-, r. ~ ~V~7tZ- :k - I. pets* <I 11 S.< o'IX 0 ' UN)\ 1 N. k-,VIS N ,ýi INS. S i i Iý ss. J Thing. 1i 'l(î"t' ý i . tIl NS>ONI HarnIS '~Il îji s llÇhess, rincess. 1i i i, tii. ANT, 1GLE rit us persons ersex witb DI cduc-ation, itths in~ tbt. o, Ont. 't I. 't f Tia.îg Otficcrs acre elected Hon Pres, Ht. f,,nor Judge t>artnell;Pres. Pcv Mat- rt-(;-)Id .vice lpres, Mr. D McKay ; sec- f reas, Mu J T Matheson , capt, Mr John H la% conîmnittce, Messrs Geo Ross, jas %% iHis, W t,,îld. Tht crease wiii he put in --hape Aitînce, and al arrangenments made t star t practice cîîh as litile delay as pis- Excursion to Niagara Faits. The Ladies' Aid of the preabyteinai clîunch. t )shawa, ctll run an excursion, pe the palace Steamer Gardent City, to the Mii n ry camtp at Niagara and Niagara Falls, or Tucadat.. Jonc r5th. The steamer- WiIl cari) ,'a.s-,enytrs fri.m Newcastle, Bowmanvillr (-)lia wa, and Wbitby, at a unilorm rate o $1 tu thile mîitary camp, anal $1.25 10 the Fallis, whtcb latter price includes the reluit trip on the Niagara eiccîric railcay. A Whitby Girl abroad. 'vVrd bas been received that Mlisa C. W. Montgomt ry, youneest daughter of Mr j R Mlontgomery, of tbis toco, bas been appoint- ed superintendienî anal matron of Aultmar huspital, Canton crty, Ohio, bbc tocn in whicb Ptesident McKinley resides. There usý a training achool for nurses in connecton wsith thîs hospitai, and some clever girls [rom bere ciii be tskcn if îbey apply. We cungratulate Miss Montgomuery on the ru'- cognition ber fine talents bave recciveal WVhitby girls, as ccli as Wbltby boys, make t hei mark abroal. Omnibus Troubles. The keen competition betceen the local bus men bas frequently assumeal a condition suggestive of open car, but sonehoc bîood- shed bas been averteal so fair. On Friday asat, hacever, the drivers had a race. They starîcal on Brock street south, just aftcr thcy turneal north ofi the baseline. Wally Tlîompson cas ahead driving Newportas rtg, chile W-n Sturgeas on McGeaîy's bus hroughi up tbe rear, but cas bounal tairae the leal. As scon as bhey tut-i-ed ofi the tiaseline to corne up Brock stteci Sturges ttîrned off to pasa Thompson. The latter cracked ou tbe whip anal crouJe as ccli. ,sturgess, hocever. managcd to drac up at evens. and then hie proccedcd 10 crocal. He would have gone aheal, only that the rî ga were FO close that bis bub caught bebinal trie hub oi Necpot-t's hack, and chule the rigs cere thus locked the nut on tbc end of McGeat-y's axhe almosi wore the spokea of Newcport'5 cheel off at the hub ends. Mean- chule thbc cief constable and Mfr A M Gilpin, ebo wore lu Ncwport*s cab, had caiched in vain for a Chance to jump out, but found tlle> could net cithout incurring worse risk than staying 10. Tisey isad aise appeaied lu vain t.Tijempson _ to pull up and lci Stur- geas pn abékd. Botb drivera cere te blanse, and it eeuldt>O a goed ides for tihe safety of the travellingr public If somé arrangements could be iAda cuisthe Owutrs Of thse COn- tending bds&fines te fight cut tiscir opposi- tton li oiue chier es>' 'tiat wcl net' eun- danger 111fe. Otierwise passngers elil Dre- fer ivalklng.to ridlng. Judge Dartncli on Monday, chaïged with assauit upon a littie girl of nine years narn ed Lapp. Wu'i'-on is a ciever iooking youg man of admitîedly gocd chanacter, and has