RiE cLuir With Munyons Improv IÃŽomoeopathic Remedieu You cati L)octor aund CURE YOURSELF ~Guose Work-No Experimenti -No Big Dootiore Bille-E8 Remedy Has Plain Directie- So Tiiere Cain be noe Mistakel. A Beparate Cure for Ba.ch Disea -taiDruirgista-25 ed ,ing ach 'Be Mm. lanrdrnan, B.thhurist St., Countuy 'York ( )iiario, Caanadas, aay;-'I suffered fer six yunirsg with a large andl pauîîfu] uloer un the oeg. 1 triod rnany hiitge but ail unstu-coegmfuily. i was induced ioe begiui the uae out Mnlryoaîa Roiedies and tubey micro a pîrfect sucoosse in every way. 1 gîvo tillta tetitioluital walh the. hop" thait others aiay see i t and bu beni- ft ted. ' Mitîuyon'e hiUewoiim Cure soldloin failsi ao relieve in (e,à to three hourm, and Ourets in a fow 'inym.[race 250. Mutnyou' I>y8 p C~ uile positim'ely Cures ail fortin. of I ilgestion and adtotu imola trouble. Price, 25c. Muuyorî s Cold Cire lrev'oiits îpnpil moula atad breakls up a coU ain a few j bourg. Prioé, 25c. Mjutyone iCoaigh Cure stops COuRg,1 nighatseats, alliave suirenes8,, and speod 1 ily heale thie liungi. Price, 25c.1 Mdutayon*8 Kudnpy Caîre speeulily curots p aine in tiie back, loins or &grotne and ail forme o f kidnev disca8e. Price, 25c. Munyons Hotadache Cure stops hoad- aohoe in three mninutei. Price, 25c. Mnuyon's PiamOintanncpoeilà vely cureis ail forme c f piles. Price. 2âCý Mtinyno'e Bloed Cuire eradic,tosafl impurîties ettil>e blond. Pricp, '25e Mun vo'as Feaae Romedie8 arti a boon to ai women Mnions Aatlima Rt'nîedies relieve lu 8minutes and cure percnanently. Prîce, Muinvons@ Catarrhi Retnedies nover fail. The Catarri Cure-price 2.5e -eraliceRtes the disese from the sytmîin, anid the, Ca- tairru Tableta-arico '25o.-ebeani,- tnd iaeai the parts. Mninyon'e Nerve Cure le a wondkrful1 nerve tenie. Price, '25c.b Munyocue Vitalizor restores lest vaîgor Price, 81. ( Personal lettor; to Prof. Munyon, il li and 18 Albert st., Toronmo, answerdod with froc medicai advice for arry disea8e. C UDORA '.it;@ Pardon a is itaig lber cousin, Mise Lalie Brou heur. Maiss L Doide hitrinet yet. returned te) lier homie ait. Port >eiîy. Miss Rodd of Maiaiila la visating hier sister at Mr M l'mphlroyii. Mr INarr of Mount Albert le painting and deooratiaag the Udora hotel. Visitoris te U-dura, have roanarked upon the irnpruved appuaraticeofo our % lag.. during tIIe past year. What sit îew houe, outb uilingia and sidewtaikg, t seemu people are net fui takinîg thmiaa tbey have doue iinte past. Mr N St John êl.d the pulpît here on Suutiay. Rev Mr Borry, our paistor. ua expectud homae duraîag ahe wut.k. W0, non oigatulatue the youtag ladies of Udiorat on tII. floral decoration cf our church, whici shows that a saut o! untereistin ûotufuît ber.. A viitor rernsrked aâsu e the brightuappearauceo!f our youag lad. ies, EYIERY FAMIILY OQULO Il$W TI4AT Zesa vert mwakabie remedyboth for ru. TZRXI&jj ad EIETIaL une,.a»d son- durw u ts 5qulck m&0" ta rou, iaa 4.trm& PAI-KILLER k ne omm for ae ÇhIa14 ]net* mas, rot",. 41, ~kmItreadab,, it Imlim0 IVU-KILLER t m mir PAM-KILLER iut 'rm.~a D& It Yusb bci, m 0, SteiIi *te$» .707 lith 5 e rsazy or Eaeiar sa-hw or ut '9 bcu ras boe a e, s tai- 'Mise EthilMoDonasdId ia en gltu* itu ds tskkilta %S sl oook tIioW.