Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1897, p. 5

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uVILIT1 8tiek Pins, Brooches, Meda1st Badges. *Special designs for prizes for Athletic gaines and schools. A 'i 01 o tue~~~ "W t ol45 Te liant81 voigt"ter l hoit Dm I uder ItalorparewU'êonmat The the - tWbaS le lite churob WCre the tout w. eer 04W. rTe Citue Sband ttrptindtb&eM by thelr otreug turfut t*bd « Nt The bois' Drlgsdo ft(mue the bayei trom Oshawva deserve <redit (or tbeir l.*yo= Ing and drill.f Thei celebratio5 wua Bcostly oà01% twj the. uai <ste meuey chafp4 PrOýè U suds!l succOss. Couductor McMIlsDad iatbis ttraIed.ner ated fmreintt cow catcher te te lut viteul on thei rear coacht. tu &Il thti ubllee <elebratienttlbgtoia1 tbe world .csrveyau accident hsppeitd, snd not a life wasloit. Thon vwere ver y (iw cases or wlliskiy ubUtaton. M n did not dâtmgru-ao4 jesty by jettinge drunt. ý1. *"S- nèqhtes f atnd id se aas t ý: heapee, than I Now ~b mil. Wateh fW*P0etetfe« ord -ber* yetîerdsy. iýe roMe 1the b*eleoctrie a band oà the 'ho Râ ft. fe d d b* steerini -et of Mabody. ophenion bas ttck*ed tits e ut *II!tI one, Lond ud t. mde rrfluciad ; W M Biwell tô Mas. toun*<mty te Canteons go~ Da te teiph 1 Miss te NpAnt .toiMIe. telion- idIdo Gr tw o eMit- CanoIoleTreosuad Pictons " p lis and teciers las: vew Cereuî hou uSheuout Canada Ladies' Colored Capes, in ail the, lattot styles and Bhade8, with Point Collars -15to$40 Men' ::suit8 This- week ie one' of those Buyiiig brige ,u oa e PricCltûllgbrings UikS1i~frStdy turnout; lg1n a lot0o? flote rip tb cary Oh f«r bornes seeers tegurslens June egt - - - - - -- them n utue PrtsiO5lOt- Jti 1Iadsti odfrody returu. SMarty passed hlghly comaplimenter? te. Wltiby PIctrlug Broetiln Myrtie er Tor- mark& upon the splendid appuracé ati ad onto te Mj4aloeapouts aud rturu $28 aP- fimrk ngof te otnon.t Queti e*i 9 eSt" on ( t'O ail In(or Choice of 50 Suits, worth frorn $7 ta $12, in al the fasi 8 ltn , n.a r d's ut t î roë now t close quioklsut........... ~Th wr fdcraigt*QeIl' Ui h« T iets afeb' vewella eau rufeyueuts fer MaIOI ss.te"e-eife >" n i oo wedinichecks, overcheckings, and a host oi 13IT13Y@ complished. lb'#«eueywbem e fbos anjg ean ost etonwt ls uc Thse jubilee crowd tu Loudon, lbsgl«4tatnstlp Un«.i ratte es*arsttd, baggage was tIhe lamjententuber ci people mer the<ked tîiweu hbAise single (are returu uuuSsu.uuu*uus knowu ta conI reffati luaose plie ut suliebau ODoniue a tfd tSe te history of Lthe world. hoions. Ho(il .hrnnid Laurier becemes Rt. on. o ut ioopepleveteoWbItby whrf LACE CURTAINS, Hosiery and Gloves, Ribbons, Chifl Ontario becouca SirOe. A. Kirkpatrick, rival Of lte G#ýden City viti theit gallatit Floor Oilcloths, Towels. Table'Linens,. Flannelettes, 1 Man t"cber emineut Canadiens werê-to boys Of lte 34tfi. Il vas a flue ilght ttee , e itonored. the l01Dt cenoiltig lu basting Iliosu of ow O iiotai oeuuty orgas.