Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 5

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%3Gold Pilled tSpectacles and. JEyeglassost Wited wïth the greate8t skilI ta suit týe saghli ana give the, greateat pas. 4ble, i*tnfort to the wesrer. Hand- 4meiy finished. with the newest style cimp1e. mana epringtsaadthe very qunlty of ionsee, ana wuanted'i O R 1 1 10 TEÂRS. il sa Bar4ard, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Bye GIaa5 Guarde In Qold, Rofled Plate sand 811k. Thermnometers.. BE~ Glasses ... tion of ".y local paper tu Cana"a FRIDAYo OCT. 22, 1897. LOOAL LÂGONIOS.- The callege advertimes eleewbere for a laundress. Mr A 0 Sutclfie, Toumwanda, N.Y.. peaua- ed through here ou We4nesday ou bis wsy inorth ta vîsit trleudu futher up the country. Mn J. J. Rosa wlll preach agalu lu the. bap- tist church udxt Sunday. Tii. apeclal meet- ing wlll b, contlnued every eveulug next w eek. The Grand Truuk tîmo table lu always publsbed correctly lu the CHRONICLE. Cut It out aud paste It up for future refer- The. dredge Nlpissiug has completed .operatioua at the harbor and ou Sundav went ta Pickering hanbor to assiet the .dredge Queen to deepen the channel acrome Frencbmeum bay. Rev Dr McDiarmld will pneach lu Part Hope next Suuday lu behaftofthe Methodist 'M issonary Society, sud on Moudmy 25tb, will presîde et tiie meeting of the. Bay et Quinte ConféeneoMlsslonary Commtte.. Mni Jesse Browu Hilton MA., of Evans- ton Uuiversity, Illnois, ane of the delegates ta the W.C.T.U., will preach lu the, metbod- it tabernacle next Suuday morr'ing sud ,eveuing. Miss Rose Wood-Alllu B.A, oftAn Arbor, Mlch., and Mr&, Hilton wlll speak ait te Ontario Ladies College lu the aller.' noon at 3.3o ociock, open ta tiie public. The. Dotoulaps Cousldening the. dreadtbl tate ef the weather thon. was a fine audience tasece sud ihean the Bostoniana lu the music hall on Wednesday ulgiit. Tii. programme wus Imoat unique ane, original, uew sud cc-n- 'piee..Caton imporaonated Josiab Allen. Wlfo, the operatic p rima donne, aud othe< Iitenary ard musical charactere. Miss 'Katbet'iie Rew gave the gneatést treat of the ,night lu ber wbltling solos, accompauled ujy ,the. banjo. Annie Frank Llbbey la a reader of iii. tirât onder, aud wou unllmited Sp. piause by ber atiklng reuditions aud inter- pretatiotie. The. board of the Womnau Misalouary Society of the. methodiat chrci of Canada, wlll hold is annual meeting lu the taben- miacle lie, cemmeuciug neit Wedueaday *ovoulng ut 8 o'clcck. Fhîty-four delpgates frotu the different province af tue Dominion and tram je n,. bave already been pnavlded 'homes by tii ladies of tlie chunch. This soclety ha. ceutrel of a aumber et seboole, sud employa under Its aud;ty thirty-two inileeionariea, statlaued lu Chinaé, Japan, among tho Indiens of British Columbia, and the. Nôrth-wvest. Tii.deliberationa during the. day sud the public meetings au Tueuday sud Wednesdsy eveninge willbo of g nemi Intereat. Those gatheninge are open, sud straugersaelîl ho cordisl welcomed by the committee of managemenft. No mars Double ileaders. Since double hkadèeshave boon inangur- .ated ou the G T R -systetuanueroua acci- dents bave takea place, with a kou. it le es- tlmatod, of So pan cent mre than ouder the. old management.. A double header frelght etraiu, for die Informion, of thaunitieted, 49 a train with two engluies ttached to the front ot the train on dp gradoo es nted of as heretofone, an engin. stesci sund. The. oue 5tt tbe end called the. pts1uen, sud detsched, .pises, wile