Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1897, p. 3

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rng' ýtu il. ~ Cm-wýi Ourgii bfrtl nuueo~ e iti with aàoýhOr, lnchet. corn ila *0 tali thîs ýheannual foreatry report just IUo hhe IL aosçe of townsbip le 71,412, clesa'd PReh uohla the reatest waate La l.sat with51 ares. 1- - tsi1froun Polud, speut laut %W44ndbyli the village and eihibited him- bolt te the local dootors es the mane with t-big heaut. Big hoari is two or tht'.. 1u e b.natural ise, eand ikmbeating m~I b. heard be lhiset aud others in ,the rooni. Besîdes tbiiIlim keosmu au thé musical heurts posiessing ail the mur- muùrs witli vhioh dootors find Lb. beart allected. He ham been through aIl <Je leadlug medical celle g s and bus a bock î811ld vîfit eutograph statemeuts from zoutoe the professera andt dectors of the Ite-es suid Canada- g. lu on hie va y tu Mttroal to ho prsaonted te the mec em ,*USaootin. lHe lusàiman sutit e- hiutory. HIe vas stuitying 1mw sud had i iibed 6 years etfe 'aiYe-ts course in Rusie wben hle puoaets'oke one socialistie aondeui ho vas traumported te the Sibe rian mines at thes àge of 21. Tbey hait to tre-ve ovorlaud about 1000 miles. e-uit work 17 heurs e- day -initbe mines whon tbey tee-chedit Lere.-Afwer font yoarms apsrty etftent maunaged te escape sud une-edi 2000 miles te the se-ceait. He hai twsu or thrseo sord sud bullet Marks utp on hlm. He ree-hed Japan and managed to geLte oSe-n Francisco. There ho wus arresteit by the Rumulan consul but hit tab. relssed, his offeece being a politiosi sud net a riminai one. He bu a vite e-udchut in Chicago. He coulit repest bies entence and it wau lihoraliy uppled with sueh phrases as ' -Iu the name ai the Almigbty God and the. Holy Czar cf the Ruaias. " He re cdomre eid here sund thon departed for tue eust. leroe 5 eone loes- on Monde-y, vwhiesorking witb thi threaber et Mir Tbom Cases, 7tb con Ux bridge, Mn W (Jhryaler 1.11 about twent, foot ftram a ladter. broe-king bis colla boue e-uitaacou ple et tube. He would uno lot thoun drive hlm home, but wabked th entlre distance, ebout thre. quarters of mile. itook 15 Easy. The xl.. in wheat at Lb. present titi rocals e- story about a Reaeb farmer wh had a thoumanit bushelis of wheat durir the lust rime iu pria., but dit net bring te masrket becuso h. wsr bumy fiulu' bit etfeuone..' Belote the fonce wus fi the prices et heat droppedi below tl dollar mark sud h. did net sell. Th yeau, vo may tepmnd, &Il tb. f onces tus faim me-y lIl belote 1e silI lose chance te gel thaf whee-t out te a doll mtarket. A vory eut resident et this town 'w laid te nest Tuemde-y in the permon o'f M Bteehi, reliet et the lete Eàdward Etwe Duicesuet, vth ber humbe-ri, becains routdent of Ux-btidge when there v ver y 1ev buildings le the place aud I neesidoi bore ever ince. $ho had r'a ed the. ripe 'le- gof 88 Yeatrs. *'Ira Eî'i le-st e aily et g revnu up son.is dautghteni to roverO the memory of a vowetmotue". WS Thoun, 0t the Brook rondt, hba a cupl-lu ag-lsi George Morick -OJoues, 0 Long, T Watson, Johnt son 4e-uit Qorg. Murte- J r., belon. Mi sItrate Hamilteul, tue adjournet boal cf wioin iii 100uUP Colt Seturc Mr Thm'oun lise bon ua fofr yete .nlgliboit'luboys.'AmonahePce-t vpydere the pe-lutig: iset tlng ar hîs goats vhiskers. e. Rez l tia bousee vasentored and e- coucou ttc.