Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 8

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CINNAMONS ...Cash Hardware Store, Ã"shawa... THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN CANADA TO BUY X'OUR HARDWARE SUPPLIES. MONEY SAVRP ON EVERY PURCHA8E. Our stock is so large we cannot (in ihis space) give a full liât, but note the fol- lowing prices and compare them wîth other stores and you wîll see that what we dlaim is correct. Thai ()UR tRIc'ES ARE THE LOWEST IN CANADA: Pure Mixed Paint, per gallon $t.oo0 WINDOW SCREENS. (22 t0 36 in.) Barb Wire, per i oolIbs... Smooîh Fence %Vire, per îoo lbs Wire nails, per lb .......... Machine 0il. per gai........ Axie Grease, 6 boxes for Stove Poilsh, wonth toc., for ()I Sioves limon tank) cach. Solîd Steel 5h ivels AnerîCan I G;arden Rakes 14 tootir cai h SouiNeck locs, cadi Manuire Forkm. each. Tin l'ails, 6 (ii T in l'ails, i i jt .. . . . Tlin l'ails. 14 (il Curry Combs, eacli 25c. each. 17 SCREEN DOORS, complete with 212C spr ng htnges, knob and latch, A-nd ail Other Goods Equally Low. 26 FARMERS, do not place YOU~R ilishERS FOR 0, Bindoz T in to NTIL VîiU GET OiUR PRIîtES. WL iýAN SAV E uU MONEY. 1 2 i. Dc. and i cii \%Vhips. w ort h 35u ,flh-.201 German SnaîîS, i-uIll, a <loi Z . 1i Mlilk l'ans, per doz. Crearnien (.ns, XXtin. cii h Church's Alabastine, lper paýkagc MAY 21, 1897. CI pjq NA-OM Ojq S -;CASH HARDWARE STORE, .5Simcoe St., North, Oshawa. WVould it not be well to cover tise broken ,lotie on Simcoe st. with some grave-I if tise (iinds wil allow )IThe stones wiii soon b,- scatiered over tise sîneci wherc ihey viii ci, n 0 g oeîd The isaloon that carrîcci R A j Littie'. advertîsensent from tise park on Mondas evcning vas found in a field near Curtisý Tise nigisi Seing so caîni. the balloon wvs Irn perfect condition when founci. jA boy caugist in tise act of roibhi-g a bird' nesti n tise park vas let go because tise law doe not convict unless he had broken or destros'cd tise eggs Tise intetit 10 dcmspoi iiCluli il lA IU 'tise ne-st c-as manîîest yet tise boy guou f IUNNlVVL j'l*yf, iScot fmee. OSHAW A PAGEjf'JJ Some Sos near tise maîheaisie work-s isave been ceeu tiroviug atones at tise trolleys s- _________________________________tises ps-s dutati tise Prospect street track - - - -Tise local manager viii make an exampîr oaKawa.. <tisefisrst ofiender and tise penalty us versý Tise court of revîsion meens Nay jist. Have you rcad Cinnansan's advertise- ment. Mr Monley Bowden spent Sunday in Bow- mnan'. le. Mm Samson was isere asi week vîsiîng friende. Flage, Chinese lanternes, Jubîlee buttons1 etc ai Lttie's. Mn. A Cool nf Micigan, is visiting iser imoi hem-i n-lw. Mm Powere, Maple Grove, is vtsrîing in town tis vek. Wm Hare, of Toroînto, e spending a few days in Oshawa. More hardware for cass money et Cinn- amnons than elsewhere. Mr and Mme M A James, cf Bowmanville,i are vismting Mi John James. Anson ()Conner eit Monday for Cleve- land to reside ihere in tise future. Tise Pediar Metai Roofing Coy unioaded ten car ioads of mron last verk. Mmr Hodgson, inspedtor of public scisools,i vusid tisehigis cisool tisis week. Dîed. in Waterloo on May 6th Mrs J S Bowman agcd 66 years, i monnîi, 7 days. The McLaughihn Canniage NVorks wip ur out a basebaîl nine thîs tesson. Sain .Nlaughiin put up tise stufi snd tise bos ment one of iheun number to Tononto to pur etiase tise ntcessary o utijit balîs, bats masks and oîiscm armor. Otn Fridas' 2imt and afier tise Grand Trunil passengen trains wîli carry acathen signais Thus is tise resuit of an arrangement vi tise