TOL. XLI. WHITBY, NA9O RIAAUGUST 20t 1897. NO. 38 Wi1son's Fly Poison Pads 10e Brith's Poison Pads 5 cents. Tanglefoot Sticky sheets, for-5e. Fly) six1 Fruit Jar ]Rings. Bealing Wax, Corks, CIIEMIST & WHITBY, Etc. 1) RI IGG;IST, - -ONTARLIO. WINDMILLS WIRE FENCE. -O -o- Geor  --«gage Belle the Genuine AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ket.leman Wire Fence Iniending purchasens siscuit examine ths Mil butor-e placi-ug their aider. Do not let nn agent ptu an imitation on you ehen you c an gelt the Genuine Aet'saotar, tharoî,gbly gaalvammzed, and warrantet, for less monîey. M or-e ot iheso mille muId in Canada to-day tisant any other niake. The Aermoîar Co. claim they selI onte hait the number oaf wind- MillA Ouutfts soldith Ae corîi, aitishe present tilme. Ail styles of Wood and Iata Pumps for sale. Ant' information regarding these outfits cull be fneely given by writtag ta GEO. ALLîN, Feb 7', 1897-6ma. %VHItTHaY.1 WiSTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Whktby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq., President; Reuben s. Humla; Emq , \rlcePresh W F Cmwan, Eeq, W. F. Allen, Fsq.. J. A. G;d> sou, rEsq., RobtMcinou1. MD., Thos Patterson, Esq. T1 H MeMIlan .... ......... Cashier Goueral Binklng Business tratisacted. Drafts lssued, payable lnalal parts of Can- ada United States, and 'on London, Eng. *îand, payable ln il parts of Purope. 34< per cent. allowed on Saviaga BRunk Deposits *nd ctçdlted hif yeaaîly. Special attention to collection of Famr'sale notes. Manager o Vib rnh Mt Fan» for 8a/e ~*.Post Farm s for sale by privais con. ti~, MII be sold on veryui em l 10 1). MCBaRwD, Audl.y. Dow & crrIL-i~ tl*ysk, Whtb , or L. V. MCBBAOY. "t 4*'% solicitor, &lnads Life Bullaaag, Toronto.' Whitby. Jûty i9g, 1897. shed 1849. leand iforkt, y.L~ .1 i r LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, Save a terrifie thunden storm tisai spt over thse laite on 8uoday afiennoon last, Ideal camp. ing weatber bas prevaileti mince lait writlng ou, Many guesis have corne and gene attise Lobant bouse, which la rapidly bccotnlng oneocf tise most popular ummer remonta la Contrai On. tarlo. Friend Swain Is doing evenythlng Ah bhie power to make ibis place, so favoret by nature as a summer rmaori, nlost (avorabît' known îe pleasure secekef @. H ig regiten wl soon be more valuable than the Dominion diiretory, ai tise lIist of tranient guests includes represotatlres froua every province and neanit' eveny burg la tise Do- m-inion. If he caulti only niove bis hantioua, convenhent, andi well eqtzlpped store, wchsnew awaits a tenant ai Backstock, te Cuasanea, lit would flot detraci (rom the appearance cf aur handsome village. Tom là anxiaus te secure a good tenant for his valuable property and Black- stock no doubi wîll be pleased ta celcome a lire biusiness mari. We bope bath mat' attîsia thei desires. The heary winds ihat have preraîlti for the lami few days hav- discounieti lunge fiais. ing, but have mnati bass hshing mare gentenal. Ditis excîîîng sport is now a(ila best andi guests ai thse hotel and the campons on tise lake sboie report phenomenial catches. M, J Latimer, tise band&omesi mai in Toronto, wîîb bis cife and tso children, are guests aithtAe Lelant bouse. l'ht Bowmnanville catmp s yoî in full blast, but the- Mitchell Bros anti theîr frientis, froua Ennîs. kîllen, broke up camp on Mcntiay and, contrairy tu camptrs customs, returneti boats anti fishiug tackle in rt i ams condition. !Sohool openaod on Mondav, and thse local pedagogues bave ne- turned to Lheir several poste. On Tuestiay lise larges[ lunge caught that dat' cas captureti by Mr Od.