Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 2

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Aftier.... Taking a course of Ayer's Pils the systemn is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that lite is worth livingle who has become the graduai prry of constipation, docs nat realize the friction under which lie labors, until the burden is iifted from hin. Then bis inountains sink into mole- bis, his moroseness gives place to jollity, lie is a happy man again. If lite does flot seem worth living to you, yýou may take a very different view of it 'after taking AyîsCathaîiîc PHis. OORRESPONDENCE ORILLIA. A number ai tise irieuds af Mr John Kennedy, wiso is about ta, remove to Rat Portage, tendered bits a farewell ban quet at tise Grand Cecitral Hot.el an Tues- day evening. The large dinîtsg raom was veli 6 lIed, there being about eigbt) gnes in aIl. Mayor Sandersan accu p ied the chair, and alîer express.Isg tise regret ai the towuspeople at losing sa en- t.erpnieisg a citizen as Mr Kennedy, His Warship proeeted hiin, on behaîf ai bis friends, with a beautibul gald stop wateli. The Public Scbaal Truateee came verv sear makiniz a ianghtsg stock af theni- selves an Monday night in enteri.aining thse pro posai ta ptsrchase t1iree portraits aoflier M ajesty Queen Victoria, fratned and ail, for tise munificent suin af sev enty 6ive cens each, as a rnet.hod ai marking th.e greatest reign in Engliais histary Sucb extravagance wauid sure- ly abock the overburdened tampayer, and would be certain ta deeply impres the yauth ai Orillia with tise heavy sacrifices whicis tiey sotld lie prepared to make for thse sakie of Qaeen and conntry. Ber iausly, if tise Board intende ta do any. thtsg tavarde clebratinig tbejnbilee (and we think tbey wonld b. unwîse ta let sc excellent an opportunity for fostering a loyal spirit pasa nnirnpraved) let it be sometising vartisy af tisa town and aftie occasio.-Paoket. UXIMEZUQE. Bausea LuUxbridge. in oallsng at many ai aur business places last week we found that business an tue isai. je fairly gaod ini this town. Borne industries are a littie quiet, but others are humminir, and, al thinge con. sidered, thse cawn is flot doing badly. Implement mes and carrnage makters say tise farinera are buying mare freely. Tbey dont knav whether turnes are realiy beLter witb thern, or wisether it is because tbey have been pincbing iso long that tissir needs are Kreater, but the iact remainsthtat thse sales are being made. The general feeling seern o t be that a fair crap and good prices would make a wanderful différence this fail, but, wbile asniversary ai their marriage day. Mauy Uibridge iriends joined tisen in thse cal. ebratiots. M Gould, who hesjsatr.- tursed frons E bridge ta reside in Mark- hans, was a representative af tise town- ship in tise caunty consecil lame five yeare ago, and has sisca repreeented Ux-1 bridge as mayar. Our Higi ScBhoal Scisoal is in a mst fourisising condition. The Goverumant grrant, wbissh bas just beas received.in j $535 56, , :ng an icreaae of ovar S88& more tL"n s at jear. Tise amaunt of mosney in thse bask to tise credit af tise Hligi se'c-uol je about 81000. -tus state of things in face ai tise facto that our Higi Scisool rate last yeer vas reducati ta asly 6240, tisat a new substantial fonce and ciosets were made, that an ex tra fumnace and aver $100 worth of new desks wera put in and ail paid for, bpes.k volumes for tise