Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 5

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-1 lantend placlng iny butai- ,ns- ls uOn Eanew Ibsis, --and ln obrderto clearm --stock,' f i Jcwcl1ry i w -.IeadisCoünt on al \Cuif Buttons, -, iotoria Chains, Brooches and Earrings Gente Plated Chains,1 Scarf Pins and Studs, Links & Colla-r Buttons Golci and Silver Pens, Gold & Silver Pe neils 0F 25 PER CENT. Se -Barnard, ~~1ITBYM ~4~c 0L~rouictc. Offlolal Coumty Orgaa.-Larg.st Ofroula- tlo f aMWlocal paper M Cam"&a FRIDAX, NOV. 6, 1897. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Mr W R Howvse, Hamilton, was here on Monday. Ladies rlbb cashmere bose only 25c per pair at W G Walters. Boys brown Irieze pea jackets to fit ages s to 12 years, at W G Walters. Mr W H Holland, ex-manager of the Do- minion bank here, was ln town Monday. Mrs. W. Merritt, Oshawa, la visiting with ber parents Mr and Mis Bateman et H amers Corners. Word comes rm St. Catherines of the bopelese charecter of an illnesa which has seized Mrn Rev A B DemilI. Mr Gea Allia, agent for the Chicago Aer- mater Ce succeedcd ibis week lu selling milkiman ý' H Clayion a wînd-mil 10 cut fced, grind fced and pulp roots. Conducter McMillan, Belleville, was in tawn over Sunday. Ile bas taken a houai in Belleville and Mis bfcMillan las packing up ta rernove there on Manday nexi. Mr. Gea. Robb has returned fram Detroit where bc bas been aîtending the. dcaîh bed of hîs brother James, who vas but 49 years or age. The decenised lcsrncd the grocer) business wlth R & j Campbell. Mr W Milne, Scarboro, visied iown Sai- urday. on a flying run fîom Lindav, where he la doing somne elecirical work. Hc rides a wheel gcared tb 92, and made tbe distance betweeu Lndsay and Whitby, about e, mlles, la 3 heurs. Conductor Charlie Adams who has been promoied ta tbe charge ol the Whitby- Manilla train, vice Conductor McMillan, who imItes the Belleville- Peterboro run, w ll remiove bis .famiîy (rom Lindsay te Whitby shartly.-Lindsay Post. N es ,e 50 In Receutly s Kingston underts.ker sent arcond carda advertisinghbla business. One found Its vsy loto s residence wheie the lad y of the bouse vas dasgerously M1. Sic accI dently gaiaed posession of the card a.nd uufféed greail y frein ncrvausuess followiag is persuel- lier lue vwas despaired of for a tinie. Recently Mr AÀlPoe, Cobounge town treas took s walk through thse esateru portion of the îown la seascli of suiable atone for street purposes. During is slk hie came upon tsome twenty-onc lots uhat aSesu bave ftiled te asseau for the paut tveniy yer. 'h. lots were once usedti t pile quarrieti atoun m bicls ta b. used for street purposes, Iustesd cf assesslng theta and nemsttimg thie taxe they vere dreaped froni the assesment r~oll anti each auccecti. lug assemer orema aply ýoope th Ie rail and the lots have oossequenuy been ovenlooketi. If succeedlng susesooea lad been ini thseha - bit cf tskilg a plan ofthtie tevn and proving thein rol l bycoutpsrarlnwîtb C 1"p an ucts a bungle woulti have lic« e ite dlong ago. Lest.« A bag eofviieat ibetwftn Mia. >ao. Ellis bouse and- M. McTa "arts on Base lUne. The fioder wul e1bIige Mr$ T. H. Siîth by leavlng sane wîtb hm 21appy Houm C* ati ad4ceOunr py Hoen.ranges snd ether atoves, sud gét fine cay te make and repair youtrwuline liae Wu O BANàu SoN, Wtby.