Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1897, p. 4

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l' hcre are many things to bc bought in~ FOR INSTANCE Cold Cream, Camphor Ice, Camphor and Math Camphoi These and a number of Toilet prep tions are right in season now then there are a host of thi that dlaim ail seasons for t] own and which we cani aup better than any other store town. We might mention arn these pam andE heir pply ýe in t ong Hair, Tooth, Nafi and Bath Brushes, Tooth Powdei-s, Combs, Sponges, Etc. E, E.WILLI/Si CHIEMIST &DRUGGI, MEDICAL HALL, BROOK BT., WHIITBY, WHITB MAY 14, 189 S81 3y Short Notes. Il those in favor of Sunday cars in Toron- to have as poor an opinion of Toronto clergymen as they now profess, one would suppose that the preaching of the drty min- isters would carry very littie weigbr. The Irish vote is of more importance to Amnerican politicians than an arbitration treaty with England. It is a sign of the times, however, that more than half of the Amnerican senators voted for the treaty. The Greeks have donc as well as expect- ed-got lhcked. The Christian nations are the one who failed to do wbat was erpect- ed of tbemn. Jr will not be surprising now if Turkish rule-raîher mirule-is extend- ed. The Provincial elections of the Province of Quebec took place Tuesday, and resulted in the defeat of the Conservative govern- ment b>'55 te 21 members. Jr vas a ]and- slide, as the Couservatives had about 2o e! s majenity lu the bouse betore the dissolu- tion. The nuisance o! having two independeur hooses o! parliament te veli illostrated lu the United States in conuection vitb the nev McKinley tarifS. The representatives pass- cd the nev lav viîh duties 10 cuit tbem, and ordered that the act ceme lu ferce instantl>'. The Senate bas made about s tboueand changes and eue o! tbe smendmeuts is to the efleet that the uev dutles shail netire effecî ontili the bill is signed b>' the Presideut. The value of the icened victuallers' vote as compared wîth the druggists' vote May be inferred from thy fact that under the new law hotels which selI to anybody and ever-y- body as a beverage are ailowed full swing, while druggists who only as a medicine are lorbidden to seI l lquor at al except on a docors order. Those who would serve thc public have chains put on lheir necks, whiîe the destroyer is allowed ful swing. Jr re- quires great nerve and very linie conscience to be a law malter. The war between Turkey and Greece has ended. The Greeks were beaten in al directions, and will have to psy a fine of $25000000 for their effort to stem the tide of misrule and massacre in Turkey. No territoi y will change handa, but the island of Crete is to have a system of government under its own control. The Greeks turned out great cowards in the field, and will neyer more cut any figure in European politics. The chances are that as soon as this trouble is disposed o! it wilI sufer a few revolutions, while the unspeakabie Turk wiIl now enjoy a free hand in spilling chi istian blood. The vote on Suuday cars in Toronto wilI take place to-morrow, MaY x5th, and it is sale 10 ssy that every person of bad or ques- tionable character in the city will vote in favor of the Sunday car. Enough so-called respectable people have probably been won over to that side in various ways to carry the scheme. The campalgn has been mark- ed by the virulent attacks of Sunday car ad- vocates upon the clergv of the city. These enslaughters cannot but have a baneful cf- fect upon church work in the city and vicin- ity for years te come, and will certainly do more harm than Sunday cars will do good. The Toronto Sun, which used to be called the Farmers Sun, and was at that lime the officiai organ of the Patrons o! Industry, has a hard timne of it trying te argue againet a high Canadian tariff on United States manu- factures. Two months ago the Sun argued that Canada should not thiuk of a retaliatory tariff until the UJnited States had put eue in force. t<ow that it la