Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 8

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4 4 I OSH~~&4JULY28,1897e à, aW~Y Nff curred. The e jnrd amss" Cffed1 ibe Brok bouse ustil thomswu l"l t thute bis Jourfey. RcceUilMr Ereaison, of ahport Pterrstgai alett ub t. âed geaà - snu*kitifora tise accdeotnt.le at tisaIteo wa ý" y.so tlu u ersht>' s: C tisane sud td fl-doubed is could *Monc miai 'le i-assd serv sisoi. Me ut*antel. euspoPur -wb reportItePcolea 1*siae*ttm sud Cisarie jouas spont:Sudayetaieishorne ai Pont Perry. Peter Kyt spent Sonda>' t fîheudi lu Miss F Manuel oi Toronsto, la visltlng bine witit fîhîndi. Rev Waltter Wigg ls spatiditig a fuir days mith ie sparants. Mis G Scot. and Miss Stella vssitad ltait wîîk in Torentoi. Miss Kate Da'vey, Toreonto, apant Sonda>' mii Mis P Conliti. Mrs Thomas of Teronto, ',islted mt Mr. j James Satuida>'. Mi Gus Jacobila sspandirti a (cm mit with Utics frensm. Miss Mînnue Wbite-of St Thoeras itospital, is visitifli bar parents. Mis O'DelI sud MisseIeeevishîad mt ciuy frietmds lamu week. Miss Ada Fyfe left for Toronte on Saturday te visit a couple et meekis. Mr Erniest McGregoi, ot Elgin, 111, is spenditti a f(civ miet uhorna. Walter- Farewell spent a fîw days last mccli uitl Torotito relatives. Mi. W- E. McGiCgoi, ef Elgin, Ill., is tome for a feir meeks hoiidaym- -Miss Xa~te Wallace, et Brandon, N W T. has retotteil boe rtebaolldays- Miss Aimume Lockingtos te spcsding a feu days mutai tiîfrend, Miss Janet Kyle. Miss Eliza Sheridani, Torento, ka spening a mentit witb bar brother, Tom Sheridan. Mis T E Haucit mnd daugittai Augusta, Peteibero, aie te guests of Mus F A Guy'. Ttc Misses Peteisen, et Elgin, Il., are the guastl et Miss Neilie McGregei, SimcS et. south. Mise MaUd Lyon&, irte bas bain visiting relatives lu Tîlsonburg, retunmedhotene Satuîda>'. Miss Alice O'Connorm, principalof Wind. oi separate scitool, Io spending tes-vaCatiot ai boe._ Mi Wi<i May', ef St Paul. Min, ia upeudisj a mostt's holidaym mt bis parents, Mr auc Ms-s S May'. Mn M Donahue and Miss Annie Walshb Torento, mare teguesus et Mis Wm Brim acott'bc ovei Sunda>'- Mi Fiant Eadle af Rochester mas lu Osi aira titisweirat aendsg te (userai et li grandtatbei, Mr W Wigg. Mrs A O'Connor lafu on Monda>' for Rc chester. te bi praseut at bar sen's irmôdini ubicit to place titis irait. Rev Faiher Jaffcott let on Mondai' or pllgrîrnagi e tb e shrlne mi St Anne,Quebe %e c il be gose ose meet. Mi. Mcoamm, ot Toronte, adverili agent ofAdam's tutti frutti gurn, spent Su day wt G. Bîaittmalte. Di. A. Hane, et Chicago, mite tas bui spendlng tise paît fer.' tracs lu town,1 tuîuîd tome an Manda>' lait. Titi preubyterlan Sonda>' sctool isld t annual pinic at Oshama beach on Fi luti. A gîcat msuy mOre puesent snd ailc joYad a rom an tise laite, hbeao bcbg pi vîddb>' titi chool. Titebigit uchooi plcnlc os Saturda>'- w malt attesded by tepuplle sud thti riein a good progammeof sparts ucnre glacis titi scholars. Ttc Eufleld football teq pisid armatchs uts ttc bigh seteel tel uwhicbioesulted 4 te a in layor ef Enfleld. Tte