Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1897, p. 3

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'pets. ShWYOU s 'TAi1lH S'I~ UNION TAý- INvS. r- )SS. ood Thing. ilf Il ica H'NSON. \VIIi b. Ml/M OLE. -r : - i S~>rr -t- I r ,~t- ~ h' 1] . Lii- ~r-ti r-dr I'}trî-tîr)- eh- .-. -t - ' - h tii ni.- i r- ' -' ' 2 \ r~.i r-, - h titi i tri-- W.-, .51- 1t .irr.îtiJitly "te-tii -'~,,-n~ i - rer h ittt~ 't '-ut-rît î'-îk ; - rit-j5- tirs- 't Vh.r hi titi e-t--' be- -- r- tt-e-r.t r>îî'.-îl s-e-r h~V -h- i t t eh - - î.st t' hirti .1 i i,.rtt.,- hie r -' .tîl rirt~ - I 'le L.~, K -i mr i 'e - -'r tri - .~r- k'i'rt'îî il-r - - "t -.11 I i [\kK, r, - y DRUGGIST. Congo -canes, SILVER MOUNTED, 1.1.50. uW C uff L inks AND Buttons .. -T- J. S. Barnard's, tion of ajlocal paper ma canada- FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1897. LOCAL LAOONIOS. Mr E H Purdy, Port Perry, was here Sai- urda>. WVell, this bas been an awful thaw, sure e nou gh. Miss Hopkins hRs returned from Te-ronto I utic, on. MIrs Saunders of Guelph is visiting at Judge I)artnell's. Mr J T McG-eary was in Toronto last week attending the borse show. Mir \Wm Foy of the junction Hotel bas been indispoed for a few days. FolIow the crowd and gazo Burna' new cash store for your bicycle footwear. Our ice creami parlor will open on Satur- day afternoon, the 8îh i., wîîh besi of ice crearn. D, Mathison. Mr John Blow, jr., Toronto, ma here visit- ing the farmly. He has been under tht wtralher, but will soon be ail right. An inîeresting game of football wilI be 'a'.e'f htrt on the athletic grounds, on Sat- tirdAs' aiternoon, May 8th, ai 2 p m , when the collegiate institute team wîli do battît with Pot Perrv high schoo. Manager E. D. Watt-en ofthe Western batik bais a valuable diamond pin on Friday. and at once had dodgtrs prtnttd oflering a reward to the finder upon delivery. Mr Jamnes Sadier soon saw tht dodgtrrs sud imn- mediattly carried tht pin to tht bank sund (1elivered it toits owner. Ht wss rtwarded ih Sio. wbîcb more than satistled him, snd waa but a fair trihute to bis uprightness in handing over tht valuable gem. Boatheuse &ud Boat for Sale, With carpets, cushions and oars. C. H. B-ii-nham. Apply 10 W. F. Blliugs, Whiî- tri-. May Sth, 1897. M ake Comparason itîn't nerely takre aur word for it. Cal ai Burna' new cash store, north of Hatcb Rrui , ansd ste if they have not tht best as- .s-rtreu t footwear sud that you can buy chesper there than anywhere tIse in town. Moare Bicyclist-s There wtt-e several omissions (rom oui lisi of 128 town cyclists as puhlished last wt-t-k jo)hn Barclay, John Bradle', bMiss B. lftch, Fred Hatch, Muas Hubhard, Miss liendrson, Miss McClellan, Albetrt McBur- uer-, WValter Shaw, jas. Sleigbttboliu. Died in Jul. 1obît Acheson. cansmitted to jail from Osh- aa recenîly, ditd ai old age in Casie Dec- ker on Wednesday morning. Coroner Car- s-r n sd Ch-et Constable Calverley drafled a iurv, sud tht usual routine ofievidence vas t ikeir. afiet- wbich a verdict wiasadelivered stâting ibat be dit-ci of naturel causes. Tht itirs' arded a si rong recommendatian ta tht ete-i hai an bosptal yard should be cstab- lished untîl such lime as tht county cauncil performs ita duîy b) establishing a homne for the ->pour Tht iolowing comprised the list n-(i urors Jrohn fallantyne, taremnan, sud Won Vhetier, P Rysu, Thos Sleightholmn, P lilrdge. A Ellis, E Rice. A McDottald, S J tu-es Wm Motcombe, Gea Whitlaw, AIez W'hittiaw, S Hughes. Notes af the Militia. Tht drill wiIl open Ibis year at Niigara ,)Ir Jute 7tb. An application vas made ta ['i-e tht igih drill here, but we bave ual h-ard anythîng lesdiug ta tht belle! that il %1Il be sucressful. Only anc major lu each hr.ttliîon wîll be pt-ovidtd vith a horst in Ilut Major John A. sud Cspt. Thea