ami te tui thé ot y Xie 1P 0socge, of Eà ny lUverils Vislt. 4*s rêJ. Pattorson tà visitimig hisdaugb- Brook, 're Albert hsso all eturned from k 41burt Oiter a P.OuwatLVà OiL. Pster MiXas * ifs sud fatnily have re ,Itm* z(M Soarboro visit, Ure Armand Pughbuba ber sigter froml ~ui5~Ohabamas a gnue this week. 1(1.. Bawton, of Buffalo, N Y, ls viait itug ber sifiter Mna Amos Sharrard. 140lson Oonnor, of Stouffville, was bere On t Mnday ou a borse deal expedition. Ofbis Bond, of Osbaws, and John James thiat place are viaing at A.% iusons. Mis McKay le spending the exhibition w#t4k at her fathere, Mrs Benson of To Geo Cowle and sister, of Msrkham', viottted their granduiother, Mrs Doiphin ou Snnday, - Mrs Kennedy bau returned froni a visit to ber near Penetauguisb- one. Mr Harrison. of Whîtevale, is plying the paint brnsb on the woodwork of Mris Harnultone residence bore. L Bowes and Wm B.awson are putting in a week in the ity. John D Forsytb @pont Sandav hors. He bas a good position as a traveller for a Toronto bouse. Ile looke well. Frank Smith and wife, Riebad Puck- rin and wife and Walter Bray and wife. of Andley, calied on 8 l3ray recontly. Mns Frank Mantle, w@ are sorry to learu still continue& very )ow and ber friendu uow are doubtful of ber recovery. Lewis Banbury and mother, Mra Ban bnry, of Anrora, @pent a day or so with relatives bere in the early part of the wee k. Mr Widdifielî. baliff of Newmarket, wus in town on Friday last. H1e mut t Mr Hugo, of Colum:bae, with wbow he lied a horse deal. Htngb Gregg and Andrew Story are in the noighborhood of Cobocvok, where tbey bave pnrobased npwards of 50 cattle for feedintz purposes. James Anderson who went te the N W T smre tirne ago, baa sscured a position uith tbresbing gang. Miss L B Qibson, ybo bua slarge class lu music, bas bad a fow new one durrngi tbm past week. Dr EastwvoesdoR waq barkine grettiv ln hiis garden reoently anti carne in withl a hat in bis jaws sbortly after. Tiie Dr keepu iL ai; a fresk of peur trees. Word was received on Sunday that Jas Forgie, who live. near Staynf>r. iton of John ForRie, wau dving of brain 1-' His father and mother have gone to Strtyner. G Gerow bas had hie shop rai'ed1 and etberwise repaired, lately. Sotne lumding men and preminent farmers, of Nova Sootia, vio;ttd Arthur Johuaton, Jas I1 Davidson and John Mill- er on Tueeà day lait for thse purpome of pur- cbatini high bred stock, te irnproîs the stock o! chat maritime land. Talk abont cern staîks 1 Claremont sems le lead in taI! canem. Msingub Heu4-ergou bad one on exhibition l8 feet 2in, white James Evas.n says be Lam one 1à feet 6 luches bigbh. Anot lber aiofOr loquaelons gent.e peaku mucis ta the effeot that bie go.. bigiser stili. We hope ont. .Our lîttIe village La doiugr-tood hnsines, tise. days. Ail arc pro@perous lookinf sud couigeulal lu Ibeir fleasant ut uomsnd, ige.Tise situtlîon of Claremon & is tin&, edn t à lb mrsoro maneas Ir. lies neat the. uhelter ef the l"t of thé e Lurenuta rangre. As oue mani rssarked, thesvoie ant beues are few in Irei, anditise coin munity a harmonicas one.. John Baubucry, vifs and tivechildîno of Chicago, vlsited relatives Sea rreni ly John, viso pà ysA mit home overj two vsar. Io boulaies managter of Ivo o tise Chicago w.eklges. Re received Ui early tutoring, st loti oan the. 4t5cou. taugbst awilis and alfended tise Vmritý for a year. Isaving boe. iso ôuduetedi paper in tise Western States anti leho s OnUedtliie lucrative Pesition. Thore bas beau a deeldet ps-otent f roi maof eut oltlseus rom tise plierio th pitgrdens, that bS aussu ueini of lIs. We Ownuel 