metemologîcai service and is to enabit farmers to sec from tise signais on tise tra in, wshat tise fomecasi for tise veather for tht nexi 24 isours may be. Christian Womkers chunch is li give a so. cial and entertainiment on tubtiîday, Mlai 3i1st. Tise band wiii ise in attendatîce under uhe leadership of Mm Bert L)afoe, and a nier- programme mciii he guven. Evangelîsti- Calisoun. j Collin-s snd R Trew, h)elegaieý to attend annuai convmention at Denuson Avenue churcs Toronto May' 22nd tO 27th. A vers' successful jubilee concert was held I tise Metraîf St cisurcis Tuesday cveninR An înteresîing prOgram nf songs and chor- un.es vas fuiliwed b>' a lunch. Tise scisool i nm ssas nicel> decorated vils jubilet fags etc for tise occassian Addresses bv %orne of tise visîîing ministers îttending tise Distriîct meeting now iseing iseld in Simcoe st churcis vmme vcrv interesting. .- - .ic -,. cK I ...,,w n srtci cm tisat R A j Little is sellîng for one dollar. i Prospect Park was opencd ta use Public Fre Catetis t pesnt isiingin oton Mot day evening and theme was a large Fre Cain s a prsen vîitîg i To attendance. Thse .3th Batt band gave à onto. He vcii probabiy go îo Detroit iom good programmie and a display oi firevomits there. veme tise otiser attractions. Tise band music Miss Blanche Wellington. ni Toronto, is w as particularly gond sud band master the guesi niber grandmother Mca R 3Vill- Truc vas repeatedly referred in in compli- ilîgion. mentary termes upor tise efficiency ni thse Mr DaFoe, formierly ni tise Vindicator band. Tise grounds veme vei igisied and apeni asat week un Detroit, Windsor sud tise bouse had an tmpoaîng appearance vitis Walkcrvîlle. uts brilliant illumination. Tise tînn ili have tisice basebail clubs Town Cunucil ibis year-îise Park Nîne, tise Orioles sud. Met Monda>' nigisi. Almositishe wbole tise McLaugihins. itting was devoîrd ta a discussion ni tise affaire ni tis ereets committce. 2nd Depuîy NO 3 Cn'y viii begin drill tisis evenîng and aReeve Tamblyn is chaimn of nitise sîeets ail goingin camp are requested b>' Captaîn committee ibis year, sud appears 10 have Grierson to attend. sO manipulaîed Ibinge as taniake a bad Jcmmiab Wilkinsou, tbe butcher bas ent- showing for lst y cars commîittee, aud as a ed thu nortis bal ni tise store occupied by resuhi tise frien de of last year's cisairmun Muri-ay tise tailor. sud bis commnitîce took up a gond deal ni Miss Porter, ni Torouto, vso isas been time iu figuinag up ta show that tise streets apending a ev days vitis ber sster jure ibis year will cost a gnod deai more tissu Payn, bs reurnd hoe.hast year. Deput>' Reeve Hezzlewood Payne basreîuned ome.brougist in tise finance cnmmitîee's report Tise fire brigade are pracîiaing viti tise of tise estimae for tise year, froni wbicb bose mcei and isose coupling for tise tourna- we euh lise following items : 896 taxes unu ment ai Bowmanvilc on tise 241h. cnilectrd, $7 22.1i7 ; bis payable frmn1 896, R A j Little bas undosibtedi>' the nice-si $Sooo ; ovemdraft at baul trmmjt)6, $5&1 64; dt'splay ni ire craciteis etc., any visere outstauding accouis froni 1896, $500 ; de. la tovn. A large balloon rcady 1 to nd up ficit for t896 whicb will have in be provded fer 35 cents. for tbis year, $u1562.38. Estimates for 1897 t0 mccl deficit fron r896. $t56.2 38 ; to meet Tise report that îwo men dropped dead cstimaîed outlay ni commttîe Ibis year, somneisere cast of Oshawa on Monda>' nigist $23.56; total Z2.5.'94, leas $1200 estima- wbea thse>'5evtise balloon vush Little's ted income troni vainus sources, Total in advertisrment on iî bas been found ta be un be raised by taxes ibis ycar. $23.8S5. 