Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1897, p. 3

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ceuredt in a suit 1 lt rr of< Bali-, litt huis brother tfi lo t case t.- Iuittar was %Nic t due tJý' S ' i s fo ii .193i1i Dr trr was no r.t'"' an I il -Wi îîk. lii lii flIitV Ihl i lld f.ît mi, i l ' A h t. i i c .i aîîîî- I rrî ýI iei tii l w ,n .' i. a t i r4tt ,1t' 111.i' 18 r 1 t -î k I ttu. \PIl BY. M. Itit. 't ' rtltni )T irT." i.1 î'JJ 10 YEARSI X PtRlE N CE. lADS MARKS, DESUC NS, VCmCHTS &i,r. ERICANÇ a ina -a Io, mrk. Y ears NO 1ER T FRIEND, CANADA. Piokrlngon t $19500 TEE WIE PENCE B'T'LAW TO Bu EEP&éjy. ED -TE gRANTS ON HXGEWAYSU At a meeting luet week, Mr Barnes gave notice of a by.iaw to repeai eltu Wiru fonce by-iîaw. q iv ~ t4 A by-aw was pased to close up and soit the road a.lowance between lots 2 and 3, 9h co'n. Thos Brown asked that ho b. allowed to remove sonie trees opposite hie place between lots 8 and 9, 8rd con. Accounts passed-J H coltier, filin2 BICYCLES.5 ANo 9, irt 1895, $5.44 ; Jas Lidgett, bonus on WAI'CIES FOR 84 roda, $10.50. u m uuThe road and bridge commtittee wau ap AiWL Itu Nto consider the advisabilityoft- Tb eeewa ppointed to represerit theW tU osintete r ofenW MlBt. ton and 1 A M iller as to the requiremente of the Natercuuraes Acta. The, f 11h wimng granta were made for the hîghways ---Grant ta rail 5 con o pibaite lott210, 810 ;tu gravei Brock road, 4th cen i, F5,ciean out dîteh. 8,5; to rep e. p,. ait-inue, lots 163 and 17, ôth con During the Year I 87. S20 ;relp hill.51171con'., lot 12 810 ; amnati Par (futl pariuia.rs see ad verti sements, or apply to graîît to rep. s. 1. lot 12 and 13, con 6 te rt-p hi a nel hrid&e, lot 12 con 7, $75 LEVER BRUS., Lru., 23 Scorr Si., TORONTO tfî rt' par aide lin .-i1'te (; and 7, con 6, $20ý tii grai e1 sideroad, iota 6 and 7, con 7, $15 ,.t) graveI south haîf aide line lots 4 l The Queen's Jubilee antId ,cont7, $25 : nortb haif aide line . - ad . con 7, $20 ;ta rapair aida * '*, Tht \id~ .;îas \v-line lits 4 and 5, con 1), ?20 re grant, s. 1. lots 1'2 sid i13, con 9, $25 ;to repaîr 't tt K il Ior r)atilnortb of Clarernont, $25 tto repaîr Idtot ccîroad tii Claretiont station, $50) ;te gravelI S.,i h:l. th con lots 80 and 31, $20 -,ta 1 n îî~trîît I n iino i krnil weé;t town line train 8th con forthc elf he h sIl e .'to eu! down and repair hitl aide lune a lie %%Ili~:t. r'în s i]- lots 28and 29,. con 7,612; to gravel andn hru1 aj.lid line lots 32 and 3%3, con G 4110. to repair cul. lot 32 and 33, con 6, xir u~~ tii iit h ltiî o , re-grant w. t. 1, opp. (ith con, 0; * o' î;î..ît A. tt tot ~e î'~ .te) gravai (irh con opposite Iota 26 and 27, o x . t.o r i t ikitt. '. C-$40 :tu '2,ravel 9th con opposite Iot& 206 I 'i i.~ x c, 'tlie1l a and i21, $117j ;ci repair Kînisale rm-ati, th i . ' nIa .: cli,1'2 ;t4i repaîr Kinsale rmade 3rd conP (et.a . ;'i'.,,i. ~litiii <i.îîj -20 te, exten(I drain on 3rd con at Aud-f i . . ' . . i~. iii i.o,ît..iey, :;îto repair (;reenwood moat, 2nd o îî..,rî~rî onttht ncîen iS; to gravel 3rd con opposite lota le .. 1 eI àr . 1r'i ' i 14, .) : terepair Decker's & Pughe bille. Q a rîtt n'~îîî'li r- c k roati, anti 2nd con ea&t and weat of i n r.'I npuiriii( ' lrick roati, $2.5: to buid culvert, etc i j~ i.trio;tta tk m- Kinussîîînroid, lot 12, $5 ;to repatr road t ýl'ckerngstation, lot 14, $5 ;to gravai t 1 f i fiîî-'. Nlî,frî r, iran race bridge to Pickering a-,ation, ti.t' rc m' lxow O thvir u«it tr)i te,14repîjîr base lina oppoite lots 133 it. ~ () '1iîrt i te a0 C ai nd 14, #10 ; le)repaît and gravel a I bat8 i iu r il bg Oi'lo.r' r ts )ý andi 21, irom Kingaton roadti i \oW/tîîînl.h!i icf nl10 tii eut down his, laIt con opp T i ~ .] 