--4731e1. Oh foir Mmbtou, *urepi ."doWisls. Ses or write Stephehmou, (Opposite Haîcli Broen,) Wbil or cissp tickets to sud front gE&ngl ,Scotland, Irtid, Rili Columbia, Maniltob&, ail UDI ltdSates sud Canadiapeints,. '*anywhire, aecr>rwberc,» boau, rail or occas, rates lguamantîd- iglit. He sella ubno là tickets te or Itou Piclrer- in.Téott ysu roti id Whliby. oflten béat coss u and-sud aialway sud >okcd oni cuý«ddcn c fesully atmud s ru to b. Sm staff. Pros Exhibition for Datry Peopleo Mr Pickhardt, Montreal, yull exhibit aj crcamn separator îomnrrow, Satirday, fore- noon and afternoon, in the market building here. This machine willI separate the cream from new milk immedlutcly afler being taken (rom the cow. [t is notbing new lu many places, bitt nothlng of the sert bas been seen here. Seven of these separators were sold in or neer Bowmauvillc. Any rerson who wili bring a can of milkin ay have t he cream separated (rom it withoui charge and witliouî the use of chemicals W C 1 football club orgaaised. The W C 1 fct-ball club met a few days aga and elected thc fallewing officers; Hou Pres, John Waugh. B.A., B.Paed; Pres., G H- Hogarth; Han Vice Pres, W A Dent;. Vice Pres., G M Joneç; Manager, A G Hen- derson : Captai n, T Clark ; Sec Treas., F R Davey: Committee, C McClaren, F C Rog- crs. A Ketchen, it Howden. Tis club wril play a match agalusi Bowmenvilll Highi Scbool club on the athletic grounds on Sat- urdav,,Nov 6th commencîngat 2.3e pm. No. admiàion (ce will be charged but a collection will be taken up on tic grounds te help de-. fray expenses. Everybedy camee sud cie« the boys in the good oîd game. lilgbest biddeir Humen -Corp." ulng and- Mr' Itsu la to vIsit lQIV. -&$h. A cb. eld lu thei tke male soins to lthe No tô éfr ýurt tapft ', "f ~i re Mr and Mr G.o WO,ýdho*aaohs# V ei vIling MlsaWoobln.1 DaiCamarot, Igft.oMowiday on a hunt-: T éi. drlng fleet èleared for tôrDnto on Priday loaded wiîii atone and gtravl. l'h. Scbr. Flots Carvetb logded rY#e lai week for 1 H Long, bound for Oswego. Thie cbr. Augusta cletred last wte',for OWO !OOse oobuabel Of wbest for 1 H Longend IfDowny &Co. Ut Wm Proudfoct ls on a %islt to bis parentas . lal employed ln Armouta great packing establishmaent ln Chicago. Mr Jno Rice bas moved it Mr Jmo Wiltes bouse and Mr Wm Britton, from up- town, has moved loto the bouse vacated by Mr Rice. Messra Frank, Aif. and Chas Perryand Den Cameron have returned from downi euat, where they have been cmpioyed with a surveytng party. When the weather la fine Mesrs Pat Ryan and Jos Diliman may be seen Sitting on a snubbing post patiently wvaiting for a bite. An occasional fine pike îe their reward. The old bolier that bas rested on Watsons docks for years and which has become a familiar land mark to many, has been sold to a Toronto gentleman and was remnoved to Toronto out T hursday. The Tincombe clubs new q uarters bave been secured on the Hickey <arm and the boys w Ill be at home to their frienda after the publication of this notice. Entertainments will be dispensed free of charge eacb even- ing roms6p .m. Last Friday evening the inaugural ceremonies wcrc lct off, and a goodly number were present. The Sharp sound of the presidents gavel brouglit the meeting up with a jerk. He announced that business liedcommenced. Afier aquirt- lng coplous quantities of tobacco juice on the floor lie outlined theceotder of procedure for the cominr season. He Icit grieved that the meeting ln April lest was of sucli a îum'ultuous nature. The members had at that meeting demoralized the furniture, and te a degrce bcsmmrched