Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1897, p. 4

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Fancy Ail Leaf Eating Insects. Churoh'8 Inseot Powderm 10c. per Tin and in Bulk. FRESH OROUNO HELLEBORE. Finesi English Paris Green, J. E, WIL LIS, CHIEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, I FEducatias i wshes it made widely known by mmeus cf ibis notice that any and aH sucb reptesetttatiotia are untrue and misleading, and that be bas flot authorlzed, or appreved, of or even recomrnended any particular kind, set or sertes of maps or charts, or other achool appliances, for the use of tht Province; and, further, that scbool trnstfts are lefi free by tbe departinent to purchase the achool appliancea, needed under the regulations ot the departmneit, of sncb a kmnd or quality as they, acting, if need b., under the advice of the teacher or school in- spector, may decin moat sultable for the wants of thein acheol. b bave the honor te be, yonrs truly, Gzo. W. Ross. CouDtlY Cour t, The June Sessions of the county court met bere on Tuesday, HLis Honor Judge Dartneil presiding. County Attonney Farewel cas the onky lawyer la attendance, their being ne cases of any ktnd te be beard. GRAND JURYT E R Anderson, Uxbridge, foreman. andi D. McEachern, Canninton, Wm Rbnon Ux. bridge, Thos BarI, Brock E J Johnston Wht- by, M Cnawforth. Whitby. Ed Wilson, ýeîCker- ing. P H Punshon, Oshawa J no S Carrick, Ranms, 1 M Shier, Scott. Wm èasco, E. Wbiiby Donald Cameron, Thorais, Jos Nicholson, Mars, PETIT JURY Grand Wortby Patriarch J M Walton, Kettleby, Ontario, la editor ef the Sons ef Temperance Record, and bas cornposed, set te mnusic and isaued s Sons of Temperance Jubilee Carnpsign Chorus. This publics. tion presents te the onder a lively chorus whicb admits, at intervals, of reaponses and cheers froni the audience, and these vari- ations make it ively. 2o copies of the cho- rus ilîl be sent te any divison for 50 çcnts. The Wabash Raffi-oad. If you are contemplating a trip to the Gold Mining Country, please consider the menUts of the Wahasb Rallroad, the short and truc rente via Detroit, Chicago and St Paul, te- ail points in the Kootenay District. Pas- sengers leaving Wbitby, and points west by eanly rnorning train, rcacb St Paul Dcxt day at noon, where direct connections la made for ail points in the Gold Fields. Quickest and best route to Hot Srrings, Ark., Old Mexico, Califonnia and art western points. Tickets and time-tables of ibis great railway frorn any R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richandson, Canadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner King and Yonge streets, Toronto. Tht Gallant 14h. Oniarie County's pride, tht redcoats of tht galbant 34th batta!ion, took passage to Niagara on Tiiesday, per steamer Garden City. The boys were ail ooking hale andI bright and wore a merry look on their faces, ail but Col Paterson, who cas vexed because somne of the boys had been too lazy to brigbten up their accoutrements te the col- onel's liking. Greenwood and Oshawa camne bore in wagons, chite the companiea froni Columbus, Uxbridge, Beaverton and Cannington came by train. About çpo people frein the toco cent down to the har- ber te set, ibern off, a token of respect earncd by the redcoats wben lasi they drill- ed bere. There cas plenty of last corda and hand-sbaking white the boat cas ship- ping the herses and boxes, and thc boys car- ried wiuh them the pravers and good wishes of ail. Tbe 34tb battalion la made