Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 8

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OSHAW, SEP. 8,1897. OSIAWAPAGE McCaws block le pragressing favorably. Mn Chaplin, ai Newcastle, upent -Sunda in tawn. Scbool baga, shopping baga, etc., ai Littlea. Mdises Maude Galloway left on Mondai' for Toronto. Miss Ethel Sugden ie visiting frieimds ai Newcastle. CAII and see the books of Littles Little Lending Llbrary. Mr and Mrs Stemon retuined from their har.eymoon trip thîs week. Mr B Luke leaves nexi week for a few weeks trip in the North West, A two blàded jack-knife with schiool books anounting to si or over nti LUttes. Miss Latira Adarns s1ent a few days witil frienid-4 n Newcastle this week. Thme Missem. l'usni x spenit a couple ofdays lat week visiting relatives in \Vliittv. Mn Eastman prenches his (4rewell sermn ini the 1,esbyterian church on Stinday eveni- luit. Thom Morris has the -fier of a good situt- ation iln Manitoba. He leaves next week to M ise Mnhel Thomlpsom, Oqhawa. and FIa Mannell- Toronto, visited Mrs S Emierson,t of Bowmanvllle a few days last week. Mrs Will P>e and son, Hanneston, and Mn W L Argue-and Bon of Toronto, spen i Sun-r day in îawn the guest of Mrs Robt Pye. t Mr& John Robinson. ai Robent Street, To-t ronto, returned home aller a five weekb visit wiîlu ber daughten-in-law, Mrs J F Harrison. The McLaughlin Cannange Company' bas turned oui 3,56o wieeled rige since Febt ruary. This la nat couniting carta. The addition thai is now belng consîructed in ta store geane and wheels and make room n the overcrowded premises. The com pany1 ibis year bais donc the largest business i n is hîstori', andI preparaîbons are being made ta stliifunîher tucreaae lime output. Our quiet liîîle town was stanîled out of its drowinens on Tuesdai' afernoan by the shril blowing ai a bugle of a talIy ho. A number af people from Buffalo are taking this means ai spending a few weeks bli- days, antI seeing the Ontario towns along Lake Ontario. They stayed ai the Queens1 over night andI stanted ensts on Wednesday1 moruing flying bath the Uaion jackr andtheib1 Stars and Stripes.1 That a local paper should have an aburi-i dance ai local news lea ofimportance, simd it1 la a very aecondany conideratlan whelheri lt be stoien or not. ht cuts veny lit île ice wltlm the public if one local paper proves that another clips matier and doee floti credit the saine. Yet iî ta not (air ta do so. Tbe Vindicator admlue tii, but ai the smre trne persistaei charging thue CHRONICL1K with steaiing. Our repyinytle1h same al- ways-we bave sated il aten-that we ai- ways credit clipped Items wiere they art ai any tize or Importance The Vin saya we clip the Uxbrldge, Orilla, Cannitmgton andI Lindsay piper. wiuhaui crediting the items. This la nat true. Il la nat long ince a pub. lasher lu one of these towtms wroîe usn e- quebting us ta change off andI clip hlm paper, cneditimugI as we do bis cotemn. He said lie wanîed thme advertiaemenî ibis would give hlmu. The Vin la a good îawn paper, but lt dore not pusbliih aIl the uews lest somebady mighi ltkck occaaionailiy, whlle outaide the tawn everi' item it publilhes la atolen, and leven at ubat does net amount ta much. i doea nal steal enougb. Ou Wednes4ay morninug as the Cýaw-0 icLE reporter was riding bis bicycle medi- latively ita towu a cigar traveller wa. no- ticeite b.e worklng up aîeam on a hors. and rig puahing ln the direction ai Wbitby, Iu ancen te encoura ge the ýorme