w.' vo yWina quie UWPÇW lu g w v .------ th ~iume' .4rls&fwrs Ide vork ofwcltV nwith seu.word cit eptye chand soundiuns pff L4> * r W-oulprove M'y gNmo R it 'Iiims ia been no sbcrt, 80 suadeu,) that it almoast seeued as though I swà ken trouthe. frlghtfal igh itmsm ocf the put few weeks and fiud it 11 aa dresm, vivid but unreal. Only a fort- nlght before he had beeu strfcken down, aud I b.d sent iu bot betste for rny old practitioner, te flnd hlm absent and a stranger iu hie place. At iret 1 felt regret;, but when I aaw Dr. Pbillipe and witnessed his earnest, skiliful cane, that feeling gave way te congtratul.ation and the assurance that if human ekili could avait, he would ho saved. It wau he who told me final) there was ne longer hope ; he w hemI turned upon with quick fury that he ehould dare asseet that my f ather's life wae in abeolute danger, when in al the wide wonld we twe were alone te- gether; hie who stood bouide him at the le.st, thon, with firm, gentie baud, ,drow me from the obarunen of death and himself prepared the sleeping -draught % hich sent restful sleep te quiet niy trained nerves. In my now sadness, my utter deupair, hoe came and went as of old. until it seemed as through a brother's protection bad been offered -ime, and I bogan te wait ud watch for the heur when 1 sheuld see him, te feel a keen disappointwent if it pauaed witbout him, until one evening, 'sitting alone by the low, muoldering fire in the iret day of spring, I was roused by bis familiar letop. "Hfelen," lue said, di'awiug a chair cloue boide me, '«Dr. Edwards, you knowo bas returned, and my own Ps. tients lu Phladelphia are demanding &%-- L " ~Oeig.mydrMsu t2Ivan to.ntghl, Wî iýthé quiet hoMte drolei muet 1 r.- mev. ~ ~ my4u4tIe gs ud gQ t.broush ",the oertion of &f resh toi'loti Mue her veloome 1 But I cold net &,e- fuse, and wheu, My toilet cqnpleted, p~g's rend glance 0f approval mt mine I frît rewarded. Thien ho led me ownstairs, "d we entered the drawing-room ltogether. In the fartb- est corner a tali figure rose frein an arm-chair, and in &Il the rustling dig. nity of velvet and lace approached me. "My wife, mother,' Eugh said, bile i feit a cold band take mine in a passienlese grasp. A kisa as if a fal- len snowflake had regted on my brewt and Mrs. Phillipe feul back with grace- fui ce uite the chair from whioh she had risen. It wau seme six weeks before ber birthday that I once heard ber express a wish that she bad a picture of ber boy (for se she ever caUled Hugh), and instantly a resolution wue forrned in my brain. I had always bad a talent for painting; Before ruy father'. death it had been my delight and hie pride, and I deternined upon carrying a miniature cf Hugh I possessed te ant artiist I knew well anuak hie aust- anee in transferring the likeness and painting a portrait. Perbape I thought as my work it might sottein ber heart toward me. Se the next morning 1l started eut, and, te my inexpressible deligbt, I found niy desire feasible, and ireceived the artist's permission te use fhis studio for four houri each day- r the heurs I knew Hlugh weuld be awray f rom home. It wus net long ore I 5&'! ,r that Mm. Phillips watchec( my coming u and going *ith suspicieug eyee, but I, 1picturing ber sbamed looked of sur. 9 prise whon she found my mission, went my preenco aoug nnnu. ',av _il.ntIyou my- wy- un'--- uu pwuu r. stayed aircady longer than I intend- wuamsmet comipletod, snd I had re- tei ceived the artist's congratulation upon Pt "And yen nov are going f' I ques- my succesu, when, entering the bouse M tieued, wbile a black cleud swept ho-flusbed