.-OINNAMON'S Cash Hardware Store,1 The Cheapest place in Canada to buy your Hardware Supplies, Etc. NAILS, 2 cents per lb. BARB WIRE, $2.25 per 100 lbs. BINDEJI TWINE, $5.25 per 100 ]bs. PURE MIXED PAINT, $1.00 per gallon. PLAIN FENCE WIRE, e1.75 per 100 lbs. On Ai Linesmom Our Prices are the Lowest in Canada. GIN NAMON'S Store, Cas/z Hard-ciare ï4ýt (fkronîcI. OSHAWA, JIJNE 11) 1897. OSRAWA PAGE OuSgAWA. T Ryley spent Sunday at home. Capt. Car-er was in town on WVednesday. i Fred Huier spent Sanday in Bowman- ville. Mr-, Geo Grills and childien are visiting Mr and Mrs Craig. Miss Kate Smith, Toronto, is the guesi of Miss Crace Pedlar. Miss Lena Wright, Picton, visited wîth her sister last week. Mrs N A McDiarmîd visited witb Mrs E Luke over Sunday. Mrs Blackburn, Belleville, is the guest of ler daughter, Mrs S Gliddon. Fred Scott, of Montreal, was the guest of bis brother, j Scott, last week. Mn Len Brooks is having a brick kitchen bualt to his residence on Simcoe st. south. Mars Scales left on Tuesday afiernoon to spend a few weeks with Hamilton relatives. Fred Hinion bas gone to Montreal, where he has secured a position iin a telegraph The boys' brigade are busv drilling, pre- paring for the jubilte- celebration on Do- minion day. Misses Wellwood sud M Rogers, Torointo, wene the guests of Mrs Thompsou, Simncoe si., this week. Revs Messr-s Kunes, McDiarmîid, jeffille, and H B Kenny, were in town on Wedues. day looking up old frienda. Mr J James and Misses Ai-manda a-nd Effie Bond wert tht guests cif Mr and Mrs M A James, Bowrnvilfe, i n Sunday. Little Cecil Manne-Il, who died ai ber parents borne in Toronto last weck vas brought bere fer burial ou Saîurday. Tht piano works vilI shot dciwn the fi-si veek in JuIy for tve veeks, for the annual steek-tsking. Tht organ department wili flot shut down. Mr Tupper, wbo had charge of the ser- vices in tht Metcalfe sineet meihodist chorch ou Suuday vas tht gutst of Mars T Wigg duiriug bis stsy lu tovu. Miss A Gimiet, wbo spent this spning witb lier aunt, Mis .) ê.iuiuett, died St her home in Torento Saturday aigbt, a prey to that dread disease, ceusuimption. She was lu bier eighteeih year. Mr H J Craig, manager of tht Western bank , Midland, vas inarried to Miss Sumn mis et Wyebridge ou Monday. Mr and Mrs J Craig, sr., snd Mr and Airs Geo Grills ai- tended the weddiug. Mr T G Mascu, Bcvrnanvilla, who pur- chased the hulk of A Mackie's stock ai the auction sale ast wee-k, la moving tht goods te Bowmauville sud wyul have- tht store vacated lu s day or twc. Win Rundle, living lu tht western tovu limita, bad a brood cf chickens hatched lasi veek aud ont cf the number had four welI dtvelope-d legs, arrauged as lu quadrupe-ds. Tht freak vas de-ad sud is being preserved as s curiosity in alcohol. Anether cousumptive vîcîlmn whom deatb claimed this week la Esther Mitchell. She bore her suferngs witb but a murusur sud vwas ready sud wiîliug 10 go when the oel came. Tht parents have our sincere sym- pathy ini their bereavemnent. Mn Juo Mitchell, motorman for tht Osh- awa Raiîway Co., met vitb s very painful mishap Mouday. Whlle workiug vith s chisel lu the car sheds tht tool slippe-t and cut a gash lu tht palm n f his baud over tht thumb joint,' severiug an ai-iciy. Dr McRay dressed the vound. This season la the busiest in the history of the PetIlar Meta Roofiug Ce. If tht preseut volume of trnde continues for the balance of tht yesr the business for the year wili crowd close upon thet linillion mark. This i. gresîdsvelopmeuî for a factery that v out ln opertou inIr892. air T B Mitchell, of Motresi, lias