obvieus that the newt Amnerican tariff is a bard thrust at Canadian products, the Sun sets up the argument Ihat we are tee weak a nation te bit back at thet United States. The Sun wouid have usc grin and bear whatever infliction the Yan- kees may iay on. l'ta esw'J iJU u ud diÙirci re là no bar- ey get It ail. Whitbr TOwu L»0ui& Choral Society couvert May 2616. Backward weather for gandening. Miay has turned out a wet month se, far. Mr Hubert Chisolin le holidayiug lu tevu. Mr Bert Abrahamn le home frein hie stud- les lu Toronto. Mr. Jue. Benuugh, of Toronto, bas becu lu town for a few days. A number frein here teek lu the excur- sion te Toronte ou Frlday last. The Misses Heuck will speud the summer lu London, Ont., sud leave fer there ibis week., Rev. Mr. McAlpin wiilbe inducted int the pastorate of the baptist church here iu June. The tevu le quiet Ibis week, there having been no council meeting te stir up bad blood. Wben are we le hear a troul story? It is about lime eue was found weigbiug 34 Ibe, more or lesa. Messrs Bigelew sud McCaw who are sell- wbhb, luwyeïr for é *o, laIms tal12 411M tcf meL #S <ere rejected white similar ballots. were conedfor Grahamn. This wlllb. looked Into by tWS~curts sud If It prove to be 12 _to Grabam's msonity wll be reducet ,ntead of 17. as at pre- sent. There might thea b. a possîillly (if gainiug the seat for McLeod on full scrutiny, but if net the preteet wlll be gône ou with on charges of corruption, etc. It le as much as a man's finaucial position le wortb te b. elected te a seat ln parliameut. Net Satlafsed Coun Crosby was net satisfied wltb the final reply of the legal editor et the Mail and Empire as te whetber Mayor Rutiedge may vote lu council. se suother euquiry and ans- wer was published last Saturday, which left ne deubt as te thc qualification of the mayer te vote. It ie ne doubt dlslressing, but Ceun Crosby sud fellow obstructieulats wilI have te try sud bear witb the facts. On the other hand the town will rejoice te know Ihat hie worsh isl in a position te balk the ievil ef- forts o!îh e g an g who gel office this year be- cause g00d men would net run. Ceun Cros- by sud bis fellow compactors may suifer, but the public will receive satisfaction. Thus eut of cvii corne good. We bate al the samne te sec a lot of grey-beaded men act like babies. iug the Stewart stock, will only continue An iuteresting aud successful pianoforte here ten days longer. recital was given Weduesday afternoou in T Soulbwelî, Jos Taylor sud W S Gold thc concert hall of the Ontario Ladies' Col - were ecd fined $,5 sud cost, for sheoting lege by Miss Auna Butland. o! Toronto, as- uiucks out ef season. sisted by Mr Bruce Bradley, the welI known tenor of that city. Miss Butlsnd was for- Mrs Robert Mimne returucd Weduesday merly a pupil o! Mr 1 W F Harrison, sud from a visit lu Detroit and Hamilton sud is bas recently returncd from an ertende.j the guest of Mrs Aunes, course of study in Geîmany. lu her pei- Mr O'Brien will be in the Whitby photo formance of the very cxacting programme galîery every Tuesday, Frîday sud Satur- Miss Butland showcd herself te be a pianist day. O'Brien & Stedham, photographers. of a very h igh order. Shc bas ail the char- The leaves bave corne out at the same acteristics o! a bot-n virtuose-repose, fire, date for four years in succession. There i, and seusibiliîy. Her versatiliîy was shevu the sanie foliage now as aittis time last by tbe fact thar abe vas equally couvinciug year. Gin the C sharp major fugue ot Bach, the MrG H Sonley bas been off te Chicago Chopin Berceuse, sud the E major Polon'aise sud Western points this week, whither a o! Lipzt. Encores were given for the lovely gra ayCanadian cattie are being ship- "LesSylvains o!Chaminade, Welsh Rhap- gea tlàmya sody by Lucas. sud the Polonaise. lu res- ped t.is ysr. nse ro the first Miss Butland played thc Mr Eugene Richardson, principal o! the Waldesr3nscbcn by Liszt. Miss Butlatnd's Sunderland public echools, cycled bis way performance uudoubtedly