94, truc. wisicis wili reqisire a raie ni 22% milleIS. Mr W Bosberry ia makiug a marked im waa agi-ced ta givc $uoo in E S. Edmouson pmovement on tise appeetrance nf Kiug sîireci for fi-cc use ni tise park 10 itizens on all wesi. He hiaemoved tise iramne bouse fmom days exeept wheu il is chartered for pic- thse corner ot May and King at one block aies. AUg-USî 2nd was set spart for cevic norts and is going ta buiid a fine brick holiday. bouse in is place. Two side sitars have been placed lu St. Gregorys churcis, tise gitni M Finnigan. Beaides these ibeme are 111e size higur. s ni the Virgin Mary, josephs sud tise cild Jesus. Tisese viii be puislicly blessed on Sunday isexi, visen Arcisbishop Wales holde con- firmatiou service here. Tise fireworks and band concert ou Mon- day nigisi was a grand success, tise balloons being tise greatest attraction. The big visite elephaît tisai vas lasi accu wjstixng away te tise norths sasi man>' bundred leet above tise ground vas picked up on Wed- nesda>' by Mr E Rscaes about tbrec miles fi-en bere. It Isad come iu contact wiîis Borne berry bushes and vas badi>' toma. The Oshawa basebahlists muade a good opcnlng for tise season Of 1897 ou Friday ast b>' defeatlug tise Red Stockligs of Toronto. Tise ganse wu tise firet ofthtie year, sud as mlght bave been expected was flot ver>' brilant, thougi tise, Oshawa men played welI al round. Tise visitera lost thse game lu the firut and sec9nd inninga, sud gave il up ln the Suis Inuluga whîh a score afi i t tS in fayor of Osbawa. The day was wet sud tise attendance was not as good as it would otherwlse have been. Two fore-runuerseoftthe Groccry Clenks and Drivero' Excursion frein Toronto viseel. ed down on Suada>'ast te ece wisat sert et place tis Oshawa le. lise> rode a Cleve- lausd tandem which bad beet, lent then b y thse Lealer f1m. lu cMt np ver>'adly wmh them and nearty caused tbew- me waik frein oshiaa té Toronto. It belng dlffiuifoi heémte lafid- teparts secesar>' te repair thefr vimee. -Atlesgth tbey ras aenaisRd Guy wbo acted the partu etbh good, Samarl- tan, tent 'tbcmthe âArts ncdçd aud sent theni 0on theirway g Tise Vindicator sud Reformer bave fallen fou] ni ecri otiser on-the department store question. Tise Vindicator recenîl>' refused tn Insert an advertiscmnent ni a bangain hunier excursion în Toronto, a sacrifice for visicb it may gel credit on tise judgmnenî day, but for visichis wilI get very lttie tisanke in ibis world. Tise Reformer keeps is eye a little closer ou tise cari. and accept- ed tise advertisceut and tise tee. Tise Vin. feit tisat its sacrifice should tue ackrnewledged before Gabriel's isorn blows, se it very nsod- cati>' mcntioued tise matter, expressing Borne doubte as to visetiser il wae vortis whîile te 'ose thse price et au aduertiseent for tise sake ni a principie visicis did flot even carry thanka vithIt. Tise Reformer gem mad because it a ranse vasmnetioucd as having ad vertised tise trip of the bargain gang, se ht bit back by sayiug that tise Vin, mari weut ta Branriord te bu>' a bike. This lu tumu -"s explained by thse Vin b>' saylug that a local agent wauted thse Red Bird advertlsed, sud Brer. Nicholson pald part sud aduertisedthe balance. Tise di flerence between the t"b editors la that Bro Mundy bas lvcd long enougis te know tisa wheri be serves tihe pub- lIc he m uet have bis cash lu baud for doiug se, or eisc be will neyer gem it ; wbile - Bro. Nicholson la enly leamnlng bow ugiateful thepublic lai wbei yeu uSake sad!ifces for'its iriteresta. 