pur. chasud the drug business of Mr M F %-. Tht public ef Oshawa are very sori-iyldeed to lkm Mrt Ebyse he lamwon rnany fiends durlng hie stay lite, Mr Fred Mitchell lias ,charge of the business until bis brotber's ar- rival fiext week. Mn Eby viü take up bis residence lu Bitish Columbis. Thse townsbip of East Whlîby bas a goed constable ln Chas Goodman, Cedar Dale. Thteobligations of hls office kttp liii ou ,dury about the Grand Trnnk depot every igit, sud deallmg wlîh the large aumber of tromept *ho imlhatthe p lace, exposes hlm te -acslaapouht or 4lk and dadge. Hie ;A ~ry froue bouiclpallly.4 the, muniSi- s uai)f $1>Pera p or'-almoest eobto keep hi ip ,*UhJ cbckem l. Md,1r 609asu' esualq bis reputtiotias ag@p4 Içduiirlmto sqtaRdo ie ht lA * 'Ust Io n te the revenue of the Q î - Oshzawa. Don't forget the jubilee "At Home" to be held in the -Sons cil Temperance hall Mon day nigbt. A good programme, refresb- ments and games wîll be ameng the attrac lions. Admission silver collection. Miss G-race Pedlar entertaîned a large number of ber fruends Wednesday night ai tbeir sommer cottage at Osbawa-tn-the- Lake,. t being the annîversary of ber binîb- day. A delîgbtful lime was spent by ail. Lasi Friday nigbî being daunp the band concert un the park was he-ld ou Saturda> nîgbî. A good crowd was p resent to enios the sweet music rendered by the band There was also a display of fireworks about 10 o'clock. As a Sma/i section of our editorial, stafi b as9gouie tIci agara 10 learn 10 flgbî agaunst possible enemies of the country. wt are thus week under the necessuty of borrowing a few paragnaphs from the Vinducator, whicb. by-îbe-wsy, we regard as one o> the be& and mnost newsy and spicy of our local con- 1cm poraries. The town counicil at its meeting on Mon- day nugbî bad a letter from the Mialleab!e Iron Campanv, offering te rebuild ilitij greai works provided the town wili limit thr taxation to be imposed on the establisbment 10 S150 per annurn. The counicul acceptert the proposition wuth the fixed taxation rat, Ilmited tu $175, wbich limit does not hold good un case the scbooi tax ou the work-, ,tîall exceed $r-,, Tht prospect of restor- ng tbis magnîficent manufacturing estab- lishment, us onue uporn whlcb the town nîav b)e comgratulated. Tht propritors bavt ample means, business ablliîy and expeni erce tri enable tbem te maire Ibeir maIl- eable business as successful as îî ever was n ils palmuest days. Tbe tramp nuisance is assumning grave proportions. li has been stated that not les tban toci men pass througb this town every 24 hou ns. Thînteen were ordered out of tht Grand Trunk yards on Saiurday by Con- stable Goo>dman o> Cedar Dale. Every train that passes tbnougb here un the nighî carnies enougb members of the fraternity ici captu re and conînol the train. Tht young mari witb the cnutch and tort foot who sp. pesled 10 the charity of tht people of Osh- awa Satunday forenoon got quite a soin of money sud loadingup botb withiu and with- oui wlîh whiskey veut down 10 tht depot and jouued the gang there. Tht wbiskey, of course, caused a row, when the cnmîch was used ici smash another bobo, over tht head. The gang hung arouud îown ail day Sun- day. Tht Bovananville acrosse club came bei-e on Friday t0 play an exhibition game vith tbe local club, sud tome of the members of thetwIo clubs indulged in s scrap which fias probably killed lasi-ospe bere and disgi-ace-d the local club. Tht play had goeno for haîf an heur vthout a goal taken, sud tht boys had begun to (tel bot sud tined, vhen C Crawley acçidentally bit Fishheigb of Boy- manville with bis