sud happy, I overbeard ber I fore My Oyee. voice lu the library addressing my bus 011 "Yus," lie answered, "lbut if you viii baud : lot me, I arn toming back. I did net f"Four houri every day, Hughli se A utean te tell yen ef my love just yet. le absent. W~hat cman h er purpose ? , 1 eau handly hope that lu ail the dreary I toid yon whon you brougbt a young,M desolation whicb bas oversprcad your giddy tblug inte thue house you would èc 1fe, love he.d found ime te plant a regret iL. ILte your duty te sec wbere single gprm, but with me iL bas beeu she gees sud wbat she doe." t dîffenent. I have loved yen from the But I could hear ne more, as, witb iret moment I saw yeu nud nsy fend- flaahing eyes sud boad erect, I entered R est ambition le te eeo you my wife. tep room.c Do net anever me now ; ouiy wben tcsinco I entered thia bouse six tho birdil mug .and the floweri bloom menthe ago, a, happy bride, ajoo rf try oo think tbeyý breathe a message girl, I bave met, madam, ast yuur trom\ me, sud vbeu I return lu the bande, with insulta aud scoru, vhich 1il ft rémeonber my home will have have Suffilred in silence-, As rnmy ro-a beau made ready for yen, sud if yen War yunow totetakefrom nue the cau corne te puy arme, they viii open, =u hn left me-my buband'a con- ob 0 ladly 1t te receive yen." . fidience. What My isionhbaibeen ,ge ho,1eft lue, aud I lot'hilm go vitli you shall mev to-rnorrow. .Amcpt iL ne anever, for I did net kmev my evu as my git-tbe gift et au inJured vo- heant. Thst t"was love beating at ite'suante .6cruel inustice. "Hugh,» portais for admision-love wih had turuing te uuy huaba.nd) "the smre madle bis oeuigmevloOte,"bug* u bouse ne longer eau hold us two. so sali, I couid net realizeountil ho bad Ohoose betweeft us 1'" rid I turne 2oIIe ; sud thon came -only i l nad'eft the mom.. bretherly letters se fuli 0e aruost X y huuhand, folovinge strove te Iicitde for rny cornfort, se uuselfisb in osia me, but in vain., tW. careful gusrd ever liov lufi, Me "I v iii Dot live vit.h olnotr, ovu feeling for me. tiü tIthtedry I said. "I' e nth'tsle br 'nigh wbeu lie vaste corne agun.your home Ilviii go."ý Thoen doubt, uucertainty, ail lied, and "D>arîî i* canuot ssii her te Iegv h.know ly hert had puesed front eut t vheu old s lu creipen lier. eofnty keeping. 8e I veut toet st h. dom net kmev you tyet ý, Wait 1 'him, staung uinthe. open deor of ntyHaentuo taitiloe, d bouse as h. carne up, the pétbvayb andRae tnc t& wsIà jOd Inu*sswer te biis question as for a m-a nce- Yh Wulfiudyoii"winlier bearêo mont ho liold mie off vhile lihooked sdoc ie. e iiko o straigltitotemy oyw: "H1eln tibu s rmalJy varm i .vtci '8mii. conceMs My vif. f,'-Ifcould oaly *'faiter: bonesatitaod oxtla." "ours foreverrore.'"n hésbt oabOibtwe*u us. Hé The sucoeding voek flev sviftly' ulli net give ber UP.0 "Witti; biks suddenly -jrev Imptien't of de- frIi 'hmhSnezt mi6 nlI lay, sud deciared h.ol t o back vi4& an u.aiis frownu-ipon, 4à brewi te bicsw vountil I1'ett lth bih.lm. i4 1 qty gaumi. t*ub" The. thooglit, eftory,19WOnelne ithou'0t frthng "odedsimmp- --a !4= iqq4od meà te onmet, smeSthe g8riv" qIM oy o4P<e d% fr4MMWb"WI cottiasd bUi"mn, hilé b. toid m b os fM d lishomere, cilbis i wdow.d motJib* 1 *,O *iboneall'vas ever, w b Wgd . ue( S lu rny vedd igrobes befo e bt. izalredomsee . sA tot si o* close in mine. on -1wuS St*0850ot hole me. hweho e v.r>i1td uight oM4bit -tuhoughlu '14boit te let Mý own beâter wl l'ivoi'k ouft the end, and wh4n be' wiieed.