management and for- cibiy illustrates.thse henefit af brVM*-g tise1 rigisimoin th e rialit place; ..en whct2 tboroulthly uuderstand tismi business antiM Lave the interesto af tise uchool at beart.1 -Ecanemist.t TesPe on at ofa, adozmuar valt, ga.ar om"t mdical autlimty. A 1ln *ete t itOU O seMtomes Md$ att ansow, aie aufrbi faimmose - of blood disons wouidb*OMsurnte. s~-Thon# dwo ut>so a £UDLMT (nbo Wa# for la-ss ue.) B. Jazon preacised boe on Sunday last. L. V. M oBrady and vif. spent Sunday boere. Mmr. Calline and son Jobs, ai Dunbar ton, visited here as Sunday. Frank Smith asd lady spent a day or so in Darlingmun. Our bible clasa teaciser in tise cured Mc. Jackson to teacis is Suuday wvile be visited tise S S. barton and the. Bay. Rev. McDonald tooti charge leagne os Tuesday laet and on ai tiese al attendance took up gue tapie înstead ai the lecture. Oeodwood S. 8 se clase on at Dus oi the accont thse lea- w $l isg sexually mature. They thon nead ta i bo protectad ram thie cald, wvus special I came fot ta Le exposed ta rein. The f.- c maie turkey rossaber brood Lettes tisas a han would, on accolant of thse large eize e of the aggs, and et course by her inetiget in selecting food far, themx. Tise beàt food ci for thre yotang chiaks i baked corn cake C wutis eggs an ut- for tise fiaitt io weokadi after wiih, craked corn, whtr:t-m âd oeu vill bo good fer tb.ern, ithr& gaod range in a grasu field or a wood Woin wiias uisey vii gatiser many insecta vIhh Iey' need. Tise fbShol e boita bôme di e-nd hauod visen ras b 0tu, 'M s lin lihould'bLe st nig't Lz toini*ould net run, wih hie 7ou. bi à. a, viUt*ome- timep it b7o.T4es M h $a-w TuW Mr. Fred Eckisardt, ai Toronto, vas. visiting frienas in ti iacality last week. Mr. J. H. Gibson, ai Wvclîffe Comlege, Toronto, vaï; visîting at J. W. Eliions' aset week. Mr. and Mca. R. Long, ai Mt. Albert, wers visltisg their daugiscer, Mrs. Elliatt, os Tqesday. Mr. J. F. Tadd, vbo lormerly lived isere, isas rotursed and is living in hiE bouse sext door ta Victana isatel. Mise Sproule, junior teaciser, vis ata isdispoaed far a fev day. last veek, is nov abie ta reaumne ber vork. Rev. Mr. Manning, ai Uxbridge, prsacised in tise nethodist churcis Sun- day n.oring, and coaducted qiîarteriy services. Mr VIrquhart, tailor, of Brouighamlbas started huseses s ibis place ti Keiler's aId stand. Mr J N Dafoe has recovered frorm bis ilînea and bas reeumed charge of oc- cupation as mail carrier. Mc Jas Keîtcis bas purchased a lot on Main street iroîn Mr Cook and întends buildinag thereou at once. Rev Mr Edwardg, af Markbam, Metis. odiat csurcci conducted the aiternootu service bore on Sunday May 9r.h. Mr A J Christie isaatrted a nev in dutsry in this place in tise manufacture ai mattraseaepringeansd ia tinding a ready sale bar them tisrotsgb tise section. Messrs Phil Rynard and Jos Miller sach ehins in a bru nev buggy and out- fit bujît on tise latest approved picnic style. A Union meeting of tise Epwortb Les- gose and chisxt.an Endeavor vas iseld in tise methodiet ch urcis on Tueaday even- îng, May Ilit, Rev Mr Reid oi Leask- daIs leading tise service, wici vas inter- esting and profitable.t Bome ai tise visitore un tise village on Sunday vers Mr Rynard sud Mma Ry- nard ai Victoria Cornee&, Mr Jas Rahamn sud Mca Rsham aif Uxhridge, Mise Hamn- ilton, ai Brovnhîll, Mrs W 0 Weses, sud Frank Weir ai Wiitevsle, Jas Har- man ai Firanklia; Messrs MâcDougal ansd Wilson viseeled