IIML cobsgIn the ùb. 011 Of tor 05..kýtia i5c. and lc k sâtrxr Vtbý matr*t u tp dlsonsed tid cheini will t ohft b. pused fotý fid. wetht î4 it 1mW*~ atren, whfitcnt1 FINEIST QIJALITY vnt 0 u~lc ha it'ids Pogs lad L% ire, mse well hpowt, fi â sofdi b,*ri WSmDPotWh1tby' and a IN SECGT POWD,E R, rotiier totDrh0,etobossu t will e remmber be ws t he 50 centi per lb. Bishop of Itichl a ie d$CIL, 1 t he t&q tamburth Cof-ece, A14i ýe MXg landi on MaY lut, the lady that Io now bis wife was not uuknown to Mr' Warrens family connections ilu Xniaud. lml brother, John WarrenWho went to Ause- tralit luntJe oli xctemeut sud died lu du E W 1L 18ý that country, Ieft a widow wlio returüet to 09EMI8T & DRIJGOIST, la rather romantde that Mr' Warren sund Miss Daniel wbo bati bath -resisteti the arts of MEDICAL :-HALL, Cu ld ountil the>' hati passei the urerldian Off ilfe ahouiti consumtnate their acquaint- suces at the hymenldal star. Lt fi under. l BROOK ST., - WHITBY. stood that Mr andi Mm Warren wlll take up their reslden'ce at Gladistone, Mich, lu Oc- tober. Vindicator: 'rbe Whltby people are É movint to make that town a summner resort sud to that end heid a public meeting aset UI~IIJJ~j.tIlJ. riday niught to diseuses the best means to be employed 10 reach that desirable end. The towns of Whitby snd Oshawa are in WHIITBY, AUG. 20, 1897. the unner months to take their abodet in ecithen ont of the towns. ere le no use ____________________________of tht towns pursuing a nanrow mindeti, LAIT WARZ4N0. jealous course tu this matter. There are1 enough summer resorters laylng around loose bo fil both places. The thlng uecepsary This week and next we wil send out al l i for soineoile to make thé necessary effort unpaid subacriptioti accounts. We have no t0 catchi the attention ot those iooking for a report andi get them Intenesteti. Thetline to use for subecribere wbo do not psy up, sud work on le to gel the business men to Io. conte wili be added ln every case where the cate their familles here durlug the summen account le net settied by Aug tr5th. We and tht heatis of tht familles coulti go backwand sud forward to their business publiiban honeet paper, sud Pay Our w5y, every day if tht>' choose. Tht train ser- end we are slck of duuinlug those who ap- vice le al ight for that kind of thing. The pear to tblnk they do ue a favor by taking Oshawa Reiiway Company anti' Mr Bd the HROICLz Al wil besorr wh domouds on are lnterested ln a movement like tht HRONCLE Ailwi l besony wh dotus. If tht>' wili take holti of the question not act on thîs fair warnlugt. tht>' will finti the people off the town ready --------- -4-to second their effort. Tht uorth short affords as gooti facilities for attractive auto- Short Natea, mer resorts as an>' part off tht province AilOunr ieadlng politiclane are struck on Nature bas donc her part, it remains toi' the preèretia trde ithEnglanti, snd I bas pople to do the test. Tht electlralmlway preferutialtradewltb etween the town andi tht laiteile a facilt>' proven a pollcy prolific of tities; but if the that shouiti asast tht enterprise. common people have 10 psy a duty on tes anti extra changes on man>' other thinge to make up revenue loties (rom -tht preferen tiaI business, tht Ides will become unpopu- ian. When people reat off the fiendlsb murder of Mrs Anthony Orr last week ucar Gaît, tht>' muet nttturali> setit to know wbat sort of a lite she liveti, sud what motive coulti have stîmuiated ber murderer ta sncb an act. Very littie enqulny shows tuat te.was aIl utfaithfui wtt., a degradtd wretch who w4is lable 10 ieave ber bushanti ant i ive wlîb êny other malt wbo wanted her. She w.s off a sort that cannot b. kili too qulck- iy, sud It la no wonder tit ber ubappy b uebanti shedi no teus o ven ber grave. he Io desti and gone to ber account, anti that la exactl>' where oshanîti ldhave been'longa sgo. TIre.litalsways corne twô.eg ai midignîfieti by tht sppearance of a mi wia la ready bto ebauch sucb a shamelase woma ; and on. le pussieîto1 underutanti wby sucb destroyers off vomen ame neyer satiefieti with accompllshing ber destruction, but must bave ber lîffe. 