their social siand. ing. It was certainly unfortunate that an engagement he had on that night prevented bis attending, and he felt il was on account .of the absence of hiie guiding band that the breaking up obsequies had been celebrated. He had always cast the eye of a loving parent over tbem end if it was not for the love of their association lie would heap a malediction on them. As one of them he would probably do worse than tbey bad idonc, but being the exalted presîdent lie felt that it was only fitting that be sbould rreprimand even if hie words did belle his thoughta. Ithlas been nccesaary topurchase a new outfit, which -had cost considerable. 5Truc the broken furniture had been sold and the jumbled ren mnants of the old stove ,takren te the foundry, the revenue fromi which had been smaîl, the secretary iwould in due course present a financial 9statemnert. If anything werc damaged again the offender would have te replace the esame by a like article [rom home. He alan aintimated that te kcep down expenses ecd one could bring a few lump of coal. Il .they b.d none at home t here was lots .around the dock. The secretary then read gthe following report: Balance fromn last t cear, 3Y sale of brokren lurniture, 13c ;old ron 37c total 53c; coul of ncw furniture, * etc., 83C discrepency 29,c. An animated * discussion took place, and so much time was gconsumned that the election of offirers had te b. postponed until the neit meeting. Wher ileA Vîng the retiring preuideut stole the Ismp dchimîicy and tare the Storm door off lis le hinges and carried them home, going acrost .) cheffelds rather than by the road. Dcath of Min Rlchardsoa On Monday MIsa Maris S IH Ricbsrdson, daugbtes of Mr A M Richerdson, nortb warcl, passed away, ber deaîb being due te consumpiion. Up te a year mgo ne more vîgorous specimen cf giribood could be found in ibis îown, In faci we deubt if ane could b. found bearlng as consplcuous aigns of beaih sud sîrenguli. The 1ai suggestion ibat would enter tbe mosi imaginative mmnd f romn seelng ber was consumptlon. About a yesr mgo abe was sclzed suddenly wiîh lung disease, sud ber greai pbyaîlquc sppeaîed ta be quît. unable te withstind as ravages'for any lengti of trne Xt provcd a complete breaklug up trom tic start. Tlbe once brigit eye aad winning silile vanisbcd lu a dsy, and hopeless she plned say under the. beat care andmo isi akilfal îreatment pssbe. Mise Richardson wua clisrmlng, vivaclous- clicerfal lady, and for-steverl years a Iead- ing soprano ln the tabernacle choir., She was a great favorite wiuh everybodv oniside ber home, ile within tisai sacred circle she was an objeci cf the. deepesi love, 99 rnucb',se, indeed, thai uhougli expecîîag beï deaîb dally for mentis ber parents sud the. other mstmbers et tise famiiîy are bowed, douta ln the deepesi aornow sud affliction ever iii. parilg forever with one se dear te their hearts. We join lu expreslng a general feeling of deep sympsthY fer iheàà In ibeir grief. Pian4gn d bis PUrp- came UP trou Oshava te boanrdt th ais ai t ý.S.i Whlîby forth de plna ctb un Ms bla OdcT îî annualhutlug tour. Behind-bis îtn-g rauit- l ,the'amuser of t bi meaucto1WInoo» stis b. brulsen that meaer bToodS, bbras.iew, 14). todae, warm*ted.me-t4-. l ick-or.dIe. - buiLftdog ptrp, Péter. Peter la mot s banti ss. b. ;hem.