Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1897, p. 7

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Oué.bhundre8d a igbti l i baie beu devote4 e xan perimente tht. acen aM the Owku~io  rtoutibl c~lollège. Owlug -to ,e l~ie é. * barvest @nd the s:ee.diugly val aeasoni De Wiuter Wb.eat bulletin oea b. aused this year in ii ue to b. of Muoh pructicals seric bo oe he arodof Aft r, nLu nexpericienit wIth ninetyson. varý ieties cf vinter whest, grevan udeioi. Taklae conditionls in 1897sti oc 4 inl yield of grainjâ acre are the âe Sean varietitia ch bave givoù the ~ l orse of Ayer's Pills the 1 rest yield of grain par acre amng Bysten iâleset in good workiuoe igbt-i varietios growli ou the exp** O O ~~mentail plots for four years l ueulu order and a man begins to feel The following lat gives the natnes ci that 111e le worth livingIlie those moyen varteties witb thé average vild eipor are for four yeara, and &ise Who lias become the graduai m'tb the average yield par &ore for thig season. pxtY Of constipation, does not Varleties Average yleld Yleld 'wlh Dawson's Golden Chaf butr s b8is realize thy frition under50- U 43 u he labors, until the burden ji aryF-d111sol 50fi 4 lifted frmu hini. Then bisGialit 50,I 37.0 litdfo i. 'hnhs Reliable 49.2 '50.1 il mountains slulc into Moýle - Golden Drop 490 57.6 ' hils hs oosnes ivs Imperiai Amiber 48.8 < 5 6â hui, is orsenss givs tbough the comnparative order cf the1 place to jollity, he is a happy yields of theso varietias are not the sainet Lu. 1897 au lu the average of four yeara, nman again. If life does not stuî t. fact tbat they gave the langeai seeni worth living to you, you yieiâs jrn bath cases amoug ail the 'par-1 etlet tested i8 a very important Mature may take a very different view in. the experinient1 of t atertakngLan.d upor. wbich peas woeoused as a4 Of t atertakng reer.n ar.ure ii 1890 produceci a con siderably larger yiold of wirtor wbeat S per acre thar. similar land upon which1 Ayer's cathadic Pilis* rape or bnoliwheBt had been used a __ green nmaunre, or whîch had been worked - aà a baro sunimer fallow. This expert meuit wae conducted in duplicate, but SUFFERED FROM INFANIOY. for or.ly one year. h lus being repeRted tiiis ueason i a similar way. LaruA plurnp aeed gown in the atumn THE WAND 0F MISERY WAVED of 1890 produoed B 2 8 bushela par acre OVELI MiS. THOS GREEN. more thar. the umnali plamp seed ; 6 4.5 -- buolels per aore more than abrunkon aeed ;mod 42 2-8 huahela Per acre more From UHer OhldlîoodSbue Suffored fro m than the seed wbicb bad been broken Heart Troubies-Doctorsi Said Nothir.g with the machin.ejin threahing. The Could b. Dune for ber, and that ber sane nuaiber of wiuter whsat graina - . - .~... .~. -were r..d jr. the different slections, and Miel Mie vîllif raad lie ( Elava hle t Tuies, Muill i3'erc M, Rues for s m m G ot 0 Bi oun yet N die, Hyl j Mne Joli 19 coal rair the the. priet t anyM oneu outhe experimientwus conducted in dupli tun prie lie. te.N Fraom the Horald, Stratford. In. the avorage of four yeara' expert' don "Of he akin ofbook thre l nomentg in cut'ing two varieties et grain ai ami endf" tbliair.g f boai adthe lu nofive different stages of ripening, the. ne-1 sea er.,' t bs ber.sud ard te stuesultu show that the grain eut before mânali dlaim miutit bu set Up r. respect ofthe rr.rity does uaL give as large s yield as 1~ Luakîr.g of tettizuouials jr. layor of Dr that whiob waa allowed to becoime fuliy aiel William.s Pinkr Pil. Wondertui are iee.Tedulofteexrîn ra some of the eaternents publislhed in th .e n b ed. Ti dtau cf tlil heiàt r îîewspapers as tu tbe cures affected iniail lysaidwtnthy ae n parts of the cour.try, freah oevid nce