sais werO ig reluit: iavkison, ~ln Sha R~ichard Witus. Ed i'ink,jr,(tà O W, McKay, ýChiotEmbray. Fred I4ttle-- rôud, Jas 'Sinon, ChasCaier, F rè4d Mark, EwnWhte6, John Mathtava james Harrison, Andrew Bryan. Jas McMinan, Aiez McMitiIan, ebg~ c Milian, W H Wood, Ed Phirreli, Mary Baird, ma rot Baird, Jane- Baird. Elisa B,,rdX John Spem.caChau Curren, bri T Espin. Mara Jhn Mc Leo4, Géo Mnwbray. RaIph MOwbmy, Fr-à ýCà mpOIi, ArthurQunre Ma*trsTho. Badk, JasWllkLýnson, J' E Wordcn, Wm flrooks, Geo Poliard, John Pollard, Edward Poliard.' Disallowed-J Cowperthwaite, R McKee, - BarbOr, Geo Hopkini,, Jas A Miller, John A Campbeit, Jmo Aif Mowbray, Perry Hooker, Wesleyý Rf atd, Chas Taylor, Richard Wiikin- son. Mr Phoenix's appeals were neit taken up. Aloved-Wm Burnett, U E Foy,J P Buatson, Lewis Gilroy, Geo Harper, Iohn Chas., 1TUa Phoenix, jane Phoenix, auj J'hciix,'A Phoenix, Oco Stoteý, rcd Wilkinson, John Stanton. Dissalowed-IBraCi Haye4, Jo'hn Whitfleld. Geo MçMiiian, Emma Lae, O W.ry i etWhitter, Georg âO. laçi a tnon, Frank Conlint,Edl Darcy, Thos Darcy. John Bycra, Fred Mark, C H Crqà e, Jlas Steel, Peter Flurq, ,Jamesu iouJme uý lra Belknap. Mr WIker's appeals were cci dis. ý',Dîolowed-W C, Smith, Luther At .th. closeof îhý-tourt the reeve îook th e chair. Lattera f rom'the Clerk of Mariposa -stating that 1wl to the great Ienglth . e w ç lesWht-7 Lhoor; section ,'7.- Reach and Mariposa-bad beent equal- Ised, *ugigcsWthe idesirbility of 110W"-. Aqulhzaton belng considered at the carliest copvcnleqçe. From the Diamohd jubille Com- mittea of the town of W by, inviting the members 6f Reach coÙncil and other officiais 'of the township ta hi prç#ný ai beir grand demonstration, T'he Invitation, ln a c=rprebhcnu1ve sud îruly loyal ýmotin mdh.M Stepliens, was acca<tç,,dwlithplure. Frotdtbe license n&pecor mno0sinj a check for $î55.70--$55.70of tsai amount b«ftýg part of as, year'so-dfm tribuion tirobigtridunbt for ibis year. Grants were mrade ou roadî au foi. lows : $12 opposite lot$ 4 lnd sfIl x 3th con. ;$3opp'loi 7.con 4; $30o o sideroad 'ln i2th con;, 825 on tonsbil line of Uxbrid ge . The follopwing anounts w«re orderc lobe paid M 'Lmb Z2'for te paIring cûlIverts; /' Mater cf nepairing road; Newton Bras, $8 fo printing; S H Coxiff $8.5Sa for.rav< and rlght of way ; J O'Neil $15 fa maence of ,Pat Thouipson; JId ýDoble &$2S0 repa ir o od liho con; Frank Dobson $50,30 cedar ant building C.ulveri; 'jas Carnegie $5S for desk for cierk'sl office; -Jas Bair $8,7ç work, vhi road machine;,$3.3* (1 keep qf Soruberjer famlly, Ind gnté Jo. Baird 41i or srvng ppersIl connection vlth court of nevislon; Wv Spence $3 for wrfting nild paprs; Wo Oliver $: for fixng eup gravle) pWi.a îth con.- Mr, Thos Grahamm. patl0sutei Manchester beat, came bu«tprçti X uiby 4 Piam ort . e he*ýilitg-* e do" çtu'> lità be4t16 "Ieharnas aêrt, In Iw. 9 derto get ari. !the putanct u hthor-. t oughly, CGbOd harnÃ$ss oh Iesnh ec- urd ulieà y for 0,se, or natdfoot 011# 'wIh a littie limp blick, "i b h found good. If tue )harnesB bas ootbeên oit- cd for tome time, and la bard and'dry,i fi wtlI ho besto go lover îhem t*Wi ilnlihing ail upM and thcn COmmenclng with the first plece and going ail over1 auin, .After eV"r atbsbe hr oygh!y olled, fItphould ail ho ungup over -S frame of soné, kld andellowod to dry4. ,t shoûld not lho hung 'ý lnu'the I ,sin ôr wýhere the wind trlke ds ft 0' will dry too rapidly. ThËe oit should0 have plenty of time to