anythîng but the 1ook 01 one who would commit a crime. He bas resided cvitb Mrs Lapp, who is a mat bIc dealer, for two yea rs, and woîka in her shop, being otbcrwise treated as ifbhe cere a memnbet ofbher fam ily. She bas two daughters, one seventeen and one nîne, and it came outinb the evidence that the amaller girl had made statemnents against Wilson to ber mother witb regard to both. At any rate Wilson cas arresteal, andl commnittcd for triai. The little giîl's evi- dence cas direct enougb, but cas entirely unsuppoiteal by any corroborative circum- stances. Thc mcd ucal testimony showed that no corse crime than indecent assault could have been comiîted upon ber pet-son. WiI5Ot's oco tcstimony was taken, but was flot needealin the case. He score that no sucb imrpopriety had ever taken place as cas chargeal. and ihat he had always held and ireateal Mra Lspp and ber family jn the bugbest respect. His bonor said he could not convict s prisoner on the unsupported evidence of a met-e chîîd, and discharged Wilson. 3New Cee Regniations. 2 Tbe Town Council on Monday nlghi pess- cd amendlmenis te the coc by-lac chlch leave nso d, ubt that enly one mihch cee can be t-un at large bv eachbhousebolder. The by-law is also changeal te preveni cocu I rom bcing turneal out until 6 a m. lustead oh 5 a m as at present. Mot-e penalties cere put on for violations. There wilh noc be a tee of S0 cents te the pcrsoi' impounding any cribler untacfntlly at large, as ccii as 5o cts te bbc poundkcepcr. In thc case oh people cho have heen warned and cho perslst in letîng their coca mun ai large, thse chief cou- stahie ia noc cmpocered te sumnmon thcm tiefore the magistrate and have thern fined cithout impounding their animais. It euhl he ceil for people te et,, 'y these points as the by-ac cilI be s.,îictly enhorced. this yeaî, Manv people bave heretohore ound fauhi cith the chief constable fer 001 enhorc- ing ibis by-lac, chule mre ohftthe conspiain- ing parties cet-e kuoco te be persistent viohators. In future the coc ciii baye te observe tise lac tise same as ether people. The permission granîed to coca te ruts on streets la subjecitbheraibway bacwlsc forbids anim.ils runlu7 e t large citisia l i a mile oharaiicay. N ,ref aj5.eI~ ta fence against bo.-ses. eteers, Youngat 1 smine, or poultry ebicis mpay b. runeloù 15 the sireets, but tise ocisers cf-sqch- anlimel1 are respousible frWn> duny 4 0 et.ley 1557 do, cheihor iujured part>' hâaalâbvful fnoceè or not. If peuiiry tre. -mMson s uefgbbouaf1 premîsesand tbhe wuer WN.' 911 refuses or neghcts te rt!straidU1à 0 ie May.A ho invlted to take off bis bat ê,-ti&WPICÇ 'à Magistrat- r 1 epcW-~. a x4 ceedhsg' is to ep ~ W cltfiren W. Avrof*Ws.je of tise baw n-id thon 0. ezactod. Bicycleitems Andl stili th~ core-eune or iwo every Mesr. FrnRihrsnadFe o desofs. Fraon hcadsoand Fred aH-ou- Tde ofIi tcoThad aogmert sash-up nt Tuw e y ighî. mthe forer etas rd cip, doco thebittfr cm teuc eaiaiaconerclip, then oth atrcmarnd Lite onerlado. Iber subcycsmanying apposienheg rlay Mthi nbiccls? ce ppste.Tbe dor ot Maîbi wsonBs.' grdonc tor we Th frnt Ricasnandc other wamei ide Rmcbardaou, and much ther dackmghetnc Hoter.sutbheel togod the sbr.kuiesbcybe infirmary for a day or tco. Mr. C. Ernest Harper cas tihe victim of a foui plot on Tbursday uight last. He