ê 0 )hXLI. WIT BY, jý ONTABIO, DAYSEPTEMBER '17, 1897. NO& 42 IvsryIh~ng h ~IIIO~ "W'I1on'ii Fly Poison Pade 10o smith8s Poison Pads 5 cents. Tanglefoot Sticky Fly, sheets, for 5c. six >Pruit Jar Ring. Sealing Wai, k Corks, Etc. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, 'WHTBY# ONTARIO. WINDMILLS WIRE FENCE.ý Geo. -in.ad Belle the Genuine ER* MOTOR,ý of Chicago, and thi etaemnWire Fence Intendlng purclasens shouid examine this mill befors placlag Ibeir order. Do uatleIc an agent put au Imitation on you vîcu you can get the Genulue Aesmonaor, :boroughly g;sIvasaixcd, sud varrantcd, for lesa mauey. Marc os ibese mills pold lu Canada ta.da, than auy aiher make. The Aermnotor Ca. claim îhey seli anc hall tle number af wind- milii autflîs sold lu tIc warld, ai île preseut Ail styles ai Wood aud Iran Pumps fan sale. Any Information regarding these ouîfitu wilI be fneely given Iy writlng ta GEO. ALLIN, Feb 7, 1897-Oa W MIT EV.1 WE'STERN SBANK 0F CANADAS~ Whltby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowsn, Esq. Pruieacn; Reuben S. Hamln -Esq., ýtIePme.; W F Cowan, Esq., *. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Glb- sou, Esq., Robt Mclntost, M.D., Thos Patterson, Esq. T H McMilau...... ...... ...... Casher General Banking Bmusies>ansaei. ýDrafts lssucd, payable ln aIl partu of C n - ada United States, and on London, Eng- lanâ, payable lu al Paa Of Europe. Pi per cent. sllowed oun.Savings Bank Deposits and crcdlted hall yearly. Special attentio tO collection of Farmers' sale notes.1 X. D. WARREN, Mauager ol Whby Brsucb. Jlstablished 1849. WhitbySteam ~Maîble and ~rantc oîk; t Dundas St.,, à n w suwe)444CRi =b- 6dR a(Cesgtus 0a we gsnaawâ I LOCAL NEWS. LETTIERSUR We are picased ta sec Mrs 3 Lynds. arouud agamu aller ber ievere ilinesa. Miss M Pardon bas Ici: ber pîcasant bonms end bas «anc nntI ta teacl iea. W. visI ber succes, Tltcshlug us the aider of tle day lu this bo- csli y. There la a superabundanos of strav but aiso a.fair ylcld of graiu. luspector McBrleu vlsited anr sohool ou WedDesdsy aud le:t a veny favorable report of îhe conditlon ofltheic aooL. TIers lu a dais of people, :bougl4w ise pleased jto &&y le (s snail, - Who are neyer mi e de- lilhtcd clan wbeu :1ey are lndulging ln coarse sud maUslius jules a:the expeaueot ochers. Tbey live lu a lutte shelI cslied selfnsd fremit tley lokoui aven tIc vonld as a spider bocks ou: over bis veli, ever ready ta poue upcn ioume uufortuoate vayfarer sud makç bhlm a vie- tîm ta dheim gnomiubous devines. 1t la cotrry ta tlhem: stlava aofusoaliiy ta returu cévii for cvii ; the sutlquatcd doctide of '§an eye for du eye' suad "a tuutti for a toob" bas already munis luto oblivio su tle mmndia ofIthelest tbîuking people. But vlat shah vte say aifUic lubunian wnc:cl vIa d.ancs ta, Intrude ou the peacedbl and iunocen 11e oaithe man Who envies uo one, sudt tu the tuest suse ai tbe word, 1"lives sud les lve"*? AUl truc hearicd peopte say le luilite meanest ai montais, sud sbould recelve such punisîmeut as v!Ii bring him ta lis enues. Saincone of the character vhlch 1 have hiu:cd passed aur vay the other aay. He bad! evident. ]y become disgusted yul sa bal ripe apple ho had paril~ devoured and as the icbool-house window vos near by le disposed of tbe re- mal nder af bis inuit by dasliug il trough oue of île panes. We lave no doubi a cluckle ai sathisction pasued bis Iîps aa le heard tle