- Tiere i*s ome en, elen, #aftnog to ueyou....see oner h ~dii n~ol taesCW*s of be.by as8 abs ooud.May -uhé ceaie I gave glad a""ent ; eid wheng -a few moments later, a sweet, motherliy face bent over mine-& face trou» whlch 411 the bard lines seemed forever Rled, as ber arme élaipeclose08 a sleeping in- fant, and ber gentle voice wfispered: 4 My daughter," in miy ear, 1 could Onlyý clasp my arme eround theu» both =n answer #Mother 1t" *jflZUef for e Lung *Trouzblese à m oesTTow u a lWo wu W e% .a" si "Y Bou5e. Um à DIfL. the 0.0Sbsf Sis se* a **oseilfiS Visitor,OO*Wisi EhII4 Iulloughe 'hel . C atri gev aboDtaleP. *is DAVIS I aWUN Chrlt, N , tIDr NiNsitc-iEhellMcCrethuge. Mrtan iffr tW1, gueet at Drpot. Lltcandlls Mi $ Mary ameby, Tn d their father who has been very ili Miss Addie Pye lu visiting friende ht DoWU. Roke were delegates te the big'E L1. onvention,. Mrs C Stewart bas been nursing ber1 nuther,, Mis Butterworth -whowas se nearly kilied at Moorfieid, ber scalp be. ing tomn off. 5h. is recov'ering niccly at the airé of 7o veare, -J-- Meesr$ A- N and C H Mitchell epent Sunday with friendeiîn Pickering, Otun Young people's plcnic at -Wash- buin was a deddd ecess.1 Mr Osben l,3yens tooký the eilivo Medal forj ne frein the 'Natilon1 ReC' ordor, N S~Irthe uMost sfinv- tion, a machine for quartering i pplc*. He also sent in -a design for a bicycle brake, whicb le cUdculated -.t» accelrate therspeÃd on up grade. Monday July S0, Mre Thomus Crak. had had -an a atck oet apbpiexy sud 'die Wednesday, aged 38 ycr.The 1la. tnten tok -pls-ce aif nu.'. ceaséd vas sà -ÙIaùlal vifo uaid nother sdlaeà liutle daugbter agçd 4 and, Btvemi .80pm. Tburady aid 0.0 w.7idà 'fiM t weebulirs 1ekFiBooks 459, O 0re1.e5%,Z CO08ù482, B Olemneno. 42 DCbwyle.w494,N SOro#by:4O0> & Fotp 405t--B ?à mfel45 obauca 465. O Zi**g 497t 0Oew* 340o Z Punis 484, ID .Q*fxley 4^8, M Bbmay 481t M Sellers 4464 Soct 5 10,i 'om , o M u m ~ir~v'40, Vrton448, 3 Wage ô28, !.lhotoepmon 450., W ObCapple 422;' A Gry 482, W Hiokoor 488, Fred W John. ston504, il 3hnston' 422, M La p p485, '8 L*owvie 5079 B MoQrattan 107, %, mo. ~os fl.sbtt800, W Reid 422, P 1Rob. oi 9, E Bymingtou 601, F Thooep sWn 687, G Tunstead 422, J Vanderburg -605. 'Becomwended-Frsd 0 Jobnston and M L4bnu*.Ibe scholarmhipa offered bp the Uzbrldge High Sobool .Bord, were Dot mwarded, rne pupil baving obtained therequistive *75 -per cent of the total marks. iThedidll*i0s wrePuble Sef l t Ux ni candidates6, R sCcempflnst44, C iokeen 78,W Brd 6, W Webster 05, Mak. 781,JcVsar epa615WWbse. 85 ak Thesa f ollopansobt 612. rnc tei lng: 'Vlwii Brto 410. J Brther 867, C A.a:rp e 8, boues41088, J Mtoevl867 Aacpnr 87, à aoe5, M GoNv484, HCmningh8 67,MKenay 468,DMi .Hellio 60, At. onn880 468,lZonM41 cE Wat 5602M. Jh 8,YWl 1 E BEAVEB527. The olleIBBpuil psed bereen ETrhe amxoag tîons sethréenta nare ted iato tBas IhSho uemb.an jet te proas by ighe Edl ucainept:u jChat te Bpruce 1, bNtelle Crosby 422; Cà Lssie Boe519ne GîenCrosby4,a Lytzie Ft56, ManeO'Boylen44, BCssra Ritohe 52, ViaShenidan, 44, BMaud Spoeer254VioMa Sherida, 44, iud Space 5uns48, aE reet us47t4i75. HemBnre oh48n0¶, ruDnethc475, 449, SJane o 52 rnest581, PhIi c 449oSnery 48, illi Mose589, lPee Movrnlg46, VFre DMel e489, plu. onsos M'46Dnne 42, Frnk P45,ayne 42 RicharMdThnînl446.rakPyn 2 Rardomneided-44.Mothr R Breoad. ha Solanelp <reethutioB offrebd.byThe Ubldge high(freebetolý ored b ers et bsnde ai1 Baoo Board taae requtitive 75o pcent c ii. toktalemrqs. ie7 e eto the ollowlng evaeeau npi Ing the Public Rooopl Leauing Examin- a$ien at Beaventon. K Cameron 612, C Cameron 6990, J Diufy 685, B fEntchingç 644, A Jobneton, 779, X McDonald 678, M Brnne 670, Id Calder 884, B' Moe 694, Id E Ruttie 798 A Style 810. Marks nemesry te pais 612. The following 9gai entrance stand ing : B Suter 482,. L Tisclale 592, G Evans 558, KKostai' 585, A Luck 578, N MCRAO 594, E Smith 518, A Speedie 528 Saved Ber. DrunkOn Eubsnd. She Fiually- Admnistered a Remedy, 'Without hie l(nowicdgc. and happyhoesdeol,:1bord bvebnâ Lii . 