-Larit 5I OrOUi5 To ttspise of al only ont rural pub. rdcns adtedobarkattou of lte VryLo rices, tien ef "Y I.aI papier laCBnada lic uchool competed for lte Siothe lt mon and beir equipment ws u n :erestu:______ ____ ___ ___the Tovn Lin. Titeir euiiit wus spfttsce. Tih e(a t ofthe volentés etir _________ urnout, bmwnedsuad ot f titei bad asy pnas V e (*'W o IIEi -grad , ad îhey rectlved Iheir $108 lthe viere lte s1cin had been e mu pletely burut FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1897. othr Sio being sved. off#The. reoueri eofutseorsusansd lbouts _______________________ Titi Count>' Couricil granted $Sptosusist vus oqily th, erto sWn«eort>. i dfraying tte îzpmuse of wilitu7 d ~.WmSmlit danaaged eye, the resait LOOÂL LÂOONI013. Thse embers of the i rttii joie Wn it. iof sbyte cteî.hvssmclu processonuand îook s bsnad llate coimbroa- titn oititi etlc vas nt dstarieul. i4cv. Mr McAlpine vas ordaiised ita tite don wherer they ceuld Sud acytMI thngtateop:wsot detrle .w»W T e"a LOM»I heais-Ior f utc patitorate of thse baptlat chumbcis bore ottr- do. Ou.t0oflits bout téovu ruldeutseof lte (Iay Il ws titibleodless Iritutupi tomodom utase1li0, Picerng, Miu MaraisVl!, pus~-The Websb Rllarud. Taire (ifi Gardien 'City t Ornab 0civilisation that weceltbraled, sudlte us- Ied avaartou Pridur issla.tMissfVaIi itad MOnday j IViy îth. Boat lhaves Whitby et tien or peolWite looked sml upou, beau èsilugfrsa nomber of yeu rom an ~yt r otulltgstptteGl aMD-.RDv.KD 45 .> M. ntte roeed n i le obo'pltled, lus a sck ipvsrd trouble, vi c otuld probabiy have Minlu oCuury plusse consider lte monts Misa Mary Nicholsoni, vha lu atending umer tu titi hitery ef adraucoetit 01 o! bserdted ad amopiration beuper t. i eri)CiaoadS Pu o amtg h re o dâead " buuncS oLI~cb orto, wvs. home for thei âge. trns, iicit mlght t-'ve caused deatail ronte Isnoîetthé o suyD ist èa Purunsut e itMdorfor dlt setiad O the holidfty. Titi New York Sunisse l 1150f up asab Rîbi Itu asumetii riit er fiens, ai poits u ltefoleabaisr01 the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r mc5I ltéhlel iiiceanltvu ssasa1 u plhl u le proceid t eid ltsyu peato songers içaiiUWblîbyt ndpone at>Y plî-.,tttr vi .sdvttlt Oui ce cria m parlr viii bo open d rlt'g IFeat lutellicttitl guide of lthe coisum l. iaiis h rei, tid needtlie a o oi train, reuCb St -s! n ttd DccoCOtyustisufulnetly abominatble te ex* itosetraits citsrscteristîc îo a raiua ~ 5 on ieedrc eucltsl e theu oS orne 1 lothe ai.sten#Ou res hstred of bth e nesd lte Suth sud ber deominovii be usouruid by mussuyan for asl points lu tit 0914dfields. Qtlcktei WEDAY hé t go)UL 0 Con~~~~~~~~~~o finaif evc nS oti hrbIure. Wheu lte Sn îfaf itID itth te adminlui frleud. The funerai took place o sdb1 ot t ttBrns Aa,Ã"d- NS.1w it >'iit 457 ifth this, Friday, ateroifotit 4 oclocit, p.m., express its deteulalalien of Eritalu, heUil lite Freudaburyltg <ronid ou Sunsy, fol. mexlo,,Csiifol¶'î sud ailwsternpoint. tpyn i AU i etlo i o the. right Re, lllshop Sullivan1afici atlug.