showcd that she inro tevu on Saturday, and rcturned nortib bas reacbed the front rsnk amnongat Cauad- the samne evening. tan pianiste, a position she can no doubt at- Mr Chas Smitb, teacher at Balsam, made tain wberever she appears. Mr Bruce Brad- -a wbeel record from Brookîtu ro Whitby on ley wss very succesaful in the numbers Monday, the distance whicb is over 6J miles given by hlm. He la the ablest exponent ef being covered lu 17 minutes. the methode used ty bis mother, oeeof the Mr Wm Black was lu the cit> on Wedues- leading Toronto vocal teachers, sud hie fine -day. He wllI be steward on the Garden voice sud cultured style gave great satisfac- City this summer, sud people froni this tevu lion to the audience. Mr Bradleyve fit-st mnay rely upon fiuding a larder on the niumber "b!> Heart Adores Thee," 'Keigb- boat properly supplied. lev. vas well adapted to display the range Capt Tho A Mcillvrayis ehersig ud qualitv o! hie fiue renor veice, the easy Cap. Teo . MGilivry i reeartngproduction o! ibe upper notes giving cvi- h is military course ar the uew fort, Toro)nto - dence o! the admirable metbods o! sîaâdy before the caîl to arme on June 7tb. M ajor adopted - Mr Bradlev reeponded te encores John A. McGillivray is le also rsking anotberfobohhisu bssend umr, I run through the sldiers curriculum. frbt hsadhsscn ubr I witb ail your hearta," wbich roused bis Mr Metcalfe Tbwaite. Oshawa, bas re- audience teogreaî entbusiasm. The students covered froin bis receut severe ilîness sud o! the cellege and lhoDee residents o! Whitby visited Whitby on Meuday. He was vanm- wbe were fortunate enougb te b. preseul are y congratulated b>' bis inu> friende upon 10 be congratulated on the opportun it> e! hie plucky figbt threugh a dangerous ordeal. beàriug a higb clase recital, eue whlch vas The crickelers called a meeting St the botb enjoyable and educational. Royal ou Weduesdey night for erganization, Beer and Wrne License.- but as the ai tendance vas slim an adjourned The Liceuse Commissioners met bere ou meeting was called for next Tuesday n rgbr Tuesday Iat to consider the grantiug ef a wbeu ail the cricket spott in town wili be tavern licence aI tica and after a bot dis- p-esent. cussion Messrs Mackie sud Hoover voîed The pupils o! Heur>' St school gave a con- for a beer ard vine licence, Mr But-ne re- cett in Principal Brovn's room on Friday cording bis vote againsi Ibis action. Mr afteruoon last. The programme vas ver>' But-ns then moved te strike eut that clause long, sud fit-st clasz in every respect. Quite in the regularions laid down b>' the commis- a number o! parents attended sud Mr W W eue-t-s wbicb etates that licenses arc ouI>' Tamblyn gave a ver>' pleasaur sddress. granted le bouses whicb at-e kept for the bir O S Jaquiîh, agent for the ,'oold Bi- travelling public, sud uer for mnere supply- cycle Company, Brantford, bas been in town îng e! intoxicants te local people. Mr Burns tht-ce day. during the pasr week, sud bas argued that in grauring s licence aI Utica stirred up s small-sized lever lu laver o! that where there were tvo ether hotels near at compauy'e Redbirds sud Blsckbirde. He baud the commissioners bad stultified themn- le a bustier sud taîks neîhing cIsc but bike. selves as regards the clause quotcd above. The aunual district meeting et the Whitby H-ie motion te sîrike- eut the clause did net district ef thc methodiet chut-ch wilI b. held cariy however. Thue there is a net met-case lu the village o! Brookliu ou Weduesday sud of eue licence lu Ibis nid ing, wbicb le the Thursday, May tqth and soth, The minis- outcom.ier appo dotng et bof thmerance ter wili meet on Weducadav at Ivo o'clock comminssier.Wdontbaeteok sud the laymnen on Thureda>' aI nine o! the commissioners upon tbe power that e'clock. à ppointed them, or upon anybody but tbemn- T't Gaett ha a awul me f tryu selves. The>' have made a poor fisI o! their T~e azete as n afuitim o!i 2 work. They ignot-ed au almost unanimous te explain wby it is sent out Ivîce a week petilion