OL» OIE TOM. way dowvu the river bank, facng the snarling Pack. Asn ho neared the cabin ho flang âwsY his rifle and ran--only his (Contiued.)marvelous speed uaving hlm. The s und of the. wind in the pines Ho wept like a ohild, and swore in bi@ ,Clilside rtirIed through the. sience with a weeping as he thonght of bit faithful dog So0mbre note, sud Rolland rtirred up the oowering there in the centre o! liai circle flrO ln the vu&i fireplace Sliilroared Of hungrY eyes. louder than the wind. "To tbink I'd play hlm snob a trick at The bhunter resumed after'knocking the. last," ho gruaned, and swore, eovening à 8ies out of ie pipe and putting il;away. bis face with bis banda. "An' ho trust- "I'y. been ohawed by bears, and claw- îng in ne-s;ayin' 10 thora hell-hoando: 'Bd by wildoata and ostiamonnts; I've had 'Old Tora 'Il be back soon a.n' you'1l Rit a brick deer trampn' me into thegroand ; ont o' bore!l' An' &il the time me sittUa' but I never had a wolf*s tooth int~o me bore sinokin' an' havi' a good time-my yet. When 1 do, F'i gone. Tbey dont God, it's awfuil 1 ItS nnciviljzed to treat make nuorniî,takes. When tbey take au old friend the way I treated that dog. hold lt's after takin' all the chances and Why, that dog bas been with tme more'n calcIlatin' t' via. Now a bear 'Il git six years!1 Ho's been iny only coorpany. blind crazy wiîh a bullet, an' go in where an' a better htitter-I can't uêt alongi he la sure Lu get used up ; so'I a painter wîthout that dog. My Guid, it's awful- r a wldcat; but your wolf, ho knows awful-" botter; ho dont go into no sucb busi- Ho ounld not go to leep, but sat nes; ho jests limps off in tbe woods and around over the fire until rnorning. He ebwoars vengeance." ato breakfast in tho same gloomy silence, Holiand hore relatod a story of a sioge and thon be rose. hy wolves chrongb which bo bad been. "W&I-I'fll e goin'. Long lom in lîseod wîtb an occasional "Botter bring y r things down and stay corroborativo nod. witl us." 'Tbiat'a jest it ; boy're sharks. Seetus "N'o, 1 idt5 flot. If I fini my rifit' if tbey cau suieli a sick or wouuded man'i*11ho ail riglt-if 1 onlv-" ton miles. 1 usedi l ise down in Port He was in a softor mood now and ht- land whon I waà a boy, au' 1 knuw what con du't speak of bis dog, a sbark le. A shark is a wolt in the Hoilatid went witbh lm te }îelp liini water. A wolf ws a sliark in thie woods.' find hie rifle. This ho did without Ion-, A curious look camne on his face, an(] search. alLer a silence he said - Veil, Dow, corne ln ans' turne.On "If tlîey over soi îooth in ol 'm. latchi string le alwaYs ont. Corne bach tu bell11kuow his tmile lias coîiie to go.', dinuer, anyway." "I should îhiuk vuu'd keep oui of tlioir "'fhankee-l gnoes lIl bave to go dowr way if yon re afraid of tieni," said lol to Guuy to get some ammynihion, land, oautîously. "eJ good luck." Theolod iman straigi:touied np). Ilie Good iuck,' lie answered ;but bi,.l face darkenod witb arger. face was sorrowfnl to see "Say, i' y' mean thai ?" The 'Y aever Saw hum azain. Tbey Holland saw bis niietako. heard of iw lai GinaV. Ho bougit a "Set down. Set dowu I didu't mean new onîfit and struck 'off into tbe forest anytbing. Sti11 von s peak as if you kînd alono. o' droaded theni,' ho added.