filuîy pane fly isito a thousaud pieces, aud ssv île gapiug haie, wbich Is, by bils ovu ukili sud dextenfty, lad made. Little did le ilinis or cure about thee utile tiecfooted umslil vbo next day might cnlt<hein eest sud crilppie îbcmsevcs wlîh thc braken glass. Little d d e cane for the beauty oi aur uchool, île prescut home of the rsiug geueratiou. Ta b. ubort hl e cther tbought ai nor carcd for anyiling or anybody save the satà i«ylng ai bls ovn depraved ambi- laon. Thecocs: af epaitng tle Incakage amceuuîs ta a mere trile, but tle acti iseif le trayed s depiorambie veakusinlthUicbcaracter of hemn wbo coimmlî:ed i. WRITIEVALEC. Mn W Louai vas on tle jury alWithy IaI, week. Mn and Mn, L G Anaîs wva aiPenAu Batnk on Sunday lasi.1-l Miss Hamilton las becu visitlug wyul fricuda1 la Stouffvlleie ely.9 Miss Tlle Turner vas vitb frionudu Lb »aug- l'am ou Suuday lut. - Miss -Hamiltonau vthîe guesi o! Iul l Whiîe ou Sundav lai. 1'~bapt tlaaigt mIsin clrrdfb sai u Mn' W Botil. on Tuesday last.1 Mns Hunst of Hespeler lu ainong lriend5s ad1 relatives liera for a fev days.. Miss Chuter ef Port Union ii, utaylng at Mrs David Ana.. Ian a shor ime. MnI Wm G Geow is dolng a tliinq business1 in thc carnage te rîcue days.1 Mrn1 asepl Wilson lu busiiy eugagcd palutlug lis hanse uhudli adds mâcl i tis beaul>. Mn WIiI Joîl las euzgcd blinseli ta Mn Brui Elliluon or s&ire yean, coure iu blaeksrnthicg. Mn and Mrm Siple of Norwich bas lisen vil- lng ilicir son, Rev Mr Sipie durng the pesa yack. Miss Vaustane of Piekerîng las d hle past ues punchasseda î«satinmaup oboiceo gs lu tUim section.e Mr Selwood Geac l ici:ounTueday hast for Paris, vIce ie h as secured a çood sunuatiosm a casmsg faciOry. Mra»d MvsWS Major were davu io Se- baro on Suud.y tais, Mns Msjoes(ather bas la:eiy bous very III Mr Jas Todd vasa delegaie fromi îe FParu, iodge ber* ta 0.*ee Suund am île conventio beld dmae hast yak. We ane pleaaed ao sec amoncet us for a fe &ay& Mr A 0 Triea, louenly otan baa teschmr. He la ovlucssed là buiIoe i Meicalfe, aeccmpaulod ly sfadW*&au- denied out frein u.< city lait S*.ut"sda" vumd . tle gmSta 0<ofMr Jais T*botun oi s id, Muss J sud H l>ugb s»da amenwof = zsly e seep lusi vasin ta sMn 1% of le"pmarclad a sueter fires)b Robt MIDer ef Baoeghsm an. so»M té Imm t îlotMr jaob t= hnl gs0 gcobotter (rosatIc effec ta bîe scdkst brecelved orsias mntI 4% ega aLe *ah1I e tbis wusk for ile hup"tL. M4r CGis ReSsar 31*i MUo&dy tWiîleonb wesiybble wM b. u ncbarqsof ab -1glu-M'io 6cM d adu Una= 0 . ausIe s iesb d> »mnmiuths.Osle 0, esssig îIebo ng> psopegsehii agodsrdolypWg opla Mn Jerspftoe t. s1W . ÃŽ%y ",PM UWI. lie avay absaio( *AuY bird flý ld cernes iue.,as fu ms 4"ai vatetou*! ad. Tis en ord aw« 0*tO!t hsim ehidlilà euSptioWay S M Ruâe outiifs very low. MIsa tntektuton spest SUnD-ay here, Rev ftom preatbed a very lnteresîînu seob,~ 'refd Er#nua1' «ofClarenont, speut Sinday ,wfh friles ier.. Mr sud MIrs GSa Walterg speut Suuday witli. filetas ew»berc, Mcrgm Puitb. of Claremnout cslled on frieudt bes ou B uday veâ1. M4r aid Mis %eo 9 Lawrence spent Swiday wit lon iO vUP Mrle., Loualderable <il wbeat bas becu sovn liere durlug tbe past week. MiaS Hemn,'Pf Acarboro, lu vislîlng lier siswe is S Westuey7 for a Wemlc or so. 