Stick pjns,« Broocé~es, Medaist Badg,-est Special designs for prizes for AthletiC games and sehools. 0 -T- J. S. Barnards at w e Wîidwrs-'ý. miss Miary t4kbolaou. Mttsdiiieti sud eblidren, !<e YtW bive bffl viaiîing Mr J H Downty. 1 Thirty uew puils vere enrtOlIed at th". collegtatç ou Wedussday nmornipg. The go'veruimetit dredge ýNlppialug l deepeulug the chaunel ette hanbor Misa XcKenzie sud Misa Bonhani, Toron. ta, have been visiting at Mr John Oum$s., Richard Hopkins, Columibus, had blisnase and one keg broken by a kick f&oc à hotse, Miota Hoimes, of Stratliroy, libheguet of ber uncle, Mr Chas Lynde, of West Whitbl. Miss Shan i Port Credit, who han been a gueat at the Royal for thc paut weeck, bas re. turned home. Mr and Mns W J Greenwood have retusrn. ed to Ontario Ladies College after spendiug a very pleasaut holiday at Mitchell, W F Tambly n B.A., la agalu the happy re- cipient of a valuable classical scholsrship ait ,tbe Columbla University, New York Ciy. >ý.o for Toronto exhibition. Sec Stephen. sa, <10ýposte Hatchu) for tickets sud ful partkuf&ti*. 6tb 10 8îh other days St. Ail goodtilt î3tu to returu. The echoolg jppened on WeduEidatê but oving ta thai dar 1'eing childrens day at the Tootoehlbitin Ibere were siore than Musj W Thomfpsôli ati Wm Youung were ln towtl on Tueday, and wheeled bo Pine Point to be on band ut lbe opening of the duck-ebootiflg seisoil W.dnesday morn* ing. W G Walters reCeIved ftOm Glssgow, Scoiiand, and Germany) 30 9se8"C0( geucral dry gcnuds and manties, etc. Il la the iarg. ed1 gthpment that has came tu Whilby lu yeal'*. Mit, R Sirettan, M. P. P., peterbor#y fSud Mr Clauade Ntaedonnal, barrister. TorC'fllO' had a aWnIoW escape fromn drownfog to Stoney LaM laiâ week by the upsetting of their boat. QOtfcal County Orga.u.-Largeut Circula- Canadas appt'.ecop la reponîed to be ouly tion of any local papor itu Canada one quarter of the aVerage or une tentil ai _______ ast years crop-<(h'e isgest ever kuowu. Some Soo barrels of É>i2hess vee bipped FRIDAY, SEPT. 3, 1897. ai Montreai iast week licold storage. Dr W Marshall Watts Sec. O'. ai Yorkshire -Engiand, a delegata to the 0'. !ý. Ass., ai l'o. aonto, has beezi visiling Mr W W Tà rmblyn. LOCAL LACONIOS. IHe is highly deiighied with C'antda and Mtrs j S Baruard is spending a holiday at hopes to visit it in the no distant future. ttasw a. Potatoes vili, hy the present outlook, be a Mr ad Mrs R A Patterson have returned scarce article before next spriug. Rýeports Mnpeth state that the crop, although air ln yield, la to Prîh.rotting considerably. ln Manitoba and* thé Major F'arewell attended at the opening of Norhwest ihere is a great dearth and pota- the collegiate, toc>s s're Aready being broughtinl fromn the Mrs Thos Wilkinson of Lindsay is visil- western stales. ing iriends iu 10w n. Excursions. Flarvest excursions la Man- Mts& Minute Powell has reîurned (rom a visit to Bowmiauville. Sec our nev dress gonds before purchas- ing eisewhere. W G Walters. Mr aud Mrs H-ogarth have returned rom spending their holiday. at Kincai dine. New stock mens, youths sud childrens 6 ready-made tweed sulîs ai W G Waiîers. Major W Fienderson aud family, Toronto,B vas ini tovu ou Saturday vlsitiig relatives.n Mrs A G i-endersou and Miss Berta have h gone to Newmarkei la attend the wedding of a relative. Capt T H McGllivray and Mr H M Rosi returued