<Oahïi Jamft Pardoni,' of *y we e b». week w1tb 83muel Bray and4 sl. liar'y Thop@, 5 h1 ,j Dr Eastwood l i# m i bele ahat thi. week &bd le mli, ta atenad &0hi practice a4.ln. Harry Jonce Riar Bals >azulm dod toeoriel a woodena sil* n alti o boopa made by lW J Graà had helm J D Forastb was bore for a liw de~ holiday. Ueote Dow a oomoeercîaî tra voiler andi je suoo'od icg Sdunrably. The bridge Rang are *mi.oig a Cel ovorbead oessîngon the. McParlan ferro Taif; oitruoturo je known as the OlareooU observavory. are with the latter@ sieter, Mrs Bell, ai U bly, M iel, Tbey wili remain there but a f.'w d:uy% Thomas Gibhoe'@s and W Dowsweîî have bot JibeOn lndiesoed witiî a severe col(] during tbe pailt we, o'ren somolwbat irnproved. Webi r o The froot of the puit fow *vounne hns oervrd to spoul the looks of our ouculmber vines; and in sorne parias of tbe neigiabor. hoodi the oorn shows, 'orne signe of the t ree Z e Jlohn Reid ba& hie Windmuiii in thorough working ordAr, andi ho t e o rf>cuing a qurs woodon 'silo. Directly John wili have a mnodel tarai, so far as the o OvOO. 'onces are oconoernod, The B Y P UT belatei or olectio 01c officerf; iast week, and followjng ie the ro suit: President, WV J G)rabam ; vice prosi. lenit, MiRs S F, Evang; troanturer, Mis, [:rnm!i PnGh); scretar 'v, Mits Ell Dowe weil. Tho society je f1ouriehing. A young mana nameti Harrison frowi Badaip, Miehigan, wat, bers thbe other mva an11i weun t URo~iî 1 Uibridpo, mavanr)iznade thc joflrneon Oà hoot.At on@e time l'il; fatiier resided bore and i u now a prominent voiorinary surgeon in ho above place. NIrs F George, of Rainy River. Who lios been viaitioR friende in aIl parts cf thbe rownshîip for the pasithree months, lfrt For ber homne Monday morcing. Before niarriaze, Mro iGeorge.8 naine wus liftprar. andi h-r family wa, well known ýo tbe older setliers of tbie o oaiay. Wm Linton sas in the village the other av atnd -Re nc.tieed to walk witb a sllght imp. Enquiry as te the cause brought ut the fart that ho hati been hîoktd on dho knieo hi'one cof hie work horcos andi ieverely initired some days ago. Nc, onps sere br<'kera, hoeor, land a corn loeti afnd speedy reoovery .4,s fot îinoz. ected. Il« the flrock mratil htwoon the seventb nyd egt îh conrelqpion iie net sono repair. i a fn acrident wi 1 foliow that sali oost he corliorition -unytLmes the coot cf .pair. Opposite James Maduliti farm. it 9 one conl'ÃŽntionq round of pitcb bole., rad opposi*e L Pilkeys oes ba to drive lirnugli a stone pile. Lot nse'ove for a pe%-judgement andi have tb-oe e surcés ra n noyanon removed from ou r pathway oClaroeout anti promru.a-News. ONE MONEOT MAN@ c ID qi b p p el fi tc z4imp mu'torzrOu omy dg fi t te tn ol ir.c WUMT Nt. VddLI à geaueuppii%,P.0 5km i w nà . Miss M Prootor us aenodirng a fow doas at ber homo er Mir@ SpalJî.i wlîo big loten lt bLo daugliter bore, M r i ru @soat urmet t<> ber bore nel Newmarket on 'rbuedùy."1'm Miss A Swîîh à >, now Wit.h ber pgr.ub hore Thora Pugh js building a silo. Mas M Edwardus ix siightly in&bpou.. Mr Âieok Smith ila.s hie spaeolus îio nearhy complewud. . A largo scorag-% of *oreslis daougei somewbet. by tie. tro*t, MeusuFred Hurlbu~t »il Qeoge 011 sou are onjoyinqgtheaalue seatubor, as îboy are cltwping and ducis "aliu4« on the haok lakea aind rivera. lY i I A"a joyfui holiday sud plenty c ais.té Our choir reuderril math apiroc.d" aid by cniu sai tié banvse« bon» eU, vires boiti as Ibuekbdn aon Smaand Menday hast.. M ri J E Dçer in stterdu>g litm,, Mn,. 