the drummer bit hlm a crack w lîh a wlilp. Peeling that, tibiwa aStkbug tee liet a aliberty wtth is perqon the berse klcked-net figurativeiy speaking, but realiy, iried te shako bauds wlîb thie elgar man. ,Tiien the.animal tel out 10le ive M MNais - more sed lia th. specldeton calied for. Fimstt r aia couple. of huddred yards kicking ail the. wble. Trheu Ilh hoghu et a umorte senational (et, and topksa ws Acrosé Vue deep dltcb sud look the adewslk west (rom Mm Whites re. sideuce et the towu heut lu crosslug tht diîcb tih. traveIer'Kotjoeu eut of the riz, sud appeojpd to b. badii hart. Tht hors, rau, en 9 ue'be Mewalk wlth the wbeehset thte couveyance on cther aide, untilît came e HMB9 Morpby le gate, whicb il lrled te lump. Like tee mny whe et oui ou a sift carler, the. ambitions *quinue ever esimateail»h cap.city slightly bhe, for we -î under- teck ta jîump thee g ste thà wheel $truck a Post, k u h eug orce of la& >ng-*bud tbrowiusgit back la ea 1.1, oJlp Tbue lobby a prombabng carfer I-Ilpadl the. mdthrougis ha reckuhbsesa or etihalst r L Our îeportsr d414 UIO fo116th or,*btdlrected attentiS o, the , tuas Who wu *found to ebda k «u. woribronlit ocktotor o oreara. MLV>YPa I «and UIWU~ Mr 1w tDy.r waa lu Mtei t:We tud.ulil soon take up bhis teuldenetI.re., The Misses Hethçrin gtotfloflTOrotoè, ar viahting their frand) Mite EmIlyBain, of, Taunton. Mi John Wallace, reporter on Oie Wheel. Ing, Virginie, Inteligeticer, ia home for a Mrs A E FUI1 leave town this week wilb hem household effects 10 join Mr Fielding ni Cincleattl, Ohio. Mr and Mms S C Mille and ehlld cf Beau- fort, South Cnrollna, who havýe been visiting Mrs ailils parents, Mr and Mis E Carswel, left for home on Monday mornlng. Mita Lizzie Pye who h». been visiting ber, brotberx the pait week, lefi on Monday for Llstowel. whère the taes charge of a large, milltnery department la that town. Judge Boyle af New Westminster, 18 C, le the guest ai County Councillor W Couithard. He la accompanled by bie son Mr Perc>' Boyle, who la on lus way ta tbe ,nilltary cal- lege. Kingston. Capt Dillon and Gea Miller enade good scores ait te Ontario Rifle Association matèbes ait Torotito last week. The captain la an old shot and af course It would be ex- pecied tha1 he would be iveil up on the'list. NMr Miller, however, attended the miatchies, (or the first urne and hies srong shooting %hould tncoutige him ta keep his eye on Bitzley. le la one af the steadiest shots in the local association. 1A Harbor ai Refuge. A sttenuous eflort is to be made to incluce the goverriment to mnaie OShaWa a haRibon of refuge. L ltunnett, M. P., for timis. riding was ini îown on Saturday and accomn panied hy Mayor Hane, Messrs Thos Conarmi and F 1, Fowke, visited lime harbon, where il was explainied to him whai was needed lu mnaie the place a sale refuge. Mn Burneti wvas ai once impresaed with the feaelbility of the scheme. Thme situation was favorable for a natural harbor ai a snmaîl cost. The pro- posai te ta extend the present pler one htund- red feet furîher mb timte laite. Then from the otuter end of the pier, and about 100, feet to th. casi, have a breakwaier winch would extend in a north-easterly direction ta the shore. Titis breaikwater wnuld be quit. a loung structure and would break. the fonce of east andI souîh-eastsi armas. The basin uiuus formed k.ould afford ample protection for tweive or more vessels. Mn Burneti was 50 weil Impresseci with the pructabiliti' ai thme proposais andI