Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 6

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(BY Dr, a . Guant Whkby.> a moedificultite ac: tomplUithhpftrinoe, or &e long *wplIsh patan larIt od13activi 0,igesinlthe -business of lite. On.e obatiele fter another presents luacîf, &nd flnslly you are apt ta couic ta the cosClLIIIi1 that y au canna: convtnlent- Iy' geL away t bis tlme. The beau way s ta pack up one'& raps in as litte baik as possible, anti nake a start. . Atter rnaklng sauIsfactory arrange- ments for the speedy anîwcning ai pro- fessional calla. and bidding good-bye ta imy dean tamily and sanie frientis. I startet tor Q uebec. There I !aund the gmoti pliebemia, commandeti by Caâptain Barelanti. getting up steani ta be ready te gailifor Li ver pool at the ap- pointeti heur, whlch was eleven o'clack in the forenoon. About balt-past ten a iighuer took eut the passengers te the sbip, which was lying in the river, Shortly alter a cannon was fireti. andi the Union jack run up, and away we glided down the mighty St. Lawrence, !olIewed by the cheers et a crowd on the shore. We sean left the old citadel e! Que- bec in the distance. and ail was bustie anti preparatien for the voyage. Those who wish te avoiti the motion of the screw should ait as near the cen- tre et the chip as possible, andi secure a place by pinning.their card te the din- ing table cover, where the motion ta least feit, or as near the middle of the ship as possible. The wcather being clear we hati a fine view et the coast on both ides of the river. The country seemeti sterile and covcred 'with acrubby pinea. but the bright leoking white cottages of the "Habitaus" with flshing beata' in the distance gave a ively appearance te the scene. We passeti south et Anticosti, andt t the seuth of New!oundîand, in- steati of taking Uic shorter but more dangerous course through the straits ef Belle Ile. When weIl down thc gui! foggy, eather set in, in the lati- tude ut Cape Race, which we diti no: sec. Suarmy weatber accon'- panlet i wth snew prevailed tilI the banki of New!eundland were passeti. Very slow tume was !requently matie for fear a! encountering icebergs, which coulti fot bèx seen in the dense Log. By the kaineas o! Providence anti the ukîli et a good captain anti crew, we rasedt he regin ot tga anti gt saf e y Out ta sea. Ail banda new matie their appearance. anti about fity per sons sat tiown te dinnen, a highly re. spectable looking Company. The tart was et the beau, anti every possible at. tention waa paidt t hase a: the tables, Two young ladies with their tather. ai esteemnet clergyman tram Montreal, were rldiculing the idea o! sea sicknesa, but afuer a few minutes I observet on( of them atcmpting te auppreas a yawî by a hasty retreat tram the table. There la .a melanchaly pleasure ir pacing Uic deck of a fine sbip as ahq s p code urough the ecean aut nigbx 0ouiar ne sbouting. Every entier il given" by signais, so that witb tbe ex ception o!ft e creaking of blocks an. cordage tbere Ila very litule noise. 0O s uch an occasion an Engllsh poeu fiti, expresses one's feelings: "*Oh I the amssare Iont. And tiie volmes îhe md up bkath ournfi A mingîfai tdrges and wld farev#elîs Fi luly ethed tbrougb ilu asthem iel. We are now mnaking i10 0f 12 knot annaurkeeping relaya o!i firene, a botter chance ai escape in a case i real danger, Insteati o!fIoung valabl tume by groping.about for someuhing t dresln. *On Utn ornîng of uhe eloventh de a: soi esw vre waked, up by the cry - -Landi aheadl*' whIeh MoMnbroughe crovd os ýdeck, anti oertaInty -vs *à In slgbt co! the beautIfuý bisi f 1I1ni Toxiy îIêlaude , ur liande. sbcn thre tile. -long. havInggit hini on eakh e*trmity. 