'w. Heziew0ç4 sue i. ,vety aic&, Dr. M. w. l>caeo *03 MaeM. P0.> vsiteil SMr R Paumcoerouy. let Yare i&900 it~oeY*=s g Mn D1>O'Connor, of QuoipSh, Ont, suffred from the torturas of-l e dlestion, nenaralilheart trouble, nise lu the head, clepleséness1 ilasponi. 4etuoY 604 saaknesa.fieror casewu aul h aoepîlouadl l sriu4 0e, as ber trouble. * 4lbot, dÃlakg be r dosai for over l*l y.tioyare. Att the aime lier case a quîua bsII.dt.h i Ù111cf thbe best dootors. Gewrattg Ãweary with medioai troat. Mugit that gave no promisiug recuits, she *wAs.fortuoately directeil to that lil. caver, 001017 Co oyComnpound, and like ehOuaud beoreber sh fo nosn life. Mrs O'Connor sas rocently aiketi theII question, "What ia your prosont oenion eof aines Coiery0uen poundV' ab answereti as foilows : "In rePiy b. your communication re- Sgarding l'aines Coery Cornpound, would ,t "Ythat 1 oheerfully recommenti iLt o tany ene affioted as 1 sas. It did for me ai tbat wac required. My advice Le jevery Oe 1 corne in contact with is, -AI- 19WaaskeAp a 1bottle of Paines Oolea'y Corn- Pound ini the house.' Several people have used it on niy recommendation and1 have been benefitted. You eau use those1 rlines iu any way your desire." PCicaaucu J L Spink bas a gzang et nmen empioy- 1ead ihore day. ropairing andi catinging tse tcondition t>f hie north miii dama. The 1Mili is runuing mul ime and giving om- Picyment ta as man.v tan, as atsr y limes sinoe itLs ereocion. The Elvies miilis lea.t 50 running at full oapaocity, wbi!e Mr. i Paltuere chopper hume itô olti fanalliars air. W Robineon, one of the Rang ai workt on tube Grand Truuk: cuivertse astof bore( fel Librougi thebolod brick.werk theo ther a day and recolveti a sêvero duokiug. Wed. c needey ithe came feilos sas unfortunato to cPrain bis ankie. Hie many frianden are n6s eongrntUiating hlm2 on hie nar t roi! escapa Item drowning in the irt accident. Ont' ood tbing about bis fali, ' al) the bricks fefu mb othe sater before b A nuruber of our local dWalrs compiain tubai muoh lots& anti annoyafce bias beeun eccagionied tbem du ring the pat fes scolie by the rough handhing cf froight between Tironto and thie station. In ceine case. thbe damageti goods bave boas refueed and @10 theay ebouiti ho. If goods F are properly packed for abipitent the COMPau! bas to make gooti aildamafe. e, Remember ne biawe attachles te the agent or'any of tube assistants ai Pioker. i0g station. A similiar onimpiaint corne l from many places along tubis lino of teI ~ Grand Trunk. eai A nomber o! farmers. anti vihlagers ae e Wel, bave coruplainedto te us hat they have bad naLe and otlaer grain takon from their grninf'ries duringr the past few seeks. I hePilfferige go on ai nights when tha resPetiveowosers are faking v ne'lt irosi, P'rom the freqra.ncy cf tbes., thefteone cannot refrain freinw tbinhring that they are porpetrateti by y, eioperse reaiding in ibis Vicinity, as t oniy th ce b %ma andi grainarise that are imolafteti. eo te apeak, tubai amessted. d Susqpiciolns are rife, 7.1 no oua