'M Arlaud. or Cberrywood, called ounlie O.auitbtêr, Mis J McBr'ady receutly MrMcPliee, of Iova, bas purcbased conslder-, able sheep lu tbf. loeslîy tiis wwsl. Mis a y Maddaford bu reîuruod to BLi&lai afrra very short vwisî wth ber paenmts. Misses MiOU and Biuqbaui bave beeq sped. 10uge verY Pleaut yak wltli the Misses Madda. Car) Wilson bas muînmed to Windsor after a pleamascation witl bis cousn wlunie Cbap'. Mrs Gulliries spet a day wltb lier sisters lit. IPIckeliu wbite Mr Quille weuîto the fait Some oaour people aîteuded tlie liarvsutome fetlvities a: Brooklin dtrici tiIs veel s«d vers weii plessed. Mr 0 Mlddletan, of Clanemnut, purcaseui Chopm"Inai Sru.Coteswold sainta:a baudueie john Elliott bau been visuîlug l41s mother 10 our veut. She lu reportcd tao le vcry loy sud grtdualiy "rng awsy. Mr audMis R Logan sud Lome of 011 Ci!y, Pa. . speut-. 1ev daysu yul bei sister, Mis N 1 ClopinaI the fore part ofaUis vecs.< Tora Maddaford bas rsurued front the exhfibit- iuoyn ils ittrotig sialiiouhavlug secured tle1 aovsîed zu: prise. tCougnttis Tom. 1 DanubMcBndy bas rcturnsd to Victoria, B C., olior a pleassut utay utilhe old bomse ber s.i vile vas itable iq conte ou accout nt ?11beslk' Miss Miiale ton bau goes btaice carge of a clasa uIn t*sai lackwater. Wf tesorny ta 1aiehey roct our midai. SIs vasorgaulut of the dch aesu- uu cool teocber,se velasE9L rgaulat. Wevis liber succes.-, E L wvnsled on Tussday evclug lest by Thiosi Pescierlu. 'Ibeek eoi efa wuv~ a literarymeet- ing and vas* good one, essys vers «1 yen ;; Misses C BilI sud S Qutille sud Meurs sud F M Clapuisu sud Misa- E Quillie gave sud iu- strumeutsi solo. Mesurs bMadibi sud E L Chap- insu musicioed sud Ina Lawrnee read. Mr 1 S BurrýI.oftWbitby, la on thes prograin for ucîl Tues& eemnlug, Thone s utais smuug our S S vonkeru of cliang. log tle boutnof maboul, Tbe pressas apeuiug ai z.3o la not reultlu« vory favonabiy, not ilicugli any lastof IntýenttIare udexampleoetmeaen buti trougb indiffenence ou tbc pani of île pu. cuts sud atteutit& 'Ilis ladont ougli t ta e.,- TsÀclicrs sud tise superinteudeut are beemlug discorageda4tthit pperent bladesest Wtbew, lesooilswaoaive ib*ir tics. sad ,t#ut toe e île pugpil. Penbîe chaungrof the bour to ro 30 wouid lis leiter. Someîblug motile doue. Coie frieudu master t,3 the cati snd gath« out ai the «iven lotir. Thle temperauce question stil lisug fire.not liecause of success but ralier of opposition. eit lu sld tisat out coucsil à eM eto nmt -thse' question agala ote e leciqys te. Weïe thry compeed té,o tbiu? I 1 o uuimbl, - »aour lavs are sucât ilut the party osa ne sund ruode- tssd votes upon fi? We tlule the courseof préeturs taieu by aur couudcl s very Icalent one*Per4 . teynay lic right sud ablto foOrvnulle t usile îleory. of thcir correterss bei vs are afnt at thl lit ct <loir voriage are set stluluq laite eut cottages un« tle bsuty of thefi irgW&itim oncmmaufiug admiration tIers We bopevwe are vrong lu ibis ides, sud ihut their course la thc lest,, sud l i tissu va wesh eIem ahl bste, - Mr H &daumou iseturned from bis triplin Muskoka. Mis Bta G.«, Toronto, Suidayed unden the parental roof, Mr Rarleer of Stsyser vlnlted Mr W Gee the early Pamtof thé met;. Several ftornishere *tu"ded the gretln.« duatriaai TroutoeIst veel sud report tue smn«asbelsg bettes tissuover. Rev Mir CoýoperiePkenlug, 15 bviug pied »Mmcsailubis cbonb viw îbr..ne nov bas s 8uuday sebool lucesueetiou Tht eontregatlcos of tue Euib cisurebes of Picken Msd GMeewood O Ited lun bavlnbg as pI C2lu Mr Clarklï?"od Mr Nevilte gave a lecturellu 'IlsaebueSk lmu Tbu!asy. lIseet as 9"od atte"ad sume sd en-myoe wvell pletw *viU UT Sslh t"he buttItMabionw»vas uth tbeeéresuey dugisitalunes. I. Mtt7Vtt~l0O1~5Il y __ R Mosu returned tromauffalo last bj# ?