soak iln. Like most other work on the farm, if under- taken, fI willi pay to do welLy Por Blo 18 *tarVed bICloo d t ho tulff ln pale chekW hite Ip , digestlon, no p tteeha - tIon, lack of nerve iorce, sot mausce, an,444, bI 40a, weal A 1 He wM gitellyt ha rkch. It ~foodfw aver'txd # ad weak*sionmsopqae * t bctfcnes1y takeà ûi r »W a. 0 b W0 »nU gg8 n A là nîtorm -production of f ruft 0a». flot b.eivéd from wet, heavy soil. In la itgsI trwbetdue for market n gele0t. varleties that viil gir. a log %! ang fruit sbeild h*o hiiâ lb. tamui frit haugwsa y b Stoprodu;cesand -omiepono eds. d he*k than oldet on«s would expert -d  rlsMade Wiêhrsaihm eh" o wlbrpothe *b. t h 1 fol -0h~s style ~nd une. Ors $gsu.rbIUY doncs ovin; tiir turnlpa. The. wsî of thé aomn cansed quite a MlaV4n I buIt 14., Mr .Maohe@y, Who rb* bounderi Dr. Moores chargoe om ite tie pat é asuicose rora d v. ire Plassd-W rapor t. proourec fixclent catch 0 o fln)3 tribe. The lawn social giveu, aI lbe readeonce 8f M: % Mr a&sUoW &baty~v.ln Thre .vnnng a lu very Vaai ra -oulad > buté, baud *esiréià tsnt a isuoumad 6106 laud the genersi satisfation of gave an oeolat réituton, so altodiô Mis IrsusB4îsrm aeooaad isd vIbd. Mroies and tatIi*hItad supp!yof est- vî .,3vetilà g'ï éterér Wient. Tbc iprootedauettsed eearl or auie forty dol Ia, goggslgabtdngaý olIbis kind, lu Our oniefujrtWyas à au, totndene3 sud a 0 u 13ourage. Thgrounde ogttva Uminud vlsb -pane:t W. onogrdatulauIse iene o the. «oouragtg rssuit -cf, tbeirundeort*k tus. Sévens-tramps Aflas. rongb Our vil logeth lb. atf.W day.01 course, lbsy voes ail looking for wiork but pga$inp tbe mlgbl uot behose nnortuaits auo Thomras Lewis maid Frank tloh in the Geelpb excursion laut Friy. They te. port an excellent Wt nud general good John Pallsier bas .rsiotea e:len: vIre feueswest of bis birbuusaloag she. om*eésaon, vhicb adda mach to IbiAI>p Fuank Harrison sdhmmà LrC nb.uo n B gbam, tbave -»Par. mol belng Ableto à love e"mob ,othr may t« p» oentlY.'Fn " I o ru il ai. i wtia te austaos of albo lau'es dJeII, of Gseuvod, bau bod uit* an huproveMent '.Our"in1 famil7i te BlaoksIok -on ,W=ed"a 11ev Olar. iii ake oharge of theseic hers nesi abbatlh 8'vsrâ fronab ensl W th*" o3ub el gpr6ssdlho a Wlitby .ontlu a. Mu KOuubobex-.teaebs of Finà e&dý vtMode boe. tok;bep' éa Maiô. Bd8 orouto onIl4v, à "'46.ulu# 09 , Jhn ail s e' ô% b *od.,*.d pi ib#Womb i 'ta roipains tg «ePlain nia SYStem i larmnt t - he ire iters, Tire, *t- buildligs areýIne, and Cohnent. and vy-odstbk la mosi ykept, a lthougb éome of ireý hogp are decidediy lnfer- lor. A vcry aubstâfutial and abujidaot lunch vas provlded for tb. party In Uice gaunaitte. whlch' ail donc ample justce. Prof Mlis on.bebaif of the inatitution, gave,- the Party a cordial welcome, fullowéd by some god prac- tîcal- adrice, At 6 o'clocki p m -the pr took tire train for the euti de- llghted wiîh the day'. outing.- The jubilce service Sunday was largchy attended and veny lnîcrcaîing. Rer E E Howard officiatcd., S S annircrsary next 'Sonday. Rev Dr Barnes, Toronto, viii preach morn- ing and cvening. Mr A J Reynolds and wifc, Scarboro, visited ber trihs week. Mrs N. OitTord reîurned from King- ston last week. Mr F A Coloelas till confined ta tire bouse. Mr Levi Rabbins is able ta ho oui agalo. Mra T Haggaith, who has been 'visit- lng fricnds bore for aome time, return- ed ta ber home ai Woodstock ibis week. Mn H 91liott and Miss M J visitcd, ini Toronto -recently. 