àbelstbow.i.gd,b ebai. as quila hie shows isluteth lu Wbs tomWA U5~ #'" bi>ed. le- T T e awep O 8 be , 1l" siI~ OUIR STORE WIIITBY. .1s FU'LLI' of intbréitina items at mont inte restingpfos We Menttion a Loy in this advertisement, ,-Maiy more. Every departmont ofers a a ble mtima n d Wlnter Goods that vostiga4ig; you cati do no botter than give us a call. What the LADIES say of our WPM ANT LS but we have are worth in- That our Mantie departmont stii leadeini its vast varioty of Novelties and splendid value of low pries. That our Fail stock of Jackets & Capes for '91 la, if possible, liner and more extensive than ever before. That among Ite 200 Garmente every figure may b. fiUted to perfection and every taste satiied in the inatter of style. Ladies and Misses Navy, Brown, and Black Serge Jackets, volvol collar.... Only $3.50 Ladies Black, Brown, and Fawn Jackets, lateat styles .................031y$5.00 Ladies Nigger Head and Curi Cloth Jackets, ini Brown, Navy and Black, Braid Trixnmings and, Pearl Buttons .....................Prom. $5.00 to $10.50 WDRESS GOO DS mq For smre 5 years ince we first tarted to imiport our Dresa Gooda direct from the' manufacturera we have enjoyed the reputation of carrying the most complote and choicest linos of Dreai Goodaetfany bouse ini this county, and considering the exoeptionally high character of the gooda, dur prices are ex. tremely low. We have DRESS GOODS, double fold, from lic. to $2 pur yard. HOW IS YOUR UNDERWEAR ? We show exceptionally good value i Ladies', Misse', Mon'. and Boys' Underwear. ummaeuuu OU the tdsUSSPe.. Th7e m- Sulur mtiily aonservice wilI be heldïII fbe eveutg Tii. service wlU b. under the' ,direectlon 0f* the epwoMt league snd clii- tIa endeavor. Tht R"v Chas uinood of Belfast. Ireiand, wbo la hi Canada at tii. requestioftii.Kits- wick Mission, wlll conduci a bible resdlag la the college concert hall this Fri. day sfternoon ai 4 oclock. -'At 7.30op n le wiliold a service lnthe, method st taber- nacle. Tii. audience that wlll hear hlm then wili flnd hlm the equal of the celebrated revivalîsts of this continent in carnest edo- quetîce and lt ln boped tht the spirituality c«t thia town niay bc greetly advanced by the brief visit of this devoted man. A collection in aid of the work will be taken up. The Americana boast of cverv great Insti- tution they have got. There lu a Canadien Institution, however, that bas opened the cye of Americans and other people all over the werld. It la a great weekly newapaper that las a marvel of excellence and getting better every Issue. It la ta be found in the homes of the wisest of our people in every town and township ln Canada. We refer of course ta the Family Henztd and WceklY Star, Monîreal, wbicb ibis year bas a great picture as a premlum for everv renewal and new subscriber. Readers of the CHRON- ICLE bhave an exceptional opportuniîy ta get tne Family Herald and Weekly Star club- beti with the CustoNicLEc for $1.75. On the, Wlngr Mr E Stephenson, Wbltby, bas ticketed the foîlowlng tbis week: Mr Mat Kasiper, Whutby te Chicago. Ili.; Mrs Gea Anderson, Whltby te Alemenda, Assin., Man. ;Mris Ogden, Wbitby te London; Mrs Alex Bruce, Whitby te Gravenhurat and return. Salvaflon Anay, Brooklla On Tuesday, Nov 9th, at 8 p.m., in the selvatiosi barracks, a great welcosne meeting will b. given ta Brigadier Read and Enaîgu For. Brigadier Read le the provincial officer of the C.O.P., and Enaign Fox the distritt officer. We are expecting meet of the soldiera of botb Wbitby sud Brookliv corps. WVe give you al a very hcarty invi- tation ta ibis meeting. Come ln