-c "Wall, 1 do,"' the hunier confessed. A Heroio Historyt "Bu. 1 aint afred of 'oui. i know'm Kaow jest bow to take 'ui. I buîld a lire ini front of my litîleobsed, lut a rifle The Storniy Caroor of the Little Islaîidd bandy and Zip at wy feet and sleel, of Crote. f sound's a baby in a cradie. If ihe fire Th gits low Zip growls and wskes rue up and Toro are not many Islands with as I throw on more wood. inore storrny or more ke ro ic hîstory than ir "But some way 1 feel as if they'd gît ihat ut Croe, .lu romote antîquary it me yît. I'il make a mistake somne daýý wa" the redoubt-able "i*leo f one hundreda and thon they'1l pile ou1 top of tue0 an citîes" and bai an illustrînus lineofut10 that'il be the eni of me. A pile uf boae;kîngs, amnîg who wero Rhadamanth us, S gaawed white. Jest sucb a pilie as; lveMinos and Idomeneus. Tho last narnedp corne acros, mysoif mav a time in the led a fleet uf 80 shîps te assist in the con- woods." Spendîng bis days alune in the quesi of Troy and was the last of what we i somber shadows of the forest, be ba, nay osaI the logendary kinga. After h1111 grown superstitions lîko the sailors. a gap of several centuries occurs, and t Sin n m ild 611 p half bihi. when tho record is rosurned it is nu long- Hoe traveled by signs and baîlt bis huItte rfablbu aOetc history. d open shed according tu the moon and At the ime of tho Persian invasion ut b stars. The aounai uf the wînd was in tht' (cr0000 the isiand sas populousi and pros- sad droop uf bis voice. porous. It was divided into several indu' r "They killed my brotber,- ho sait], fîn- pondent repu bles, which, lîke thoseofut t ally ; "an' Lbey'll gît me." penînsular Hellas, wero aoc aîways in er Ho rose slowly. ,WXali1 guess. ,j peace and frîondship with each other. si pull ont." Tbey kept frec frum foreiga sars, how- tc -0, dn't e in hury."over, excepc as uthey voluutarîly furnîsh- p( "0, do'î be in a hnr." ed mercenary truups te whichever aide h "Better sLay all night would pay the beet for thom, Thi.s as pf "O, no ; oold't tbink of it 'taîl. done in both tho Persian and Pellopoîl. w Wolves wouid dean oui my wbole camp) nosian wara, when the Cretan archers w, beforo dayligbt. H'irk 1" Ho litted biF were ap noted and as dreaded as those of band "Tey'e o cheramaee~ ~merry England la later days. hoalwa'Thyre o ber a lstorn." WAfr The proses. uf theaclent Cretaus to off, bla withetheforesîag nrl o faLteand their insular position kept them fîeu offblet wth he isin snrl f tje rominvaaion down lns ot hl-c wîads in tbe piues cbey could bear teta r ie therm n aglet te the Chrîs' clarnor of wolves barrying after sorno fly c"lan ors.whle nthi erya gîe t ae îng deer. The old man gra8pei bis rifle. "ala e se ofinge kn ry lit over "Hadgt at ue t us bottgo wtisland. va. Oe La idependence. ln- of YOH d*' n fu etr ootwt edcit a clhrough intestine quar- w "NImalrgt n rl"out roIs that it was at last subdued. ýSomo TI "Nol'm Il ight l'mworyln"bou 70years beforo the Christian ors Rouie o Zip - kavantage ufth provailing discord %vW Holiand went wîîh hum tu the clearln g în C0lroe to; invade the island, on the pro' at and saii : "Corne and xseo us;-unr dort anw0y__toit that the Crotanshbda gis-uaidani-A Hollani avoke la the aidsI ut a iresrn -of s man sinking lu tie saov, and cryinz belp 1 For a fev moments he couili not tel viere bis drea left off and bis yak- ing began. AUl va dark la the routu save the uneasy flicker of the dyiug fime- ligbî on the valis of lie cahia. The windwva satronger viciout, srtsady sud cold. Hesast urinlabei b convine himesif that he vas ia bis cabin, and foît for Mud- 1er te reassut-e iseif Liat ho vas nul alone. Hewu abshut talling off asleep agalu vien fainti and far off, miugled witi tic sounn of the storm u unîide, came tic clamor of distant velves and s long dravu ci-y: 11Help. he-e---p 1" H1e aprang 10 bis feet sud stoodi iro- lute in lhe midile of the fot, nul sure of