Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 8

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OSRAWA PAGE Mr V French ut Toronto, ltewiitingi n towti. ai ion Richardson le viiting wth friendi tu tewu. Mr WIII Wade, of Detroit le vlaltlug wltb relatives. Mre (Dr) McBrlss, Toronto, ia viitlng wlth relatives. Mr W Paruon viated wth Toronto rela- tives leit week, Mine Alexa Thompion returned (romn Orono tbis week. Min M Chestnut, Toronto, palid a fling Vsit hm stait week. Mrs@IICKay of Toronto la visiing ber mother, Mn ýan Miie Mmggio Walsh, la apending the um- mer menthe ln 'Ioronto. Miii Mary Reardon, Toronto, paid a fiy- lng viait bers lait weok. Mia Rolpb, Port Porry, apent lait week wlth Mnr Rolph, Caîboun St. Mies Lou Hayes ieft for Toronto Friday to reign for a couple of months. Mr and Mia Latlmore, or Campbellford, are the guesta of M re GI ford. Mines E snd L Fiaher, o! Toronto, are the guestes-of MiesEdlîh Kirby. Mra Lutte bai returned from viltlng ber aiter, MraW Young, East Toronto. Mine j Goyne lefi t ti week for Chicago, where site wili remlde for smre urne. Min es Jes Thompeon waî the gueit of Mm D Garrow, Toronto, lait week. Misses Nîna Phîllipsanmd Mitnerva Fibherý' pald Bowmanvilie a vimît tislaweek. Mesre W Deshane and H Mowst of Port Perry were bers avet Sunday wlîb friendi. Rev àansd Mts Torry of Eddy atone, were the 1este of Mr andi Mis B j Rogers lait Mie Mabel Wrigbt of Weaton, who haa been visitiug tiors, lot t for Bowmanville Wedéesday. 11111 N Bîckell, wbo bai been viluing ber brother Fred returned home te Bowman- Nille lest week. Mrs Royce sndtAmily who have beSu Vliilug Mr sud Mia j Mackie. ieft for Chi- cago ibis week. Xleé Wakeiy and Min Jessis W&kely Went nortb on a bicycle trip thia wook. Tbey expected to go as faaian Lindsay be- fore îhey reluis. Mr Bob Wylle, of Toronto, "pnt Satur- day lu town looking up old frieudi. As Sob la such a favorite witb tbe fair nez he aiwayé ettes with a warm wolcome. Our Trus Blues turnnd outinl large tuur- bera Meu4ay te belp thoir Bowmsnville breibren celebrate. Sorno f thocrowd cele- braîed te iucb a degree îbey touud Ih bard work to get home. The mai pll pcuic orthte Methodiat Sun. day School et Port Hope took place at pros- Pem Park, Oshawa ou WednesdaY. About 4So look advautage of the trip aud express. id tbsMet esa weil pleased wltb theens. tertaimntueuof'tMr Edmondeon. The Cb4B.%.picnic wblcb wu hsd et the laite Tuu ay drsw a large crowd. The Park Ni* aud McLau hfins A csyd bail for a #go <014 pige. sud cLaughline won. A good programme o0' sporte sàai <liuasd mic uea provlded for ail who cared te danîce. XItlooked tltks old limes to e si Je Farrell aiting &round town on Tuesday. Ilaecame dosu waih the Aezcurslou panîy tet warda Six of ibeir children were prespi «0e havins 41.4 twe y*&"s mg. hMr. StalWi vmoréhie wodding suit whll is. mSiahl Iooked qait. gay lu as laveuder .1k ebswi. Afler a boutltul supper toasits were clysa sud reepouded to esch ose preeenticg tslî patente with a ton dollar gold Ie.. Thei daughîeneiu.law, Who w«esCIspreseut gave a gd-llsed femit dish, s pair o! gold spectaàe sud agsold