cas returniug from a trip to Oshawa, and ii. coasting down a bill ai gond speed, at the bottom of chich a fiock of sbeep cas lylug. The innocent iooking ees sac him coming serenely alon g, and decided to play hlm a trick. Ho sailed along down the bill ai a fiy- ing gait, when aIl of a sudden a sbaggy look- ing old ecc jumnped up sud rau out iu front of him. His bike struck ber amidabips, and he made an asceusion, duriug the continu- ance of wbîcb he turned a number of sorner- saults, aud lot off smre other acrobatic feats. By thc time the attraction of gravitation had again brought him to terra firma the wbole fiock of sbeep bad starnpeded acroas the road, and Harper fell amoug temn like a thunderbolt fhem thc sky. Therc wua great scrambiing and scattering, and vhen It was ahi ever Harper fouud a shoulder boue crack- cd and many other bruises. Stili ho braved it out to ride home. The other day Messrs. W. G. Walters, Theo. King, Col. Dunlap, and smre others ere nidiug ceat from ibis town. ansd chle ,desceudiug a bill met a lot eh cycIL«ss ceasing east. The other heilows appcared doter- mincd te, play road-hog aud took ail the track. Walters cas ahead, end cas rldiug so fast dowu the bill that it cas Impossible te dismeaut, and atler cousiderabie dodging fer au openlng b. fodnd tiancollision could sot be aveided, se be shut bis eryes a mo. mient as If lu siuent prayer and let ber go. Be .fore the 11gb! agalu dawned upon bis op. tics a catastropbe bad occurrod. He struck the front tire cf the other felices bike, and sned, a furroW through It to, the other end. Eiw hé saved golng tbs-cugh the otbor fellee si-bo myster>' ihat caunot bo tiold bore, At au rate lie (od himiseif dismnuled cou. si14.raby fttbsor on. CoI. Dunlap cas cous- cgcos bîhnd end tock bis beader bike a tm scidier riglit througb tb.enmiddle of the ec. I-H o cg t beho lund foras lime, bat wh*eii the,4ebd. Ad fusfly been xu. boe4 fieas »a à queezed fnb -W4rut - HMs apa epileberma Mfracturied, tisat la t6 ay, b.i eck was ok.ui-aboui6:ea and on< ares*"st 0a>eeitfrons these dis doïw-- OU 9f -blsfgetoeuld-,mnatus.a , 4g-in circular pillow Cottonis, reg. 20C and 25c per yd ...............................NOW 12,10 and 150 42-in circular pillow Cottons, reg. 20c and 25C per yd ...............................NOW 14O 4o-in circular pillow Cottons, reg. 25c. yd ...NOW Men's 4-ply Linen Cuifs, reg, 350 pr .........NOW 14o Heavy Ail Wooi Blankets, reg. $4.50 .....NOW $2%50 Single Fold Dress Goods, in variety of good colors, regular 2oc yard ...................NOW 1210 MÂNY DESIBBLE LINES IN New Spriag Xlioy STILL LEF? AND WILL BE BOLD AT ABOUT HÂLE REGULÂR«PICOE. Bigelow &MCw FARM FOR 8ALE Firsi clasa faru cf zoo acres. more or boai lu the township of Cartwright, county of Durham, comprising west baif of Lot Np. e, 4th con. 60 acres cleared, the remginder cedar, tarnarack and bardwýod. Oib te premises ila agood bous. and cutbulldfuma and firat clam orclwd uund otber couves- lences. The place la ah ai presïïiocul by Wmn. Hunter. For partmlnppyi -Whitby, Mar. Z, 189-iLf. BOSi for 8.rvlo& - Imm .Bm*m,~hfr*. U-smc Ofatg ,uUs Referenesq, our'.shippers e Çorrespondence - Isnvft PÂ~KDL&OKE OI* IULTKT «ud be convnced tha± an Rlganî lisse f FURNITURE -Àkr»- UPHOL8TEREO 60008 ia belag sold at away down rices to kep li totaoh with the EUDMMS. HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Uphoistering and Repairing before the rush commences- Prices vçrycheap. JUST RECEIVED Baby Carnages. Pices front $5 to t$15. AU ether goode pro- portlonafly chesp 1 Rverything miUleb usoful and ornamentaL ' epfr a p h lI e ýs e WM.