the need of it that he said he would at once prestb. necessiy for the wonk upon the government andI ask that en engineer be sent ta report on the probable cost. Rothi passenger and freighi requin.. ments are greater ai Part Oshawa bi' the construction ai the .lecuric nailway than lever belore andth ie business interests ai thme tawn need the convenlence. The manufacturer% want th. lin. bonts la calber. daiiy. The advaniage will not only be better facilities for ahippers but better freight rates as weill as a waîer route la aclcnowledged the best regulaton of frei get rates. W. hope Mn Bur- netwill succred in bis utdertaking. Under present circumstrnces ile impossible ta get rates ta Part Oshawa. Vessel owners fcar heinj; caugbi in a siorru at this point. It me*b thatinl that case th ey ba ve to pull1 ouit ia the ake or nun ta Whitby an Bawman- vile ta lay Ini ahelter until the storrn sub. sides. If the proposed worksbauld be car. rietI oui the vessel couid lai' snug and sale ai the pier and discharge ber cargo no mat-~ ter bow fierce the siarm mbgbt be. The natural question ihat a proposai ai this 4 nuttre would give rise.ta la what le the ton- age aifmfieg hi at Oshawa, that the gavern- (ment may indg. ai the necessiti' for the work. The Granmd Trunk Railway officiais aone are able ta answer the question and ih M't likelv that thev wiil divulge the Infor- mation. It la pretti' well known, however, thai the tonnage handled hi' the Oshawa Railway Crmpany la ample ta make that roati psy, and psy well anud there la ima question but the volume ci frebght te be bird ia aufficient to justify the goverument lu the. expendiure necessary to make the barber equal ta the dily requimement for better dockage.-Vlndicator. A Latter (rom M D CampbuIL. Vindiletor:- Dr T 19 Kaiser bad a letter on Fridai' lut (rom M D *Campbell and Jmes Pluraci, the Klondike tÎivelers, wlt- ae j nit before they embarked foi the trif op the coat. They bad purchasd tii.r ~efftssupply of rolbs at Victoria, aud ad hre bob biltlusections te admit. cf easy transportation over te the vater conu.sthat lead to the gold reglon._ Thes" boats willI he put tegether wheu 'they retes the. water after tuahlng the mouWittlupas. lTbiere are four la thelir puty anidtey 4e &ve hoos..wlthien tottrasuarot ýt»bi stores. It la likely liaI they wbl go lu Vjr the White Herse pasl.. Tley wifU k ilie t et seliur lpr afler tbey bave cïturl* tbetr su -1esover tht mmuntlas , nthe- g catst& ýesto be . fslete orbesatj to Pack statua ever thec Ira tg ftom.the Sacent te tthe water om'tie otber il#* of lie ntouu- talie wblehls on, tuputÏ imites frtûmtht PROi c-cOuna, e leter .taod tat ;the. Pawwoid embtrk o "-idy Augti seti teamer tlsey lti h W aa sueesuw ha eebto Pbs bt te iut ow wireofliug wkt t 45cà1nttb ë s 1Whte treas.W heu iii tht s to d me ,l. onto atsluau4tepCampbell ain PrM thst cl th w In zavor of eai i'wsere lh 1le' Oters1 -*tt t ctb e f ologberys inewly purt- echâsed IpreMIsep, whie 411 àréied that a jnew bulding. wold bc prefeI'ablié. The mietnber - did hlot comm0 itnuusf to any line of action exeept posstblyr 10 try £nd seeûre an appo- priation frompimlabeent with which ta buld, ttotoffice and 'cnuîiom hoüse comblnied. Is highty emusing to hear that Liberals Who lu former times were red hot against sucb ings lare now quite as bût lu favor of, thls speciers of snbsiditlng constituehicles, and we cati bardly believe fu possible that Mr Burnett wiii undertake to carry out