up of seven cenipanies of volunteers and a band, making nearly 3oe men in line besides the officers. Tht following comprise the stafi: Lient-Col, commnandbng. N F Pattersen, Major J E Farewell, Major John A McGilli- vray, Bt Adj-Mai James Rutledge, Quarter Master Capt Robt Dion, Surgeon H Bas- cern, M D, Paymasser Major C A Paterson ; A Company, Capt Henderson, itiUeuî W H Greenwood, 2nd do. W J H Richardson; B Co. Capt Theo A McGillivray, Lieut% Tbto King and D M Anderson; C Ce, Capt J F Grierson, Lieuts N Farewell and N Rat; D Ce, Capt Jas Birchard, Lieuts M H Ruther- ford and F J Roach ; E Co, Capt S S Sharpe, Lieuts D McGillivray and jas Moore; F Co, Capt Wr Snmith, Lieuts R H Hyland and N F Pattersnn, jr: G Ce, Capi C F Bick, Lient Jas Keft. Staft Seargeanta, Sergt-Major Gie Lawrence, Quarter-Master Sgt L Luire, Hospital Sgt J W Thempson, Orderly Rootn Sgt J W Brant, Band Sgt R Davidson, Psy- imaster Sgt James Lawder. Nom-Coins A Co, Celer Sgt W Dunlop, lot Sgt Geo Hil- lary. 2nd do. Cico Fryer, Corporals Sterey and Lucas, Lance Corporal Paddy Burus. LETTER FROU CAMP. R McKay, 1I horab, F McClintock. jr.. Reacb, Wm Parkin, Pickering. Robt Helmkay, Thorali, H McDougall. Brock, B Cronk. E Wbitby, Geo Rtamr., Reach, R J Camnpton,1 Uxbridge. Fred Fiarbron, Pmckertng. Geo B Hartrick, Pickering, S B Hoover, Pickcrîng, Jas Hortop, Pickering. Las Pearce, Pickering, T 1 Anderson. Pont Penry, Fred Yeoman, Oshawa, Jno Pogson. Whitby. Alex Arnmstrong, Pickering, Ine Leaak, r., Reacb, D Camenen, Mars1 Ge Pbtllips, ickering, E B Doolittie. B Whitby. M Arkscy. Wbîtby, L Card, Scott, A Wideman, Pickering, iWVr Wilson, Pickering, Fred Wrtgbt, Pickering, Geo McHloweIl, Scugog, A Gorniley, Pickening, P Keenan, Brock. W Powell, Pickering, D Law- son, Pickering, E Ralph, Claremont. AIex Campbell. Mars, J acob Ruse, Uxbridge, J W Pbeontx, Roach, D Turner, Scoti, Jos Pogson, Whitby, Jno Palmer, Reach, Thos Paterson, Uxbridge, A S Annis. E Whitby, B Cowie, Mara, Cie Jackson, Scugog, Thos Laughton, Jannington. S Kennedy, Scott. Tises O'Neil, Ltxbridge, P McArthur, Tborah, M Raiston. Usbnidge, Jno Calder. Mars. Ris honor cas presented with a pair of white gioves hy t shenif, and made a very short ad- dress te the grand jury, mereiy instrncting tbem to visit the jail and report. The only business te corne before the court was that of Samuel Hooey, Pont Perry. who in March last îumped bis bail, on a charge ef burg- lary. His bond eft poo -vas declared estreated, and also thal of bis mother, Margaret Hooey, fr a like smeunt. There was also thc case of Fnederick Wood. Pickering, chargod witb wie-bcaiing, cho cent bonds for bis appearance for Siue, and cas joined in thc bond for a like anieunt by Frank Lie-. The bail of botb cas estreated, At a meeting ef the oenv magistrates irn- rnediately follocing the close of the court, cith Ris Honor Judge Dartncll presidîng, County Attorney Farewell presented ibree necly ap- pcinted magistrates cho had bean aworn in, T. E. Cragg. R. W. Walker. and Frank Dobson, ail of the township of Reach. Mn. Farewell raid ibey cere all men of suitable qualIfication, and of good standing in every way. His Honon welcomed the new niagistrates. stating bis ihonough confidence in their abilty. Ht gave ihein assurance that thty could always find tht county attorney cilling te aid thein, versed in the lac, and dtrrnined ta sec it enfonced. Th"y would hnd theinselves sssociated with a very able list cf couniy magistrates, vue could also id thtm at any trne. Tht