boys brigade gardon pas-t>'jeai peu Paît Tueda>' niglitimas aitendid croirds of people irbicit gladden tbel r hem Ttc boys prematîd a fiue appiarauce titeir uiformse snd wou beaery applaugs thtem excellent dnhlllsg - Tise 3ub band1 ln attidance and ientdorad good niusic. Ttc bundradi a!fexcurnenhimia visl:ad out tamni uriug iJie IMi feir mu baveeiPresscd ibeïi dllt utisa nem un O th tis " tneisso îh -",1 11O Is~P lets, IaMeM ts:t»se arksmlii horsioo 4d##anda in -RO ix 17sf djoe ready fanoccupaIiVl itilt 0( $UPtI, du.Ioslt$uiq.lot~I04~B~r plT. ~ e p V~ e s t t core o<tCis udSso-titBbtw 510'ti eliu " * i tba eb ln i eo , abussW.**~ faZ-. i - ' . , s waf or fresl et ho oI iOp eiucsub eetertU* a,4i - 1i-. -î- - : -- - nt e - lit pçu In,"' nohcr Mni $OOer th, mr ire t~e, nth ty hk we k . M is 0G ly, W1O C~ dl < T ~ l T in O ha abt4 -, dath cv nliùg i - ,f da ' >f ~of*rp r J . oa ta 4 ,M- 108 0 6 j G B a ke h a 1è vi se RY Mn Ti on Sete Sd hflrr fIui' î a weor soI ber fr u ne. d ys . t red uVxrdct~ ~ fM INK W R Ec burg,~Do tebqohr I O o$wI1 lO"ull im s dsrod:medy.b w e. ,m enc sd«hp H,~ DsOueuOhw o SudY 1 8bWlrt¶ipdgbries bulsv.Wh.i ébeebore uppI'pli'sd teiraloa WIg g d 4 eth u iiB is 031,* ne tt W& wIi h erfre. r sLneo ,to ie d w.o ledea on, r hclown eut, camgi 0' oob5 u$8 'b ise iabasd îceded tTo-udate rp r avn g un. M'gC . M sat J. udD n l lui~~ý m l. éoiotbn e f day. i 1400vnhiC hsw ek atif5 oineC Re JPWiso i~ MsWisQ ien l ) Pp keTooto bç ube risi u ilme.,M, oalý»Mm dn a s x St i Mu. R rA C oic aitt iPosetH 5 PW 1fdfO .C ir. say occuWod th m lte tates Bununipit h tre . Bietad-birno l o illufao, eseghaaThomuasieabec a i.0 Minne O wai, yunastScogtt i Po o" se lb d0soba r rt«l. ree. sfo r h l as weu , êek f oi a t me back wîîh j A Hoo e :okain e oaUoxbr- nve s dscton or un an ast, ~~ ~ ~ ro Ourte rr dfae yaicr i M u i j n 1hîougb uxitome une weror reap&,-PoniPipe layd ai a BwniflifC n a 'W y M s yiiabsbaltesrUg br he . w meie i h idOW a rrie esd. lolev QitDrP a ni b froy, e e Pen ; F. d où? b e it the la eaall angecm aYUan oe y 18tit TmpecighTroto, l i. beDfind sareyo C icg. c o n a t- y ch ner eth ot iMkn Mi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~011D a WIIPllhefMroesl ms, sBri a rdy M smNo r aueuâmd tor ascoule ofwns e Barkey it Engîeoona U; n ictor aokg , (ruber gao ck orrope ar e i t ielo New bite ebac. fi IU-, M orettba gMartrio Blbs10, Ate haWe as oale e ,iend uen beo o.TrotpnMnXyKtdo fMnri n xr h r a P h repBo rt BgUIavl@îa. Egies sud i lers rpaied 1 état~~~~~irede n, aot a aoriI fl l t R Sm I o, aeiear thalg t ers Jhng mIt impa hrteJsehdepttrs oro M ite Pitepa.:he b. Fom nfat l w jrrti î - a(ai ak ) tio n r iflsevlt, qParke, Tr0 mucbo hirae ftike dm eektyti f~>~~>~XA eug's r Rpai Mahinryanydenrip Co nof pï0LIcWph mse,0b- T eb aeHtie, wume, tete res irbe A gesmm u eZtheyr i st u lslit ec Mdli esi ante d ho as n re Blahe* olt=11 i&abtéetitri us. o teji uru e heae ic f t.O th part I t Sr art 1E ove rw, Mcie' tesoOa te turn. ha. 1 Frank MaiTe u s tble bpyaserlwd (rom Atharnais aeilu n ofut s tcadedst iret T.oVrnto atwde. Envssdscin