irom Uxbridge, return- ing in the evening. Thse masnvisa hmasbeen stnuckc by s locomno- tive and is picked up alivet and eamed an by tise caw- catciser bas isad a miraculonsa tisrougis ne&- 'ficed his isealtis and vnecked bis body, and tiscaugis the merits ai a mredicine is picked up alive and restored ta isealth hlas lied an almost p equally vonderful experience. Tisere are t tisonsanda of men,wiso have bar years aven- worked tisemacîves ta the negiect ai tiseir hesltis, sud tises vhen utterly vrecked in body sud sisattered in sers-e bave becs picked up sd estored ta isealti by Dr. Pierce's Ide edical Discavery. e Itisa a marvelous rcniedy that correctsn aIl disonders ai tise di estian. invigonates the liven, and fuls thie¶,lod witi tise ile-w giving elernsets that bnild sev fiesis andA muce. It is tic great blood-maker and flesh-buldler. t cures 98 mercent, ofAia cases af conslin tion and ta a specific for diseases due ta disordesoaItise digestion t or insperfect nutrition. Druggists seli it. ' Mysetf and vufe', vites Mrn H. G. Adamei ai Tomera Statian, Henry Cao.K yI.."have ta"ke fis-e bottles ai yanr'GoClden M edical Discostery' and ' Favorite Prescription.' Thse medicmnes are curing bath ai us. We can't gay taa tsuch for d, them ai' for you. My vife persuaded me ta quit thse doctor bere anil w>' anc baoule ai yenr'-Gold- ce Medica Dscvr>n id--, yA;A .AdT than-k d . Q. A rotest. A. 1 say il slipped cags. Q. bere vers ya n stise nigbt ai tise pal- lvA.. At thse clase ai the poIla. at Con. n s school banse, East Wisitby. I vent ta Columbus end tisen borne.1 Q. Didn't you attend the cammittce meeting1 t Columbus? A. Na. I vent ta Oshawa1 Lhat nigisita h ear the reports. Q. Did OU mnaire a fev remnarks at thse meet- ig ? A. Ves. Q. Van apoke ait Columbus tisai night as vUil? 1 said a 1ev varda irom tise Telephonei Mfice platfarm.1 Q. Wbat did you tell thetn? A. I thankcd them for standing by me snd I said tisai defeat ad prabably ended oey public carcer. I statedJ te serne at Oshsava. Q. Durisg the election did yen îalk vitis any persons about this registry office ? A.I did. Q Wbat did yon telltisem ? Objected ta by Mir Dow, and sot angvered. Q. Vais received tlsls-a letter-from tise1 soblcitors for the plaintif ? A. I tlsank sox. IQ. This *85 recetved by you before thse a.. ion vas bronglut? A. I tisink so. Q. And yae vetrs ined that thls st:e sent, tisai Mr Dryden had &Aod ftse -eisr Dfflce, vas a falSeisad ? A. 1 vas taid byl*ibis tSer. Q.'Jbat itlvwu a falselsood ? A. Yé.. Q.Yen has ec tise repart of 1Mr Wisitneyrs riging up thse matter us the Homu? A did. - Q. And tisai1Mr Dryden isad declared tise barge af selingth'e ofice ta be %n infatuons1 lander ? A. 1I tibtese vere tise words h. Q. nd' tiat Mfr Dryden 1usd doelared the cbage af selling the ofloe ta be infaissiala- Jer? A. Idlktasvr iéwrsbus. Q.Tbem vises y=s reoefvd. tiskqr1Why ids't yen say, III.a uses. tisat yotldidalt r thse iv"d? A. Iccgzsuted 0my sonie~tri Q. Wasntî k ver. simple $0 wite boa are 1:8= adbeec raslyrearai? A.t Is Q.gb t supsyuppo e iistdd Mtn a 0,u~ 4W i Yu,*ît îé Ï 1 MUN YON'8 8U0CE88 Is OnIy What Ought lo be El- pected Froni DRYDEN va. IMTE. *Jmc ;ed.) Q. Dld vou charge Mfr. Dryden vîth hiavn1 .old this office? AX If my words vould bsave that effect 1 did. Q. Wby didn'î you say in yeur defence thai yen could prove tise vords? A. Prove whai words ? Q. 1 bat he bail sold the office, Wbhat di yen spy ta il? (Mr. Dow suimits that be as re sponsible for tbat.