foi.locmng appointments ef county con- stables were confinmed: Arthur Hoover, Osis- awa. and Smith Camipbell. Wbitby. Sulas Page, B. Pheonixand Wbitfleld Tennyson cere ap- pointed constables for Reach. Among tht matiers onaidered cas ontetofs charge et extortion mgainst County Constable lames Sutlfi of Prince Albert. cho ia cas un- derstood had been arrested. He la charged with acoepting tips fhum nutsbell takirs at tht Port Perry las races, and also sish aving teucbed sme resident et Reach, ocar Epsomn, for $15. chich muni e aecured for immmntty freni arrest on a charge cf baving assaulted a coman ai Manchester. It vas ordered ibat Mr. Sutliff be notified te attend thse adjourned sessions on lune 2<th, and give an accountr ef these matters. GRAND JUBY PRESENThRNT. To His Houer, George Henry Dartuell, Cbairman et of tht Court of General Sesssons of the Peas. We, tht Grad jury of tise Court of Greneral Sesstons btg te present as follows: We congratniate your Honor on tht absence ef cnirninal Case shocing as it dots Uic good mor- al condition of the county, and ce congratulate your Honor on tht absence of civil cases, show - ing, as it dots tisaitishe oormunity ai largt are ltanning the cisdom of living at peace anc vitb tht other. We have visited the goal and find ht dlean, ccli ordeaed mnd la gond saaitary condit- ion. and chat la even more sstisfactory contain- bn ut fec prisonera Tht court bouse and ad- jointng buildings art la gond repair and clemu. Tht grounds are well cared for and ce would necomnicnd tise purchase of as many lads of loam as wdll serve te level np tise lacu snd tut- prove is general condition. E R Andersn, Foreman. His Houer thanked tise grand jury for tiseli conctse and isusines-hike prestntment, ebici centainly la a model document botis as neards matter and make-up. UKethottCegmnSaiud DAYS. 30 Days.1 (1Ii~unîch WHITBY. JUJNE 11? 1897. Qiusen Vtora Victoria, gracions. oeodel Queen! Thy like the world bath neyer seen! Where'er tby namne and power are known, Thie virtues that exait îhy tbrone Are bcraldcd. Ful irty ye ira 0f Ioving service to the State (Witb powers that oft ternpt potentate To tyrant acte and heartiesa gore) Have seemed to make us I<'ve the more. To Htm wbo carne from heaven above, r And for eur sins atonement made, Thou art but second in our love. In tbee aU vrtues are displayad. Four bnndred million subjcts prayà From every land wbere God is known That evermare rnay Bnitain's tbrone Be loved as love we bear for thee Then could we feed that destony Were filed with promise to the state. And tbat among the nations great Thine Empire first shall ever be. The law wbîcb prevents an enquiry into the voting by ballot in the local option case in Pickeritng or any other sncb case, ia a dis- grace to the statute book. That is, ao far as bad votes are concerned. If s man wbo bas no rigbt to vote gets bia naine put on theic votera list, and follows this up by putting n an ilegal vote,wby abould Dot be be cornpeUl-1 ed to state how be voted, in order tbat the wrong he bas donc by voting may be recti- fied ? Doubtless a large rnajority of tbe bogus votes tbrown ont by Judge Dartnell were put on by tbe taveru keepers in tbeir efforts to get ready for this vote, and doubt- less they voted te a man against local option. Thus a bogus business was put tbrougb, and a list of bogus votes plied, and yet flot one of these votes can have a question put to hlm under oatb. We cas readily under- stand tbat a man wbo bsd a rigbt to vote, and dîd