lised epoos Tb* followiug omfeereof Coithisu Lod"u N0 6110 0F were lsstlledl by Bro 17k toier, D D1, 0 , aesled by <vos c G les R $PM10 esud W bleIe. rus W Poter, N G tWMe#rrtV 0; R H>lame, 1S, M A hauodere,-P SS 8Gikldo, Tmss; mMark, Waf -G aobi, Q0; 0De10 uîm ý-', a 0, Weser. R S v 0 4L Céthkind, LV ; aUkRSS aI*uted L s 5; J» MeGUl, CLsp; Lword, o0;;;W; 'l Suden, p G. Sevral ofcuer ymong u M ttsend tii. epworth WeSe cou, whlcb ot ad la T t~~ir .Tihis caeio tory, of Tomo but iteIbat Cnd isIh coée of b Iuthd" aémo. tbau 4iiO5lr A 1Uome lestD ut. butL e W P F I VÎ CL'M jsmsChpA If 11Ie; 15 EtLëk; F SLIW tg l'nsu. LU Mîll; 'HefaId C Servîse G uari W àerôw;'Smtaite, à hall tht Etdiinia Ce. artie <tlî t Io saltîbi- lions <d&ily su the pavillon et ProspéectPark. Tbey fie a suiher 4f tuioIiog picturss arce lu réal lite. Aniong tbo nutuber le s Vie« o ethimparade or MCKtlnle sud dCeve- tenîd ai the Inaugural prýcession sud Wlclowt juscourtificocne. There le noeinîsuiot W th agejs ethe Bd O Grepli snd thes phonograph. Tbey muet b. cees te b. ap- preciated.0 Lut wsek tb. crowd et tbe lake every ulghu ehoweti what a boon tbe railwsy a toe bcpeople. Thons weres aev degnees difernce between tb&town sud the laite abore ueruperatunsanti bundreda veut dovu ta tbe bosch svery uighi la g et the coolen bresie (ram the lake. T ho rai lway la nover e popular as wbsn the ibermarnelor negis- bers go lu the shade ail day anti the people vaut te <et away lu the svenlug foi a short outing. Cottageri ai tbe lake front bati the best of il test week. Whiiie np-towu peopet wene fanulng iberoselves sud discardiug ai much clothlug as the proprietios voulti id. mit, the coitagens vere t llg Iu the ihade, wbite cool brosses off the lakitetre fanniugt thom as they watchodt he gulla clrcling about ovenboad. In the evening wiîse ebus (atunato vert ivelterlng In their itnffy bcdt moorne up towu thein neighbana ai the laite weno pniting blankeot uir bedi ta keep tbern com(ortabîe tbnouth t cool nigbts. t The'Rayal Qaki, of Bowmanvillo, sud the Voung Marines, of Oshawa, playeti a garne of bail i n Propect Park on Fritiay lait. Tht garne as very intoresting fnorn tht begin- ning asetht b3owmanvllle toam vonrn uchi hoavîor than the homo tearn. The audience1 vas net ai largo ai vas expecteti, but thoît whio wero thero vont welI iatisfled. At tht eud of ten inningi the score stooti 14 t013 in1 favai aubhe Marines. The manager, WI. H.1 Jacnbi, viii put hie tesîn on the fieldi againsi any team lu Ontario, average age 16, ton tht champiousblp.1 Thoumanda vont ta the lake on Ssturday1 to join lu the McLaughlin picnlc. It vai a mail aultablo day. anti s fine programme hati been preparoci. Thc garnea vers open1 la tbe enîplayotsansd uhein familles, anti weneoaven lu gond lime (or supper. They1 aflordeti amusement for s lange gathering af! ipectators. The wbole tovu vaa intereated 4 lu the amcm as tbe lange attendauce show- cd. Mn McLaughllu was on the <round. enid iaek an InterestInluthe sports, anti eujoy- ed tbc play of the boys beivocu eveuta. hi1 li a feture of tis large concerna canton ibat Mr McLaughlin basscetitues nelenred ta