'lot37î,$10 culvert w t I opp 2nd con ,îiî ia'orf'i ia. ic ** :tiirep and gravei Altona road, lat tl t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n o .iini- ttt. r 'i r12nd cons., $30 ; toe grade anti graveILt a h u nitnt hi'îlru!'. 'îîI' ( Ai-'tfiîa rb rîtoîin3rd, $40 in 4th ta ~'li,.\-. rî,îNe tiiiiii.rul.and] the relp anti gravaI w t 1 Sîh con. $20 re- \4 , ýt., Ilia\ c w".itt it . iif grant te) rap %\Vhit.vale bille, 8 0 I 1ni t lt i -t l'.ii~iUÀ ui s:isW es \hitevala bridge, $10 ;to grade and triâtil' iltsgravel Altona mcati, con 9, $20 -, Kineale l'h>'1 ru (lrif C ari di.îei'l bcne rîtad, 2nd con, S'2 , Brock oad 7th co n, f ft itu' t~ u' r t r lni nstrî- $23) . 'Kînistone rp, wast of Dunbartonw t i li I' ii i fiirru-'t nO-lrîti t (,S. H., $180 ; 13r<ck road, 8th con, r in t'a i îk Frfî:nt .iv' NIr Iarry's hilt. $15; 9tb con, opp lot 11, i rt tn t pi p î',î~. .~ui tc't.810 ; Brock roai, con 7, $28; Green- liii iii i k 1-. i nei as tht het-t ~'tI ,weîuîd rttad s.xuth ut nll, $20; to graveI tnt 'rt tu .i~tv îrîî îîitritis sde-roati het lots 12 anti 13, con 8, $10 Il h1 1f.' c iar fî.'. i.(tltilt Cînzetone rd. opp lots 8, 9, 20 and 21, trir ht îili.î d Eutllî)re W , >1 ;e-grant to gravai 6th con. east of tt.'ri . 111i'.1%îtblitruqilud ilft. t he B rouzham. $70. Fi loot r i tîtîtwi'îlî ht r11(- -,îu1n Council doundte ueet agaîn ofl ch uîliîît'iî il,îî'e.n'itlîn t> t.1. Mnday ', June l4th. at 10 a. m. for the pi transaction of ganeral bBns.t t' h.. )1 ( t lî,ld o I ia t i t, '% ,i bt ce-s îtî~~~~~~ Miii iiii i C ,n.il,î î ltiîitYfî",aîàii- <)uuren as fîne, aId iashiuneëd nciions 1 may add that Dr. Chase's Oint- bo ment for pi.es a,±ij skiai diaeanes in juat b iafuîiut rte absnlute equalitv of her sub- &as m-. lt 'ivi,,' . r. cn:megPille for blood ta] le- is of ail calors and creeds. and as is troi-bl. 1 have a rýerk who ou u'ei do weillknown, one of ber rnast truste dl r'it î'I' 1 Tilles. Ha trie-i servants, who is always in her campaniv (haees O intment and in a few days was en (ýn p blicocca ions is ahighy co( cn":-t'.tlu c'- rt-i an nere pulc cainosos . ig jclred -U d-'ale-s anti Edmanson. Bates & GO., and larne liidoo.manu 'ac:u-pes, Tbrünto. 27ic. Joîhn Dillln, chairman oi the Irish 1 Parliamentary party. presided an Fri- - a(i.(5 lotie-daud Turpentite for do day at a meeting af 26 memlx-rs a o t.h rctlteasicu'mpin ue Parliament, who adapted a resolutian eue 25 cents. m declaring that the liîsh Parl1amentar md partv is unabte ta take part in the cele- pliIIEd bration uf the Çlueen's, Jubilee, "aon r Mrs Wagoner hau Dot ioeprovedl in P the ground that the demanstrat on heattb. ho is not simply cammemarative ofi the Miss E MeCann is not in in very prîvate and public vîltues os the Mon- gooti healh. a arch. but it is maînly Imperial jubil- Board afI Heaîth sa -well as the oouncil ou atian aver the dettelapment af the prîn- mat hareoan Tueeday. hc ciples oft self-gov.ernment andi the W Caakweil spenfi Sunday with bis "-t growth oft prosperity. wealth ci)m fort. parents au Markham. an etc.. in which lreland has nat MrsMe Mcntvre continues very low and mi shared."