cast bis ballot, sbould be protccted from any enquiry into the secret of bis choice ; but wby a bogus voter, wbose action bas caused a lot of litigation, should be pro- tectcd, wc are at s bass to sec. If these bo- gus voterasin Pickering bad been cornpelled to tate bow they voted, and rnarkcd accord- ingly, the majority of 58 wonld bave been raised to 75 bY the acrutinY, instead of being wiped ont. Thus, through a clnmsy law, the losera beconie practically the w inuers, and the winners bave the mortification, tbrongb bad law to become the lesers, and the town- ship bas a big bill of cos to pay, because the law ia net suited to the purpose for whicb it is intended. Vote after vote may thua be taken. and on eacb occasion will as certainly be upset until the majority be- cornes so strong for local option that striking off bogus votes will not wipc it completelv eut. Was there ever a law througb whicb the wbîskey traffic could not drive a coach and four ? TWO Juile. Circulera. dleaný for CASH. (Jommencinig.Saturday Next, June l2th. To quote prices at a sale of this kind ia useless as we are bound to seil at saine - price. I have tise nicesi stock of wash goods in Whitby. Prints, Creponar, Muslils, Dresdens, Brilliantines Azur Silks, etc., all new goods, at your own prices. LADIES TRIMMED HATS AT HALF-PRICE. This is the lasi. chance. Whatever you niay think, in giviUg UipBuies Bargains for ail. My oid customera are especiaily iavited. Remember 3o <laya only, unless stock la sold, probably befare. Delays are dangerc>ps. GROCE RIES.-FfC5h, Good sud Cheap. Special drives ia TEA and BROOMS. GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. E. R. B. HAYWARD, PH RENOLIN E REMEDIES Taking thse I ld verywhere. We are w n&p dy and night ta supplyt ad. Our correspom $ hm&Sthat - basdred upou hundr*d& o! ,pçor suftcre*tC bçsig îetc Jlusi eo.fived WsiIIW TownU 1.4. Mr o, Brlen wlll be in the Whitby photo gallery every *Tuesday, Friday and Satur- day. O'Brien & Stcdbarn, photographera. A recital will be given by the pupils cf Miss Wilson, Miss Taylor and Miss KcKee in thc concert hall of Ontario Ladies Colu- ege, on Sattirday eveuing JnDe mth, coin- meiiclig t7.3 P. M. The public are cor- dially invited. Ail desirous of secing the model fanm wben " lthe crops are at their best, sbould net fail to avail thernacives of the opportun- ity afiorded by the excursion on June x8 and xth. Visitons recelve eveiy attention frorn thc officers connccted with the institution and ail w ho take l In ttrp will be arnply re- paid. jubile Gfer We wilîl end the CHRONICLE tl Jan. 15t, 1898, for 25 cents to any friend if any sub- sciber whose subscriptlon la paid to that date. Now corne on, or send thechcink and naines cf your friend. Pumpa AUl jds of pumpa repaired. Chain purns or sale. Wind-mills sold and ne- paired. I buy direct froin the rnanufactur- ers, net frein sccond-band dealers. W H Piper, Whitby. A capital Choros. k t ~~~~~2 AT GIBSON'S. BROOK BT., WHITBY.1 That means you have only 30 days more to buy goods from Il "e" W U RID. -Then the entire stock will be sold en bloc ai a rate on the dollar.