> A. I don't know that il à anybody's business wby 1 didn't. Q. You knew you had the opportunlty ? A. Wei I didn't know particularly. Q. Did yau or did yau fnot know thai yot could' prove the words ta be true ? A. 1 don't know as I did. Q And you didn't wisb ta ? A, 1 didn't Say that. Q. WVhy dîdn't You ? A. Weil I suppose that was mny business. Q You didn't wisb ta. A. Wel 1 didn't do it. Q Because you could not ? A. Don't br to00 sure. (Mr Dow abjects ta the question.) Wituess; 1 abject ta answer that question. Q. Have Yeu ever sified ibis question as tc the Registîy office ta ascertain the trsjth ofat (Mr D)ow abjects ta the question and an the ad. vice of bis Counsel the witlSesa refused tc answer) Q, Vau say ini one af the paragr-tphs of vaur detence that yau verily bhleve that promises were made by the Painsiff ta certain ai bis politi cal friends that he watild, in caflsideration af ser- vices ta be donc in the said election appaint such persans or same or one ai tbem ta the said office of Registrar, and that the Plaintiff caused and induced such persan or persans ta raisp large suma aof motiey. Ioa wbom dîd the Plain- tiff make these promises ? A. 1 don't propose ta answer that. (Mr Dow flot seetng any abjrec- tion ta giviuîg any names. the wjtnesSs nswered : A. A G Henderson, af Whitby, J W Thnmp ïon, ai Whitby oir Toronto, be vas of Whîîby, John Spence. of Toronta. Q Wa the Registry office prornised ta îhase pe..ple ? A. 11 plsyed i s part. q Was the kegisîr v c'ffice promimed ta thest pseople ? A. Perhaps neOt îo ail af îhem. QTo whom? A. la Henderson. QW'hocis-? A. Tha's ail. QThen whi, did you s'sy Ihat he promised this Registry office ta certain ai his palica, friends as set oui tn your defence? hI his th# on!y one visa vas promised the Regtstry office A WeIl, Mr James Wîllie, ai Whitby. Q. Were thert sny others ? hat I vnt tc. know is ta vhom Ibis Reg-istry office was prom îsed in coagidersuion of their puiîîng up money? A. Mr Henderson anid Mr Willis. P.oh ?A. Ves, Yu say. then. these paliticalI friends you, reler ta in the fifîh paragraph ai vour defenrr ctsnsist af Mr Headerson and Mr Willis ? A. Ves. y How d-) ynu say that bath Mr Hendersan stoc Mr Wi;ls vere the persans referred ta îbere ? A. I do. Q As ta haviag been promîisel the office and ha'.ing paid money in canEideration af thi- pro- mise ? A. Ves. q. Are there sny otbers ? A. Is that in- cluding the two-the promise and tse paytng af the money-I îi'ik flot. Q. Are thase the anly ani-s ta whom you re ife' ta in your defence ? A. Yes. Q. Ha@ Mr, Henderson ever been a support- er ai yours ? A. Never tbat I kaav af. Q He hb always been a Libesal ? A. I think Se. Q Do yau sav the same with regard ta Mr. W.ilis ? A. I neyer knew anyîbing different. Q. Alvays a constant L.îbcral and opposed ta vou ? A. Yes. Q. And they bath apposeil you in the lest electian as they bad opposed you in the previaus election ? A. No îhey did uat. Q Dîd you charge Mr. Dryden witb having received auy money ? A, 1 neyer dîd. Q.Directly or indirecîly ? A. 1 nevf-r did Q.Voti didu't thîuk he would selI a public zffiu-e for nsaney ? A. I dou't kuow %%bat he migzht do. Q. There seems ta have been about a perind ofsix veeks beiveen the death ai Dr. Rae and the election day ? A Perhaps. Q. Was that a long lime ta keep a public ai- fice open? A. I wauld ual find auy isult vîth that length ai lime. Q In