Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 2

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gle -!Olrnau peed idly latlb. ee miset fCatubeilord ocalltd * Fi ty YeMa ge. This la the tamp that the letter bore Which carrIei the &tory far aud vide, 0f cértsin, cure for the loathsomse sore 'that bubbled up from the tat.d l ide 0f the biood belov. And tvas Ayer'us ame And bis sariaparilla, " Ibl lnov, know. That vas ut beglnaulug Il.s gb Of Lame Witb Ita cures Of 80Tests au& Ayer's %.mrspurlla ln the orinal a-_paIl ls. It lhm behlnd it a record for cures UineqUfl by ay blood purt. ftri" oompound It ln the Oniy saresparilla, honored tbr a moda at the WorldSe Pair Of 1898 Others imaitate the rsmedy; they oazît imitato the record: OO omr ofCures* OORRBSPONDENOB Mr Robt Gilbertion returned home on Monde>' asat from a fortuighta niait te triende iu Midland. Meusi A E Oameron and George Les- cock are "doing" the cities ef London, Toronto sud Hamilto>n the puit veok. Mr Stophen Leacock returued te To. route ou Monda>'lait afteî apendiug bis vacation in tevu. The Misises Barbare MoRse aud Leua Rilence returued from Toronto ou Mon- day lait. While ont riding on Mouday evening Mr Norman Youngs bicycle broke lu tvo, tbroving hlm beavil>' on bis face on tb. gronnd. Wheu pickod up in e dazed condition iL vas found that his face vas badl>' bruised sud ont, and bis front teeth knocked eut, mnd as a resait et bis accident, Mr Young vil spend e fow ver>' paintal days. Mise Hamilton et Uxbridge. who bas beon viaiting the Miasea Hamilton, -Hamilton Hanse," retuned home on Mondy -lait. Misa K Mclntyre bai gene to Toronto, vbere tLe viii reaude for somo Lime. Meurs B Tieamîsand Jas Walton are exbibiting Mr Hodgkinsous flue boises et ch. North Victoria fail exhibition beld lu Victoria Road, snd ve expeot te smm theiu bring home th. red tieket&. Ou Frida>'Lte peoplseoftheb.village ver. greatl>' startid te hear oetch. ter- rible aceideut vbicbheppened th Miss Anale Logan iu Teronto on that day. It appeara thet vitile ah. vus vbeling home te dinuer, ah. vas rua over b>' a ransaa> tesm sud foarfali>' braised sud crushed no badi>' that ber lits vis des . ird et, but nov et ch. tine cf vritiug (Tasanuda>') vo areglad tesa> ter. bai beeu adeoided ehauge for the botter, sud the phyticians bave strong hope« et ber ultimate recover>'. -besure W Eiodgson sud Ken Davidon are eujeying s tov days holiduys duck- isbcotiug mt Mad Lake. o&" TriTrreffigbt Dtobht. Esrly Wednesday moruing ai th.ec l G Il! B fisighi for Belleville vias usai ing Reaboro, a&bout four msle sait front ber., the englue scruok a heskI *g1 vii1able se ontela rgoe ongregatlon Cern utc la il the g0eDow, sud ai aw rut telaà«u xoeediuqly Lbeavy orep. -Those Who ar formuats enough te have silos yl l ied hem a great conveuleuce for sterlng it away. Ur Claîkseu Rokers te ch.éeoetetfusefi living another silo built. Miesie Lau ronce & Sou of Kinsale are doiug the work. Mr Wili Stewart Las engaged vitb Mr. W J Steenson for a couple of menthe. à number frem boe attsnded ch. Hiarveet Home srvices sud tes, st Brook-, lin lait w.,k, An iuteresting time as re. portedl. Ur Wess Qtee sud compan>' lsft for Liadas>' on Tueeda>' wheie ch.>'are go. ing te pack the tal appîesa Leb.> ave pur- chausd in that section. 