- Inspecter McBrien calîs attention ef High and Public School Trustees of t county te tht foloing circulars &FTERNOON 0F HISTORY. ToRONTO, APRIL 8th, 1897. MY DzAN SiR,-In order te make tht occasion ef Her Majesty's Dlarnsond Jubilte profitable ta the pupils attendlng Uic public schools, I could suggest that you direct tise teachers et yeur Iuspectoral Division te devoe theU Friday ai ternoon preceding tise 21ai cf mue t aa consideration cf the mont notable events in Her Maiesty's relgu, particularîr those bearing upon the orogresa made in science, invention and education. In addition to ibis, tht bistory et Canada lu relation ta tise empire tuigisi euh greai advaniage be con- stdered in brief addremsa y trustees sud others chose services vatald no doubt be availahle. I could aIma venture ta auggest that a portrait ef Her Majesty, appropriai.- ]y fased, be placed Iu every scbool roean in your division, that the meiuory efthtie Soverelgu, chose cidout sud virtues are rtcognlxcd ibrougisout ihe choIe corld, migbt be tise more deeply impressed upon the pupils. Would yen therefere kindly bring this stibjecit tiste notice ef yaur teacis- ers, cubher hby circular, addressed té esch indlvidnally, or,,lIf there a stil ppertuity, by calling attention ta it ait the meeting of your lailtute lu May. As subjectsof aNisai greai empire over chich Her Mîtjesiy,-bas reigbd se long, ce aisouid 9eudeavcd'to Muas.tise appioachlg fetilvîties *#u Occ~am long te be remembered isy tisa.. cio iseforsi msuny yssrs wll be entrustel tistise (lties 1 snd rcâponalblhtles 'of cltitenoilp. UM AxAD CHART0. wbereo Itbss =ýbroughýt t ainil eS (bn*a i 30 Days. Alway8 BOWMANVILLE DIhTRICT Bowranimvfle-J J Rae, Wm Jollifie, D C McDocell. J C Seymnour (PaisLty). superafn-. uated ; Oshawa (.SinicotSereet>--Jarnes IP Wil son. B A. A B Demili. President et Demniil's Ladies'Coblege, St Cathsarines, Superuumerary - Oshawa (Medealf Street) G W McCoi. B A. B D; Neccastle-R Taylor;- Orono-Wm H Adamis. W H Clarke; Nectouville-M E Wil- son (CI&rke); Tyrone-R N Aduis, A M Itemn; Hampton-E E Howard; Enniskllen-S G Rokt; South Darlington-Q W Marvin, M A, B D, Ph. D; Camtwrgt-T M McDanabd (Blackstock) ; Reserve Lli-Fletcber Capnia; P Wilson, Cissimas; R Tylor. »In. Set. WHrTDY DISTICT. WSliby-N A McDiarntd, Preuideut of tise Conferenc J S Hart, M A, Ph. D, President ot Ontario Ladies' Collage; Nathanisi SuivaiS, S T D.L LD(Toroto). Chanceller Victoria University -,J S Clarkse, Superanuuated; Brook- lin-O R Lambly, M A, D D; Part Perry-D N McCamus; 1J WSitbock. Supersnnuated;1 Colnanbus-E A Tonkin; Myrtle-W A Bon- ner; Piakering-James TIsem, B A; Green- wood-G R Claie; Clarmnt-T W Lqggott, Prince Albert W 1 Wemlserilb; S C Philp. sen-, D B Maddeu. W Kenuer. Snperannusted; Greenbank-R H LeltoS; Scugog-3 O Ander- sou, Port Perry; Seagrave-C Mlearing ; E A W Dove toes ta College ;N A MeDarmld, Chair- mns. TW Leggott,rFin. Sec. CANNINOTON DISTICT CAmulugton-G Brocn. W E Smth. M D. (Missloisary to Cbion);-Wllfred-1 IWIson; S A, BD; ManIIa-W B TucIe, BA&B DR Hassad, Orangevlle, Suieanuated, W Tituber (?o2 Spadlna Ave., Tarante) Super- amnnted; Little %Bnl--F B1StsntlcaA Twrill, B A; Oakcood-SamiWsl MCapL-y. C H Siseppar - Woodvlle-1 t RéaRl;-#eB«wer- tonJ ~itlr:Atissrey-W H ScBier;- Dalrypl.- eu 9a;Victori Roi-j A C nuw A MKiu Yo.g Cebopo- w S t~ oetantl- 8 <CMei SRA. andnr t« Show Youb Showing 1 LAST Brigade Camp, Niagara-on-the-Lake, June ;.