-'ot seuit ho vauts ta Put eà stu Orek U ~ olIn uTime lev us "'4 Tb*i. el QuAe i.furCO~OI of 6 soturm *A'Qtl. r M %*ig 15otte, UCS..k vs~ ~ pSe-uide-y rsiisyui ~ple~nle la Only What Ought to ho. Rxpected Prom dto -$e rece~d ÎÎ -i à teriible #i H S METfIODS* Mrmottier cfURev *G W ? &rm.IOII tith Milan egrand.daughters are --1 >1ma-if1t-. vtsiting friends.bodOYDamo ti UpigLin Ee tenPeopl, eeplng Mr Herbert Brethour, of the medical wI oktiOgstobthe 8mblg t athil eoh Fsith Vith te Peope, à b'<>" college, Toronto, levieiting friends I ng IfII~&~ M$INN$OSDBUY ail, Curing Them o hf 1~Wytw1ot~ ' ibO m~1 Yfi4éëýIUS, SPL OT MA )LyTBEMNA WEK- ~Woldn't suiocels Folici ??Mer J&e Çlb, wy4 bubeen tit 'O,~~t4 ~7f te; "01 PMPISLOT ANfrIO ýD M AURA employ'~f 3 H LlefitdiÎnntng& Cofor ueOltl ou yei~r e dfn lieO~it, INYAN LOERDSAE Mr A tkyNo49 Northoote Avet , w çCkebas returnd t* his home in 0 hidt tail? 4; l Vu l .o de z ssdngtbia;U Ihv enaUrbe o, heýws*one oftheéBfi ta ery uto m.à".xueiogme and Dig'h e an t rl--eftVuit ori oone; 1 con8tant sufferer for the laut 10 oS 16 M, and M<B flabert Wrlght, of Pet- be. em l ocI ia u'-4 e0010ta0 t the st ad chstvAtterans ' fôà sK Ors tros yeers. ALieI ferdevePB~5erboro,ý who have been ,epending a few "YOU a hrglngfthe mosf horrible SO dayi w thfriends in town returned t ta ioes,"nomplsined the prospective Xon ORI CU>,ATEEýRd NO AN PAY-OFDN tfimes it bas taken the om fsre uteï home on Wedneeday. Pyo.? l Iilaulbd I T& ofte t~ab MAan intense pas maA of td our. B num If h is ille said the SaMe gi ~A smInfra Uvut% " mach.r Ags. d~ I haveoour. Paed with Mr N C McLean ati uer h w>mrhant.,"YoW'll either strike ft riob HE te ' M li onosu ber of medical mon who ail failed te.Peacradaftokrmthsstinor -fre ta dath, 80 eéther way yO< bsaiCS tok wcdVu ai y Ru foot ~~ acr.Ibegan tak nMunyong on Monday last 'Ofms h un> o r evn 47.dmtý7bm. ,~f@n~b ap~ D-ppiaCure and 1 can un%eitatingl7 Thet repaà on "he bridge at Sütider- behind,"iéug.inu a.ca alb sa htthe new treatmeflt ha% aoted ln r completed and Mr. Gea. Gr -oi__________ade_________e. fi wonderfully and 1 hav Ml mradon hae made a good eubgtantlal job oaita yM 1 -. &Xdlatm.i The pain& have disappeared and the de iaWehartho heiepcor rewsk., it. Wehear tât theinspecArs ar poemy entire satisfaction with Mun- wIl i k T e apracta , bee tbridge onIhé1wst mnto si & dt?$meoai iw8 en yo'sRmeie.made wider for the safety af travellere.u ,h Munyon's BheumatiomCr edotifV îwl."tn b n fali ta relieve ini one to ibree heurs, and Mesers Jaà Doble, las Actan and DiRu TO~ 1 rsoe !ann iin bave smat m cureo ie a few days. Priee 25c. jas Gordon returned fram their trip ta >et06upils iff Munyn'sDymepli Cue psitively Englaud an Manday marning. They g >i'I ~ f~s51 curs al frmeotIdlgsti~nand sfom repart goad sales but a very .raugh vay-I LJ.u VtI1 "TsterlebodI.svsamyitmn .qt ac rul.Pi. 5.age home. Everybody seemed glad ta