1 The pienic In Clarka e weaon Wed. needa>' lut vas ver>' poori>' mteudd. chose chat vers cher. spent a ver>' plemi. s»t aftrnoon. The greater number pissent came ftem Pickerng. The improvements F. Gresn uasbssn puttmg ng ubis miii sd ud are msneng complstlon, Lb. hum o! the miii b.ing heard eues more. Roi Claie conducted the league ser- vices ou Wadnesdy luit. A Most suje>'. able and iuceiesting heur vas spent. Ever>'oue la cardialli'lvltsd to ch. meet. inu, soeocme out sud-ses the vark cht is boing doue lu the loague. One'@ physical feelings, like the faithîni setter, search and point out plaill> tht fact ef disease or health. If a man is net feeling vel snd vigrs -If he lu Iosing flesh aud vitality, if he is liistiesa, nervoas. sîcepless, he certuiuly is flot weîl. The clown bil rosd fom health to sckness ies wooth and declines rapidly. At the first !intimation of diseue, the vise mnutukes a puare, simple vegetable tonie. It puas bis digestion luto good ac- tive order sud that puts the reet cf his body lu order. The mediclue that will do this le a"medictiue that is good te take iu any trouble of the blood, the digestion, or the respiration, no malter hov serions it tua have become. 'I'te medicine te take ln Dr. Pterce'is Golden Medical Dlecovery. It is a remurk- able remedy. Et cures diseuses lu a per- fedtly naturel way, vithoat the use et u3troug druga. It cures b y helplng Nature. It bas s peculler teuic effect on the liniug membane cfthestomach sud bowels. By puttiug thepe membranes intohealthy codtositlnlg the secretion ?< the varions digestive Juices sud furnrg te the blood the preper uufugiroperfiés it reaches eut oveÈ~ h whole -bc dd drives d s as ersbetore filabentoLe usual exereto 7chmnuels. IlbulIds up frmn masculin esb, niisesthe skie aud the eyes bnliigh. Dr..,Piere. s Golden Modical Discovet> ha beeu fouu4 vwouderfuily e*icacous ln the treatinent of skun dlies-e"@&sa, tetter, erysipelas,, uat.rheum-u M4r mon ppleS Or lotchesotw *MI, Thé Misss u rk .trtledfia Toroo. EhI tIsOusrbs o"MLi.ali Ur "d stre! WMa borton vls<td VUa routo, spel a h ha bu ois4k utson be For several y'esn. I havre been, troublaid with baokaché: tuac hose dlitreuulng bear.' iug dowu pains se veil kuovi> ce venien. In addition<'I suffered from veakekuiof the kidneysansd oocasi onsi pins ina ->' aides. 1 oouid better -e1PnaMY coin, plaint if I1vas talking face te face with one of my ovu se% than wo write it. Ev4rythiug I tried te relie4e îy painsi hed feie oceholp. I recentîy heard thjàt your Sphragus K.lduey Pullsver. couîig snocases as mine, sud I bouglit e box of Mr Dautorth, ch. drugglst. After using them e few days m>' Pains began te disappear, sud nov 1 amn feelig ver>' mach strouger than befors, sud b.. lie"s I vas nae e emthier than I am at preseut. 1 amn glad 1 beard of your pfis. snd wiab ever>' vomen suferingugaT did could hear of how tie>' lelped me. Yours r.spsctftilly, Dius MAGe!: FÂioe 812 W Second t, Wilmiugton, Del. HOBB$ Spua us kidos, PISS 110810 8 rIXl>Y CO.. Paonuvis, Cxcs. D)r. Hobba pille Fer Bals in WHITBY, O()Ji by A. B. ALLUN, Chemist and Drugglat. Mr. J. C. Widdifld brought to aur uctuoe a few d&Za seo a stock cf corn (grown by bis brother Richard cf San lord) weasurlng fourteen feet in Ieng iL. If au>' person eau bea& thua we tWoudlike te béat r om him. Ayoung sou of MrGa Long vws hart iu th. aide by Mr Hantera 00W a few days mgo. The boy vas carrylul mre green cucumbers, whic'h attraeted the coo. Exaoti>' what bappened we are nnprepared te s>', exoept chaï tho 00w hookea the boy lu Lbe aide. A number et Mr. W. B. Golde fblonds gave hlmi a cooepimentary supper et thej Mansion Honse on Tuesdey evening, pre- viens