- ber recvery is despaired of. Mg The most striking feature ai the Ju- Peter MoIntyre, of VFodil1o, is hore bitee will bc tbe naval review at Spi - wth bis mother for a few day8. Jil head, dune 25. Thirty mites ai wa - John A Whir;e purehased tb. Martha crit ship wil bcdraw up n te SoentTurner farim on Tue8day for the Oumoef tb sbis wll e raw upintheSoint$1,760. Be now owna. botb pISOS« ' f for inspection by the Queen. Tbeoc0 frot lne illbe ornose 0120 or-cupied by Issaac Littiejohu. John 15£ a Ac frot ue wtl e cmpoed f 2 fo-bustiar upon whom sueeosmfeles kindly. toi eign sbips. The remainîng six lunes The whole place cost but 8ligh8WY 40,7r "1 witî represent vvery type and ig ai the $84MOo ' "' British navy. The illumination of the C fleet at night wîlI be a display unique ---------- 'both for its brilliance and its rnagn î- *mau tude. Memnbers of bath bouses of Pa. r dqlO Y ' liament will be guests of the Admimaity on board the Campania, wbile hun.. dreds of other steamships, yachts, and ý launches have been chartered for pri- " vate parties. Mr E W Hat.ett, RmeveofaiChatbum Tp., Ibin la toeuet Md ]Kent oounty Ont., sye: "My dsught.r bas maeo sSortp bea vary woakly for smre yesrâ e: wm asit le àuapI..osam~ prvslîed uposk by *f ieî4d totrv abo o Miller'@ Cou1paund rn ~itis. I imuet *sy it Crampe, Cesagla, god nvtumm;*boat oncabegan ta COU%, t»- i huprove. Tho e ffl osrale ta ber cheekes rlo, @ho CsP- .git strongor rapidie,' and now ta qul$p weii." TWo * - * il &oId by A. H Aia Drugeit. MUN YON'8 REMEDIES, With Munyon's Inhproved Homi- empathie RernediosYeu Cao Doctor and CUR E YOURSELFI No Cucss W/aý--No [iperimerlng-- No Big Dac1oi's Bils-[ach Bemedj Has Plalo Directions, Sa Ihire Can Se No Mistake, A 8epar'ate Cure For Each Dis- ease--At A// Oruggist8--25 Cents A Bottle. Mr@. IBardruan, BatLhurst St., Connty York, Ontario, Canada, says :-III enifer- sti lot si1x Yerars witb a large anti paînful tilcer on tha leu. I trieti n things but aIil unsucca-ssfnlty. 1 was inîlucedti t be' gin the use ai Munyon's Remedieo and they were a perfect aucceass1n every way. E give titis testimonial witb the hope tîhat othere may sea it and ba ban efittati,' Munyon's Rbeumatjpm Cure seltior fails ta melieve in ana ta ubrea boums, anti curcs iu a few tiays. Prica 25c. Munyon's Dv spm-p!.i.a Cure poaitiveiy crmar ail forme of Indligestion anti elom ach trou bla. Pnice, 25c. Munyou s Colti Cnre praventéi pnou- nonia anti breaks rip a caît ini a few tours. Price, 25C. Munyon's Cougb Cure stops eougbs, îigbt sweats, alîsysï soreness, anti apeeti y bm-ais the lnngs. Price, 25c. Munyou's Kiiiney Cure speadiiy cures paina in thbo ck, laina or grains and al 'orms ai kidu,-v disease. I>rice, 25c. Munyan'.s Heailache Cure stops head- ice iu ubrea unilouteR. Prica, 25e. Munvoris Plie Ointmpunt popitivaly ýurêes ail forma ai pilas. Price. 25c. Munyon's Blooti Cume aradicatea ail mpuriîes af the hlooii. Price, 25e Muns-on's Feinala Ramedias are a boon A ail WOman Munyan's AAthma Ramedies relieva in 3minutes anti cure pemmanently. Pnice, H. Mdnuvon'o Catarmh Ramaties neyer faau. 'ha Catarrh Cnre-pmice 25c.-eradicates rie diseasa fmom the systern, andtihte Ca' îrrh Ta.bets-pnce 25c.-claanse andi ieat the parts. Munyon's Nae('rire je a wonderful ierre tanic. Price. 