Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 6

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DRYDEN M V&BlmI . any other of the words mentioned? A. 1 didn't utter tbem as Lhey are THE EFENANT NDEREXAMNA-here. THE EFEDAN UNER XAMNA- Q. Did you utter any of those TION AT WHITBV. words. A. 1 dld. Q. Whatotherwords? A. --Pro- On Saturday week in the court test. " house, Whitby, the depositions of the Q. What else ? A. . 'True." defendant, Wm. Smith, were taken on Q. What else? A. These are bis examination before Mr. Barclay, inabout the only words in that sentence 'the presence of Mr Holman for the that 1 uttered in that way. plaintiff, and Mr Dow for the defen- Q.. What other words ? A. --If a dant. commission were issued in the Local We are not able to find room for the House 1 could prove it. evidence in fui], nor is it necessary. Q. Are those ail the words that >'ou but we only summarize that part of it uttered that da>' ? A. Those are the which is of littie consequence. M r. words in that section 1 arn prepared ta Smith was under oath. and admitted 3av I used. himself ta bc the defendant in this ac- Q. Are y'ou prepared ta say you tion. fie said he addressed a public d id nat utter an>' other words ? A. meeting in Whitby, on the 27th Feb. There are a lot of words 1 used. last, and that it %vas also addressed by (Q. You will swear >'ou did flot utter Dr îllugbyMajr arnHuges the words "-to the highest hîdder." A. Mr D)ow and'Mr A -j1Johnston. It Q.O od t haefc A was a Conservatîve rally. which was (.OrwdsttateltA fairlv vvell attended. At that meeting Or words ta that eflect. defendant admitted havîng made refet- (Q.. What others mentioned there ence tu the plaintifi. yva ii dntL utter ' A. 1 didn't utter y. td you charge hirn with having thern as thev are here at aIl. sulda pbli olite A. t wuld (). Yu are flot answcring mycques- have that effect. t Ionf. What other wor(lsnentiancd in (_. The statement of claimi says the statement of cdaim did you utter that in vour speech at that meeting ohrta o aemn ndt i you spoke as follows :-' 'One other --And the money was used to de- reas<>n that brought about mnv defeat feat the Conservative candidate." last lune was the vacancv in the regiý- Q. I)ld you or did vou not charge trv office of thîs <oiintv.1AIH regrettcd the plaintif! with having soid thîs1 th e terriblv sudden deathi of 1fr Rae. ot.fice. (Mr. Dow ob)lects ta this ques- which caused the vacaricv. The aifice tian.i was~~~~~~ )eie [) ol w r1rde Q id vou or did vou not chargei the highest hîd der and1 the ninev paîd \Mr DrNden with havIng soîd a publie over and used tu deleat the Ç'un"erva- office ý A. That might have had that1 tive candidate iii this ( n)rstitoencv,. mea ni ng. filat the protest been he.îrd t bus wtuuld (2. The efleet of the words in the have been shown to be true. If a st 'tement <if (Idim is the same' A. I mmiiiissicn us issued in the Lowa l ('ont kn>w that. lioue 1wil proe i.- )1( N'u (i. bau sav lPr Rae died about thei utter those words at that meeting -,thot. a .t r otpstiea A. Not as voti hâve reacl thern. that.ei Mv -A.I (Q. ()r tu that effect _-A. Somie- (.Sm îei .I thin£g to that lcct, the earlY part. (Q. Dîd VOL sav "-The offce wa (Q. And the poîling day was an the deliberately1 sole] hy Mr Dryden bu the 23rd June A. les. hihet iide . dd ot Q. So vou -say what was done withr (.Did you say "The office was regard to thîs office m-as dune beuNeen delîberately sold b>' Mr D)r>den ta the tle t'tue of D)r Rae's death and thc highest bidder and] the monev paie] tîme ai polling A. les. over and used ta defeat the Conserva- \(. hat was the maiarity against tîve candidate in this constituencv "ou in the election A. 44, 1 A. I saîd part of it. think. (Q. duey>ou sa>' these words ane] (_). ,W'ere any notices given of this also~~~~~ thtyocudprv ad meeting except k' poxsters ane] n the aioîd pr cl pove what î 1e]1 nevvspapers A. .I1thinkflot. coul proe wht 1 aid(Q. The chief part of the meetIngý, (.Die] vou s.Sv vou could prove htI utask '. ci ..