1: la s.ldtht t n Island vas a: aont titrasclaled ty Se~ land, and "In order te ee ie héque tion âa aid voman paosdte sqmçe n&& ansd seakes tapon 1: ax they livW eiid ti>l i sitatldtib' utde T 'to Scallint. 7h.ewand af Sab ?aurîclu M414 -hovever. bave: bec *Mvavae va Une dlputeti teMrtory, th«'toadeansd easIes socs dïe& a« -1rolsa4 Wedpossemori oi 1 '.tdbm w ,givuway W . iI 'joloed lni by the coflgteFtion. Londenderrlàt a fige aid town, pos. sessing nman objecte of grea: blstorlc Intereit, Ti'wââ sof De'ry«dt Walkers' monument ame welk-preerved. One ettnnot help revering the icmary of the. noble defendte-fDerry durlng the celebrateti seige whlch mbarks the grenues: event in modern Irish hlstory. When leaving Dcrry the luggage o! the passengers was drawn by tour @malt dankeys in littie carte witb vcry high wheels. On the way te thc sta- tion the leading donkey stopped te bray, causing the others to back up in great confusion. In reply te the sherifi who asked what the donkey was saying, the driver, a atout mari wltb n short cutigel said: "Sure b&'s only welcomin' bis triends froni Areriky.- We now take thc cars for Belfast. passing througb satne beautiful towns in the counties of Antrui and Ulster. Every one seemed surprised at the rich appearance et the potatoe 'and fiai fields, the fiowers upon the -former were so close and White that the green o! the shaws could scarcely be seen. Flax seemed te be extensively and suc- cesa!ully cultivated, with long stretche.q of grass land intervening covered with linen undergoing the procesa o! bleach- ing; *all giving the country an exceed- ingly rich and beautitul appearance, and doubtlesa proving a source o! great national wealth. 1 saw in the inter- national exhibition in London speci- mens ot Canadian fiai comparing fav- orably with t.hat et Belgium and Ire- land. (Mr Donaldsun e! Toronto is entitled te great credit for bis exertiens in be- bal! o!fiax grewing in Canada.) This province is well known te be the gar- den o! Ireland, having the appearancea et wealth and presperity on every band with a fine stalwart race of people, fully alilve te the importance of civil and re- >ligieus liberty. Belfast is a large manufacturing city, situtated at the head o! Belfast lough, an arm et the sea. It has been long celebrated for its manufactures, par- i ticularly in linen. cetton and in many other industries, said te be equal te Glasgow or Manchester in number. The areets are kept in beautiful order *and the city ie not se smoky and didy elooking as many other manu!acturing places. -After a short atay' in Belfast we le!t e(or Glasgow by a fast steamer called -the Girafle, a!terwards in the con!eder- ate service. Distance te Glasgow 130 n miles. Atter a few hours the hiN uf 1.Iod Scotia came into view. In con- sequence of the number of sailing and e steamships gaing up and down the n ClypIe the speed of our steamer was slackened, enabling us te Met a good n view on beth ides ofthei river. Saur e we began ta bear thecttip and other thammers at wok in the great ship. s building yards. one of Glasgow's great. cest industries, employing tbousantis of d men building (rom Uthe largest sized in man-of-war te a one-masteti sloop. ýy Glesgow la saidt t be commercial, the second city la Britain, celebratet for its tait smoky chimneys and beauti. ul fuI public buildings. [t ns a beehive Ol industry. Its motte has (or centuriei been "Let Glasgow flourish, by the ta preaching of the word." This ila'en. ýn graved on man) of its public buîlti ie ings. h., trade extenda ta everv par 1 n of the world. Its natural position and modte grauhlyes, Io celeb reil ky poalulen. pieparizig tram 2c00 te 3ocw a ~~ng mes fr tbe battle '01flé. M -11l Hu theUnsNewv= Ma~aerwonne psemd :brougt he oronmtie 014wynd et anst