hi.scuoses yet. He leanod lu listsa. Iii came louder. The clamot- of yelping vulves drev nearer, and nov nnmistak- ahîy tiie viId ci-y of s man. IlHelp 1 isîpi For God's sake open the door 1", Rolland ian uugrp lhs bar. Tic noise cf beating feeti wusboard. Hels svng the (on open, sud vitb tbe specd ut a deaperate (set- Long Tom siot sot-osa lie elearing int thie cabin, fslling in a ieap ou tie fluor, vile not s rod behind, their rod hongries lapping, uhoir cyes ebining viti greenisi piosphorescent, tiotrifying gla.re. camne a dozen volves, tcaring along in putsai, and su savago sud determined thiir hunger, if Holland isd not svung the. door n atueur taces. tiey 'vonli bave plraged Itongh tie opera dopr upon the oxiaustied hunter. Tic old man i-ces from thie fout- insane with vi-ati. "6Gîvo [meyour rifle," ho enorted, vien ho could gel bis bret-sb."Ltm ea chance ati tisa." "Ltm gea Ho iad taysd away too, long. The fIt-c Wdburued dovu, sudthie vaiting volves iad sprura'g upon thie fatifül dog. Th.iy-'eirs gn fawirsg bis bonca vien the hbunier arrtved. Ah thie ound of his rifle ti.>' acahrof, but almost instantl>' tut- ýed upon bucr sud -ho ied. H. boaded sud iCad ocse more, sud tien backed a'Way, holding them At ahby viiih i. club- bod ridle, lu tio ,way io backod allbe t The De& La IEmfu Ision j [s Invaluable, If yU aePun dowan, asl a fooas=wll an& The ~dD. &L Emulsloni ipaired.gnea eibt ThD. & L. Emulsion ls the best and mo-=altablIis rprati.o Cod Liver Ouaretgvîbtemoiel cate esrmachs. The D. & L. Emulsion l sg=*rbed by the leadlng physià cio SThe D. & L. Emulsion la marvellona fleeli producer and viii give you an appete. - 50c. & Si per ýofttie LBe sure you gt1 DAY. a& LAWU51E Ct, LTD. te genuine min l. . The rémains of the late Mrs. Sinion Leach, of Columabus, were interred in the Eldad burying ground Sunday attemnoon, Rev H I Allen officiating.1 Deceasecj formerîy îived here. She was 70 years of age. M r H G Pascoe sold a thoro-bred Hereford bull to Mr Jackson, Seven Bridge, Sirncoe county, for a good figure. Eider E. Presser, Castleton, preach- ed at Adveat chut-ch Tuesday night last. Mrs C N Stacey has been indisposed. Visitors: Mr and Mrs Thos Osbornea of Pickeringy; Mr Wilson Gerow, of Scugog Island. Mr Herbert Tink, who has been con-1 fined to his bed with lung _trub14, ï18s imnProving niceîy. Solina division contemple evisiting t Maple Grove shortly. Reeve Pascoe Visitad his brother -inia' West Whitby Friday. d del bit ter lit< Sunlight Soai MAaCH, 1897. The rol lowing Are the Winners in Disi No. 2,ý Eastern Onario : Winners of 8tearns' Bicycles Mr Arthur Thornton, 234 WelIing Street, Ottawa. Mr Charles Rishor, Peterboro. Winners-of GoId Watches. Mr N F Wilson, CumberlandP. Mrs Jno Robinson, BOX 76, Prescoi Mrs J Milligan, Ottawa botel, Cc Wall. Miiss Maggie B Lister, Box 179. per Mmr R J ýMcP'eak, North Bay. Z~ehave been obliged ho disquz Several comipetîlors for Nisrch, for seur coupons taken frOM UtSSOLI Soapin ortCic ,tonI 1. t rn- -u h. lin0! Papa-How rnany Limes did he kiss Gladys-Do you take -ue for a book- .eper ? She-I don't see auy seau. He-Have one on me. - Whoevem bmought you up, Walter?", rmnded bis aunt after sorne small .,t of udeness on bis part. ,,Never was broughu up,"- said Wal- r. "I've been taken dowu ail my What is your new pain'ting called > "The Gleaner" Ah, a young girl vith a sickîe and a bundie of grain ? No; an elderly girl with a flat pocketbook and an arrntul ut bargain dry goods. Brown-Lend me $5, wilî you P Jones-I most certainly will not. Biowa-Aîî rigbt. You're not the only pebble on the