Èaud Dek-'bfue left laut Saturday ta tait1 psiton n 'oronto. sopoft St Catharines was vlsitiug ra utowu laut Monday. less Minnte Dennimon lias accepted a po*iou lu thie T Btatou Col store. *s Hlckey of Detroit, lia been a vialtor thf4pý)eek ot lier fatber, James. Ileal. rinear ULtice on Sept tith, Albert 13 tt, son of Mr L<uther Heard, aged 3 ýGtlroy; of Toronto, has been et bis hs~t orne for a few daylà a lutth under the >atber. f~1 etieliatter made a short vîsit to few1 days ago, looklug the same 2 s, P Derntuson, who lbas becs lu To. ro s4sitlng the openlugs of tlie dryý gooda houi*s iu that elty, returnea lut Saturday. 3tiKlinuof Lancaster SN'Y, wlio lia bei 'vlettg lier mother blrs G Goody aud fiei a' for sme veeka', returued hiome rbdy of tIis veeli. Ada" Plattcu returued from the To. ion hspItâ1luIst Ssturday very mucb Zm- po in heaillian lenôvable towalk w Itbthe nidof nrtthes. ard &eeu, wio lias been liviug lu r tà for borne years, W83 in tovu s COU. ~w~f days this weck selng thec boys. $6I~ l doing viii lu thc Queu city. B~ eiry Doubt returued lent Saturdsy fruteNorth West, having been absent )I'oi twelve day. Re «ives a glonos se- cou*t of the prospecta of thec farmers sud biles en lu tbsat country. Leste. ODe-or about Sept i hotu Lot 21, Cou 13 of Réet ionè lack ecrkshire sow, tvô years oi. ',AuWyone giving information that will Icad te the recovery of this animal wili be sulîly, rewardcd. joaN B. BRowN, Sea- ed t Eergreen cottage, ucar Prospect -o tudayi Sep luth, Leila Etta, youugcst sd4'4 beloved daugliter of Mr sud aira Oco, L* cs, sged 26 years. The deceas- ed , u ay vasone vbom. to kuow was to 0o 'e sd respect, sud lier largeétirtl of scilutacces qincceey mouni er decca. Wh12 -ià ver of a strong constitution It vas olyêittie oles a year agothati the deceaï- cd awa made avare tisaI mhée as a- victitu of tifat lusidious discse, couuptiou. abe ',bore' ber long illînawfth chrisatian pasfcce, neyer .nurmurlng. Zveryth1ug rnc4tOsl science could do vas doue, cvcry deslte or request of bivng pareuts, sipteis sud 1lý%tlicrs vaureadily grant, b4t aÈl-to uo Me.On- Sabbats evening neartise setti, tlie un tise spirit of lias *o,~seut to theGod w ogae ItThe 1nge-uners1 cortege on Tuteay, vas su évide"cf thse reipect sud estèem lit wlilc the dÃescd sud iamily aret.hc1ld. Tis ,Iev;xr Wetliilpasbor of deteaaed, cou- ,4ucta4,thtê fonerai ceremouy atï d;e;iird au ap otediscomie. Slsicete sym- paIyoes out to the aficted frient4 l ,On Tuesda morninq of this veest t S4meon-fameY, wbo live lu Reacb, irad i fsuniiy pow*wow. ail ibeir own. It seemi it their daughter Mary cdaims e i b m rricd te a man natned Belknsp, sud le goea to the palatial resideuce of this faMllY &ndtrveats Mary as bis vile ; but. tb. parenti dlaim h. doca not, support ber suad bei -btidren. They tbIuk she sehould livi whlî he-r -busband. Lest week nt :he.asulses a Whisby the fathetj, Jas 51fson, got &a udg meut agaluat a main 'named Gerov fort supplort of one cf Marya chlidtsu. -f doi maot feel iucliued to -1«« unliea-* paresgiveJier, part of that uon"y. i parents refus.d sud thon thé'row sturfesl Pluts there vas a mothy owe 1l Wllh[ ai tevile epith.ti tutea at pt et ili Enislnuage wer. Iný'ire '«ore bu oUier. Then u etii ylbaitik lMOwq A rt prtà lts ent té Chut CÇ=OSsI.leCu"g »mea soine fubs sembèrs o! tlweSIsUM ai Iiy wer.unuùrdrlng IMary. Hie vrent té thel boMme <?