neea 1 nov putte it bMY esteesootelI lv ,trve1Ier, a mgngtomet bim i the ineatine. of whIa h eteof la 2j. vetwis e ins e~~tv. the~ gIott -of fImwr* glotyitid. the dit di truhtpets an~d #rutlos land~ *à whlch art scattcred a few smnal çotuz"g 01%on býrders au -oW oltt*r vatory tower \Wlth a flew cannons scattcréd about; andi littUé-emacins to miark the struggle but the inetoua greeén mountis wberc Rôyais: and Jacobite have been resting ti their graves for over a hundred y cars. The battie ôf Cuillden forever seal- ed the fate of the Stuart dynasty. making Protestntism triumpbant in Scotland, and tconsoidating the 1ni- pire more than even the Union Act it- self. Brit.ain ha. since then advanced to an eminence among the nations most glorious in itself, and a prospect of political dominion and moral in- fluence that bas .no paratIel. "RHer gulitiets glories just Britannia draws From pure religion and impartfal iaws." After proceeding some distance north, the beautiful huis o! Rosshite appear. Chie! among them the lofty Ben Wyvis, between 3,000 and 4,OQO feet in height. give a solemn grandeur to the scene. Looking as far as the eye can reach you see a highly cultiva- ted country, with nice houses and com- fortable farm steadings, evidencing' a prosperous condition o! the inhabitants. We now reach the quaint old burg of Dingwall, or Thingwall, as it was cail- ed in the days of the Scandinavians, the word Thing meaning in that lan- guage a place where a parliament met, thus shewing that even in the eminent- ly Celtic country o! Rose the Norse- men once bore considerable sway. Here the rail ceases and the old- fashioned --mail-coach" continues the journey tq tlornocb, the county town o! Sutherlandshire, and the Ord of Caithness. The Duke o! Sutherland owns over three-fotirtbs o! the county, and you can travel on beautiful roads over a hundred miles on a stréel through bis property, the huIs and valieys fully stocked with sheep and deer, with shepherd's houses scattered over the country and a number ol prosperous villages occupied by fisher- men. The sheep farmers, gencraily keep from 500 to 6ooo sheep, ail o! the Cheý'iot breed. Untortunateiy the oid inhabitants o! the county, the Crofters, a splendid ciass o! people from whom the Highland regiments were in for- mer years recruited, have almust dis- appeared, to make roem for the deer and sheep, making a strong argument against large territorial holdings by men void o! sy mpathy for those who fwere worthy o! better treatment. n crossing the hills of Ord\ of Caith- >ships o! the G'erman ocean, W.nd get a 5grand sea view. Passing Along the 1bay o! Kessock thc traveller gets a dis 1tant view of the birthplacc of one of rScotias greatest sons, llugh Miler, the atone mason, andi most ciinîu geologist. Upon entering my native country a!ter an absence of twrenty years1 fou'nd everytbing going on quietly and my friendsalal weil. 1 misseti the kirk and the old nmanse where 1 was born. but in the olti church yard. I saw the graves ot those wbo were ver deat:to me. On Sabbath day1 cou di not re- cogrnize many ofthei people. Tino' were welI dressed andi iook&I wèl -After preacbing an excellent sermo n 4 niy brother announceti that afrer sing. I ng a few Verses andi engaging In pýragy er he would retumne bis discourse. .1he congregation were very attentive and Townf Wo te& durigt" lasi owlng' to the ïtin a i gh tempor. rbe. bat pl6yed fûrtiii. Blamkstoch Ornige lofige Kt the maroii beld ai 3ow,. mi.nilhse on the glorlous fWelftb. ,the follb*lnlg are the oeeas elotet for diviin No, 41, for- the ournt quar. ttur.