af lats, thaithore bai neyer been asatriko. Thts be atnibutea ta the goond feeling between omployee anti emploer, Mn McL.sughlin certaisly shows no iack of Interest lu vbat. sene engages tbe attention of bis empîcyses. Supper vaa laid lu Mrv Mallory'i dluing hall sua fon tWe heumrsorae tbe ladies led the multitUde. The employee sud ibos ho varn t l apiy Cea geltheir 611 until thoro was net much le11. Those so knsw the numhtroftilckets out wondersd bau a limît- ed numben accommadated sncb a multitude. Everybody hati a good drue sud neturneti home lu the eveulug d lighted with tedey. Our lmitoti apac d: osnt ailow us ta lisent the pe last. The boardi of education hati a big urne crwlgback te the position Ibo shoulti btaeo In the ttplace regardrng Mièi Kiiiverle aalary. Wben the board ii net rais;lien ealary t 40tri o a85oa aithetlIme alîrcti upon eabs etV psoprly resigneti. 1She dit sou mottonin lier louter et resigna- îles Ibat abs vould wlîbdraw lber resîgua- .îden if the board would live up te itis en- gageînent , but the nienbeneaassunid tbskt te ' ba ,suad cemiencedis lking 1round tbe cure. Il tales a columa lu the 1VindicatStot record the discussion ot the circulious route the board took round the corner. Finally ubey art-ied at s peint out ,Oftai91t ""lbe place e! Commsen»ent, aud then pesssd a motion le psy Miss Kinver rtht calrai- reed upon but *dded a eau Itou rider Ibat unie lsamsaKinver ithdraw b ler resiguation Instaurly and te wonsto as IJOslah AIi0Os'i We bays, ab cannet bave th* salai-y. Weil, hIt oulntheab b.able 10 recive thb.saay If st 414 sot wiihdnow t ,The hoard ouly veutt is salany mou- 'koYlng 8te inake beartburns, jUst ai the CitaomçÇLI sid nesnly s yesr aoud now il servesthe membon nght obnaitot enul, Or eue stad convictedoetdrlîlng a good teacher avay by exervslug bad faIlli ave rue _ sa ud decleloemoàu hft e hert P hiit; Bek WGiles, pPlbis ïï Thons., C Wiis omm Gra w*.M Fa ,eA lsu, W CB4EEIin ~Wilam. M.a Rt White, CThne A Aàosli7-a. Pr0tom gowr-C Swanos., NSohib, Pht Mlgk isep oa Moe. bétli lts b ~ ett r seemd f«M wm m sot rop »pAue5., tutI the. vosa*or titeOn repsê"«doj. -toA eeraiv& M .m î 04r es las Oreeuwaryte 1ery lU eibrslforer, Mr i Oird shlppd sàar-loadfiveiî te Torolito bu .Menoday. Uns Parker, Sf ITerouto, le Visiting lber aiter, lIr usk Maliett. Mr t J.Ceryelil bas Just returned from, au extensive trip throngli the tUited States. Mesure Richardson Bre. Coluabus, ship- poil s varload ot lianes ta Moutreai -on Tuesday. Mr Rütherflird is putiing sp a large nurn-1 ber ot apple barrela ln bis cooô,er'sliop r.- contly erected behlud bis. apple warehouae. Mima Nellie Ploiclier. wlio lai been vsit- lng bier ater, Mns. Oea. Anderson, at Cleveland Ohio tor smre tInte, lias retterned homne. Mr Jarnes Judge, for matiy yeara freiglit clerli ai the Grand Trunli junetion Station, biai accepte4 a position wltli tht Oshawa Railway Comnpany, end lot lu the up.town depot. Mr ThmasKing of the Don deoa. bai taken Mr Judge's place sud la welcorned ta our berg. Mr. J. Mullen, for several y cars secion finernan at Oshawa on the G. T.R.. lbat% e.