'bey become Witecarlt butchens wben tht>' tire off thelr< ,as on. Ih la bard tc ay so, but t la otyftig ual sucb womeu uhonîti perlsh asa warulng ta their kîpti. Soine may mit wtuat off tht men wvia shareti ber guilt andi then slew her? Maugifig la toa gcoot for them. They shoulti b. tralleti forth and thelr braina dashed out as they kîlleti Dire Orr. Wbisby Town LOO"@t Wanted. Two or thret Boarders for Home comforts. miss tebunnum Cottagt, Whitby. Ma>' 27, 1897-tf- tht summner. HAYWARD, Ail kîntis of punîpe repalncd. Chain punips for sale. Wlnd-miliia solti snd ne- palned. I bu>' direct (rom the manufactur. ets, ual (rom second-baud dealers. W H Piper, Wbltby. Ho i Sicycilete1 Thert wll b. s meeting at the CitRoN- tcLE office tbis. Friday' evenlng off al uhose Interesteti lu bicycles, 10 decide upon sucb regulations es may b.e atisfactory to the town couticil, andi toi. oy tht paislug off a byiaw to prohbbi bicycles runing on tht waiks May Pt: averteti. Itsle eltthlat an ar- rangement can b. matie sulsfactory ýta the townfathtesasd Mast off hue. who are où 111. Street Corneu OnSatrdy nîgbt s young fellow naveeti Allosop o te lam Capt. jothn AlIbi, wbê was drownoed off Cosw«et rrveti ln town anti proetiedti 0 pteaci-tht SItOT>'off tht cross. He, vs otu anti bro0gbt'op In Wbltby 80d Oib~a,11111 and; i»asîaecord whkh shbows hlm te b. cther a preut cema- tunai, su *rra11t crsn.k, or a buaatic Hli deis ta have spent abotit twenty4Ave Yesrs Injail ansu d rme and the reming two ymsof bihle f.lu spridnx the mry oà ( te fù_.H. reportla bfnd umsnlty lu, a 'w.tba cndtIt of lImmorslity. He upbralds ransu *b.Itig a cIovou-hotét *Twtcb w oe op _&ud a o!> tali, trip* tu Maitoba ' " n truztao4t-s i tlierte üurbt the bahêt W bA M - jejtei4, of torouto ws Visit* ,ti ýied-anbrelast wéek. ,,Sh!e ts nse copige #0 it and gave as imlber -of plees t the:$,.,of T.on Ietutdaty evenugi A weeIý (roui Butillà al neît the 1ev 1 M auierols ill co men t utnber of dis. tourffl 011proi'eile ltelliiotï, comuiene. e n e O ts~ 11 .delatu and finishng rtis elvetemii. 'I'oxe w1IIIIg to bear tomethiug of a soltd- atd Iuterestihlg ckar- aeter sbould try to attend. Trhere la no doubt but Mr' Cameton will do the subject i natice. victoriaco.rnhrs Mise jeele Rynard, of Scott. with Mre C Fair. NI sTt Murray, of. Scott, le with Mns Thos MÇerrick. Robt Acton h,%d two vaius.ble iambe kili- ed by lightning, Mr andi Mrs W Hoieon, of Wick, are visiting their parents here. N C Siler, B A, andi Percy Harrison are at Postmaster Sanders. Miss Merrck of Scott, and M.ise McDon. aid, of Buffalo, le with Mise Sanders. Our esteemed pioneer citizen, Geo St John, celebrateti his 77th birthday on Monday 9th list. Harventting le well advanced lu this local. ity. and farmuers are now busy threshing out their well filled barns. Mrm Mulyheati, of Toronto, and daugbter of Cleveland tipl, vielted the daughter of the former, kire Wesley Doble, last week. During the heavy electrical storm wbich Sassed over this place on Monday, qth most, Çhos Merricks barn was struck by ligbtn* lng. 