the. cher pulls, sud wben an- rlvlug et the. top of the gratde bocks ont sud the train goce ons sud enerslly wtlîperfect 'sft.On tii.other land heu tii.double hedrputleu s lo«gtrain oï ftdot tcars over a kuoll one baïu pulls bock, se thon. ls no- Vtbiug houlnd ho pWi end sud the roceta s- cideuts demonstrate aplite lu tbres parts, th. middle part <seâig on ont. -aide or the. otier, cauiuog s dam-imoenut. The. double leader l iabeon tried la every rslroad ln Aménlcs sudhlm beisproductive oi ts Io s, sud gen.nîl,é.i*ndàW.d- It budVIeen d onthe T Rt*.sty4fve yeare ago, en~d wusabaudomM etilquitereceui>y. maiwyjases la jail. J stuc, wboIssup ot bare lirud liet are tsuhe u spOf a bCu vos¶*y dit u of. M&opae o! ose Hny jMes ho- 4 ltes sulde eqtted on cbarje* of ** %mn L e,& m d &moles cm" ~s. pecaeci nevUIm$ i iqD petw 1 i The #~ne mtark$ showed 4 Ussttiqsb"tab there ne*irly two hunidri1 r G* T Ragents sud eotictort o b etA tihtfied by tho *nâugè, t6tabe vigilant lu sOfing thait aiew a1e dM their full cépà%city, and rapidty itlo-de4i. Th. company bave net -Outltt, r c commodato the préseut great rush of fWg and hold-over priviloeo are bélng mitUjd aIl along the lin.. On Prlday MeiissitE. Gre»wood and t Robinson of Toronto attebi»ted thýbreak Cassidys Irorouto-WhItby record of i bout 27 minutes Robinson split a 'tir sud> 414 not finish. Greenwood d4 it.thetrp luItî hour and 3! minutes. The. start wts iade from the Don bridge t moi2 the 96 mile Post was reached t 3.43. Mn Aleit Dewey, who lives near the exhi. bition grounds, met with a painiful accident lait week. Ho was cllmrbing onto a cleaner whie it was moving alon g the road. Me stepped on a puilley whlch turned around, lettin hlm slip t ei.g round in front of the truck. The h.avy w heel psssed over hi. foot crushing it vcry badly. H. le lImprev. ing nicely. Side-Slip ln Cyalng. Unequal pedaliing often causes side.lip. It la especlally imperative that when pas. ulrg ovor asiipery or greasy ronds thi.ped- alllng should be easy and steady. Eveu with expert management, it le semetimes difficuit to preserve the. balance on the. sianting, slippery surf.*es on. finds hi wet weather on most roadu. The. rider who Fpushes harder with on. foot than the. other o s ver y 11mb loto ulde-ellp lu such cases. An exehange msaya overybody uoticed the large number of bothersome llttlo filoes that 611ed the. air on the warm days recently. These are called agp ides and their pessence ln such large num bers la sald ta be owing to, the lateness of frost which generally put. au end to them. The. aphides usual moeu gen. erations bave corne upon us sud tbey have gune on multiplying by fifies. Il warm weather sbould continue th.y would fil1 the air and own the carth. The. barbera of Paria, Ont,' are up ln arma a gstat hç Board ai Helth for entaig the iollowing strnugent reguimilona -" Ail the barbera metal instruments muet ho pluuged, directly suter use, luto boli' g soapy water, snd ail other combe must ho neplacod by metal ones, whlch are more eaully disinfect- ed. Scizzore, razors, clippers sud brumbes muet b. kept over s stove heated up te o degrffe C, or muet be placed lu a closed re- ceptacle, lu the. lower part ai wbicb there le a stroug disiu(ectlng solution. Shav'ng brushes, betore belng used, muet be plunged luto boiling waer; aili barbera muet wash ther haudo between customren." Tii. adjoarued case gaust Chas Penny for Illegal Ilquar selliug on the Gardon City came up for henig on Fnlday at. Mn Haversan appeared for the dotenco. Capt Coor ey sud TB Taylon ot the Copelaud Brewing Company bad been summoned to give evIdence. Capt Coouey swone that be had nothiug ta do wlth the relresiiments ser- ved ta passengers; he dld net frequently go inta that part af the boat whero tbe ban wae. He had neyer heen banded a drink by the. defeudaut. H. had a key af hua owu anid went luta lthe bsr sometîmes. He hsd noticed hottles and kegusud g lasses sud mIma a pump, a beer pump on an in pum wouid flot swean kt was a beer pump, but hiâd seen whmt he supposed to b. been comiug out o* It. 