on Tuesday from their eight-dayr bicycle tour of the nonîli country.v Mr Chas Nevberry lias gonc ta Lakefield 10 takre charge o( MadilI Bras eiecinic light- ing appanatus Ihere for a lev weeks. Mn Robi Miller,, and Mr jno A McGillivray, Uxbnsdge, vere successful ex- hiitors of sbeep at the Mou ircal Exposition. Mn Haggis, supeinîcudaut ai Waîerworks8 Topouto Junctlon, accom pauied Miss Ida Lynde on a wheellng exped ilion la the City au Mon41ay. The number of old men vbo are being iu- carcerated lu ihe Whiîbv jail for vagraucy ia growiug large again. Il vili soon become a veitable house of refuge. Dou't <ailta sec Cormacks achool outfits. Thcy are the best sud cheapest that can b. 'procurcd lu the province. Sec aur 2So page scm lben 2 for Sc, enîd note books the same. Mn Wm Till reîurncd ou Saturdsv from a fornigt's holiday speni ai Si Catherînes. Mr A W TIilroîunned to Uic ciîy on Mon- day, havlug spent tva veeks nanaginq bis fat htr's business beensd sîirring a littie of the oldtlme cricketlnlta the boys. Mn W J H Richardson bas resumed bis study ai the lutnîcacles of law at Messrs Dow & MIcGillilvrays office. He la bouud ta become ou bouest lavyen, aud vo shall ne- g aird ht as Impertinence for auybady ta, Iaugli vbeu vo announco Ibal au honest dr lawyer ilas possibllt>. Trhe Dryden-Smith Siander Suit. The suit bot veen Hon Jua, Dryden sud Wm Smith oz.M.P, ou a charge af lander w.Iilcame oùf ai the higI ;,ourt bore uext weekt. There vîilhe a ireat inu> ii- nesses sud the hearlug vili occupy somie time. Private Scooal Miss Yule.. ai Kent strê4et, mIe bas lsd ocrerai ycatre expenience as s public achool teacher sud vIa boldo ms4y flatte: lu; testi- maniaIs from luapectara &id sciloal boards, bus declded ta open s ptIvabe schoal for chlldrn. We recommeu&her ta the favor- abeconsîdcraiion ai pirns b d a cane bu sud their littIe 'tota 0f fi"e os six ye ans tathe. large public Seboola. Tkeep vindavaftee &fr*ame ShokepeL u5 inSd Uîeir fiuc dlaplay af gbodshidde frotihe Rubllc myt b>' the frosi farmlng on the Inside 0f le panes. A simple* teoedy for bIle lasai thîn out of pure glycerne applied ta helmgti. Thils ili revent s>'nymiluure f=fmi« thereoS, sud at until so muucb dust collecti on it as ta niake the wludow cloudy. Surveyotsnu Il wlth sdvautage on Ilimr ,lustmuinilil frosty or foggy wmeei. -lu ac"i, cas b. used ta prevent , gm"tt cformizu;ou n r. thîng, sud englue drivers LdI alusl useful ta keep t11dm vndov# CWUirfr ast am m aasWU t I« Qr slt Comlag. Dr Jebb, cherche Op0 V roved lust r the ey:Ain Intiamation': siraîghtetisC or opération, case or mont examiuati@q an the eye:ai Drug Store Ytoûr Bicyeg la ua sie. R.., ,hu. eue. Bof itoha points, Sept 14, good for 6o dîys, ouly 28 via G T R, North Baty C P R. Sec Step- henson. Whiîbv, for fulliInturmation sud hrough tickets (rom Pickering, Myrtle, Ton. onto, Brooklin or Whitby. Also sec Step- henson for return tickets at sîngle tare toa al talions in Canada, goiug Sept 41h, 5tb and 6th, returu titi end 7th Sept. L4st Friday nighl the vault ai Dominion Bank, Napauee, vas robbed Of(832000. The manager (ound on Saturda>' that the corn- binalion would not wonk. Failiug ta open it au expert (rom the sale wvans vas sent for. He manipuiaied the comibination until the door vas '.pened sud the surprilaig robbcry vas discovered. Thle thieves bad very cleveriy cul ihelr vsy