beach. Jones-And you're not the only sponge in the dmug store. I don't think rnuch of this kineto- scope business, grUinbled Mr. Pneer. Here I've paid haif a dollar to sce a picture of a tiain corning howard me at full speed, when I can sce the real chiag out of doors a dozen times a day for nothiag. A man is about the big- gest dura f ool in création, anyhow. Mr A N Mitchell han returned to the city to write off his exams.9 j W Viatue visited Toronto Iast1 week.1 Mrs Hart-y Rogers is vlsiting hir'"swIs ter, Mt-s Smith, ini Brighton. Rev S G Roake heîd a reception ser-1 vice .Sunday nighr., wiexi twenty-two pensons were.- received into fuit mem- bet-ship. Revs. Messrs Dove, Toronto, -and Adams, Orono, visited at theé porson- . age tecently. Mrçhas Grant, Rossland, ý.C.. aau4-P Miss' FTilIey, town, werë ,qod a Dr Mitcheills Iast' M~L - speaks very cazhutstiko»i4iý speCts of thc rapÃ,_ 6ing er sweets. BY tihe year 1770 augar had become a S3ugar exista in the "aP or leavea of ntearly 200 different kinda of trees. Gibbon says that angar was firat brought from Asia to Europe A.D. 625. The refining of angar vau invoated in Aatverp in Lb. aixteenth century. Some witers aay that there is a var- iety ut augar cane ladigenous Lu Amerîca. Botaniste say that there are 26 differ. 'ont Varioties ut vegetable parasites wbicb attack the angar cane. In 1887 there were 401 beet sugar; fac. tories la Germany, 891 la France, 209 iii Aus1tria and 111 in Boîgluin. The presence cf glucose in solution is iOettdby iLs rernarkable pruperty ut rutating a ray ut polarized Iight. Accurdlîîg te the latoat statiscics ut Russian sugar mnunfacture there were 214 sugar factories, manufactraring 260,- 000 tous of sugar. GlIucose may ho mannfactured by the actitn cf suiphurie acîd on starch, the Rcid beiîîg afterward rernoved by the ac- ti on of powdered chaIk or saine cuber Candy niakers caicuhato that tbe pnie of bheir producus shîtuhi ho put au double tie cosu cf the roaterial, wich ili alw them a faimroreu ferreut, lahur sud in. The suzar cane sas ntrmoduced into America so00n atter the iiscovemy, anditis cultivation rapidly sprmad over ail uhosc. parts of the nos suriadaptei Lu lus grewub. The introdiuction of fancy boxes fir caudies wus(due to the deînarîd un the paru of cusîcuiers for holiday, hîmuhday sud festival presenîs ini nes.t and attract- s-e packages. I stock (sec Rule 3). LEVER B3RoS. Ltd., Toronto. Over-Draining. The opinion expres'sed, es-en bx practical men, that It s possible lu laland tuo dry bv means ut underground drains, and numemous examîîles cf grass lands s0 injui-ed bave been cited. The effeet of drainage upongrass lands s. Oîf course, to bring a change 1in the herbage. the water grasses and sedges :'îmmun Lu weu land g;ving place to the grasses pruper uu dry land, but il uvill geuerally he found that, where any- diminution in the produce ut laud bas folluwed drainage. iL is onIN ut a temn- porary character. and bas probably re- sulted froin a period ut drought uccur- ng during the change uf herbage. just ftuer the wauer grasses bad died ont and before the grasses pruper Lu dry and have had Lime uu establish tbem- selves. Il main felI tbruugbu this period ut change the result wonld show co the advanuage ut drainage, "iust as lu us-ariabs- dues un grass lauds which have been draiued for auy Ieuguh uf ime. aud un arable lands. The idea that Itnd eau be made Lau dry bv anv n umber uf drains need net te enueruaîaed. That it îs possible Lu nake the deptb ufthue drains bevoud he capihîarv power ut the soil is urue nnugb, but bevund ubis lu is impus- sie