bau beau' apprehedt. The ilkelboad 's, bow. Fi eser, tbat before rnany more bauls arc matie au arreut or arrosta siJi b. te reT port. A respectable cooomuuity bas neP rooni for a snoak tbief. _ Standrd rcantIlegn"of o!To.j ronto. , an sd w Mcpc d lp 8 in ' f lai. rmuk Dnom orPC t-m roZe2for L zg ww~~,0Pm .4 i the. proiper officiai sand a dit"o ili laé sont eus t10 pres ue t êern for lraepash Lot tii. p&reÀte lborcuily rnireïa *bat stops will*b. laké i.' fe aboy "Wra»lng ha. net con1 0 50- t1# *cndor thab mornà Of cont own-boys, bave Ûot be.n nj*d f1 ndw"so ltb.y bave warnlug. lIft, offciis l lmuagrle soties haël aise laserteid u a e h née blâghemns udaih agae b. presoutail, ut wonid lie laben as a favor tà y the publie. Tie language aseti nyome an sho gro teo r towu station fa disgeting anti ebouiti ho stopped anti the o0dor carnet cerne o m§on for ail concerneti. I am told that if il le fa ot atoppeti, that, some parfies Who bavobui Doe at Ibm station int'eut twrite o te efficiale arbo ieeued the warninst qucotid. The G N W Telograpb luemen are erecing nos poes and otberwlee improv- ing th. system n utown. The BRaSder SuIf. oeueeavat4,as and IReformore alike s- peoîaily tube. hoare commori sante politiciens and net cf the bitter partizan ciase, are pieac.d aýttube sanoabie termin.: aîlen cfi biescuit betseeu twe snob prvo. minent mon as Mosura Smith and Dryden. Mr Smith diii the. ranly part in. wish- drawiug the stat.ements lhe matie as a meeting of bis party orne menthe pros. iou.iy ; Ut Dryden lid, tic maniy part in accepiing the withidrawai and waivtng ail claie for tiamnges -and Geste. Rai tubat triai gense n to a floiob it soulti bave causati a sery bitter feeling betuseen the tso poltical partie. and the noxt general ikrovincial, election souiti-bave beeà the meet bitter ever beiti in Southl Ontario. For Ibis reasen thobea two, Izoutlemen and t boit friontis are t0 b. temmeaiteti for the. say lu whicb evory- bhing sas brougbt to a friandly setutie. nent. It le net fltuing our becornlng for tho Ilforni proe ete b. glowing over ibis Oietliement as a triumph for their party. The tontci atho coonesî 'nendodti i citter so. Jas Obiseim thbe wol.known baggage. manl at tb. G T i e confineti to bis bed by carions Iliness ant ieismany frientis aro wishing hlm a epeedy recovery. Marricti, aItutae moîbodiet parsonage ona W'ednetatay morning, Sept L2d. by tube L.v J Wbitiook, Robert O Burton le Mies Floence Mabel Beader, al of Sougog. Rey D N MoCamus fa enajoying a sell- 3arneti holiday ai his olti bome,, Rose, aear Poterboro. The service.saItubae methodisi cbuvcb icit Sabbaîb sera conduciti by the Boy Mr Anderson, o! Scngog, in ibemoruiug, Lud the Rov J Whitioak lu the oening. Misa Annie Witock wbo bas for mev ýri weeke been viittiug ber ibroiber in Indianapolis, Indiana, rot urueti home laet vcek, baving enjoyeti ber helidaye very Mas G a Newton îe- confiued le ber uot, witb brouchitie. W b! Joues returned froan bis nortb- et trip )lt week saud speake sony bigb. y ef parts of M4anitoba. Reports stato hat the Me'sere Loates, Weir and éthers ho sen t te chat provnce lasi epring ara Diïng spleutiidly. Diati, near Soagravo, on tube 16th c., ?eson et Wm 'McOoy, ageti 15 yeaire. ceo muck diaolpliae. An incident