nsany public offiees it bas been lunger? A I suppose se. Q.Mt. Dryden hasn't tbe pover ta appoint any anc ta the office ? A. IfI vere ia bis posi tien 1 think 1 wauld know wha had Q. I suppose a gaod msny warthy people in the ridîng vauld fili the office well ? A. Lots vint il, se I'm told. Q. You wauîd have had difflculîy yourseli, would yens not, as ta these men? A. I think vrong and tisat yen hadn't said tisese verds? A. & i g hibave been very simple. Q But yan vauld sot do tisai? A. I didn't do it. Q. Thaugis yen knev ht would have avoided a suit il yan bad donc so ? A. Lt mig ht have. Q. Wonld It nat have been a f air t bing ta have donc? A. I didn't do itanyvay. dQdOf~~ course inaflswsrtng Mr Dryden you didnteonuitnylayerA. dîd. Q. Dîd you ever make any complaint about the registry office hcing sald ta any persan ? A. Very lîkcly 1 did. or 1I vont aay 'sold,' but I had talked the malter avec about tise tessons ai the deicat, and atîributing a great deal ai it ta the registry office. Q. Dîd you ever make any cnmplaint ta the Gnvernmcnt or LeRialature ahb-ut it ? A Na. Q. Neyer applied ta have any investigation? A. No, except îhrough the louter. Q. Why dîdn't you? A. I might bave doue aa if tisis had nat camne alang. Q. But the election vas as long aga as lest June ? A. Lots ai time, but the Legasature vas not inssssas. Q. Dtd you inîend ta camplairs ta the Legis- lature ? A. 1 mîght have doue so. Q. Wby dîd you get it ail off in yaur speech sud not save it for the Legisîsture ? A. Weli il vas the fini chance I had ai meeting My fri,-nds irom the riding. Q. And vou had ta talk about sometbing ? A. I suppose. Q. Why dîda't yau put it in the nepaperit? A. There had been enaugh in tise uewspapeîs vîthout my pulîîng it there. iQ Befare thai ? A. Yes. Q. The public knev ofi t before? A. 1 tbiak soa Weillual exactly on the hunes. Q. Not s0 sîrong. A. Don't say that. Q. On vhaî lines? A. It %%as a subject ai frequent rcmarks especsally in the Whitby Gaz eti, andl I thiak occasiiiualiy in the VindcatoGr. Q. Before you delivered your speech? A Yes. Q. Whaabjected tathe rematk? A. There vas no obîjection. (). 1Ithoughî sameanp said that is a strong or hard siaiemneut ? A. I dont thiak those were the word'; used. As fat as 1 can rememiset they vere pretty strong. Q Do you believe îhem la ha hboua fide-to be true ? A. I couicd not belmeve them ta se tue because I dmd flot uttet these varda, slthough I used vards upon which a greal deal Use same sonstructipu could ha put. Q. Do yau believe thernsto ha truc naw ? . 1 have natbing ta say shout that statement there bncAuse it s flot the yards I uittred. The Succession to the Throne. Mr JRmes Shsaw, 20 Avenue Place, To contosasys: -j vas troubled for a nunm- ber ai jeans wvus a vecy severe forts oi dyspepsis and kidney dises... I begats Munyos's treatment a 1ev veeksa&go asd 1 eau gladly 55y I experisnced tise great- est relief. Tise Dyspepsia Cure isab in deed varked vonders. I bave noa li- tsncy in r6carmnteding tises. remedias." Munyon's Rissumatians Cnrs soldons fails ta relieve in ose ta tare. hours, and cures in a 1ev days. Prie 25e. Munyas's Dyspeptaia Cure positively cures al iforma ai Indigestion sud stots ais trouhle. Price, 25c. Munyon a Caid Cure prevents pneu- mania and breaks up a cald in a few hours. Price, 25c. Muuyan's Congis Cure stops caugisa, niglit aweata, alîsys aurenesansd speed îly lisais tise Inuga. Price, 25c. Musyon's Kidney