- tlrod from active service, aud Mr T Hauley of Newtouville liai been appointed lu bis place. Mt Mullen lias removed ta Toron- to. Heawsî a palustaklug official snd lie ,as bu s cîrcleaf fri-eudi litre wlio will wiali h good enjoyrnt of lisa well earn* ed rost. Tht Grand Truuk lise sucbsalieavy es. aide tralfic, that it was ueceeîary ta put on îwa iueciisl trains ou Friday ta accouemo- date the demaud for transportation. Que ai tlie finesi traîna mun on tht Grand Truuk ltavea Chicago every Fr1Ida y uighi for the ma-ide sud White mautai ns, ardiving ai Portland Saturday niglit. Returnitig leaves for Chicago Sunday ntght sud passe@ tbrougli Oshawa shortly aftsn 5 p. m. on Monday. Bowmsiltfls On Wednesday evecing last the new officers -of Court Pride of Ontario No. 6ooo. A 10 F, were installed te office b yBmo Wm Painton, P C R. At -the ciose of the meeting Bio L Jollow, C R elci, invited ail the members te Mn Clarke's restaurant and treated them ta ice cream where they aIl had a joli) good ime. Trinity Y P S C E held a successful strawberry social ai the nesidence of tbeir paston, Rev J H Barnett, on Wed- nesday evenilig week. A programme of singing was fuznisbed by Misses Zella Brimacombe, M Butchait, Eita Tait, and Mn W T Newman; Mrs Bar- udtt gave a recitation. The ladies served a splendid tea on the lawn. Proceedi $2o. The methodist ladies' aid society beit a veny successful social Tuesdav evening boni ln the chunch. Stnawben- ies anti cream and a choice variety ai good things were served by the ladies ou the Iawu snd ice creasi wusserved later iu tbe eveuiug by a number of the little Misses of the congregatioru. An impromptu programihe ef musii, aod singiug was given sud a social time en- joyed. Proceeds about $28. Wednsday evening Laut Bro J H Butler. D D G Mt, asslsted by Bros f romn Phoenix loclge. Oshawa. ,installed the officet-s dcci ef Floreuce Nightin-I gal e lodge No 66. , 0 0 F, as follows: FA Haddy, N G: C A Cawke', V G; J A Hellyan, Rec Sec; 0 Smith, P S; M Miayer. Treas; T C JeweIL ,RS5N G.-W M ness, L S NG; F F Mor- ris R eG.-E0sborne, L SV G; W F Dale, Wanden ê F Kychi, Con;- W Walken. 1 G; J Johnson, O G; H Rice. R S S; W S Bragq, Chap; F J Hoin, organst.-Suateamas0. Dir S 5 Brooks us hýîme froua Eng- land leokisg fine-. Mr W Squekch, Raglan, visitcd Mn R Morrow recently. Mr and Mr& X F Richards visitad Mr' HlSah« er on uday. .Mssn Loutis TrUilasd Metoilan called un IB RechardaTuesda.y. Muis»d Mg, A J Countice visit.ed bis brothe, , Mr W L Courtice, Pickeruig. Mrj M Robertsand Mr W Htd=o jsed all the candidates they sent tq> Several trots bers auaded the glors_ loua twelfthlu Bowaille. Report agsood urne. Z, New officrs et lt Cneldiviion W P, Fo y; WA...ECôntke . 5' B Re",-ds;Treés1 -A j Gay; R S Gy; A RS,.W SuIterCbap, Morrow; Cou, 3JQo"ueL A Con. S 13oisou; E S. MW w r; 0Sý fH an cock p W PlL Hoiptb Xr uk Doer W ,y LWlng tl1d Mi' an4 Mré B 3 # <sier, Oshawa, ame guoità at1BtokgWe, bher ilste-risé 8im WeIli.