printedjr. the anual reporp oet boeol- t ro ""'cloge for 1897. proves the hall lias pot beor. told. Were Tihe avuraize rasuits af au expeniment it not for a taise oense of delicacy whjch coorducted for 8ive yeRra in succssion, in»ae, a great rnry people entertain jin regard swn itrwets ifrn ae no to suoli mattera, the coiun a of the sower.g uter shwoathdfensenats oflu pr-ess would be îîteraîîy teemîing witîîsedno fFr! grafulackowidgeiertu f bueft de bush.) peor acre more than the seedinas ou rived tram and permanent cures effected Septena-b or 17t b sud Qtb. LttanfoUndOU by the use of Dr Wjiliràms' Pink Pilla that i uL sai vsbet. sw for Pale Peopie.* Lt l8 quit. wtbln the wiutor wheatlr.L. viie t Geiplif3 mark to say that thora is ne otber u.edi- inter than September 9th. eine offerod the rublo that can at alL com~pare with Dr Willîise Pink Plis6, PREVEN<TION O0V $MUT M WvifA?. WC and thons le Dot a oorne r.ntis iia dO An erperiment lu treating aeed vheaselti Dominion lu whlch their vitIn have for the prevention of amut basbeec cou- tl mot beeu proved. A cure which receutly dnctod for two y ars with quite stitséfao ,came tb tbe knowiadge of a representa- rsu's Iaild het tory rala nfected s e 'nef tivo of the Hrotaid la deserving of b ing treated for asmut produced a coepcen- wideiy kuown. t i. an instance of taining an average et 2146 sunt balapr beant trouble that baffied the su<ili ai a busbel af grain ; wbule that tr tï itb number et pliysiciana, soen of whcn. Potasmurn suiphide produoed suaverage positlvoIy retusied te treat the patient onof19blef mt;adba tie thegrond hatil;w%4no se.Thewithi Capper Sulphate, 12 balla etu; seubjeot ef the affliction roferred ta 15 the sud that treatod wîtb bot vat êb0tk e-i wife cf a highiy reupeeted andd well te-de smut per buabsi cof grain. The bot, £armner iu the township cf Logan, near water t-stinent wbic oh ae's DrIb.&h the. vilage cf Dublinu. Mr end Mrs Tbooes beapeut aud muet eféàIl~l 'Green are flrm balivers in the effeacy consista in imrlgwdve o of Dr Williams Pink 'Pilla, sud fer very ftf teenu min e ingtvlTa oa geod ressens. Lins Green bas suffered misutes18 bdotreaF.the t a rý evsrytbtng but death frein s waak heart, oudntgbew10»'a ,bbvi ,the trouble having &fflîted ber ince shond eg ot blw 18 sudne bo ao barly childbood. On searrl oeossous teu veyeesial kIugte absabas been se 1ev 'tbat Il vas net' muI Porea; but it fsmal mpou theuglit possible for ber to necevel. 'Ber theprodctive poverett. 4s .ets trouble 41afl o » 'fr ' hov bylb.tu ofastbi ytol4 1 &A theie,,ion .,r.atunddikummansd a éa ré e.. vr snnnéu neoi times ber lisant .esind te cesseil*Siatit abiold irot nt a lsud eto in- tbrobbing sud the breathlag vuS fitw lseraethe harv.ating et 0104a grain for sud laboreti. Doors nedioiase "sin etied neit yen. to have ne effeot wbstevr . vs.w advised by eue phystea tuat il that DW2Iunffl nWor sa» ros rmuo vus could be 4eae vas Ie k..p -ber strêet veu. u p! sud t wus itha Vi, e trengDt4us- . efoloviug thyms atgofot WIM« ening ber systexi, sud w n p th be bIiat vhat varletiles viiibd.,seat fr.s. by tÉta ber heart wonldbs beuefitttdtet iii.4lu oe b ait Pound Ioo et *b atsl, to begau th. use of Dr Wil"s uaPink 1«plin frthas, vbe $11 Filla,' She lad niot beeoW tijhea I- > lu . long, bhovever. whm er*ensvasaM u l wtfste oos, u =lrpo 0 istabie relief froin lb.trou4b1o .ibal b.d4 -ul t imado ber vbote lit le al.Dari*- esd vOl b. qet u«tlutl. ithe i tbe puat suMmer e! b»hUa nePIDk rIsU 0t~.y freefy. sud lbas oe»jood bstter' he*ltb ag than fer mayy esesfomans d bas been able Det olyt do-bor osbl8**.1 wenk, but aise W asy oft - Ob ont d4oor Dsvso.'a QOcldea ha choesîjtb>ful te tue lot of a te Ra4eso Geéê %s vite. Thed4erent physiolsus Who hav.e rIy E.4oacsn. treht . l e fr " sndvto1d ber hua .aw«prwdo biar of ber desth aIe 11tY inomasut.,bot Daws o"0.4%at 'eM le &V9- a awffstn ocmal nt joyig Prms et 1 Osmose botter blh$h :han_ê sS40S5IOi dm»1W i em. Blotb Mrie Qtesn sd ber bus- tes16, talot tte sel bessê aha h. sbiàà el t roim the, nosé »tof&vPr.0 4.I" Cha P'5hlm beUtter 'to usea wrax, por.ille,tand pola up a prevlcus pouash. SPald b1w-the,-wecek, lnêtead of by the pair,, hi'd shirt. the actual leather, ard and smooth aurfae.with Wei L~HoEEeu9< W JBoko% G robsm and th a a; l t- s-Lisais Palmner awfth bMIss ' ,bot for a thort atay.Aa globeli anti vilsofeTo'rcute, were violtttg fieds IbIs week,1 as Ximsadee- ff*uto, te vislllng as &Mi soottetfora t,, days. sa Mary Gibbons la wtth ber brother &mg-of Teronto, this week. ,ès Prngle,- of Markliam, la vîtb ber 1parents, A.lfred sud Mn. Tracy. île a- nutaber of cur people teck ln 0. P. a. excursion ou Tuosday ýte Bleok. bu Mimne ot Lugersol, vas bore vIth netiier sud aistérs for s tew duy. Lè J. Bawson netnrned ta Torante ýday suter âpending a couple of weoks ber mothier boe. lin Reild ta baving a Pioneer Wind put up at bis cemmodioue barns.G vw bas the ceutract. lsss Mary and Elisu Paterson, of Dnie, wsne atndiug the Ineral cf1 rcousin on Stuuday. lies Liznts Birnoîl of Toronto, was the 1 st ot ber frisnd, Misn Lisais Frahani, a few days tbis week. Ir sud Mrs. O'Connor, and Mn@. John kenow, of Brougham, were the guesta lo Gerow on Sunday. cri Dowswell lofttor the North West Wednesday nioruing, but hiàe ual as decided wbene ta locate. Eassers Roy aud Frank Duif, of Mya are with their grandmother, Mrs. field, tor a short vacation. Stokes took a flash lght picture af B P Happer and hon Bible ciao. In je an sdept at flue artistie work. Ne sec Mr. Spoffard buasy deiiverng à.Heoblas not time to wait until the. n is over, but the wot wiil not effeot Swelgbi cf the Cehl. gr OConnor, ot BrouRham, ocoupied Methodiat pulpit at Giasgow on Sun 7,Rev Legoti boing eugagod with the ,ral of Lbe haie Elia Patertion. gfay Leggott. met villi a painful acci ut ou Monday rnrning by upsetting a ,il pail of boiling water uponenessîf, l1ding lier leg and tact. Siie lae ttug ng ntcely. The C. P. R. omployefia rau an exounr )0 te llavëtaock ou Tuesday ; whîen the in pssed througb bers lu the moru- qthe cars vPèr. loaded witb humanI gbt te ibeir littfogt capaciiy. After a lineutina ifineas éof' oMornmonths iration, Miss Ella E , eldeet daughtor the lats James Patersofl', died a% hon otborr recidonce, Brook aîi*et nenili, On riday afternevin, at tiie ageof 80 Ycare acessedl bad Fuffeo muoh frein conu- Lmption aud no doubt ber dexpise vas weet relief te bher. Tii,. teral wais xeld auday afiernecu wbeu the romains were ierred lu the bap'tW t eeery.- Bey. lgott condueted :bhe'service. Tbere pre ast e of niends- snd relatives pre- ýnt'frein a&U pqrts et the district, autý àe funeral vas one of tle Jargeat gen ore fer years. The boeevet i other odfsuiiy a»eentltled t f0 e ympathy tbefr ai bravmat-ei SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. ThWBcyclistsW He's a vise whhmn vose tool J - bag contains something besiclesy ad medicine for a damnaged machine. He la just as hiable te puncture bis ovn akun as to puncture lits tire- g 40 Ymore hiable to bruise himscîf, than Newif!enyhaaitlPm of te break lita wheel. lath m~"uckcure" i*teemergency cure for unexpected injuries. Li rat pyn cornes wîth every pot of Quickcure. Make your own plaster-lay it on the wound, Quickcure viii do the rest-quickly, sureiy, païunliy. At il druggists 25Sc., Soc, and $z.oo. TI-I QUICIiCURS COMPAN4Y, Lvo..Qugago, Co.. YiOOi$ rlOSDl1O(lflo.