* seUl oul fuuist eusltce. loved b>'_# large concouru et sorroving Rceasdî. . "nt %tiisigrIn rt»wsi w p lof Mo Ka ice, oi Cahi Mounisin, bien., M.JmsHbad IogsD a uftiendu sud relattive. Mis» Voit wu à("oM la R. . agntor J A.Wichrdu, siWliof Winjas1er. ofe HbausdimubftumslaPasaaIC' Aef, . m cerner agbombeuor < ýbà eLoN lut and Misà Pound, ofainnpet 0Winnlipegtown ovîr Sunda>'. H as er i,~ daujgitI ter lte ieElansion Voit. Kln sud vongi ell,oruomIb tiop.*1s4 oalpo îr jmtîgMru Coolidge, Hamners Corn- borri near Brouightami&sud us.a>'besmn & fiensefMr *beCoaty Poaer. ?0kw et. lid live a quarter f s cutury vheu Rer ThTiis ie o!W du iga W h e iSquw5 os U qeesilgsffitï,m uund" sMrs, 'foe or e . li Arthlur Joitistots. Greenwood. le te Majest>' ascended theth îtê - 5 Biat >'Teylia ii oa> rect aboute 'On Tuqïdsy lte QI ecbidorttf j4sl bouse,14s dabrn bou a@yI ln %,,itî Winnipeg tli Au gut 5 flCothe and Ireiand. M.Hbsdrr> elN o int e> po s eftlwI erueral Abedo58 vie-ilpostd lite es' 5it<oune I aÃŽfun- jud e ilsepoial exiition te bc memberstt euilt taSZsdvsbadadl. nu iigrand J uies bave ti. sa b ifrii luelIlOiilO.4 Ite vbh1s. vitb ubsp u lshe,*mf h0dt here.pr«eudte takti a adilubut dectiud. H. coStoedd Il, lte judges have eudonsd fiyolto utasenltlb' the messa 1t tO e 01ddrlugsiid anti ae hu houes, 41i.ftl IsA Mr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , TasMCnh.bensiltga<vcrtdmails îthruugh theue parts CeteUlÃœ'suad aur better natures vaut te sue teMsd ue*sppens of!1s1 tit ovais a t illes vol!, suda cisera on t.eede"m ud Mry n Fho rt E n b en a hlm brot e w U cîn at se e tecarred ou . T iti ouin t i t aI o tt ei i piivero i c . Tiid s at i bo t se r.f e eisd i e t y l' u e - lit attended teraces aver thîre, amîd. r- We are not sble te ive ludiflduil credit bave t le Sd vtit the. Wsrdens sugnton rend@ Mm o %etd, viti thbe ueptiti hcdt> th*ra ports having onjoyed a big urne. twikiedeoa ierelsuo 5 ia itd - lte people 10 putetilte overigt 1uft ueOttave, juerssudpi.ospable o! cudrutis. 1* t tt5., to &il dbbeducomted1thconucli- TitiForu t sa k no led e itI T i Houer, lt fthe U5Dt'*Ï" Oove i toit about tbree iles tro m _t» athé uA I lit Thse Steamer Gardon City vili carry an places of businss5, but lt ol ec ttie lustttution làasnecesaît>', sud 1t51 lite T'rtn lta, a1vsd *4s uent ussfocau urter OIg rie s uté excursion ta Grimnsby i>ark, on Menday, overlookthlie grand illumination ILS- beeoftsbotuosouetsisi> ideau 1Hui1, Oltava, A0in.». v'i.dme'.u.l July itis, lavngW ttby.ai3a. m. renuà bouse sud beautiffitl rOlB tuds 'mté' sud ttepr*ftisouof ituas aboUov ow tr .