- Tyreiie league la te 6e repregertbd a at tue ge at convention, zToÊetu. Me Jhh lôo~radidugbteer Mari- pooa, ha, e en vlsitlsig hîs brothers Rev Jas Berry gave a thoughtful dis- course in tue interests of Missions $al- bath evening. Mmn J Awde, jr., and children, To- route, spent s pleasant week with friends here. The junior paster sermon Sabbath mernîIng on -"The Voyage ef LUfe" met with an appreciative hearing. ECNPZZLi lirs R Raynolds* la visiting friends lu Toronto' anti Miesa L Hunîbunt ai Kin- sale. Messrs W J, G, and Arthur Ormis- tan, Alex McCulloch. Ereti Brae and Master C McCulloch visiteti he oedel Farm, Guelph, necently. Sens of Tempenance officers this quarter - W P. Miss E Waîîon -, W A, Miss j Hshton , R S, F Hunîburt ;A R S, Misa N Alexandern F S, L Pas- cee; Treas, Miss F Reynolds ý Chap, Mis J F Hunîbut; Con, F Reynolds A Cen, Miss E Tardif I S, J Hurl- but O S, L Tordui; Organist, E Pas- cee P W P, Miss E Wigg. 13AMPTON Mn andi Mrs H J Hadge, Sutton, are quice HI at Mr M Crydermau's. Rev E E Howard preached the first of a senies af sermons on "Paradise" on Sunday evening. Visiters; Miss Annie Stenheuse, Buffalo, ai Mn W Aliin's; Mns Hep- kins anti family, Buffalo, ai Mn G Pan- ish's; Mn anti Mrs E Howard anti chilti, Brampton, ai the parsonage. BDOW5IN VI6L. lu Boumauvillieon july coîlihe ibeufe of Mn F G Loscombe, o! a sou. lu Boumauvîlle, au july xxtb. ithe vile of Mn Richard Witberage of a son. Dled lu Bowmanville onululy x3ub, M amis L Beach, beloveti vite of Mn W B Tapsan, ageti as yeari. Diet la Bownmsnvllle, ou Jul> 13th, Houer Maye James, tnfant daughter of Thos F and Maggle Y lames, aged i yesr, 3 mouiba anti 4 daym. Miss A Weleh, of Brighton, N Y. ta homo on a viit. Misa Mabel Na-tbeote. et Brautford. Io home Mn sud Mns Charles Kelub are visiig Ibeir daugliter. Mrs Cullaban, ai Newark, N J. Meurns L T Countica anti Thomnas Smith art atteutiîug the International conventiao o p wonth Itagues lu Toronto ibis uceli. Dr Edick aud fatnily af Dundas mrensjoylng tbe cooliug brocs. o! Lakes OumtaroiPoaBou- Mia A M W«MIgt, daughtfRev AG Washington, youingest »sofo!Mn S Washigon. bas grsdttetintamuale (rom 'rabs tcoflege, boue. Bmo W la paster of Bleute congrega- tieusî chu-ch, lova. .Thle Orange val berson lte zaitvas a grand tocsa, Thcrs vas a large croutinlutevu sud evcrythîug pasad off lu xood style. One set- attractives fsaîute lua te preeieosvasthe 06 beys lu bitte sud hite (tom Kendall L 0 L No 6t5. Tht1 bmasSe tsried by eeb of the lsges wsre a oedit le the ssc s. Mr M Bath vite lises soo Ilb. tomusva up befnrsP M Baisesos Stundy Issu ohaga wlbsligbar i d«totepartie.He wvasOued Sn and oasi. Qi'ci erde Fiu o have &Wie but beter teks Wamlng oS theypviii haveIo lte thelr tm Mr sud MesA IiBîebe e t ia wve oeti ai Mr T P ffl ososthe zsth. Mn J Broy. Bfleid, wua su iobfhlUgh luisM/ Jaestitis useli The s btu bu blie... e Mpour, Iti lAbt f«r se raon 'do Dot appearete h.b enalonste bite. Bous Panns thb~k It la becsuu.he "gi*s' goveraluntsl inspecter bas wamn4ena ha lu »MCw"Y te ftep lest The Dr jatertobiujestftomst Hut on BI lPoint, the labingbetngso oor. mta from Va4e»"lste Bgbosygeonou il Master WIme Taoi t o vuavillel pai4 bit Imte $cÏa1;t s ekisi sa. 1. air and MUn Wesley Audenn, eofe=101 vIsitiîd Mt and Un Weslay temceek, lmt W*eaL àwji and*ôMetibuy itougg t y lu vet' tin _1 sle t « Ilu,*th t -e * dao su o0 t.byIo 11.