ocroti on Tueadayin out ublie school tu;aI shoulil nos b. repeal. d. Aà littelad about aloes nyeare of Re nsImM Nelson Comn was wnllleg. boau bis teaciier csa*, arounil la dakeil he ebilid to hold np is heUà , thelad fised bisad 4.d A-do&--o __ o Thé! OU ,0NQM lMd TURam tis theC fr 11W OL~T M USES.51JNB PAraxL. N IO@D D PTEI surtest theovsryof theag bacl;ff i . acytu puine- tblé ,-pa it tiu o r o! the beasa. b u lt l, re s s R P »ofl S 4 1 5 1 0 5 1 ID S itar, n . U 0t a~ob, 0705 su a k erlo h llo w oh e oks . oaro wo rn flpre slo~, poor -yi >d si 51u ft L lac li n cre a n tron'gth. tred m ora. ins. ruti ossigts. 0 IXOO" weak mahood, stunwd organe and prema. tuïe4ô»y-,bý0 îýî#Àý 00"throai etc. OUR NIW nmU>TUR~ ATMN? aloze 0"a cure 70,z. and mua a ms cou* underits Iunu. once 1the brait eoesatve 19 !c prfe brXg tespfnd ad pear. lm atm toth bo th So d oor 55 fua yteaarervilrated; îa)m oaBeno lcmevital waste troin -thé-IYstomThe, vaY5ousOTs, Bbecomo Jiatiireand54 ealy. you &Iï ea mas aad kiacwannot be We Invité &U 1the amiomed cains un 006A404ui y u ro fhag, cnt uic and takirroi> you or jOur 11a51 ar6bdllas liAS' TOUR 1BLOOD J3BEEN DISEÂSE!» SYPHILIS 10 thé mmt peVaîetanut isei v OD, dise.. hsas.te er lte blood 0:fd tuen m d uDIsse Ontr6iy radioated from theelire. tmsRatret ti. offprnt. Doaro ort l UI fl550 mm à f Ofli8uwess Os Ptogae..our N5W MTIIOD positively curesif for Oe". ,UIOmmbOWAD MAN-Xou'yo 104 gy irte ndugodn *the folies ofycut &lfbue or Rater « beso hve broken 40,5 ycur s75t0UTou lfooth 1e a fste n r0,v ou. MX= al78 phy«Us ly and snuaîîy r n nos0fthe man ~tO uUd or ci fiUs prabutloesrlihbar""Is.WIU ou un boe. ?ouslctlp l eno lut hope? Are you ccntempatingmaae? luaOurblood bOondtm&med? lave Ton anY woaknioesranew Metuod TresO m n cur yen. W hMIst blua dolle for cth er s 15 sf11 do for you. Co gu 1tson V ase.. h p m atie %68wUo ia t e f d 'Yc , W rite fo r a u h on e s o p in io n , lz e e f C h r ge ; greaso4abÃŽo oks F e .-T eGodnKoio'(lusltrate),cm»uiso x s . Z *Slc o z~ St a , en t s. S e ele d. D o ck o n ##D 1 u ea so u0cf o m on " P ros . m NOOUT, eDUSE9:1, fRAIL tire medime snt OOp u1~,huesfOaveIse VflbO5eneI questfon 1s etad touof-I'eï ~is. KENNDY & KER N, WL YT DISOIDg Treasurer's Sale ofL and for Taxes Town of Wbltby .By virtue o! a Warrant Counîy of Onuui e - 'te Mayor under TO WIT: Jthe C o tecrporation ef the Town of Whhtby, te mie drtet, bearhng datte tb, Tblrîy-fust day of Au 'ast ÃŽ897, coin- msndlng me ce hevy upon m ÃŽimiiie lands mientloned iu tbe !olo*iag lissi of arrears ol taxes due ahereon, 1 hereby give notice, il.: ian. aeus snch arreaa-s and-ail costa art sooner psitt. 1 shail prceed te soli the saud lundi, or tan ach tbereof as may be necessary for the payaient e! the taxes and the. coats thereo!, in the Cotaneli Chambea-, In the Towan of Whiabyon TUFES- DAY, DEC. 7th, 1897. ai thoelieur &f- zaoclock in the forenon. PEEtY's PLAN EAST OF BRIOCIC ST., NORTHR t. Lot rues 70 910o 270 77 543 79 909 81 7506 ~$567. 17 4 348 15 399 E73ss cou or Os 4pqSa $16 Coua $442 66 3 z8 Total leg 7-6 9.p ANTI-BOOZEI doI. b0.- "reim n î s i . 1h ;. veul. e of a d sl&tr.0 e ril : orare fo ld MÀnken.n*adsB.lu Plain vrop«, nȔuîg th Ibo j 1. 6 et ut ta lel ýu la IIN 0 et mi 4 1 i TOWN OF WHITBY