous Druge and Dangeroup Nostrume Mueit Give Way to Adva.nced Science. Hundrede are Be/n g Cured. If You Are Ailiug, No Matter What the Disease lis er How Many Doctors Have Failed te Cure You, Stop Into the' Nearemi Drug Store, Amk for a Guidt te Heaitb, Buy a 25 cent Pamnedy and Cura Yourmlf. Mrs S Nichol, No 149 Ontario St, To- ronto, aya :-'Iwam sufferiniz eeverely from uarvoua trouble when 1 began us- ing Munyons Romedies. 1 was sn bad at imes that 1 could not epeak and wa.- absolutaly powarieasto do anytbing. li S aime effectad me gi-eatly when eating ni I watt oompletoly run down. One and one half botules of Munyons Nerve Cur' co)mpieteiy reatored me to healtlî. i bave mince been feeling entirely wealI. Mueyon'm Rbeumatism nCura aeldou fails te relieve in ona w Lkree hourti, andi cures le afew days. Price 25e. Munyon'u Dypappia Cure positivaly cures ail forma o! Indiigestion and atom &eh trouble. Price, 25c. Muuyonse Coid Cura prevents pneu- mani anmd break. up a cold in B fems heurs. Prie, 250. Munyoe's Congh Cure stopse ougbs, night sweats, allays sûraness, and speed ily boula the lange. Prica, 25c. Munyon's Kidnay Cura apeodiîy curer- piain tho back, loins or groins Rnd ai! form fo kidney disoase. Prico, 25c. Mouyoti'm fladacho Cura stops haad aohe I-n tht-e. minutas. Prica, 25c. Mnnyon's pile Ointmnênt poiaitively out-s ail forme of p1lie. Prie@, 25C. Mueyon's Bloc.d Cure cradiostes al) lmptulties et the blood. Pries, 25c. Munyon's Female Itemedias t-e a boon te ail womeu Munyon's Asihma Remadies relieva in 8 minutes snd oure perwanently. Price, $1. Munvon'e Catarrb Ilemedies neyer fail. The Caîarrh Cnt--prie. 25e. -orad icates th. digeaso frein the systemn, and the Ca- tarrh Tabits-pnice 25c.-claanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Net-se (Vure ie a wonderfuî nerve tonie. Price, 25C. Mun yon'& Vitalizer restares lost vigor Pri lO,1. Ps-enailattera to Prof. Munyen, il and 18 Albert et., Toronto, answared with free medicai advioe for any diseaso. sait- A Few of tb. Very Many Houaahoid Usas ef Ibis Article. Colot-od cotton fabriewhIl not fada by subsoqueut washiuga, if plaeed lu bailing vatet- te wbieh bas beon sdded thre. gil o! al te every four quarts o! water. Do net remove the cleih uctil thea wBter le -Window glans, lanps.marbie and atone vase or <nantIes ara quiekly oleaaed if robled vith s4agtBIIlIy dampentd. A isaspoonful o01saIt iu a Coal olI lacup wmk.. the wiak but-n brlghter aud give a learer lilght. Pt-ssi ink &tains ou aestls or table- celtboeub. renovsd by repeaued ap. plications of dry sait. Carpeta are fresh- oued and colora brlghbeued if wiped wiîb elean elo ha wrung frem alt water. Coaurmlt sprlnklidoaeasionally srouud thé .édge of carpeta i. a noth. destroyer. Inik 5,01. are rencvod from ginghani by aturatlug thben with sweet nilk thon oesrlng wlth sait.alSainsd lemon juice yul remole mildew. Soak brooe oc. oasoloi lu bot sait valet-; they wil b. * seler, leus brtttI, and .111 vear longer. gEat, sait toe minutes in a very bot oven. Oruah fiue sud .1<5 through a vire @leva. Blt-re lu a oovered boit ln a dry placé, sud it vili noS oake. Tbis le preferable te mizlng comuetat-cb wit.b it. wbîoh thbokens dolloate dreasingsansd Bedroom fot-e oay b. kopI cool sud freshby wi ljgthemdaily vlth att-eeg gal vate. lcobes, mothi sund other beeesoo peute are thua detmoyed. Sait and jSmphor lu cola valet- la an excelsent diat infectant lu bedroome. Oieauss ratlan, bameboo, sud ville. 