aDi' mach sebemes,- There arc ten or twel>e empty places ln Oshawa whlkb wou)ld afford âmt clama accommodation, cevery anc of themn more convenient than' would b. any site that van be had for a new building. The people cf Oshawa would be fncite ta pot their bandsa mb iheir pockets for money ta buy a site for the govcrnîment tu bulld upon, and especially su If ihat site wouid flot b. a convenient one. Itlsl very stratmge Il the post nffice bas ta be kept ln the rear and dark end af a store unItil a palace la built for it. Why not move the. wicket Up ta the window irn ts preseni building, or in some allier building. The same monkeying hai, been gcing on in Wbitby for years ln favoi af having ten or ten or twelve thousand dollars of publc môney spent ta make a building that the requirements cf the situa. lion do not cal ion. Mn Bosberry offers a capital place fon nothing, andI yeî dishonesi peuple want thousandas tolen framn the Do- minion reasury tb build whaî la niot requin. ed. end especialiy so while soa many proper. tdes are wlîhout occupanits. -:000:- oshewa Business Dtretory. SL. VICKRIRY. barber. Simco. atreet. BROOKS' LIVERYS 8mcoe oaUset, forth. wMi. ROLPR, harne.. maker, imcoos treet. P. B. MOTKERSILL, butcher, Kingabt., West. Dia. PATTERSoN, Dentlt; cilice over Rowue'e store. Ak. J. BTILTR -Dominion pianos andi orgas, Slxnooe treet. WXLLIÂM J. DxÂiNu, Dominion andi Ontari o Land aSnrveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Oah- &WS. Cclnhacu.L B Rrx-4. 0. Woon, proprietor. Modern hostelry, neat andi oomfortably equippeti. D. Mi. Ton.-Caterer for Balle, &semblies, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Âiso ail kinde of flowers. los. Roux.z>aw - Whitby-Oshaws. stage lins. Leavea Oshawa ab 8'à m andi 2 p m. andi Whltby st 10 arn andi 4 p m. roux Bsswn, painisi, and decorator. Dealer in WalIl papers, oeillng dsooru4ions, _paint. cil, varnithinea, bruahes, wlnaow shadea, etc. I&xse PELLOW, dealer la .etoves, turnacea, tin. ware, etc. Large stocIÉ kept oonstantiy on band. Jobblng à .peoiaty. Simcoe ea set, north. L. K. MuuToei, B. A. - Barrister, Solcitor,' ,_,,otary Public, Oonveyanoer, &o. Money to lenti. Office over Dominion Bank, Simone Street, Oahawa. VELT Baoa - Watchmakersa and, Jewelosr. Dealers in watches, clocha, jewelery, iliver- ware, upectaolea, etc. F.ngravkg, goiti andi "Ilivr ling, andolad golt ringsemade over, Piswth I.ck, andi jeweiery repalrlng a %peclity. Orono fair Sept. 2Oth and 2 1 t. T W tjnderwood, ex-warden, bas purchased the S B Dobson farm for $2100. Tuckers grist m ill changed bande on Tuesday, Mr A W Carveth being the, punchaser. Fneddy Sisson reccived a numben of bruises about the face, the. resuit ai a flu an th. sidewalk. Mn Jonas Samis receuîly sold bis or-4 chiard for *$5 50. This le certainly in' advauce ai Kiondyke. A stalk ai corn ¶own by Mr Aaron Saints, on the. old M farm, -nieaurt- ing about 12 fect In length, la on exhi- bition at Joe Henry & Sans. #The. report' that WS. Pike vas, drowned vile on hie' ounney acras the. omas aincecmt, h-as uncle, Mrî- Ge* Mercer, havlusg recelved a letter from hlm. The Juvenile baseCliBteanad 'New- Caite juniors payed a gaine1 here \on Wédusdaylaëtresulting 19 *>-9,In favr o,,ooa.. &ttery for Otaoo VinandmiMayt Newcastle, Sencer Di J tgati' ~ t~uedby the townft~conà~Icn wth the !Bomnan.