Cnrs speedily curer. pains in tise baek, loins or groins and ahi forma ai kidney disease. Price, 25c. Munyon's Headache Cure atops isead- ache in tises. minutes. Prics, 25e. Munyonia Pile Oistmest po@itively cures ahI foàrma af iles. Prie, 25c. Musyon's Blood Cure eradicate8a sl impunities ai tise blood. Price, 25o Munyau's Fennale Rernedies are a boas ta all vames Munyon's Asthma Remedies ralieve is 3 mninutes and cure permanently. Price, si. Mnavon'o Cataris Remedios neyer fai. Thse Catarris Cu re-price 25e --eradicates tise disesse irots tis yaem, sud tise Ca- tarris Tablet-price 25c.-cleanse snd isea tise parts. Mnsyon'a Nerve Cure i. a vondenful serve tonie. Prie., 25c. Munyan'a Vitahizer castor.. ba8t vigar. Price, 8 1. Personal lettera ta Prof. Munyon, Il and 18 Albert st., Toronto, answered vitis iree ruedical advice for sny disease. CLABEMONT Trout fishing keeps aur idiers accu- pied. Misses Bella and Aggie Smniths were bere aver Sunday vitis iriends. Fred Brignail spent tise Sabbatis under tise parental roof at Unianville. Messrs Talbot and Tadd each ship- ped a carload ai cattie ta Toronto on Monday. W Hendrehan and wiie weme witis bis parents, north ai Staufiville, on Sunday. Miss lessie Kennedy has returned ta Bloomingtan, aiter spending saine time heme vitis itiends. Tablas Caster bas nov a vcry - iand- saine and cosy residence, isaving just completcd tise erectian ai a kitcbes and voodsised. A gang ai mes left bere os Monday ta work on tise railway sean Pontypool. Tise track requires ta be raised several incises isigiser and iresis ballast put Wm 0 West arrive i iere an Friday nigist irons Cincinnati, after beisg ab- sent foc years. He did sot remain long, leaving as Mosday for Panty- pool ta cali on relatives. Buyer Henderson slipped a splendid lot ai cattie irons here an Tuesday evening. Some tventy-seven of tisese animais were purchased froin E Pugs. Tisas Neal also contribnted five prime cattie ta tise siipment. We under- .stand tisat tise price paid vas 434 cents per lb. Stanley Hughes, visa foc a tinte ce- sided vitis bis brother at thc station here, died at his borne in Taronto on Thursday mocning Iast fnanu tisat dread disease, cansurnption, front vhich ise lias been suffening ior sorne montss. T. B. and Miss Hughes vent np ta at- tend the funeral and did sot ceturn until Tuesday. Mr. McMilien bad charge ai tiese tation. E-mul.s aionj down.a e tIs3a fooda à lia SThe D. & l. m ui)oè Th D.Lw ICod oleO00,mougs.nsse cm astaisOis. The 04-& 1., EmuIéIeon samrvllnsl.b ~odee sd Ih~ce Au Ocean MoDuter. A bigger boat than was ever belons bu il bas uc.w beau ordere& She çuil! bet lanncised witbin a year, and will rua on thse White Star Lise betwean New Yark and Liverpool. Tis levitisan wiIl be called tise Oceania. SBe will ise tisirteen feet langer than the Great East4rn, tise biggest boat that ever was construct.ed. The Oceanie vilI be 1-50 leet langer tisastise St. Pan!, and more thas twice as long sthse biRgeiit saiiing veosel ailaat whsle seven Pefenidere etretcbed alosg lier eide wauld flot reacis from bow to stars. Compared witb htieee celebrated vessels, tise sew Oceanic wonld ranIs a8 irllow:-Oceanie 704 feet. Great Eastern:-691 Ipot. St. Paul 554 leet. ftoanake:-350 feet. Defender:-90 feet. Rciwbat:-14 fbet. Tise bizgesc shipg 50w afloat are all considerabîy ansallker tsas tisis saw acean maonster, wbieh is ta be lunilt in tise sortis ai Ireland. BShe will be 144 foot