> inu Reli sd fâtind Itteb Brooliia Town Lino Miss R Spencer ta visiting fieuds in Bowman. C Kempthoru visitcd lu Tornuto tic laut Ville, part of the week. Miss Mary Neal bas returned tram a lengthy Mrs McGregor snd son E8ruest, arrivedl tisit ln Toronto. haone Monday after spendlng a week lu the Mn James H Hoar, of Toronto, lu speuding clty. the week with frlends bere. Rev Mr Lawsan, Griswald, Manitoba, Mr P Frayn commenovri wark lu bls Oshawa visited lits sister, Mis D W Carruthers this biacksmith.sbop on Monday lait. week. Mr E leffrey, of the Toronto post office, i A gesutiezan frani Patt Perry lias becu spndngpatof his vacation at haine. ' lire buyini;'peans. He takes them ta the Tedlug pr ttefotalta wl etback townships frpaThe onembers iîe tall teinRamwmet sx'1k Mr Andrew Orvis frons near Buffalo, Mr forprcue n 3auravevnig : ixo'cloc. ohn Hughes, Wisconsiu sud S P Browu, Mr D &. Reen of Bratndon, whose liluesa i Arkana, Ont., visl4ed at Mn David browns .vas ndfarsd to ibis coluno last week in recover- laut week snd tbid wcek. mgR. IMr Jolin Ginibiet lu netling irons farming Mii and Miss Chinu have returned froin To. and la Iuteuding ta move tb tovu. Mr rontn, vhere they apsu: the twa weeks af tle ex. Rowe bas given up the Almond faim, and hibition, Mr Atiuson fram the base Ue eut blas Cap t Bran: of the $alvaîlon Anmy, will make r ented it Mr W Combes lias ieased Mn S Brooln, i ustead of Wli by, bis lcadq-iîers for Mackcys farm ou thse yd con, the future, Mr W Oke vas so prostrated- vitI thc Miss Marshall bas arrived home frein ber visit lest laut Tliursdsy thà t le fell tallte grouud yl Iriendu lu Pttrola, Forest and otler veut vbile talking tu a customer but diti not loue eru towus. consciousness. Heie unov mudli better, Mr Rot Bafour wel knon to lunyIb is sîthougli the sun effectu hlm very qulckly. neighborhoodî, la lylug dangsnousiy ill a: bis W oeh a e nieyoe i resideuce lu Hamilton. We nregret 10 Icamu ibat trouble. there la flot much hope for lis recovery.- A campauy of these waudering people A «an. of foot-bal viii ho plaved here short. callcd Gypsies camped ou the svamp road ly beivesu heîle carboro Rangerusud the Brook. recentiy. A farmer came sioug vIa vîsli. lin teain. Fluai arrangements are ta le made ta- ed to buy saliasse aud ai course tley sold day (Fridav). It lo expecied tha: tle game vill hlm anc j ust ta suit for about $4oa, thc fan- corne off somne day ncxt week. It wil l e wcîî mer startcd back home vlth is horse, the vorth seeing. gypsies got a move on aieoand vere quicis- ly out ut ight. Drav your ovu conclus. The Service lu the Pnesbyterîau churcb nexi ions. Sunday viii be held lu ah. monnlng a: xi o1clock lniiead of a: the usual afternoon hour. The SBR members of the cougregatlon at Columbus will Misa jessie M Fisher has been bers upend- woruhip bers iha: day. Thc sacrameut of the Borne veeku witb ber sister, Mrs R G Heran, Lords Supper vili be observed. We are pleased :0, hear tbsi Miss Fisher Weduesday lait vas the final day for euterng bât paascd ber second years Vocal Examu appeals for changes lu the voters lise for ibis witb louais. We are alsornucb pleased ta, iownshlp. Altogetber zoo appeals vers made, kuow that ube bas mucb betten