-Tbe 3Mih battalion la newcocmfortably settled in camp. W. bad a delightful sail acreas Lake Ontario en tbe Garden City, and eujoed thse exciig pleasure of accid- entally meeting tht Chicora sud Greyhound ai thtenioutb cf Niagara river, bearing tht 36th and 2eth baîtalions respciively. The redcoats chcered tach cuber bacis and forth a the bouts steamed aleng aide by aide, and entisuuiasm became boundless. Tht force was landed by 5 pM., sud ailbanda dish aggeencam pedby 6 o'dlock. Tise high ipnt tthe voluneera ere soon dampen- ed by a miziug rain, chich tel fer several tours couiinuously, aud imade tisings very isagreeable for the firat nîgisi lu camp. This moruing a beavy fog isung over thc country isereaisauts aIl tise forenoan, maklng things more glaamy stilI fer recruits. This cleared acay aiter noon, tise sun sblnlng forth lu celcome beauiy. Somn ibinca drled up and the camp became ciseerft. Tise j.sii band là la charge oftSeargeants Davdset sud Geiger, sud its music compares tavor- ably cis tisat of amy etier iband lu camp herm We have lu camp isealdes tUic Mis, the 36tb, 77ib, and 4«lb lufauiry baitalion, the 2etS rifle regiment, No. Company Royal Regiment Canadian Infauiry; Cavabry--te Royal Camadian Dragoons, Toronto, sud 2n Daoouo, Niagara; Arllery-tbe Wel- land Field Bâtiery ot Artlery.-J.W.B. nvàmoulie, James Hertop cas au jury on day ibis eeck lu Wiitby. is W Sadler sud sounspent a tee days citS friendsataiColumbus. recenilY. A fec train ibe place aiiended tise excur- sion te tise Medel Fsri n md report a aplen- did time lu reportimg at week, ce (ergot to MMs- tien tisai Mr Alez Waddefl, Stavffville, fer- merly oftiisplace, paid aa sti bersat week. on saurday, owhsg toe . ey flue day, eur famers gathbered togetiserisu hep and proceeded te tiseamirace, erstis afternoou cas-spent lanuaksng tise lesces lookbciter. Tise yotug people cf ibisplac# have taken te an aibletie gaine, tisai of f=o ba#il, Tbey bave only been pl aylng a short tieiWsbut nie doui-iefre ongtby wclU bi -inpod cm>- ditiou. If ayoutside teosu dai* s amtch ce iselleve tbey -CRUn arrange oasewbOur, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets,. JUDII E JEI ->'*Patterns 10 No other House in South Ontario will One Hait the Assortmnent That We Are stick Pins', Broocl oMe We have the Newest Patteris in AIL WOOL GÂRPETS, UNION lAP1ITS TA PERTRY CARPETS, ]BRUSSEiLS CARPETl'b, TAPE8TRY and BRUSSELS BORDERING, TAPESTRY STAIR CARPETS, HIEMP STMIR CARPETS, AIL WOOL BlAIR CKRPETS, and CAIRPET LININGS. A18go a Fine Assortment of LACE CURTAIN&- Our Tailoring Deartient -.Mmmo We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentleman whO has had large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and wbo is favorably and weIl-known as a First-class Cutter. He is now in charge of oui Tailoring Department, and we Guarantee every garment to please or n0 sale. Leave your order with us for a Suit at $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. me China. ROSSO Haro 18 a Good Thing, Varie/y the Largesi! Quatity the Choicesi Prices the Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done on shortest notice- E. J. JOHNSON, Brock St., - Whitby. Executor' Notice to Creditors. Notice is he glvRi"pursuaut to the Re- vised Statutes o Onta, n.i o e.cc. 36 and âmeodments tberete, itat ail creditors andi others bavinc daims agfamnsathte estate af JAMES MILTON SMITH, ((mer,) laie of the tewu- shîp of Rama. ln the county of Ontario, who died on or about the z3th day of Marcb, A.D.. 1897, at bis residene. sumd township of Rama, are bereby required ta delver or sund by pot prepaid ta the undersigned, Samuel S. Robin- son. Orilia, solicitor for George Read and Pat- rick Heslma, the exeuors of the laui wIll mdc testament cf the said lmJatames Milice Smith, on or before the THIR1flTIL day cffJtNE A-.D.. 1997. theïr naines, addresses, and descrip- tions, euth full psztlculars of their daims, state- mnent of theîr aemonts and nature of die security (if any) held tiy tbem, sitar wblcb dm ethe said execenrvil disulm edim aumlc ite de- ceased among thse parime tidued thereso bavtng regard auly wt tiais aims ofeble"stbe7 sha bu"e notice and diheuM uectot. wIat be hiable for thse ad amut-or any Penrt direof te amy Persm of whasdaimnotice aaidmotbave been reoeived by them at dms lim of sncb dis- Dated at OrBiutahei S anejc, A.D., 197. SA14UEL & ROBINSON, SSolkie oth ie Exeantotu OuIlia, lune &di, 8g.