Lu over-drain land. The exteut ýo wvhich a soi] cani be made dry is de- pendent flot merely ou the drainage. )ut aiso te a s-ery great extenu upon iLs '<)wer ut reuaiuîng wauer, lu regard to xhich diflerenu souls vary within vers' xide limits. lu erder tu illusurate uhis Oint, let us suppose a very flue sieve ýo be fillIed with a dry soi!, and water .be poured upon lu. The water ef -ourse yull urickle ubrougb the soi]. ud the greater par-t escape by the nesbes ufthue sieve, but a certain nauntity, dependenu upon the texture tf the suil, wilh always be reuained vithin lus pures by capihlary attraction. rhe former will represenu uhat portion >f water which flows uff by the drains, hile the latter wilI never enter themn , ali and eau uuly be got rid ut bx' ,aporation. There 15 very litule laud uhat 15 nut 1 >0 wet lu rainy weather, and uou dry i n droughts, and drainage is a remedv gainst the hast mpeutiuned evil, as wel sthue flrst.-Muuicipal World. Fuin ny Thînga. r bý ri di I te fa pi g( i th 'l -FOR SALE BY-s hemist and Druggist, Brock Street, Ch Agitation ira tte woMldof heîraoepsthi o ilei cines bau been i Mety seraiof ptrla4 mai 'ulthe iMdivw uty lcf mon bfvp beau arera te hbe d.geemen. bvli ýtla '#,aodgd.fl the"n bodW bhaste h ,esti latedgo W" amot of on tatuas nrnaîton.-fooà mt mh luis 5Qui 194W JOHN E. FAREWELL, Q. C., Barrister, Coaaty Crcwn Attorney, and Couuty Solicitor. Office-Souub ?,ýing ut Court ttouse, %iý hithy. JA31ES RUTLEU(,E, Barrister, etc. Office forînerîy occnpied by Farewell & Rntledge, neitRoyal Hotel, Brock Sc., Whitby. DAVID (JRMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Suhecitor ia Chaacery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - Inu the Office South ut the puat office, in mcMillsn's Block, Bruck Street, Whîtby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan lseser ut Marriage Liceuses. Office - Smith*a Block, South ut Market, B' o<'k St., Whitby. DOW & Mc(.ILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors ia Chaacery, etc. Office in Mathison & Flawkeni's aew block Brocli St., W hitby, South of Ontario batik. W. E. YARNOLD, D.L.8S.. Couaty Survoyer and Drainage Engineer, Drs, Warren if Moore, AGENT Oitng f Ii. Divisioli Courts. VOOtNTY 0F ONqTABIO 1006. Wsmry-D). O. macdonehl, Whahby ,.Cle-b Jan. 3; Feb. 3; Mat-Ch ia Pril 2; *672; June 2: July 7 Bop. 2; Oct- 2; Nui. 8; Dec. 2. 05E.avA-D. C. M&CdonflU, Whitby, CWek; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; March 4; April 8; lay 4; Juie 3; July b; 8ep. B; Oct. 8; Nov. 4 Dec. 8, Bjaououa - M. Gleeaofl, Groeeuwood, Cerk-Jafl 6; Marohô6; May 5; July 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 5. PORT PERaY - J. Wi. Bumnbom, bt Perr, ClerkJ&". 29; Mat-h 9; Msy If; July 20; Sep. 23; Nov. 18. UXBRmEDG-Jseph E. Gbuld, tribridge, Clerk-Jsfl. S0; March 24; MayI19tb$,Jniy 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CçN N114TON -George saiith, Canriagton, Jan. 31; March 2b; Mday 20; JnJy 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEAÂvEITulGeo. F. Bruce, Beavet-ton, Clerk-M5tch 26; May 21; July 16; Oct, l6; Dec, 18. rUPTxauuOVB-Thos. P. Hart, ljpte-grTe Cîerk,-March 27; May 22; lu]; 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. Depression1 of Spirits so commo n lusium mr-tme, iaccompartied by losod energy, lac cd ofthought-p)owÇer, means a deficient supply of nourish- ment The vital force is lost It isn't a question o< muscle and Sinew, but of resistance and endurance. At any age but especially in youth, it involves the risk of lung disease. Loss of flesh and a cough are