0Tire annlrcraary and tea et Willow Point on the first i. c uly bide fair ta bp a huge succeas. On onudsy aflernoomautirhe -Bonso 9 Enaland bela tiri, churoir puradetru hônourh ofl.Dianro oaubilée7 Tbey oorailly lcrited tire sois of TeMpernvos sud tr s ttie irse Fiends. to loin luté aat. I 111e scoietis me: aât tire baul, formed bar lonssud mamciee t0 Ibe oberoh. The -*vOie Iboir éuablemg cf office &a M , mebrlip. _Tire pastç> fe7appropriaIs sermon at' Rll otirOb, vaus suare aré MnSs la t a -ub aren . et ,ye d i nittd friendt fsud relative, tio e.They vIne psent froin' Pont Perar,BoMapwue aùptn, ayoi Sori, osIrroJuno', sud -Détroit. The mal# ezo enjoyod tbssnus«lveu au psiesof baseball sd fooball. Eniouit bmussband f*U M tlêedaesat ondse sud jethe b0' JOUXE !*RWLL .e un s, '*hlMIR Bsniutr, WOsos forger! p~ig.4 by Faxêwe.U i gltlsdge, DOM l,:,7u Brook Sb.. Whflby. DÂYID oiINIBTON, Be.A.# »toray'atLIW, olio tb u Ou touth of the Foui'to, lu Rf oKIhups Block, Brook, Sirse, Whitby. 0. O1G ETSLL . OM"ficen 14mthluon aà Ewkeiinewbl Brook fit., Wbltby, §urcf'a iohi~ W. IE. YARNlg)-lD,)L. 0outf uroyer sud DrinageEgu, poit Peuy?Ont. on.Warren, M.D 3. 1. More,Me D., Ofie lor à 9. me Whbtb i. D Omo*e hur Ilau 5oilau'w $e Sp.rft. ~' Pe*ale ?uIa~AOSM WUtfC#tf os. - ».P~ DOGAET, *.DqI*»IwI~ W.4 Ol.k~4*rO 2>les i; ule 1a; Ol.e1; tInu5ioVT~P.larUpterirove Clark ~~MiîO-Ilgy Ms91'Yl j;ct17 ioctober 7th 1895. / '.Tbe Hroptilar 9 uo i fm b I ' V oU l e à T B ç P 1 U C O - $ 0g11f1 OARRETO C. pAITIFUL Oe-bouse h uiio pensS.l'iil-l ph-iffl.efMn '071-M È.adradsnnedee#.PL Tlr 1.NtOSSa _ uIdWS lhc.f8 o. e ~EI4TIST. Oor. Ebtg & Yoiig* Bt. Toronto. or y atitb.IISII u' gvi WIa'~ ~~~lo $hulyol bsut. me .qe"' bue [tiiéê ti*%«à n owsge. o.% Gi flgI nte ot* ore w. w. * f 'w , w * w GOAL. FG~ or coAL O £Eas t 0 r -Beautitu1 cyes rrow duil and dins A s te sw iLt year s iteal away. M4k-utfuI, willowy forme g o allim Loue fairucus wlth every day. Dut she still la queen and bath charu ta I!SIT*morning, duckiingi test wutii webbedl Preserve'Your iair are iiu and yoix préerve youx' youth. walkitig "A woman in as oid anS he Thre twc RQoa, oys the worid. No colt arei -woanlookeas eold ma h. e s mSwitl doen't t Il ber ha 'ir bas preserved ite hastot tSoma1 beauty. Tou warzkeep good tirs balfrom.talllxg out,,,estoring ;.will hO a 4its normal colo,, or restore tih. ~-normeloorto oray orfa4d On larby lb e o people s of theïr1 .Ayces fair Vigpr; sudde0ily ~~ Mr VI&h --placoin D18tRB8IiQ BESLTB OLLOW Buti-: INQ ACCIATIO. But inn- of moisi ATYoung Daugirten of David MoHardy, intersi- ofF7ergus, ýtire Vioim-Hut Siff&rd faiuly1 th. Most Intense A.gony-,Doctwrs Poe Failed to #RéIp He«. tbut it Nearl'y eVery penson in Ibis section ili aaquainted iti r M. David McHardY I tir. pQpclAsiolader cf et. Âtriw*'u churer 1fr Mol ofdy at bis home -bu UPPer l~bbo bearly mrdfrom hlm n bis estimuble vif, a tale cf terrible snfeulng once eloeptioumly utronsudg - W&b 04 40fl 1h. verge.,cf tiregrave. The i iuab- jus f Ib ikeoirdInb inoZardyl fourten j.hofai, and hr puélsa' 'uib aus not- groar n s ince ber' librs - -reu4,la. îojears é lafmo med ho dici home a famly. day., ti wfiich1 by Uic s ife, saxo. hi' £ hs W to tbe- A4MSP 1 1 1Re -- - Wiuhout ii Mr Rat"c were startit ard's point, lng. Whil, and- hefore capuized. the. waipr, hold of tha-. were he and R Sený f rom a Ci passed thel They ret' Mr hn with Som! entangled brought t and provi, turned t their duc Mr Jas a duck tl