ý . 4 a',,taken up with addresses ? A. Yo lu neyer 'said any'such thirg The ele ti n f bîew frte. x a at any urne A. At nu public meet- avN 1--v-lth ntCam ing. AQ..nd you Sa>' ýou cie]not sav, thîs at thts meeting ? A.N ut as yuu have read il. I.nl the \'îndicator x'ou are ce- ported as iollaws "le (vaourselt< saie] one ai the contrîbutory causes ai bis (letcat mn june last mas that the regîs- try office in thîs cauntv had been sole] by' Hon. John Dtyden ta the hîghest bîdder. bbcenoney paie] and] used ta de- leat the Canservative candidate in thit. rîdung. If Mr Dryden moule] grant hum a cammission, he would prove the staternent." (Q. Is that a correct re- port ai what you said ? A . 1 don't think su. (Q. just. laok at the item as I hav-e (ut t out af tbe paper 1 A. It us, not a verbatumi report ut what 1 saîd. The defendant same] be hae] seen ane] "-ad] reports 'which appeared un the other papers. but mauntaînce] that while they were substantîally andlin the main correct. they were neverthe- less not verbatîrn reports. Lefendant admnîtmed havi1ng had a conterence wîth Mr. Whitney, the leader ai the Oppo- sition la the Legîsiature, and remem- bered bis bringing it up un the Legîsia. ture; aisa that he mîght hae correct- ed the reports gîven o! the meeting If he bad been dîsposce] bu do so. (Q. Then upon yaur oath. Mrc. Smnith, yau smear that you die] not at that meeting say that Mr Dryden sale] ibis office, or mords ta that effeet A. I say that 1 usee] mords ta that ef- fect. (Q. To mhat effect. i said that there had been bickerings afier Dr Rae's death, which everyone deplored. These bickerings bad im mee] ateiy commenced in the Liberal farty. Q. Sa it mas true that you charged hîrn that be had sale] a public affice A. 1 charged birn with being cogni- zant af the tact that bîckeings had taken place. (Q. Die] you say you coule] prove that he sale] this office If a commission was îssued ? A. 1 sale] I coule] prove what I sale]. (Q. You are not prepared ta prove that Mm. Dryden sale] a public office ? A. 1 arn prepared ta prove what 1 sale].(Q. Are yau prepared ta prove that Mr Drve]en sole] the registry office? (Mr Dow oabjects ta this question.) Q. Look at these wards in the statement ai dlaim ane] tell me what part ai those words you uttered at that mneeting ? A. Well. 1 moule] rot smear that I utterce] thern as it ts mrit- ten here at aIl. Q. Dîi yau utter any ai them? WilI you swear yau die] not ? A will swear 1 due] mit utter it as it is here. Q. What part did yau utter ? A. 1 dîd nat utter any ai these words as they are there.1 Q. Die] you utter any sentence of it ? A. I tbink the refemence ta Dr. Rae is very ruucb mhat 1 might have said-. -And the office mas de- liberately sold by Mr Dryden" as it was hexe, I didn't use thase mords thatt way. Q. Wbat part of those mords didi you use ? A. Not that may.t Q. What words did you use ? A.! .1 might bave got the mord "office" in. Q. Diti yau utter any ai thoset 'nords ? A. No doubt 1 uttereti somef cf thern.i Q. Which cnes ? A. "And the inoney was used to defeat the Conser-1 'vative -candidate. Q.Are -'those -the only- words youc i ;saign A. Tne next focal hght. (Q- . A gcnera; raily A. A gener- ai rally. (-). bau spoke af a protest un vaut speech A. i belieVe su. (Q. That is a protest relatîng ta youc electiort - .. ' . (Q. That ks the electuon in June 1896 ý A. les. (Q. Wsas there a pratest filed A. It was a]] readv. (Q. Why dîdi you nat go farward A. Cog slipped sornewhere. (.Perhaps N'ou hadn't a case-,A. it was ver%, much agaînst my