ýTILLt I Bp ing i e lie. Our icearf txam beewllb oe dr n risenîaed Mr Hnr oe for C ongo Canes, warfatOi . R. 'e' nc Sr. les iby he Post farni on the Kingston road bas -JI g hb tb e S upi e Aws on hand ai Burn' new cash store, a $oo. o t teu theIL VERtMOUNTEO, n d botstsyle nlais MrT. W.Chaple, M. P. P. ,was in town A nurober of WVhitby cycliste rode to To- judge's criminal court. S 5 c ts, intainToBow, Envonlle andrtOshawa.reIf we told you that during the la t m onth we odoie ' u t The parioc choruses to be rendered on Nohng was aaved. Loss over $2oo .t annay Pl'viOas month in the hsof ouradrmme Wednesday should be heard. They have ThGaenCtwllc mnebrreu b e e n s p e c i a l l y w r i t e n f o r h et J u b i e e y e a r T hl a r d n Ctii l c m e c e e u o h a n t e p s e V o e s m e y l and will find an echo in ail loyal hearts. a weekly trips rom Newcastle and inter- tota ntepe ev oesm eylreSi ehg ~ i. .~o.Mr Sam Hayward bas gone to Sterling, E very maiden lady atter she bas passed yaltsdteecpin~ ausw r feig 1 -0Northwest Terriorv, where he wil take the meridian of lîfe la a trget of divine aiThîs sand'theig selin a vluesaruned or ytelrean eyhnem charge of a general store for M r John W il- cesure. 1 hase t i s e t o n b bi a c o x , s o n o f M r H W W i l lc o x o r ih i s t o w n . aC e n I biT. H U - T .a s s e r t i o n o n b i b lg g s t i n s a n c a lý ttE W TM r Arthur Hayward bas gone 10 Toronto t a abw o h eel i h o dn.y w y takre a position in Ellîs & Cos jeweîry es The Choral Society deserve credit in giv-Thewo ll orsgeioadbywen esaan ia adlagoa talsment. ing terscn ocr n lcn h CJje L The Sir. Garden City- will carryv an excur- price of admsion w iîhîo the reach of ail. AND sion from VWhitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, See that their efforts are appreciated, SAand Newcastle to Toronto and return on A petition is being circulated for the re- S E I ISF RS T 4, lUt OflS K rnNlay26oh..'97 eeofArthrLHrtrc:, [rom KingstonSPE lALF0RAT RD Y -ButonsLeaves Newcastle 6 30 a. m.i.fare 65c. penetentiar>. Hartrick was sentenced 10 Osaw 8ooa.m o. Hatch Bros.' store. if i said that hts health Men's N-avySeg ut T-Whithy 8.45 a. tm. o. i aligjege~ u is failing. 44-i. Bac A petition as being largely signed 10 ma- Steps should now be takn 10 stop the rg teîlvreduce the sentence, o1aeven yeara praclse of shootitg robins and other sprîng n $ .0 c~ ~ctnfinement to the penitentiary, of Geo. E. hirds that are Comtng tu us. For several1 d . D Il ,IUAlger for cos irayticonnection with the years past the beaut~ifu robins have been Muen's Brown Mix Tweed Suits Pikrn rv adisrnecss lfwi ubradfrsome reason they a u da 7 c severe, and .nu doubt a large number of as it ta now nesting limne a concerted action qp~ f W ]B[][ T ][3 y signes wi:H be secured Alger has no, been should be taken 10 prevent their kiing. e ' G o C n d a T w d S ute i V U flI'I'~ Ya con fined about i Cear and 2 mn(nhs Lads miay be seen thruwing atones or M n~G o aainT edSise egs e.pc 5. To Rent shooting wîîh catapuits at these and other Two comrfortable residences ati ow rentai bîrds. off1y $5.00. 