1k. Soumentionu liii (acta but thera a fev parties.wli think it Iolablabily esJOyable-fun te bloi tb.usslv,rtve othrîfmïulL ÂAy yeamj man or prsou wbo would toleate aoci sevuptatfos s ould mmratetaArisoul a Tezs awbens he May Ilbd se*val tp its. -W, loareid tt *au xmpis wi b. suad IthArtspatefoustioit Il a wsîthink tiisV'are mre to Se from th meatestht aèuse boetg ewroy.d 27 LD GrI VENaêé 10 yMil J.A I& T -- i w 'rns -airsy wei&. vUauE1y rew1y Wney ftat i1aý0Y' O6lI&t!8 with spikês ~ ~nosn WHO sEND Tfl LA itVious Co#* have t» sUNflit te. fiXtures lui htntt iak tâ6lJ~2ép1.J ~<u~ 0 cf to>et, Iaps otthe Ilicet but tven htte" these CArn be doue without if the -aalk- 5 rto th toc otthe 1eat feét of bs dvaniwM , heJ a i os-tired'a1eep4'p not lome, <4ntuolü(! cfbstme.Qebehlnid the flook or iksepe Ia Ikn work w ell saysa wîtrdowu withôt the ,Shepherdd igcê0rtr e~ ~s à r , -the llôws frm wtad beùttu î h éFirmeïs Avocat-e, is to tie the ing lt, one ofthdoswl adgbr *0-bu441ea scr, 0tabhcutl i. hperd imisses. and SèA",Th~ e#,tt.,adsurs ht tni'Os8P canuot tUMP forwards or backwardfs4 the theep., In travelling to themon est thép~l~alitieway out froni tains and baok again these tlogs wiI her, bend over and place the bead very keep the fliks separated. W ~ b p Kfirrnly againat her groin, and with thé The fioeks of 1,ooo shoep are called left band grasp the back near teat very citri el ahtie' i s ,O firnily andi commence milklng with the Pud fSl nfv oti."h 9ther~ band. Ip ail proba)ility she wililenao atii iemnh.Ti A>Sait is placed on flat Stones, and the Your Grocer will give yen particular0,orSet upà fà iktt à èdîerm lÀéd c sheep est it at pleasure, but in sum- drap a postotird te position, but if the milker is persistentme ny LEVER BROS, Limniteds Toronto apd, stays ut bis work without a flincb ur ny she, will soon lose confidence in ber The. siepherds try to prevent the. ability to kick, hërseif free, and wilI hèp rnking frosu a pond after a Neglected Bciencee give up considerably, exhausted and hal=os, as it ia thought thât the. siubdued. Trwo or tbree determined rnelted bail water is not good for the. --The science of road making should eftorts will siibdiiê very bati cases# sheep. Theou sheep are kept for their be considered aniong the jost arts. rendering theni ready to stand peace- wool, rio the. sieph.rd's flrst,,are io to since they built roads over two thous- ably for weekî together. Occasionally preserve its finenesà and to keep the and years sgo that are in fine condition she returna te ber old vice after a time sheep dlean. ITh Septentber the back at the present time, while theusaitds wben another trial of strength andi of the sheep is, covered with a puste of roadg now being buiît may flot last Powver of endurance wiIl have te bc made of the irony earth of the. oun- thirty days. God made the road ma- gone through iith and will usuaysuf tain regioýn, whioh irnproves the. quai. terial, but man must make the road. ie Inbekna ifro'akc-tyfth o, Ms t t nte The kowlege o howto do this ing cow rough usage ls unnecesstry and iyo h oi eas tat nti The kowiege o howunwise. By the plan outlileti a really skin of the sheep. should constitute the basis of a new bdcs a cmle n ude n Tetepaeserdi a, professorship. Professer ôf road build- bcspie fan e lkd a srnt sded indATii. ah heep are aered h i sa .ing should be an honored titie and one sieo esl yasrn.dtrie fe éhsepi hae .l elsteemed by the whole people. Such nman. branded with tar and set at liberty. a teacher would certainly be of înucb more worth than a professor o! Jangua. PU1UXy Thinige. ges that are