-ll, of Cobouriz, wiîh Master nredRie- derson a close second, in andi 9 Ibo. beiag ibein respective weghts. Mnr Allain Mitchell cas un- tortunait-in loting a beauty, aiîbotagb b. se- cured a 7 pourier. Thie lunge are beginnlng .o hite again. Pine Point, whicb le consideneti by miaiy thee beal camnping groundis la Ibia part ni thse lake, wRm ritver so lîveîy as ibis t'oar. Tise Iwo commodous cottages built there lai vear have been taxed ta thein utmasi toaaccni- iiiodate the- guesao their proprietonrs. Mn anti MnI tllayson and Mrsm- lckle, the ranerable pdrents of Mr Peter Hait and B Pickîe, nie- ç pectively. are spending the summer ai t the for- tnt-ns cottage, and are nenewing ihoir youîb amnidst the- galoty that prevails tiser. Ibis sea- son. Mn Adam Rowand anti bis aget mothor, of Whîthy. were tht-m gucsis even Sunat' Messrs HoIt, Pickie, Headeson anti Jas Laudor were trout lhîng on Maaday, on tho noted stream ai Cartwright, anti bagged nesnly tco hnndretiaf tise speckied 1:t-eautiem. It coulti have donc Major Farewelis anti Jutigo Daninelsa ht-arts goot Int have bein aionir. Meuars & M Rasa and Jas Shaw. ot Wiiby, cere tie guesta of Capt Henderson on Sunday ati- egrettoti exceedingit' that bath tise moralati civil lacs preventedti or castinR a lune laie ourilAISîok. cd lake. ilowever, thse captains larder was ccli suppied andti iet' wece enabledt2 i faim an opinion ai wbat aur lake produces. W C. M icisol, B A., and bAs brother Allna, of Toron- to, are gtaests at iiue L.otge. Tise former bau bernmos maluccessful n ihe -îrolliag lias-, bavlng captiareti severai fine lunge, whule tise latonr bas kept tbe c&mp tulAy uppiiet icl thtie finesi sarnsPes af black anti green bisa, O)n Tisnaa evening lait Dr Hunier entez îtaed Cet IHt-- derson andi his guests ta a caîi party. In ad Il. lion ta Capt Hender-sona negI1ýar quests, Mr., Sandenson and iMn Prost, baoît f <art'vnlglati wcre Of the ¶sriy. .Progeressive Ilearti" sas the gamne. %% hen \liss Benta Henterson, afien a cff- se c1ose finish cîtis Miss lluckh tiaughter o! tht le SirFrntcis IC&Nok c ap turedth ie fi:st prie cotupeeti for by the laiesi, w1lile the- docart. aller a sîrnuani expenlence sats Mn Sadenstor.. was tieçiredthtie ciner of thse gentlemecn-. pr te. Mis A G lienderson »di Mr Pruit teck theiq respective be'aby prIses. Mîsi Daringioa, of Finuekîla, a nieM ofe Dr untiers, Rqsîsteti Ael utscle in casîerta ning bi&stii. Lawyer Huntrr, of Noc York. thse yoargiooa oi the doctor, arrlvi-d la comp btiida Mdsitel presence Rave dit. igt;Çnot 'mliv te tishet0= bot to tise doctols peniî'aîeni ssndtnauwt ih 515 as ce).il Mn. tA-Im.Totoanto, atîben 1"gb ten cf Sir Francis H 'acks, Mise [rais#, cfN$ York, andi Mn Sîsutet' Dalingtoou, iiodîl sU Mn Chai Grass là puttilg a new water eheel ln thse miii, Mrs 3 H Hoar of T«roto bas been spendlag a'e daoc tit wîbber laitieor, MnJohn OoDav. The rnew prosbytenlan bock cf Jaraiso lna vanleiY Of styles là Dow la stock ai Uolliay Bras. Rev G M Lehîgis, laie of Brandon, Mata# wAlI preacis bers nexi Suaday laibte 'baptisi chtarch. Rev Dr Lambît' sAlI preaci ai tbe regulan Ser- vice In the prifbaterlan cburch next Sunday afterncon. Melvin C Wells, who Asa ow living In Mch., speat Sunolay here. He bas ncarly dccided te retura te Canada. Mn Faak Luke bai lef t Mn John Colton's eincoy bvinqpurcase bthebutctaen business E Baillot bas purchased A 0 Elliotts bannes. business and wIlli atîly open out fon business An tise olti put office building. Master Grant Eddyit was sufficieuily nocoverecl froua bis recent lllnesa te bu able io returu home froua Olanemonaion Tuesday. Miss Gertnill 11 as coeo! ibrêe.successful situdents cf thse Wbiîby Colleglate Insîhtute wbo won a ftsl third chies certificale. Mrs Mornison* neturacti (rom ber visite oTonr onto lasi Friday, Wc regret to e ain ihat ber healtb s lutile, if ant', Amproveti, I'hc tnustees ofthiis sectAon met lasi week and exteadeti the vacation for onc wcek. Tbe r.