lu Reacb te cul off a botel license, wîth notbing but bolier plate matter lu it but in auveer te a petition grnted s licence Titree pages out o! four ini cacit o! its issues in anoîber quarter of the township vhere le old reading malter priuted lu a Toronto ntee os facr oaini ed toundry. It le lte big-gest take on record, need nya bus.te eo! acooatiny leled ando wnde it au oas itschepnes, slready locaîed lu the vicinity. Jr la perfect- This town pays for riugiug the tevu bell ly obvious te evenybod y baving common aî6 sud 7am., î2 noon, snd 1 6 p im., seuse that thîs sorte!f work te merely the t-e- If il viii net ceet suytbing a1 9 p m why not suit o! vire-pullinz, sud the charge ofteu bave it donc? t would be a greal cenven- made by the liquo. pecopIe Ibal temperance ieuce te bave a bell rung ever>' heur lu the men do net live up le their prnciples wben day, but 9 p mi leasvcry couvenieut bourt- t put te the test le veli eustained by the action bave the timne rung. There is ne ueed o! et these lem2perance comnmissionera. We calling it a curfew bell, as it would ouly. be believe that s board of commissioners comn- au extension o! the present hours o!ftiuging. posed of îhree taveru keepers vould not It would also suggest s suitahle bedtime for bave grsured as man'>' licenses as this board children. We take it that the opposition tOo!o temperance bas doue, for the ver>' good the so-called curfe-w byîaw lu ceunicil is reason that making se msny places o! bus- met-el>' for the put-pose of obstruction, but iness tuakes it impossible for ail te ecrape tbis is s matter in wbicb le in hardi>' wortb no a livinZ. The nesults at Manchester, while f:-r men who are sught but hables te Utica sud Epsomn, ail inside e! fout- miles, show their tee-lb. If there be suytbiug but wili b. thal eacb yl bave te se-il uiRbts snd uglinese le-ftinluthe members of ceuncil ve Sundayesud ail other limes te makre ends hope tbe-y wîll pase Ibis bylaw, sud do the meet, an d when tbey are cemppelled te do uasty act ou somnetbiug else. Lt la abomin- se ail' viii sympathise witb 16cmn if the 1ev able te tbink thar six members o! council lie cracked ente theni for violation. The shouid form a secret cimpact te obstruct the becr sud vine licence at Utica viii cost busine&s of Ibis îown for menthe. They act about $or $o ajîeceto averu lîke s lot o! poutiug babies. litense. The bylaw o!fbth tonship of Reacb $s.50 for $1. makes ne provision for beer sud vine liccu- The CHRONICLK (SI), tbe Weeklv Globe ses, but some method yull be found o! (SI), sud large picture o! Liberai Cabinet. squeezing tbe thing througb. s_-oc-ail fer îSi1te newsbsrbe, Suap for $1. The CHRONICLE and Wcekiy Globe te Jan i. 1898. sud lange pictuneet iLsuniet-'s Cabinet, ail for fi te ncw subscrib.rs. Pumpa Ail kinde of pompe repaired. Chain purmpe for sale. Wiud-nsllis aold sud rt- paired. 1 bu>' direct frein the manufactur. crs, net frein second-baud dealers. W H Piper, Whiîby. Iday Quccu . Miss Florence Rose vas elected May Queeu b>' the pupil of!thie Coliegiate Insti- tute for the cornent year sud Mn Walter Shav vas clectcd Dux. The May Queeu will be crovned tbis (Frida>') afternoou lu the gyuasiumn, vheu rbor Day viilb. celebrated. The Wabash Rallroad. _______________If you are coutemplating a trip to the GoId Mining Country, please c4#xsider the menits The R4eg1str&ship. of the Wahasb Railroad, the short and tixe route via Detroit, Chicago and St Paul '.u The Oshawa Reformer is stilî rancorous ail points in the Kootenay District. Pas- over the appointinent of a county registrar, sengers leaving Whitby, and pointa west by and uses strong language to set aside the early morniug train, reacb St Paul uext day CHROICLS agumnt hatthegovrn-at noon, where direct connections ie made CHROICL'S rguenttha th goernfur aIl points in tbe Gold F»-: .is. Quickesl ment is not under any great pressure to ap- and best, route 10 Hot S prings, Ark., Old point a registrar until il geLs ready. We ad- Mexico, Califonnia aud all western points. mit that such an appointment sbould ho Tickets and tirne-tables of t615 great railway ruade as soon as possible lte.th*det iof, from any R. R. agent, or 1. AX Richardson, ý .