longer than ths new Peunsylvania, of thse Hlamhurg Amoer.cau lise, and 84 feet longer tisas eitner tise Campania or tise Lncasia. SManufactuned b y T h ee Cook Ca., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Midi., is the only k.nown sale, reliable monthîy usedicine on 'which ladies cati de .ed in "the hour and lime of weer." Eveny lad y vio reads thia is cequested ta mncloe wopot- age stamps, with her address, for and fuparticu(sw ch w.wil send by returu mail in plain. sealed envelape. Au aId pisysiclan, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases eof women, lias charge af the office. and cas be consulted by letter or ini persan. Address a-nY main office THIE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3-o. 253 Woodward, ve., Detmt mukb. WD Cook'$ Cotton Root Compound i. sold 1>7 ail responsible wholesae aud reta-il druggsts in the Dominion of Canada as cUnilted States for One Dollar per bax. Il. SCO TT) PUTMPMÂKER, HIS METHODS. 3 Wrn Parria Aluin, 6 Mi Weic, 9 M Cc Ackney, 12 J, -Munro, 14 R 16 R Actais, Mr McDo appointing hîghways and Wm Parrot, des son, 5 My 'Wm C PreK Franklin, 10 Coates, 12 J tock, 14 Wrm Aeo Haye«, Piatten, 19 21 R M Hlol Braderick, Martin, 57E 29 Tisas Gsi - Jacob Data -Horns, UGe, jr, 36 WniS 38 J ehn Âck 4o Wm Belle Il Musso.e. . Baves, 46 *G st.rong, 47 S 49 Frank -Do Pickarî4, 521 ville, 54 The DavidG Puas, Z9 J 61l Âlf Douga Baird, 65E RHauldew -Young 69 J lane, 71 Jas 73 Alber t)O Lesk, 7& Jo WHITBY. (Suce essrotH. Z7ompson.) Tise Subscriber has again opened businessa bere. Hi. office vilI Se at E.- R. Blaw'8 teîegi'aph office, factory ai Mrs. Nevbery'sa house as Brock Street, sautS. New Pumpe msnulactured sud aid Pumps repaired. Firs: class material useai and wark warrant - ed. Wells dng or -cfeaned ont. Order s solicited. Feb. 14, 1895. H. SCOTT, Wisitby sud Obasa ~vuu -~ co. SS1 8reugwa~r, Uns 4seh. Ion Yca.rs Steel That Cuts Glass. If it 'be trme tisat tise expeniments made by Mr Ma.xim ini bis laboratory at Wayne, Me.,* have resulted as îs cîaimied, a new steel for armor-plating can be made to resist any projectile now knawn, even vises tbrown by the highest explosives. and visen tise plat- ing is tisintuer than tisat flow employed. Mr Maxim belitves tise steel made by bis new process identical with tisat of ancient Itidia. It bas been sr.ated that the brotisers Maxim are fitting up manuiactory in London for tise coi mercial production af this metal. Irt~ whicis chisels and drills have alrela y becs made visici tise most celebrated steel manufacturers of London have pronounced --tise most wonderful pro- duct ai modern times. They have been iound ta stand wonderful tests. A small knife blade. made fram the Maxim steel, possesses the wanderful power af cutting glass with as much case as if the glass were chalk.' 5; i.~I i ~mc '[i j Their are mare tisas fifcy isein ta tise Britis crao, claimîng tisrougi thse Queen. Among tisee are tise Empenr oi Germany, betweeu visom snd tise Brn tal tiseose tisere are about tventy lîves. Foreign uationality, ar the possession ai a foreîgu crovis, does ou vitiate hie dlaim but it iis obviuistisat fain motives ai public he vauld neyer be alloved ta eue ceeed. Parliauseut couid, and uesdoubt- ediy vauld, bar lis dlaim. Similarly tise Prince aif Wales vas heir ta tise Dutcby of Saze-Cobu rg -Gothsa, but renouriced hie rigis in favar ai bis next brother. Amang other loirs ta tise Bitisis cravn is tise