Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 5

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StickPi, l3rooches, Mèdal -, Badges, Special designs for prizes for Athletic gaines and schools. e -AT- Ji S. Barnard's, ~-WEITDY. ~% OMOffc O ty Orgau&-ajge.t ircula- tien of aey looai papes in Canada FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1897. LOOAL LAOONIOS. Mn Guy Dantneîl, Toratot, spent Sunday at home. Bir Hardeil Addison, Toronto, lu lu town tbis week. Mn. Rirhard Stericken, af Bay City, Mich., la home an a visit. Mn and Mns G H Ho5arth are spending 1II %l[diau m ne DEL ifII. ilI~ DMoonlight trip to-night on Garden City. 25 cents. Baud and archnestra music. Mr. Robt. McBurney, Jr., Toronto, was home aver Sunday visting hie parents. It ha& been anranged for 2,5 cent dinnens for-the A 0 U W excunsianists att St Cath- arines. Mr W L Smith, TO Outo, moved into the Leavans bouse, recen tt purcbased (rom Mr T G Wbitfield, laut week. Quit'. a number aiof le from here went1 ta îlaronto an Stinday fast tô visit the en- campment aithe boys' brigades. The town Sons of Seotiand expect ta go ta Oshawa on Aug. 2nd ta attend the picnic of the grand camp Sons of Scotland. Clark and Maloney were sentenced et Bar- rie on Tuesday for burgiary, Clark gettinq ten years ln Kingston peniteutiary and Maloney seven. Mesurs F H Elliker and Wm McBurney. New York, came home Tuesday ta spend a bni holiday. They bath wortbily fil good positions iu the great city. John Hoitt bas taken Mr C Newberry'm place ai chef vinegar cbemist at the L.uwell evaporatio.g works, and the latter wiii re- lieve Wm Pattermon at the electric lîght plant for a toupie oi weeka. The Ca pitl lacrospe conspirsc case, in whIcb Jos Troy and Frank Bisonette are the d efendauts, was brought ou before the police magistrale at Ottawa, but adjourued titi this, Friday, for waut of evideuce. jaAoek b;Lmoe vIohItu.gbas %ttd A e ta t va y ýare d aily aec.ptins 4h. CNCnc'I bUilee offer of the balanct of1 Mr AIe: SuIlîlh WùMed frofft Toronto on, Suwrday after &poudiug a'fow weeks as a cier tI the department of atttiitie Ro e o'Stsfford aud is Staffort, Que. beO i-e vlisiting ber*.. tey 'atitnded h 1h. epworth lbague convention lu, Torouto lasti week. At Coruwall ou Saturday last.tht Toronto lacrosso club defeated Coiruwali by a score of 4 10 3. This le the ii-st time Toronto bats defeated Cornwall on their own grouunds ince away lu the eighties. Messrs A G Graham, of the C P~ R car works, Toronto Junction, sud Louis Mai-mb of the Toronto Star, toah a wheellug trip ta Whltby an Saturday,' and spent Sunday with the editor of the CHRÃ"ôNIcLE. Bicycle Chamipion Loughead, by bis de- feat of Cboper and Baid, has showu himuaeîf to be fuliy as fast as the speedy Autericana, and it la another evideuce of the fact that lu the worid of sport, Canada always leada. Arrangements bave been made by the A. 0. U, W. for canveybnces ta leave the Do. minlon Batik canner front 8 ta 8.30 on Mon- day morning next. Fane round trip toc. Boat leaves wharf at 8.45, -and leavem St Catharines at 6 p m. Fane 75csud retun. Have the s Ight change ready for tickets at the wharf. The following la a description of th. burg- Ian "Jack" Mc Lean