Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1897, p. 2

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-Before Retlrlngfee take Ayer's Pille, and you willl aleep better and wake in better condition for the* day's work. Ayers Cathartic Pilla have no equal as a picasant and effect- uai remedy for constipation, biliousness, slck headache, and ail iver troubles. Trhey are sugar-coated, and 80o perfectiy prepared, that they curç with- out the aruioyanueexperienced in the use of so, many of the pilla on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartlc Pilla. When other plUs won't ,bclp you, Aye'a s THE PILL TIIAT WILLB. David Annen rot urnod home fnom Moutrecl on Tiaesdry mnruiîîg. Re bas cresaud tie octian four imes ince hlm lust viait home. The past tew daya bas beon su untavon- aile ton barvosalug that % nuisber of fermons have abcndonud the grain and started foil plowing. iVedneada> . e as goune extenuivel>' ino the cattîs business deaiing principal- ly ln ah. stockon cl&&&. W Remmor lbIt Tiorada>' morniug ton Ottawa wi.re h.oaili attend the Normal scieul,ad sunivo ton c profeasional se- cond alasu certiffcate. la lu ex peoued aa tie Piokering lova. Shi~ counail efll ho pnesunted vlah a petition signod by ratepayens asklng an- other vote ou local option. The prai- abilities are tiat a vote viii b. takon bd- fore tie let et Jauuany. Chenil. Billinge, vie bas been man- angtie local branai ufthe .Toronto f mndoai Corporation, tor aie paut ave vee, lu aie absence utf Manager Ksrr, eoturned tu aihe city> on Wediruedeymonu- ing. Juin M Korr, vho la nov la New York, has becuai qut. an etholoe, hav- ing von a number ut'foui races, besîdes t.cking second place ton ladoor exenaiaem ioneofuthae ver y bout club. la tb. cil>'. He. sent a num ber ut is medals home £on sale.keeping. White vorking aviha leani lie ehher day, D:onald McDlimid vu as kd by one ufthéi horses but nul ver>' seriousi>'.d The aulmala foot peel.d aie baek ut hlm band, sud passlng up acaret hie jav, but no bonis vers breken, as repent t aI iat bad it. W. underatand tad ahis animal is oe fe t e am thab rucay gaouing thes deïti et ils lat. fther. Be tiat as It suay. vs are pleased lo uov liat Denald eacpe su0iekily. W Vanatone piauhasxty hIbutoh-1 ers catli. rom Mooer'£ mee&,e Greenvood, on monda>', paylug lu ths ieihuorhood ot 01,00 titerfer, Tiy ver. tiellvered ici. un W*dc"sda cd ver.er>' êqnioe lot, fe t tile. Tii. l psrhý4 te lagut MUléaw iaUmthas, AboutI&olook Thunstaby moral" be Pte plekni;vers ireied to aréai ratleti lu tie abolvea. Thd geIt. « realdenla s mm lobae f toi i t pilv More îhorougwt dm aaa 414 hbu os llte vern. oobsltqss esa tendedtr ot.ýbut theproueateof tic sensut hfft oeusd Il luo biSq Ils coum o om.vitait-N*ws. Ueo .toKs pînol 01 thle public achoolt, killIeda raitl*t sie on anuland of the group about 15 SilIeïfom Mldland uns dey test v.ok. UM oL.asud party were living lu a houes boat sud lied tend for a change of venus. The. sack*vau final obsrved besktng lu the. son on a rock a e toafot avy. Iii atod slugglohly on being aurprised sud inatoad ef show- in& flgha asaits apooitsla commoaly crodit- ed wîîh doing, àt ianiait.eiy made for refuges under a rock The. principal s- curod a atout stick and ?robed vigoreusiy beneti ahe rock, oaa i the anako vas tore.d ont--ail the ime shakiiig ita rctieos-and killed. Me McKtes crrnes the ratties of which thir vore Ove. Tii. anake mo.cursd àabout bwvanad a hait feot ilnt aeg nd vwu bigg..r round ln ahe bodytihan &c broum stick. Very sliortly cf ter the d.spatchotie ta nake on. uftah. ladies uofthle pcray thuught ahe heard tb. ruttle ot another one..Soin. atones vèe thro r n lathe.direction outhei.sound and in c fev seonde ah. second rat ler mado tau appoaracoviahin fOve inchea ut the spot on which a moment befon. ah. lady, 4 