will. (Q. w'ould vou have bcaught up this Regîstry office business A. I would have birought up evervthing. (Q. WelI you Sa>' the protest was ail ready. \What is the usuai practice getting up the protest : ' 'ha got it tmp. association comrnittee or what A. lb generaliy has depended upon the part> mn Toronto or the defeated candidate. (Q. Then ifl it had depended upon you i t ougbt ta have been fIee] ? A. It shoule] have been. Q. [)id vou discuss with the party the advisibilitv ai filîng it ? A. 1 die]. (Q. Discuss the probable grumnds upon which you woule] file it ? A. Verv little. Q. With how rnany die] yau discuss it? A. There was a meeting of the party in Toronto. ÇQ. Were you there ? A. 1 vas. Q. Any other persans tram the rie]- ing ? A. Y es. Q . How many ? A. Two, I think. Q. Active pushers af the party ? A. Good mien ane] true. (Q. X'au mean Conservative ? A. les. Q.And] in the end concluded not, ta file it 1 A. 1 neyer understood that. Q. Die] you investîgate at the time you were thinking of filing the petitian as ta the carrectness ai the charge aginst Mr Dryden ? A. 1 madie some enquirmies. (Q. That woule] be immediately aiter the election ? A. The protest 1 think had torty days ta run. Q. Within farty days after the elec- tion ? A. Yes. (Q. To what extent did you make enquiries ? A. 0, melI I could hard- ]y answer that. Q. 'Enquire ai many people? A. Enquireti ai a number ai our frientis. Q. Did vau make enquimies subse- quem.t ta that time? .t yes, 1 have. Q. Duming the eigbî months that have passed since that time ? A. I have. Q. Many people ? A. Quite a number. Q.- So that wiat you saiti at the meeting in February last you said de- liberateiy ? With a certain knomledge af what 1 supposed, mere facts. Q. Diti you have any meeting in the locality with reference to, the ex- pediency of filing a petition ? A. I think ne had. Q. Hon many meetings ? A. One if 1 remember rightuy. I am not going ta be very positive, but I think theme mas one meeting of the Executive, Q.Why didn't you tell the Erecu-w tive at that tisue about thiee s0eof fice trouble and the sel ling of .itI _ A. I don't remember abont'«that Q. -Why di daiit youtell' thewA I have no ,tecolection. Perbapqj idîd. Q. Smly;you wou1d kuow one nawy, or the other ? AK>lb!me no réÉcoUec. Q. Dld you diseuss tife grounds upon which you were to file the.peti- tion ? A. If 1 remernber rightiy the whole point hinged. upon wbether 1 wanted to becorne a candidate or not. Q. Did these remarks about the Registry office corne up before the eîec- tion ? A. It was common talk during the election carnpaign. Q, Why dîdn't you mention it ta the Executive ? A. It rnight have been rnentioned. but 1 arn not prepared ta say. (Q. When did the Executive meet again ? A. 1 don't rernember that they have ever met since. (Q. At this meeting 1 believe some persan in the audience rernonstrated with you as ta the strong language vou bad used against Mr. IDryden. A. Per- haps sa. (Q.Vas that a tact ? A. I think it was. V. And] what did yo usa>'? A. I dor4't recollect. Q. I thin k the papers Sa>' thàt >'au said the worels were strong wards hut voti coule] pi ove themn ? A. Well1 I wîiI not say 1 said s0 or not. 1 think there was an interruption and] I macde ,orne answer. It was what I consider. ed a trifling matter. (Q. [)d you sav' Mr Drydlen ought ta be druven out ai public lite for it A. i will not swear 1 die]. (. Is vour memory goue as ta what vou uttered at that meeting ? A. It us irly good. (. In Your pieadings yau deni1ecl uttering the wcurds nientionce]in the sc.atemcint ai dlaim ? A. In aur de- tence i said it was not a- (Q. bau denîed the paragraph in the staternent oai daim contaînîng these words. Doa ;ou or do y'auflot deny ut- terîng these words A. i say it was not a verbatjrn repart