'Tise question et prescrit trôttbllng Brer. Nktholsen'e isind l isthedir cirsot be can alterd ubvait unatilthe i îdâ;nsésmmdav fer his rewatd.. Net.- aven the, businimi -e visose Inttesb rtiaerved by tbeseqÎàrifices will (avôn a- tlevop apër lot ts sacrifices, They isolditisat klas pbUe, sdut'assd. tâc wit aOrù:t Ïwhbldo" not serve îher interests and h4 boygg w ýij4 end te wwn wowa setarve hlm out, white a -tîramp would be fed Uberally froin door ta [door. IIn looklng over the Vindicator we notice that Mr Proven bas e"rssed.a wlah, flot only bis own but that in e ua' ority of thse ttizens of Oshawa, for a Sunday car service here during the aunmner nonîha. IRe ha. bec - very miodeat in snggesting that we h ave thbis service from J u n e st un til Oct 1tet We shouid have a Sunday car service for ai ieast Irons Mav tst to -Nov it. For thse last three Sundays we' have seen yonng mca and girls waiking out in the country, mosti, Iowards tbe pleasant woods to gather flowers and lauage in the warm sua- sbîne. Occasionally we sec young men sîartlng out on foot tor the lake. Soine- times tbcy waik as far as Conants bill sud conteat theenselves witb a giimpee of tbe watcr and occasinnaily tbey wak as fax as the lake. But girls find it ton lnng a walk. If tbes' could ride 10 tbe lake and enjoy a amble along the sand on the shore. bow mucb better it wouid be than waîking up and down tbe sidewalks or mnping nver the Saiurday papers, or wishiag for churcb limue igain an that thcy dan shake thete- selves oui and forget their ennui. We hear somne saying now who have read Mr Prov- an's letter thai sucis a thing as Sunday cars was neyer thougisi of in Oshawa before the late contest lu Toronto came 10 such a suc- cessfuh issue. To those who think in ibis wav we migbt say tisat the raiiway cnmpany ha. been appmoached on diffement occasions by thse private parties wishing to know if momnething couhd flot be donc to have Sun- day cam on special occassions, on being in- fornird that tise inwn council weme the pro- per onueq 1 interview the>' let the matten drop. The company is tsking a veny neutmal stand on tisis question mnaintaining that it us a question to be sctîrd on ils own mer- u s- -:000:- Oshawa Euie» Dtrmoory. 9 L. VICKERY. barber. Simaoe street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Siwcoe street. north. ffM. ROLPH. harness maker, Simeoe street. r. B. MOTRERS11 L. butcher, King St.. West. Da- PàTrxaoos, Dentist; olMie over Rowsee @tore. &. J1. Si-atER n Dominion pianos anid organe, Sim coe etreet. %V E. D'raa tienerai Agent Ontario Mutual Lit e Assuraure (Co Agent% wantod. WILLIAM J. r).As Dominion and Ontarc Land Surveyor, Civil Englneer, Box 57, Osb- awa. "OfMIKCXÂL HnEL-J. C. WOOn, proprietor modern bost.elry, neat and cornfor.ab-, equipped. Dt. M. ToD. -Caterer tor Balse, Aaseenibliei&, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc., etc. A.lso aIl kîide of flowers.. los. HOCLD)ES - Whlthy-Oshawa stage Une. Leave. Oshawa st 8 a mi and 2 p Mi, and Whltby st 10 a m and 4 p m. rosxu'pia CRA. manufacturer nofiâne carniages carts, wagons. and ail kinde of cuiters and sleighs. Rephlr1ng a speclalty. Joas Baxwz-a, painter aud decorator. Dealer in wall papers. celling decorations, painte, nil. varmishinea. brusnhea, wtnaow sbades, etc TAXES Pxr.iOW. dealertu stoves, fumnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock kept coostantly 0o) banid. Jobbing a speciaty. slmcoe street forth. [,. K. 11UTsON, B. A. - Barrister, Boleitor, Notary Public. Convoyancer, &o. Money to lond. Office nier Dominion Bank, bimce Street, Oshawa. i'MLT Baos9 