- ~~I1Iê ~~ fibk binywefe- adVertlsed ln the Irrot PaPtfr sale by tend- et a.nd:.und&"r, Jtena Cmpetition 'were "baîed by DÉ eSimpsonai the price 0f *6,m 1It Peake well for the credIt of Bowma nville that Ite four per cent debentures sold au a premium,. An important change in business is announced. Messrs Ellison & Co have sold out their aid established business to Messrs T F Ruttan & Co., late of Harrîston, who will continue in the old stand. Mr Ruttan ani his familv are already in aur midat, and will be an acquisition ta aur town. Being of the aid stock af the late Col Ruttan of Adolphustown, he is not an entire stranger in these parts. While we much regret ta lose Mn Ellison, we ex- tend ta his successars a cordial wel- came, and bespeak for them the pat- ronage af the public. The large dry goods and grocery stores af The Mason Company were burglariausly entered Wednesday night through the rear or south end of the buildings. The bars acrosthe win- dow were bent sa as to admit the body of a smail mani. Then the door was opened, entrance ta the main show roomn effected by opening a fan light and the-n free entrance was secured to the several departments. A quantity of mens clothing, underware, boots and shoes, ties and two valises were taken. The towns night wauchman on duti' saw no one in the buildings after the establishment was closed au 6.30 P. m. The burglars were apparently flot professionals, but no clue has yet been obtained ta the culprits. Jimes McFeeters, the fist Mayor of Bowmanville, d ied Thursday evening atter a months sickness. He was born in Tyrnqn Counuy, Ireland, Ii 1813, and came to Canada, settling in this place about 1834. During the beyday of bis commercial career he was elecu- ed mayon af Bowmanville in 1858, be- ing the first occupant ai the chiet Mag. istrates c1uair, after the incorporation of utiis municipality as a town. He filled the mayors chair four yeans, and serven as reeve and councillon six years. He .was a candidate in the Conservative in- tenest for the representation of West Durham In the House ai Commons against the late Henry Munnoe, who deieated bim.-Statesman. TY19OUM Mn Moore has treated King sut oaa fine coat of gravel. Robt Martin le entertaining bis brother tram Quebec, a nesident of this vicinity some twenty yeans ago- an- other old boy. Harvest Home here Sunday and Monday nexn. Rev J P Wilson, Osh- awa, will preach at i o a m and 7 P M. At 4 P M Monday an English Victonian Jbilee Chicken Pie Dinner (a la Windsor Castle) will be senved by the ladies, aIl chicken guananteed Queen Victorias Diamond J ubilee years hatcb, but the change for indulgence wilI ne- main au a quarter, children 15 cents. At 8 oclock if the speakers.are capable a round -ai funny speeches wiUl be pre- sented, contibutors :-Revs J J Rie, E E Howard, S G Rorkie, W H Adams wbo will please say. what he felu, saw, board and, thougbu during hie visit ta England. Bowmanvilk Quartette is staying up niglns practising ta, give the Tinronese sorne choice music. Dont miss the treat of Jubile. year, but join the. procession ta Tyrone on Labon Day. Mrs (Dn) Teller, Kansas City, Mo. le vlsîting wlîh hermother, Mrs How, DÎEn-AtBlackstock, an Tuesday, August 315t, Sarah Channosh. aged 8 Yemr. tieC isoonlighu excrsion ta Port .Periy on1 Eriday Iast. - A large juifnb.r atteded theEgls seabbh stboo"~I c ta Waeh bunn lioaind ca friday it, 0111 t4:ll -and vif.aie hàà ~ Mrs Jaine ooe geferlvI sitipàg M'rsT hos VanCaflÉPo Mrs >L VaiCamni, les saylng wihber daughter, UMia S penfound. Rev R D ]Praser, has returned-"from his hlidaytnpiitg quite well. Mr B