acrosse stick. Tht latter sviped hian back sud tome iullgbîiug folles- ed. Furze o> Bowmauvilîe, joiued lu, sud l'ai Crovley pitched ie him. Prtseuîly C Crowley knocked Fishleigb dovu, and Pat Crowley applied bis boet 10 bis equsior. Then the wboîe rrowd rushed lu. and shile some tiled 10 stimulat the contestants to lay into eacb other, tht majenity were for peace sud peace vas fuInly proclaimed, but not until the vtry good audience had hefî the field iu disgusi. Tht game ef acrosse neyer gave much promise o> success here, and Ibis beastly fracas bas net popularixed the game. That tht boys got tegether sud patched up the quai iti, whicb was only tht resuit a vaut of self control, is bîghlv to their ci-edit, sud they vili do welI net to play any lacrosse untîl they have attained tht mastery ove-r iheir tempers. Poor but Pions. Wm York, a fariner froen near Uxbuidgt, vas coming itovu wnon Mcnday viUi a hoad of potatoes. Ou tht read be evertookj a t-amp sud gave hlm a ride into tovu. Wheu Bei-k turned vest on King street to drive to F L Fewkt's store, hie passe-uger slipped devu evei- the tailboard ef the wag-1 on aud atarted seuth on Simcoe street vith a bag of'potatots over hie shoulder. Tht t-amp lefi tht bag ln W H Thomas' livery stable andI Constable Chas Goodman of1 Ce-dan Dale, vhe happened aleng, recoguiz- ethebeoboas one et a gang lie had i-un chaimed lie had boltI tht petatots Lu a bai-- be-r. About that trne York, vlio had miss- ed tht bag turned up vhen the tramp teltI hlm that lie, York had asked hi, Lu take the bansd sell the contents. This Yerk denied, vhtn thetrtamp remarked:. "Well, eue inan's ver iles ageod as the others: I say yen toltI me 10 sel the petatees ; se vhat are yen going te do about it ?1) he Hoover came up sud erdtred the plgrmste travel. Whtn last seen lie vas reading the anunuticemeut board on tht Sinscoe Stre-et Methodisi churcli aud remarked to thse sex- ton that lie vas soi-iy it vas so long befoure Wedutsday night pirayezr meeting. The Cochrane Case. The charge of larve-ny agaiust Joe Cccli i-ane for vhich lievas ar-tsted hast monîli by (5ief Jarvis ef Bewmanville, wus. ad. vanced anether step ou Saturday. Cchl- rane vas arraigned before Police Magistrat. Murton aud Coutty Attorney Pa#ewen 1 p. peared for thse prosecutien. Soerr Tilt, the liostti at the Commercial. Rouseva the principel vituesesud lie tesitieâ ~that last vinter lMr.CeWnlsh le t1rg uder the botel shed. Wltueeu Ceehaine pi n and out. Soon after Cdnaiatreportethe lou of the robe d mho.Witug, =gs~- ,Pected Cochirane and. menitoue --hieasus- picion te Mr- WoOU, *ho 'gave ' IW uruoq tIsa occhrane be _fde , re 0 vienever ie scame aut. Cochmt~îe. wby lie wvas <mumiden the pls4meWhs ascused hi= Of the thefl sý t4iu ' did not returnthe property witlusamit trne he Would be prosecuted. Wftbjn specified tme ]Rd Burke returned the aud cushion to Tilt sud sald if ne funs madIe about it Cochrane weuld give the ness, Tilt, a'dollar. The liuîng bad1 taken eut cf the robe but Cornisb ident it aud swore te il iu court as bis propi Burke, who is wanted te cemplete the c of evidence, is said te be iu Manit Cochrane was released frein custody te pear wbeu called upen, which practic cunds. thc case. A WUmy Wman aot4yar fa A o v er womesu about 35 erars o g whsi nongae brime aMsarper, sa idot vase f intess our let udMador agreat tale.of distrseted eur mie Mayor Harç ear.bShe rreseniead thai saew c ad tod bie mri-lle t at ycnu ntho puad mhadebreieventinha cwanteteopur cliserstuantdn shaw]et Hibaerhoe mas lutDe-truinsusnessci bithe uer mo estan tatin binesstte