Watarbmakers and Jewelers liesiers in watcbes. docks, jewelery, ilier- ware, spectacles, etc. Engrvlng, goid and sîlver plating, and nid go1 drings made nier Fine watch, elock, and ;ewelez-y repairing e Beciatv.1 COLUMBUS Mis. Ammour was ili ast week. i wiii pay you to read Cinnaman's adv. R îchardson hi-os, are purcbaaîng a car load of hors-s Ifor shîpment Io Ergland. Mr. McLean is making stme necessary im provements about the miethodîsi church. Moiday, May' 3ist, Court of Revision ai 2 P. Mi. Phose who quarrel wîîb Assessor %Iowbray's valuation wîi do wellIot paste this in theïr hai. ýMr. Wm. Richsardson, sir, - as taken veny iLI on Suaday. 9thiiat, wiîh inflammation of tise mui and ai tise time nf wanîîag la cnsidert-d 10 be un a critical condition. Richard Hyiand. son of Mr. Gen. yland. wîll go ta camp ai Niagara as lieutenant in Capt. Wm. *imith*s company fromt Columbus. Capt. S-ttis t enlisting mcn fer tise lune camp. Scarcely any damaRe bas iseen donc in tiis neigisbomhood by ramn on frost and iraïn preseni appearances there were neyer better prospects for tise faera so fat as growthis s concerned. Thrce men vent irom iere on Tubureday tc vomit on a gravel pîî tisai the L P.R. vere ta open near Myrtie Tisey eturned the sizue day as tise gratvel turned ouitot be saad and thse men sucre laid off until tise company found tise true vein. The Maple Leaf Mutua Fire Insurance Ca. bcd about tventy-cigist applications tn consîder ai ibeir May meeting. T hcv bave nearly zono riaits viose face value ie close upon St.eoo,aoo. It ta expected chhattise million dollar mark viii be reacbed aitishe June meeting. Tise application ta have a p-ti office opened ou lot 3. 6rh concession of EtsiWisitî.y, îa lîkely nt ta brng forth fruit. Tise office vas in bave been named Beiiisvuîle, and wauld have been ivo and a baif mites east ni Columbus. About 40 families would bave been accommodated by it. People hercabouts compain ni tise wsy tise freigisi moier dodges about tise bueines sreets ni Osaaataiunexpecied bnurs. Drivers ni uer- vous borne@ can keep track of tise passenger cars, but tisa feigist mater te toever turning up at an unaxpected corner lu tise masi abrupt mauner sud unies. tisere te an aliyway bandy tisere la trouble ahead. TyROHqE Miss Coma M Gardiner le homne fions Lindsay. Dooit spray fruit trees in blossnnsing season. Mr 1 IH Manninug continues ta improve ini bealtb. Mr W R Clemens bas been somnevisaiIW but is beiter. Mr Edgar W Allia preacbed ai ttis appoint- ment Saisisais evening. Mis. Eta Hommes, Blackstack, la visiiing ber uncle, Mr Edward Obiantion. A number of Bowmauville citizense ejoyed a drive îo Tyrone on Sunday. Come again. A half bouc's debate followed by a badge social te on font for nexi Friday evcuing's Les- gue eniertainnieni. ,A band of gypsues canased no lite excitemet for a sbort tinse among tise Inhabîtauts of ibis steepy beigisi on Friday. Messrs R MeCullougis and Raymsond Davey's fine dtivmr had a trial ofie eueoneeaîug te- ceutly. Opiobons amc dil cd as te the resuit MISS May Clemmece, of Bowtnarsflie H S% bas bSu rMifercug ber Derves for the cloelg coutesi, by a où"ucseeded lmudaye' r"st amid thec beauiie of natutreamzrounding beu home. Owmg tombhe gpesa onra aî*sObmet Bon- mauville on May a4th h lias bem;d 1*ed -prud- ent te dispense cuitisÏe S$ nnleu ryilb ration on tbnt daelk-iTe sa8wyerh l te be beld. baucuer, anda god rowd l x peced to bear afoie pastor, Rer orTlis, ris, Daveaporg angmgby ebildrea i acbooh. Mir john Duif bas fattened duulng thi. past se *n sfne a lot of cettie as oees tie Out Of