'euh wvlsb -a beush sand sait water, thou rub dry vlth a sont olpbh. Floor matting wêt1lb. more durlablnsd les&brittle if ôCOoaak>nally vashed vlth sait valet-. WaookiT hambler vare vlth cola sait vater tustalwdot varin OMPapyvaer. ,e o Ï*movo og «4a0#1 from silvet-, rb . a on lbe bangiud e1 botol or srn»uonhse "Mrso" , gréas iii «olam mi ulWou efor a sîrn mle EoQwIm igp but Ou. Surs Remoiy-Obtin XItfor 23 Cents. liower loudsd, sud ha Cursd. Caiarrh is a disagreeable and of- fesive dia-ase. Ih uounIy resuit» from a coid snd oteu ends in connuxnpton and death. The une effective rernedy se Is.r dacovered for th i. Dr. tChus'. Catarrh CuTS. teurOo.Bte. Phymlclano faIled ocrGe.Bley toil-gate keeper. iloliand Lauding road. Chas'. Caiarrh Cure did fI. Ons box eunred WMllm Knee.haw sud tire boxes Jamesa. T îdda.rd. hotu 01 West Gwiliimbu.ry. Dirimi Court lark Joel Rogles Roib' ert J. Hoover and Oea. Ta.ylor, &Iliof Beetoîa. velunnartly e.i-tify te the sf11- cacy of Chnne'. Catarrh Cure. J. W. Jennison. of Glferd, speut sea-I. $800 un doctors. but feund'un permanent relief untiji h trlsd a 25-cent box of Chatis'.. Vise, Divre, of Alilen. guti t-d o!a cold in the hoa.d In 12 heurs. Benry R. Nichoehlm5 176 Reetory street, L.ondon. irled a box wmu axcoUens sf- fert. Dr. ('ae.Caiarrh Cure ta fer dais b.Y nnY dealer. or by Edmauson, Batesà 'o . Tut-ente.Pi-les 25 sente luuudlug Mmmwe.. iCens-ha, sobdis sud broueblial troubles reed'ty eut-ad hy lb. Lat.t ai dl ry, Obaar'e Lmaseed and Irurpeutie. Pissa' mati audease ataes,25 seuls. Liqluld Frtiliiers fr VlowmI. Liquid fsrtîiizers au- neyer failng o. novai jouoan sudmr ne d or oaberla vithin tLb. muhof a&l. A 1ev drops et househoid sruuonia in a èttdhér of vat am coitstmon inditseéni platte.à veekly applicaton oet opeuî araies'- mnded. Commeroialplant food la ge. but iu one reipote la netstual tu beau yardMasaUrs.ahiiongladse-sdeue to handié. A 1ev table-mit blgMWUsdvilla*lî 9 osmus M& seM rely tlad, a poli ao diper ar. té Meslla msd em b. ItukedÏway l, mob .0V «we ottbo, bkpoft- e u.14roudy for bhot-W~b onu1bu* so Mbl pai ila ôh#'p.1 or v iipomàdbêg là usuel Vu v5e- ud the d" Idu lÀttIe Jane had been rtp.tWly,.re- proved for dolng'aviolenlce to the snoods 1 and tenae of the ver b -ta be,*ý Shej would sa>', -l be" instead of "I am." and for a time it seemed as if no onei could prevent it. Finally Aunt- KOtl made a rule flot LO, aflswr an incorrect question, but te wait until iL wam cor. rected. One day the two Bat together, Aunt Kate busy with ernbroidery and littie jane over her doll. Presently doil 80. ciety became tedious, and the childa attention was attracted to the embroid- ery frame. -Aunt Kate,' said sbe ,,please tell me what that la going to be ?" But Aunt Kate was couâting, and did flot answer. Fatal wofd Ibe"-it was ber old enemy, and to it alone could the child ascribe the silence that followed. --Aunt Kate," she persisted, with an hont-st attempt to correct her mistake, '-please tell me what this is going ta afl ? Aunt Kate sat silently counting,i though lier lip curled witb amusement. -Jane sîgbed, but made another patient effort. Wl you please tell MC What this is going to are ?" Aunit Katc countcd on, perbaps by ibis trne actuated by a wicked desire to know what would corne next. The littie girl gatbered hier energies for one last andi great effort and said, -Aurnt Rate, w.iat arn that going to arc In the Animal Kingdom. The Duration of Life Varies Âeeording tu Circuingtances. Arnong the long lived ini the animal kingdowi we meay mention birds, fiah and reptiles, although aven in the lower ani- males the duration of life varies immren- qely, according wtuiahe peciea..0f fiah, the carp are eepeoially long lived. Among birds, soma of the parrot ape. cies are suppoeed tu live over 100 years. 