of what I saîd. (). Are yau prepared ta Sa>' now t hat Mi Dry'den soîd this office. Are vau wiiîing ta answer the question ',A. I arn not going ta answec the question (-). \elI i understand you don't know an>'thîng as a mam.ter ut fact wilh reference to the selîng ai buis office ' A. I have ta depene] upan others lt prove it. or upon others for what I bave sauid n connection withi'ut. (. WilI vou tell us whu thest. gtiers are A. No I twill not. (Mir. Douw abjects ta this also.j y_) You undersiood ihai the papers reparmed ,,(u as having made ibis charge set outiun h s-atemento l ai iat? A. 1 saw ut lu tht: Worid (, And in the Vuadicatar. A. 1 suppose i s.at ail the relerencyes. Q. And you ndersioo-d you were reparted ts rîsving madle ibis charge ? A. 1 kuow I %%as -p 'rted that wAy. ( ) Dtd you maike the charge that Mr Dryden mi sofAd the cIice ? A. 1 think 1 muid you1 .atd 1 used words lu thai effeci, (,. But yeiu can'i r"caii the exact words ? A 1 -n't. or ati irast you wun't affaw mr ta put htî rn My awu works. y V<'ham were the wards yau say you satd- AfLer regreit tmg-. I crin t give yuu th, xacm words. I have no note-s and noa cfmpptngs oi ny kuud. Wiiî1Idid s;,y was a gaud deai upotu bis iîue. imai anec(tthie causes whîch brougbt thout my defeat lasi June wae atmer the terribl> uddeu dcsth of Dr Rae. shîch everyane de. tioreef, bickerngs cosnmenced mn the ranks of the .ibrsf parmy about the Registry office wiih the -liowledge ai Mr Dryden and the mrnuey put ut ,vas used ta biinR about niy defeat that as soor ts I coufd-and if a commission were appointe( -1 wouid prove the stamemeuts I have made. Q These are the words as far as you eaui re col t'eu A. As far as I recoileci. Q And did you iniend hy them ta charge îim wmîh having soid the office ? A. 1Iunteud d4 ta charge hîm wimh a knuwfedge ofI mdtters which were gaiug ou. Qý Was that allf? A. And that 1 could prove thern if 1 were given an appormuuîty. d Q Then these pape-rs are aIl mistaken ? A 1cau't help that. i don't kuaw. pq ai Poor Bfood is starved blood. Lt shows itself in pakc cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, exhaus- tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chiel of ail, weak muscles. Your doctor cails it An 0ni.He wlltel you hat the weakeniàng weather of sum- mer often brings it on. Scott t Emulsion of Cod-Iiver Oil with Hypo- phosphites, will make poor blood rrich. It is afood for ovctaxed and weak digestion, 80 prepared that ht can easily be taken i n swnmer when Cod41ver 019 or even oediory foeds mgh r SCOT & DoWnM, DsvMen.i For mie nt scà ead tzeobyau drugglg» John Gonie bas engagedi bain Bros. for the season. Fmom ail appearances the promises nelul ntuA ,smcion. Mostf aur yeomen, havesa pleted their seeding omai RvThiom oeccpied thpe. puipit bore on Sqiid4ày and 4 for tise ~ e nateu baw. *I«A CURE$ OUCHs, OOLD8, HOARSENESSI AsrH MA, BRONCHiTriS, AND ALL DISEASES 0F THE THROAT AND LUNCS. PRICE 25c. OR 5 irOR $I.OO FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTB -FOR SALE BY- E. WILLISI J.- Chemnist and Druggist. Brock Street, WHITBY. LINDSAY Mr J Ketchuin, who came tram Mount F~orest recently ta lead the Citmzsmns' baud eft for Ottawa on Munday, haviug re- signed his position here. By hie genial disposition Mr Ketehum made many 'riende heme, who regret that he was un- able to continue town. Alex Miles, ot Kirktield, was seriousIy njured Frîday. He was removing itumps using powder. While he wue etandiug near a st.ump the powder ex- pIoded, blowing him several feet away ad inflicting severe injuries on hie body. [Hio recovery is doubtf ni. Mr George Elliot of town loft on Wed needay week for Huntsville~ in the hope. of securing empîoyment as printer on the Huntsville Forester of that p lace. Not getting a prommed situation