A, McGll~iivray wenî tothe New Fort, Taronto, Uti Monday 10 take a five weeks' course be- frre kging 10 tht front, An afficer vha laie- ly came from mnilitary schooî informns us that lb-ý 34ih baitalion bas no t-cal eqiiipmtitufit f ,r active service ai the mosi simple sort. le sa>-s tht boys are to beagainptthroug4à drill %% th the old ridles, au extrcise vblch -111 be a nuisance and pasitive inurv ta t hi-m wheu tbey take up tht uev Let-Met- foi-ris. Major Hendersciu, Tarouto, bat been selî-cîsd a- ont ot tht 200 bodv guard toairc- cr.mî,anv Premier Laurier ta Landau ta set the Queen, A Defurset Club Tht -'Tî1ncombe club" of the south ward' tireir a gluri-oua -'blow-out" ou Salai-day uwbht lasi. A few of the ieenbers as- ar-tublr-d to bid adieu to "Bowser"' Pierson, -ho ta about to sever his canuectian with the- club. baving accepîed a position as 'îlotf cuuk on ont ofithe stane boats which tr.î'ie fi-ont this port Il vas (cl by tht usembers present Ibat aI itait tva gallons of ber-r would lie necessary ta rmise tht 8wr i-is oftîhe party to tht pitch required an srhan occasion. Accordingly the 'bhoyis" chipped in, and tht beer was secnred and ail bauds paitook freely af the txhilisratiagr al 1,sew getting gloranily spifllcated. Then folowed an entertaiumeut vhich vas botb saried sud exciîing. The slave vas lîpset, thie pipes kuocktd dows, table s ad Chairs were sntashtd, sud pilied in thse Cor- ners ofthe roona ont of the fellovs tot an axe sud procteded to demolisi tihe stove, whicb operatian he Verformedl in fine style. Sa unviîieg wer.e thse otisesete part witb Bower> that tbey struas« ina up with the stove pe ire, and very 1k- ]Y bevwould have bte tlere yet Ouip thse wire bruire and let hlm raav Aftr smash iug everything breakable te club dlsb»d'r ed fmr tht Besson. On Stadsthse soe-, tarYbiade ont a statement o te uL, r 6 * fub elowgthse foloW4 î' Move, tables, chai»s, ée., >r11é'*~ iu bauds of tregasurer,5f 'tt1 mouth's reut of r*oGna nov a4w @ ing a net halanct e i c-ation Of 3c. '1 1 n IN- 'rLrEr- - dtrlU I eus, >f Ithl» sex wîtb n chool education, îwo mnoutha in Ibis Tarcnto, (,ut. Mrs. G. H. Roberts, of Toronto, is the gueil of Mrs. Dartneli.' Mr. Bryant, of! We-î Toronto junction5, *Vas in tawn onausndây. - Dr and MrW ýqtturson1 l'arîIear e guesta of Mrs J Riéc'ardâôni. ar Tbe Messrs Noble have a tontract of aver- haulitîg the drill sbed and armoury bere. Tbere will b. an elocuhloti récital at tbe Ontario Ladies' College, Friday evening, May î4tb, St 7.30 p.rn. Rt-v Dr Hare of Ontario Ladies' College will preacb a special sermon ta young peo- ple in the methodist tabernacle on Sunday evening next. Mr C Burnhsm bas secured bis degree as an electriciain at Peterboro, and intends joîning a syndicate for lighting several western îowns. Buflalo BWU with bis Wild West show will visit during the months of June and July the following nanied cities in Canada : Toronto, Chatham, Ottawa. Peterboro, London, St. Catharines, Quebec, Broekvilie, Barrie. St. Thomas, Three Rivers. Kingston, Guelph, WVoodstock, Sheibrooke, Straîford, Bi-aut- ford, St. Hyacinthte, Belleville, Haînilton and M ontreal. We bave receîved the tenth annual report of the Kîndergarten for tht Bind, Boston, n wbmcb institution Mrs. Sarah J. [)avidson, a daugbîer of the laie A. Alexander, of thîs town, la chief kindergartener. Tht assets of the institution arnourat to hait a million dol- lars, and îî is wonderful what nt does for tht deaf, dumb, and blind. The Garden City This grand excursion steamer wiil make ber fiast summer trip iron t<hese ports on Friday, May 21sL Great Snaps Look ont for gi-est bai-gains ini ladies' boys' sud gents' boots and shots, to be sold Friday, 7th. betweeu .3 and 4 o'ciock in the afternoon Si, $2 and $3 boo'ss for 65c., at the new shot store. M. W. Collins,E Wh itby.