Stable. Un* Tnteday ev ' ,% ts, W welghed i16 heaa wblch Éentteéd--l38 pounda. an average o 14M piântds Mmvf. and Mmm. W. T. Oke, of Taunton, visite(' Mn. C. Cox Sunda>'. Nit W. H. Buxion necird ait th concert un Mi-dcali st. nicîhodisi chuncb last Tuesday eveir- i ng. Mm. Geo Tvlor, nf New York, vas ce'led4 homne to tise bedside of bis steter, who is lying vrrv near tise point uf deatis. Thse remaîns of uhe aie Mirs Capt Coots werc -rougisi iee Tuesdav a"d înterred n tiseemi. ici-s. She vas a sîsier ni Mme. J. K. Galbraîih 1),-t -In B-îvmans-îlle, on Thursday. Ntav i3th, E izahetisHe-len Jones. youngest daîîchrerF -) Geo. sud Annie Jones, aged 13 years and 4 mon ihs. Tise sacrsnd base- hall match of tise season ws5 p ayed here on Sarurday' lasi isetacen tise'Var ils' Il îeamn.iii Toronto. and our senior icarn. The home teani won tise victor) by ta ta 8. Tano verv lange crowds assembled ai tbe S. A. barracsc on Sunday aftmnoon and evenîng to h-ar Commissioner Eva Booth, of Toronto. Evemy penson preseni vas welI pieasad wvu ber addresses. Rev. G. W MeCoil, af Osisawa, gave an tn- terestîng revira of ihe ,ite andi work ni tise ]te Prote-zor H. Drumnmond ia tise members ai the epworth league ai tise metisodiet churcis lasi Monda>' evenîng, . &collectiorl ai $22 vas coU- tributed in aid af tise Indian famine iund. Sevemal in this vninity have bad the mumps. Birth, at Courtice, the wife of Mr Wm White, of a daugbîer. Messrs Wnrden and Stevens visited ai Mr 1 Worden's Sunday. Mrs Wm Everson is qîîite ili ai ber daugbîers, Mrs Snowden, cf Mapie Grove. Gond hardwiare ai low prices eau be bad at Cinnamon's, Osbawa. See bis adv. Mr Geo Aluin. Whitby. calied bere on Friday getting orders for feuces and wind tuilîs. Rev Dr Marvin is home froni Prince Edward, his fatber *having improved a littde in bealxh. Mr Alfred Wvbarn bas bad an addition built to bis bouse. Mr Thos Gale bad tbe contraci. Preparations for Ebenezer anniversary are be- ing carried on. The leagne lîso prepaning a conoert for anniversary nîght. RAGLAN We aIl buy our hardware at Cinnamonns. Closing- Sale of Pear Tree8 during the mnonth of May, 1897, aI the Home Nursery, Lot 3, 2nd con. of Picker- ing. We have a choice lot of No. i Pear Trees îo dispose of at purchasers' prices Trees bave excellent roots, fresh dug and ready for planting. Please cail and inspect before purchasing elsewbere. Former price of trees 75c eacb closing price 25e each. HENRY WILLSON. Whitby P.O. May ii, 1897. ALMO8T A MIRA CLE. OTTAWA, SEPT. 9th, 1896. To ke Phrenoline Medicine Cil., Ltd., Ottawa: GENTLEMEN,-I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumnatic remedy, IPhreno- Une. My son Gordon, who is 9 years1 old, bas been a sufferer froin inflamma- tory rheumatism for the past 2 years; was so bad at times that be had to be carried about on a uiattrass; was at- tended by two city doctors apparently withou4t the slightest benefit; speiit 10 days at Caledonia Springs. came home- witi no arked improvement; took 3 boules of a tiomeopathie reoeedy now being extensively advertwed, which di& flot refieve hiýn in the Ieast. -I1WUa be- ginrnng ro gmve up aU hopeofbiszre- coveïy, vhen by-chancè I >meitidoçg the cs to a frieiid who strougly ad- vied to i Priio>! é atrial; .1 -did so. vjtb -the._-reguit-that_:when ni - bqy .b4 takeý*onIv1ia1« X bott1e The Rev McAuley of Oakwood prenehed 10 a good cangregaîlon lu the meihadist cburcb on Sunday evening. Mis Jno Waison of Clifford, an oid tme mc- sident of ibis neighborhoad, was vsiting hem' friends last week. A gond deal of faU wheat irn ihis locality ,a looking