--.~e .~r ~.e..e¾ 0 aCanadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner registrar, but if there be a competent deputY King and Yonge streets, Toronto. to takre the place no danger can arise from delay. As a matter or fact if a suitable North Ontario Election Proteat. deputy wcre iu the office, lie migbî succeed Under an et der nf court Uic ballots lu the te the place. North Ontario election case wene countÇd at Somne newspapens assert thal no registrar Ottawa oh Saturday. This ia a peculiar snd1 je necessary if a ýdeputy can perlorm tbe unusual proceedlug, a.nd it may hoe eplan- duties, but we may point out that uothing la ed 16.1 the resuit could nett*. chaned saved by having a dcputy handle the wrirk. tbcreby, unless an error were found. aJe The fées figure up the rame amount. Dartnels figures. For instanâce, the. clerk The Reformer is aise bound to have the of the Crown lu Chanoery at Ottawa would> discussion personal, and makes dirty in-n not be able toeXeercise the Judiclal function tintions about one of the proprietors of the of ruling as bo whether or net any ballott CHROMeCLiE beiug an applicant for the regis. should be counîcd. AU ho eould devwante trarship. We ueed ouiy say lu reply that ne open up the ballots and allow the lawer man lu the county did as 'mruch hustliug for the saisfaction of seelng Judge Darluel -V that position as did our wonthy brother of work, frein whlch te gatir materld'i for th. Soulth DarUngton F Moore visited Ed Witberage. Miss Phipps, Toronto, la visiting ber surit, Mi's Jeninge. Mr sud lira Thos Harris, Ebenezer, visit- at W F Curtis'. Levi VanCamp seid 14 pige te Messrs. Hall sud Williams. Arbor day vas obscrved on Friday st i the usual mariner. Mn sud lire A Manning, Clarke, visiîed .e-r father, Mir S Burgess. Severai fromý this vicinît>' alteuded the Sunday achool convention held ai Bowmau- ville. -Ex ONE. The Senior League conducted lie junior mneeting on Sabbatit afiernoon st. A number frein arouud bere intene taking lu the firemeu's demonstration at gowman. ville on 24th. Arbor day vas ceiebrated 6cr. lu the ueual style ou Friday last, the beachene sud echolare cicaning up bbc yard and planting flowers. Preparatione are beiug imade ber. for the ariniversar>' te be beld on May' 23 sud 24. On Suuday MaY 23rd the Rev F Morris.!f Devercçurt, a highly esteemed paston for- uierly o! ibis place. viii occupy the puipit ,botb morniug snd eveping, sud ne doubt there vill 6e a large cnovd out to hear hlm. ELACETOCIK What le needed r-te l ur nvillge, ilas fire englue. Dlied, en Monday, l(sy 3rd, Mfr. J. RcY-- nolda, Fast Carvrîgst Mn. Geo. -Fisis Toronto, la visitiug vil his brother, Dr. . A. Fiai., mi" martisa Jeleton la vlslting vilS ber moliser, lire. C. Jonaton. A Àcontest bas started lu the S.T. hé. huec tise bro.hers sud sialene, te last four Mn -'BIley, Head k1 e,19 er - I risil. -rmother,un ü'u Wol Véry7i»c Carpeë'ts, Fancy War Has 10--Hiities Saturday Next, C arpets, Broken Out! Declared At-m May l5th, 1897.1 'Tis truc we have been selling goods ver>' cheap, but nov cornes the tog- of-war. The malter is if ve don't ccli the goods sorne other fellow wili. Pnices must go dowu lover and lover until we are sold eut. Bicycle Tweeds for ladies, 54-in, all vool, $1 te $1-25, for 55c and 75e. 44-lu, all w001, 40e. te 1Soc., for 30C. and 35e. 44-in, aloo,01 30c- te) 35e., for 20C sud 25C. Tweeds for ladies' and chiidren's Capes, Si te $1.20, for 6oc te 8oc. Ail vool Cashmere Serges Soc te 30c, for î8c and 2oC. Bloc Serges, 27-m. 1i5S, for toc. Heavy for children's suits 30c, fer 20C. -Flannelettes, yd vide, 8c fer 5c. English de., i 5c for îee. Heavy do. Shirting 15e, for bec. Fine TwiiIcd do. xoc, for 7c. New Prints. dank colors, îoe, fer 7. Nice light de. 8c, for Sc. Cotton Shirtings, îod te 12C, for 8c. î:zq de. for ioc. Ginghams 8c, for Se. White aud Grey Cottons, and ail Nev Sprng Goods iucluded. Boy from no neue until you sec our Bargains. We viii net be uudersold. 