\4MO mp.id byii' Md the *~ '41itty.fheie kIi..awas 4m* Luth atpr, hu .v.opd& tzt*W - 1d*Usly vuder thé. influence fbo ' stout. He stopped asbd it mohoon, îioporta.xilyt and thon hirning to the. -ate, Who vws about ho foUlowt* lad' dony hold up hie hand for sileniceo. «W1IR8 did I tell youf ho inquir" od, sevorely, as the mate got qufetk abroo.d. The mate iistonod. From the. 101"sloocanto tho Iow, gruf voices ofî mon, brokon by the ail very ripplo of womonis laughter. "4Well, In, a a Dutohmef 1,#' said. the mate, with an air of one Who foit ho Wall OXpoCted te sa.y sooething. d"Âftor ail I said to om," gtid tbe skippor, with weary dignity. "1You sard wha.t I said to on, Jack 1 "4Nody gould ha swore loudor,"l testifled the mate. "An hero they are," saad the skilp- per, in arnate, 4'defyinlg of me." "Thoyve been and gono and askéd them femalos down ini the fo'c's'io lagin. You know what 1 said Id do, Jack, if they did." ,Said youd eat em without sat," quoted the other, beipfuily. "t111 do worse than that, Jack," said the. skipper, sftor a moment's discoin- fiture. <Whats te hinder ne casting off nuietly and taking theni along with us IV "If yen aak me, said the mate." "ý'I should say yen couidnt pleaso the1 crew btter.'0 "4Weii, wel sBee," said the other, nodding sagely ; "dont mako ne noise, Jack." Alded by the mate heocsht off tiie warpa whicbhoied thé unconacieus visitera ho their native town, and, the littie schooner driftéd silent.ly away freoni thé quay. Thé skippr vent te the vhoel, and the noise of tlii mate banling on the jib breught a rough head ont ef the f o'c's'io, thé ownor of which, after a cry te bis mate blow, sprang Up on deck and looked round in bewilder- mont. "Stand by there," cried thoeskipper, as thé otheru came rushing on dock. "ýShako em out!1" "sBoggin your pardon, air," said one of them, with more pelitoness -lu bis tones than ho had ever used before, but-" ,-Stand by1 t' said thé skipper. 1Now thon'," shouted thé mate, aharjuly, "llively, thore 1 Livoly with it i The mon looked at each other heip- leasly and vent te thoir poats, as a acreain ef dismay rose frein the fair beinga helow, who, baving ,just begun ho roalito theirposition were coming on dock ho try and improve it. .6What 1" roared the skipper iu pre- teuded ashonimhmonk «"Wbat 1I ROUa aboard after al 1 said. 1h sn'h be; 1 must b. droaringi" "lTake us baok 1t" wailed tiie dam-' sels, iguoriug tho saain, l"takre us back, Captain,"1 "No, can't go back," said thé iskip-L per. "Yen seeý that ornes oedisobodi- once, ry geliLe Liveiy there on that Mainsi, dye hoar 1" "We won'h do 1h agein," erled the girls, as the schoôner came to the inouth o et iijlanbor, sud Lb.y amit thé darltussbeyOnd. "Take usback." 44tt ç*n'h lie dpno,» said the. akipp<irl lits agin the 1cr, air," siw Ephnaw Biddle solemnly 'q~~hi".ldthe. akipper. Thoyre lihowsw vay a' , 1d saauput ' e " rm st the, firat port wvo hoûoh st-P1y. A'heartrenig sole.of srai frein- the, tovmrb niumde4 bis ;,#*a teuct e sore niswOh .'qvO .y tesus. taiued Obbngi et the esoooper, Ca". ing tht vlind. began te çao's-througo "Yond ,better &et boiMy gla# msd ,Biddl% u*ho was tbeh @ t MM ber ôof thi ewv, oon»olhy. 