25c. Munyou's Vitalizar restai-es loat vigor 'ri ce, 9$1. Parsonal lattera ta Prof. Munyon, Il Lti 13 Albert st., Toronto, auswamed 'ith free madicai ativice for any disease, Florence Nightingale's First Patient. Theme is a beautitul incident rebated ai lorance -Nigbtingale wben she vas a îilti. lu shows that Goti hati almeady anteti vithin ber the garni which was o ha daveboji 50 beau tiiully in aiter daye. Hem firat woundad patient waa a Scotch îapberd'a dog. Sa.ne bayasbati hurt, id apparentiy broken, its lag by thraw- ng atones at it, ant iut hati beau tiecideti i kili it to put il out ai its misery. The litIle girl went feariasaly up ta bhere it lay, aaying in a sait, careaaing one, "Poar Cap, paon Cap." The dog :oked up with bi8sapeakung braonayes, ivw bloodahot antifull of pain, into ber &ce, and titi not rasent it vben, kneei- g dovu besido hlm, she stroketi vitb ,r littho ungloveti handtithe large, intel.i- ont head. To t-ho vicar ha vas rat-ber les& amiable, it by tint ai coaxing, at last alioveti m te touch and examine the vounded D, Florence peneuaaively teliing buhim ns "al right-." Indeed, ah. vas an the oor besite him, vith hie head on hon bp, keeping up a continuous murmur inch as a mot-ber does aven a sick child. IWeii," said t-ha vican, nising rmie isex- nination, "uasrai as I can tell, thon. are 0bones broken ; but the. leg is badly -uised. It ought tu b. formented ta ke the inflammation and svelling "Hov do you lament V' asked Flan- -With hot clothe tippeti in boiling rater," ansvered. the vicar." "Thon that's quite easy. PUil tay and o it. Nov Jimmy, get sticks and make ho kettbe boil." Thon. vas no hesitation in the child'u iannen a se vas told vhat oughî ta b. one, and ah. set about doing il as a i- le matter af cannse. "6But they yull b. expecting yau at omo," saidtht-e vican. "Not if pou viii tell t1em I'M hon," neneed Fioreffpe; "and my sister and ueuof the 'maids cai came and take me >me in time for te&, sud," sue ,houtatedt iey Lad betten bring Borne oitIfianel nd ciotba ; tiher" does uot 's«%&,3tO b. inch bore; But jôn viliiàtaS d shov te boy to foment, 'wonit-yoti ?1 -- "1Well, yes," sMaid' ti4 -vicar,,.cssnied way by the. quick,.,uergy, of the iittie i. Aid soon thie w.uvs ghted, and ie water boiling. Aà old tmock-fnoo ft-ho shephond'a had beeu.disooered in 0o«»ur, vhbioh Florence bad delib.rately )r in piec an d tfie i.vice -rnai-k, ýWhsî *iii 'R6er amy V'daie nenet, Wi.l get him anothenP And se Fier- am Nighinigale rnide ber fir4bSuoe8ot, ad spent ail liait brigiit spnin 4yin raiug hion finL patiot-tho sb.pherd'g ' lie evenpg whenRoorbnot btpWtag, Florencevent up te lima. a*ge,' aea - ryundog veu'tdi..- okaî v'AndO.apr ose an&av f-towvs is mausteer, 'Wýfiig vitipIes. i.>sio en m: bth smiing bnightiy, ah. oautinued . "Mza. Norton li-as promised to sue o Cap to. moi-nov while yaU are out, no YOD need not kili him ; ho viii soon b. able ta do hie vark again." "Thank you kindly, misey, 1 do in. deed," said the aid mari huskily. 6"It vent hard with me ta, do away with hini, but what cau a pon man do ?"' And put- ting out bie hand, ho stroked the dog: "filî seb ta hini, misey, nov that I knaw what', ta be done,", and be stood hie crook in the coruer and bung hie cap on the peg. rThon Florence took ber beave, etroking inti petting the dog ta the last, and those who, standing in the cottage door, watch- ed han disappear, tittle thought they vena gazing upon one whoae mueâsion would bu to tend (ha sick and the waunded an many a battle6ieid, andi hov, in yea'rs to came, men dying far from home wolt ise aon their pillows to "kisber ahadow Jno Miller & Sons and Arthur John stane ehippeti a nurober of thoroughbred cattle on Monday ta Vîrginia, they hav- ing been recently purchaseti by Mr Stuart of that sate. Hie also purchaseti Bore stock down east n.aking in ail two car- loatis. Our raisera aupplied mont and cerr.ainly the chaise af the animale. Miss Maggio Dwyer and Jaseaph Riiey weme rmarriati in tia Roman Cathoîic cbnrch home an Wednesday marning. Bath young people are wail known bore