through the back part of the bank aud oui>' on investi- gation vas thia (ound oui. Residence Sotd. Mr C F Stewart bas soid bis fine resîdeuce and i8 acres of(orcliard sud farm lmud la Mn Sheiff Paxton, the prîce paid, ve under- stand, bcing $300M. This la a most desire- able propenty. sud I. lu good shape. Our Annual Sale 300 pairs of bargalu boots, shoci sud aîîp- pers. Thc balance aI dozen pain lois, Si, $2 Wud 83 boots for soc and St, vill be sold sud aiven away. The largesi purchasera viii have the (rec pairs. Don'l mnIss the chance. Fniday sud Saturday, 3rd and 4th, at ucu red shoe sare. casi aide, Wîtby. M VI Collins. isavation Army Hss-vesb Festival. The mnember of ihe local corps Whîtby and Brookîlu are holding ibelr barvest bomne n the Broakltin bariracks ou Sunda>' and hfonday Sept Sth and 6îh. The C*ptainula aranglng a special Tbsukagirlug service on Sunday, sud an Monda>' ulgilt bbc vIll have a sale ai the produce lIaI las beeti givcu. Corne prepanod ta, gir. and gel sometiîng. Capi. Brant. On the Wtng. Mr 8 Stepheuson bas blcketed the folIowv lui tbis week ela G TR sud CPRIL MIN Paul sud Misa Cruminer Wbltby ta PhIs& deiphia Ps, (frieuds of Mr sud Mrs R 19 Cormnack). Miss B GUisour, Wbitbyta Ro chester sud returu, Mr W 1 Greeuvood ( L C) Whitby ta Petenboto sud retuni:a,14z 11Hymes to Pickeriug. Rev Dr MeCKeluil bxTp ta Kyrtie, lMvr >'Gilmour Whtby t î1sls, Muekoka, Wllie Crosby sud fricsi Whitby ta Pétenbora, Mr Cbinley Newberr Whîbtby ta Stoney' Lake a"d velu m isa Qveeuvrood, ttnp ta Prince, Albem 1KisC 1 Roitt Wb~it o PeterbomoMr Geo, Sherlif Paxton souisud dauiter Wbit yti Petoîmioo sd velum. Tb* le iycle up. The iipnp on a blyces 1*du 15 a au eyce thase vbd* o gride- là ft ltla objected te M MUdb as th. blcJe itsé le. once ina a acylitri" oitu onnueued UpoîiL- *rby .99-esa M ride that va>'. At lbciue dîne sM Pt swu ever k»wsv Whomlirdeirith 10 U a long tlp,,or « fflIO UMM tu » or boum Ifu. ou mila otkneti ble4lUsr9 avers, T'0.reamnf« ï tii. kwq tbeu guesaluges welIius PdOS viii ta yonUtbat be ob. resisltane. fraistbeii. 111.n 1*ýq ie fe«et mes lb stretcew ove.rthe tue bot ter gir b. cas wmbys a wm.1 i olati bIe ipi euS 2st Who d ti a f *1 11W M Muter. er Irj à oSchllet à aud 'v#fe tof llulb lo, re On, gnett âi the 'Royal. li Howard Moore ot Pittsburg Io'bihe! ut of Miase -oedy at PortWhty .Nov sbo*L1tmeus sund boys tweed Capi from I5c ta .6 t ca, t W G Walters. Miss Bertha Campbell returned home ou Monda after "edîna weelth oQ~< .Tels Misses Bell, after havlug spetts anutir vWtUrelatives lu Totonto, rcîurued homue onuMouday. BtYuare affering $2 pet barrel for win- tet agiplea for packing, snd $2. So for ver> pron1isins orchards. lira Jno Laider moved ta Toronto on Weduesday. Mr aud Mrs R Il Lawder viil Continue ta reside wlii hber, Messrs G"soasd Jas Ayres andud uln Yar- nOdTor1nto.- wheeled ta towfl aud spelit( SuâYwit eatives snd frlends. %[Oer$ Mathison & Havilen ane puttig à neW roof ou their block tisa eek. Mr Robt Barues bu .the vork in and' Mr sud Mr@ Jas Honen sud littho chlld, of Clevelaud, have been speudlug a week In tovu, the guesla of Mr F Humphrey. The bhlgh court asîtluga lere nert veek viii dram a very large crowd ou accauut of the public lutercit ceutred lu the Dryden- Smith siauder cens. The dfcdge Nipisalug la lmpïrovlug Whit- by barbon. The water lu the lake la ver>' loi,.