'rue veutilator was demnolished, seyerai rafters were torn out, the doors %hattereti, and building generaliy badiy shaken up. We are alive yet. thongh not otten heard (rom. Mies Bovnes, of Toronto, le the guest ot Miss Ullie Roaeh. Mrs Copelanti of roronto, le spending a f ew weeks with MnWaddell. The Rev Mr' Dean intendse w preach a special sermon for tht children on Sabbath. Mr George Brbbatons eiter (nom trelan i b speninga fw weksvielting relatives on thit Gieorg te ponde.a etrei(omBf~o Gieore ouas i asundetrgong tfrem Bu fo ~weiled ke. Wc hno tht eeit orbain celved pill be permanent. Hirvcsting Is progrcssing arther slowly on ac. count lof the wtt weatber. Mos off tht grain in (bis section is cut anti a weehs fine weathei wouid be s boon to farmers juat uow. Consider. able threshing le belng doue, .chlefi>' alske, whlcb ie glviag rstiier s poor yitd, as farn#à s vo haw heard,IlÈ%Di Avery hapfpyevent occured At the- ÃesideUge Off Mr andtigrawSHoi',ri l, 1Thursda>' Augustit iti, laritie marriage o01 ther second daughterella 10 MUt E T SIeMOn ILA,.. Math. etuatiokmaster off tic Oieva Hlgh Soo Tht ocoy was perfbroeti by tht, Rev W. A. Biincer initer asheautlfull>' tec>r*tetieveigrteu ceci erecteti oh the: vi ~5 ~ Hoet',ali ter off tht bride, vas tht bddlà daliwbll. the mrom vusaaitt b&4.LBavua BAof Pemt. A lre up e fgaseWele phesent, cblefy the immeduste Irleude ai thter' , u aroundt ti, testi béa rd tht haPPY oplett Ot îheeveu1utmi 1«orTomateouroute 10 the Muekita her~they rouain a sot tini prevlouly Io taktng up rostdee lu (Osbsw& GTIGÂNTIC1 RAT IS.UL RPl NE S~2MNT 0F r3eOOSB, Organdies in colors. îg black. Spot Muslins ini white# in colorede Madras Sýiteens, dark & light shades. Gallatea Stripes. LAflTt1~ ~' New 'e 'i g' 'g Also ~ANDRE Fancy A Large Stock or7~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber.,Setts, Full Line of Fresh Alway8 G roce ries. S.* Relic4ble. Assortrnent Men's, and Boys' Hats and Lustre Coats. n4 AAeVranze of Tweeds and Trower- xngs, in the latest patterns, suitable for present use and also for fali wear. me ROSSO liAn Adertlsonon1 This la au advertisemfeflt whIch tels the. truth about Milburns Hcart and Nerve PlUs. PIEOPLE WHO auFFER from sleepleesiSSdizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling,, palpita- Vt'ion of, the_ beart, pans throuigh tha, brat an d heart, dition of the imd, groundlis tsars of comlg danger, anawitia ,*nor , , iBbod , a tr effec.t$e l f la_ ritïpe, geridbilltye >RYTuM PL as thoytte"7 isnpco nt& 'EYGfyb0 is garà ïtlýýý M satisfation -or money,.r dd'trsugb- the. party (rà m Whon -pilaswee tpurchmed, and w. authrizethemto >o opon ithe strengtýh f heaboa satatèm0O Tt. ioffeî la Iile othelii o u yanyou. porion. Z ax at &Vo, TOrnjo Hà o 8 a Good ' Thing. Varisty Quai ity SAL J' Stick Pin Special design prizes for Ati games and sci il.sa Bi offical Conaty Or@ tou of an>' tocm FBIDAY, AU Mr W H Bewell 1 West. Miss Lang, Port der over Sunda>'. -Mr and Mrs Sitt with fniends in towi Mise Maggie Cai ot the Misses Arnol Mr Walter Soit gutet of bis aunt, M Mr E Armstrong borne from the Bul Mr Ait Mowbr;l spendin'g soute mai tht oid country. Mr and -Mrs were in town ou visit to his siset stret Mrs John Crai Peterbono, are gw lier busband spez Europe this sumio Tbree conduct b>' the manageffi Irailwiy for non-c laid down for tht Meet F R E, Geo Beweli,11 andi John McCulIc ing .for -Matitô tht>' are plesstd in ail probabiliWe -Thc cdtorq this Week annoul hlmmelf. go far ai edi to ýaboilb thb the Largest e Bad bafft eathar. 4dm« mi»s iler, off Toronto, bas been à guest hv at Mr J T Mthlso'i. ho" Mm Water SmsntofO.hawa, basbeena 'Uver, guest off MisaCîsypole. oi Mise Dot Lswton, off Toronto, la tbUig lov seuft off miss joinston. nmoct lirs O'Neil off Chatham bas boas lu town 'OutI witi ber sitert, Mr* 1 H Long. . Se Mr' Harod, jefey Isspalwg il. boIt- OIr days ih vfthfiands et Rcite. 4 4 Miss Th x Klis, Toront, lu vI.Iîtisg leulssa, uown, tie 8Mau51 offthe M" iss sdeil. 1o, MIssesIAt* Mcuietsy"ditillit 1.Whslau tbiIi off Toronto art vlslîlng relatives la towmcari' btrt-On Suday, 1Aux Irstilo, the Tb vIfs of Vina BtprgM soff twimi oy sui Sir, w . r e tlt an d berusister Mia. Hiat botb0fTomosto, have bea u tsltlog Mm tui towe. Mlu L lk«es ~of Torovas * tutomeo0 smuiatis he gue0t Of ber ui5ters, x'. WS B mi" MT ryAun volte y ratme4 tI Bfà I.W 6Sheetafor' China. AT GIB8SONS Broc -il Straw J. C. nott the, o