'The swan, the raven, the eagie, are aiso credîted with great bength of ife. In tbe mamialila, the elephant attaine the greateet age. it growis for 25 tu 30 yeareanaîd je said to live frorn 100 to 150 yeare and even longer. We have no ae- curate îîeane of ascertaining the wbales age. A lion ie eaid te, bave lived 70 years iin the Tower, but there is no evidence that he attaine anything like that age in the natural @tate. Forty years i. t-e- corded by naturaliste as the extrema age. Tbe came] may attain the age of 50. It eata littie and drinks le»s. The horse la comparat.ively a short lived animal, but it la a walI known fact that when hae doas little work and passas tho grester part of hie days in pastura ho may attain to, about 40 yeare of life, but whan a borne is hard workad and fed, moreovrr, upon beane. osta and other ossifying fooda bis days are rnuch shortar. in the vegetabla kingdom the >70W Bt- tacks great age. Tbosa at Fou nt.ainsa b- bey are about 1,200 ycars old. Two orange trees et Roma, plant.ad respect- ivaly by St Dominia and Thomas Aquina", are ssid to b. frorn 500 to,600 years old, and thare are recorde of tropical trou4 that, counting by their rings, are sup- posed tu hava attained the age uf 800 te 1.000 yaars. HAVE YOU CATARRU? Olean Oows Milk. It le a terrible tbougbt, navertheleu a true eue, that if the. oa rnilk fed te babies were oniy dean, thousasd thoumauda o! little lires wouid b. pared eaoh y705t- But the. milk in the majority of cases. is ncl ean. To ihis a 1aIt lsrgeiy due the enormous death raté among oilidren thus artifiolally f ed. ThiI unoleansies 'begina with the procesof milkiug and continues util the niik là mwaliowed as food. la it net att-auge that snob a simple lesen of eleanlinesu oaunot b. lest-ced 1 How many of those whe do the miikiug take the trouble to thorough- Iy oleanse tb. bauds before engaging iu that pi-ous? 8ev ofien is Lb. tldder o! the cow osrefully vashed beoete milk- init 1 Yet theme clesusing pracommos ahould b. rightly iusistsd qpon. Gemms anneS b. removsd £reom a iquid by runcie g il îhrugh sasteve, ne matts? ho, fine its meabes may b.. Iudiéà, the question hould not- . boy te get O the germ.eout., but "rat rhow le k.sp thon frein getüinl.- Who doe sot kao# woumdW ouuagirls Who am Sooutlualiy lutosa? c lways me h daek aidé?Wbo have frequettilao m.iacebol'y withoui amV apparent safflThe i iuweal physllas .111 ho Il a sOrms,* f«m<im. aeeeTb@ai. uù4a"oui., du i.aa1ue. Wsue:pwsd pl-'à- maoab in« tocIe sud lasifif e w the ussllarW nk. et vouas. affl, servotu trouble#', du -44 v'eieu inS 15 .auw sgsu1 #twaiWRSP and 1>Orke wa dthe ag dnlyb . bt# mtttp WIU houl t Sttiouhrlendhen hlbis 8toMtbied sud fol?# breskieg une shaht Of thé oulI saough tb nooéaitate his walkita instead Of rlding ta town. The following Party left towu saturda3' for Muskoka :- OCha. Gould, 3o..E Gould, B. J. Bruen. T. MoGrattom. J. B. Goud, Frank Gould, Jas. E.' Pitta John Thomnjson, Day. Turner, Tom 'ISrnor, SamJacson. M. Grubsin, A, Coombe. The deer disticts itoinde the township Of Matcodamh (Sinioos Co.), the nortb bli! O! Rama (Ontario Co.), tho district of Mugkoka, Parry Sound and Nipiaaiug. and that portion of the province te the West of Nipissiog and north cf LakoF Superior and Huron. Deer are eaid to b. plentiful this yesx and the provincial authorities wili send lots of detoctives or gaine wardona into