h 1esteM ae rul.Pie 6.t I£e boh. -homui Muyn oI uep eu. Uncle James" back and many was iend» moi ad beasu s ol l ew tt and-shakes he received an hie ne- S r a P r l a§ u e lanyou' ogb cure stops cub, D cahri ,a ateg.l, 1 YA» IN DETROIT# 200,000 CURBD. NQ R1SY. tg aA D **Iatsm? ave you antdbons Arelm u contèm RI night oweataaysreesad OB Government Inspectar. and Dr Sweet- 8MIPil 1aàde WBeYOIeth ily boude the lunge. Prieo, 25e. ~apple, V S. of Taronto, were in tawn________________EA~ Munyoces Kidney Cure epeedily curesan idyau agterethETti h Getetofal vsaPl pains in the back, loies or groins and al F U. hatchS toohe forme f kidney disOB8O. Price, 5o g te at1 Wesrleyi~ Stomach and Blood Medicînes. R"~'(~s5 aoeb.o orne Munyon'i5 Yaa OgCre tot l nRte ache in tbree minutes. Price, 25c. Umphrey, f do, hih o ecntyA sOwRrn 1FOR 1 @0ntia. QuestionCo Mue y o's Pile Ojutunent Poëi.tiveiy carried off about a dozen head af cattle._______ cures aeIl f orms of pileg. Price, 260- We extend aur congratulations ta RIsumatIal, Gut13u Mueyon's Bbood 0Cure eradiestes 611Miss Nellie Huxtable, ai this village,. Chîroola& ComplaI".nte.q' Mi *impuritteg ot the blood. Price, 26c. and Mr Harry McllmurrY, ai West Munyces0 Female Remodies are oa boon Brcec iwo eescessful They Cleanse ane, Puiify the te ail women at the recent provincial examinatial2s Blood. Munyon's Asithma Remedies relieve in_______ 3 minutes and cure permafloftly. Pries, for 3rd class certificateg. l»rgStiad Muevoes@ Catarrb Remedies nover al Wbv I. it tiist oue mma eà ldsad decrep>td General Dealers. Ins1tructionx Requtre& (L.uss~ssssisrsi c-The CÇatnrrh Cure-prico 25o.--erdOS.fOB af 45, and suother hale and beatty af, 80?1 It the digsse from the oystem, sud the Ca, .iepends on tih'esge h. tts#e.Of bimwef. Of isae b.rgeedttceti o r tarrb Tablts-price 25c.-cleanse and o aomni body gti Out of repair-the trouble IfIs tooapo rgrle t oaot e-lucau it heal gmwiti Itiaa ihm eut ie b.d. Wbenever 'on ao pntei.eta a ef i e the parts. maoi n W hth antuwi sh ub iaeo te eprom le Munyons Nerve Cure is a wouderful am- el htho.latl u , ne t wl she ten btfo e ueusrairftma y 0 b o~A IN I B te be, whenever b uIuls, lbu mryvia. Invalvilng aez asoe 0tl onowledus iceretol. Price, 25e. adwtotvlstweever ho finds that F1 T7Kflga. ________________ a ne on anda ewrseaclstvgr ihg tvalbtYe twbisedîan oand thtthe etf their publie aureer buta uu6Vitllthofatigue, dopend >nteson fso r Price, Si. ltelC>PrfMue irec hm uedaigueho needs tDr.Piorces 'II am Afraid,"Bseid Maud tbougbtultndu sevi»upon ereo n t ts o pe Persoeal ltest rf yn lGolden edilDimvO"&Y. If ho keîxmOnbtendbdservic endororTlE tiRIsNdoI ne ~i 8Abr tTrno answered wurklnir with bis lier inactive snd bis blood that Willie Wibbe wl Over OOme boesonmy otiierwie goad Ment 0ge6orTE1RENA nd1Alete.Tootimpure-be keepi hlm nerves snd bie body un- e-aunie-Pire t havebliale priei jado RME Y.r 10 itbfro meicu adiceforer die a ît£onstaut nervous amiel. He miii mot b@' -Did he go sway ln a pet Pl'asked pb1REreerueuDYav .alfaowte himgo eaty sbebois ôid. "TheG(oldenMdoiMamie.»