1Jiu tR.oie Carpets. W75 e1l ' ->*Patterns to Select From. OneHa heousommen We have the Newest Patterns in ALL WOOL CARPETS, UNION-f + A Il the Newest Designs.*-<- ,h Ontario will Show You TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS BOJ3DERING, TAPESTIRY STAIR CAIRPETS, HEMP STAIR CAIRPETS, ALL WOOL STAIR CARPETS, and CARPET LININGS. A180 Our Tailoring of LACE CURTAINS. Departmnh-Imm We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentleman who bas had large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and who is favorably and well-known as a First-class Cutter. He is now in charge of our Tailoring Depariment, and we Guarantee every garment to please or no sale. Leave your order with us for a Suit at $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. me China, ROSSO Here is a Good. Thing. Varie/y thte Largesi / Qua/ity the Choicest ! Prices thte Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholatering done on shortest notice. 1E. J. JOHNSON) Bicycles Ride tic Beat, and oniy tic Best. Hifgh Grade The Maney-Harris is in iu tie Firat rank, and la flt.- cd with ail the lateet im- prevenients ; is strictly High Grade, and Guaranteed. Cheaper Gradies Duke an~d Duchesan sd Prince and Princes:. Guaranteed. B3eebe, SPecial Grade Guaranted. l'lices Lower Than A.ny. J. W. BRANT, and WHITBY., ONT. Buotter and IEggs vsuted iu cachauge for goods at regular prices. E. R. B. IIAYWARD, Notice to Creditora Pursuant to an order of the high court of justice made ln the matter of the estate of John Medd, late of the Township of Picker- ing, deceaséd, and in a cause of Martba Medd againat James Medd and Jno S Medd, the creditors of the said John Medd, late of Pickering, In the County of Ontario, yeo- man, who died iu or about the month of hfarch, 1886. are, onl 0r before the xSth day May, z897, 10 send by post (prepaldl te L V McBrady, of the city of Toronto, the. solicit- or of the plalutifi, thbe adfolnlstratrix of the deceased, tireir thristlan and surnamzes, ad- dresses and description, the full particulars of their dlaims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the rature of the securities (if any) held by these, or in defauit thercof the will be peremptoly' excluded 1frin t% benefit of the sald order. Evcry creditor holding any security la to produce Uic saute before mne, at my chemibers at the town cf Whitby, lu -the.couty cof Ontalo, ou the 2sth day cf May, z897, -Ët eleven o'lCIck1 tije~~~ toheoblu b tisse appoluted fo adjudication oS thé dama. Dated Uils xoth day cf Kayr Ï9 GEO. R. 'DAeRTNELL lin. Local Master. WANTED A copy of Beer's Iiustrate'd Atlas, of Ou-ý Loio couuty. Staie 2à*ès ash prîv~m A- ý ,res. or'apply aI CgiROWXcLi OMMv WhltbYÏ MILY 4th, :897. Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Property. Thse underslgped, John F. Patiuaeiif Of tecui'of Ouîark, hi&viug scpui=edb1 ee lte întenest ef MR&. PARMELIA IIOOLB, for. meni>' Mms.Parmela Turner, lu the lands heen. aften described, sud being th. Auteele for the benefit cf tbe credtors o!flUr. Charlotte B. Lit. tiejobu sud »m Mla B. ETurner tise 021Y oblldren ei. aud devisece nuder the WiU ofthtie Ime George' W. Turner, ln bis Ilifetime efthtie townshilp cf Pickcering, lutise cotanty of Ontrlo, Fariner, vii ofier for sale by pahic auctin au Gerev's hotel lu te village et Brouguhaus.il tb. said tovnehip f Pickernug, on TUESDAy, tise isî da>' cf 1UNE 1897,, aIt te borOf tvo' oleclinlutise afiteruoou, the titius vested- lu hlm in the folloviug pneperty, uaînel> :-The soutis half o! Ml»b tbal! of 'Wlotmbuer 4, lu tise fift cûnctealcof o!the township cf hPzCekrg aforeeaid, ontaUDng iufty aSes mao erli , Tise propcrty vill be sold stibjeet te, rcsetved 'bld. Ternme-Teu per eaut , c uea.mee>04 urgne of eale,-snd tlabalmncetha ise h bday àt Joue, 11897,' For unlhr paullaapply tô _Mue,it-é. streoe ew, Toronto, or