who escaped firn police headquanters ln Toronto in bnoad d*ylight, ater beinyg cleveriv capluned by Detective Davis, an d who lus etill aI large, it tu belteved somewhene in Ontanio. Aged 48, heighî 5 t. 4Y4 Inches, weight it6m Ibs. Medium stout, llght chestnut bain, siate blue eyes, (air complexion. Mn T G Jackson writes us that tho man- agement of the Gardon City was net i-capon- sible fon the misunderstanding wblch lnduc. ed a lot af pecople ta go an the lait moon- llght excursion, when they wore kopt out until nearly six o1clock udxt moruiugr. This ~nay be truc, but whaever muade the cou- tract an behali of the Gardon City muet have known thal the people would not get back here util 5.30 a ru, aud must- aIma have feit that if the people knew Ibtis îhey wauld not go. As one of tbose who weuî expecting ta get back at a reasouable bour, wo are able ta know how mucb the excur- sioniste had ta compiain ai. Irf-the M4tb battalion band know their patrons wtrre te be kept ouI al l nght, whilet advertlslug ta non only ta Pont Hope aud Cobou làth management ai the baud was highly10to ta AI A thi Gi tii i. tc th at et di CI The strawberry Crop wus abundant, but r *o few bave auy vines that the snppiy wuasf somewhat short of the dernand. The rasp- m berry yield will be enormous front present a appearancea, they belng very favorable. n Cherries are lu greater supply than for smre b y earespast, but are ocly lu meagre eupply. a, There wlll ho plenty of tmre kinds of a pluma.y AO0LUW Anual ECursion. 0 Wiil taire place ou Monday, the a6th Imstaî on the âine steamer Garden City ta St. 5 Catherines. «"Cul this out sud politiluynur hat.11f Distrosaing Mower Accidet. Mr. Peter McDermott, a welI knowu Pirk- ering farmer who resides north oi Pickering village, was kllled lu bis field an Tuesday whilst mowlng ,bay. Any par ticulars that are given are largely gaesswork. Tue de- ceased appears ta havie lbt coutrol of hie team whilmt driviug the mowef. sudiluthe1 runaway that eued ho got uuderueath it1 somebow aud was dreadfufly m auged. Ih lu stated that ail rlas were broken (rom hie back boue, Ho only lived a few minutes after the accidtat. Hoe was a man ot about 6o years oit a ge, sud stood lu the highost re- spect. A wi(e aud two sons survive hlm, the sons beiug resideuts of Indien Head, N. W. T. Deceaied wus well kuowu ln thus towu. A Coatiwa ploit. Mr Sam Kemphors la orne ôf th* ben wbeelmeu lu towu, and ha* accoînplished bimmel lu every ý(ornt of rtdiug ihat cati b. doue ou te p of thé wheïl. He cau take 'a chalIr linefor a mile wit bhiseoe. but co jump over a dog, or climb a toboggaslde. He can make lit doune a hornpîpe, tatnd at eue without touching îboground. Wbat ca'î lhe do ? Weil, on -Sunday tast lietoçký seo the boys of the brigade; sud,, frelh pnetty wal) afler h. got there, h. sot *ut té fgIve bis admrilng chums a t&M'top4 followo&ibya sensation or two. i 1 to cot dowu a long sudstphW 4 wbou baîf wsy dowu had«,itaida s.d of about four mlles a -îiuutà li waa gCoing so, fst that thos. alorpid e . od couid ouly soe asttreak of,:'ma ud wbel wbich appeared 10 b. about fýý I sud transparunt At tblis Jactitre be4cId. ed to give an acrobatie perf«mtouu. ,Pise- 4ng his riglit foot