the woods te ses thai the laws are obervad. The greatest philosopher of tb. world Rave us a oel iast Friday. Ha is feeling bumpe Bt 15 cents peor head. Cavenagh, ho Bays, cMares a dollar, and ho is botter than Cavenagh. He bas written a bock on tbe formiLon of tha earth, and bow w. could have perpetuai good turnes. We uggosted that ho woold b. a valuaible man for the gaverument te gel hold cf, but ho aid Le government wonid take his ideas and give hum nothibg for thein, net oven a situation. He as ready te si- pound hie views pubiicly againet any man in town. AUl b. stipulatiAs for it' that tb. othor fellow pay for the hall. We enjoyod Prof. Croulers visil very rnucb and hope h. will caîl again. "Ho, long should a ainister preach?' This la a question that ba@ beau put tW us by peopla wbe hava been kept ah ivering lin&b air buggies Bt funerais whil o Be well mea.ing but too long. winded preaoher has bean addressing the cou gregation in Borne orowded country ohuroh or bouse for two hours. W. b.. lieve the record at-oued bore iii baid by BD aarnest aid Quaker, but eohbt-m have cerne coe es.Whlm. In answer te the question we would say a man ahould nover preacb longer than an heur, on any occasion. If ho eau get his sermon int haif an hour se inuch th. botter. If a. preacher canneS strike ail aomnewbere undêr tihe heur ilnît ho bas made a mis take in ehooaing bis calii. Wbere the accomodation of thbacburoh or bouse ln wbieh service is heild i. inadoquale the preaoher ehould eut his remarkta short, unloas ha waute a few more funerai.- Journal. DVS&LAWRENCE CO., Lii. oie ropiato No Eeauty. Som@e yus&ge there vua afamily poaitively Lamons for ils Uglilu. It vas of me pronounced a type that the nals DomtIon of thé family net only kue, la. btappeared te lis prond 01 il. Ouo! ýfthe t-es vasonce adtoirlng hla aidait sont snd oougratulabed hlm on b.- -tmg thée uo et the bribe. 44 ontýk» your r t08"' e$Md he te <nn lr<hn joréel.hoot Mm." Tesuproml evoud lngwu vislu ion <h. Yorkshire uxoors. vhén ho. met-a tout-lai botaniaa. HaS vo &tWceaa-d by thé Mi &,àsppea- tom. Assmni ireorbs issU '8r1muat hoot Joti." w Doothér humasbugh sIh Mdnatulî e ma ud*emé =ý 1Bt nin ohîCrt w or r4 1-iitah i"1 &- *050 17011 urnemyfrusa , W-" - we ýo*h te Iook t the miffl 1 Iýîed 41p:and he tlàs -stop férWAvd and extended hie band4 tO anOther man Who had appeared- arotid a cbunter' "Hlo»hée xclalm*',"asyu wife brought you 1ta ibis, too?" "-Ye.," aald t he other mac. tliold' ber qhe côuld halve a new ds-esd, and nothlng wouid do but I. muet corne and pick out ail the materlal. Shen donc ail the selectiulg no fat-, and the only time 17 made an objection I gai sat Sy"sald the fr-t mac assuming a confidentiai air, ",youve been marrée five yeans and Ive beeni mat-t-ed only anc. No* jusi telli e if anyîbing like tii ever bappened te you. My wli wanted a dress, a kind of patato sack stuif, whicb la transparent enousbth t make hi wortb whiie ta put expensive silk under it. She bougbî ail the ma,- terial and a lot of ribbons. Then ahe hired a dreesmaker and for two daye- tbeyve been at it. This morning my wifc said ta me: 'You muet corne dosvn ta the store with me ibis mornhng. We underestimated a little on my drese and muet get saine mare ribbon.' 1 came, and the firtetîhing she did was ta buy eighty yards of black, white and green ribbon. It îook my brcath away. When 1 recovered [esaid: "4Did you underestimate tbat much?' 