-W B , SBter E Wotten t W A, Bis Jauni@ Ashton'; P S, Bro L Puase; rois, Bis Panuy Reynolds; 1Ë 8, Bre Fred Burlbut; A B 8, Bis-N Àhlexsnderi Chap, Bis M Hurlbut; Con, Bre Fred Reynolds; -,AoPiet Con, Bis C Tordiff ; I 8, Bro j P Ennîbut; 9, Bro L Tordif; - P W P, Bis ESWiigg; DG WP,Bro B Powell; organist, E Pascos, Q nite a nutaber took afivantage et the excursion te the model farrn at Guelph. Tbey say that it te worth goinu te ose ai. tbongh it ie a lonoz ditance from boes. Mr. George Cochrane bas done a fine place et gravelliwg on the road south of the village. It wasn't dons before it wau needed. Mr. W. Niceholi, our wortby wilkman, carnies au umbreia Lo proteot bimeself froua the ecorcbiniz raya (rom oid sol, while enroute te Hamapton cheee fac- tory. Two men bave been tbronRh bore with ai cattîes prayer. They left quite a n uni ber and took the citsb witb thera. The spray1 wili kiil files instantly. The bovine Ppecies wifl live in peace for a wbile 00w. Baved Her Drunken Husband. She Finaliy Administered a Remedy, Without hia Knowledge, and Cured Hum. A oorrePpoodent wites : I had sucb a happ borne and a noble, big-hearted hbraban d iii lie took to drinàiing, firet tbronuh i ociabiiity, then because the flendisb degire wonid corne over him, crazing bu four drink, IIwae heart-broken. My bappy borne wns tast becoring one of rnîery tilI a tiqud told me te f ry a liquur cars callefi Anr.i Booze. I was wlling te try any tbing, se I sent 61.00, as âshe tiested, te tbs Oriental Chernical Co., 20 St Aloi ie St., Montreal, and by returu muail I re. ceîved tn a plain wrapper a littîs box of pille.' I p t one o! these in hie coffée ovey niet and MOrniUg witbout hirn knowing iL, (as they dissolve itrnediate ly), and inilois than a week, te rny de ligbt, lie stopped dinkiug entlrely. "A.nti-Boote bau cbanged my drunkeni buîsband inte a sober, industrious, happy uian, and I feel iL oMy duty te tell otberb &bout it, Tbey witl send full informa tion without çharge to any who will write V2~ rz 5~1.v, Oat. UASTEft .-e~olkSALE 1W. 0oyou ktnow a casewhef' Çalcto cure anY kidney afljMnent? .I sQ, we want to know it. Ovet a millionl boxes sold withOut a single complaînt TuE DODDBS 10CUEC0u jeux B. FAREWELL, Q. C-, Barrister Oounty Crcwn Âttorznei, and County àolioiLor. Office- Bouth 'win9 o Court flouse, V% hitby. JADMRS RUTLEDUE, Barrister, etc. Office f ormeri1 OccuPled by Farewell & Rntledge, next Royal Hot1el, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-ai-Law, Solicitor ln OhancerY, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office sonth of the Post Office, iti MoMlaiB Block~, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Ilarrlter, etc. ,-Money to Loan. liguer o! Marriage Licenses. Office - Smlth's Block, South of Market, B? ock St., 'Wbitby. DOW & MGILLIVRAY, Bsrristeri, Soicitors ln Ohancery, etc. Office in Mathuson & Bawken'u uew block Brook St.,,W hitby, sonth of Ontario bank. W.- E. Y AUXOLD, D.L. B.. County Surveyer and Drainage Enginser, Port Perr,Ont. £utbitcd. Drs, Warren cà Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., Y. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Whitby. office houri 9. a. rn. Officeheure Il &-M te il a-m. te 0 p.rn. pi)*'I*TeIepAone Cmu~4tI D. P. DOGART, Mg.»., L.D.S l Ph oie , s rgen sa d Accocher ae. 0 o-,dUednce nezite ÂlI AU§int' ab=*re Dusu Street, Whutby. X. B.-- Dental but8.rl il UIts branches »tetl7 Atteuded te. W.A DAMS, --DENTI ST. Roms$ over obu Fer ' lohigsore Dr. H.Wgta W~MMi VOUX1 I 00~ 3O 80 match 4.0 'V.i 8;M a 4 eet, 4; . ot. 80 NOv.4 Doc..g id 05es». GreenoiWod, ienA"x j. boh5 Ma ; jiy 9; BeyCor. 