so dead they should have been buried long before Washington The party panei uow te coutempiate ( ATARRH crossed the Delaware. Ixion ou hie wbeei. C Lira. Dobeli, of London, t., "Ailclases ad aes ae inerese III dont seie whero the torture cornes Ordfr2 ot in the character of the streets andi high- tu wipeed ÀEneas. wayq. while but very !ew persons care lPlate, who was P.rsonaliy conducting MotosCoWld IHeîpj, bu CUdItCMO- much about fossiliferous remnants e! the tout cf the dintinà uiahed 1Th:an Dr. ChascPS Catarrh-Cure Iýelsed the extinct fish, and yet there are extinct tbioneb Hadeot, pointeti silently tes thae ody ie asWcla fihpoesr neer olg.lsalname Pla;e. [t wua a '98 wbeel. PMetadT-a h.t sWl fis prfesorsin vey cllee. ts ll The son of Anchises sbuddered sud Ever-Shto Sa$ t ila aGreat Rcrncd7 \,erv well to support a lot of professors o.*., M.Dbl.mudaoily a whose life work is to finti ont whetherPason mil&9a or flot out earlv ancestors were jelly Bumfnss--Meyes elua a pable -fllcw. pleaant.fted womanatheu homson ROXtof fish, but at the same timne we should Forevor on the ruove. stet ta a Nev« reporter to-day, "ad I wll have others who can do somnething te spldlg-Yeai. Hem alwaye full of hie VM gladly tel You whaî yoS want to know. prove 'hat the people o! to-day are netbunes About three yeara-tgo 1uxy husband WA0ývm1 clams. sinc !Bunfus-Umi1 Wbats hie line? P lMand 1had fre ,quent1yocain to risdllthe rt --The sineo road building is S3pldi-Whisky. night and go for a dotr or tothe drugglst.c worth -iv bright voung mans attentioni. Muddy Miles-SBo Bill bau kiiied hie. in my hurry 1 ofteu ueglecte to properîr Road builders who knowv how are neeti- self. Wat wus tb' reason ? Work 1 clotbe sujself, and contrcte mvemi heVY ed in everv corner of the land. Poli- Ragged Robmer-Yep. Ho had th' coma, %wMhturne aut W to chroük catBtib. ticians with a pull do not necegsarî udtms an a hie breathin gel labord. 1 tried dom, wbo helped me, bute14 >o make the very best superinteridetits of mm- me, and seversi speclal Caarni4nue$. city streets. and good fellews Who can TE OLD BYBTEN OONE. 1îwu relîefed but not cured. wsuêrn teli the best stories have pruveti that::. F' they do not always make the most in- BETTER AND EASIER WORK DON&E r ,RE16XU tad tbu tl telligent -country road masters. The BY DIAMOND DYES. one 4deipd ntI about Mo m nW 1 aa t joke-period of American roati making catk*elyued ume. 1 eAnnot iPeà k to6 bhl 1 in nearly at an endi. The people want Theodyeiug of coatond rg oiseu forai tins r.encist uindÃzelas. . ,n4eheei .-1 zood ronds. and rnen who can build igc aptmt u g a o ~t lszfrr?(o t~r. tbem will, ere long, be in derI'and." long time atedions, difficult and uneatis-Th boerncueds grtdp m= faotory operation ewing to the orude snd - ~-.--- ad fashioned dyetufs that homo dyera _________ Of late years ail this bau been chaýngçd 04C&Id -Qoj< forth.a4van asud -,b.nemflî i Vory in_____________ oe yeo.hsgt ti.wrdto Young orchards often neeti addition Tl.l navrlsnet ~ ~ »aod», is. idv ai fertility. tpiTne ruthaue ttetuhoti Mlu' ex n tan ufott ilos i oswe Be on thse lookout for the leaf catig Nerve Pille. The makers of the, olebrated Di*MOnd caterpillar. 1POrangeHO ZfPl FutrowdedFut PUhesé - e (roui steepleunees, dizzlueups aortuo Fut GiJnet, - ya»t 21V i-Blute. >'ttode mà h ef breath, ssuothering feeling, papta- Criméoui, Pasù8a Brown, Puat 'telio*, There la lfttIe dangerofinurng an tien of the beart -lut SONSllt , Fitt Carinal --IFatBUkOd8d ~ aiItg g p~S through t ho and tI tei '7ot> hït-z;:l pnnig cltmdesth I bs-sut atiShea aabig, ud ft lu * out tAi.