'tck O ânn~lu~the, ZLI1ug 12 b1t, to uas h E E E 4 R Whenev«rI nee of kidney treatmeft yourself and refuse any mubstitute or imitation of the or. 1gialandenuîne rot BbNA 8; WbIty, lerk ; AprîU 8; May 4 ; Oct. 8, - L Gseci rnod Porr, Oeik~an299; match 9; iïay 165; 14; .Oct Do;e16 QUGngoToGeor9e Slh sillt A 1 Mrh t; S 2O) July 16; Oct. 15; bec. 17. -Bzin]%OW-Go.F. Bruce; Besvertom, CIerkcM&roh 26; MOY 21; 3uly 16; Oct. 16; Dzoc Wh~. P. Hart, OCpt. 17ov Cierk- M .ih 7;M ay 22; jluy 17;O t.1 Dec 19. By rde, OlerI'cf the Peace. Octobêr 7th 1895. UT NTKSE'RAL F.AITHFUL ANTMED-rBoFà VZ raelfor rvo- epehsible estabilshed hQuse in Ontatrio- 1 £é l. Salt'Y5780 paable $15 weekly and ex- pses, po$78tion permanment. Reference. Encloso s.1faddressed stamped- envelope. The National, Star Building. Chlcago.-17-S. JOHIN E. F*REWEL]L, Q. Cet __________ Barrieter Ceunty Orowu Attorney, and~ County à 0licitor. Offio-South Wing cf1 , EG ý,I3- 3S. Court Houe, Whitby. iDENTIST. JAMS RUTILEDGE, o.]ig&YneS.Trno Barrieter, etc. Office former!y occuPled Cr ig&YneB.Trno by Farewell & ButIedge, iiost koyal Hotel, Brook St., 'Whtby. For the net three mnthe 1 a=n gvine epeolal attention te p atiente frein a dis- DAVID ORMIISTONq B. A., tance. Arn stili makingpiates iu rubber, &tto neY~~ LaW lu O~>banc ey, $80 cellulcd *10. God snd silver illn Atone-i-aSolicitor i Cwork crowldfgby Slrt-elaiiopers vsia OeveYalcer, etc. Offce -In the Ogaic, the Most resnable rates iu the oity. south f the Post Ofe, in MOMtllas Whou the City callunsd lt me ezam- Bloc, Brok Sree, Whtby.Ourtoeth, 1 make ne extra charge. Bloc, Brok tree, Whtby ~ ' m'01 sG0BDecisel eouth etatcorner 6. YOUNG SMITU.JLL. B., ring and Yo1ge Ste. ,Toronto. Burster, etc.,-Moleaite Loan liuer Nv 1,82 of Marr;iiage 'Liceunes. Office - Smith,$ Blook, Souih of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. * DOW & XIctILLIVRAY,* l9 W AI¶jeII Barristero, Bolloitoe lu Ohaucery, etc. iOffice in Mathison do Eawkeule uew block .Brook St.., Witby, south of Ontario bak. »EALEIt 13 . . OALI Gounty Sunveyev sud Drainage Bugineer, Port Fery, ont. LI~NEER, BEINGLED. * OORDWOPD, Du8 Warren if Moore# GNFrtePOL' J. J. Moore, M. D., F. wareM. C A.L GO. 9QORO ,TO grcliPttf. W lb.-- - )tÃ" ilon"a. e bp.m -~PrivaisTu>hnCoIUC8*. Pheica, argon udAnuehUs ChurItDhidu Siret, Whl$by. N. B.- Illeits bl.bit hUprmily. 'W A MS )~ ms h GTspl' WMi Whitby, Oct. SSth, '1894. A8K 'YOUR ' 8AINER Vil autiful eyeu gro, As tbeLwit year, Beautifui, wlllowy Lose fairness wxt~ But sbe atillisi.que ipare Who wears youthi hair. Preserve looks, " says 'woman looks if her hair b normal beaut3 hair from fa fte normal cl normal 1lo hair, by the i Ayer's [ à dlwn anil SSuffered Day Years--â We Endoris Ru Fromlte Record. %I Among the nes Ont., nohe ib belf Mr. Jau. Lovelsod only in town, bul Esexcounty. W tbeRecord callel hlm to verify certis cuefrom apau yeUli of à iferIu8 Mn Lovis., nid, a ba d attsck of1 -with a isevera P"u sch. After tryfl and gecting ne nt t4or,buta#fter asici not help me. Ilb .ooncludad therei .INigbt sud day fi oerlefi me. À tbtIhad to a jqntly readoit and perbape as n with Auy hep. lbà ibought a box. tioescaretully, a -of Dr.WPim' ans sd'by the-ii *itam veIlaiM a tonr at Knguvi Vir.I beiik TKE]l Augut pzuS ÃŽ89 1 ipruulk""«. 1