ie accepted a temporary job Saturday as edger in one of the shingle illei there. He hsd Dot been at work more than a hour whon hie loft hand came in contact with the mach- nery and so mangled that the doctors re stored to amputation. Mr Elliott was apprised of hie son'. sad misfortune by a .elezwam shortiy atter. Geo for some nonthe paet had been employed on the Watchman staff and previoue to that ras on the Warder, having worked here four yeara. He was a good stesdy industrioue fellow and vas a general favorite. He was an excellent lacrosse and basebaîl ulayer and few local mon excelled him ait either. This Friday afternoon at 2.30 a benefit basobail match wilt be played bat- ween the. Watchman and tuown nines. [Tle proceeds of the game wil go to de- fryElot's medical expenses. There uhould b. a large attendance, and those who cannet afford the time to go ahould at leset buy a ticket. The Warder joins with rnany friends in expressing sym- pathy with the unfortunate young man.- Warder. Break Op a CoId in Time By 1UING PYNY- PECTORAL mmhe Qute Cure ïor GOuGES. CULES, CROUIB»N- ma*. 10«M ouzc~ ai 68 S irïwmA"e., Tcrctol we*'t5 fflas0 0 b 'l ft w P er nith Gvra-. fruit cmop about CoinU- JAIUS RIJTLEDGE, BarriBter, etc. Office forimerly occtmpied by FarewelI & Rutledge, next R5oya.l Hot.eî, drock St., ,% hîtby. DAVID OUM ISTON , B. A., Attorxuey-at-Law, Soi icitùr in Cha.ncerY, Cýonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office qouth of the Past Office, in tcMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., 3arrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Isiter Af Marriage Lioense. Office - Smith's Blocku, Southi of Market, B' ock St., Whitby. DOW & 3IcGILLlVRAY, Barristers, Soliitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Ma.thison & flawken's new blocki Brock St., Whbitby, south of Ont.ario bank. W. E. YARNOLD, D.L.S.. '3onnty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Pery, Ont. Drs Warren & Moore. L1 J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Boklin. Oiffice boums 9. a. mn. Whitby. Office houro Il a.m ta Il a.m. ta 2 p.M. pr Privat Telephone Co,,nmuticaItOS. 0. P. BOGART, 3.D.,L.D.S. Physica.m, Surgeon anmd Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to AIl Saint'. Church, Dmnds Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail1iAs branches proznçtly attended to. W. A DAMS, G3NýDENTIST. Rooms over John Ferguson's clothing store- Residence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St Whitby. Jan. 29th, 1896. Dr. H. Wightman LENTIS T. Over GOB& Grs àaagwr'a.Why. Ký' Open every Baturday night. WAN TED Men and Women who can work liard talkdng anmd writmng six how's daily. for six days a week, and wiil be content wib ten dollars weekly. Âddress.)NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford. Ont. LIFE tNSURANCE. Manutaotwre' 14fé & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. LargeefuCapital Stock Lif e Isurance Co. on the continent Nipety per cent. o a&U aooumulations oz suE pus in retumned to the ni 7bolders.AUl daimsare pald vithoul sla'y or disount on proof of death or maturhcy of <adormmt J. B. POWELL, Peb. 1"t . &gel, Whitby. W Â1NTE-BBVXRÂL YAYTHPUL- v V,- 1Menor ome tatravell Wor e- spousible eitablisb*d bouse la Ontario. penses. Poitionpermanent. Rfrne Encl*o sWf-ddei".S.4st*mped::veop .......i' Pitos16aBsll% hs~'78 ilittingg(0f The. DiviioniiCourts. The old Midland station At the. foot of Miasiesagas treet is to b. moved to the "Diaoeond," and used as the Grand Trunk beadquarters in Orillia. The pro sent station At tiie foot of Peter street null b. closed Dp to pamsnger trafflo, and tiaed solely as a freight depot. The pro. jecta of removiua the Midland station to Grarenhuret, and building a new station et tbe "Diamond ' bave bath been aband. oued. Tihe big boat race, May 24 -Rogers ia expecteti to arrive un twn every day now. He wili lie qîartered et the Grand Centrai, the News-Letter un- derotando. H. has been off"red the free tse of the News-Letter'g boat hause dur ing hie stay in town. It le the ouly one aionR the rater front in which a raciugz sh4I ecau be etared. Tihe champian je rowinz verv fast, sud hy May 24 wiii be on edRe. Already bis face beare siLyus cf bis hard training. If Rouers vins he will seuil the twa miles close ta 12 min- utes. Jake Gandaur leaves OrMita Orillia is ta, lo&s hem champion aarte man ou June 1. On that daCë lue goes ta Rat Portag«e, where lie bas puri'hased. le. partnersimip with Mr. Jolhn Kennedv. (late af the Grand Central), the Russie]1 liae, the best hafel in the place. Mr. KFnnedy left an Monday ta take passes qion. The lbas of tva sucb amen bite Orillia vemy hard iuderd. NMm. Kennedy' us Pa-mily aur mont libemai promnoter of gparte. As ta Jake,-weil, there's anIV ane af hum in this wnrld. But ib is pmoÉ. able Rnt Partage miii not keep theru for- 'ver. The popnistion of tluat place if; nov at-ont 5,000, and i i is said that Meesrs Kennedy and Gandaur ehouid be atble ta retire tram businessq after five years lu Rat Portage.-News Letter. SKINDISEASES! One IRem.dy Whion han Noyer Fsie- Trted end Tested OintiDeUt. Because other Ilîeged remedies for Pilez, scrofula, ecze=ntlc erliptionS, cald head, chat ing. black heads, sait rhe'um and ekirn diseaaei generally have proved u.sellss, doa't coudemu Dr. Chase &unitmeut. ltb hùu never beeu knowvu ta faif For f uta.nce. Nelson t8inmonA, Mdeyerabu.rg, out., 'writes. I, use ( Dr. (iliA.e's (>intmetit for Itebiing Pilffl, a.nd eau recornmend it highf 'v. SiiîCe using it 1 have had peKret tree(lon tram the dise sp.' Peter Vaiîalleil. L*AnbIë, Que., h.ad the ,cezcma for thr',e yfarq. [1- tr*edl tà,rpe é<r'eîurs bu-t recpived nu bene'it O':e box uf Dr. (-Lape*@ Ointmepnt andI tfrree boxes 0f Pr. ('base's PIls ccred blira, romp!pi'l. L g el'rov'erod hp fe Ig. i fj 4bfo'bri* t he (V n .tsi'n 50 rricîced tin. flh' wiII sqwe.ir ta Lbose lanct. ('haRP' ()ii'tme.!t mrtr b- h.'h frnrn nV (1 ,re r ) o- ;r ryn i ti'ep m q iii fn)c ti ro r"; EI:gminsu(n. P1tes &C'o., 45 r.ombard sireet, Toronîto. Prirre C() Cents;. MOIthdr's ,i «t t rçmf"dv for conzth.. .oidsq. bui que4 nil a aec t ione us Dr -ý.ue s .y-up o .* Lise"d ard Tuc' p"ntin-. Tho-m ti: aistuep s whoifIy TeZ1 "$1" IR,;- m - r 'ica8aut ta take. Laz-geboule 2n, cent». JOUN E. FAREWE~LL, 4. C., Barrister, County Crcwn .Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office-SouL 'Wing of Court House, % hîtby. October 7th 189-5. lem, J. E. FAREWELL Luferk oflthe ieace. A ~ Ts The fret Paptilar AGENTS'Le of Hem Ma>esty 1 have ever scen," wrtes Lord Laine, about "Queen Vi ctoria. Sales unpecedenicd.. Easy ta make five dollars daiy. Big commission. OumIit f ree ta canvassees. THE BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., Toronto. wA ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL YVMen or Women te travel for me' spohoible established bouse lu Ontario. Salary $78o, payable $1 weekly aud ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self.addressed stampeti envelope -4 The National, Star Building. Chcag.-17' S. 0. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the text thrse mintha I amn giving s1peciai attention ta patients f rom a dis- tance. Amn etill maki.ng plates in r-ubber, $8, oellnloid glO. Goid &a silver âllng wamk crowsning by iret-clama operatore st the most reasonable rates in the esty. When un the city cail in sand let me exam- ine yor teeth. I make no extra charge. C .H. BIGGS, Dentiat, monti east corner King and Yonge Ste., Toronto. Noav. th, 18M. Wu H. WARNER. DEALER IN COAL, LÂTU, LUMBER, BEINGLEF, CORDWOOD, ELABB, ETC, AGENT For the PEOPLE'S COAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPARTICA, Tm EE W WRITf lTG P PE TAKE NO OTHERI. Augusi 31St ]893.