'Oh. thats not ail,' she said. We muai gsi twelve yards more of black braid ani tht-ce yards af taflet.a.' thats silk, you know. Weil, I got into an argument with ber, maint.aining that it was im- possible for anybody ta underestimate eighty yards on ribbon, let alone the other thînge. She juat gave me a look and said - 'Oh, y ou neednt pay for it, mother wili.' N ow, lent kt abeurd for anybody ta aay that she underestimat- cd eikhty yards o! ibbon ?'" , Itdoes seem foolish, " eaid the other man, "but fer heavens sake wben the drees is donc dont say you cant im- agine where aIl the ribbon le. You can bei ite ail there." oéDoouo W DAs 1Yreasao il.. alvilr m sdlels.asm% 0 .0. Uni ' s ýo oenvuepm vwsngUWUimui. Quesioiai 61144555 0001 1155<' - o.148 SHELBV $TU oiSsý, MENEy 9, il N9NDETRO11,CH TOWN'0F WHITBY Treaaurer'a8ale ofland forTaxes Town of WhltbyIBy vîrtus of a warant Connty o0O1 su04= lsuedy AbMatg* under -ro wr - tbie*al o! the C0rporaiton of the. Townu ai Whhby,. te tus ditectsd. beatig date tbèhétilty-fim day cf' Augt :8Io",coin' M a meg sto Ievy taon udssiAhosd Mnuîloed tu tbs foligiwlsg Dot of arfeurs etf taxm *due thereoi, 1 hercby givs noticé, thai un- 4Ms such amura ant ail ct aiare soe a4 s8a proos e l the laIdleaD- t1se80 M uberaifaey bse aay or hpaieto Abs taes sud the cas,.ibureo, lu thoCouncll CbaMber, là,:tbs Towe et Wbhby, os TUES- DAY. DEC. l7h, z897, s t tb. ber U o 00o" lu <ho fbrenoon. FlUET 8 PLAN ZAST OF BROCK ST., NOETil yARD. (km or st. Lot l'axes Ceai. Total J80 $1281 $4 r *17931 42 32 26 44 98 970 9 10 1x85 1095 270 183 453 270 1 85 4à 77 $43 1 3Z 79 909 18S 10941 82 0c6 348 7~ 67 301 5* 3 " 85 58 :53 ~:85 b83 3 2 85, 769 173 2 Sa 185 407 1 448 s185 063 19 448 985 633 1 441 1:83 6 3 18: 3 st los e36 Il8e2 335 9 5 184 399 l'op 399 1813, P~nye Slek 4e 1 61 .$if4Os $196 *s6 i$ 33 :3 3 519 82$ 1 85 e*6 -310 Sa80 8 a il, Win, lIAIDII Juat R.oslvebd 2000 RôIs of those very beautiful Amerloan Piper, wlth Borders, to Match,- wbîoh 4 'i > b. old! ohee~e thon ever 'Whayor Aioalot of whioh viii be soid at cost end under. Every'Day às Bargain Day With Us. Po Be. WÂRÂ,Àg WITY W.lTîagirnt is tt adImal a w 1 theVsgtusA *zpsesboupoor emowy:- Aul, lack Gnergy and itr.ngmth,1ud morn- Ingu.~~~~~ reléungha lsAUbGm ak manbood, tuate4 orgaui »4. PR5Ub tuf Goda?. bono PM&ns.dhal bau ors Ibroal etc. YOU HAMVU *EMIAL WErAKNieOOI OUJR fNew mBTIO mTaN Ae a sr on, 004 muateOb a assi fjo.vap Sell.: 690 e b 1>a nbedoluest thtloô puls àôbe t &al gl ï bbotob aahuie4ppeart tha nérvm me atrüni s» telso i arro nom. baahfnlnuu an4dhPo " P 4apuers tué syéà beome briatet b uo 1Ian lara, purotreurni s the bodye and Iboemoalsphysical d..SOns S7mareBtSnrugcatéG au al ose_-se2 mors»vlwéaote the "lis 7tem The »stn can becomse naturean sd msiiy. Tou *fir,Woinvite mil thé&a5loted, ôônàult us ind fskt m o o0f Jour har4 SabMd Olt fiAS TOVI BLOOD BE IES »YPWJM s the .moSprsvalent nd mot.srfous DD i4 b.It 0sNIhsvM erlbood of the victMaü nleuentrollradistetroup thesare- tsthwlfl af te b gd et orou UD?5 8.0 UAS 19 c'mi aupzsa. es -ur6W WUI po Ultl r ensOt for 5ver. RQ -i U ASTu'sldgy Mie, or Sndulged An the toilles lf Toih Slabizasor ater sxcsmall *ie broken dovw Tour aystent. Ton foui the $m m tom etaiftàlgovér i»L.. Maww. phylosly and moxualiT FOnUae Dot thé mui younador boold beà Lnaluattdptilaemmp rich hrvul Wliyou heedthe A"e"uoàavb3tim 1Hav" ?on 1048 hope? Are Tou contsm latin msrrisgsi flEu your blood been dsateU. Easycu sny weaknsiamlOu Nw 1eth0f eusyo, Vasit lias doue for othsrs Al wtU o tor vn.Cualatil Pr no trvohas- trest*&, wo. imité 'fr .an hma.t 1 CaeW.a é har».eAt ýi

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