to bis departure for Toronto, wherei he takes e position as advertiziug xnanag.i er on the Wheeîiug Gazette. A pleeaut evouing wus spent b>' those preseut, the ohairruan ef the occasion being Mr H. J. Gouid, and ail prouounoed the supper ex. cellent. We wieb Mr Gold suecesa in hi. nov position. Winuers A E Clsngbton ef Epsom wen the farmoe race at Tor~onto exhibition with hi@ hi. gelding, Bob Miller. Tbe ime given vas 544 for j mils boat. Thé race vas open te, tarmers only, Lb. owner of ch. herse te ride it., Graham* Bros of Olaremnot von sQverel prises ou hors.. in différent classes; Wm Taylor of C&n- nington got a prise on bis roadster ecal. lio~n, Black Valleutyue; J. Black, Clare- mont, ou 2 yr old 1111>'; T Cator, Claie. mont, on brood mare mith ba«l, wbt*lst J. J Davidscu & Brin, BaIsmand John Millir & Sons, Brougham, figured s vinuers lu che. raugbt olagse.John Thompeen of 8oott aud J A McGillinry of Uxbridg. were vne-insau h.p, the fermeatavobldi sudd h. latteir ft; J. 1Bepnisof 'Wiek ndeJasL.aekoèt the et th é e i lu the Gre. W"nk tek, ur ci"t I.. u. grave thegoiber eeMngê HIer frIenda areý pieasedgse balir arouudn agialu Tii.readoppoite ger IPlpefaima lias beenlaiyttirpikedd s eow be. ing *ràvelie The work waa mach ageded., Piokerlng Temporauce Alliance heId a meeting ber, on Tuenday. sfternoon to arrange for ch. forthcoming local option vote. There wus a guod atteudeuce. Mr VaRcos0, cf MaRP14aWusterlalut week with his slste, -rs Bateson, sud ah. tocooipanied hlm home, and wIU peda Mme there vislting her people. A couple of oui youths hail ratherna lvel>' pieu. of sport on. eveniflg reit- 1 3JB Borlk on the ôth cou bau&Orne dLiclous peauansd te hi& oroberd thej w.re .oeveyed in che vahiole of a bien-, Jnst a they were approaohlng the tffs, a gun weut Ott sud our bold robber8 teck to theirnelsand reaohed home »e houms after almoat exhausted lun pais. log throngb th. swampD a îabbit vas atumbled over, th. poor littIe oreature net having ime te get ont of th. way. The question it who told Mr Burk &bat the raid wau contemnplate. The OHim Reapver Foied The Marellous Virtues of Paines Celery Compound Conquer and Banish a Ladys Troubles. Pive Doctors Wero Uuuablo to Help the Bufferer. Twelve yeae of miser>' sud egon>' from female, kidney aud stomach trublat Physicians were utteriy perplexed and unable te cure the lady I lu a time cf gloom sud despondency the magie virtues of Painea Oeiery Compound -bring joy aud uew life. These are the leading facto iu the folîowiug statemeut made by Mrs G 8tone, ot Eganvile, O)nt. "Fer more than twelve years 1 was afflieted witli kidne>', stomaoh sud fb- maie troubles, sud Lad besu attended by five doctors, and tried medicire after medicine, without any good resuita. "My sufferings a year ago from tbe kidneys and stomech were dradfui. I 1 wus iu snob a mate that I thought 1 oouid not live, and coueludeci there was no use tryiug other medicinea. l"I was advised. .however, .te try Paines Celer>' Oompound, aud finaily de oided te give it a trial. Betore' I lied iuished the firit bottie I had improved very much, sud after the use cf a few more bottles I1lied net been no veli for loug years, and amn nov altogether a dif- ferent person. -h e e ausCeler>' Compouud aise banislied my nervous- nue.. 1 eau therefore recommeud Peines Celer>' Compound te au>' on. suferin; from kidue>', atômacli sud tomai. troubles." Mie à Hoover spent several day. las week viia friendi lun the vicinit>' ef - Thémus Bcothby, et Btratford speut sesori days lest wveis ibi ans,Mis 14B Boover.