% Grand Excursiop to Toronto. Tht ladies of St. John's church, Port Hope, wîillt-un a grand excursion to Tot-- onto, on Friday, May 7th. Tickets zood go îng on ail afiernoon trains on Tnursday, May 6th. and morning trains, Frîdat-, Mat- 7th, good t0 returu on Fridav nîghi. Tic kets from WVhitby sud Oshawa, aduits $i, cbiidren 5o cents. A Traveller Returus. Mr. Herbert Adams, Port Perry, was in town Tuesdav, tht guest of Mrs Aunes. Mr. Adams returns fromn a îwo mont ha' trip to Cbicajgo and other western citieý impres- sed witH tht ides that there's no place like bomne. Ht round that Canada was not near- IV in so bad a ws -v as be had suppoaed. In Detroit last week he wiînrssed s procession of iS,ooo unemployed. Thetrtip bas dont hîm a great good as it will es»v Canadian, who is able to maire it, in opening bts tyts to the tact that we have a grand country in our gteat Domninion of Canada. No More Lice-ues this year Tht board of lîceuse commissionera for South Ontario held ita final meeting for tht consîderation of applications for taveru and sbop lictuses on Monday, Commissioner Hoover being absent. Mrs. Dafo's appli- cation for a iaverti license ai Utîca was tht only ont to bc wholiy considered, ail tht others beiug disposed of Chaîrman Mackit was disposed to allow Mrs. Dafot a heer and wine license, and Commissioner Bui-ns wras disposed to bold tht very opposite opinion. Tht latter, however, suggestd thai he might be led 1t as-or a wintsand beer license ai Utica if tht same trcatmenî were accordtd to Èpsomn, inaîtsd of a tavern license 10 tht latter place. The resuit was that UTLici ta laid over again; but this is no change, as there bas been none allowed there for seven or eight years. Signatures were ai- tached! 10 ail the lîctuses thai had previouslvy been granted, and we presumne that by this lime luspector Ferguson ia rolling in wealtb. Another Field Night cf il Tht town council bsd anoter bear garden scene on Munday nigbî. Tht six obstruc- îîonists, who have coîlbined under tht able sud distinguished lèeadersbip of Deputy Scotsud Couu. Jackson, wtt-e on band witb their compact in good working order, sud appat-euîly bound to teacb the lown a lesson for allowing Its offices 10 (aIl into their bauds. It dots not mucb matter wbether or ual a cut-few bylaw be passed for tbis îowu, nor -do tht promoters ut that measure look for a world of good froutitis working, but tht Compact Six bad art anged ta deteat it if possible in order ta oppose tht other six mcm bers af counicil, so ail their efforts vert directed 10 that end. Unfortunately the by- law was laid over înstead of being tither de- teated or catrîtd, sud will form a subject for another noisy session. Tht wrangling sud bumptiousness of aur tawu cauncil is brîugiug disgrace 10 the town tramtaIl direc- lions. A citizen suggtsted la us on Wed- nesday to suppress tht reports of the caun- cil's damngs. ini arder that tht world migbt ual know to what a set af men Ibis towu en- trusta ils business. Anather suggcsts tbat if it were nat for thase of tht members wbo tt-y la observe decarum tht council might be lacked lu a t-on every fortuight aud allow- ed to fight it ou&. We certainly would not expose tht conncil's daings vert il not necessary 1.0 impress upon tht electors tht nccessity af listeuing ta reasan at electian litùe. It was obvions last January that the ratepay crs wert ready sud anxious ta re- lapse luto the samne dog-aud -cat goverumeut tbat was broken Up six years ago by the etectian af Messrs. -Campbell, Kingsud Rut- ledge la tb. cauncil. Year after year since that time the electors have been slidiug back a cag, until we would be iu a worse hale than ever ouly for tht faci that Iboat just uamed toakr occasion ta straigbten out aur tavu affairs so far as