udter. setadbng tari weuhRe las etotlie ey tert bsaried. e ld abehrt tbimeveg thi i e a Dg eritsud anotelimeg visied b mer imDeroit esudvated mre moey 10 m akimpe adjs te bichs rean irgeq.forher so shebad no pucbaed aur organHe for beria su had nesmney for nh.left ber in a bif sud asshe had flberd font ebselihoah sehade etterutcorn abtre herself sudsefurebe lone vyobuthwe she goftbir a n scefoand thnbodv oflihed nanse bbe ffiaceivau ten She nald thaet she a ben d ev bidl andhn bannofueto pga brnoel Sb sud uor meuso gtiiug bac k hoe a Seeu very muchtan oild that h pe d be-eu viciized an ad aboutdberc prefer asihinobi nvs sid boutrrexer oiec as he woldgnot likeberreaties 1 ghel mayorknoedgc obted aeed. aT ht mo stcan uy n theombite evecseitftha oflensbc sud ivingef ver ana xuse for de l boktdCe hooen 10 eaudwhatr bhe coud tabd otbr. he e nfiound iar ticetba triedrtoHuraise tey ofafirsioclahe ticketa10aPont Huopnyatdthe oce o te shavoutRlokay oberpay sud aifonce heni t oisici ook aflererldsbp rtryingbu tri ha raisenoaey nderofate mreteuca ut tion andtak e a int fron ottmaors cao did o su tketeiitr athouitown Sh depot ticket office. so nmusi bave paid ber fare on the train 10 wbatever point she left for. She was foxey even this as she expeci ed the police would vaut 10 trace ber and) a ticket would teli vhere 10 look ton berc The chief learned tbat she expected to Scassa through bere ou the eanly Ssturday moi-n inir train sud telephoned to Chief Jarvis al Bowmnville tci le on the lookout for the tta à the robe been ified ýert7- toba One of the prettietêt of june wedding' iook place at the residence of Mn G Thom son, Simcoe street, north, Weduesdav mor1n ing, when Miunie, second daugbîen o' Mr sud Mrs G Thomison, vas united lu tmariage 10 Mn F W Rcnnedy. of Toronto Soon atten eleetu o'clock the Lohengrin weddiug tuanch, played by Mdiss Liz.zit Rogers, of Toonto, announced the arriva) ofihe wedding pariy. Tbe charuning gloup of attendants vas lead by Miss Mamie Knapp as maid of bonor, looking very pretty in a dainty frock of wbite embroiden ed mous-aeline de soie, aud carring a bas. kret of flowens in ber baud. They took their position in the bay window of tbe drawing room beueaih au arcli of foyers. when Rev P Fletcher, pastor of the christian church, titd the nuptial kuot. Durnug the cere. mi uy the orgaulsi kept up a soft accompan iment oif appropniate music. The wedding gown vas beautiful in its exquisite simpli ritv of white d )tted swiss musîju trimmed 'itb soft hon itou lace and les of the val lev. A lovely hoquet of roses and the bndegnoom's gzift, s valuable diaruond brooch, wene the only deconations Tht bridaI attire was particulanly becomning to io the bride with ber clean complexion sud dai k eyes. Miss Ada Wellwood, of Ton onto, niece of the brides, acted ina the capa cîîy of bridesmaid sud looked veny pneîîy in ber piuk organdie rowu besutifully trim. ted witb green. in ber hand she carlied a buncb of pink..noses. Mn George Kennedy brother of the gro2m was best man. A fier the bride bad neceived the congratulations ofhber fiends the guests who were coin s. ed of nean relatives sud fiends of the f a. ily sat dowii to tables wbich were gaily decked with floyers sud laden with all the dainties of the season. Tbe noonis ail look ed beautiful. Tbe drawu shadeç, bnigbî lights, bowls of roses sud floyers scattered lu charmnig confusion sud the preîîy gowus aud bighi faces of the guests making a delighîful coul-ast of colora. Tbe happy pain lefi ou the afteruoou train to visit thc paincipal easteru cities wben they will take tnp their residence in Tornto Mns Ken- nedy bas many warm fniends bei-e sue many are the wisbes wbicb follow ber 10 ber uew home for ber future bappines sud prospe-riîy. Mr Ktuuedy is a relative of ex -Mayor Kennedy, Toronto. -:000:- Oskmwa Buea Imremter. 