-Tkýe Great English ReMdy. la the resit of over 85 yeari treatlng thosmadi of caseswlth ail known drugu, until &t luit we hâve dia oVere4, the true reznWcy and trestment-a oombinatlon that wl effeot & prompt and permane cure lu &a tgeof Ssuiil Debsliy, Abia# or EcsNuuoue WeIakuss EsliMental Worry, Ecgeseve (le.01op /ium, Tobacco, or Alcokolle Stimalants, al Of ý-W M Pwhich gSoo lead to InsaWtY, constmption andi an early grae. Wood's1 Befow6 !aIln. Poephod1ne héw bSu uw-ad suceauiy by hundreds of casestbatwemed simot Iopelsn.oastbat had beon treateti by the inot talenteti physi- cBldIStbatwere on tho verge of de.p ndatrintyUsthat weT tott4ttXiqgo,«r the grve-but with the coUtinueti and perevertng Use Of Woodsi phoaphodipO, these cases that hWdboss givae u to11, Wvere' f0teei t mnlvigor and beath-ROdryoi noeetinot doMMai-fl1mat- ter who has given yen UP as lneur&blO-th0 emeyI o ihny reh, bt lin Use yoU M abe restor0d te A lif û ~setuineus and happinesa Price, one package, $1; aix packages, 13» byma&U Lt.. or Postat,$., The Wood Oompany, Windsor, Ont.,g Canada.es tTk Woodlà Pboopiph lis taold by respons1bWwhd O 00Id tIdrglt*lth lsIl FarmnAcoouzitg.MsSdalaystn'neuil ie IgWry armr ho esieste make il vale ibis week. - soccesthese hard urnes should .keep bMn AÀCollin", oeto'Percut ,1laviuiing a book Occount of lits transactions, lest iii t1its nolihbetrhuodd he tai tù meet bis obligations. The Mr-,and MLis Eopriighai, -ci 8carboro, prsrt writen vu ai ased ln the city. Sutidayod aI J Greene Wbnhe was ue years old, bis XMiss 'Pýhoreton su ad- $410 Ë&niîb et fatiier, Who vas à vool maniufacturrWtvile viuited et 1b Carters lutiSon. died- a financtal #Werc*kand -théenothër dy andtwo tiother. cbifrfnen e. onipeled Mnand LMr# Burkliolde, f MDarkhaul, ,toshift for teçmfelves. Fonîwnfately p uta fb en i aty va <ted attl a g fa l t ivany odId S. hav of Torotto. uhe basbeen Onue <oft-he in-tt îliàewe, iti as 1 ha ots o ljproi#4 lu t' and s enableti Dod irltli 1Art pré ired toOltlIIdPrngotbuuiaU Ailio werk yertsi téi te b haeoi,9îfii ~n4uadl.rbunlUttiC 0 b. neéO lés second door west of old sho&. Dundas Stroot, htl Rallway Time Table TRIBNS 00150 eIWRi No 8 Express Datly Mail....... 5:50 a X& No: 1 Local, exept unday .. 8:50 amR No. là, Pagneliger Il.do 2:88 p nM Ne. 1, Express, Mail daily....... 5:0 p ms vnAixNs 0db EAUTWAItD No. 6 Express, daly, except $un .. 8.04 Baim No. 4 Express, Il 9:7 a Ms No 14, P ex r i " " 8:08 P M NO:8,=" e6:17 p m No, 2, Express, Mail. daily... -10:.08 p m MIDLANI) DIVISION GOINO NOnTE-M IJLAND STATION Mlail............................ 808 6 l Mdail .......... ,........... 490 Pm Mdized To Lindsay........a.a0.. 6;85 P iM couine sOUTS Mixed From Lindsay ........... 887 a m. Mail ......................... 12:4 P m Mail............... ..........90:10 Pin DOMINION BÂNKII Capita6l Paid up,- $1p50 0oOO Surpluo, - - $,0 0 Whitby àAgency. Geiieral Eanklng BuisinesS Transacted. BÂAVINGO DEPAIITEENT. M atrt ~ial lewed at htgbest eurnt ratas. 19 o iceetwithArawal roquired J. . THORNTOJ, manage FAI RBAN K'S Real E8tate Column. Stuali Frame Bouse and Lot, cerner of John and Byron streeta, Whltby. WIll b. seld very cbeap. iLOTS-TO bc aold lots 324 sud 258, nOrtli ROUGE CAST HOUSE-On Asli street, cre a. A fine bcodsterybrc lue wltb brick stables. Sltuated on IlYron St,. Whitby, t0 finat resdential street n the town, wlitln threc minutes walk eft hepoot oflffice. Tore arctbree lmot f land witb au entrance on two streets.HOU"e In perfcçt repair. For partilerfi5s PPIY %e Real Estate Ageait Wbltbye Ont. Frlday >tripe 10 Tmernto Lonves .5 . ýOe otud 3ony 0 cent&e ma - j 4 'I a wti M. W. COLLIN Se

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