anti mucb respectati, and their rnany friands wiîI hear ai their future succeas with much pleasuro. The ceemony ho- îng aver tho young couple depai-ted for tiaeir new hume on the second concess- H Burrows, wbo bas bad charge ai the Pickering Pbarnîacy for the past year or sa, lait for bis home at Carleton Place on Wedneday momning. Monday eveningz a few friands assembli at the residance ai W G Hamu where Mn Bur rawa vas gien a fareweii. and many wi-re the wiges expreset for bis succeae C D Ilarri&, ai London, is now lu charge ofth~e Pliarunacy, anti we trust that bis sajoumo bare may ho mutually pleasant andi profitable. The Pickering cannei madie appro- priations on Tuesday, baving visiteti the varions localitios whera grants weme asketi, last weak. A list ai disse granta will b. founti in anaîber column. Whiie many wiii ha much dieappoted that thair particular iocality titi Dot get s bigger grant, it must be borne in mina that hati the grante beau mare liherat the taies wonld raquire ta hae increaset titis year. W bile a few may ho willing to pay mare taxes anti have botter roatis the majority ai ratepayems in Pickering ara quute aatisfied that the rate bas for the past Ibrea yeara boon bigb enougb. 1 Lust year, stroat'commissioner Gordon hati turnpiking done on the now station roati for the forindation af a gravai walk, andi the intention wais mo make a beo anti have the gravai put on last feul. Time paBsat rapidly, as ut generally doa' and nothinz waa tdoue in the matter. The trirnpiking romains in goad condition yot anti wo would urge that the idea ho car« rieti ont this aummer. IL vas with con- siderable tiîfficuiîy that the new roati vas obtained and now we should nflt reet1 conuenteti un;il the job is fully cotu- pieted. Sarah Rebecca Andrews, roet of the late Jahn Woodraff, dieti aI ber late rosi. dence, lot 27, con. 2, on Stnnday morning at the age af fifty-eight yeare andi nine1 monthes. Deceaset bas boa» in poor bealtb for some Lime, but since the do- mise cf ber buabanti a fov veeka ago sbo bas gratiuslly beosmo veaker until Sunday, wben the end vas reached. Six children survivo ber, ail marited but one son. How freqnently it occunu that1 whon a couple have lived tagothon for many years, and one is neunaved by death, tho survivor soon foliowa. The 1 funoral an Tuosday afternaan vas large- (y attendeti, the romains being dopositeda in the Friands cometory, at the. osS ond af tiiavilltg.-News. IMY WOMEN DEOIVFD. At taie promeut lime many mianufac- turere af crut. aid adulten7et pa.kage dyea ai-o making lively efforts te induce the. violesale and netail druggiatîs and grocens to boy thein dyos. These common dyes are quoted at snob loy prie« LiaI Borne proflîoving dosiors are semptedtotaboy them .Tbe profit- loving dealere thon tako cars ta seii the". adultorated tyes ta tb. inexpenl.nced and canles. at thesame price aItthe po- pular and reliable Diamond Dys are soit, for. This ioquiitous and deceptive work has eaus.d s vast amount af lIs. andtoue to many in Canada, and viii oontino as long as vomen are fooiiah onciùgh take anythiug that iisoffered them. If home dyeing vork is to b. a, sue- cesfal and moeo-savig work, every vomen aboud se. Shat ah. goto the. Diamond Dyes, as tbey areo the ouly guamateet package dyea in the, wonld. rai if y D,&L 11peietftsj meacsho IL.,issicr "MENTHOL. PLASTER PP54 m w VS5.5csnIL EN VIELD1 Visitors of the week are-Rev. Gea.1 McCuliougb. af Toronto, anti Mr. anti Mis. Bryant. of Prince Albert, at Mr. Donald McCullougb's; Rev. Mr. Ton- kin andi son and Mr. and Mrs. G. Mill-' son at Mr. R. Campbell's; Mr. and Miss Camneron. otftOshawa, at Mrs. Camneron's; Mm. H. Dunsiaw, af Black- stock, at Mr. Hurîbut's tMm. Dyer, ai OJshawa, at Mr. J. Dyer's.i Wbile ar womk in the fielti on May 3ist, Mmr. Donald McCuilougb received a severe sbaking up. He bad a teamn and wagon ioad of manure, when the horses becamne trigbtened and tried ta get away, but Mr. McCuilough stoppeti tbemn andi in so doing bis leg was b.