ý uoîwlthuîanding the ralny, seasou and the preient la a very favorable timue for Mr James Campblell anld Dr) 1 af ià tpl>é Chicago, art lved boere ou Wedfteo a business tnp. The Campbells caftttai tay long M»vy (nom Canada ai a Uie, sud their man r~yiends here are always ready ta ex- teftd ta theffl a hearty welcamne. Mr Franuk Dehart write. from Indien HMe,.stating thai lie vili remain lu the %Z'est iUtdI hae faken uP 48o acres of land. Ha viii 6e a weaflhy man lu a few yeana. Hunc<.reds o( eewag men here had b citer foiILOW jis example, There 19 room for ail. Mr D A WVorden bar teturned to Tacoma, Washington, atter speudlug a fornitulbviuit. lug friends in Manchester aud Whitby. He i. a brother of Mirs Gea IH Sonley. Mr Wordcu struck Tacoma et the lime of the boom, aud secured sorce valuiable prpperty at a loy figure when the boom colIapéed., Mr Richard Okes horse ran away' <rom Nobles hurrber yard last night and proceed- ed up Dundas ai. and dowu Brock. lu front or M Colline' shoe store it came lu contact wiîli Mr Ed Cornelia rig, In which was sent- cd Mïsir Corucîl, who lu trying to jump out, 'iell, and the ffyirig nig passed over ber, but miraculously she vas flot hurt. She le to be cougi'atulated ou ber uarrow escape. Another date bas- luen fixed for the end of the wvoid-Novemiber- 13, 1899 This time Profeasor P'alb, of 'Vlira, Ise tec proph et of cvii. Olh that dsy theirtr lata be a collision betwccu the ealth sand a comnet, aud ail lu- habitante of thîr uspherce arc ta be poisoued by gas or* burued'alive. The prafessor bau donc some guod work luniuetcnology, but, despile this facî' the good Vieunese have continued 10 malée plans for the tweutieth century, lu dlaregard of the prophecy. The Junction hotci vas offered Wo sale by auction on Saturday afrernoon sud sold ta Mr W B Pningle et $Y,joo, ýue Iiving a dlaim agalust the estate for a langer sum for money advanced temporarlly luai year ta bulid the hotel A liceuste vas grauted ta this hotel. but bas never been taken out, al- îhough we underuîaud liquor la beiug soid ail the wblle in anticipaion of taitlug îhe license oui. 'The luspector ha.slsgulfied bis intention of ciosing up the place if Uic liceuse lis not taken out ai once. Mr W H Gates, receiviug teller of the To. routa braticu ai the Bank of Montreal. ne- ccivlug money rcceutly detected marne il- 2legal sud Imitation haîkovereigus. Mr H C Webster, the payiug teller of the batk, says tbey are Imitations of Erà gliab half- soivereigus, evldently smorn f the semi-cen- ttenniai sixpenccu issucd b>' the home gar. erumeut lu -1887 which wenc good ouiy for a day (uamely June 2181, 1887. The coin. Mr Gates dctcctcd are mae exactl>' like Yhalf-sovercigus, but are gold plated. Pt'o epie sbotà ld Uc on bhc lookout for tbemu'va d tere are miny oai hem anound. The coin. Iare no g.1ood. now ai the home goverameni to id. R i to brw lot Cr41"tMatc. The cricket match herm on Thut»dty after- noon laut vas net hetween the married aud single -ex-loyers of thecSaine, but betveeu tests. selected snd captsined respectlveiy by MieusraFmPk* Btîysu uad J'go A Huy. The crease bmd been put in capital *hap tbrougb the b cslng of Mr. A W T'1l1, wbo vas1ruiutaisstrri tiboe WUp for tbepn*m. and them p1yiWus mrrisgly- good, especially- the5s Og ~.boys wentWtes i m ihbtot y n« sudý viehou 0» ides&ghist«S% fbl*-ir other error