on lIts ftoüt tire just b.hhId. tbe foks e otessed heahIy upo tit,bnocig the wheel oasildo. The fore. of ',W»wIgh1: lu motion cariaed the bIid wbeel t@ *b. â -curv. over tbh rot ongr, a,*$ zD*V W" soon on bis back with ibbe W 4 0ladb hlm fronst te s*un. Thib Ou Wse i * » f es of wsomaptb.sammyfl 1e< and the, wbeeJ.ove tu forty roodu»>nt ~gaieê One *e weeal omyüihmùI ýo RanI. Two comiontable resideuces at bow rentI ogood tenants. wlîh amail familles. Good ocaiîy. Apply ta j R Philip, Whltby. pril 27, 1897-tf. Whitby Boy au Adventioug Bxport. The lcading article lu, the lait issue Of 'Prntuen'u mb,, the Little Seboolmauier lu ce Art ai Advertimiug, lu by Mn F james ;ibson, adventising manager for A A Van- Ine & Co., New York. The subjeet treiled that ai "Position," ThatMr Gîbsanwho a weIl known Whliby boy, le compotent o speak wltb autbonity upon sucb a state îay be admitîed wbeu it la stuîed tai ho ks for sevenal years hud charge oft lte Van-r ne advertlslug amounting to orer $t00.00 Lnnuaiiy. The Ventine'5 ilà the largeSt nieuntai goode bouse'letitc wiorld. àaby Carniages sud The oirpy. Did you ever nalice bow slrongf a dosire a natrimonilifi-uit basket bas -to teluIto a nowd ? Just have a mev pair of hlt, trous- -r on, and go away soine- place on a holl. l, hfeeto mthers a ba. thiefr prenions .Tde oenjoy a day's ouing While rou are mqueexlung your vay ttrough tbC ms of people, suddenly -You ffui 701 let, rubbed against, sud on 1ooklUg down, Ymz Rud a beantiltl mark of motbeh ar stIkand raster ail tron tbe tub le&t on Ibom pnte which you lhougtt lookied 80 vehl it-i not earlb that ts left on thêti liIk5ly to be grosse or somettingwore. If yowtare, a sami yOU Maa«Y uotbingbut you thmuk au awful lot. If you are L.k the rest or us, rau wil rais blessingfl mn e0,10uaturte tip- on baby, motter, carniqMg uI4a u qou..1 ItupidReotg Tbmse who hourd young Wl1monle tribe- raie Judgo DuLrtuell on Sattirday orlbW biu- lng goods under fais. preteafl, «4*O kntew the facte of the cue, aut have,~. amused aI the Gostte's rqW. 001 tbffl thîngs were givon -corrocti. vis,'. Wi! name, the date of t1h.totil, sud the uMWfOO of tbe court. Ail t ataosas alhnepd l- tt Gazette were flagrantly wtoteg, Xb. Ou- otte hud no reportèr l la e I *d1C6 km I»report as W" shm(rosa baY , t- M< mt-oct. It laui contcrie mà- bers of te owa counicll5U6-bmi tIon ta witen tbe odîtor ofte w#,» attend public meetbr lmo Ide W ** titat ho alwwiyagets tMue a wfl When a piper ill IOied imi" news frosa àToroato foon bat aflo on Vidaly hast the ve*=*rii ,ý&imd comanof X40 pomeu. 44l À u sica froua Tfflto tt Mi-.eMiss ad, maste 'iScoftFrost, pemt. broke, sud MIss$Ftudiayo Nor#ood, a fre liosltine Mr#s WM >Mars~i Go totiet.*ibi'itfiàià ad, baptist S. s. tokit ut Rosebanik.ou Wdneadgy Jty*8 flran35C ;cbldri -toc. Misse, Brtanad -Gotrude »ryaini dligh-ftera of Mfr Wtt BrytiIdaiplo, ar seudlug a (e, ëes at hcîmé.0 Mfiura Wimo 12ke Ge. arnes, Robt, Stewart aidiChas Smith went te Markhaui on $atQrday toWitnus tbe Markbam-Stoutl- ville 'Isctome match. A lie* regulatlon bas passed on the G T R dlachapgiug ci section mon oser 5 r ye ff ag.For*rman Thot Applefon cf lb. J unc. tdon section bcet bis position sud ;mPloy- ment hy ibis Ilew