- Matida Lhmaspet sabhrt lime with ber aun Jo. Rover eoftii. 14b Cou lianlbaui. Mise Èuikholds, vtbashmbeen suifer roelvd atbeh.Kriset severiweehi ao lse ae gsd e u'i4able. toeh.ont Mr aud UnreD1ci ksîsud fsntiy, o Ohscbsn, qsput stves e oder th. par. enct mof àîdwU her fklends la ch. W.,& n sanw d tisholesmuivrtw f, Wb h000,Msht bas l.ased410e 1s«"Y Geo uertte, tuÃ" of W04vlsIId oi yiuitUng >ierP1!u RP P Hpper sud wlfe are with VictOria E àansd Miss thoratcnq,of WhîtevaiO, vete here subday. Whoo"PlDg cough àipeaen ir auacug t h e Juveurlde. Mà is esph Batwlîeu retarned home to Roisseau the other day. WiII Gibbonsjtcf Toronto, vashlie. over, Sùvid>' it ieispeople. Havi> Thoonha$ b eon iu poor liesîlih ainée bis retuin from Buffalo. miss Minute Boudy *spoeut a week here witli lier- oncle William Bondy. .Miss M E Gibbons lias eturned from a fortuiglitevisit vith oit>' friende. Geo'Astridge moved inte F Hutohin- sons resîdence the other day. Ira Boyer soid bis hsokne>' colt te Jue Anson orfAudle>' for a fane y figure. Mns W Lano, cf Mauchester, in here with P Hutchinsen and wite this veek. Thomnas(Costes and vite of Walkeîtou, aie the guest iJesepli Slaok sud- vite. Dr Eastwood bas beeff couflna4te bis roem for thé past few day. with>1 ver>' severe cold. JoshaBoudy sud vif. loftTuesday moruing for Souris, Manitoba, vliere they vill remain for e cime. Miss 8 A Rawrsou îeturued te Buffalo Friday afteî spending e veek ber. with ber sister, Mis A Sherrard. W Cooper of Richmond Hil], with hie vitel aud daughter, vere boe for a few deys with his brother George aud faxuil>'. Mr sud Mis Au-lerson ef Wooler, loftt for home on Monda>'. We wieh the youug couple a loug sud prosperous career. Miss Josephine Cochrane bai had some Brantford frienda for some weeks, snd accompauied thein ai far as Toronto wheu t.hey retarned home lest week. N Burton'is lu the oit>' this veek, sud we auderatand that bis driver waa soli at Grands the other dey for $185. Who Sap Niololai deesut know a good boise vhQu lir sees one. GrelaanBrou vere as usuel ver>' Suc- oessf i il i their boises et the exhibition. The>' seeured fourteen fit prizes, four seconds and two thirds. Their biokue>' suad boit olydeadale each secured sv~eep- a takes. In tact the>' did elmio at h.>' 1plessed witb other exhibitura. T B Baues loft ou Tuesday for Have- îlook, where h. sud Missi Hughes viii spend three weeki with friends. In bis absence the businesset the station wiii be oonducted b>' relief- agent MoKa>'. This young felIow-la ne stranger bore sud 1is a favorite wit.h the C P R patrons. JosephB foyer, et St Louis, oeeof Lb. leaiug inventive maclinuiste of the Unit- ed States, vas ber. for tvo ot thr.. dayu lait veek vitb bis mother, sud caHfiug on old friends. He vas returniug frum Eugîand, vitere ho had sold on.etfbis patents for the magnanimoass am cf 0100O,000. W. are prend of Mr Boyer, net because et bis mouey, but on accont of hie fertile brain. Mis Thomaiouates vas Laken sudrien. 