Àteuuîeeiec . i mlatnDlso"riy' elltesmany mo celied disesses be- Wel cf f1i i. utbfèe uë t>ï e verty e-ud, mlïtoub The e wt afe ind Sue Cr Ta aFad, rlt ofaiBrook oau»nearlî e-IlIutuiaipringi from e f arne "WIlsoe aitm Dîd sf in tabefr uttu edo-srol pu tho te Tha paieul aad wbtmiou t hai g-bad dtgestlon aud ooneque impure lhe îtarted uyder-tl Dshu bit e idîlnico ay Dot blrdadu ~e gfor DrukemiUi e meObe.Te Daeoy n-e h Poet ae o0 of-imu." fin t tra--ýtue pohlî.-"how .meny Are3 been a fatal accident on Tbursday even- 4owlb.hdigestion @tronc. sashalbstion JakIunesan o bv large- bore convieWothe g ittroog, pointbo»y i.earmy hi ing, AUR 29L1]. lie had jusl unbit.ohed sud tbe bleca rieh sud pure. akIudatb YUav-,oudbôý-heexndurofc TRCTE yter bis e -arnof youug and spirîted herses *Ytit db. oneraowkb ithaeo niarum t a ,frein S load gaiwVbicb bail boon drawnmuli ltoïi1M"edwk inte the barn. Onie of Lb. borses in go-. Favorite OoncoctioUS of Tomato. 41. lgnanWoorno elw, y anutea with Thjtsit e ac t work 9,withou hîàfoatiu'i nw ing eut of tuie barn p-Ls& thIloedtped-bldren upbI uiese.l rv-te lino proreoureti bi it m din. ia va and NMr Fraucia kiked e-t- the horie witb Tomate eatsUP-On b shol of tome-- "Dont lavisil foc much syntpethy on tènder. I tilattent laeîol st'tre reuei vititeutCheirko- ir a hie ftfoot tge autigbt iufle btt oin1 ou d f~he n sugar, i plt uin. ]Jo»oaa Wear a linon sint aiB dey ferbut lu thè folt 'amthe-fltfo ay r e of, hodif in i. cag e tt el Luwybs tg. oresUhti sekntrt, e-on Slt 0ufl g'utndlook respeotable." mai f itmuopaltys Man rt be- àuo Tebr iznmediately e-- - te fl ttofhi f-ly W o ut of the haro and de-' the le-ne dnag- caeIaue -siO ebPpperiOeseniwnaeoya0VifDI fbaîaed e oeb pth*eeotSCBUD hia giug the poolfellew by the enu-gled 10. ,ble# okepper, 1i $ab, leotsia-p >eL -Ws ern tueio orgman wý0 iljgloie gîoeIoctoi roton pet. pu up luncthe- ých- &fter runitilug fuioualY down tài.loae V Mpo aOlebOpb tisert ~otlt i ogo iistread»M ilons 0q__ oneof cta. re. blsutb* vnet àreadslee-à.O ,roll about furty rtde il pased îhrou.ch theb2 ange onons. âStheti. esôu sdanua teaanbIetthenvnttaniaa»"e lus0 11>18W*i x . rpbxs$.5> tvi itîd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~gmv gale whiebvas apen .10-Pleas ta e-tv., andt closid hp wit'> bn t i.qýao eeueu tu l-ifuwr rpldsaeisdha an seri vWa&tpen ade hont», >d- îÎ d t tluboie.m&dwbnthoobly "hant abave eil thingaou elson roe tem beef $udgpînt tla s.ourIni nePlaine, a p«r de- vsge wt u he 18.V it loyd ~e~er-utruhe-fu -oe i-uhr at yen te ryfrhm ef pro.isuAAn1l5. - îu a ,tbp e.e-le» endotoodod otaileringrnustaead eaok tIurée ebd If.',-et c i.m # laidesasoqad léwdtiBl.0 .o, p rtbtiffèren~t worsuaIi -à# # ma vàk rSI W h i I o li vi nh o np a b i s ,w.pbobis o o * O # l . agi. ~~~~~ ~-- . g e- eig su m set fo ut Ie- In n tas k.. bo ~ m duïg-a!9 fijo u',-- ,* pats.ilsa 1, bbed e-at but thabbshevue o s-t nvwat and 4ss;L"lese-k. tu nocbleua te oitseA"l vt » 0 o*. a, Oro bseiÏ% sÛee--uunimmiot te tlWo uWibtbt»~d The Suude-y comnpeted. Sà soinspoor: on, cop uitbiis n up te on a trige have psnedt t R BM-rd snd IR levlog euoa

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