9 L. VICEs. Y, barber. Sinacos street. WM. BOLPE, aru naker. Sinscosst-set. r. B. MOTHERSTLL, butcher. King et., West. Dx. PATTansoI, Dentisin; effice tirer Rowse's store. k.. J. 5TVÂL'Ra-Deminien pianos sud organs, w.- E.- DYxa.General Age ntsrî, linMtuai, Lite Assurau«ce Co. &gent@ ws.nted. Wnja.aj J. DrANse, Dominion &ud Oninarlo Land SUrveyor, Civil Engineer, BOX 57, Oah- Ooouna.,Hoi'x-J c. Woon, proeo îtor. Modern hoetelry, Uit* t nd CODMulriabîy equipped. D. M. ToD.--Caterer fer Ball, Assemblies, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc(., etc. AIse ail klnds ef JO&. EouLMMe - Whitby-Oehawa stage lino. Lesves Oshawa at 8 a m and 2 p m. andi Wbitby st 10 a m and 4 p ns. JOeN BBrwzxa painter and deceratîr. Dealier in W ap emcjngdecortsejpainue, Jkmls PELLw,. dealIer iu steve., furnaces, uin. ware, etc. Large stock kept constanly on bond- .Tebblng a speclaty. SimossStreet L.K. Mtrwrou, B. A. - Barrister, SOjoitOr, NOtary Pubie, Conveysncer, &c. 1feney te lend. Offfce over Deniinion Bank, Biimeo Street, Oshawa. PRLTA BBas- Waâtchmak and Jewelers Derners tn watchés, odocks, Joeelry, silver vep 5taclestc. -T vlng. gald and and cd ro ings mods over. Finse Watch dcock, and levsloiy repairinga 1peclalty. The aunual services in connection witb Salenm church wiIl be held next Sunday and Monday, June 13th and 14. Rev DN McCarnus, of port Perry, will preach at 2.30 and 7 P nM. Col- lections in aid of church ,fund. on Monday comnlencing at 4 p mn a tea will b. given.. At 8 O'clock a p1aitform meeting wilI bc addressed by Rev D N McCamus and others Tickets for tea and meeting 25C., ciodren z5C. 'A C Wilson, pastor, R H ÇCollacott, sec, A goodly nurnb.rwee tBovi on Suaday frOin this Viciwity. Visitors: Mr and Mrss. îîr Courtice; Miss Campbell,: Revs. Finley fifd J , pI fore theui~ Mj olladARas oe opectfra Visit. Mn. Thes. Guy stili continues poorly lt heaith. Mr. Fred Guy's boy in recovering froin a sevene IlIness. Mr L j Coryell bas gene te the United States on a business trip. Miss L Head, of Pickering, la visiting with Rra Kirkpatrick, of the Brook House. The excursion boat last Friday did not carry away a large number frein Oshawa. Mr j Keeler is home frein Toronto for a while. The shop be worIrs in having shut down. Mrs Harvey was ira Bowmanviîîe Mouday sud Tuesday of tbis week sitending the methodist conference. Thle Oshawa railway compoany are putting ln a new drain under their traclis at the in-. tersection with the G T R fine, Simcoe st. Crops in this viciniîy wîth the exception of those on low lands are looking fâne. A few dry sunny days would place everything on the move generally. Mr Edward Pascoe who has been very iii for somne turne pasi, as around again looking pale, but we hope te sec hum lin bis usual good health ere long. Mn. Rutherford is building a new Cooper shop at the rear of bis stcarebouse. He in- tends manufaciuting harrels for his apple business this faîl at once. Mr C A Msllory with assistance of Mr W Mlark is rnaking a fine show un the former's new ice cream parlors ai the lake. Mr H-enry is aiso arranging his bouse nicely. WVhat is now required Most is fine warm weather to bring oui the crowds. Reference is made in one of the Oshawa papers to a wornan attempting to secure rnoney or tickets under false pretences. We riave heard that Station Agent Kain was aîso visited