- openlng wIlI therefoée b. on nexi Monday. Mfr Thos Wîckett is stili confiined te the bouse suffertng (rom a severe atîack of sciaica. We hope bis healtis wtAl soon ho improveti. Miss Neilie Keater, of Oshawa, la visittag ai j F PAries. She s An a position te necelve con- gratulations (rom hon finonda, hayiag jusi passed thse thintidamls or Foi m Il examlamtlons. Apple buy ens are lusiling thnougb ibis district just nos, Thet' are vent' auxious te but' and are offenlng up te $i 50 per barrel for winîen fruit. The cnop là sure ta o aË profitable one this year ihough tIl As o much smaller than it waa last eason. Chai Allouas whn recently isad a mroke of pnmlyaisst l11lana naîben helpless contlon, Hls igisî srm is qulte usaias andth ie lcg onl thse-samne aide s almost la these arne condition. 'Truc te bis nature. Mn Allem las keepîng up hi. spirits An bis affliction and be, ad bis many 1tiends bore anc boplng for recov- ery. Frank Scott retunneti rom bis aid country trip i Sundat' moraing afien an absence oft me montlbs. Most of ltsvîmit was speni lu IScotianti An the vicinity of Edaagbungh acar wbero bas aid home was provions te his ccualng te Canada, 2o years mgo, Woaderful luaprovements bas italien place turing ibese years. Mn Scott con. mionrs tIsai the conditions efthtie wonkiug met lu aIse much improved the olt bouses witb chicis bo cas lamiliar havlng been replacet by modern st-ucture of hantisome appearance. Tise people gepeially'are prosperous suid coutentet, Fmank Rogers matie a billiai catch ef aru. a"a boiseta the street bore on Tuestut mors. li;' t wuca moreexding thatan ythlag wntness. et ai Buffalo Bills show. The boise bobongedt w Geo 'Hlollidal. Ih stanted (rom la front of tise resbyterlaa chureb, being (rt;hîenet by a chair aillng frouatise wagon ht was hutchedtot. As i wenî thse chairs continuedtote ail andthie animai beceme more tnlgbeaed until by the dînme h caine alog the main streot t cas golng at full speed. Several uasucccssful atietnpts were mode te stop li. butast t cai passing Frnak Rogers ho caugbî on. conner cf thé wagon boi anti swang binaseif ln. Ho souneisad holti of tise linos andthue bers. was qulekît' broughition ce cntral. No damage W&& dont. Tise Royal Templar gardon party belti st iton John t>rydonsonn biestiat'evonlug as, igbly succSui, Tisle eyenhag was cool tieuis cet uncomfoetabiy me, but Ina croit'ohhr respect; the conditions cere most favorable, '*Maplo Sbado' w*#th its tqtoriltim nover looketi rettier. Thse 34tsBan isbond gave an ab»t. = ;à cftiseir choicesi mulm wlih chilal pes- ont cor. telighted. [stor fspe d cliii band auie thon. cuaua by the district coua- en«orof the-R T ot T, Rer D XMeÂmus. reculuious bv E £ y »matuis fssie Dryden a moog by Gao Holidy anti a vey op a.~ lgWslbllçnetclub sWingt Iby isses I>180 andi Jesais Ho1liday, Tio embors nofthb Md won colde #Opations lt tisiugdImaslt an o:7b« mamnèe, sud lut'ths e rffl mur "9 tt«asi wbkb ub-o&t' urlsc, bo neturnet borne in Satu2,4tý'; --Mrs Arthur Darliagton, ef Ptîrkdale, bas1 boon vÉating Irlande in Port Penny, Reacb 1 MY8gTLu STATION Mr Imesle Brlggs and famly, from Toron. to are holidaying at hie mothers and brother The gardea party held here last week wan qulte a success. We understaud the re- ceipts were about aineteen dollars. The trustees of this school section have had qulte ajob on their bande in fixing the