1>' dl vhiie retnrning from England, sud e telegram from Quebso aiked tas orne of ber' triendu meet the boat st Molîtreal. Iu accordance. vicb tis.requeit ber sou Geo W sud dsughter, Mrs David Graham, left con Saturds>'. evonxng, and on Tues- day uuoruing returned wiils their moclier, vho vi» Iiiseiy reonver after a few daye rut. it *h anfortunate tht ber fev weeke trip, vhich lied been se muob en. joy.d shonld tans snd in dikusu. Jimnes Forgie, who about four ysais got loft ttis eisstaeud located oÙ-0a farci uerBlayiter,di& U'ddeïly etf ,brauî levez snd che rn wsunow ve r nngît ber. sud buried i Sb Joins cineter>', 7tbconou Tc Pide'. Dmeeasedvmsa veae tt ue£*.sad b»asaou idr T~~ ROL1L E Se Any person residing in WHITBY who tnay require a .mtedicina for Heart or Nerve troubles, such as Palpitation, F!uttering or Irregular Beating of the Heart, Distress after Exertion, Smo+~ ering Feeling, Feeling of Anxiety, ecý, also Sleeplessfless, Nervousness, We ery Blood, General Debility, after Ef- fecte of La Grippe, Los9e of Appetite, etc., can procure a full-sized box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, FREUX, providing each applicant will cut this out, sign his or her name and address at the foot of same and present it at J. E. WILLIS' DRUG STORE. We take this plan. of distributing 36 boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis, commencing the 22nd day of SEPT., 1897. First corne, first served. The distribution will continue until they are ail disposed of. Narne........................ No ..................... St., Place...................... 42-2in. WTANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT. VV IVE gentlemen or ladies to trasel for responsibie, established bouse lnOntario. Monthly $6500 sand expenses. Position steady, Referenca'. Enclose self addressedeamped en- veIope- The Dominion Company. DepL Y Chi- cago. 41-8la. Rhouinatlst» Dyspop sia Cuîsd 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. To the Pkrenoline Medicine Co., Lid., Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice of a friend I tried one bottie of your famçus rheurnatic remedy, Phrenoiine, and to my surprise st cured me of rheuna.- tisrn, fîom which I have suffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia. from which 1 was sufferiug at the time, so, that I feel now like a new man. .I have tried seyeraI remedies for rheumatisrn, some of which did me a certain arnount ot good,' but nothing that I have taken has done se much- for me as your Phrenoline, aud I bave' mucli pleasure in recommending it to. other sufferers. Yours very truly, (Signed) JAS. .CARROLL, Foreman of Worcs', Rideau Cana-,, Manufactured on Robtr ud sold on uerit, soId lu Wbltby onty ýby JLLE àLLIS - I;RGOISB COLLECT 27 AND COMPBT] BIC'ý GOL ARE GIV E EVERY Your Grocer wilî give drop sapo LEVER BROS, L CANNIU UehoPublie Library a la ge purchaise of Lirary which viilbe momhers. Now is th have the benefit of Lb, oîd books. Thero usi iay ont a more profit benefit of himneif sné fjoining, se the worki a ddirug are ef the big' Mre Joshua Shie Sept 9, whiie prepa famil>', vasovercomi day and died on Sur ooilock. Skilled moi careful nures did ail te no avail. The b] upea the famil>' bas sympathy sud regret ber hasband, oujoye citizens oet tis covi ally. 8h. v"a a d FraneiB et tbe Tom ha. been a resident upwards of 28 year 49 years, vi.ich . vs of death. Besides baud, throesons, Id tova, Mr A H Shier Hqnry Sbwer oft No méuru the Iôsof s voÏèd mother. ONÇ MON' zduo' or.-Pleaae tu ittsu toccufldeutIsfl. ter psztleulm of a MZ âhrunku u-ra 1 fIcanu nov wel4vh To Witi glass is tc tae a ai ,diftuibute 1 iLii audae eoftche glasa tien muet bo carefr iL le applied cetoti musc h. heîd ever slantin , direction beuprepse u write or parnt Ur micrmsopi ninUt. ch.' preparmd gise danger ci Lb.elisk Sic Finai>'Ad Withéut bis & corne -L

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