~ eo ïid be oçw adth o it ia -fut in*Mo mnttod. 4. 'e or Ir- ai Anywbere. MIl torse ndti see, clq ati ues of ltm es.laue uso. bud on tbsetuts-esof o*rUmmto. Ou tise liste hors but sus-el>' miMutapiwsr aftrth. aslisow b*, piti- bt.rond. The beut 0mii aé oitihs sootthse». 61t04ÇPIêitiptwu* ao.deuto. ',Tne f Ulo*stnt **e%ýBy IavNo 09A -«O Um 40Y port" na#usinor, le- Trotm~rt1 An lslaed troc gerous attrâctiou voode the pefli la C tise electricity lesas roots deep lu bumi te bu atrucis th"anli Trecalu damp plti ductors o! elects-lc fers paks and urr accosdiugly to the macr coesalned1 poplar pSsuesm b1 *anean Is m a ' £0 arc CI t'isa s44L1 .a Mos t I- ia sisti aw . Âpp e SUL#~ÂM5E ffl*MNS, VARCO U~O LEST, SYPHI St TUN :o LMO? MAIIeHOOLu, I TN 0VNEROUSDEBILITY, IJNNATO TIw Nsw M tho4 îatnênt Is the Oretsist Ds0ovïryiet the Age fORl CURINO THESIE DISEASES ~~e4mone n tsUj&ý wâr"ut" Ssw cnsuls us 52efrst 1ta"t. »e"701 net- beote he e7slh darik otroSUader I~&1e'~4IU6t ot behearbaohmu, deisBi npio~est te fae, 0o suflken, h6llow ohbeke, caiGwOtfl ........ dltsusil ack energy and atrength. tUred moru- oabi ,wamzalioodo siufledorgane aad prM*- ioos, ~sot etc. W EINAL W#rAKNVE 88 1 à mm"ï; " aneSbe m'O bloof te eso.etmp.i. N1 M 000 BREN DISEABEI>fôI @ iOti IDDL.AGUDMAN =916v led a gay lite, or tndulgéd luà h foltes 'Ust.auusor aSereM m hvebroken demi your sysâtem. ou fuel the, sbeatng ven ou entWuy.physically snd essal e r o h a o~ ~~D berabuAh. ttul pruotcesreap rlch harvle t.Wtfl yen heed the- lia jurilôtbeen dtéased? Bave yen any weakneemVOur %eItethod "i e ya. Whal il basdons or othersil mudo for en. consultation matter, *ho, "UboMmtelet ye nwIte fer au haricot opinton Pm eoetCharge. uaseabt. Beke r..-"¶~heGolden Moufter" l(tlUstr&ted>. on Dlseaees t &0s iea à à =eto. SeleLBooek on lisiseaea t Weomen" lise. I PAUl UfO ITNUWTTIN CONSENT. PUIVATI. Noe diolatosut ooe bu D~at p staloes.Iwsérytngeootdantlsl. QuetIon lst and cost .1 Trust. N.148 SHELBV ST KE~O & ~ERANDETROUT, IWI.I lu the Geography Section, a paperg read hy Mr 3 B Tyrreil, M. A., B.Sgo., of )ttawtti"*h'nThs Barren Lande of Can unA1m O Z that tise "Barren Lande," or more pro: parly tise uortheiu plaineand prairies of M Canada coter au ares of about UOW THE ORIENTAL square milet liaweat ;tise Mackenzie : a River sud Hudson Bay, extending f rom « REM ED Y thse cousL lin. of thse Arello Ocesu down s to tise general xsortiserà St liit of the. for- Ib New, - Bae and Bure Gaoel «t1. Onitise -weblt caof e!udson Bay they reaoh.sou:hward to nos-ti latitude: for,:Drtwke=ets. 89,dsgrees- sud, thence thissu bouudry ex. tenders M* a unthweatêérly directionj RATMENT by tise new r.redyg reugil ab right angles te thse magnotie g!TIRo osnosltt e i et iieudau, te wi tlin asholtt distancetiftse gtoaaanitariutn. lt ban b. admninié-a. mpouh of i Mokn"SIive n rs ggtoredi *wltho6ut thi> pstiele kÉow- XMJLie K aat Mî 1 âo tnata Lisii.Tois e à ege, vfîta hie foôd-and'drink, ie River at By ake "u ketg ot titn* recned: without thai*r h 9w 4istanos, baà rm i.sia.ofGxeat ldge, crêià g ii. oU hange, ta Li0 8lave force o! tisoir orna iWi. luigeuinrl ohanacter the. ceuntry. la a v asudusating, etoiy lnt'bit),y C ov A T OOZI lu'ptu uicn ,gwità ho lp r s,"hu ondod, A Ti ~iiulr hors cd tbors titou gtj9i~l~fori,69 -d a tisai$1.W~pt the ton Cly. it au- hodivid.d, iot jbx. Tire. Sexes ý$2. 6. l It ii b. g tiw fIrl datiui~ipotiosvi., ii gf"uwsdéd ',prPaid, sWaed snd ina: "Costajly Plainq viloitrtosa fs-on.9the ainvapoýb amilg ieg iméallu the.ocean a it - Gacaltite, aouit A*it wlsi t roa tegfl thera ,~ia PEUs- mr. but m fruil