10 g,>od tenants, îhsmnai ( amies. Gtod . Morality ia on the increase. For the firat Sa ur a 4 e itKalîtv .4pl to j R P'hilip, Whitby. lime in over tbîrty years there was n-t a Meu's Light an)d Dark Canadian Aîtr:) 2- ' S07 -fcs otyi h oo t oie cutl The Tem'ple of Fame SatuIrday. To mnake sure or somte exercîseTw e utSa 13C I cor be:,?î rnida the officer of theTwe The plitiof the halltfor the Temple of cOury rr7.5O.ailSaentple .Paraporolr _________________________________ ame nd uhîce Eiietatmentwji o n i the vicinity and arraigned them ona ai Alun's drug store on Wedoi-sdiay. Mav charge of rrequentiîîg a resort for criminak s UT 'r OflicIai Connty Orgazn.-Largest Circula, ?241hl Admission to ail parts of the hall is namel 'v the pce court. The magistrae, Miens Best Quality Tweed Sui, a- Ofl tion o0 1 17 local paper la Canad centis. hos-ever, dicare hem ail. atirkn HALF IIIUL Ross johuston'a Poem. ih.t th eir presence in the jail might deinor- qa o$6m d Orlocal poet, Mrý Rosa Johston, bas aize te place.Fo e -0 .8at « FRIDAY, MAYI'21, 1897. t-w equal in the Province, and none can put Cbeap Tnip more feeling tnt') hta rhy meq. Especiaiiy in Forat 1ay's spSttGordayshawayr 22. patriotic odes does hi mparitbougbt, force. anrle th(ait spCrtyo onOshasa or Bte- LOCAL LACONIOS. titrena trhs na ui 0 n le ihe ]Batden Cthty iMay 4i ,î tolic rches lte heart of an Anglo-Saxoni itîotnp 2c&adBoatr S l SI 11Mith ,r er. Briiton, of Tororitt.i s a guiesi of Miss ;k'e a po)em on Queen Victoria's dîamond Go.hus-ad oaTfr al I~~~~~ h 1ac i r!u we cali attention t10NIr With carpcîs, cushiotus andod ars. C. H.~.G AT ES h t \1îr Wrn l.le, of Port err% ,wassin on 1It)h nsto n's pem on ihat subiect, which ts Burnham . Appir 10 W. F. Bllinga, Whtî- to'aîîavîritned in another coîun. hv. Ma>' th, iS97 ft r , for thet Garderi Closing Lecture at 0. L. C. To Rent à lavThe couurse of lectures St tire Ontario ILad- DO Euclîd St., 'îVhitby. Good Brick es' Coliege, which bas heen so bighv in- Flouse. Good garden. Apples and nal iton't nms tihe- ihorai Sctîçety' concert on sîrictive and an much appreciated hy thtse fruit iModern conventences. J BPOWELL .r~ , i. -' r-~'--Tm - NIF Vd NI ilI, s lit) n sîendinghis îhem, vili be corncluded on Frîday evenng, Mr McAphie Presened S A L\E O F .t I i. i. i2 _ '" % îLaS. lie iiojýw s.tuied iiilarbank Ma>, 2ist, when Dr Tracey of Toronto Uni At a dînner 4t5'ei by the graduating clava ' 't n eî siv, wili speak on 'Socrates,-t~he Man of McMfaster Unis'ersjîv, on Moniday week, ( .ardien %tuili, taiîg î:arted vert . lie ,and ihe Philossopher '- The dîrectorate ot Rev W S McAlpîne, B A, B Th,, was pre- this spti ng ManN pet1tie have not platît the coilege bas been at considerable expense sented wîrih a guttar b>'is fell,o,.w students il tilit-Ir carît Ptates Set nr providitig the cuurse and fere1 that a large Sccompanî ed bv an addreas giving expres- < TýeRe M ,)ltse BAofteattendance shouid greet Dr Tracey on Fn -ston to the feelings f the class in partng S t e w a r t Fiiii .Pv W NI Rîch-vronof1the y event ng. comnpRny wtth bim. The address shows MIr VY .A L ,__ \hri h \iîy, morniig & evenîîîg. next The firemeti of Bowmanivîlie will boIld a student. __ b