bealîl îhau Six af ilesa are for correction ; the Causer. when she came dowu. vatives bave fOtrnue-t7 ta P ut ou and 32 ta ____________________ sîrika ofi; the Libenais have farty-sevsn-28 to put on aud 59 to stiie off. Whitby Town pss Mises Collins, of Millbrook. vho Iu lylug very Mr sud Mrs Gea Lintuer, of Chicago, bave Ili with apical fever at Rev 1 H Harris î5 uot been lin town for a fev days, auy botter and île doctors bave given tip ali Mn WM Pile, Part Penny, vas In îown boe of 1er recoveny, lier parnts nssd sister Tuesday, sud visitcd the CIIRONICLIC offiCs arebehem Mudl syrnpathyisaielt for tîcrnin lu sak it s the peculiarly sad triai :1er are passlug ibrougli.10saowbu. L.ater uevs reaches us tbai mli. la dead. Couuty Attorney Farewell spent tbe lait At tbe apcialmestluu of oouucilbeld îast day af the îrautlug Besson, Weduesday, Sà a:rdd 1: wasdecided not to grant the re- angling farthîe speckled beaies. quesi t: île peà tlouers for street lampu unti Potatoes lave gone up fnom fifty cents to t< ia fuity undurstood thrI thsy ais likeiy taouin dollar pet bag ibis week. lu smre fields le satsfacîory. Itlel likely ilat tva or tIrée îbey are mald 10 le ncarly aIl rotten. latumIi lis eP'roourcd and experimented vitl. Mr sud Mns Sain Thompson, Brooklyn, if tey provo te le u5aii<tmt additliinal ous N.Y., are bsn vlsitlug Mis H Tbompsou *0i le, Ptot aucaoîer urne. and family. 14r Thompson is oui -o f the I r t r f s Il e I. t' 't 1' Il 'f w I I Specdai servicu onpca ioa vithîe barvest hom festival eft îe e idiat burcb wesbeld lest S"udav. la tle uaoruîig. the peacar, Dr. 'lAiehy, pn-eld frein the taxi, Mgd»ii.i, tg, "At athn lI vîat lfuie ls garur."- The- a~ekntool,oee s oa f awvîct as au dlijeot less,jon, selg île pe uts ofafiuiildtVy aieen ilswbu vies oin tlstic»s of pfauutm oe e ar, set ud tic grovil of the -oWihtian litim vall c Ws aoddwlti the, cegu thaid.,i- m e Ã"ben th-b as He lad ton«?is tmIeus vends (tom 0.ir94,v1 "io 'ebasutic vboWefaitl iiavea iaiaasucd, T~he serd= vs liaod ou lIe ommos.<ailier. ba4 à f Gcd, île bltlerhood of mmn sdils dlvssuy, yeu uulmy, o e #M. <osi humi le-' Ty~it a nae ffoÃŽ sud vits Ueh appraidstd. Ou ?iUeadsmes #» wdfstval vai -ooedlded w t i t aud> kcture lis il. May (lI tle l"des et thaecongtegtlen azo)ied tleîuésu i he Im raiu prfflI& . Thte tibles prm, tda ey Ivti purns 4M aWb"heuswe sont vms aÃœl,îo -uld, be demldr. 'Tb&lhtsitated le> urêlb Itês. B;R. Yugo~l 1.a mhm r mon is oebwet %Ws a Wlltby boys vît> bars oue veli abroad. Thse publice wi le luîerested la bsarlng tht île "P'amily Hereld sud Wiikly Star," of Montreai, bas nov the larges: circulatIoil -la thie vend of auy publication oh is -c"s. Itý las gond tte betop by, leaps sud- bouds. A -t ew daya aga MnrHKuny Wilson liued is band yul a Iorn baudle. -H.' id lttle atteintion tqel paetymaihr tpas e jjien esr ofbsWAY.lie 5 ~ testï"ý d me b ê pry isilLThe doMtr aaun*bf, hlm owev#er,. btis a . inci. 'The sen scatle le aïalug nucb oi la wbevîreit h na vaslog sthe orcan4. Tt est enrnisaCapaî,ytjfor reprdac~ow eu tealeProuci -,Vbou térrer to lonikUltunlsîs. Oul, gov#erufucuts *ré dolng irell-te dllgeotlyseabhforIl*s beglooluga sud te coluba t 1:baerait getsas 1s.r* teesthe b.y vas:Ibid luint-*acboob bou"nsetSudgy is wmtJivth* * ieat the IntérioronItse chch la helne oi édv. son w,11 cou- reina bâtsaLtube BosilM om aw*.l uns &. bJm bu b MnWEI .f-vl~ Msaj. -a aé K l'à fi