'Mn Perry was put on the stand sud swone that liquon was kept ton sale, luger sud wbie. key, but would flot swear tuat auy bad even been aold on auy certain date. Mn Fane- weil asked If tiiene b.d been a minglo trip wiien iii. boat touched at Oshiawa aud Wiiit- by when rônising ta Tciiontô'whon liquon wss ual solil. Mr Havenson objected on the ground that it was net a fair question toasmk defendaut; the prosecution had no right to charge wltb more thon eue. offl#qce aiud be would sk thet the. case b. adjo mrned sud the point srgued befone the Attorouy general. Thie objection wonsauatalitedi .d s te fii- ed ta have the malter aigued. The casewae adjourned tot a week. The. naiSer h.s ince been aettled; tho deoidi-t plieod guilîy 10 selliug wlîbcut Ileesud was fiued $5oanad calta. la the. SeUlI mmontai? ED. CHRONICLE ! Sz,- -vId ld 1ketW auk a laver of yen and hope you cau se your way ciean ta grant It t Wene, InSd hetenedoxy becomiug qulto preient wlth regard ta the. doctrines 6f tlie tw.otellty cf the eoul sud et eternal puniabtmut for lte wicked, two of the mostteum"uia doctrine of almest eveny church. If tlus Is slIowed toprogrees uueiiecked, what eut» b. lue te- suut ? Mauy wlll loselalt4 iu the doctrines of the churvb, aud h«ue. lb. cbsrcb wMt faîl. 1 have at diffèet tdomes eard nsnyî arguments lu tavor of Ummso octria" and have aiso hesnd minu> 1,iugly plasisble argumente galnst theni, wbbase a ttu- deucy te throw eue ile a amate of doubt. Now as thene are isu> the sanie as oiij55I ver y auxlous tW know *bt stactly easulie suid for sud wbst againx t leée doetr4iée,1 would like you t. invlte as tan O ro patrn otegive usn5»M1e igntoi tt n se*jt thnangh thes. columna. 'la m M lt *111 prove very interesting aýs It 19 as0SttWof 5ncat ImtaceQhrn eu a h er he continues tW hue 5Oelat>,Il41t bllvP the best wsy tW give the ipOle lu zeutl bath aides la througb s POP«; usiCel write yoti. I am. your tei bpictMlY8 STV DiT. (ThiaIolU cFcoufflea* « and Important m&Ua nde, 54- Oft$iSI bave ne objeclti o 10sl$b*sgtissa*ls wish ta dieuis the niitt#raI*bG O11 af epace. We Cant O u*te , phl long trestises on Ibis au sst.my4l. Firut of U, vee eold Ui tO10 M"I od etood that lu tresttug 1 dlea distnetlo4 aIoubid m the. oul sud *tiigsard, AS tIWlý0 thatesoine eoi 1m* tt* "q lose. Tu. ttl= o "dw u oev, Whst relatima c àlled spectmeou f et O the. future cue cas hardly &*jý"ýx_ la, bo*ovsr, thateu ceas. tobave às idM* ' BLOC, comc Mr E SWlUebson Whbl, bas tïekètedý ,tl towing thus wiek blWta Reibitur teatheri Duinharton ïte ,Ottawa ; Geo E SwWhitby to Deu'oit, and t tio hla- cluati Ohe ~John ftôbb, Wbhiýby. toDe. tioi -miciiand retUru; Miss Rers ýWhltby W ToretOn ;Mn Peplar, <Domniton Rank)Whhby tLudsay; judg. Dartuoli, WhtbytoOriland roturi; Rev Dr mc. Dllarnid, Whitby te Bellevileo aud retunl; John Medealfei Whltby te, Montreal. Tii. AIl Sainte peopl1 leld a rouslug Iror concert at W 0 Walters residence on "Y nrt. he busewuacrowded and dayiu Id1h.rousene wurendcred. Mrs Dartuell piayerla numben of piano