-Af~Yo The Joseph Hall Machine Workst OSHAWA, :-: ONT., MANTFAcrUR-- OLOVER MILS, the Improvod ONÀMPION MOWERI Etc. and supply parts, and repn.ir all ma- chines mrade at the Joseph Hall M'fg Ce., Ma.sson Co,, and Dingle Estates, having bought ail their patterns, forma, etc, ICoop hi Stock n Knives and sections for most any inake, rnewer or reaper, Iron Pipe, Steato Fittings, (brasa or ires.) Rubber Belting, Packing, (rubber, garleck or repe) ThrPshen Teeth, mnt aIl kinda. Repair Bicycles, and snpply paite for arne. Engines and Boilers repaired, (n.ny make.) Repair Machiseny, any descrip- tion. Machinery Steel, aise Cast Steel ef various aizea fer tools. Pea I-arvesters, R. Wos & Ce. Apiary Supplies, Beebives, Sec- tiens, Counb Feundaties, etc. Re. WOOFI & CO0 PO1~ VOL, XLI1. Boat, Rail or Ocean, GALL ON W. P. STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. Ce's Office, OSHAWA. ýR. C,. Carter, Agt. E. J. JOHNSON, LEADINOUNDERTAKER, BROOK STREET, leWHI1Ta Y# wX &NTBD-F4]VBÂL FAITEFUL VI Mou or Wornen to travol for ro- sponsible establilsed bouse ln Ontario. SalArY $780, payable $15 woekly aud ex- penses. Position permanent. Retorenct. Enclose self-addresd stamjpcd envelope. The National, Star Building, Cbicago,-17-6. FRESH GROUN[ PURE PA RIS Gih Pure Il800t Pow -o- Churohe's Insect Pc In BuIk and 10c. Ti ~Ae H. ALL CHEMIST & DRUGGIE WmRTBYO -ON WINDMIt WIRE We- are Ready To supply the wants ef the inhabitauts et Oshawa and surrounding country with a full stock ef new and easonable geeds. Our' stock Hardware, Tin and Granftewae, Pailts 010, Ot. , MWno complete in al] lines with attractive goode ab attractive prices. Remember we will not be Undersgold, And that we broughb, the prices down. We out them iii two, Before the Trtff Came Ouat. Since thon we have and are giv.. ing yen the benefitie o any and à~1 tariff changes, and with yoir support we are bound te Keep the iPrices Down.. We are set sefling goods below jost, but we believe that la anible, pen sbetter than a slow shilling," confequently oui' motte tà '8maU Pofits and Quik getuvn&oy Farmers, do nething about your BIElt TWINE uttil yôu me, tue- qevetsl grades and prions that we ha!.e; it w!» uy yu to mu them.ý Wheu yen are in town cor n ansd sme us, you are weicome whether yon buy or not.. BRATHWAITE jA". "=LW. stili lu is-old istandi.ef kiim ]about 1lXbn u nrlJbig BROS. PEI Geoi fli selle the. (enun MOTO%, of OioC tht etulman Wi Iuteriding purebasersshuid sè inili belons placing tholi- eider.- au agent put au imltatIcon niio cati <et the tmonte Aeumto gsbvaîîlssd sud uar-antsd, fertI more o et emilasold luCai than any other mals. Ths Ai elahu îbhey.ssll âns hall th.estan mill outfits aobd lu the vonld, ai Uie,, -d' Ail astyluof od n lt Any Information rqardiogt ulil bc freJy gîveutby urltios tu Feli 7, 1117-6in0. Whitby, O9 BOARD 0FPIRECTO Johin Cousu, Eaq., Presi4eut' Handtu - resq., Vrm -, Eeq.ï I . F. Allen ~Eàstg. 0=0s, -8q., Roit à- - acan Firosi, Esq- Gerg, mi BshniBWW"e Far~urs' ituti4* U 5411 noa mas

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