nioeofutMn MoKoe.,hcd been standinq, This anake vas more tontuticte than hie dscecsed conter. by .sopi'îg. Mr Mo- Ko. hcd been told by ah. Indians ini that nighborhood tisa rattie anakes had been uldom seen ut lato, anme aeraing that for 12 yoars they hcd net sa igbt ut one. In 15 miinutes the prnnopali party killed une and uueuocce#fuily atmcked c second. -Nova Letton. zvamsvWe (Too lail or lasi isrsue.) School opeaed on Monday vith a vory gond attendanoe. Thon. are othera to coma, Oui teacher 1 à Lawrence nov rides a bike. He. yul gea plena>' ut muscle id. ing, on tisseada. Tihe hue crop ailI nov deami uoms at- tention as tie veathen la ver>' unfavon- abi. for harveat. On Thurada ofeth tsvesk the. Preai>'. tenians iold acal on aie beautitul lava et Mn MMeNabb, Clanemont, Some ait. tended trum ion.. A tew cat oveset tie metiodisas social on Monday et Mn Coupera. Stepien Plaket liinev luneman for Mrs T SadIen. On Monda>'lait Wm Lintua met aili a veypanul accident. A ions. kicked hlm on lhe le g ad ho viii b. oblidgod ID rust fromielslbor for a lime. N lkt The advcutage uf a policeumnoe builr it a ca w.et.f liest bas tbelmv on lits aide. Eltit bau 1be »=saune m!Wu-g overdisease. .T 2lcv et Naturels foi tkm mairbetocis Naes t= ue' la lu; aoWi peopl Titere =mnela cm kmnaturesvaCM OiMeM etrcalu w= reil îse4, Natre=ueslueu a p. i i r i I I r a 1IMPROVEo, HOMOEOPA tHY. People in-alt Walks of Life Oured by His Remedies. OURS% Wall; OTEER8 FAIL. F 1/I Tueuday safennoon about lire.e Wolock Abert Boy", a Young Mau o t awenly-fivi ytce ota$eemplodasoifatm acbrs byr Wm W9vabut o"emut rui Millbrook, vas the violetofi a berrible, udcdont. R. vas feedln; . aupa tihieen, vienb>'some mêsae h. vas iravu ttheimachrine c»d befure Il 0oeuld bs stoppetimale t hbau d at crm wcpeuiéotetiby th.*ecarrier upos die si0" vl wu teal Mi.élac a Mio ineland cuiohebe edrog ulitien l>Z the olue.Dti as have -boeuluienineus owé- va n Kr W *sbaa11.rsurge4 e Mr ~ colligé u o.u ater"talulo B ray l is i. oaed Ibis woek, -but Dot iiiiously l I oi*im. Chas Hu'ghes, of, Torontô, wBS hore Bertî Dovwwola leow la Winipeg end, viii ltkely locate tu Manitoba, I Miaffe 'cu, of Menai .Albert, is a «Dotab 0t0OseCoopera for a dîme. MimaeXL Palmer loftiboheTu.say Aftov apendlng a woek wlth Miss Patier4on. Misa Mary Wallaceof tBoarborcr la vitb* ber sititer, Mrs Ueo Gerow, for a aborl, time. Albert Bayard, of Gacanoque, vus hors attounlg the tuerai ut bis leteý mother. Hl Thomson and vite and W Dovavel and wife wvesabtMount Albert on Sun- M aWM sBhavNO 10, montagne Place, Tor otcanada, Sacys bave gnest 004840006 la M unycnas ReinedIot baîouasd hein with wouad$Ïta iloc- ces bot1àfor Myseif,1 iusbaad and 4ohfld. 1 vas aubjooî to sevoro ataukauf hecd acois fcoUweek, sud aickines cf abs atomaci cooeaapanled by the smre, Sincesusiag Mayonas HeadacihoCotrs 1 have nus beeu troublitd with an attiaih. la th. came ut My 11111e boy the reauta bave boom truly romarkabls, Through teslhlng the litai. tsllev waa coumpletsly rau dowa, bcd luit bis appetîte and vas restIseaand irritable al ah. limue, W. gave hlm lthe Blood aud Debility cures and la a short lime tbe change for tbe botter vas marvelous. 1 ose aotbiag but Muayoa'a Remedios novad bave greatfluth lin bem." Muayou's Rhoumaalsm Oure soîloi fails te relieve la on. 10 abro. hoora, and cures ia a tov daya. Price 25e. Muayen'a DyOFppia Ours positlvely cures &Il fornis~olIndigestion man o acb trouble. Prie,, 26o. Munyeas Oold Ourseî,nevente panu mntand breaks up a coid la a f.w houas. Pries, 25ci Muayoas ouugh Cure stops coughs, night uveae a lîys mrenssa, aad ped iiy buteabs lunga. Prieo,, 2e. Munyon's aldney Cure spesdilyocures pains lu tie bcok, loins or groins and ail forma cf kidaey disoaes. Prias, 25a. Muana s 1eadacbe Oure stops heed. ache lu lires zminutes. Prie., 25e. Muayn'O Pilie Oaiont pitlvely cures&aU forma uf piîles. Prioes. . Maya's Biood Cure eradiettes cIl impuritlea ot the blond. Pries, 25o Muayoa's Feuicie Rmmedlsa are a boon totl vonien. Muayua'a Asthm e edsea rslieve la 8 miautes and cure permaantiy. Prie., Mnyoum OCéarr boRmedies neyertaiti. The Caarni Ours-pries 25o.