J r . 4 J~MLE 6Sheets for 1 CtSl, FL Y POISON PA PER? in 5c. and ioc. pkgs- FINEST QUALITY INSECI PQWDER, 50 cent» per lb. Je E. WIL LIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST M4EDICAL ::HALL, BROOK BT., -WHITBI W~HITBYp AUG. 27t 1897~ Short Notes. Hon John Dryden deuies tht report tis he us secking nomination lu West Algcmm. it ila à singular coincideuce Ibal lwO YOUî men named Chaputan, ane ai Uxbridge an one ai Sutton, titan Uxbidge, hmvt latel bocu drowned. Tht Chapmans had bette keep awsy frein tht water. Il vill net promote good feelings lu th bresmoai hase whe dtd so mucit for staîi lng I'da lust spring ta read tht datl budget7ai news shawtng that as s'>on as tl natives had their beliies filcd they plan»c s rebelliton andi sought tht bloati cf tI Britiush benefactors of their relievei bref, zen. We publiait lu this ue the petition pr serted ou Manday ta bbhe Pickering caun iu favar ai repeallng local option and as ing for another bylaw ta be subrnltled the votera for taI pnrpooe. Wt ase pu lish bbe naines of the petittatiers. Tii are ilet signera this year titan lait, b there la qulte as steani à quota ai mcttât wha want tht barreomi opencd &as ev Tht council booa, setin.,veîy vllllug mccl the vîshes of those vite rant hqu seitng xetoreti. Conldeine- tiâtt fiende cf icense vert farud vîtiitas, elght mentis ga, and titan put te tom eh ip ta Smaso sIs lu upettiug lt, whit- the council hadt t pay lait Mouday, c would net have suppaseth ie caunci vol have betu quibe &se ager 10, malte fartl expenaet ta give theinan<ttitivot;1 aur counuilsarmeIlike -te legilature,i courts, sud te afical-cvei'y law is mi sud Iuterpreted te te advaufffl aud si factian o f lteliquer latereit%. mauy p pIe vite sec Ibta become duaereuede ie up thc figbl. Ahiuudred yesrs the figit for referui vas te seu, butV f .Ie Who wanted fait represectatiot inlu liamuent vert locked up npsd trieti treso.Sai'l t1 ley fougitt an, even îf se diti cave tuin db car vllh wrong,rat liai' be trausporteti. Othci's spent balance cf their lives lu Vau DettuasaL tu crder thst titeir fllova inigitt bave1 pet gaverument. The people ebould ne give up becanse their ruiers sud courts îganet ltem.Titat Io thetlIme teo fgi te death. Pickering bas neyer tvc on tiquer but the resuit wvas aIlsi Stili Uic lav sud ils interprettre have ù aged te lkecp tht Il quer going. Al lai hau becomé ciearly illegai toeitl liquo Pickering sud tht people muet keep1 farever ýtiere mut e no etIup la canaseof prohibition. Tht figit mu wan a bttndre t imesutu ve c*Un houest lava properly luttrpreletiBad forcetiFrein nov tut l te poliiug leI evtry moral minuandi voman inPic ltg ork 1k beavers, sud roll up a joril! litaI cant :c evertumu b 916 lti).Cigra tiI4y n gvM de Da4d0P ~ Domy »ý H P'W ,u4 t tlhoses pý,eent were b- :c Pt »1I AMc * 98 ~ ndi4 e ln ait sorte E Robinson, E pt&tid i altieasu Ctol an, -P Rcha48>d» lOfl0uA i Yxn t nd a greatt;nghie p tess StewrtJ HTrai A M Thomson È W' n A eoIl eai aultêM Cî W*lesý(passed ln latin) L WilsOn, E t ii ltdy ue-n Wrtghti, JB Rani < P&U;â tgGreek). i v i l11And bts ho mx _,tthdt hle nd N.gwcatlt-A E DavîdUOn, E H Scott. cil so r>su hpeh. y weah 0< t Metbseon s wlenhlm se andl Whtby-E Bradley,1G PrIn 0l, M Straiti. rMeSleisMaitio &HwZ, etaibied Part i-C McTassart.SPecia itJîA¶ridyit the at'geat .lpmnentc rnt Grose (French and Germaen), A Smith monument* ever Importecd tuto the- couuty- ýFrench and GermanS). of Ontari.tootsllieg I Wards of 1,0o tos. Oshswa-s H Farewell, L C LauchIanet Thefr aoreroaiii la %112e witb magnificent A G Thompeai'. Specîi a ubJecti-M j picts of granit direct (rom 13urope, nearly Gîbsai' (French Authort, Germai'). evety motument beinq. of au' entrelY new Bowmaflville-Spectai subjectl-M E G design. There are Bwede Peterhead, Waddell(matheflatic). Hîîofre, &and Carnitioli ûtd. It wue Waddll (athmatis).neyer Our privillege heretofore ta look upon Uxbridt-N W Cran. as fine a lot of worka of art. Messra Mathi- Markhalf-W T Green', F T Hsrry, T