-oken in two places, Drs. Mitchell and Stan- vere summoneti anti set the f ractu re. He wili be disabled for at least eight montbs. The doctors think he will recover if blaod-boisoning does nt set in.t Agitation in the womtd of bomnoptbic niedi- cinoa bas beon h.s vomy soul ai progmose, asain politiea and mligin-the diffienitios af opinion and the individuality of Dieu bave been parent ta the disa«reements by vhicb the standard ai tbese bodies bave been elevated. Sa vltb 'nieof ao un fanions proparatiions-fanemcaî in illustration ai vbmch trntb stands the vomit- famou rexnedy ta general dobility and langani' "Quinine Win@,-snd vbicb, vben obtain- abie in ita gemmie stnengtb, in a miraculons creaton of appetito, vitaiti- and stimulant, ta the general femtiity af the systam. Quinine Wine sud, ha ib nprovement, bas, tram tho fia 7icasya of egreat vrteaiOfQuinine s a mediiosi agent, beon one of the rosuethon- ongbly discussed remnedles even alYored ta the public.It ta ans af the great toasand lite- giving stimulante wbicb thie medîcalProfession bave beeuooumpeliod tarecognize and prue. Mosans. Nortbrop & Lyman, af Toronto. have given tu the prepanation af their jkureQuinine Wîne tiie groat came due ta its imîportance, and tbe standard excellence ai the article vbiob they offer ta th. publie cavres lita the. market purged of ail thie defecta wbicb askilful Observa. titan aud scientifoc opinion bus poiated out in the boas perfect preparation af the put. Ail dnugiatesoe]1i i It is repantod is a plat ta morden King George bas been discovered aS Atiiemsansd Thae mai, airas.-hve eenm aderot Sydey Bot PiO., n Wm aid'le vet Sydnaynosslrmg,& Put, mtas. "W. have fa be uu ins armole.' . idFor luiBya aind.Debiltatet Constitutions tise PUislike a ebariTakon i uit WldosesSieffset ie hoth a toie aud a stimat, miidIy oxcitinwr the secretions af Si. body glving tans The Madrid- Liboralmaye 'the ubaui insr. gent& ha»eraae a an etoftirsm illio York. £ OsuenOUs Offor. (PtebNskei 4p Requeni.> Ma-. .EdiI0'r.".-WIII yen I roudurs cf peur vatu£bte~~~ dlv send PREB .to.auy ferm7 jlviii ANTI -BOOZE THE ORIENTAL iREM ED Y,.u.gbo : The New, 8&fe and Sure Ore: for Drunkenness. T TREATMNT by tenw ramed :o a sanitarjuni.hIt cari be adminis-: :tared, vithout the patient's know.: letige, with hie food and drink. Vic- tues are cured without their know- :ledga, crediting the change to the~ :force ai their own wiil. À ANTI. BoozE is put Up in con-. :vonient fanm, and sella at $LOO per: :box. Three boxes $2.50. It viiil e: :forwarded prepaid, sealed and ia: :plain ' vrapper, by nmitting the. Earnount t *Chemical-Co. S20 St Alexis Et, monltrea NEW BUS -LINE. HMEETS ALL TRAINS. Fins ciass accommodation. Orders prampti attended ta. Catis ai hôtels, ar execuses onde bit at NewpoWts livmr or carrnage factory opposite pou! office. WU. NEWPORT, Prm prietor. Whltby, Juiy z, xSg6.-x yn. WANTED9 Moen d Woînee wl» cenvovk bard 1taldg sud wirltiug six boume daily, for six doas ek and viiib. cntnt wih endoilrsem" yt' d. dres MEW IDEAS co. nuf*Os

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