threat- enng signs. of Cod-llver Oil, wfth the fiYP,- phosphites, meets these cases Perfectly. It tones up, fattens and strengthens. In Skott's Emulsion the taste of the oil is fully disguised. ni"kn it almost as palatable as milk. Pa, saIe ett 5oe. and $î.co by a1Lldrngg'lst -CU T & BOUWýNEBeîyW, (n -1 T "Tbe Bst Popîlisr A CIJi NN S Lite uf Hem MfajcstY h have ever seen,' writes Lord Laine, about "iQnren V!ctoria." Sales unpecedrflted. Easy 0u mnale five doilars daîly. big comInsissIon. OuhIit f ree to canvassets. '[-BEF BRAP)LEV GARRETSON CO., - Toronto0. Wl ANTED-SEVER~AL FAITHF'VL YVMon or Wornen to t-ave1 for a-e- spohsible established honse la Ontario. Sahary $780, payable $15 weekly and cx-1 penses. Position permanent. Reerence. Enclose self.ddressed stamped envehpe. The National, Star Building. Chicago.- 1 --. ler, J. E. FAREWELL, C.lork uf the Peace. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. -For t-he neit three zuonths I Kmn giving 8pecial attention td patients rozu a dis- tance. Ama stilî raking plates in rubier, 58, oelluloid, $10. God snd silver fillixg work crowning by firt-sclasa operatcorsat the insi reasoablo rates lu tho city, When in the City callu and lt me exam- ine o nt teeth. I1 rnke no extra charge. C. J. RIGGS, Dentit, soth ast corner King and onge Ste., Toronto. N ov. 8th, 1892. Wu H. WARNERa DEALER IN J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Witby . office horr 9. a. mu. y,"Y P>ivate Telephone omnai . D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.6. Physica, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Offce and Residece ne oLuAi Saint's Chu-rch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Suugey in &Il is branches pramçrtly office heurs Il amx W. A DAMS, CG3"'DENTIST. Rooms over John Ferguson's clothing store. Residence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St Wbitby. Jan. 29th, i&»6. Dr. H. Wuightman I9ENTZST. Over Grass & GaDger'a. Whltby. Ke> Open every Baturday night. WANTED Men snd Women who can vork lard talkag and writuag six bours dally, for six days a week. sd wilI be content with ten dollars weekly.1 Address IE IDEAS CO., Brantford, OntL For Qfficê and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A3K YOUR STATIONER COAL, LATH, LUMBER, SHINGLES, OORDWOOD, BLABS, ETU. the PEOPLE'S SPARTICA, THE NEW WMIYUG PAPR TAKE NO OTHER, F/o werlng Buiba and 8eedse A ful Une of the latelit vareties of Sweet Peas in 12 sparate kind.- Named Tuber- ons Begoalas, w in l colore frora Pure White o Dark, Pink, Olrange, etc. grand bulbe. Liles, Tuberoses, Caladinues, etc, large bulbe. GEO. URCHETT, Floit. April 8, 1897. Whitby. bLIFE INSURANCE.jI HÂS.'. -:0:- Manufactuxrera" Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronito. Laneai Capital Stock it e lnaqpaucec on thocouine"t.Ninehy POT cent. 0o au accumuilations of suplu ig rsluraed bc,;the poli."Pm EL 0 AUCTIONEER; WHITBY, ONT. The underslgued begs a emscucot hob bus tair-te u lcese forauctoeèdc-mg,.&Bd Vilibo glad'ta 11odoSI rbaeaobugi. ni.isbock wI be. koptatJH og offie, wieg SUul'cmuoumab. ý)obtainoiI. Ni. i, C.cTT Whiby. N v.a ]3y ordqE l0;ot Toronto,caet sî ~,18%'K7ondition troubled - ltaz Ë inJk Pilla. To pe 004fetod,-but wit i ittie beo -ooMilt - l ~'hoe ffec,ibOW9 aOdrnsd a pleasing anrpri 10Moc b8ffl to led -mot-re edenie &W tst stror. Tien -Peit.begî~ -iproe oasdi W u 'Obeeke Ùsuad lips -ub; Iourtta.ujygained streu1 -w O M moin n>'former s n re in el ;' uyb~ hh% o.Dr WiIin owl 4[ee My rccovery. - tIong eigh borse oMr '4 5ié*toy es te, h pofthat ha PiunkPiMhgare s By ut-Ot 195 1 1 1 1 