schoolyard and p1aygrouadq in conse- quence of haviag purchaaed some addition to the grounds on the west. The newly ac- quired part was much lower than the oid ground and the work bas been drawing dlrt froua the htgh to the lower p arts s0 as to make a good playgrouad for the pupils. After suffering somne fifteen motitbs and more from long discaire, Mns Anna P Hodges post mtistress at thse soutis village, died on W ednesday mornitig of this week, and ber body was laid to rest lu the Prince Albert cemetery beside thse reasains of ber first husband, Mr Robt Dobson, wbo dled sonie fourteen or fifteen years ago. Mrs. Hodgzes bas Ieft a son some sixteeu ycars old byhber first husband and onc littie girl nearly six years old by ber late busband, Mr. Edwin Hodges, who died two years mgo lat M ay Tbe'<'eceased havlnig been a muother to Mr. Hodjres niotberlcss eilîdren for some five or six years, thcy will miesber, and en- pecially ber owa littie cblld Bessie, also ber large circle of friends and relatives. th'e choi'r held iheir plcnic at the lake lust ;Ftlday. cBeool opeaed on Monday last wltb 24 DuilB la attendance. Mise Addle Pbllp la home front Toronto vieil. Ank ber people. Mi1sa Whitney. of Oshawa, visited ai W Mc- Ottgors lait wcek, t>as Coabwell, Toronto, came bomne t at. tend bis fathers funeral. Miss A Rowe'rcîuraed t0 Riclgetowu laut Sat- urdibv to take charge cf lher sehool agaiu. W tu ad Mrs E I3oon and famlly. Toronto, are vidinlg wlîb Mna Boons mother, Mns Joseph Webster. Wbcat and barley ihreshed on smre of the boit firme turned out about tilny bushels to thi âcre. &~e of the thncshlug firme have a clumt collect- or ou their macbinQ, which carnies the dusl out of the barn, I matte;. flot whieb way ibe wind blo#L. This wilI be a great relief to those Who havÉtio attend thresbing asi t ia vent tryiag wonk ln wirm iwenther. Mr G Miller, teacher Grcenbank, and Mn A Millen, teacher Prncae Albert, called on Mr. M J M4ackey on their w, y home from maklng a bicycle tour of 5oo miles th rough the western part of the province. They saw oaly one dis- trict whicb ihcy tbought was equai îo Ontario counîy. ihat was nea Goderich. Itbte death of Mr Oso Coakwell whlcbc- currcd on Sunday last, ibis communlty losi a citizen whose place wiil b. very bard to filA. Slckness came on bim about one year ago caused by cancer of the stomach. He was under tresi. ment by the best medical mcn in these parts. took a ses voyage and-iben was la thse Generai bospital, Toronto, for a lime but tbey Ml falled ta do any good he gradualiv grew weaker until' death neiieved hlm of hîs Intense ufféring. He was bora la Burwick, Vonlshiie. Etugland. and came 10 ibis cotuntry la 1863 About 3o yens ago %e came to the Town LUne and leartasd wagon rnaking witb tbe laie Tbos Ellilot. About ibis lrne b. was converted and joired' the chîarch, FPronibene lhe went 10 Cohi»bui, where hoe wa i ned ln marriaize to Mise -Me, Clean, îbey setled An Llttlç Brittan where tbe. remaiaeditll tIser. was au opeaing aithé'~ Town LÂne wbere hie bas resided even ince, *. period of!tai years. Shartly afier comlng bere M ru Coaicweli 'died. lie marnied again. Mligs Remmer, of the base Ane, Pickernlg. 