-enradicatea the dissae. hum lie system, and abs Ca- îarrh Tablets-pnco 25c.-oieaua. and bat the parte. Munyon's Nerve Cure la aa wouderfül 1nervi oiol. Prices,25c. Muayou'a Vitaliser rostoresuluit vigor. Prices, 1. Peoacilettens ID Prof. Muayoa, Il ad 18 &Ilbert et., Tounto, auswaed viti fies modieui cdvice for euy disease. ofuI ed4u, te thi e~Cit treet s large nom. ouéiteprtlipatiiigin the Y~qc11I and >WAi7 iecOlle- Asic your grocer for particulaith us drop a posl-card ta LEVII R 108,lmftdi 23 Scett Street, Toronto. ( &Bantg»yâ - wu.repo.rWed b t aurdby Ihat a young soiut Ohus Hall, Uxbridge, who asvisitln wltWhiàm, pé'nte at Omemee, -edbeen drownd there. The report proved entireiy tuntounded, as tic boy steppe4 off the train here Mutnday mort,. lag as livoly ois any ut the family. Th* Rev Mr IHanna, puator of 0h11. Wers Prisytonlea churéel iUbridge, 1m roivid $à 'e611ID Mount Forest, Tii.e notice 1t.o ongrogatioli hon. viii b. read at both aiorniag and oventng ser- vices noxt Sabbath. Tii.Lindisay Preu. bytorymoot hors, on Tueuday, vheu dele. 1 «sto# frei Mount Forest iii b. proent tO docelecii e t i i t t A atraugo bot volt suthenlicated atotl comea tg us -frumonningtoii. It seamo 'thât noms montha ago a prompeous tanm- or living la thal vtulnity vent ahe vay ut &Il fleah, sud whv is il vwui vsed lit wras found thal ho iad liota,ouo ID a ne- E lative reaiding st a conaldenable distance, o Who vall nul notaied of hie good fortune0 tilt ah. otier day and even -thon 't1 amlouna vasnet menîluned. Hs vas n.1 queared t ooet certain parties at Oaa- ningten on Thuîsdzy au aalk over maltera and did au., Tiey ver. apparently vsny glad tousec hlm snd sot up lie drinks ré.- pstedly. In ahe snd iv la nid ho wvas induoced au aign -a ppeor nelinqulahing bis dlaim en theos«tate for lie asofu $265 in cash but reaiizod is misake next dyq snd cI once piced his e uinthlbands ut a Turonto Iavyer. W. onderstand that ensefthe parties to tie fraud lu a leading citizen ut GoodvWood.- Lindsay Puma. Mr Pred J Birobard, soir ut Dr. Birci- aid et use Par-kdmle Coloiegae Inetitua., Toronto, la visiiag tienuda boe.Bin. Birchard hemIia .ltnas bedhlm- self by vinai.;athe aobolarihlp la Science' fer seoond yeaî work la Toronto Univer- slly. Mr W E Hoyle utfOanintweas ln lova on Monay, end lucideuieiiy teck occasion lu viev the mite offered tle i Grand Lodge ufthe I1O O P, by Beever, ton Lodge for the erectton, ot e home fer ageil Oddfellowa md e rpians. MUr eylc la une of B eommittee oft Iree cpp6lnlod by th. Grand; Lodg. ut Onitario le pro- pars for ltae oreeofl t lisdesîrtablo lu UrnD j&roîmchel, cf Tieîah,, bas juat 'rocelved (nom ihe C0 petera ut our Union ut Boun Pacisoj , iad ney» ot abs d«ofu'bla broîlier-Jo0b - wio ,disd (IrOm the offsets et a fali ot 86 (set oethIle Mesoule Temple Misson streetl. on unue 25ab. Bvsbwa aily, itird bheving bis let.ý hp atidlet broken, iao a number oh ribi sud lhé niglit leg 11.1evthb. kDée ting Alon n; w hvsieumien t le; ,brekea.,ave'b. met aie accident liI auodbis d bt. Fred Doavavol la snov ta Brillai ol. libla, havlng stoady employaient vill aa bridge Ohrm. Milsa Hughes and a lady trtend tram Toronto verQ -e o. itiT B Hught a ovor Sunay. - 1 N Burton and avito sud M Hender-s6n and vifs avare et J Spauldiags Mount Albert, on Baturdcy. Roubea Rawmon, J Anderson and Geo. ' Middloton isIt on Wednesay for the i Niorth West ton lue barveat.9 Mr& B Stokes and bae osbave r.1 turned au ath. cil>'afler e forunigit speut boreavl wîb el alator, Mra R P Happer. Thos