provtalon. '!tisantédauy ear since 50 gireat a hgycrop cellent. The grain crops ut prosent are as promising as auy persan could wish. Al the grain cran is hoaded aùd partby filled, and uoîlbini but aloi-mm, blight or mueI couil1 possibly mnuthe chances af a splendid yield. Markhamn and Stouffsilîe lacrosse teames playod aI Markbam ou Saturday- a scbeduled garuclu the York district lacrosso beague, resultiug lu a sicîory for Markbam by a score ai 8 goals 10 i. Stouffviibe, ince hold- lu1,th Tecummehu ta a draw, s-s, at Stoufi- vIlle the previaus Saturday, bit confident of winning, and were followed ta markham by about 25o rooters, wbo Iost thoir mainey sud their confidence ln' their team. Ail the play- ers ai the Marklîam team played a star game, wbiie every man af Stoufi'vllie was oùi color excepting Mike O'Connor, H James, Tom Graham and E Pouuock. Died. GRAHiAM-At lots 3 and 4, Concession 3, Pickerng ou Monday, july îgth, t897, Johu Grahamt, fi bus Soth year. SMITHr.-At Whitby, on Friday July i6tb, the wife aI Mi- W L Smthî, of a daugler. BARCLY-At Whitbv on Wedn.sday, JulY 14, 1897, the wi(. 0< L T Barclay, of a daughter. CLEMEiNcs-At Wbltby, ou Thurmday, july î5th, 1897, the wlf f airn o Clemence, ofaàson., Trip to St Cathanin. The A Ã" U W excursion ta St Catharines ou Monday the 26th promises te b. the Mtost popular excursion ortbe season. girlng a fiue ami up the Welland canal titrougit the lochs and laudiug close te the city park, the prince of piculc grounds. Fare oftly 75 cents. Ho for Ses, Irosses. Seo Stephenson, Wbltby, opposite Hat Brs., for ocean, se ýaiude, u r lakes, snd Mtskoki touniss' tIýckets. Choce of rail- wuys, boat ines and îo ocean steamshp- bUes. Ratesalysuaateirit.S- gge checked through. Citeip tickets toor Kf>m Englauad, ýirUlaud, Sctlafldi Manttoba,' B*.ihltr&a il U.1. anid Canadie poltt4nJ vhrtoev reywbemRe .tickes ft«l;980Pckerlng, IlyrtieDioln Torontuo orWitiby-3a-4n. , sofýA U akC«us"asdSuicides., This i.le.thescu for faitlh cures. W. notcea - dexcrsi o 0si Anne, Que? wbere, iw=lite othodox Catit earrives at the Mrinsof noted or lty~. cu àib..5 .ns &iLtelt . ii. b et.' oue-hcmei Vv SGo, NXI nig Sale -for -,1-5 ,,day WALTERs' OurO1eaêoiug Sale of Remnants has ibeen a great suocees. Now that Remnants areal gone we have reducied ail Summer Good8 to almost One-Haîf in order tu make ae dean swèep of them. 20o. Plain Grass Linens, Sale Price i14c. 1500 Victoria Lmyns, sale Price lic. 80c. Black Cotton Crepon, Sale Price 15c. 85c. Navy and Black Berges, %ale Price 24c. 10c. Reavy White Cotton, Sale Price. 7e. Special Ladies' Rose, only 500. Cashmere 4 doz., Bale Price 29c. CJ'me Early. W.Go MILL UNIVERSITY, Mootreal SESSION 1897-8. The curriculum comaprises Courses U ARTS ýincludlug the DONALDA SPECIAL COURSE POR WOMEN), APPLICViDSCIENcEC, MEDiciNE, LAW, and VBTECRINARY Sci- ENCE. Matriculation, Exhibition sud Schoiarsbip Examinations wiIl be beld: ARTS AND MEDICINE, 15'H SEPT.; hP- PLa&P SCISNcE, W6rii SEPT.; LAW, SEPT. 7TH; VETERINARY SCIENCSeUND SECPT. Copies of the Calender, contailg fuillun formations, inay b. obtaiued on application to the Secretary. july îS, 1897.