o in Oshaw on Wedni4ad, asue14ta 4rera umstia, ut1kmteW dse tl et e efss buamey.thod fpok a d M &J h Br w #a e* ey a a d i p te îeita Su part I kili fo he o y&b utote part IIce.HersYo Ginon, ofn ars M F ting e fr tla0 At the. Crib sptt ulae Y , a nadirr l a d l Company, s ud T i e, basde- M u.er Gac b S uphd tMIs i es sa ivne e FreM anLM avie. a ley lifiWstsuer P te Hr B lntn .W o Sund y JUY et peudcît s 1110 hoed- uoa lgb k ui.mu f rk un QieughRives S n a . hs P rIe 2ndl t eeLauUI o ri e t by8Peni"y Su p e; ee ieF.S c Elle Me a rm sY mryefM nbetf sgad vd eeo a couple of ireek onahemi e entshr.ucn. LucyD P a yward 7 per cnt, tt u bCo e rFuxatioec Ha th tat Le oi sud Mi sudM iTiema b as bHepi sud f b a ruly oi111iebs oi;eîindtetndtî fîi pn Thae Saimc.S ebdat & chll n aur l da:urday ait, hvlug oasseIln Steaer La Th chli wl h rated te s or e on t e , reibe d, UnWm Ga sy sdster Mis e a o te M rkacm on atuiday tha te sec Stauffvii e y o 3 p e h esent. 0f h l 00t l A laut, e the yG a r de C iy." lie to i, nt s ak s h u e lu C d i <et t us o dd fa t e t .loiss . M arkhm als, 25d ty of jrC hicag o, 1CcOliff 6: e r K W 1 1 1 1 1 W o e nd u U 7 n Bow vhilp o o nn I t l s ., f l a T fle. d m Outiis hoo r obton s : -Th andpis ent b oe ell p t dth te s e a ia l n t aîl e. c ent , revMow d e 6: p e ir nt lle N matami b et r sny , ond eteutne uuEstcHid a o n, P Mc anei'rmI I s.leaidpai ud Mu.ohlarm d, onbe ai Huml Yke 6 peudent Laua Stuyro arm ye t Elcs: Whim bya ge tYai enma koEvnlu hrîI ama. mR mih, C mli. Ma t a br l taug le mscitool r a et g oirp rtIol r Mes. ea i g.H h- miigtsbolisete , r3tom s nfanaflBot by RDeVarMuierY-aL ATH TYLONE 'rLL 'aw er th agOh Sr r w oe ntetnatswo A glm aniltopyrwsIntws, sec adl, ese ate rial.ton Mw ,i n. o16 h b R v S as m nc e nd suh o h i i ei ari e d m n V e r i R t u )il uthe r . ti e xB Al rd ar itrne 3 i p ct . L eS r la rt L .IO U jacI n y S t e , a s Th omas on o ndaIto lac et olin oHa o s t iCs he os tal la groi w ite n em oiu ,bu uyede o Merlev. Vege o de ,o r Wl o s n f t ii o e b' balâsys ome, isge Ws e ishulti aus b tli t ic ud nuke ublm oo ls lOn trl. Sur3pdrteI j rt -H s entr 74 e u p nibee3bisC itua l O t tk thea enrl 2t A Bufa lo, N . ., na- we rsi hkeln e nd u W hiude r.Sl M i Bores ad M s i ing t se e rch o e nt, E n e.o S thanl e u c ent. D id ela $7 0 pa a l : e l a d c - sua u bef ah oig te dCitiaî, Leis L i ss Mato l M asg-iterout ege Bya are S nd siht Orieeisiiermne ud sosies s e rs e N h andcu 0 pu cntChayBo th-pene. ?s l î es, BCD e fansce w lllm aou e si s no e foi te futur e i n M n l ri - b à ep n a m l ,f r pletel riddi e th h îsedto the bggy afr r sed i b arrj t h11 te sua r B h h y 8 ti l s , o ii ; o l d t barer, ad armureo f pelcy as ' e ofMiss hese,Coucland Aarna, attend.01 ais.oMpeBof ek ie p arentyheîd one cent Lucy ha dwa d 2 pe oe, TieNta lS ulng Thd S ou tMeday i s n t uch Yll i 5 atrdylas#h vn rsed o ta e a e p iuit f o thettn wy o r g etpemient t Ma ry i Hayward . 