bv her ladyship--in fact that waa the first place she stternpted to secure money on he Port Huron ticket, but she was unsuc- cessfial, and lefi for Oshawa to try ber game bhere. Con'table Goodman was advlsed bý, tIr. Kamn tb look out for ber, but she eluded This vicinity during lasi week was fair infested witb bobos. It keeps our constah ')usy moving tbemn on. They say O)sbawa bhe be-t town along the line for the "bu, 'ning of cbuck,-'lis tbey caîl begging f, ood. Now, wbIo iS 10 blame for the Ian, îumber of ubose hearty fellcws in aur mudsi -% lîttie reflection wil I guve yoo tbe 5nswe Wbile admitting tome may be wortby of a ,istence, nevertbeless by far the large îumnben are wortbless bumns and crîmuns wbo would not work if îbey could gel et ploymnent. -i [1 Re HV MtOe ndRBmot pi-eached here very acceptab]y Sunda) Visitors:-Mn W 1 Clar-ke, Peter oro, at Mi- J Clarkte's; Miss Bui-rows Cardiff, Wales and Mi-s C Goodman Cedardale. guests of Mr J H Burrows Rev R McCulloch, Mi- Deroche, Mr Rev> Lîddy antd Miss Clata Littlejohr Heartiest congi-atulations 10 Dr j F E ilot on his success ai tht necer, medical examînations, standing at th( head of tht list theneby wvinning the gold medal and George Brown niemnot. ual scholarship. To be able 10 tak tht lead threete imes in succession i! certainly a success o> which he may bt pretty proud. CrOAJ rayvstCe. yoels ,-L- J Gry vsie yrn a MradWsJCGbsnvstdhl Mrte n PortHJpC Gisnviedhi brtha n rPoAhrttHope thi eai Mn and Mers L A J ,Shortvisied a' Br mohs, TyCorion una e t.e B f rths aiutcel oboe6, o thton 4ie o>amrelJTMickhellRbeens, of a so winhSamunel theck as bee suteni time of wniting is somewhat improved. A large number of people fi-cm beze attended service ira Bowmanvillé. Sun- day cveniug, it being Couference Sun- MrJmeaihadyo.ikeig Mn Jamehs 4RihrdsRF cediug.s visiîon bis wt che RFeRichds las wn eo he ay t cerece e îng o cfe tT andeu Bow.a Visiftonrs.:-Rv Tanms rown atRe ane-rs aîhen',or Jaes CournHtice of andly Mrs Lddyo KiteeonM Hrisc AOnltynai Mr iljoserie. fOn udaby mRnJig, aservera ccuduc Eeerasited by Rev T idafre pasoncf QEbener sssîd yRev Td ou upebe lc teus chi rs Ld occuighed tbe l lae auiraehtchoirha soligo dttlre.uinewî 2000 Rolis of thoge very beautiful AmerIcan Papers, with Border8 to Match, which will be sold cheaper than ever this year. ýRmanlso a oL o which wil be sold at LEDING UNDERTAER, B. WARAM, HARDWARE. FOR A LL T a« Eajsny% DiaMoni Jua"h. Cardes Queca Victoria, Her Lfe and Reign5 into every home. Pensons who never sold bocks t-ake orders fast. Prefaoe the most eloqucait of Lord Duffernlsachibevaments. No book 80 hiffb1Y Praised. We need more canvassers. Easy tO make $100 tO 030,00 a week. Books 0O, trne. Brspectus fret o cavases. A trial wili cost nothing, and la may fill your erpty Pocket book. THE BRADLEY-.GARRET- SON CO., L'TD, Toronto, Ont. NOTICE i First css bull for service. Terms $z cash. Wbitby April 29, '97. T .BAT W.ALL ONIKER Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, VOL. Xtle. FRESH GRO~ HELLEBI PURE PAJRIS R. C. Carter, Agt. cost and under. ,?zery Day is Bargain iles y a lihe z ne, b> ic- alf rn foi ;t? 5- n, s r. n, -I le :e )e G 5t SI ÙIM IOMES-I n aint thens luside, paint them eut. side. Paint ill preere them. It vUl male thetii look bttt<ti. Use tht night kind of paint THlE SIIERWIN-FIWU9S are tht nght kin&L They are made riglit, they vear righî, sud- they look right. Teeml for eVeryPurpse-not one paint for ail purposes, but aspeela psint for each punipose. Paint for your buildings, paint for yonr Sore4, pant for our fur mîture. Paint w th