h. bushed aud 1bow* ibm hs' , RU.skl. T.d, #îà dne heVii "tgod ut Dsta.Iland Ru MGold belost tb. o ciii Tii fOUDWlngIla ti.score; i. D. SuTs ira«. IbSmndmrsb deaqga6 bh athgos HAbsham:bTi o0e sd> Kti$o C a>'varr 0 'b- S htIiI a Wennmn oi o bT MatWbem e Wasotst o bliMtus 3 J<qb TI' itlBau 4 ni' Per S. S. t"Fun'esay' from GLA SGO W) ci3Qne +SCOTLANDi cases K#*9~1A4*~ iuiid 'J * I. - New Eau Goods, ~ _ -~ I Oomprig of~ New Dress Goods, Plannelettes, White Cottons. Trnm- Jnings, Laces, Ribbons, Tweed Caps, 1,inings, etc., also ~OO N~W MAN1rL~'2~ Fromr Jtilias, w. Go. WALTERS, Joski, Berlin, Germany. *. * e -Whitby. le fflffl N I TOWN 0F WHITBY Treasu'rer'88Sale ofLand for Taxes Town 01 WhltbyB>' vi: tue af a warrant Coutl>of Ounro issued by the Mayor under To WT:0, the sel af the Corporation af the Town af Whitby, ta me dlrccted, bearnug diti the Thirt-firsî day of Âugust 1897. com- maudlng me ta 1lev>' upon sud oeil the lands meuîloued lu the following lisi af srneans 0f taxes due theneon, 1 bereb ive gr notice, that un- lmoinch arrears sud ail oasts are sooner pald, 1 shali proceed ta mli the said lauds, or so mucli thereof as ma>' bo necessan>' for the paymeut ai the taxes and the cats theneof, lu the Councl CharnIer, lu the. Town af Wbitby, on TUES- DAY, DEC. 7th, 1897. st the houx ci<a xociack in the forencon. PKEEY'S PLAN, RAS? aF EEOCIC ST., NORTH c Don or Si. Lot 68 70 S>é 73 77 . 79 164 165 171 172 173 175 176 177 181 182 184 902 205 2C~6 212 perry»a Boci E Taxes $112 81 42 32 9,10 2 70 2 70 5 43 909 750o6 56 67 39a 3984 4 48 4 48 4 47 5sis 3 5S 399 309 3 99 1 91 399 4 58 3 9 si es Costo S4 42 a 66 x8s I85 it S8 it 85 x 85 r85 r85 i85 z85 Total 4 55 4 55 7 28 1094 78 5à ~84 S83 269 '69 4 07 6 32 7 36 494 ýS 84 3 76 584 "43 PERRY'S PLAN, vas? r P ac91s0M ,MI ouva WARD. 6: 48 $96 $16 78 76 14 81 1 6776f 150 Z54 53 S43 I96 258 8r 8~ 66 8209 >67 309 8. 8$ *6 371 -6 J 4311 14 3$9 $8 44 là *40 zIl 45' 8$ sp 1285 -$, *S- 60 94 86 fiBeounatîsin & Qyspepsia Cuîed1 571 S-. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. C ANAIA Ta the Phreno/rne Mdcine Go., L/d.. 1HARVEST .,o*I Gentleman, - Ou the advice of a frieud 1 îricd one bottle of youn famous rheumatic remedy, Phreuoline, and ic my surprise it cured me of rhettma- tism, from vhich -I have suffered for many years. It. also cured me of dyspepsia. frnm. whicb 1 vas suffeviug at the lime, so that 1 feel now like a new man. 1 have tried severai remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have t.akeu has doue so much for me as your Phreuoline, and I have much picasure in recommeuding it to iotiier suffevers. Yours very truiy, (Signed> JAS. CARROLL, Foreman of Worlcs, Riâeau Canal. mauufscturtd on Honar sud aold ou merll soid la Whitby oui>' b> 1 La. KALI=$ . DRUGOIST- nl 2000 Roues '~oeVéryb ~tifn1 wilk b. iold ohea>p& thau, .vet *bsy *..EXCURSIONS TO- - AND - - - - Canadian ::Northwest. Good t0 go ou Aug. 31st, relut-n until Oct. 3oth. Good tet go on Sept. i4th, return until- Nov. 13. Froin ai stations iu Ontario, Onaping, Sauît Ste Marie, Windsor & ýEat. For rates, ar., timne tables, pamphlets sud futifrmtIon. apply te, Es R. BLOW, figent C.P.R. Alias lie Beaver liue Tickets, sud C. P. X. Telegraph *and Dominion Express Co. WHITEY, ONT.O Tg SEE I 0 EUVEI1 WM. TILL «ud b. ouviniidtuatsm Xlevmt.l. of, UPH08tKIE0 00081 1% -~ 1 iti Si 01 hi . 1 WARD. Qf