-3-mos. Just -Rooeived Lie Stok Q_ Oue CAR LOAI) fine, pure WINDSOR SALT. i cariQaod Mammoth Souithcr Sweet. Ensilage SEED -COR~N. i cv load, SUGAR of :the- finest quai- .lty. 20c. Cotton Hose, fa8tý colore, Sale Price 17c. $1 Colored Front Shirts, littie soiled, Sale Price 50e. 12&c. Printe, Sale Prion 9je. $7.50 Ready-made Tweed Suite, Sale Price $6.25. 80 pieces Dress Goods, all new Goods this season,- worth from 40c. to 60e. 'er yd., Bale Price 29c. Firsi cizoice will be the best to buy from. WALERS$ a m e 0 t Notice to CpeditoPa In the mater of M/e estale o WM. THQMPSON, tlcieo thte torons/dp o Rasi WVbiby, in i/te Coumsty of Ontarlo, Yeoman,* deceased. Notice la b.reby given pursuant tothe Re- vised Statuts of Ontario, Chap. 110, tht *Il credilons sud othors having cdatimsagalat the estate ef Wîn Tbompson, lite of the tp. of Eut Whithy#, lu the couuty of Outanlo, yoan, deceïue, ,are horoby requirefd to moud by pupead, ou or before the 1mb day of AUb., 18 o',1 the undeoigned exectortofmbesaldtetate, thoîr sautes sud surnames, addresss ad description, the full particuiars of their dlaims sud statemont of their accounts, snd the nature of lte se- curity, If any, held by them. And fùrther notice lu given that altier the sal4 zut dae of Aug. -xW9, Ithe executgre whlproced to 'dtstrù,ut the asseaoa the uald decessed autongt the parties entltled thereto bur,,ins regard tote b dams ô?which t ic~(e maIl bare been gîsen as requlred ;*end te muid eenutors teili net b. habit for the saisi us- setsý or auy pattheo(o distri'butosi ta any pet-son or persons of wlie d1t" or claluts notice siluot have, béeenî rceet- athe tinte of auch itiritIon. jusigra Jas, Tio1sPsoNWt.fara sot; Taoiusott, ezocutot u, RCaglaPé.O.; F M YÂîreoLn, soltcttor for tilae. uIt*irsted nov sud 0fthe b.s Shor Wble Cot ecd ro4ce~ 57t ST. PATRIICKC ST.,ý Fret QADus SBUIDS klu nt. ,Sm>e car Kpie s7rup aid b. as- 2.tcPruUcMd4sC. aetut tit le tue Ilacet ev*r iold luing - Getlemn. On ite dirC o! W. .PBl Co*0, Whitby. j '1 "I -TO THFe- CANADIAN ::NORTH-WES.o Goosi going june 2gîh, July 6th, ând July 201h, 1897; returmu until Aug. 28, Sept. -4#îandi Sept 19. To Deloraine, Reston. -.Estevan, Bîuscarth, Moosomin, Dauphin $iz& To Reginaf Moosejlaw, Yorkton,. # To Prince Albert, Calgary '..-... $»s To 'Red Deer Edmontow. From ail statiois in Canada; (ODap lng# Sarit Ste Marii, Windorlad. 'et Homeseekera' Guides, Ticketsauad E. R. ,ýBLO-W 10 SEE h ity 2 p. w man- eturti ýoN, nager. Fa/la 1897 rpecil 1ng te lever~i lshing, 8 p M. I Falla, d take d colsi ood toi kofil4; remain i one.o g vrVI Grimsaby Park le 1h.eutost delightftrl staut- ruer reson oun Lake Ontmrio. The 11G rdeu City" wilI carry an excursion there on Tues- taAugust 3.' are for round tniP 75 ta. didrono cents. Admission ta park free. Mi- Chas Campbell, Toronto, was lier. uver'Sunday, aund lncompaby vwlth Mn Robt Stewart left Mouday moruing for a bicycle trp ta Conper's Fhls, Ratma townshlP. wheo hey both offbciated as pedagogues re- The Tecumsehs of Toi-auto defeated the Quebec lacrosse team at the Island Saturday ba score of 8 to > Harvey Germa»', au idWhitby bey, did out of the scorinq for the Tecumuolis. Harvey lu undoubtedly one0 of the best inside home men lu Canada. 1

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