1un.,~ Mr Coakwelis long terni of business hie has been held la the bighest respect by all Who had any dealings witbhlm. Pensonaaly we are giad te bear téstimonv to bis honorable wasm, (rom thse arnallest Item ta business te the greatest,,lhe was ibe arne. Although a very bus y man ho always touad Urne to wonk for thse çburch ; for a -tumbor inf years lie was teachen and supenlaicadent. la the Sunday scbooil and for thé pullt tree years hau been claie leader. Hilm brlght carter ilum- trated the beanty and usefuineaswblch ever cornes froa an eanly acceptauce of Christ. Bt' the higisest authonity wo are asured, "Tise memory of the just 1% blesmed," and that thse "1Ri#h1e*u«ý aali ho bad 'in everlasttng remem- lirAge." ' The funeri whleh was- a very large, eure teckplace Tuedsy ai 2 30 PF mito the Union Ceme:ry. Decoaseti was a member of the A 0 U V* wblch socicty attended in a body. Thse service wai conducteti by the Rev Mn Mc>iarmid. Thse bearers were six brothers. lie baves a widow and efvht chlldren, Chais. of Toronto, Jenny cf Cniumbus, andi six ai home, îwo girls and four boys. We asure: ihem ihey have tihe aut (cl sym pathy of thse Ca ite communlt' ln their loss of a ioving buabanti andti knt faiber. Win Major Ao aonç too well tisoqe days. Mià ss Uly palmer, of Pickerng. Is wlfisatis]nd Mrnlames jobasion bas blene (rom tise c4 euth im t is Week. Ilits saiti tha: gof)d Canssadla pples eil bc ratherscarce this yenr. Mr and Mr& Shsaw, *ofTilsonburg# wiisbore for a short tilu st cools.-1 MIS lames Kayes bus etdents frin st Mia, Aies Whaof etTerotot leai ýber Mr "d Ma LG 4Anu ioport noîý ïcas et Mia Tisas Prythu On Swiday. Van Gerow astruuiedt us bam o &s MWanu CIIY ftneam te i cetsai oS »d timmp Brocs. Binb-O tiseIttis là s4ýthe uIa w».*1. Mis la GS. erTomme la holiday. ciituer pumsai, Misa Gerue Law5i5ls~m, con miss EtiUas short tim cli bIsoemuwo st c*0ltout$ a4 Wu.mbbulmy& 1 1 Mrm alihsutdtaligisen, of Pont Arthur, bas beenia riiing hermuthetr, Mn. Powell, ant sAter, Mrs JnuWlcket, EdItor Courîlce, of the Toronto Christiatn Guantilan, bas been emjoylng part cf hi. holiday. wlîh bis parents ahi. pasi ceek. Rev Prof Aunews. -of Sackvilîle, N.B., wiso As vlsiting Rev R H Leticia, Groenbauil, was a guesi cf Rev D N McCnnnus Anisi Fnl- day. Mlesos Geo and Albert Miller, teachens, roturnat iTisunaday frem nonthern and western Ontario, taklng la a po mile bicycle trip, lncludlng ail tise c itics and towtas in tisat section of countny. Tise toca cas vlmlîed lest Sundat' by a severe hall sîonm, wch i tt cotamtdtrable diamage ia destroyisîg shade anti (nuit trocs, anti bneaking glass. Tise wiîad fur a tîme blew a hurricane (nom tis outhwest. iîgi Sciacol Second Porn Tise foilocing cens thse successrtil candi- daties An Part Peît y cîaool. Form I-1-E AI- lin, L Baird, B Ii Bediford,£E Binkett, i Briton, R Del.uny, E Foy (hunorm> L Houoy, A McKay, E Martia, C E Par-r, Sophia Pari,MNi Smiths, M Waddell. Pant 1, Furm 11-8 M Bition, R Bnuac, H Mc- Latîglîlin, j A Park Ats, A E Shier, R Wat- soni, Part I, cithout pbysica-R Baird, j Christie, C Fengusnn, E M-Kennedy, L E McCate, Emmna Pir, S E Parr, F Antan, E Savage, Lizzle Weir. Launa Weir. Physics oîaly, j frlcCullocl. Love of Office When ths Coaservativea cere lu pocer uhe Reformera trequentiy accuscd the for- mer of bohrîg office se2 ens and. huniers. To-day tise position of tise tee parties bas chlatiget ; thé Reformons anc ia office anti !t muet bc admitted tisaitisey are s sger atad hungry for office as ever tise Censervatlves ,u it I any tInsie. If a vacancy occurs- the zaimber? tif applicaa(s f(n Reformera are 1èla, ucb ne that tihe mernbcr havlng 4Iteiëà rüiuage le oti placed in a vcry îny- iagxedi wkwaît position. Take for la- Sin is Huron county. Daniel, cf thae 'Drit'Sgt1,a statincis Refoîm paper, bas fieleatoiI f the siîîing niember, M C C e oas, and to-day Daalila pounlnig oui his Vil and wrath là bis paper agauasitithe M. P. Hlm weekiy budget cf politîcal pro- verbe are cell corti readlng : "Dun't get gay chou ycu're footing ona green applos."l "iDoa'i ente out oyr youn chIa If you cin't swim, or you cent b. able