they conld lu the lime allowed îbera. Feu out W"thHlm Wife. Dick Collins bas hotu haviug cousiderable af a lime tbis spriug. Wark bai been com- iug bis way, and as a consequencet vbskcy bas becu followiug suit. For tva veeki every d ày hap been a holiday, and every holiday bas ben praptrîy celebrated. By the middle of lait veck bc bad accompllshtd every stage o! drunkenness except tbump iug bis vite, aud il vas supposed h. wml have ton much regard for his ove bealth îc. attacfr her, ai she in kioavuta h. athletic. Hovever, vhiskey maires a man brave, sud alter Ivo or thret day's t*1k and aklrmishes he tackled her on Thunedy of lait veeir. Ht foughtvilth tedetermiuatlou atone vho bas made up bis mind ta do or die, and won a great victory. Havlng no hope of rttrltv- ing ber lest latareis, Mrs Collins decidcd 1ta apeltg the pavers to imediste.*he finit suittht good offices of Chie! Consutable Calveriey, but he decllned toacst vithont a warrant, ai be hail on several prevkaus oc- casions srrested Dick aI ber request, snd then had thse morification f !steitsg her trns round and beg hi. off. Mrs 06l11M - isnt ta Police Miagistrale Harper sud lodg- e d an Information, tapon vsicis-a warrant vas ,ssued snd Co6isabie Colv«IeY pro- ctedred la isunt for Dinh. H.evasmtiftlg. snd aisready bits Colline bWdsa far turned beksotoprovaricgte as tolbis w1sreabotte ons Satirnlay, isovevej', I>kk- .ha tokrep tise childreou vhilst tbis vire . efout wsh-'I lng(to-r s u Moey f(or Suna ersplia,4 and anl qf a suddtu Ceitable&Cq rel 1ei abd lu . 4jlnjcled hlm. ck ïâJImiuçt igilà o4 but god Mr. . A. McGîllivray was ln town on Monday. .Miss E-ditb Grass leftiast week ta spend a few days in Torogito., It will be asingijar thinig iflrny'doebfdot grow ten feet tmll this year. Mr Wm Creswell, who is now wôrking in Toronto, rnoved bis bousehold furniture and fanîîly up there iast week. Mr Geo P Shaw returned to Milwaukee on Monday rnorning last, alter spen<ling a week at borne with bis parents, Mr and Mrs Jas Sbaw. Master Artbur Taylor left for Port Huron on Monday rnorning last. A number of bis friends assembjed ai the residence of Mr. C. F. Stewart on the Saturday evening pre- vious and presented hrn2 with a handsorne dressing case. Mrýand Mis jas Anderson returned borne on Saturday eveuing and will take up their residence in the bouse la4tely occupied by Mrs Timnothy Coflet. We wish them long life and prosperity. Prof Parks, of Toronto university, will lec- ture at tht Ontario Ladies' College to nigbt, on tht "Ice Age of Ontario." Tht lecture will be illustrated by magic lanicin views. This a îtr connecîmon witb tht regular lecture course. Ih will be s specisiltai and a good attendance from town is looked for. Tht town cow made ita fia-st (?) appearance for the year on Saîîîrday last, and several residents ailowed two or mort to appear. Tht isw says that only ont cowv shail be al- lowed eacb resideut, snd some people inter- pret il so as to enable the father to run a cow on hiait tht fam'Il, and tht mother on tht other haîf. If that dots not suit themn they place some other interpretation upon it We do not set th.t it makes much diflet-ence w-hether a famiiy runs ont cow Or nmore. There la alwav's plerîiy of gra-s in thîs town, but the disbonesty of those who pleaded so bard for tht cow lasi winter is the point. Tht cow had s close shave at tht lasi vote, and only for the big sympatby which was worlred up tht critter woùlid have been aboi- ished entirely. Now thofe whoqe sympathies cailed sîpon îbem lu vote for cows are morti- fled 10 flnd that tht owners of cows are so <ishoneat about it. A Printers Des-il Wanîed ai CH RONICLE office. It cantt h.Helped Several people were noticed cr-sing on Wednesday evening snd upon tnqnir-ing tht cause oft Ieir trouble they said tbey