Hall, af Chicago, 18lstfl i fathe, Mr O R Hall, who le very- 1ll. Mn Edward VanCamp, af Brantfurd, is apending bis vacation with hiS child- ren. Miss Gentie Thamas and Lennflaa Burk, af Oshawa, visited Miss Vida VanCamp. Miss M E VanCamp spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs L J Dickey, af Oshawa. Farmers around hene are about through harvesting ahid some have thneshed and report a good yield. OBESAE3A Miss Thom, of Podunk, is visitihlg hen sisten, Mrs John Burr. Mr A Moone, from Bowmanville, is visiting his aunt, Mrs Rowan. Miss Annie Wright and ber brother visited at Mn. Thos. Williams last Sab- bath. M iss Maggie Nainn, of janetville, iS visiting her aunt, Mrs Jackson, of Nes- tieton. Miss Bessie Armstrong has returned from a lengthy visit at hen sisters in Lindsay. Mrs Collins and Mrs McPhersofl from Forest, are visiting thein sisten, Mrs John Jobb. Mr T A Mulîs visited Lindsay on Sa- turday last and reports business lively in that. town. Mr. F D Medd, from Toronto, is vi- sit ing at Elm Grove P'ark, the residence of Mr James Scott, The farmers have almast finisbed their harvest, wbich will be an average ane in this section. ,Gibb' Marlow, of the ]Bell Telephone Ca., of Toronto, visited bis homne at the Leland hotel on Sunday. The Anniversary Services of the Me- thodist Sabbath School in this villaze were held on Sunday and Monday last. Canadian Corn crop is very good in this place and aiready some of aur citi- zens have been troubled with coons, in their corn. The St Johns Church Sabbath School of Blacikstock, excurted tram thbis place ta Washburn Island, on Saturday last. and repart a pleasant trne and pleasant sail, per Str. Crandella. On Saturday evening an the return of the Crandeila trorm Oak Point, she sailed for McGili Landing, thence to Plume Paint, A here Valentia Lodge of Foresters had chartered the Crandelia for a trip ta Part Perry and return by maanlight, caliing at interrnediate points. A large number of persons took advantage of the occasion and en- joyed the sail. O AWA,:-ON, OLVE ~IL5,the cirv* and supply parto# and rpi a chineS mOde at the JosePbsIal.à M'fg (Co., MassOt o. ý, ,inlgl I Esjtates, bavinag bought a»l thleir' pàttem»S, forme, etc. ICo.plu lStoolki lKnives and sections for most anY make, mOwer or reaper, Iran Pipe, Steani Fittinge, (brase or iran.) Rubber Belting, Façking, (rubber, garlock or rope) Thresher Teeth, most ail kinds. Repair Bicycles, and supply parts for same. Engines and Bailers repaired, (alny make.) Repair Macbinery, any descrip- tion. Machiinery Steel, aieao ast Steel of variaus sizes for tools. Pea Harvesters;, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Comb Foundatiofl, etc. R.WOON. & C0. WT ANTED-SBVEBAL FfAITHFUL. VV Men or Women to travel for re- sponsiblie eetablisbed house in Ontario. Salary $7804 payable sis weeklv and ex- penses. P'osition permanent. Reference. Enclose selI.addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chlcago.-17-84 FOR A LL Boat, Rail or Ocean., GALL ON' E. J. JOHNSON,jW, P. STERICKER,' LZADING UNDERTAKER,1 BROCK STREETi -WH$TBY Oshawa Ry. Code Office,, OSHAWA. IR. ce Carter,..Âgýt.ol 1. A8 the Late' Raim Hurt the OroMpe, 180 Have We Hurt Higb Prýieee W. ot iul tued blac bk an bat it] them usadm a ato -à",arothsikful .tiok5ug ri&h4 w1th os mi outn.svr t o Haradware at ULvinç aswe have W ln t1bié t -- 5wry~me K st ~ oPu t- * P* Smitlj Tangi Frul Fi

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