H son' and !Iawktti are not excelled as marbie Hopkins, E A Ley, E E Smlith. Part 1-D an'd granite artistseii tbt Dominion, and J Davidsofi, J A Irwin. Special aubject-F thty have now a stock on band whtcb will L Buttani(Frgtnci and Germaen), C jordai' ifeet the yariedteste&1mof all wbo corne phvscs ud bolov).alout, and which will do fittlng hanor ta (phestte-anWbAthin- .thoat Who have found their lait realing vewcautte-Spetil subiet- WAkn places as well as expresini the love of son (algebra). thoat left behind. W~e have pleahure lu ---------directing attention to this fine stock of, WbAi5br Town Loml monuments, sud hope such enterprise miay lead ta a large number of good sales. There la no dust on tht roada these days. Col. P..terson Again Attacha us. Mr Geraid Addiaon, Toronto, la ln 10w!) We have another letter from Col. Pater- visitlng at Lawier's. son giving a moat emphatlc dental ta every ',The baptist Sunday achool will meet neit tatement we. bave made about the rifle Sunday and hereafter at 3 p-m- nmatches nf thet Mth battallon lest year. We MrChariey Stewart bas secured a poi did nal publish-Coi Paterson* former letter, tintMry od aemi nTrno and we do flot intend ta publlah the one e t don s dy goda alesaîlin Trane>. present befcie us, for the reasen that bath Teller R E iCarswell of the Western Bank are wanting ln ont eritial respect. Any *la spending a fortnight at Oshawa-on-tht- newspaper writr la alwayu wîîlng ta pub- taire. 11mbi letters contradlctlig bis own state- t» Mr John Graham, late teacher at Ainionda, mente, or opposing lits own viewu, but It las bas paîaed bis exam for a firet clama certifi- always consldered necessary ta secure pub- cate. Ht studied at London, Ont. lication that the correspondent &hall use Cà pt Hendersot and iamlly returned ta language respectful ta the editor. When town from Plue Point Wedueseay, Mn J D Col Patersonsasys aur stateinentà are false McMlllau and family and Mia Peers return- ne bell, that we are a calumutatar, and that = dyesterday. we have the cheek af a canal horst, lhe may - cd bc correct as te the facte, bt>ta pt i Mdr Frank Higgina, mai cierk on the îdî,lsmwhtwatgl out t han prfned Rbis her esefrdnay Ht However, we are fuit y prepared ta make h qarterfand h. dte elfe eryapublic ail oi Col Paterson<s denlals, and bc - qurtercf acentry.doete aail short of declaning that everv- Tht Amerîcan dutyo 30 cents a bushel thln~ connected wlth 1aI ytars ride p lu tht wtt harveat, ha 5 worked on tht matches aI Uxbidgt was dont on the ýat arley market, that not a single load bas square. Ht admit# that Raines Muitard corne mIa town up to date. and McGrattan, who reprerienttd the Ux- Pay your subscripttons before Sept iat if bridge campany, lied neyer been voluniteera îgU yeâont wanl cos added. Aftr radtg previ ouly, and have ual been since, ai id tht. paragraiph do ual afterwards say you thaugh biesasys MeçGrattan wouict have gant e dd t ot have fair warning. ta tht front tbis year If tht reguiatlorli ýer Rev M Gold contemiplatti taking another would' bave pormitttd a mai' a( bts age. trip ta Englsnd soon. We trust hie may en'- Tht fact ta lbe wus entered un the matches Joy a fine tri p sud bring us another afitbs because h.i ta a good shal, and îo wert the ,bctfaous s ltis of blaclthornas. others who are named above. When ather 'v- srJhnWlon oeel mi leko olilcers arrived at Uxbrldge for tht matches Jo hs n ,hn s n, r erly mahil cr k an teh abd rual vlunteers alouw la shoot for 1e bI lurB n e a e u e îa n e d t s edis nthed theYprises. They recoguusea Ithat these htd rnbenieeves bnra end traherreo 0thtmatches art beld toestimulatrifle practîce cd rn btwen Cleuar nd he oc. among tht volunteers, audd they went ta l1t Rev Mr McDalrmid wtll commence a scr. Uxbrldgt prepurtd ta b. deftattd ln an tb. vice ofESunday night sermons ou the bock of 'honorable competition, by bona fide volun- Genesis next Sabbath ovening. It ls hoped teera, Arrivtd îhtre îhey fouud thal tht we- thit aIl woc eu wtll beat