'Ot hs hft girs ngm t. dtrelutaty 4~II ego,,p û si ci Thoy wênt of leaviugthe akipper a eOy ho gêth<ring u su *th pg -hheir nioveniont>s with wrinklïd à rdw. Frouithe forecýtlo h.'ndtti. pdloy they procured, two iope aud'a rt>mi abil heougbt hfi- breah h eap. [ as MiW Evans came on dock vith e pot of white Paint in onoeliand and-* pohof te.r lu the othor. &Nov, girls," ssid Missn as 't&ï"be ~ingt dbwn," sald tbe Bkippor, in a, poromphory voicé. "*Shant," said Miss Evans,, bluntly, and with oeops dripping tar and paint cn the dock marched in military stylo U~ te thie akipper and halted in front i, smiug wickedly. Thon thé hoart of 'the skipper wâxed wre and faint vithin hlm, and, with a- wild yoli, hé suminoned bis trusty crow to hie uide. The crew jame on dock slowly, and, asngfurtive glances at the acono, uhdEpbram Biddle ho the front. ',Take those iops away froein n1 said the skipper, haughtilTv. "«Don't you intèrforo,'0 "id Miss Evans, looking st them over bet ehouldor. "Else we'll give you isome," said M1ine Williams bloodthirstily ",Tako those mops away LfreSm' bawled the. skipper, instinctively draw- ing back as Miss Evans made a pasb at him. III don't seé as bow vo can interfère sir, said Biddle, with deep feSpect. "IWhatl1" said the astonteskip- per. «"1h would b. &gin the 1er for us te interfero with people'," said Biddlo, turning ho his mates, "ldead agin the 1er." "'Dont yen talk skipper, anxiously frein eni. ILs ny "lTake eni away tar and my paint and-" 'Yen shal have iL,' said Miss Evans, roasauriiigly. If we touchod en,"' said Biddle, improssively, "litd be au assauit ah 1er. Ail ve ean do, sir, ie te, stand by und ceo fair play. "Pair play 1 " criod thé skipper dancing vith rage, and turning haatily te the mate, who had just como on tie scone. "'Take those thinge away f ren eoi Jack." "I'm not going ho raise my hand againat a woman for anybody," sait thé mate, vith decision. ' lIs no part o my workhto gotmossé up with tat and pint freni lady passengors." Ils part of your werk te, obey mi though," said the. akppor, m'aig hi voice. "What are yen afraid o e? "Are yen goiug ho tako nus bockl donïanded Jonny Evans. "'Run away," said Lb. skipper vitl dignity. 11un avay 1 ' - -I141 s al#k yen tbreo tires," sait Mis Evnssteuly "ne-are yoi goinug bki ;Two-C eyen gemn bock? Three-'-- .la tise midat of a breathiesa alleno she drevw w'ithiu atniking distance vhih er Qflîs, takbig up&' -poslti on either115ak, of theuomy, listeni 'Be caroful ho doest catch hold ib about lbnrting.hlm," - *0 Iehie vi1 a' i* n1ut, .Jack, said theshIMppor, * lebutý detumine The. me camse for*ard .andhook1 ed towards 1O à dýrie *the. human SI. Is otpuorl 4 WJ-N ii')*- yôùr , dut>s 35014 esfrl tii. skipper, who was polising hi. faoéè tc Y4OU. fliyreafrs&d to. thePià ,"Youré ogging oui on,", lriod thie orne aftd take it yeurself." Re darted bohtid the whéel a0 Miss Evana, who was gtting im Pat-' ient, niade a thrust at hlm, dthen, springing 1oui, _gai ned .theo1sido ..d rushed up the. rigging aetor bis cap. tain. Biddlo, Who was standing cloue by,- gazod éarnestly at them and toolc the wheel. . &You wont hurt old Biddie, 1 Icnowr," ho said, trying te spoak con-- fidoritly. "0ft course not," said Miss Evans, emphatioally. "Tar don't hurt,'> explained Mirss Williams. "&Its good for you," said the third lady, positively. "One-twe -"P cttsne good," said the mate, as Ephrani came hurriedly into the rig- ging; "lyoull have to givo in." <'In - if 1 viiit," said the infur. iatod skipper. Thon an îdea occurréd te him, and, puckering bie face shrewd- ly, ho bogan to descend. <'Ail rigt,'iihe said shertly, as Miss Evans advanced ho roceive i. "Il] go back. " Ho took the whéol, the schooner came round before thé %ind, and tht willing crow letting tho shoots go haul- ed thein in again on tho port aide.. "And new, rny lads," said