soo, son a were sang by Mlse Mni e Powell, M sWoodcokMnWil Richard- sn d Mr W Lawler and Miss Vida Perrin played a piano selection. Refresh. moents wer. served at tables lu the dlniug room. Their bouse hau heen made a very n!et'" maid caurfortablo home by Mèr and birsWaltra.Mauy were the complimentlts to salt e couveyed to the worthy couple by those who were fortunate lu attendnt this entertalument. The amaunt realised , upwards of $zS, will b. used lu renovating the. interior of AU Slaints achool bouse. Whltby Markets Pail wheat, new, 65c, 7oc ; do., old, 75c, 76c; apriug wheat, 75c, 78c; goose wheat, 70c, 72c ; Oats, 21c, qc ; barley, 25c, 30ce; pease, marirowfata, 55C ; pease, imail, 43C ; rye, 40e; hay, 87 to $8 a ton ; straw, $j5 lomd ; potatoos, 41C to SOC per busn onions Sac per buah ; apples, 81-75 ta $2.,50 per bbl. To the. Klondike by the White Pe. Extracts (rom a letton neceiveii by Mr jas Pringle frnm hie son, Geo Pringle, of the North West mou ntod police fonce, who bas charge of the. mountod plice packiug trains enroute for the. Klondike :-Skagway, Oct. lut., 897. We have had an 'awful exper- lence ince arrlviug hero by steamer Island- er (rom Victoria ou Auguet ist. We had So tans af frelght wbicb could flot ho landed direct on account of shaliow waten. We had te place about a ton nt a timue ln the ships boat aud wbeus near shore get lnto the cold waten and cairry It asharo on our backm. W. had xS tons of baled bay escb baie weighing about î6o pounds, 50 you con Imagine what klnd of a job we had te get sm(ely landed. We bad ta pay a cent a pouud ta get ht mov- e<i ta, camp j a mile awav. We Immediately got aur pack trains lu onder aud wltb 2o mou pnovisloned for a noutha were soon on our way ta laite Bennett. W. fouud that aur troubles bad ouly bgn. We have juat returned (rom gettiugor train through the pue and have had au afui ex penlence. The trail we weut over le fit for neither mnan non beau aud lotis turned back aiter golng 4 or 3 imiles. Our panty of 2o men could not dg tusâ as It was absolutely ueceesany that tiiey siiould go tbnougb ta Dawson City this fali. W. started wlth a train Of 34 pack animaIs and roturued wltb oniy 14, the. others were used up on the trail and had W o ekillIed. Thoy were mctuaily stmrved ta demtb. Thene was no feed lu the pack aud we could not get suy on the trail. 1 would' judge that thene are e o edherses botwee.uSkagway and lmke animais were lotta starve. We killed il of these we saw as weli as our own. The* trait fromt Skagway to, the summit of the mountain in nothiug more duan a patu about 3 feet wide aud 2& miles long-; Wa above and far below las uothing but rocks 'sud tituber. The. narrownuofaithe trail je the cause, cf no many uhorses beiug lest, îhey bail off the path mud'are killed on ltht rocks benteath, Luckily wo did not lose a singîe houa. ttis way. My partuer and I have been thrcugh1 the. P" 4 tImes lu 6 weeks and walked &W the. way. W. live ou cana beef, bacon sud lbard tack with vgtbeosinal.lthe weather lis net very col yet- -weh-ai a littie mnow about tic msiddle of ïoptmber. W. aire living la touts about à mileis <rou kmg. wayauqidgo t huow her-w.wilt be hm $ il wluter o e.W. are witlg foi the arrivae of ti.hë iger fthef iii. lor thon wlll kno w wltIre art goinc to do.' 1t *** tiei. InentIon t 6t Éstfor *6dofbthéefcS to thrnhtoDawsuitdýtb sfou' and buia houa-at ls teTgbsItasd Ibèel- l lqct edabtouutil reIIew byatber > nt oif the naeuted police. We would ths pnsu on tiitheICIonklkegW ids4but WItfcsoi Inuposalble,1W Move oveu the traoltowuti St -freseup 0. Véry f., inttptslth. trUmblus to b.uouatlà su tan.r OUR STORE WRJB.Y . 