4024RrhaPr Bo. 4 ,5io 'J W 2;march 0; May 15; Cierk-~Jsu.; ay180;;n 14; Oct 14 aDeo. 16. mlnt]h, ÇannlflgtoD, outnTD401~eorge S20 JuIy 15; Oct. Jan. el; MalOI'2b;p ',Y 0 18; Dec. 17-.e-etn I)5OBONGeo. l?. Bruce, Baetn lerk-Mych 26; May 21; Juiy 16; Oct.1 Dec, 18- 0 . p -Isyt, Uptergroe Oierr(V-h ;M~2;ll 7 c.1 De1 y orderFRWL Clerk ofthe Peace. S Tbe Btest Pop'îlar A. (.IiI rI? Life of Hen MajestY iaE e eu"t wrttes Lord Lýorne, a&bout "Qhae victria." mSales unpecedeflîed. FEasY te make five dollars al.Bgcmflaol O)utfit free te canvi e"l., TRE P-ADLEY GA RRETSON TOro. ANTEBEVRALFAITHFUb w Mon or Womeil aus e lfontr e- spohsible eatablished bouseklyOntdrex- Salary $780, payable $15 wel n ' penses. Position permnanent. Referetice. Enls ef.addntssed stan' peti erveloe. Tnle Natonl, Star Building. hicalge.-17-8. DENTIST. Cor. King & ycango St1. Tôronto. For Che ILezt threo Inonthi I arn gi'vlng ipei~lattfltO~ teaulrit frina dis- tance. An, etil malt 9 Plates ila rubber, 08, cellulold #10. Gold and silver aihstu work cre'wning 8by nrst-class oPeratoria the Most ressonablO rates ln th. city. Whon ln the itY 0611îlnlu a d lt me exam - ine your teeth. 1 make ne extra charge. (3 ' RGS Deutit, seutl east cerner Ering sud Venge Sts., T oronito. Nov. th, 1892. PWa.He WARNERi DEALER IN OOAL, LATEI, coORDWOODi FiLABS9 k ETC. AGENT For the PEOPLE'S CO,&L CO., TORON~TO. Office and Yard just East of rUptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. .ABK TOUR 8TATIONER -FrO- T ÂKE xNO OTHER, Alter.. Taking a course of Ayer's lillr, the system is set in good working order and a naxi begins to feel that life is worth living. He 'who lias become the graduai poey of constipation, dees not realize the friction under whtch lie labers, until the burden la lifted frem in u. Then lis inountains sink into m-fle- lis, his meroseness gives place te jollity, leie s a happy mian again. If life dees net seem wortli living te you, yeu xnay take à very different view o! it after taking Ayeî's Cathadic PI: A LAME BACIK. ,ONE OF TRE MOST PAINFUL 0 -MALADIES. .Mr Peter Millar suffered for Years,a. Ezpertmented wtth Many Medicini Before Finding a Cure. YFrom the Brociville Recorder, Perhape no prettier place is to ho se in Ontario than st Newman'a upper to on the Rideau Canai. A;tti Stat for a quarter of a century resideti Peter Mlillar, who during that perioda ed in the eapacity o! tockinan, sud * .perbaps thé beet known mian o canal. Mr Mi!lar te now a reeituet * bernickvilie, having retired froni se life. To a correspondent et the Rzco En ho related the tolewing expentenu -"For many years I was troubled wist * lame back which gave me great pain. times, and causid rme oeuch loge o! ste I tnied different kinde etftuedicines fonti little or ne relief. The ipring 1855 1 wae asutîting at getting euri oe day wben I fait îomething sn.ap givo way ta my back, and iL waés îç tirne betore 1 could straighten myslf, I new became se ba t iat when I dawn 1 wi unabie to ie without~ tnce, and I tully made up rny mind I bad become a chromie îvl ovrexpeoted. tte ses a well dayq A couple o! weeks ai cor iy backhs Most entirely given eut, I sow b1 article lu a papor that Dr. -Wllm P>ink Pillas had eured a perse» trou similarly, santi mmedlateiy gent roeuredi a box te, test tem. Blot had fi Jisbed tbo box I toit mwy ba kua wbst etruger se I procurti fivqe more andi by the ime tbey ver. nus <o0unti mysaîf complatoly ee. B toa tho laut box 1 hase nt hai patesofiswmenong, ,udmy' health @een fat beot tbfn t lhâd 4tnfrr Tioobure obtalning tii e »utùin ways Imi for Dr. WiI'tam#Pink Mit Dr. WIflini 'nkJFilio *te a --sd V ppr,(pr1atsdired inkI). huùdra>d, sud àuy dealor, who bie .stitu1tulthi triniliutrylngletO *yOU *biaodb. *avolduil'_.Tht', are u aoauti1où -d s galnt àWs o caletibloti ulers ad unétil '~ putu l ii1 l. lurn iz biv. O They rie aIl im ttio»W wakeré 4 opO aPa mtr So tag oni III. <on Britta -revi ,rthi@'S4 by 1Dr.WIan'Pk

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