iost a gi-est chance ini getting thotte wonder. fui bai-gains given Wednesday at M. W. Collin s'. The Time lkas Corne. Tht place steel steamer Garden City wili maire ber fi-st excursion la Toronto on Fi- diay, May' 2151. Leaves Newcastle 6.,30 a.mn, lare Oi5c return B4 owmauville700o "6oc Oshawa &8.0"0 " (o Wbitby 8.45 " "50C St John's Church. Tht Res'. S. H. Gould, MA., a former In- cum f-ent of this church, wili officiate on Sun- day nexi aud adminisier tht boly commun- ion. Rev. Mr. Gould bas completed bis course in medicine and surgery and received tht degret of MDI.M. from Quten's Uni- versity. Dr. Couid ltiîves in the near future for Persia, bis futur. scene of labor, as a missianary. Ht will give a missionary ad- drtss oit Persia tbis, Friday evening, ai 8 p. m. AIl intrtsted in missions are welcomne. Reaitai at 0 L C. Miss Anus Butiand, of Toronto, will give a pianoforte recîtal ai tht Ontario Ladies' College on Wtdnesday i2th May, asssttd by Mi Bruce Bradley, tht weil known tenor vocalitt. Miss Butiand, whilst studying -% ith Mr j W F Harrison at Toronto Con- servatory of Music, graduated there and gained tht pianofort goid medal. She bas since studied two years in Germany, ardc bas already since ber returu made a favor- able reputation as a concert pianist. All frieuds ot tht college are invlttd 10, attend tht recital, wh;cb wil commence at 4.30 P ni, and will be freeto1 tht public. Miss Fidier's recital. Miss Fidltr's pupils in vocal sud instru- mental music gave a very nice recital in tIse' music romotno tht Oddfellows' building on Mondas' nîght, and the audience wss so large tbat it rtquired a lot of extra chairs to seat aIl those wbo came. The programme consisted in part of instrumentals by a num- ber of pupiLs (rom ten to sixten years, Miss C. Colwill, Miss Guthrie, Miss TruIl, Miss E. Newport, the Misses McCrohau, Miss V. Perin, Miss D. Lawler, Miss 1. sud Master H. Hyland. Tht vocal numnhtrs were solos by Mr. W. Lawler, Miss Woudcock and Miss Fidler, a trio by Misses Rose Camidge, Fid- ler and Waodcock, and a quartet by Misses Camidge sud Wcodcock snd Messrs. Law- 1er sud Pepler. Miss Lelean, Toronto, in- terspersed the programme witb a niamber ai masi entertatning recitations, wbicb were re- peatedly encored. Town Council. Thet owii council met Mauday uight, aud many loversa!fsport weni 10 set tht sho w, A letter vas read tram Messrs Dow & Mc- Giîlivray, canlending that thet owu bas forfétîd ils dlaim ta back taxes on the Rey- nolds prcrperty because tht grawing cropa wert flot stized there ytar after year. -itun Jackrson reparttd far tht fire aud vater committet lu favar of the falwing accounts: Hatch & Bra., fine exllnguishtrs, etc., 85i,- 70 ; A H Allin 95c. ; J Mclntyre 8Sio. Tht report paised. Caun Smith reportd for tht streets committee lu favor o! payiug the fol- Iowisig accanuts: J T McGeary, tcamiug, J5; Jua Bravener, da., $7 5o0; Wm Happer, vork, $1375; Jna McCarl, do, $1438; S Vaustane, da, 84 ; P Focarty, do $z ; A HalletI, do., 70C. ; Gea Cormnack, lumber, s207.61. Tht report passed. Then cain- menced the farce. Con Hayward minro- duced a bylaw to have thetotwn bell rung at a certain heur every uight, after which hour It yull be illegal for bilîdrèn under a certain age ta be fouud on the street, exctpt lu tht compauy of parents or guardians. Iu corn- multet of thse whole teu out o! tweîve of tht members dclives-td long speeches, tht vboie accapying aver twa and a haîf hours. Wheu the talkiug vas dont il came to tht lime for vatlng as ta what heur lu tht evening tht bell shauld b. rang. Coun Hayvard uaovtd for 9 o'ciock. Deputy Scott saught ta kili the bylaw by movingtisaItishe committee nie. Couzv Jackson lu an unadertone asked Deputy Scotl nat ta press his motion, saying, '-We yull be dtfeated." Deputy