1FULL of interesting items lt meut interesting price.. We mention'a fe-w i this advertisement, mnany more. Everydepartment offers Seamon&bie Anitumu and Wliiter od that 'vestigating ; you can do ne botter than give us a oall. Wbat the LADIES say of aur ~..MAN'TLES nuum but we have are worth in- That our Mantie department stifl leads in its vaat variety of Novelties and splendid value of low prices. That aur Ail stock of Jackets & Capes for '97 ls, if passible, fluer and more extensive than ever before. That among its 200 Garments every figure may b. fitted ta perfection and every taute satisfied in th. matter cf style. Ladies and Misses Navy, Blrown, and Black Serge Jacketis, velvet collar.... Oniy $3.50 Ladies Black, Brown, and Fawn Jackets, lateat styles.................. OWiy 05,00 Ladies Nigger Head aud Ouri Oloth Jackets, iu Brown, Navy and Blaok, Braid Trimmingusud Pearl Éuttons... ......... ....... àaProm ~00 to $10.50 WWDRESS GOQ DS- For sanie 5 years since we first started ta import env Drea Goode direct f rom the manufactureru we have eujoyed the reputation of carryiug the most complote and choicest linos af Dresa Goode of any bouse in this couuty, and considering the exceptionally high character of the gooda, aur prices are ex- tremely Iow. We have DRESS GOODS, double ld, froin iSo. to $2 per yard. WshwHOW IS YOUR UNDERWEAR ? We showexceptionally good value in Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Underwear. Sver1 Saturda1 Touriste Sleeping Car R~oute Commencing neit Saturday nlgbt, and continuing overmy S4urday nigbt îhereafter, Mldland Route tour#st cars en route tô Col- orado, Utah and California wlll leave tho Chicago Union pasenger station of -the Chic go, Wllwaukce & St Paul railway at [o oclock running over the Chicago and Omaha Short Lino te Omaha, thence via Lincoln, Neb., Colorado Springs and Lead-, ville,. Colo., Sait Lake" City attd Ogden,' Utah Reno, Nevadaand. Sacramento, Cal., arrivlug at San Pranicuo et 8.45 .M. Wed- ne9dàyý. As wiil b. noticd, thgrote* M.danidthrough Iorh t inois, Iowa, Nebratska, Kansas, Colorado, (through Uhe hqart> cf the Rockies), Utah, N4evada aud Cali1fortïlà, ffordlng a perfect panoramic vlew of preirie, mounitaîn and mest sconory. Those, popli4arvery -Satuirday Catifornia excurionsi for both. firat and second..class pasngers (not forel* emigrants> are 'personally nduc t'by Intelligent, corn- peetsdcourte curiers» Who will atitend tonthe wants cf alilpassoneon route. This la an entirely tiew fbitureofc tousi Car .e«vietensd wQIl b.grearly apre. clatod by ,familles -or parties of -fi nds travelU7 -t6gether, or by lldes travelling aIn * rtimWlattention le pold to, tIi Tho Corner Grlooory -18 TH E- ljbt place to Boy FlîstmClass ~1 and Provisions. Rame and Bacons Fresh Butter and Fresh Eggs. -Our Teas are pMisod for theiir strength and, fiavor. Veotablo. from.our Gardn »lIresh Every -Day. The rigbt place ta get good value for youf money ilat W. B., PRIN GLE &Co# ,AUCTION $AL£ Of' sbhm tiw eda ft h,~ar.the 10 SEE IS 10 DSELIEVE I Osil OnLm.m. W.M. TILL and b. convinced that an Elegant lin, cf FURNITURE UPHOL8TERED 800D8 lo belng sold at îw dvi n cst eep iunoc wltb %e IARt lME. HAVE, IT DQNE NOW Re-Upholsteril beore the r Prices very chi JUST RECEIVED -Baby Cýiartlage $5ts o $ Ing and Rkepalrlng rush commences. LB, Pnices frona~ Il puhergooda pro~ WM. I b iiicsi k -û fp ýô t 1

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