the skip- per, with a be nevoient smille, "1jusi clear the mess off the dock. and you May as woll pitch theni mops lover- beard. They'll nover be any good Pgain." Ho spoke caroeêsly, aibeit his voice trembled a littie, but bis boart sank wjthin i as Miss Evans wavod thoni back. "sYou stay viiore you are," shé said imperiously ; wefl throw thonilover. Ijoard vhen wvv doue with themý iWhat did yen say, captain 1 " Thoeskipper vas about to ropeet ii with great readinesa whon Miss Evani yraised ber trusty mop. The wordt - died away on bis lips, and aftert ri hasty giance froni bis maté ho, thq crew, and freni his, crev to thé rig d ging, ho accepted his defeat, and îF d grim silence took, thum homo again. rPrecepts n4 'Warzing8 feo i Wh o u0I4Dye WeU. is 'z he ,ý lot Let hhy fsitb b. fredîluthe. wondertnl. tranfotmng powera of Diamond Dy"s; the. reulta they gir, vil heer thiîne heart. - Nover a11ev sny inter.ated or w*lv dealer te ocomménd for -tiiy Usésoins'in- ferior or lmitMIeu make et dyé. If tOn wilthiirkeu to hie vew", heoiilreJoice At tii- simphiety of oharaoter aud vii âell4h iuself oqO? tii7 wrth Msd bittôr If thos vo"ldt SOUd bdli U"~n gu lpeienta, 'use only isefm Dyo, for thi7home dy.hug vork; tJsey a thé oclyk h e d uho dy. Wh" imes are u d mou0y soatea. turne hbtetn «&v« es fouw = 9 a t hu a U 0- 'ot ý e n tl'O e d la b to k e n ý jýtp- md the miatërieIwaà hed Ik wiù 1be foind thai-üeîwhà lf ofi kla soluAble th W&t, mû 14ifan~d .flnt Sind.,-Thie tWi- road, have lai n O'lohg before be- coming con.1elidatèd by the traflc, and haeuiiX.ne ' l the Ineantirne suec 1 'où ~abraîthat the proportion of nudé dlrtOandfpulvérizd material in the zhtaliitig la increaged to that ex- tent.. The atones are really only stuck togcteîhiby the niud, -This accounts for the tact thai, ,athough an unro iled macadamiied road may indeed, after long ose, bave a surface that ia pretty godand bard dùâring dry weather, and may offer then a. very Iighi resistance te traction, yet when subjected to a !ew hours rain becomes deep in mud. lBy the empioymnent o f a heavy relier upon the newly laid metal, the atones are rolleci in and lmbedded imm ediately, and the mass of stone is at once cen- solidated. into a layer of almost solid atone. The fragmenta take on a me- chanical grasp, and the voids or pores are, ail closed, leavlng the bed capable of resisting effectuaily the action of or- dinary traffic, and containing the smaîl- est quantity ef soluable matter to, form mud in wet weather -Municipal World. Sayed Ber Drunken Huaband.1 She Finally Administered a Remedy, Without his Knowledge, and Cured Hlm. A correspondent writes: I badl snobii happv home and a noble, big-hearted hrsband tili ho took te drinkinq, fBrut Lhrough sociability, then because th(- fiondlub dosire vnld corne ove: i. orazing hum for drink. 'II was beart.brokon. My happy home wus faut bocoming one of misery til b friend told me to try a liquur cure calle& Anti Booze. I vws Williig te try any thing, 80 I sont *1.00, as aie uuggested, te the Oriental Obemical Co., 20 St Ale% la Ste, Montreal, and by réturn mail 1 ré celved in a plain wrapper a his box oi p's,.1 p t one of theso lu bis cliffe' every nightand moranuq ithout hlm knowing it, (as tbey dissolve immédiate iy), sud inloglés thau a wéek, to My de figbt, hé stopped drinking entirely. "«Auti-Boozeh ba ohagd niy drunker husband jute a sober, industrions, happ5 man, and I feel it muy duty te telli other about it. Tbéy wil moud full inform. tien witheaut charge-1o any wbo wil1 vritE thoni. J3.D. H." Sa.uib Brookc The harreatlu tu s ection is pregros. aiçg faorsb)y sud u onb. il in. Oropa are tu uot excellent and pro- mie, goed resla Preparatious are voil under vay for our annuai filah<>w et Sundnisnd. 