IT I8 PLAIN AS DAY. All those terrible backaches, lirnb aches, beadaches ads dozen ouher kiais of aches are simply the rosait of tbe fai are ut the kiineys ta take the poison ont of the bloud. No use trying tu te bealtby witlia ut-e acii and other poisons flaatiag chrongb the system. The sensible thîng Lu do is :0 Ret the puisons ont. Doas Kiiney Pille regulate and stren2tbea the kidaeyesuad good iesltb 'ullova as nacrally as nigit tollows day. We canuot gire one-iundreiîb part ut the teetirnoay vo receive, but tie follov;- ung certificat. trot-nMa-. William Kirk- land, who is empioyei viti Mr. West- lake, tic veil know briekmasou sud con- tractor, turuishea very conclusarve evid- ene as to lie good effeots of ti excel- let medicîne. Mr-. Kirklaud said, 'II tiuk tiers le notiing as good for kiduoy trouble as )oan's Kiduey Pilla. I bave b.d a bai back lot- thi-se yea-an d sufforcd from te- rible pains lu boîli aides as wvol. 'II vas so sors that I corald hardly bear ýtonci myseîf, sud vas listîcas, hope- se and tired uearly ail tic hime. I also affeied a gi-cal deai viti nuaraîgla sud lizzinese in the iead, snd feltsa if 1 vae . a stupor most of tic lime. &&My appetits also vas vei-y poo-, sud iad sevcre crampe lunrny legs. Since îking Doan's Kidncy Pilla vich 1 got ýoma My-. Wihis' drng store, Wiitby, )nt.,' I am wonderfully bettor. Thbe aira, crampe, dizziness sud stupor are ait :One. &II cnjoy roshful sleep, sud my appetite bas reorucd ira aIl 1h'. old-time for-c. )osu'a Pilla have donc me fan more good ban I conld h~eesxpccted fot- I iardfly *licved my case curable. I nov foc] l. a nov man and ho took jusit tvo box- e produce tii. graîitifying result." ~nthe.. Raim St the -Inan got ver--7 I wettiiig gave hmar cold, neglected, dov- a oough. The co u g to a bed of niekuesz of!.4yer's Cherry taken at the star. have nipped the Creý bud, and saved the auffering, and expe'a hou.seh'old rem-cu'.i .oughs, and al 1 uz, Ayer's Cherry Pect Send for the ," cureboca ,- . J. C.Ayer C( . L.wý 4 AN AUNTS AI) ]BBOUGEIT A YOLN1- LA; THE 8HADOW uoFI A Remarkable Cace Iiatthe Wonderful Healt!i-rc-!. of Dr Williams' Pi tk hi;. From the Orangevilie Laurr- There is no doabu ai aiY, people are prejndicei 5izaiui meealc:nes, and equais' ni, 1ook QPOn hles t iuimuù,cIi mauch lail>th nature of aL. puif. If tic Banner hï. l'e"ý vili thii.feeling IL Las, e t zned ici.ne is con ce-n e-4, hadi,'t znoved. We refer co Dr %i4 Pilla, concerniag the* curariv -of wbici stroag cdaims lî,.iv. and proofs adjvanced iu t!i whloh seemed eqnaîly sîrot.- whcu one cornes across i.i ir catlty a case almuast rivaiL2« have been mitade public, t!:.1' appears sud conviction fioilue caue tie Banner came across gated sud now giv.. the f ,Cc- is that of Mis Sarah Lýni timable young lady who ,ý aolighbonhood ut Camilia. U, îe bad been brongut near -duor and liai been rostoreti hirougi lie agency ut Dr Wîii Plla. We decided, bewc.v- lhiieuasyaide and invesitîgate vos. We fonnd Mis Langford of healti aud good îpaît anthome in Camills. lu r- ont- inquiriesa s £0 hem il né M of eoir recovery. she ex; wiingncss te ati8fyour eur m s e. dded, relat., ber exp --he good of oihers afflctEd a HBeretory very briefly, was a, "I had la grippe ln the eprît 1 did nt seai to gel oer il4 tie att.ack, sud as the surne r beÇaume weak snd lisLloss. A work became a bei-don te - Pflhpiug a pù.il of vate- froin -woud have te stand sud boîd z Ovor oMy heaft for a momet venld fluttor go vîolenîly I goM% tarswibo _ ificl 10- Jq:. JE;?-ý, I G- G- DENTIST, 1 i ti e It August 31st 18ý3- SCOTT) -FOR SALE BY- -FOR-