olhie«,eagie lobai. pipth èidaoj g FOiDj~S1sle atr.eï i: T 'l *JIO C Po, I Ini Stookum.. Que CAR LOAD flue, pure -WINDSOR SALT. i car load Mamrnoth Southeru Sweeî Ensilage SEED CORN. 1 i car load SUGAR of tie flnest quai- ity. Ifarnuotis Long Red Miangold, Gisut Ycl- 1ev Interinediate Mangold, Norbiton Giant Mangohd sud Sugar Beet Secd, ail guanuutee nev an& o f ltse best qua.ity. Steel Brlggs Secd e>, fa=Ons aIrin of iSbort White Carnt Sced produtes PEreais GARDEN SIEDS l us jMRS=Pl Out lIape -Syrup sud 6e as- mu h fUl tis l ue se e ver sold lu W.B. GLE Congo SILVER MOUNTI 85ets, NEW But(oi J.S.Barna1 OMeii Couuty Organ. LargE tien of any local Ppenrin LOCAL LACONI Mr m . V cxhr- York. Mr, Augus Ham;!:on, o' Ai: te Wabigoou. Miss Cors Johnson :,,a' h >-n- iug comtrne lm-in bihe c:t'vý Miss Mary, daugrîter -)f ). Esq., vas-homne ove-r Sunday. J uer t-eceîoved new :ne ofl tweed cuirs at $750i. W G, Wa.x Mr. Wm. Worden, the famnou- et-. oa Manchester, was in town Mn Go>' Datrule-Iturned tco Tuesday, aller sptnding his Roger Rîce, express miess---. Ottawa and Part- )ound lias a fev days. Our ice creamn pat-0r wi!h e i tbe season viril the best of! ce Mathisou -t!. Always on baud ar Burnys'- the fine-st qualit>' sud ite-st stîvi'- and gents' Amet-ican ot Dr. Aikrnu ili rusticate in L during the summer weather. 1 rerurued te the Southerntates lit. Bat-r Psekett art-ived bcrni chester, Eng., on Suinda in spending tweive montils ini th,,, Odd sizes in me-us ready-rn suits, Worth from S!', to s;, 4.90, Saurda>, May 15 W G; The Temple o! Fame wiJ: Ma>' 31st. The programme cbauged as 10 makre a t2,uee-n Jubilee of it. Mr J E -Farewell waa in Tut-or" day attendiug the aunual dinur'ý toche veterans. Me vas a t-epre-i the Fenian t-aid volunteers o! '6t Mr. Paul Gordon bas bougbx nes luWalketou sd iii leav fr there immediaelv. Paul ha,, deal o! experience in the dt-ug i undoubtedi>' meer ithsuccess wishes arc virbh hm. Mrs M j Fo>', hoteike-per c,: bas assigned ro Heury Barbe- Her creditons st-e called bo me-et ber's office ou Tbursdas - Miayr vi'lie the boteIle t-ouniug alongi o! the assignee. The bouse Il- U and as malterts stand it vii lIe iri grant a licence for some ime tu c On May rrth, 1897, at 130 Ct-a Toronto, the wife o! Mr R. G. B daughter. To Rant. Tvo conifortable resideuces at to geod tenants. with smal fa mîi i localit>'. Appi>' te J R Phili~ April 27, 1897-tf. Sermon la VYoung People The Rev. Dr. Hare preacbed tive and profitable sermon ro the pie in the methodist tabernacle eveuiug last. Hie theme touched progress o! the He-brews froni r obondage te the- ]and o! fre-edeni subjecr vbicb vas emphasized lu pressive mauner vas i6e impossib ocapiug lu larer years lb. Ce aine committed lu e-atier life. exhortation 10 keep beart and life eues maker cloeed a sermon et sîsefuluese. A Capital Appointict. - ~ Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A., h pomuted specialiet iu Erigiish crus at Bowminville bigb sch !gagement te-. commence after th We are îuucb pleased te hear this met add that the Bowmauville iade a capItal selectien, for the>' as weil as ve do.' Mr sud M sud their clever sud accompli vill be mucb missed be-t-, as th been a publicuudertakiug o! an benoeficiary or charitable chars tbey resided. here lu vhicb the>' h been meat energetic. The ladi free lu expressig t16cm incer parting witb Mrs Tnmblyn, wh Ieading baud lu e-verything good. FootballMatch. The Port Penny foothailiasse ber. on -Satunda>' afternoon te *klcklng with the Whiiby boys. neverai vacancies lun each of the t were fillcd in wiîh Broeklin pI bappencdmte come junitrnte nuo.s- a Fine Ass8ortment ANDREW A Large Stock of~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Groceries. Always Ieliab le. AT GIBSON'S. RU EDSm Terrible Slaughter of ail Dry Goo:ds on m WHITBY.1 1 1 - House in TAPESTRY CARPETS9 -A T- Of Brock St., No other BRUSSELS CARPETS, CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS. - Whitby. v-

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