thl.h monaer demnonstralnon on May 241h In the Buckle Fadai7y Nine Ve ha\e recelved a coIpy of the '[tiamond nornng a hasebaîl match wil be playcd be- 'Ihat lamous baseball club, "'the bustier&," ii )ie>mt i o Canaida, cumposed by 1 ""eenr the town club and Toronto In the of the buckle factory. bas organized for the ses.So c laes Nornuan tif Moiitîrea, A sampie ail a'lternotin a fine program of sports bas been son, wtth Chas Barton captaîn, and Dan Camp Sok.B G E TRTCAS E R t,- fi ait% adirr-s Fh- sending io cents arranîged, for whtch a valuable lot of prizes hell as sec.-treas. As the club bas a large niim. i- ues Normait 22 ý '-i1 Caiherttes treet 'vl be gîven The day wiii be concluded ber of player to pick from a strong team wiilheGodgngMy2ta4,icuie Mort i rr-a]. hv Ait entertairment in the drill shed. Fîre put in the fietd. ",Sanky ' Campbell, traîner,ReungutiMa25 87 T hecas agins Mr. lirri, frnîrlycompanys from sltrrounding towns and sev- wîîl set thar the men get down 10 form as sooti 'h a;eaaifu-mtrri s ,iit orm le erai Amerîcan cittes are expedted 10 be a osbe oas t are du he seasion wth a N ('h1 îueadned au. g;-t .s a rem N ar ,r Mies M Mai-nard Dead chalirriges. s'entefnce Site wil] pruba.t,' be st-i tsi the Aller a rubotilitiof great suffering MlissLtThm akaScrfe Niercer rufori tiator Mavonard died tariv Saîurdsy morntng. Her Now that Deputy Reeve Scott and Count. Go on a tt eun lu-ntsc cas cerfainly a great relief, inas Rob:son bave left the town counicil in disgust, To(i nFr Dor t forget thre f.uc. much the poor girl bad an almcust certain we wcsuld reapectfully suggest Ihat thev re- *& .._ u stock ji Sauli Ste Marie, Windsor and Easî.A You rati saveruîio-v b> biiy:ntg >our foot prospect of losîtîg ber banda, aid possibl-1 nîin out for tbe balance of their natural asr~ h'svilna u ~ ttos Cnd, Wlim wear ai Bu is nea(cash stofe tien eyesîgbî. Besîdes thîs, tl was as yet tm- lises, as a protest againstitis action in ren- seasonable goods. Every new, worthy style Ma 4hpossible 10 tell how the borna a-ould beal. derrng tire cow by-law useful. We feel ce- ie v- m c M ag a!5SprtA O M i 1, a a vert. sad case, one carrying withbrt tain the town tsili support them in makîng will be found here at prics'vr*m c BgdqssotaOsaaMmni ire inmea5ured public sympathy. The funeral this sacrifice of their promising municipal below what you've been used to na'uino-B ..v mien b ostr, ai Bia mninte_ ihe : S ir Sutday alternoon last was one of the Careera as a protest againat the enactment of (garder) lilyà ai>l eou irum Iriiîby to ether ,larget ever se-en in tbe îown. useful measures. During the year so far Tces eerp n oii, ports adre tristfrc Queen Victorias Diamond jubilee. thinga have gone on insuch a manfler atott If you are in need of any of the following, there is no S port 3 In ~~its June nuomber 7T adie'gomîe odbbc e worthysrut uin aeiiiuidhv une of the leadinz _Journai wîll celebrated the Dramond jubilebe ol eale 1 0osrutbsne t pac toti Frdian fr te a toupetthewhlemunicipal affairs o doubt about where you should buy them: 4_ jeen' splate tu-morow at the Woodhine. \William George Jordan, entitlcd "What 10 thei r0' an il uaI aeeenthe ey tac rng Tl- fluiia i ,hawa deleated tht Toroînto Red Stock- Victoria Has Sen, the reader will be ilken eteCmat rkn-yr ~. u U L, and 150