*elW.irJtleciYilI ri.abfm lne 1 esodee # Fare for round trip aduilte pachlnn e.fulvs nssguiflceit. rtbe court bouse -and -unies. eut scesau Thort ourlamords If>1 lite feilo*l le- 73, hi-'n 0c fctIlTtain rdý f l__l oueds usanse viidoue. Aint b ,~ Admissiontu ta prk toc. rahe lce ru,&Gacufl outl'y Ml eslt a en> tos sPl cLuo aud mOruag o Ilim thsselru te Mr% Phips ai Holnesvllli. Mrs Stute of paesGos tragr i ed"dbut refuse te u<t utilisa idorsid &*'he OovernrGPeml Of O rud, 1. !w" in mli iprodow eat' abse t f« 1.tl, iilu >crBaaOraaM d nsoes. ad s splendid décorationl a 2p.e.illaltefur !cosoruDb las l r ituntmytîeedpa' »id0OIgpS5ý D$ftW 0s1t* w~arksev, W Crawfortli, Mr and Mnr$ uane itW mne>ytd"aj , theêspu, roncdion. Abo1 sld "Prom * ..e Pitein. îr a M s auidi maW r. ine swi e ou dti tlP i ial1 rqttad ulvould carrymoret li Mthbeusliut, Birown. Pceig eea r oldes eoul Is' en 1104 ICORI 'R M durï .l a mers aCorners, for J ubilee daty. lio t «ail itadiserteit v11 eigit *841h tbe peoplevWho migof Alnfitula VeTOUAR _ Mi . Van Ha n d vile, of Chathamtti v enu ta f to ltrb m i@0i~î ei'vu~-~ i.e¶oio in towu an Thureda>' thete is i teir Mr. Waden Cita. IK nse wohimi teounîtem W. shailt eu tuased le o li te 4 U"Y, -14 o i o! île ud atint, Mime Hans. Tb" a re returnlng home suggestiogn luhis&opeilt mddsttete ofu7ci'l oguhe luie l tepl e owi 5 Qitgae, Tusda>' 6.z LI% w t su p0(ale giftrgoneubeuicoing15 ou gan san. egsi leNeo daatestanvd.asta uHtti uiiaoldpel tohedrieRt-a.<lst orsot ewie!ti biccletou. liet d tbo ue.Ttd u ltfeo rteQeemomet gacionssd t *all1 tti as mucis pleased wi'lh the trip. favor otnarklrl lte occieli b>'the » 1. vIn o eu fli0" ottbu augettt.meu Orîeu oed, te * W»a at'Pm mN hiyce ou. ii screme ttnselestiisd wut pirs ptoni.ur, 0 mtl1 lii lium% Mm.bel' nieds unstion e1 s home 'for Our mort l'pe f bv-u cue-oesseCMMolw' iae uvuOu'itl$e$' TiIg4 Mr, anses Campblls mais>&end&weieioo tIlt e w1 li te lottmItlu tbtC Que"wiu 84 el tz Sttqrqotl iteait fiu aui*rl en 4,c lecaned ta see bfnitu hre go Saturday as' oe ta temalter vl eult e stup t, ht b po t remeuind.VudCtOr«. sturi k*et ever0",eagt miu iîtrad Ieee *fie 'l~8t07,5 Sjos le ha% beconse accustousid telte w5>'5 ofionce by titose In lie diffeneul pea UOf the oeil4te t «W gel -4*bé iomsue 84111Pe tiicg, n bubenvotts iud<r. çulYo yoare pliitbroPWt i sud ltatI&lit mqriae Dsqwsrtou,- of Imm, jonc I lt jblcevîi g~ditat 4rom lb.sborou alto oraldtiiêfl plt.v M~inn gslacnite r emn é fe- sgeduSd Mat the. ti tti vhmo Tin ie otinanialhidInbs'insuts. , "vero uîl Ia or IDcs l qt5 r StOhet 'sîsdstriioi ua _ _ _ _ __in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u qbg o o d h e u r . I r. 4h9tu t A s=.o** v o M >1Iaitt a k noue teSay otci « ltýtanmet tno3. h tispu s -toa The outhOntaio Fr"ef a t, 1 he ar tto Md *e * ,bêe tilla 4â'à m1de arrangemenlt& for a grand excursionl 10 thé th coruvtou m o ebulaid bff tise model fami, Guelph, on UîY tsI OtA Z pcioti train bus bien eugsàged ~~t uiie esà &t. Maniiia Junction at 6.iS a..Ttc tare leshQaa sdid ua1i1w turmuleoulMasM exceptloiîaily lov. only 93cftom WhItbý peopeuas couId S4neCouveauCsWd îyod ouhor