ý FlowepIng Buiba and 8eed. A ful liUne of the latent varleties of wet Peas 'lu z2 separate kinde. Nained Tuber- oueBe nias, iu ail colore fromi Pu~re White- r ink, Orange, etc. tÜsnd bulbe. LilIes, Tubeross, Caldinneso etc) large, bulbe. GIEO: BURCHETT, Florlst. April 8, 1897. Whitby.. C I1AS. S 0O0TT, AUCTIOMEER; WITBY, ONT. The undendpged begs t. ouame ibat b&r bus taken out a liee for anesioneerisg md' vMho gl&ýfilderfo tItclm IÎidbs- 1-oet Bis M. Lmn s 'WbIby. ov. g,'~C. scovF- JNO: BLE, t~;~ir*# ci- -WTE-.C. KacdOfl I Wbtby CIerk Ja.; e.3; iMsrch3; Api 2,;Mdy2; June 2: juIy 7 sep. 2;ct;Nv,8 Dec. 2. O)sB-&-D. C. bMaedonell, Whitby, Clerk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Mardi 4; Apuul 8; àMsy 4; June 3 July 0; Sep. 8; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8, BaouoEÀM - M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Clark.-Jan 6; Martulm5; MAY 5; July le Sep. 4; N ov. 5. PORT PIRRY - J. W. PurMRîMai, P ot Perry, Cierk-Jan' 29; Mardi-'9; May 1:. July 20; sep. 23; Nov. 18. UXB]annOZJaePh E. Gould, uxbridle Clemk-Jan. 30; March 2A',May l9th;J 'y 14; Oct 14; Dec. 16, CàlNNT -ereSmith, Canningtoun, Jan. 31; March 2b; May 20-; Jniy 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BRÂVERTON_ Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 26; May 21; Jufy 16; Oct. 16 Dec, 18. L7 sT.rmoaovE-Thos. P. Hart, Uptemglrove Ciemk,-March 27; May 22; luJy 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. BiS-HOP B. W. Before beiugc elected leadtng minister lu bt@ c very prominent Repubi 8ented bis county mn tbt f or several years. Rlaving acîven this 1-ke tb. toUlowincg teelmtm be found very interetin ]y exp]ains it8eîf. 'To whorn it mav conce "In April, 1894.,mW home froin Pîitadelpi. 8evere cold, mhich oc rhenmnatiszn. I mast to rest by day or aleep the first ai J une I waz ta amy bod, wheme 1 i time. When 1 mas a could only get about b'; "'The fail came on ai grew wrame, lagting aIl ter of '94 and'95. 1hs euffemed bel ore 1 tý spring wocild hing m net, oons.quently I w a namber of engageme «"On. day in J une, 1f -4Bîshop, -1 rend 60 mi liams' Pink Pilla, auF snd see'if &bey ul not 4'1 said, 'No, tbere ; thons fer me bave trieti that lues been r.cou non. of lb. remèdies belp My Cas. "18h. said no mare, Ohio, and bèu&ht a ho'. bem retom she gave sud lanother at nigul eallod one ime to at that nighL . "For monthe previt called thmee to fouir night. The flou day of tii. piansd tLiei n-ôt distnrbêd. My tins. in more than t pooil niht's sleep. -I have not let 'a thai Lune on accottntc I carry a box of Dr. N inM poc»St whemc ;e 44 ll rffy bear t that others May fipti bave reeommended rius to zeversl people. itYours for4 Dr. Williamie Pink in boxes 'besring the ar "wrappers.e à t Fiftv 'er That urlought A -i A -inedy thai wý,1u. Fut the nmuîý1ui ,t By AYC ý SU5om 50sta. . Ayer's Sars 'waini its infanc', tury ago. To-day stride the narraw colossus." Wha-t- of its power? Its number of them! of them! Imitato lowed it f rom the lys success. Tbey hind it. Wearin-, medal granted ta inu. the World's F, it points proudly t Others imitate th they can't imitate 5o Years of BI8HOP B. W. SWA-,YSAIIE I .MASTEIRLY ELt He Writes a Letter of Interest ta Sufferti. At Wilberfarce, OLie, ai -Xeuîa andl near lia field, je loc'ared Wilbe avd Payne T'ueologieti These two lnýùruticoto tducated mauy minister Iu tis souiewlusî n centre. resides ishop uett, D.D., a'dîrîmme w prowinence becansýe of queue with wiuiclu he a utiee s-. .Among the b;Cgh nifici. no oue 15 amure di.tunuî By ordt

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