--31n. FARM#ER8' XURIN Tlii annual excuralc o th ie Otlario Agri-i Cultural ColleSe sud Puarut Guelphs wil taise place undf t lie auSpice. West Dur- hans. %rm,' Imshte, JUE xtband ,s8di. TW. âýdat. ýba ehiv ass sMer cor- respodeucewft ie'Cgllq.ei#tim his e- case It is airpait~votab tii., folssspect tmg9 .theoFaris. ben thei smot attrac- tive "d- $sàbmjg4ye coditkm o.Not ouly W(p msrbt eryI3d WM inSd ry mincis là anidabotàthe CAllsgsad guunds te in- teetths.,TIcIksts are good, golng P.nMt. trais Frlday usipq ý8tbh A Spclsl Tr is, IIrii froua .Gift on t Fridy~ usi.ISts, li.qmmdf~.o olows: Lis*,. ý* Jc't,,... 7. mg ,v..,., 7. Datai Oue CAR LAD, fine, pure WINDSOR Pri SALT. re icar Ioad -Matutuati Sontharut Swéee pu. 1. ar load SIUQAR of tt inea& qii9*- - Ail ity. P -, FA& 1.05 *bourt 5045 a.t.mmd kave.GueIjis ai720 Special designs prizes for Athie games and schou -Af Jl S. Bar omta (ut 1ra. tien ef sny lacaI pu FRIDAY, JUNI LOCAL UA 36-ID. whie cotion, on Was ters.' Mr. W. E. N. Sincla Sinclair, bas passed h: lac. Our ice creamn parIcnr the season with the be Mathson-tf. 5o men's ready-mad June 12th, ai W G Walt Cartadian strawheri weeka laien than usual. be about îhrce months vears. Mn G-to Hillary, McG ineal, arrived in townt cent off soldiening cith on Tuesday. Mr. Angus McCoy, Il manager of te- expertix bas been hene this ccc and other relatives. Mr-Fred Allin, of Mi( wife and lamtily are he formera parents, Mr a Fred bas developed a c vented al bis old friemt recognize hini. Mn. Ge-. Dryden, t registran came te Wi assumed bis position cas selected front the and Mn. John A. Ha handled the office for frein cennection witht The fine underwri cdl te reminti oun tos lect in passing hylaws building optrations in also negulate tht storai peeder. h ta stht bus Ite attend to sucis m ment et neglect mea We trust that our toc ibis maîter at once. 2.xcursion,. Tht 3 days' excur week affords a grand in tht West and te sj Bt tht Medel Fam. .jubll cW a Den't forget the 1 of T. on L T Barclay june x6tb. ai 7 0' other refreshinents w evening. A good p Admission t5C. Great Fruit Prospect. Tht-at is probably the country wbo tak than Mr R L Hngga says bis observation the opinion thaitbt neyer sa, gead ait beard and read off aIl directions îrom bas caused ne da 31r Huggard says. there being about te cases as thse strengt later au . Apparent disease or bligisi prospect. UniversityStnig W. cSil tihe ftalla of succeanful stucen Final year and d Greeucoad, Wbit Sithand H E A course,, W E N Si bave tu stand a loait nmdcui S. Paed., (bachelor fsrrved upa» Mr S 4et the collegiate Greeuvaod came âm tclasm baser bouom lueer iscfl curse,w one exception. A basais in cdlasmsic Sinclair took secosi Miss M ie Es but bas toi pa. a befe it cmt be c of )mac er Westerri. Io t TIM e Select From. + AIl the Ne west Desigfls.*<- ANDRE A Large Stock o Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh :.Reliab le. G roceries. m WHITBY.l 9. Sc ai ai el ai 39 IN b d ILI c ft u b .far 75 e4" q 1

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