8__pe___cent,___Mary_ _Mo__- thi We advii. icni fai hly ad i u t ov WdnMispWg fe h ot is l thU ne 11aiibavs qie hi eiu ciet sM.Bie n hn eut r aei f h The Slre d i sd is VteaeIoaeryimen te o rdance of a sgbteandisteas Got Hhmonmes, cbîtd irere lu site t ufile i 3tte emntin hldo teco- atbouge lu tedapr Cet its second mb-éis aml nd e irha e ndaysof i rà hol ciff 61per5o OR A L Os "eGoiaidanityines mn sd nmi- Rm. T.h. P. ndensotitn abfunoneJunoo Ath e bs em nOttiYR # ' lpauistete13hI omD.a nd ma ic> Havest ot. Ter rfl tnMday Aug 6 1 *wt en ful ten- In det*luibepane! Mn W ot .,ig ibe'ecil u koI aeetra r.AdradM.Jh alro ai.Yk optcn. LuaS yo paeacifu he a r a i s r aondàa>' e rinf n . ud, t e mdgPuoast " a d a s c o o kî t Biehers a pu ic rs h sd a umi s - d n e l r qu t d. a th n w c a s s egkept ofurnth nd stop f ryesis Jadms citnon ratlti he Pinil o te Tmon e s>' ndr, Balardl be put lu ouderot.tial alirsry ond Eu igit ad l i de i- scbc l os tn he awcestu a ss' mridi by sean-min otOy NTD SJVZVÀ iii ail fieira.8.~ eaî a ae. i ailtIsecanidats aitIsenemie eu$agSo ,e fedis oaitd si eoIspMd tt hen r-Ca adua 3 ce aitn n eato àteBladaihe ptcnt.i>'. TMow ero tal.W MelOrw eï o r.C. T al( o r, ti te aron therl y" O ffia ' A s m a tim am n h v dic ,t i n dMiss e ubicrchar t us i esnt ario. d Cm hAYDoss K s e 4 P tsNsbl sà ls o g me onn Mont hdabrlut. e mon u f ec-s udr tharle e aa s h lm falgd i aley îedo r MiSses Otrvi ou Sundaent.Davi ti inbiuging a lodad atinE erLague a- vestisg.Mis . Gbsows. ofales ento u cnda'w t . ErnTies MtjFey. an.,8, paabl -iii. mar ni MA ib ntM isa M s s de B ootd-ar e n e . p ot n, er a n . DMeaO e otDiose~ . > is aMaste G esud gmea, ame, are ber fand isa E thet ie.mdt cr i os Ng sadr7 e et nso wae bl e igto iarToant, msaihbeUaiMihoh Enclostiisearmsiughaf saîadsudbaiey imet sd S Trete tiIery Sauuday fteroon Mee i at nd îey hais s tes ftheitbuggyiaDdvid Gradansh- ard H ob oken , T e bio ayt 1# 0 r Tit peililen hatl elnofcMrcuLaiedses D P ol s d A dam , sp n at s u Ms Go de n, uki e Te n tarit ad i r h o Sr 4b t eeeig g bathe rb a tea aui e O Osra asknglu t oms S.i h Co tvebisn, b ro nt kp theM S Palr.ft'ind m d etive s wa behr wieit M N lie ud Mis a id M P esua d f andoncil te ayas byareaowd ing a ie M i g ar Ala no coup.,ed ie p l t h e a veii iee erio saccise dn ai;M .Bwekand mO v se a stsMi areitc akei s' th '~ Suday a e rvicaon tc ha um siv Sbat vnh .mu ciburiniMs vacdWiloBnce s- r ut i . J Prva W ti a nd iciir tst- R v.F.a i.a . Ant e rs on a f . . Co n io hedr nebds upI ae o una. Rv T e n T aicra m secia6th ai n asfuMl oaten. lu mn ilu the l om U OfucMr p Waper doing aytbnitig linTordance1u'tt miek. mass theTite cii>' ing ton the wa patitios.lateuhe Plitipae morne ti ay eiB o a twiR a il po r O corde, H et a ais i tuaond a or tise anduy a0,tc o!T nysthe u "l u m deu'" a dc- teE ,CneninCshvsbvFM Ctp .C. r ii as WMndo n l d s al a sf u d ureh n ti s d a - icd > b p m lm i fts t a n ast u in uS avcfrerd a fo le r ai e e re-sxi M B îa d M iaA n ea as hew- one Hi e wae8casaraefagsud Misshe cnnid tes S th ?,SToeronto I mfietaseue wuata cr oud ha npeopng A u mbro h uesbi iihdhyn.BY wm Sai s lo bou e G tmardener mO ulr d y; Mn aearM - a n fil ,of a tlre a frisses inta as tatioun aiti. I a fu b. peut. SAithabo k o. n Ofay erm la-su %015 M58~ niW cisetmLasibIso fSlea nin Succems Chs. _________________Br., __e_____ as- y I t blu; a iuata stand olu u tb suanar as ar J Mni W SpaMiesr CampDrernbayndemiseoiuiu, praaches brr hie-rasAlbert Manning concaradliiu HamiltoteBareauberi. - SndaMisFtrauctfo heSS Doas ues f oc Potati losiedThuig at vi iing bs eic verohn y amigt s Harewo nid ba i ti t hdan er wetandin ort. keJH N S n , P. S ERI K R li ib e qadws u inimle I l otpaaieasrfun as ecslal bcimMrtDavids askefor, Cansîdan mita tlStra euencd otiby 101h wee tsu iy .rei a ucm tutd MrBiYand Ibs Gordon of 15 O tO 5 ae t h " sudtlercvei Th aie pt tinthat bi n iua e ains Oing i M r DB o lr fsou anwf.c a tat emlle ue mar y.rdutlon acondiugy.MTiiandbiaib D avid N»ep e TLU O haanRy.Co' Ofice gy the touldna sioulatgane f tibist ga SohoolM SPolad fri e di fund tel@ sud if youriran: battu ol t h e aepa. ew a o n o r tit w si p n Y ' h u it r l r luin d ants su d h e p lp t h u l s M q A ce ae t c ams e ndiu : t e e i r g 'I " S A r - ston ci turn a y ea y feu ng mi pt- me N r Er A , idw îuxprbrfent d sooMimssi r t a andutN- ROOlBT eET, WenHITBre arer er A ri ' a u d y c r s r i e ont e O h w al O eb a ot i mute jfM i se Cambe ll a nd e5 î. U te re b ' it , i keri e b ng oc i red he_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __inewcastle d iaM liaI er at aiathebatiM s Be b n a daW y re godai . Mr j O. 1 i lu. l c50 ie - ai esors ii ase ftie eafedeetba aunbcu creasn m o nb#iVu filay RvuThomT heicbcea fo>aleba rp s o ufig t i s u Torontlut euwa n heibis umofthlhorwuagar-,cea Ig mIithe o p u l f 0 c npte ofan as rs it - Atasthere --. -hboon Tot, dt mei 57 a iM alhe o n i « abntu un.in herdaterthre enA e.ihtsl .urWu Pee imote ldu ai, t ePo teks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l pegamibl,.sn mak. raba-ttcÇ@U ai oun Zioi. are- <jx p-e a e R a>d3 $ - I o P a t u u d a o n h l r t o h d b h w u i f l s y u s i r l a de O f l i .e t S -M r rWtlt e r Wa n d eM i sacu r i» e G o u g a a i N e w - u s ) t n s a a h w t . r o t ent, Vi a n f the rick w b -UOd for ib otu. rnes Wig u ta CBe am fou e publ i ,adMs ni t i ratepaoyers dai bes etreuihWI. VweP tiitoOuTorontono O~~curaifrluue,4orgibsvdi i si t o.s Eg wn*linChaslruu yn h P ie t:. simd.eercntgeto r Tee te- a m o ce s- a 1 5e uld o n tid ti a nd ie rv , and lé ld b 4ug liou t t a b r b S u @ i t ) l B i t W tI a à i itv~ g * a~ ~ o i # p , wearelds<ssur t e rts rs ws'u >< e vlaking 01n aIa4r J Tinil.staton lut wek.- t lb ine b m m e r w ifL<> e 1J J C ttcr uneberlbas licourCbhe ot atê mwol by -Mr and MMA ulas l ai tlh osewrusytI*fidtllo rn ie uiken p , a u efl and lu e a = asefat Rev DrL Dickicf Oshaw#. - -et Ton-~~ýfttOO, Os' li upris ud AIt lffen ___mtcbeou&a -ptlssi#Atd n ula bsr p-i» W$8 Sa i l me«thereuirmens f te pope ai at s o 1l Cns erà J HN ON I@- 4 ira à imied ervceto he akeduiin bo Nonew ths wek evrybdy mily. w ould st Io be - s ail i!Ïw sud-foriarrden1

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