O MoAvoy loft on Wednesday for the 'iirsb Wemt, aviere ho vili amatat hi.. sens in taking off thair immense vheeî crop. Mrs Knigit, et Toronto, a daughter et George Graham, formerLofutah. north ammthy, lu boe.for a wevday. vltb frienda. The Ereskine people beid e meeting on Meaday, buttheabs msdid aul resala la a eali ta, a minister. The Presbytery viii likely tsnd a mInister on approbation, À moyer. bail sud rainstonni vlsiod Ibis moellon on Sunday afaurnoon, and cou- aiderable damage to stmndiag crops la ns portod. The same slerta pasaed, uver th. Maochsster and Utica ueighborhood, iovelllcg ornand octi. The Èpavorti Lscgue garden para>' aI tie realdeace et Ueo Cooper on Monadmy eveulng avas a auceesa, aliliengi lie veatier avas nul fin4elias. SBee$85 voe takeon lan d thome wbo vers thons voie pleaeed aviîh tie prograni immense- ly. Mfaster Grant Eddy, cf Brookln, vie bas wen for af.w weeks aI O J Brodies visiting, vaa tabou iii a fow days ugo and lais parents had te b. sont for., Mia Eddy bus uheretore beau hors for bis past week A& tb. buoy vas muola botter ah. retcuaid hume on Tueaday. mn. G B Brown, ne.$Miss Smith, e former teacher l ur achool han besu &pouding aa vesi wlI freuda e re bofore leaving ton Winipeg. ,Her huband, vho byl he wy *a loo eteachor boe at uns lime,,bas be a aoinied dompatchý ediior outc Winnipeg a~er» A large numiSborfro jere attended the bf&rkhi-F3offll* roume rmâtatche Hania a nlcd ,on Yr&4a *fiqrrion.and muI et thein ve. pIeI e Sto u ville wia-- W.e bain bl.lC&proitt bits beau entered b>' Mar a u'POthe.grouud îhal 1h.ot 'libe plcyed 1080 D) Macacilce e d a clait eeeoted ai >bis liat>dseme re#slenQe tVt tando au ec= 17 e.h 0 -As'Bbck Vhs A, Ohinaman a*ent north on the train Baturday ,eienling at 6.55 but as Eu bk on bho neit tr'ain st 7.26. Hoevwu ovident. ly out for a ride and turned baok when ho got to Blaokwator J unotioti. It i very moldomnthot aChinamnan i. isen iu thm town. This gentleman liko m'any white travellora, .eemed ainxious to malce temporary connection with the Revero liuge, but wus called baok by the con. luotors sharp "Ail aboard !"-Journal. azow epenl t*SMft. On Friday night last Mr M H Cros. by was awaeneid by the sourid of an explosion, atsd going to his door, ho taw the back door of the post office, about 50 feet away, standing open. Then a mnan sppeared areund the cor-, ner of the building. When Mr Cros- bycaHled to hinVo, know what ho was cloing tiioro ho ran away. The burg- lar b.d evidently drilled the safe with a tool takon froin Raharnu wagon works, and afler filling the hole with dynamite bad gone out to, await ýthe explosion. The inner door wat not ds.maged and- the contents vere int~act. PamIy I~d1iile dthe ÂA00, Taâk*n t -à' yIt eapis DI rrb ea Crdv a» d n n t ýbi * Ucad txt emy tue &* igi parU. i e het bon g o correft Doyarjnet &Ic liai the counojî don tin ore E May ol $00 1U 1>iAsibiO, lemve Movb womd b. taken finished, but au BIlOid thon 1bi The following ' To ah. mu"io aIWp of Pickorin The, Potitiong "Aeru sund oe 1iCkering in the BREWK1 <. Your petuh uPpeai of b y law towuhip, héing [mie by retail of aber manniac Townahip ofP 2. That athe effective, and Îouof businessi B. That th. lb ownahipla la Connection ith 4. Thât the annual Iona of th 1heaid towcsh entoroing tho sa 5. Thstaaby No 668 vas subi the. mid towneh nary 1897, but attanded aii "ndiwprorr1 majority wus f. as appeaus Iy1 Judgze Dartnsil 1897. 6. Titthe clared invalid tho mid report. 7. That app yonr counoil muid by.law foî, upon msnhobpp quired thet a p ed for mach puro Preuoated w*a of your petitton a by.Ia'v to anceof ahep aeated, under qpor Licenss Your p.tifioa à by 1mw may th.e koetoraof peal muid by4a1 sort W YÏ 'A BnrkhoIàar, Ga um, I l8umr On Tgea lte OIM la, AT STITTSV-IE

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