0f course it will b. the. béat in this octien. Asparagus roots may bc planted in spring, or fall, proveided the Ãground la usoderaîey.drl, o1e~s .bte te plant, lu.uhe âpnlng. The, Iandinuit' b. eý'Il nrenared manda= hardlV'bé r.oI yousesendff any oubstituIte or Imnitation -of theo- Ignland gernuinc £tegýt@ ioHn E. FR EtWEcLIL,Q. C., Barrlut.er Oounty Crown ' ÂtternelY, and Oounty êOloicto. O013c- South Wl n g c1 Oourt Bouse, %hltby. JAISS JIUTTLJ>UE, Bari'lter, etc. Office foirmerlî occuplodl by parewéit & Butledge, next ioyal Het Brook 8t., Whltby. DAV1D oRJ-IlITON,9 B- Ai, Attorney.M.-Law, Solloltor inu Ohancéty, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - in the Oglico South 01 the post 0O06iceluMomllluZ Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SITH* ILL. B., Barrlster, êtc.,-MofOy te Loau.isue of Marriage Lîicensos. Office - Bitb's Block, South of Market, j: cck St., Whitby. DOW & McElALIVRAY, Barrlslérs, BoUcion lu Ohaueery,' éec. Office lu Mathison & Ba'ken's nov block Brook St.., Whiiby, south o! Ontarlobauk W. B. YARIÇOLD, De.Les#@ Ooutty Burvoyer aud DraInage Engle.:, Port P"ri, Ont. £Ut~icaL. Ors. Warren cà Mooro. .1. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. D. Ofieheurs 9, a. m. office houri il-. te 11 a.m. Io5 D.P. BOGAIIT, J.,» p~slcscB~~- nexttho &dai. et. ; o. 8 'yo. M. GiaomOn, G,W d *'oa p~aT - J. W ai nhfm il Febr , 1di itii 24;-Mmrk i4y tT7a0tpGsW.OS hn E. Pold lx ttde 14. Jury 1*1900ct; ]B ruce,Bo'etn Oerk-M brh 26; May 21 ; July le ; Oct. 16; D ec, l a . OIe?,M~<b 22MS$2' 1lUIy 17 î- Oct. 17 Dec 19. B October 7th 1895. FÂITHFVIL yyD~~8 W~wn, to tra"MO for te - salary *780, payable $15 weekly and ex- penes .pltonpermanent. Reference. EaClS .Ir.ac1iSc tampen lvelcope. The National, Sta"r gulrdigg. Chlago--17-8- IDENTIST. oriEng &,ronge St. Toronto- por the nexi tlireOmouths.!arn gilvng speclal attention te attente trom a ais- tance. Arn stîl Iir plates lunrubber, *8~ olll ;#10î. Glf aud baller fUIU vocrovuluS iby a8tc1S51 opei'at05 al the. M'osli rseuable rates lu thé clty. When, inthoeklty cacllu aud lot Bme exam- tue Oeur teh: ene extra cOharge. O.H.BGGDont loti sôuth obui cerne: Éjug nd yo ts.,Toronto. bEÂL lE GOAL ar' L'e y dEE g' BN2IQLZ WhiOiWOOD, W.'ADA MS, IS- * Any sarsap rCa. Truc. Se any flour 1sf differ. Yosw grades. you 1 yen, -undcrstood well as yen do would be a Btyen don' yen? Wh= buy a comO you dou't li an old estb trade with, anc perience andde~ when buÉing Aye's -Sams, on the. marlket grandfather iuse a reputà ble i cure&. A TERE8 ,ONE 0F EXPOS MENT AND ( WEMI Ee Eaeily Fs.lle Rbeumatium ane salta-One Whrn k of Nine Years Gi- -Frorn the Intelligencer, It is doubtful if th cupation moue.tryini than that of the tlE the. raine and storim son, and at the am' the dust censequent taeuly talle a ry te a reeldent et the tov Hastinga couaty, fo machine fer some For eight or nino yei attacks of inflamu 'The disei.. n.nà ueyi in the faîl, and conr.i - intel!, canuing not but grea.t inconvec meat sérions attack vin ter cf 189M. 1s féttby the smetl aud;Wéore twenty-tî disease appeared te es îlevioleéystem, ewýoiln te au abnorm that thé joints voe the. svolllngs. Fà i trouble eontinued am verà tried bati «à On bardly Psy. ninci meney mine'ine, but il ahi. mum.op'-d y