te sabout." "Even a worm dwli tara chou trettea on, bat a.worm cAtis gumptlea clii net be lied tapon." "Tise bonosi rMau, AnpollUes lla net te lue toust on oeeaite enly. Neltber le the other tollaow.'" "If certain parluetala l4d a frou, baud It -cotait roat <Thoecarts la tisé Lordis, andti se futluus tiereôf, isuî salarlcd jobs are for me and. my role ea" Anoîber came, te cher. Edutor Gardinuer, of the Hamiltou Timcs, ïcautâ the rêglstrarmhlp of Wentrîi, sud Eduton -Plie, of Duntas. alse cans t escii as se-veral: doxea cîher applicauts, andi they an. pouning bot shet ai eue anotiser, To cerne close homo' bobeai the atateofotafiakinlaSouths Ontario. -A roglstransilp was vacant, atndomre sixty appicationsero niade for tli. offce, asti uvery mns iscappliedt iougisiobahil tise béat rigisit tu, ut dtiat tise local >emiser for tiseildiuig cas la houer bouato i gve It te tise ame cisc applled. Tiser. cOe 50à many gond tmon tisattih 1o eDryden wus ln a cornier antias a luat reouace te, buai tmaster. u'p suid t taflairs lns a quiet state; laromtnent Reforaner. andti song tise *uunbe*' soverol of tise applicants, -preusuntod lith ii. as dope. atsdi le l Ito tur ITise cottagere ai Petitte Peli, te tise uum- ber cf about 40, biret teama (nom Port Penny on Thureday lest andl matie a cross country trip la PAne Point. The excursion onîginai- cd ln gooti (nuis, belng prompiedti t test tise hoapitnlity of Capt Heatersoas, bath as te quantiîy anti qualîty. It cas rather laie tsihon tise expedillon set oui, and t rilved ai Pine Paint ut dusk la tise eveanç. Ih wae Intendedt tasurprise the galiant captila, but ibis dea falied, as ho cas away tram hotme, Ilkewîse bis famnily atd fients, Some pan- tles cho ceno neain thon. cee.Interviewee and siate thiet' titi naiknoc choie *'CamV' was,-but lîîey carnedthtie vIsitons net ta go near Pins Lotige, as the eaptains veliant duîwg "Maj" cas alcays lefi te kccp shap choit the rosi ceneoeut. Coaducter MeMil- Ia an stex-Mayor Peeo( ofTorontoi Junaction wene pari-ofthkie vlsitlng brigade, decide t b faimu a square and venture te approacis lhe Iclge choie Msj koops auci slavage vigils. Net fandIng bis antbusb noadîly, tisey kaock- et on the door, but ai final couit net teteci aay sound Imalte, Soen, hoceven, îhey isoard a loir chine, adupon Lôeýklng An îisnougb tbe clnadoc tbey observed- Mai on tigitetiet aImait te death. H. was tryl ng ici crawl liet a ladys sboe, but faillng ibIs ho mate a swift rua acrosi tise rec anuçjmp- cd ilînougia tise indoc, Tinho dîsappean- .t la tise direction cf tise telâtncisly Sciagog chicSho escam acros et tise cidest place visible. An entry cas tison eflecte to tes lodgo by means o! cempriessed irmi, wben Misa Heutersons woe dosg Tltsy, bout tise look su o f a 'muperanuatet rat, pisci- -d mie ôthe bcsleglag ferce and kept tisent&IL ut, bay untila fîrog netewucasemcuredt and a' capture-made. Tisestise party diridoti up and proceoted to leseth.tie luapreâs on tis ila goenal. The fiag cao placet ai balf-mtu wretsgil4e up cis one of tise hitu pluact otoite ietremety. -Thse winodows woerc fîbstut lin a alsîéic desigu, tise table stood on ils liead- elîS tise rofrigrator eon top. Tise balance - cf tise tumnîtiaro cas plie t% uthé filé (ýe' .lotigetisechii- cclt mud covuede, itis bonite te k-eop t dry. Tise' catains rifte cas hîice An a bolota tlru Fvryildiscovered thUnle cf m*a devouruêd on igbt. Tis*n pon b.. <relu!toi te jlarty Oit a *cul. nîgbtrobe weuh a plice et-ceaianti mned altheir sent u At, >ebtIt, Itwa*ouadu iu orclior Inch Anils, andi à dupartur. Wow masti, afier MurJ Wbtt oft t0onto, * on s& ln. rnaotaoclç, JMAItl &-IMM otuâroà m NO. 38 at init