Princes« May, as a descendent ai King George tise Ill., but in ber ovn rigisi ehe stands isuventy-fourtis in thse liât. Tise priscipie upon visici tise crosin deecends is that ai ialloving one brancis of the family util that ie exhauetued, whes tise sext coilateral branchi ii balla v. ed util that is exlausc.ed. visen tise crovn reverta stili fuctiser back. Thse deacendenta ai Queen Victoria are so numenaus tisat it ie exttemely unltkely tisat any otisur brancisaf tise finiîy of King George III. villi mit it. Tise immediats succession je as fllava: Thse Prince of Wales, son. Duke ai York, graudeon. Prince Edvacd, son of the Duke ai Yack, great-grandson. H/S CHLE QUE (3000 For Hundred8 of Thousand8 of DoIIar8. He Finds ini Paines Celery Com- pound a New Life. Upnigisi in Everything.-Always Keep ing Faits Witl tise People, and, Aboya Alil, Curing Tiser of Tisoir 111- Wby Wouidn't SucceaFallow ? In one ai aur large Canadian citieé tisera ceaides ose of Cansda'a merchani princes wha cas at any marnent vnste bis aiseqne for hundreda ai tliouaanda ai dollars. Saine time ago ths.marchant prince vas a very sieS mas. Livar troubles, isadache and insomnia vers fast pulhing down a slrong pisysical frame. Dactars bestaved great care sud attention an their vaalthy patient, but nu cure caine to, ciseer hSun; in tact no perceptible ben- eûit vas flatetr months afI ratrnenî. A voyage ta tise sauta ai Europe was tises undartaken, and waeka wero apasi at ose ai tise mast fantous vatening places, but no change for the bettar was experienced. Returting hansetise nier- chsant prisca received a- visit front his taithini pastor, visa strasgly urged tise use of Paine's Cclory Compoundi, a mèd- icine tisai had sont. yearo befora aureti a membier af hie lamily. Tisa goad advice cf tise ministerial friend vas prontptly "aen; tisa grosi isealing comepound vas usati, vits the resuls tisati n 6v. eeks tise îick man sud hi. famnly vere over joyed vith proofs of recovery sud nov hoaltir. Restfut slaop vas rastorod, dig astion vas intpravad, and a brigister loak caume ie tisae yos sud face. Aftar four mantis. caroful use of Pain.'. Celery Comtpound sud pboper dieling, overy deadiy and-treaoberoue symptont ai dis sas. had vanîiad, sud thse marchant prince wasa nov ma-n. Wbs.t a vendrons and happy proof ai' thre life-ssving virtues af Paîne's Celary Compound 1 Surely the stalemant is poverfui enough ta lit ail poor andi belpies, sufferan fi=m tise ds.rk pit of despaiW.., Tusi étozy of s tr.e cure vas related by anstm tfianc .f Lise cued iman, visa gave permission té roter tait publicly viitt ý;givizug thse iawe a1 tise once-dy- pNSpthe fQw1and pip au fionrosamt- WL. &àffit if you fr Bavier thé Ask IThei iRea The reiuliar prt8en'. Mr Ca arv uath ofof. The f,) lîmwi thetii read hy -!, Fr-om ( ;eor, a.'kimd ,wha,, t., he t'umî a W..r FritesJohnVa~ pmstfm iias ta' Victiaa Crit-, a.' pathinaâ-ter. 'aiîîtfield. st-ati pmisî;Iled' short -He asked 'w ha hîm. Frites A reco m me ndiag master for tha Donald., aii ai pathmamter (Graham in hi.' MIay, mof T,,tit l.er property i wrmte. (iiilmtion o iugmmf tihe Coui a.'sesment rauý M-nchester. <,c haut of tva %mi.c McL)mnald tht notify i3rock - arrangemetse between them maiîitenan.lei Moîtimon of -Ni co.iîcil were i towit hall, Mal the purpîe& through tise t.o The fîllovir From Ra.bi. VW askiî-g a grat creek and grav & 8, con. 3._ e 1

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