isiber poor. Sanie bave plougbed it up and sowed nîber grain. Mis Juhn Ewen met with a painful accident on Mond.iy by an encounier with a kicking cow, tbe resuitbcbng a bad Inoking face. Mr Joseph Ward and famihy bave moved in the dwelllng lately occupied by Mr J M Real We welcome thein to our village. Tihe 1ev R H- Leitcb will preach anniversary sermons at Bethel nexi Sunday, whîle the Rev Mr Ellîntiwih talce tbe seavice inithe meihodisi churcb bere. Remnember the Presbytc-rian Sunday scisool atàniversary next Sunda>' and Mon4ay thse 23rd and 241h. A splendid terni is ex peëted, Evrry- body corne. l'he Preshyterian Synod of Toronto and Kingston ai their snnuai meeting h--Id at Lind. say' ast weelc honomed the Rev Mr Cameron and ai thé- same lime honord thernselves by electing. himn Moderator for the year. We exîend aur be-ari>' congratulations 1a Mr Cameron. Un Siindiy> afternoon last while Mvr and Mme W Alihurst accornpanîced by Miss Martin wer,- dmîvîng to church. and when near Mr S lusty's reidence the ho i tok fri gii and threw theni oui of the bugg rs Akhurst was thrown on her shîiuhder. un d broke ber colhar borie. Dr Park was called mnd bound up thse fracture andi mise is now doîng as weli as can be expected. Tbe oiher two eCcaped with a Seveme shakîng up IUX BREIDGEC. Thse case ai F!ewell vs, Fieweli, which was at-ij-urned from the )asi aisizes Fit Whutiy. has beti set' led ai lasi. Tbe hîstory of lthe case is ver>' interestiniz. Richard Fietell. eho owned aý goo-d hundred acre Iarn in V'xbridge and a gooýd deal of pesnal properi>', bekan to faîl in bodv and mmid a vear or two ago. The members ol hît; (amiy met in cDnsultation and dereried i induce thse faiher îo rrside with Wm F ewel', the r;dest son. BEkfore the old mini bad been s diay in hîs son's came he bad sîgord over esers' tring to William Th! other memisers of tise tam, v hý-cAme alarme-d when they fq-und this out and consu led Mm Farewell Q'C, who at once- made an application to have nid Mr Flewell de. clam.-d a harmiess luuatic. which enaiid d'e othrhrnmemberTs of the ftami y ta rt-gîster a doclr ment prmveniine Wm Fýewell tmnm mortgagîneý Or othemwise disposiz of the prcpertv. Tiser in action was starled to set asaie Willism* dt-d. on the groiinii hati t as secuireet from tise faîher bv undiie irfluence owtng t0 the weak ness of the faues mmd. Preaenil>' the faîher rie, and tise case isas been gong on Pver m.ince Tf-c hrmrng vas trih'îv-- taken place on 'lIres; dav in I ororito, and man>' wiînesses were suom mond to the ciîy to îettfy. but a %etletnen' %AIS ruade ai thse ast moment bv ibP ienms Mf aéhuis Pacis p2rtvinthtie suit pays hîs own coî;t- and Williim Fleweil is allowed $1.350o out oft4. etate, thse rent of the farm for lasi vf-ar îo lue paid to th-- oî5ir heîms Fireweli, Q C. (- plaintiffs ; Chapple. M.P P., for defendant. WALL ?A1ERS Just Recoived 2000 ROIlS of those verv beautiful American Papers, with Borders to Match, wbiclh will be sold cheaper than ever this year. Also a lot of REemnants-....« which will be sold at 1'ryDaY is Baroai«n 1 P it/ics. B.WAIRA4M, Dayj Have 'You Tried BRATHWAITE mI e nnalier of M.j FOY, ofithe lbwn Whilby, in the Couisty of Ontario, Hote eeper, insolveni. The Inso vent has made an assignmnent to me r the enefit of creditors, under R S Oiapter 124. A meeting of credit- ors wili be htld at thec office of HENRY BARBER, No. i8, Wellington Street East, Toronto, on THURSDAV. MAY i3tb, 1897; at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for teappointment of inspectors, the fixing of the amnunt of their remuneration and giv- ing of directions with reference to the dis- posai of the estate. Ail pcrsons claimitig to rank upon the estate of the Insolvent must file their dlaims with tbe undersigned on or before the Sth day of JUNE, 1897, after whicb date 1 wili proceed to distribule the estate, having regard to those dlaims oniy of wbicb 1 shaIl then have had notice HENRY BARBER, Trustee. N. B.