a glos, paint ith ut a go sj s h i h kid for anything you vaut te paint. Our bookîci, " Peint Poins,- tells all about it ' It la fret-seud for it to-day. For bookheî, addzts 19 St,. Autoine Sireet9 Meut-cal NEW VORIt 15 aoDTR0M Mi-. John Skiai-pt is ill witb rheuma- Mrs Philip Tyler lias been visitiug in Port Hope. Visitons: Mr. Stanley Pickup. Mill- brook; Mns. Thos. Goard, Peterdoro; Mr-.. Mrs. and Miss Hudgius, Clare mont, and Miss E. Ki-by, Oshawa. SIa FaSiNE, Clydadle, propety of Aiea. CamerenAmboan., )MOmdsy -fri= bis omm stble to New xe ot.lyrlshUe faon; ese_ Bra. 8111 em E Whhby, unigbtWednesdsy-BqAj Pcqella LÂvyg'5 BANO Guns.Clydeedale orpt~ f Wiie R1qhsrdgwesm »D, Cohn- cpue M>W i ow'Wia 7i 000,,Wblk WANTED-SEVEAL FAITHFtL VM en or Women to travel for re- sponsible established bouse irn Ontario. Salarv $780, payable $15 weeklv and ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Day Po Elave You Tried For Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Oi]a, Glass and Housefurnishinos ? Remember We HEave broughit the prices clou= and you will save money by calling on us and giving us- a chance to aopply yoor wants. We put ira a brand new stock of every- thn nou-ln, n aked the prices down fron 2.5 per cent. to, 50 per cent. on ail uines. Get our Prices and you wilI see that you can always get more for your money here than else- where, for ffe will flot b. Undersold Nor do we inean on a few lunes ; but oui- pnices on all lines ame the Lowest. *ive Us a C l ,mu o Pure Insee t P -9- Churche's Inseot ln BuIk and 10c. A. He AIL. CHEIMISI & DRU( WIHTBY,- - WINDMI -ND- Geo Ajà lin Sela the Geni MOTOR, of C]b the Ketsleman 1 lnieuding purchasers sboulc mîlI before placing ibeir ordea an agent put an imitation on >, can gel the Genuine Aei-not( galvataized, anid warnanîed, fo More ou these milîs sold in C iban any other make. The dlaim îbey selI one balf the nu mill outfila sold lu tht world, t ime. AIl styles of Wood and It sale. Any information regardin1g wilI be freely gîvetf by wniting (;EO. Feb 7, 1897-d6mo. WÃŽSTERX BANK 0F Wlhitby, C BOARD 0F DIRECT John Cowan, Esq., Presaden Harnlin ; Esq , Vice-Pi-es. Esq., W. F. Allen, Esq. son, Esq., RobtMclnioshý Patterson. Esq. T H McMilIau ..... .... General Banking ButuieE Drafts issued, payable in a!l ada, United States, and ou i land, payable in ail paris oi per ceni. allowed on Saviugsj and credited bslf yearly. Speciat attention to c Farmers' sale notes. E. D. WA~ Manager ef W] W AN TED-SEVERAL spousible estab)lisbed bouse Salai-y $78o, payable $15 we penses. Positien permanent' Enclose. self-addressed starup The National, Star Building, C Established 1849. Whitby Steaffm Maîhie- and -Granite ffors, Dundas St.," WH 1IT BY.L Chas. H]E. u <Foanel Wolfenden Wonl sudd elern MARBLE Ax ter# m deur; -Ali Mmid wor1r.Ourw"guaramSe o Sxu 1DM SÃGNA"D -F ,C0UNTY OF O hawa, May 14, 1897. BRATHWAITE BIROS. M WA KELYOMM%. THE cat Boa, ai 's'ea, 1 1 1 l' 1 1 il Il 1 1 -- 1 Mr., levig srtiel eveingaotrain. mi Mr. T hos plice, liv ineabout îhre mi 'astin o ainplae lid aine costweklTd I aO as raon eing Alargeek. Tb 0we wasn o teighay. A l th arge num respture ou the0 pangrofn e roadd raisendîive b daner of bng thede raîna moes and ebyiprdîzng elîvs aîlws avemplees aivn pase ngersanth tins b avebengen, igw undrsîadhi: mls s het large onaghway îmushin a br inte fte trackunaeined musi ncevei hestanc eîpune i ccrac BotCalLo OcN, 1 1 . 1 !ALL 1611R3 1 1 BROCK STREET, FI IRAMPTON COURTICIC. ee k. shawa, 3ylay 14, 1897. VaPle Grove atmail" âgeut4m saim 1 1just Recoived . WHITBY, WIRE BROSR PAINT VOI TU