Scott in- alsttd, and then Con. Jscksoir vanted t., kuow if the chairman vould ho alloved te vote to make It a tde, and ltas fr111 tihe o- tiata. This made Il apparent that the Comn- pstSix vert woeklssg together tafr11 tise, bylaw, and lead la a great deal o! persoasal- ides. # Tiseir ludividual speeches had made titis clean alrendy. The vote la kilI the hy- law vas thus last on the follavlng tie vote: y.ea-Scalt, Robean. Crosby. Jackson, Blow, Smith-6; nays-Noblç, Beweli, Hay- Ward, Rutledge, Like. Pringle-li. Cotai Sl1ayvard's motion to have tise bell tung at 9gp'clock vas -lIost b- îovering te-sme vote. Thé mayor -,sav tiItisWe deéadi-lcis conld not be brokon, sud s midnkgisî as appr achg ho Movedthast ibe conaustee »s, reportprogress and o.k'tbave -ta.uit 0 crrid.,Comte, Beweitl'tro- c~is p arr4o4 tbromgl bylàw !ýta p Branci N 1ýi 4*àm.-SPECIAL DRESS GOOIDS 44 in. Black Figured Menetjan Cloth, worth 60c., reduced to........................ 43e 44-in. Priestley's Ffgured Serge, regula.r price75c, rodued t o ................. 44 in. Sheppard Cheeka at 25c, 40c, 5Oc, 60e 44-im. Biack Cott.on Creppon, Worth 30c, re- duoed t............. 42-in. Shot Silk and Wool Alpaca, (extra), speoia ................................ Se. aur seleetion of Robe Dresses for ... .....................$3.50 to ew Goods. lIE cdaim to have a mucli better stock this sgeason thair we ever had. You'11 find we have the beet goode, the newest styles, the greatest variety - ad the loweet prices. Present values will enable economnicaI bnyers to get jnst what they want. To show you how oheap we can seil we make the following O PRICE&~~ HOSIERY Children's Bibb Cashmere Hase, double kuse, sole, heel and toe, Special, at... 250 Ladies' Extra Fine Ribb Cashmere Hose, Ladies' Extra Fine Moeo Thread Blaek Cotton Houe, double sole, spheed ankies, Hornsdoif dye, speoie.l at ... 15C 50C Specials on Sale Saturday....m. Men's Extra Fine Ail Wool Cashmere Bocks, double heel and toe, Special, at ....................................... 25a Special line 10-4 Marseilles Quilts, worth $1.50, Saturday price 89c. 49 Men's Ready-made Tweed Suits, regular price $7.50 to $12, Saturday price e49() Lace Curtains 25 etS. to $7 per pair. #Parasols 25 cents to $5.00. Ge WALTERS, 111Em Stewart Crowds Attraotod to - the Great Bargain Sale. PRICES CUT IN TWOJ Notking like il seen in the town of Whitby before! The. combine to seli Cotton Thread at 4c, is broken. Now 2 for 5c-, 4 for ioc. The stock lis well assorted in 'ail ulnes of Staple and FaKoy Dry GFOe, etc., ail being cleared out at and under whoplesale prices. $9,ooo worth mugt go within the next 30 days.. M'éEverything down in prïce. ,FOR SA4LE-The Skwor Furniture, Goal Stove,, Etc. One New Sa/e, COSi $22_5cash, will be sokîfor $ia5. Bgelow & -clCawge *Ladies' Capes $'.35t $yo Whitby. Go to bm - E. R. B LOW -FOR- RAIL, OCEAN & LAKES. ANDA ?£CFI Y Telegraj5h Dominio *n Express Co. WHITBY, 'ONT.a 10 SUF 1$l1' DELiEVE i 1 Cali-- WM. TILL and be convlnced tisat an Uega n ie of FURNITURE UPHOLSTERÊD 800DBws is beugsId at awy doms n estokee ehi wU i itis thse T R) IM HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholstering and. Reyairng hefore the rush commences Prices very cheap. JUST -RECEIVED Baby Criagcs. 85 t- tu.15 poztioaui ,ý,Ciseso I Prices - fmlon-t tabë, WM.T~ FARM FOR 8ALE- Firat claie (arof 100oo ýxes, mnore or0 n in the townshipp of Cartwulght,,oeuty i Durhaoù,, àorluinLwest baU of- O. 2' s 4th COU.!-%o'acres c1eard; the ruaipor, cedar, tawarack end barwoo4, Oas îtWe premulm o la aood lhous.-aud ôutuD4ine, and firt'« dain orcl1iard aa4 <1 bcr, ço*av - iàoes. The plac e Jeat atpresm*' oàc=-plo4 by Wmns. lHuitmr,- oe *c w4 :*m: Stock 430 25a lit, AlId N\ u and Goods, IMWWM- W.

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