--Piease file your claim with as littie delay as possible Torontn , May 8tb, 1897-24 2in. W A NTED-SiEVERAL FAITEFUL Men or Women to travel for re- iiponsible established bouse in Ontario. Ssl1arv $780. payable S15 weeklv and ex- penses. F'oçition permanent. Reference. Enclose self-add ressed stamped envelope. Tise National, Star Building, Chicago.-17-8. For Hardware, St.oves, Tinware, Piaints, Oils, Glass and Housefurnîshînga ? Remenîber We Have brought the prices down and vou wull save money by calling on us and gît-îng us a chance to supplv vour wants. We put in a brand new stock of' every- thing in our line, and marked the prices down from )5 per et-nt. to .50 per cent. on ail uines. Get our Prices and you will spe that you can always get. more for your unoney here than else- where, for We wiàll flot be Undersold Nom do we nipan on a few line.s ; but our pi-ices on ail uines are 1Give Us a Ca1l.-ummoo- BRATHWAITE BROS. Oshawa, May 14, 1897. Every lo-usekeeper and ever>' hmousoner should -be int«ee in l JuntTen are littlethi abou wet osethatgm ta bep i t d= pan àte, becauseyo don't kSwovint su t gautIL Wce "wur iffeultesm, snd ha"e prp »dabokiet te mcd theni. It Se Coled =Pla OlatS." it vil fit your case. Tutelle t stpifor indoor ete e t itf outdoe use; for Boors, for bath tub., fer herse, S fences, rôoek, fo hanes- t« chaietables, sttse for5 aBrti» that tan b. painted, it »e(te - Titi SNYERWIN4rÃŽLUIS Xmew e mad o e ntrs o'dM puy,OCak. eM Wmau, boy. luI gime a room- a fine finish, adsuid e cm- It s u d valm he t the etes tim& te.lumes dy om vbs.y7=uoy It It insed by over teosnmha« For bocbgs uddre' 19 St. Antoine Street, MoqtaL, 7UE SIIEAVII-WluigSeu. OLMOAO 05101mg gommaS Grsad Trunk av* Queen's Bitha Mfay 244 pi7 Pares, Going Dates, Time Limit SINGLE FIR.ST-CIAss FARE.-Tickets good gong Saturday, May a2n, Sun-. day, 23rd, or Monday, 24th, vaidto0re- turnleaving destinaion fot iterthan Tilesday, May 25th, 1897. FRST-CIAss FARE- AND ONE-THiRr. Tickets good going Friday, May 215t, vaid to returfi leaving destination not ater tan Tuesday, May 25th, 1897. iFor Tickets and al] informatiof, all on or write to W. P. Sterioker, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSH AWA. R. C. Carter, Agt. E. J. JOHNSON, LEADING UNDERTAKER- VO. Frei Pl-RE $100WÛ EUH toc CHF-% WHITBY, WIRIf -Geo. . Sel Mo~ the] Inteading pu Miiilbeore pisu an agent put at1 can get tise Ge galvanjized, an More ou1lisese than an>'otise Cdaim tiese;d mniii nutflts sold time. Ail styles of salie. Any inforaia viil be freely gu, Feb 7, 8-& WiSTERI BOARD John Covan, Es Hamn:Esç sq., W. F son, Esq ,R, Pattereon.Es T HMeh Geueraj Banki Drafts issued pa ada, United tate land, payable lu per cent. allowed and credited hait3 Special atter Farmer8' sale 1 la, w IANTEDS TVen or' M sPonsible estatliel Salary $78o, payai Penses. position Enclose self-addr~ -Tise National Star Establihed 1 Mabie r Du idas S WH ITB' WAKEL <PomsuerlyWi. Sand dealer i A tran sd dasigus. work. Owi vork t OVSuM s'nFSI i OSHAWA, HARDWARE. k. à M m 'tw INW %W 14wr 9090000909M AW" lm& ...z ý T , BROOK STREET, ï,ýt (f, ronicIf. il A. Il . WHI TB Y. BROSO pin xý- TH- 1 A,

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