thute sermons Uxbridgt company was loaded up wlîh cil from tht firat t te lst. cracka who were not and neyer would be à It ls satd Ibat mare deatbs from ligbtulng voluntetri. Tht visiting officers kicktd, an sd more destruction cf buildinigs from the but iound tht crackF were going to shoot, te> saème cause have been reported du Ing tbret en au effort was made te acrape ip geed ub- montha Ibis summer than for tht four pre- aboIs 10 meet tht emergeucy. W.' do net ýtre ceding years combined. commend Ibis latter act, but we do com bunt Mr F W Hodmen, superinttudetlOf mend the oifilcers who wouid, net titra away trs farmera Institutes, wtll occupy a bg lent on the people'@ subscriptleni ýfrein the proiper eer. the grounds aIt the industrial exhibition, purpose until îhey becotut coviuctd that te whtre ail Intrested la agriculture, bonti. thewholet hing was a gaine of g ,i>Dots Aov culture, aplepîture, etc, wili fiud a vwceme, Col Paterson. waul tht publicte utidetstand the snd where meetings on tht varfous topici that ail theat thlnge went ou witbUl ire Ot wlll bc heid. vigilant eyt selng ewbat was delug ? Whv wn was ual every mn uwba was nuta bs huafide bill The wOl weather may hurt the grain crop volunteer strtpptd of bis red coaI and fired ont t sanie extent, il cannot kttp dawn pries. eut oetbtine? That whoeei protesta nild Tht Canadian farinera wilî unden tedly wert afterward put iu sud aiioWdahowîs her packet about $i5,o00,Cor»te $a0ooOoooo mort how IU-managed verethtei matcbés aI the 'but for their trop than lest year. Tht new Mc- dime ai tht Sheotin;. anfd we tuakte bald 1< thé Kinley bill lea dead louer lnuthb. malter. It expeest the opinion of a good many officeri kade can only affect bariey niaterially, sud the thal these protesasw d net have Iared so fais. Storm coked that cenimodîtly se.58 - wll b.d nual îb. other gang cf crack siiots >t0à Mesurs Gross and Dent reîurutd on Mon- bsdiy deieabed tht tJ:brtdge gang. The sdday frein thtir outInglun Algoma. If their whoe trouble 1»it yeXa a, e beita ag0 lau color niay bctaktenauSuanIndication cf man vitelbed the nerve taýprs0 tthtisi pea- tst sort ot tintev ieyd Ãil muet be nder-. with a red tocmonvma aowed toshoot, Gardela w Snom ,, Mat tte1t ïn t iss$e a %a"* i5 1, Il ii'i LA~DIE NewOrgandies in colors. Alsc ~ANDREW Fancy ~44SSORTMENT ane iflPs. i SALE 0F oeF~LO~OSEJ su blacke Spot- Muslifls in white$ di in colorede Madras SateenS, dark & light shades, Gallatea StripeSé. range of Tweeds and Trower- in the latest patterns, suitable for present use and also for fail wear. me. China. ALarge Stock of7«%% Diïnner Setts, Tea Setts, - Chamber Setts, F ull Line of Fresh Always ýGIGNTIC- 3~QW o~. IWAR»'S s OL»' Gro-ceries. KO s se Here 18 a Good Thing. Variety t/w Largest I Qua/ity thte Choicesi P-rices t/he Lowest. are the three points whioh lead Re.upholatering dons' on shorteat notice. E. J. JOHNSONI tStick Pin - Broo( Special design prizes for Atl games and sel j aSa Bl «12 t FRU)ÂY, AI LOCAL Tht seasun for dl gst, Mn H P Watleru at Mn Harry Mecn Miss Ethel Kit gtiest ut tht Missn Mrs (Dr) Pali are with lier moti Tht Misses Wai sptnding a fcw du .town. Miss Nettie Col spending a 1ew relatives. Mn A GHopi Warner, fci e ~Oshawa. Our ice creatu the seasai' with 'Mathisoi.-tf. It la reparttd I in tItis v citi hardiy beiteve il Buckvheati promise ve-'li ara .Seasen bas spat Messra - Ken ' optanaUtcher~ cas gr "tY.- Iunîv-,ntle old Don't fait lot Tbev r4'the bi Procure4.iii the-J scuîhbl eI-116e lugeaonSaturdit shal be ne fut a butcete aillat jas Bueker t a itao i sS5ULT OP Tg&I TSIIXD AND OURT14 Candidtesfrpata iarcititvl favard uhelr junioro eior«.lug curtiS cales ho -tht departnutalfor endotït"tloal te ub3ets p5sed lu tiiesexsmlni"r&a candidates lugtt evarions fer. exeulstloui viii bu loraretibafuSept. 1 taUi*i$r' çtpsie or 'htbl4b ocitoo enteé : h nubli sitlIspeclofs lu lte_'seMsofthe ANOTHER NEW Assortmneft Men's and Boys' Hats îpd Lustre Coatse * Reliablet AT. G-1BSONS$,. Straw Brock St., 1 .- 1