crowds and get yen seul blessed. Capi Brant. I I t'O =Z& 1i~rmst Sle.Piag Car Route Cotomencing next Saturday nigt, aad contdnuing every Saiurday night tubcafter, Midlauid Route iôurlai cars en route te Col- orado, Utahssnd -Californla will leave tie Chicago Union Pagseenker ,station of the. Cicago, Wllwaukee à- St Paul'rgilway ai ic ocleck ruanlng over Uic Cbkcago and Omaha Short Lin., te Omaha, theuce via Lincoln, Neb., Colorado Spings and Lead- ville; Colo., Sait Lakte City and Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramente, Cal, arriving at San, Ftanciuco at 8,45 tu,. Wed- nesday. LAs will b. netced, troute la Mdidiand îhrough Nortiiera Illitiols, Iowa, Nebraska, Kaaiïts, Colorado,'(irouùbte heart of tiec 'Rcickies), Utahi, P4vadiansd: Callforia, affordlng a perfect panêrantinc vlew ef prairie, mountain and Coasi scentry. Theso pepulan every Satuirday Califorcîa ezcfarsiou for bofli fiast and second-dAas PAMOerg(no - forcifu enlgfaute)ar passogers(R0~uctet by ilgent, c etAd ito-the *ants of #Il passen eue rout. TtIS lea au eulrely new feat=refet tout t M05' sqr#eê and yl be greatly,>pae- ra'filig tgeter, r b laiestravelling aloi. Paticur atentin l, ald Wtfli cmne ofchildrenwiio ,usually get wesryon a Iiô«Joune y. 1Reuitember tistthe Mtdland rcàîi- tonWiteara are*1iouxncas md area W B Pringle & Co. HAZ rgIN ZTOCR WALNUTS, PEANUTS, ALMOND NUTS, HAZEL NUIS, VALENTIA 'RAISINS, PATRAS, CÙ R-ItA>S, 10 SUE IS 10 DE[IEVE -e..- WM. TIL and lie comvlmced that su 1Elegait line of FURNITURE UPHOL8TEREO 0008 lis being mold astaway déI>wu puces tO keeP VOSTIZA CURRANTS.i t uhID =m Our -35c. TeatV' Guaranteed q~uai té any Sot. Tea ots th market. bruts. ourlaI. - FIR nation FARU TO LST CLASS. fiIENT OR 8ELL UIJ A ?~ tI' 1tf lpt' M/W Re-Upholstcring snd Rcpslrlng, before the J ushcme~e Plicesvery c cap JUST . RECEIVED BayCarrlages Ail oth, P"=.,o Puices >f roc% rO- i I... Ira, SEOR WRITE- An sasy Question Rev H T Crosaley writes this weeks Chnise ' tiai Guardian askting whcther thc moh cou- tury be ins ln z9ooaor igot. Ih dec. n e gl n efîher year. but exactly au the.ppeut wicre anc ends and the otier begina. -lS takes a fuil buudred te makte a century, ne 9c) If w. owed Rev H T Cressley ligSl .t weuld ho accept $s8W au full counu, or woUld we bave te corne dowu wlth te *otisr ol lai ? A ccntury la years imeans zoo full1 ! years, ta the laut day of December lu escli c snd t g centuries means igoo years.te i lait JI day of the nîneteen buindreih yeaî. Itlek therefore clear tiaitich next century willl commence on janurst, sçpz. The. firet t% century comunenced on thee ist day of the. year cf one. and eacb centurv mInece commeaced on the firet day oh he ysretof Its one, and tiseio«b century yul comce vit the frstdey of tbe yean of '9:. AUl Sainte Churcb Anslv.sari. Al vho isard Lic sermons prscW byb Rev Mn Loweeat AIl Saint$ cbanciien Sw>a' da eedeligted with tii. strenmgti adi I Oriinlit o teclevenCUntOf St Gvmtîa, Toronto. The occaion wus li the *081e versary seviceof l Saluts.The dmarck was decorated with fiowctn g paul te i locked very beantIful. l'h. atsouWe at * ~ nigit vas Urge. 7lu Coufetlom Dbw - te *ver no o r 1h. dey. Mouday vok the sehool hoqs* vwu crowde t t 1a * uusm- cxascl. 1Tii.Ïattntlonwu' -lt h. coofnji çgsfos tvr vws tmimd lait puran ggm "f«,* *MW gathunug «the ébuneli p1p10" rooi ouka II 77anurat. "'Is -n il k k 1 1 . 1 1 iL ý Cali 0

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