stationsiu n proportion. Titis latem ore, vitllitittidr«b ial o eut tom1< vieubt lisihe cliuapest sud itest tilD et1titi becauuseîit.yi44 110u1 leWl elutIhals% t4essn. Ail ticket& good te rettIisy regti- people 01»t-Iti &uY rMM*I$Met1i~lOPU lar trains on thse llloeisg day. minI b>' jolonlu c ru %uUbetP J'4'-w" Died good italutheitO*w%5iOb5 la Eat %Wituby, au Lot 6, Brotun Front vtl, ls lted of -s .9 on Sutîda y, J une ils, î1897, James Hill &; tged t uIletouî à~ yesn d 6 tuontîsu. . siouîd1be btntua ll i' $11 Rocard in boneal rvait'. -Tb*.utti Tris.tawn blcyciiste are msting Up a ru- luàlihe outmwtovbO)f 108110( ' ward ofl$25for evidotîce tat wmliiconv'ict coures belwmed»spublic 1 the parties wtc pnoad tacks on -teuspitaît tovusl, sud, if*e mi a &i>'ȕ i waltsinilsthis toWhi. ruoMspaere0f Utu Ivo PMt49'b » Wlitlby isata present enjoyiug a short risit ti7ts (riens»' lla troni Madame La Sage, ptnenologist and iluno but Mir>grOW. I0eSi" Vaitilist. This vell. knovil lady ea o-May ltu« eloe us enesocial 1-vs* w !1 zed îuttarity vin tiese tee branches of1i1th lu a buslues0s old &. centurv science. Ste itae madetem bger constant study for filmas yess, sud tihe To Rut. ~ ~ > grat uccost wmiîcibau atiouded bon mort TWO ÇO giDb5bIS W1'P' 1% attested 10 by thte ntitber oettsmotit.Ilegood teo*au t âmsmAll 11114 ithicis she bolâs (ranm proenut bautens, lecaIl>'. Applt>' 10 $ RbIÃœ teachers, mercitant, lavyire sudotieslis Aptll eig-4t - ,varrous p arts o! Csnala and te United Jbs e States. Many o thueeadmit te>' ovu tem ei viii eto," lbe Caitotl it)s atuccema in lie lien sdvlce. Madame La îSpS. or aCents 10 587 d m e agilleIni ho hitby for s fov dàYs ouI>', u rv anidmtvY be ConsuleJSfîlbWr 001oUisaiBm an . ;w Cnt 0. « dela hotel. Busiess IIoIlt, 9 &-mi Ï10 top. usesof y>' fî in. Atet lesvlsg WitIb>' adame La Sage wbl vîsît Oshawa for a forlalgit, -sud thon TeCeisuS5 go te Port Pirry. - We ptitte CU1fOt-CI. 0 Rev Thos ManiuffSP5uifl. lg n om uSaI W o*. j Tisene vus ilarge Ccugteglloc t th be l t. l,&db, nîetliodiut tabernacle ounBuds> sIght N -1 a, lteteb.pllgords of Re. r. T.M&ul as ehv* * vu îslng. VH. touýltbitt rouIi iThotbii> $. l pu 'To P isch christ, hus$4 dla 10 bar. saltepue wtich wil1 do p~êpaO4.Hivtb'e ~ 58~"'~ , acceptali< us lte sarbour t e!allimnsutipt. l!eelbg *l ou@ - Witîn lt ol85lt it Pr"eWdI*0 l *d oi min îhoug* à Cd~loi. fV biiSr84 PstWçPst inIt, and weulantd prehtidl érneaaly to SOSIem U"' tt i orlustil l4 , nocéue c ejtfo'tii4 lie 09d vie lWor 9 l ev. 1il te it e r- js ite îrk*W who w A.misâW- *», àionaàbte colorÃŽnigs é others too numer- Ffons, Laces, Dresa Good9, ?rintp, Muslins, eté.. ail at. 'IBO Wbiitby 0«4,n*Ie Fijtouglia u Fare .n tturt% ut JuuW 5t1t. Bétw"à vil sea- tic"oan Caisa ,da,oér, $Mût S0W Marie, $WUliam ;cdsud st- jE. R LO 5? 5EV. DL navas?. f * . . *1. t. Aj àuch aw a season ,,-'bririgo but ollSs

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